HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 2000-04-13CITY OF OPEGOA' April 13, 2000 Mr. Robert "Kelly" O'Neill 1950 Yolanda Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Street address assignment Dear Mr. O'Neill: We have received and reviewed your request for assignment of a street address on.your property which extencis north of Yoianda Avenue to the McKenzie river at 'igth Street. The parcel under consideration is Tax Lot 603 of Lane County Assessor Map 17032431, ar;d is also know as Parcel 3 of a 1992 land partition plat number 92-PO3O6, which dividedthe original parcel 600 into three parcels. t ln your request, you indicate that you plan to build a house outside of the City Of Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and that to do so you must produce over $8O,OOO in income from this property. Your proposal is to utilize the property as a U-Pick cut flower farm. To invite the public to purchase here, you indicate an address is needed. As a condition of future potential development, 1gth Street right-of-way was granted along the Westerly edge of Parcel 2, and terminates at east-west right-of-way dedication f or Hayden Bridge Stub. Parcel 3 is north of the Hayden Bridge Stub right-of-way, and the southerly portion of that parcel (approximately 130' deep on the west and 280' deep on the east) is within the City Of Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. The property is currently accessed via a private driveway roughly located within the 19th Street right-of-way. We have assigned the address 2877 19th Street, as requested, for the U-Pick cut flower farm, however due to the unique access situation, we require that the address numbers be posted near the southern terminus of the driveway where they will be visible and legible from Yolanda Avenue. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of this new address assignment by sending them a copy of this letter: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPF|I. FIELO Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News & Register Guard , 225 FIFTH STBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 ' FAX (541) 726-s68s Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas AT&TCableServices United Parcel Service This address assignment is effective immediately. Please install the address numbers as required as soon as possible. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (5411726-3669 Sincerely, Lorne W. Pleger, Plans Examiner /2"r"^-A,ryr Il . i!. '1 :.:a: ': '. .. .1:. .:i :..; ,lr ':. ..:.'::.. .:.-:: .(. .: .. ([ $ t\'t{{ 0i i{ilil N o r}xt N ri u' rN$Itt N,t N N( @ h N ri N\. t't\ il$il h$, g rls:r'Rut{€Ul! IO. -9'e?OSOZI ,L NE COIIrfff OREGOX DETI RECORDS. PEITTIONE AI\ID OHITT: ROBTT KELI.Y O'ITEILL 1950 rOrAr{DA grREtt SPNIISGFIEU), ONEGOIiI 97177, FOFT FT(fBEIiTT KELT.Y O' h[E-Lr. SPFTINIGFIEI.I) JOI.,FI}iIAL DitO . '92-]-O. D4.iB.P Diro- L7_o3_24, :rA:< r.o:r 6( ATE L/.4 5i SE L/4. SEC- 24, t17s, tr: PA-R.:PL:r ,.gr=:HIAT :rre FEL I>< SCO-tr 7 JR I)L( 2335.8' 23 .37 e336.za LA-\TE C()TTAT=e-sr, oREGOI\IZOliIIATG I.DTI / I'F1 OI)ECEI\4E]ER, 14. I992 ar/zap /?@'o3'23'z .///Se @.o ,z-/Aoe3'23- g c'F.z& 93 : z:zvr'a3',a'r/ c.sFzd?8 =tte'a'74'g,<. /630 2- s26$6o .2E2/d.? :a&'o/3/"8 4'z.a? ..i.'.'.'-i.-".:..".-. i.,r.l:i' ...ii:i1;;.;;1..'.".;1. $I (i :a\ $.{\ ZO73 S7EEET ,4ae'a3'23'z/ /Za/.53 ,.;l \!' $[ t'Y N $ vt s N N N \ ilt $ C\ t\ S[ \\s \F. -\ -\ { u \ N N N \, b Fl$ !f0 \,... il NIA I NlNs tu(\t N, $ $ N $\\N\' \i N s&'e/3/ .t@'e/- .t N ${ 0 !?8 I\ -teo'o/'3/'E /az44a c5F,/36?3 . S:cZz"aZ',p'E /825.@ DAY OF DEaa-*szt?I 992 $l\' "\,\ zo 7-? -s77EE7' N\l\t\ 45{oO i {xtr'.N I\\P.\ N .,itt:,'.1 ':i:..i:.i..',' .":::.'*:.'..'li:'.i.,1' ,.: '::"i' ..:lii'.;"i.;'-':.""jj';"r:.1:.":'i /! ra il\ N ,\Ftt JEc cqri\ ty .grr, KNOII ALL HEN T} OWNER OF THE LAND TTIE SA.II{E TO BE HmEOt{, IN ACCOT REVISE) STATU:TES. fet ?4o (n, RoEmi-x$ysN-El t\l h I $ 0 i APPROVALS: SPRIITG?IET.D PLAITilII{G COHHISS ION :&ltr lL:?-1 :32-EryllAtrtrffi DATE ELu"t h,tz /z-lb-qqL LAIIE EoulrrY sffivEYoR NARRATI\|E: DATE ST,ITE OF OREGON CoUI.ITY oF IANE ) I, CIIARLES W. GUILE, BEING.FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE A}IDlI{E FII{AL SAY I}IIS IS AN E(ACT COPY OF PARTITI PLAT.AS SHOHI{$Wsz sez-,4< F4€7Ar< SUBSCRIBED267 nY OFFICIAL SEAL ]{. 7z /-ea.@7-,./c2.<7H t ,\ N N\ N e ac20 -o \ d T h\ N N\I s ,/ao.o rs. \ N ri r! \ \ N \' 6\\ N ',N $N N\ \ t Eq€B (^ $ d N \' t' il t \ 0 s Ct 0 N \ lt ti t il$N ilN$ Nlt t{t N N Nh b{ at'o/?/'r' \ il c\\ 7?5a e,/a47/a// .z/@'22/t/'9 /as.@ So e o s. '23,//eo'o3 a 6js*a a u z. z?..*sz:.,2E2,< /24 3 ta42'o/:?/'u \ \ tJis \ hi -t@oo/3,/"2 7ZG'7c EG&.oz _ /ao. za - i *ts '1rE DlrcEneE nF rufc ctErfi, Y.rrc 6^ crErm rmmF nF^-f6frr rF : .4)D 63 541 746 4444 P-s2 M.CR-29_EB THU g6:85 NFr I'IET'TROCK'l.GFRD'HS ADDRESS REQUBST ),roperty O'rner: |lcriIinq Address:\q5D %[."^ elEy:State l:sorr or Ad y requesting address if other than owner: t^) Phone number where .you can be contacted:*-/' Asgesso,r Nap #:Tax Lot # CR 7,1p, 1l 1[_i -E"ledJF-et k'-- gtc! d,c*- {>c ,(. Li Pr:oportles are generally asslgned addressepermit to knprove the propertf. please exaddress aoslgned prior to the propert.y bel s when applioation j-s madeplain epecifically why young improved I 5 for .e need an Lrna \ r(}_. Proposed Address: I,t'operty Owners Signature: Date Receive<l: Feference Number: ,?'-'1'86 4;i ,'.0' "i'^1i ,) OFFICE USE ,Received By: Tax Lot #: F.pproved:Denied: If approvad, Rr-'vlewed by: (s) new addresg is: Date r 541 ?46 4444 P. S3I'lAR*29-ee THU 96 : g Eo ,DN MAp tT H q t -1 t i tt + C 22.0 It <1 ?2.{,\t". ,a#/-f/+*50 ?A 4<rl-qG A,NUILL t^1-oa-Ut ,lL. t<t3 I ". ,tre>' ,*..ct . xi:_:,oo/*{4: rw f't k irYds'* . Gi' 14\r,{ -.y. - ','<---=,f-*E+-=;--\'-)* --ts"**-;*,,. See 47o,3244? HORl-t{ r.!t'r*'J- '/' **1.i __-< t' ! n1. i:' i ',"..,': Cor cNo.5; ' Cor l',t o. 5l i7 :) {.J.: a? -J -4.> YgLafioa 6..cD-3N 5 L 0l-t. *.tt 'i r1'". ,,X .,i;..i:\0 1'...rti;:,; n.-J1. ' r 'ili $. ;1Oi B I J 214 37 rt*/ . ...1 I'l .i. I i,:l,l .'l /--E-.-.---(Eu ooatrra Mop !fF i-{ir.pU' a' "!!;;l I ":t: ,l i.-. ,tt t R I t. i { rtt I I ,.--,-,t s):li: I I i I i I li tI I -s_r_-_ s1R6€r- 3 l) G c;o4 t,),L e( Jr. o5 P€1i 2->r AC, WNW CoFelrr Sco DLC No, t be t:AC. €o0. e s<r-l' .ai e' \@ 40r -i:I- a .l,{ \,:t,, lts' .t I 400 Jf'4 L o I C _i f,- c. I J- RPEvdc t6R.5f 4€-lo/soo- :(-=r 't-.& TEO ON I E Corner 705*7o+- o3 z< 3l P t7 03?43t W-C. Spencer DLC No..SO ol TAx '+oe- .d 60t r.56 PI \d:Ofi( :I 4 ft{ I q -i:-. - s 64- ao't: 602 5-06 AC ez go ??o?. e Mcp ?<4 ot9 J n ll CO .4."cl"{ t.IET+ROCK+GFl't $ E. I [' OO4-O 2204t$ ro o:l i F. lr IE. t I a.{ J AC, 1{NE s I I I I I I U 1 lQ*so 92?1LOZ DECLARATION OF RES TRICTION [a l""J* The undersigned, Robert K. O'Neill, being the record owner and party of interest of all the real property described in exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, located in Springfield's Urban Growth Area, Lane County, Oregon. do hereby rnake the follorving Declaration of Condition and Restriction, covering said real property, specifoing that this Declaration shall constitute a covenant and restriction to run with all of the land and shall be binding on all persons claiming under thern. and that this condition shall be for the benefit of and limitation upon all future o\\'ners of said real property: Conshuction of any building u,ithin required setbacks of lots depicted on the Future Development PIan is prohibited. j:!=-:Ii'"l{ r:;ill;ill i:!4,rt [ . i{' :riiii]$f'f ti{B The above restrictions are conditions of approval of Partition Tentative Plan approval (Jo. No. 92-10-202). i i r-rr rlt rlt I The forgoing conditions shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by suit for injunction for damages by the City of Springfield and their legal representatives, successors or assigns, and a failure by the City of Springfield to enforce such conditions shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the City's right to do so thereafter. The true and actual consideration for this Declaration of Restriction is other than monetary. ,1 ,iDATED this Jjffhay of (t'be,r t992 c a) Za r-h r+ o n FJ ooo no P. ta no t+ dn n R;ba't K7offi,ll STATE OF OREGON County of Lane The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1z[ +r-day of December, 1992, by Robert K. O'Neill. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed *y official seal the day and year last above written. ) )ss ) n,, .,4./ic,:,,ftr| *-=-(\''Y,Iz.-.r- Notary Public for Oregon N4y Cornmi ssion Expires 2._g;.- :1a { gz73LO'A " Eii'llFf 'I A " BEGii{NII{G AT TtiE EEASS ,:AF i.i{:rNLjI"lENT l"Lp$iiiil,ii_: THE SOi-;f i{i/!-EIT C'.-jFii\EFi OF THE FELIiI SCOTT DONATIi-lN LAI'Ji.t LlLJAi"l i{r-t. 51 i;'\r EErli'Inl'{ 25, T,JiIJ-NEHlF 1i :;DLITH. F:ANGE I i/iEST tlF THtr l,{lLLAli}rTTE FTIIHIDIAj';; '.IHEN{.lE jti.i.r-lT.*; _i.l__r, /_n _, r_._1r n Lrt_,I_l t",ltrE,ir,iI-: ;.n q_;- r -'i:r --i-'r-rrr-'" ' -]iiFlriiE \iiFT;1 irr' i:r J' :l' i,[]itrr r,i'Ji . r,-r ;.E-iir li,: 'iHE , ajE"T?.T,- FJ?. l,.t'E r) -17 : - r -i:, _- -i ji :' I r,,-tnl -:,-.r. -.- r.--:= r::'r-i-iirr-t.i1'-l, i-L: j.r',t _L ;:-tr,.j_,i.,t._, i-itr-ir-i.ELr iI .i! .,,, l.i :{ j,-J j_i,llji\j :..r.,r,i iitr-.jrli-j- r.'..jj,J i.:. jru,L r,Ti-'*.'T',i r-rL- ,-i-J t ::t , LrEST llit. _i0 F'I.jET Tr.r /i Fi-jlNT -\l THE ;;r-iitTH 't-1AXlH irl-. i'liE ii,:iiENZIE -i{l-VER; TFiLIyLE ALDIIG :ili-. ;_iAIf} :;ui_rT}i F,Ai'j}i 'l.O A Fr, i j{T ;+11,:il EEAEE Ntl,+rTi-l 7 -; " 55' il0 " EAST .-,:, . 40 FII:_IT FFi!:ii-l Ti:X LA=T iiill{TIi-rirEilr F0iNT; IiililiJCE :iL-liITH il! 0i' 31" Ex.liT ;-41.i- lil FEET TO ;\ ;'L:TjrjT Ij\l f ,{Li L:trNTtrF. nF YtlIJ.4-l{itA STF.EtrT; Tj-li:jitlr =UijTi-i r-::--+a 4'l' l{-1" !,''n3i jl5.'J j irli:T; THENIE NOFiTH L]T [f . :3 ' hEST 1:1I1.:'3 FEET TD THE ]i1J]TIAi. FO]i'iT. Ei,L BEING ill SECTION 7+, TDh]NSHTF i7 SDUTIJ, FJAh'IGE 3 T\IEST -{TF THE i.,{ILLF}IETTE F{ERII'TAN, IN LANE TIOLINTY, oREGON. THE AEOVE [}ES[EIBE[I PAF:CEL (]F LAND IN(]LI-IIIEIJ PAEIEL.S 1 , 7 Ai,[].} 3 OF THE "RCIEERT HELLY O ' }JETLL " LAND PAETITTON , EEINL: THE TITY t}T SFEINGFIELD' 5 JOI-IENAL NO. -q7-1il-207. ijotr bO r!6rJ vO 1a (,(J N v{c,fr.\!rtrhJ) a- J Urrh9OU UU qlo G6 JJ E,sf F @F E sE o36 .v 6 L E-*.'3 -t-Ui A)/,-Zie'! "l-, ?. ^ cil >,E i G'ca- oaZoZ (rUiE }lj -c.=2 s-..2 trt hne county ACTIVI ^ Y INFORMATION S^ ^EET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t^lILL BE REJECTED! 6r - I s--r>al-W PROPERTY OWNER LGa--d.qn sY--€-("7 MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS ITY ZlP C ITY STAIE ZTP-EODE bZc-szz r /-,5L - (:ag 7ffiffi USI ffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT RE 3 ruae a PAFTeEL NTJMETEFI ( REQU r REp r NF0RPIAT roN ) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment onor from tax statement)R tZ-/ 0"t eq1 _t { o}_ v( TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION 7re TAx LOT(S) ORITREEI_T N MINSH"TF NANGE SE.TMN ffi ZONING MTNSFTF RANGE. SEETIOru TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ffi MN'INtr- ,/o 1 ACRES 4 SUBDiVISI0N (if appticable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (s:tate exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE LAND USE: BY: - DATE:- TIME IN: OUT: - NUMBER -{n(./, DATE -/6 -8 6= LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I / 687-406I &p,..1-<ry-, PERSON MAKiNG REQUEST ACTIVI1 ; TNFORMATION St _:ET COMPLETE THIS SECTION INCOMPLEIE FORMS hJILL BE REJECTEDI bne cot-rntyo- /(, N PR NER / /s-u ESS MAI RooRrsS &-o fzq 2 -t I C BUS INESS TE LEPHONEI HOME TELEPHONE #BUS NESS T LEPHONE #HOME TELE #2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT F 3 ruap e pAFtcEL NUMBEFT (from tax maps in Departmeor from tax statement) nt of Assessment and Taxation(REQUIRED INFQ TION) J# ## "Hr TOINSHTP RANGE SEETDN TAX L oT(s)OR PARCETI ZONING TOTMSHTI RANGE SECTTON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: TH.m ZONING / q + AcRES 4 SUBDIVISION ( if appl icable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE BY : _ DATE:_ TIME IN:-- OUT NUMBER -{nU) -{DATE /-/6 -0/t: 6 s- LAND MANAGTMENT DIVISION / 1?5 E. 8th AVE., L'UGENE, OR 9740I / 687-406I 1 AfrA- ZOt!/NG SOILS SURVEY REPORT Rexius Project Charles Holmon TIVP. 17 TA)( LOTS RANGE 03 SECTION 24 600, 70I and 7O2 flre area soil surveyed was that part above the lower flood plain escarpment in orchards. of the above tax lots Filbert and Walnut fhe soil was generally a combination of recent alluvial materials north of the drainage channel through the property to the north side of the orchards with older aIluvials south of the channel. fhe southwest part of the area in tax Iot 7Ol and 702 has indications of water tables above 72 inches and coarse grained materials above 36 inches on the area marked as gravels. Further test pits are needed in this area to more accurately de- tail the conditions. fhe attached tax lot map gives a general description of the profiles as found in the various sections of the property along with some generaly indications of what the suitability for sub- surface sewage disposal and flood hazard delineation in accord- ance with the latest Lane County flood hazard mapping. The recent all-uvial soils have a silty clay loam (I,lL) sur- face to 16 inches with silt loam (Sc) to sandy loam (SM-sc) to 40 j-nches where a horizon of fine sand (SM) to loamy sand (se1 overlays gravels (GW) from 65 to 90 inches. Ttre material is well to rapidly drained with no limit on water transmittion. Tkre unified classification system estimate is ehown in brackets on the textures. The upper older alluvial soils have a profile of silty clay loam (Mr) to 24 inches, silty clay (ML-cr) from 4.8 inches to 72 inches or more. Several holes installed have gravels occur- ring at 65 to 72 inches. Ttre area shown as having some wetness problem at 48 plus in- ches from the surface must have further investigation with back- hoe pits and./or installatj-on of deep piezometer weIls. We would also reguire a pit or two to delineate the depth to gravel and extent of the gravel area. SOILS SURVEY REPORT Rexius Project Charles Holmon PAGE -2- 17-03-24 Tax Lots 500, 70I and 7O2 At this time the area not designated as 6' foot water suspect or gravel bar area shoul-d have no constraints on subsurface disposal of sewage effluent. Theodor ^D z Resource Soil Scientist aED/gf Enclosure: ? July 3I, L975