HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1977-04-06#7,aM PERIVIIT # TRS, TL Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # JOB LOCATIO Partitioning # LANE COUNTY PERMIT ) Completed Subdivision Lot- Block- APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE ss Phone Phone Phone s.l. # OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRE Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call-(owner, etc.) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THlsPERMlTlsFoR-#BEDRoolv]L#PLUMBlNGcoNNECTloNs- -,htrn suPPLY SEWAGE DtsPosAL THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNEIV1lLEoFTHEClTYoF.PLUlVlBlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the lollowing legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I {urther certify that (if not the owner} I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $Signatu re Date () NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERIVIIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ( ) SPECIAL PlVlT. AREA. tvllN. E LEVATION: - SAN ITATION BUILDING Type of Construction -Group -Fire Zone Use Classification Comments Comments Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet lVlaximum Depth B Date PLANNING REOUIREIVIENTS SATISFIED. By: B Date Date lssued:Date ZON E SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROIVI C/L} INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROM P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTI\4ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 974O1 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C55-1 3 BLDG.pERMtT-WHtrE; BUtLDtNG-GREEN; pLUMBTNG-GANARy; sANtrATroN-GoLDENRoD; oFFtcEcopy-wHrrE PHONE:687-4394 I \ -l .]\(;La I lrr llltll Y ta'L"a yv t t BEv s ^vr v v \- Irorhr@t'- Jrlllr--- Tohl rrrber: Liriag roitr-l lelrooml ..a ragly b7: ?rblk rPtcrn t - lndividml ,ofiJ-botGmcn t: Ycs No [-]T Wotl?ryrtem CommunitY sYrtem TO TC COTT?UTED !Y INSTALLER: ETTilT ESI,IED TO: SClic trl: Drrtsrce rell--- Fcct Tcd lh.d gol. lnridc ft. Liqrid Tah dhldl firU: Dirhibrtion bor? Yer No L..ril cl lir Tolol L.eil Wi&l ol trrrcl Tod rpn hotrgc Dirtlo trrr*r lircr TW d liltcr notcrbl: Grsvcl Drfrt ct filtrr rotcdol orcr iacher. IIfICX ltr iar*rirrrr Building pcrmit number - 'i7 c'-'i -- - '' ,, I I+15 Yol anda Lr,t i 81c'-'* i, , ?rcyety oddtelt- ttE -=i1i,,- r r 1, ,.: :.. No.of comDorlmgnts ridth -' 3' t-" -- lt lnltollcr'r nome ,l ft. lnside fr. ft. Dirtonce lrore fr.Well Neore:t fcet jt. ft. Lol line: front Side' Reor fr. foundotioa-_--.-. feet Other--- -- -Depth ol frlter rnotcriol bent'ot\ tile 3 '3 fee t Twp r{ctrr,1t/7 3' 5cc/rvzzt/ //y f<-ci",y'rurec,/,a.2 t t?ea/ t(?V R. fq//S-- 7v t/d/uttte /(' P"ra /3 65f \ !i :,, rr rc lN,lCATt NOnTffTLY Dlf,tCTia'r I.ANE COUNTY t TH T,T,P^R I ffi rOR USE OF SANITARIAN.IJNLY: System opporentlv rill '7lvill not Rcmorks functicn sotirtoillrilv, ond is thcrtforc oppro'iJ l'.tr '-'ccuPoncy '- Di;c;pr;rcc b/ ')- Dole- t(LI -Its' SAHITAR ry lla a I(EPHART - Jackson __. gst \.r (1 _ \ I ) - PERt\4IT # TRS, T Acreage or Lot Si Contractor's O.S. # JOB LOCATION Partition ing LANE COUNTY PERMIT ) Completed Lot- Block APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE qq Phone- Phone-- Phone==-_=_--- s.t. # OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY- CONTBACTOR'S NAIVIE AND ADDR Mailpermitto()Applicant()owner()Contractor.()Prefertopickup.Call-(owner, etc.) when ready THIS PERMIT IS FO # B ED ROOTVIS-# P LUIVIB I NG CO NNECT IO NS II/ATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNEN4lLEoFTHEclTYoF.PLUlVlBlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the prcperty: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certily that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act tor the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this adion. I hereby agree to comphl with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid S-Date - Signature ( )NEWAODBESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.- ( ) SPECIAL PMT. AR EA. MIN.ELEVATION:- SANITATION [Vlinimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth BUILDING Type of Construction Use Classification Comments roup ire Zone Comments Date PLANNING REOUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By: By Date Date lssuedDate ZONE SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FRONN C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROIVI P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTI\4ENT OF ENVIRONIVIENTAL IVIANAGEIVIENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C55-1 3 BLDG.pERMtT-wHtrE; BUtLDtNG-GREEN; pLUMBtNG GANARy; sANtrATloN-coLDENRoD; oFFlcEcoptr-wHtrE PHONE:687-4394 SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNU/ORK Appnov Eo Reurnx s D Drsrppnoveo D DarE_I Hspecron GAS PIPING GROUND/ORK AppRov r o Reurnx s Dr srppnoveo Date I Nsprcron ROUGH PLUMBING APPRovEo REU rnx s D Drsappnovro D Dar e I rus pe cton ROUGH GAS PIPING Ap pnov e o ReuaRr s Dr sAPPRovEo Dar E I rusprcroR FINAL PLUMBING APPRo,ED @ Drsrppnovr D D rorr-3 -3 *7F Rruanr s I NspectoR R* FINAL GAS PIPING Ap eRov r o Re xanx s D DrsaPPRovE, el Drre I NSPEcToR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rraov ro lssur Rr uanx s D Nor Reaov ro lssuc C/Dare I NSPEcToR d {e -77 T nS, rl lz-s"2v,3.3 ( ) guitding Permit Acreage or Lot Size ? l< too Partitioning #- ( )Completed( ) Pending APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if d CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS ( ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic ( ,4 Would like to meet on site. Call Job Location 6 tando INFORMATION SHEET Tank. Number of sites-z26O'7OG (own.p, s1g.; Test holes will be ready Subdivision l't)t t/addr'/;o,z lo fi,-,,?nd er/a,/c Lot 8 Block / /c,o r/t*zts /93o G,;//tat*,Phone 7 {ts lt Yl 72ca704ifferent from applicant's 'o lt ld,(roe4er o /aa c{t+Phon 5'.1o tl l+a PhoI,J ne_ Mail permit or results of site ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call feasibility study to (3753r?t Applicant ( )Owner ( )Qontraetnr. (owner, etc. ) when ready. ,TRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPE O ove //im a/y'c<cle da ta, PROPOSED USE (this permit),t/et, 4a/Ar o/,( mcrk ,^ic'r/r. t ra tn, /ntonr-n e<kit/r'on - ^ / ./4.C-^? .t t O WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL fe /,C t-d,t@ existing or proposed well, etc. lf public, name of system) (existing or proposed septic tank, etc.) S.l Address Oa / Dv.PLUMBING BY Cat rq g rO e1 ( ) pROPERTY rS WITHTN ONE MILE OF CITY 5 77 ****r** oFFlcE usE oNLY BELOW THIS LINE *******.'*r*i ( ) NewAddTgss Necessary zoNE ?ll ( ) Facility Permit Necessary SETBACKS: Front Side Facing Street (FROIVI CENTERLINE OF ROAD) ( ) Special Permit Area. Minimum Elevation lnterior Side Yard - Rear (FROM PROPERTY LINES) to: Planning/guilding lnspector/sanitarian/Surveyor. This aDplicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated. By Permit Processing Section Response: By DEPARTTV ENT OF ENV I RONMENTAL MANAGEIVIENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394c55-1 2 ivision ) + N. 8t' s.. i ?o' .**.-.)r .._ I i to'! /f!.> t() ll gs' [:o t, ,t Jrl I t al. p ra lf ?r ,i ex trl Aall l!a l7' Ne d I I I I I I I I i I Owner voull (,lre /o re locc"lr er.,.rlg.d,:?r"f ie.ta d ha( w.au/e1 I,hc f o otttca€(lhil vnqtltr will lhc denrlarion. -" cl. F PERMIT # TRS, T L JOB LOCATIO Partitioning # LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. #Lot .- Blo OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR FSS ck APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR Phone Phone Phone Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call (owner, etc.) when ready dATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL S.I. # THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNElVllLEoFTHEClTYoF.PLUIVlBlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (iI not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY TH IS PERM IT IS FoR # BED BOOML# PLUMB ING CONNECT IONL CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Fee Paid $-Signatu re Date ( }NEWADDRESS () FACILITY PER[4IT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT. SPECIAL PIV]T. AREA. MIN.ELEVATION SANITATION Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth Date: BUILDING Type of Construction Comments roup Fire Zone B B Date PLANN IN IR M NTS SATISFIED. By Date ZONE: i",ei',,., SETBACKS: FRONT .. SIDE FACING STREET (FROIVI C/L) lNT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROtul P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMANAGEI\4ENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 9740'l PHONE:687 4394 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BU ILO ING AT SITE trcc Comments: I Date lssued: q L) SITE INSPECTION App nov e o Rruanx s D r sAPPRovEo Dar e NSPECTOR FOUNDATION I NSPECTION AP PRov E o -{' u. : ?1 rNspe cronDr srppnoveo Dar e RE urnx s FRAMING INSPECTION 71 -_l 2.)Appnovro Revlnx s ru/ Drsrppnove o D J"Drr r I xspecron LATH OR SH I NSPECT I ON Drsappnoveo T/ Darr 'l-d,'-?I NSPEcToRAp pnov r o Rrur Rx s FINAL INSPECTI Ap pRov r o RrttaRxs DrsappRoveo Darr -I Nserc CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rraov ro lssuE ReurRx s D Nor Rraov to lssue D Dore-I NSPEcToR d