HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-09-10(D L e CountY Authotiza,ttott for'POR OFPICE USE ONLY i2!I:,i"i>Ytr/3-F/ TAX Bps, -_5 PROPOSED USE OP PROPERTY ,ff*"tu"ntiat fl rnaustrial Commercial Public IF ICON OF PROPOSED WORK - BE Proposed is ti OF EI.,IP NAME AND NUMBERAND# ad lher certify that regisLration with the Builder's Board is in fu1l force and effect- as required by ORs 701.055, lhat empLoyees who are i.n compliance with oRS 701.055 vilL be used on this noted hereon, and that only CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY ,=r,:ffi:i:ix"f:rcher onri hereonTPERMIalrdhrlorcrtl'oR LyCOMPLETtsDTHEEXAMINEDHAVECAREFULLYI ofr record fa(icont rtrch agentINthepfothepropertyinterestlegalI lowing f]o,..andw1dau(ji,theth CoutyworkshaldonebeACCOIINcertitshataandfyanyperfomedI oofmadesucturet.r thoutWI the SSIONmlnandNOthaLwillOCCUPANCYbe3LjPetoworklheheredescribed ls tlue and correct, and that f the Laws of the State of oregon 'f the Building Division, f fur- if exempt the basis for exempti ,is project. I HAVE READ AND EOLLOWING CONDITIONS! *_ Parcel si BEEN BASED ON THE Parcel [,S$ rear.tc .-L, srdeMinim\rm t/- LlEXAMINATI L Da Use COM}IENTS: B. P. #SANITATION: s. I. # OAJ< -REOU 'fEED I,-JSCnt/ FoR fl vu" flH" COM}lENTS Installation Record Issued? READ THIS SECTION CAREF fl pmuuruc/zoNrNG: Lineal Eeet of t)rainfield Gallon Tank Installation Speci fications lraximum Depth of Trenches P 7zo:8So PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL,/DESIGNEE r ORS 56 DATF LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DlVlSlON, 687.4061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION ct4..25 R* RURAL ADDRESSING -J -CuEcKEDsEPo 4 G€ q-5 ZIP f*ffi tr SETtsiTCKS AND OTIiER CC:iDITIOSS OF APPROI.rAL MUST BE STRICTL: OBSERVED. \,IOLATIOT'CAr- RESULT IN REVO- C;?ION OF ?:lIS PERMI?, CITATICI UNDgR PROVISIONS OF LANE COU:i?Y'.S INFRACTION ORDI:iA.\*CE, AND,/OR OTHER RF}lEDTES AT,I,OWND BY I,AW. WHEN READY FCR INSPECTION, CALL 687-1065. A }1INI}1U}1 OF AT LEAST 24 IIOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC-ffie:l.:.t:re_EIEJoIlow1nginiornationready:pernitnunber,jobaddress,typeof inspecEion, when it wfll be ready, you! name and phonc nunber, and any special" diiections to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED Ii.SPECTIONS : 1. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are exca!'ated and forns erected and when allnaterials fol rhe foundati.on are delj,vered on the lob. t.Jhere concrete from a central mixj.ngplant (comonl.y termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-l1oor Insoection: To be nade after alf in-s1ab or under-fIoor buildingiErvl-*$i-ipmqtl rcnZuft, pl,pinflE?EEssories, and orner ancillar!, equipmenc i.rems are inplace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing instaLLed, -j.ncluaing the subfloor. 3. lI3a}ry & Insulalion rnspections: To be made after the roof , all framing, fi.re blocking, andbracang are in place axd alI pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and alI roughelectrical and plunbing are approved. Al1 wall insulation and vapor barriei are in place. {. Lalh and/or G!,gsum Board Inspectio: To be made a!-ter all lathing and qypsum board, i.nterior and exterlor, -iT-Tn-pIae-E[.EEToFe any plastering is appIied..S before-gypsm board joingsafid fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final InsPection: To be made after the building is cohplete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the buildj.ng ox Structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the buj-1Cin9 official.such aPploval shall be given cnly after an inspection shatl- have been made of each successive stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. A. AII building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: Block walr: To be mace a:tcr reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. Thisii-pecEi6i is required for each bond bedri pour. -There witl be no app.5va] untii the plumbingand electrj,cal inspecLions have been made and approved. h'ood Stove: To be made after conpletion of masonr-v (if applicable) and when installation is@leta Install.ation shaIl be in accordance with an appiovea, nationally recognized testingagency and the manufacturerrs installation instructions. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the nobile home is connected to an approvedsewer or septic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedouns,skirting, and plubing connections. t. Footings and piers to compl"y with State foundation requirements for mobile hones or asrecomended by the manufacturer. 2- Mobile home minimuh finish floor elevation shaLl be certified when required by a flood-plain management Ietter. 3. uobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shalL be installed and ready for inspec-tion within at least 30 days afLer occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting sha]1 be instaLleiper enclosure. SYriming-P?oI: Below-grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradeilnen pool !s rnstalleo. B. c. nPPROVED PLANS yUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURrr-G WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMTT WfLL EXPIREIE WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 1BO DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED POR T1ORE THAN 180 DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i'lAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON Ti]E BASIS OF INCq!'PLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIi;T OF REOUIRED INSPECTIO]JS T,)ILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK.. SUtsSURFACE AND ALBRfi.LTIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: I. PermitivEiiTl be effecrive for one y".. f.o. the date of issuance. 2 Upon completing the corstruclion for whj-ch a pernit has been issued, the permit holder shallnotify Lhe Lane County Departrent of Planning and ComuniLy Development by submitting theinstallation record form. The Departrent shatl inspect the construction to deternine if itcomp.Lies with the rules contained in thj,s division. If the construction does comply wj.th suchruIes, the DePartment shall issue a certificate of satisfactory compfetion to the p;rniti holder1f the construction does not compfy with such ru1es, the Department shall notify the permi,tholder and' shaLI requrre .^ satrsfactory cempletion befo!e issuing the certificate. Failure tofieet the requirements for sabj.sfactory completron within a reasonable time constitutes a vio-lation of ORS 454.605 co 454.745 and this ruIc. Setback'o - Subsurlace Sewaqe Drsposal . ._' . - -gsllfs T"nk prainf ield i Interior propert)' f tnes Edge of road rlqirt-of-way Builoinci foundai:cn iielLs, other water sources arom; 10. 50 ' r0' 10 ! l0' 100 | I TAND RBb I5CC GAL D R IV EWAY E?zgl3-8G ( ia^zU1 Yd c 2d DRIVEWAY YOLANDA PLOT PI-ANscAr-i l/ld'- f 4; t EXISTII\G ( 'i I I ND11r ACTIVITY INFORI\4ATION SHEET COMPLETE.THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS l,lILL BE REJECTED! fil' - I TcSs Drooks n,-J-L--.Ta,/,vz C Ezv/L.e -fzo-zte-b PERSON MAKING REQUEST -__I4]IIX{FADDRESS IP r/7 - Soo 7 SA ,Ll e-72A-.r247 BUSINESS TELEPHONT #FOME-TETEPFONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRES /.,u" ( IF DIFFERENT 3 ruae a PAFIeEL NIJMETEFI ( from tax maps i n Departme or from tax statement) nt of Assessment and Taxation REQU rRED r NFORI4ATIoN )N # RINGE #ZON I NG 0 ?ftIISH'IP nAmdE SEeTmN TATLOT(S) OR PARCEL #ZON I NG TTINSETp SNGE sEeTmN W ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION ( if appl icabl e)LOT rt_ BL0CK 3 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO Si 'r / ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** 14-33 LAND MNAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I / 687-406I J^nt.ttz f,,;/J ()reaz.d q7/77I CIlf- / STATE/ ZIP CODT ( ZONE/LAND USE, NC PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL iRMIT CHECK LISTntu MECHANICAL BY: Contractor fi Name r/Bfi El23r6 OSR *Owner tr PLUMBINQ fl RESIDENTIAL (Single Family Dwelling/Duplex) tr NON-RESIDENTIAL no. of fixturesEI New Building no. of fixtures no. of bathrooms Underground \{ater and Sewer Lines no. of feet in building sewer no. of feet in water service no. of feet in rain/storm sewer ( O}YNER PLUMBING BY: ContractorEt NameOwner D no. of existing fixtures [Put Number of Fixtures in Blankl Sink (kitchen, laundry, etc.) X Lavatory (wash basin) Tub (with or without shower) k Shower (separate) f,- Water Closet (toilet or urinal) Special Waste Connection Drinking Fountain BASE FEE: Furnace/Boiler/Compressor up to 100000 Btu/h Furnace over 100000 Btu/h Heat Pump Air Conditioner Suspended or Unit Heater Range Hood with Mechanical Exhaust l/ Exhaust Fans (other than range hood) Gas Piping System gas piping outlets (more than 4) lVood Stove with New Yent lYood Stove with Existing Yent Fireplace Insert LANO MNNNGEMTNT OFo,rrt!rr.'nl ol Prrbllc orvrstoN o/f4ff Aa/ , 'OSR # -6.f7r Dishwasher Disposer (garbage grinder) Washing Machine l#ater Heater Floor Drain Sewage and Sump Pump (ejector) Other (specify MECHANICAL Number Fee AII Permits $10.00 6.00 7.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.50-/-L/' 3.00 2.00 .50 9.00 6.00 6.00 Total $10.00 SUBTOTAL (Does not include State Surcharge or Plan Review) M98-246 Land Management Division 125 E 8th Ave Eugene, Oregon 97401 PERMIT # - Alteration, Addition, Remodel no. of new fixtur", ft?(*F CANCELLATION'REFUNDAUTHOF'-qTION PERMIT r\AME (PLEASE PRr TRS/TL#- ADDRESS AppLrcANT( ) owNER( ) CoNTRACTOR( ) REASON FOR CANCELLTNG PERMIT (OR APPLICATION) SIGNATURE FEES pAtD FOR WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (SITE |NSPECTIONS AND/OR APPLTCATIONS TO INSTALL THE SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARILY NONREFUNDABLE. SOME REFUND MAY BE ON THE BUILDING, PISNNING, OR PLUMBING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT/APPLICATION PHOCESSED. FEES PAID % REFUND -o/o -o/o -o/o -o/o % -o/o _% Flood Plain Fee Building Permit Fee Mobile Home Fee Plumbing Permit Fee Mechanical Fee Plan Check Fee State Surcharge Fee Septic Disposal Fee Site lnspection Fee DEQ Surcharge Land Use Application Planning Director Recording Fees Partitions Copies & Ordinances Surveyors Minus $25. for Processing Fee $ TOTALAMOUNTTO BE REFUNDED $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $% TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE: Building Permit Refund $ State Surcharge Refund $ Septic Disposal Refund $ Site lnspection Refund $ Land Use Applications $ Planning Director $ Recording Fees $Partitions $ Copies & Ordinances $Surveyors $ TOTALAMOUNT REFUNDED $ )a_ 1 7€&Acct. 4212OlProg. 060 Receipt 1 7€8/Acct. 42124lProg. 060 Receipt 1 7€8/Acct. 4218lProg. 0@ Receipt#__ 1 7-88/Acct. 42134lProg. 060 Receipt 1 7€8/Acct. 421501 Prog. 060 Recei pt#-- 1 7€8/Acct. 46202lProg. 060 Recei pt 7€8/Acct. tt621 0/Prog. 060 Receipt #_ cA- ,rl- 1 7€8/Acct. M7 4l Prog. 060 Recei pt#- ,A-1 7€8/Acct. 4441 9/Prog. 060 Recei pt 25{G74lAcct. 44451 lProg. 01 0 Recei pt PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NAME ADDRESS ,i- LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / PublicWorks Department I 125 E.8th Ave., Eugene, OR97401 (503)687-4061