HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-10-27Receiot I 22s North srt ironffPLh'A'1,t0N/PERItrr Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESr.rqNTlAL..SPHTNGFIEL.D- Job Locaticn: Aasessore Map #0 3 ?ax Lot #a5@ Svbdiuision: (\ Otmet: Addtess Phone ci Luy (6;Ilot k:l-t c Date of Add.iticn RenoCeL General l?b 7o U6E "bhri qol ttl / \c^l Date: 14echor:ieaL rt ;s the tespono'ibi-Lity of -the permtt hotd* to see that aLL iaspectiotts ee nad,e at the p?ope? tine, that s4411 a,1an26s is neqc^A1-ety.-t!g at?eet, atd tltat the pdrmit carl, ie Located at thi fro;; of ilte propetty. - v'"e' v"*e *B*iaing Diuicion approt'ed ptan slnll y,emain on-tla g"l,laab'lile at aLL tines. ?.ROjEDUPE PoR. IySPEC?I)N I9=8\IEST;CALL 726-3769 (recordet,) state gour Citg desigtnted, jobr-equested and uhen gou uiLL be t'eadg fot, inspeetion, cont?aetoi"- oo asners none and ohpne?ILLL be nade the sane dcg' nequests nade after 7:00 on vLLL be mad.e the nczt ntiing'i)y. ' nunbe", iob aCitess, type of inspee;icn nw,bet,. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 c:i 8K)q SITE INSPEC?ION: Io be made afteretcantation, but pz"iot tc set up of forne. aNDERSLAB PLUMBTN?. ELEC?RIC4I. &wcnttfc@ny wrk ie eotseced.)5 PCOTING .LF1UNDATTCN: ?o be maCeafter trenches a?e escauated and. forne are etected, but prioz, topoutir,g ccncret.)O , .) i,>- i UND,RGPOUIID PLUM,ING: SIWR. TT,4TER. D.14IIIAGE: To be nade prior to fil-lirq trenches. uilLE!?FL))R PLUIETN1 & MECHANICAL: of floor insuZation or decking. P1S? AND BEAM: ?o be made oriot toGtallGffiof flooy, insulation oydeckirn. '.-) ,-,)" / ., ROUGH PLI]I,IB IIIG, ELECTR ICAL 4,8€T]- A{ 1f,*T NMw*il these inspections haue been nade and approteC. FIIEPI!.ACI: Pr"tor to plccirq facingmateraaLs and. befoz.e franing inspee_tion. FRA|NC: l,tust be requested afterapproual of rough plwnbing, electni_cal & meclwnical. ALt roofin4bracirg &- chinmeys, etc. nast be . eoilpLeted. llo uc?k is to be eon-.-cealed until this inspection has'been made anC approoed. required uapot, bavier.s @e in place but before ory lath, Wpsun baatC ortnLL couering is applied, attd beforeoty ittsulation is concealed. Iouz, City aL I,IAS0NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting ot, oerticals in aeeordotce Dith U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'IE: ccr?tpT;i;A. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After formsoe ereeteC but prior to pout"Ln4 conerete. $lpEyALK & DRft/E'ttAI: For aLL con- 0R !.iowD Saniley seuer caprped at ptopefi! Li.re Septic totk ptir,ped and filled trith gzaxei w mr N lt fr4 DRYWALL INSPEC?I)N: ?c be made l./\ | after aLL dtyuall is in plaee, - but prior to any taping.- Final - lt1ten abctse itens are conpleted and uhen Ce:noliti-on is eomplete oy sttae-ture noued and. pretrLses cleaneC up. cz,ete pa'uirry uithin stteet night-of-txy, to be mad.e after aLL erea- oating canplete & forn tnrk & sub- base nu.terial in place. IACE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates on mooable sections through P,A.E. Hcmes Blocking otd, Set-up Plumbing connectiona -- aa/te? and. aatet Eleetrtcal Connection - Blocking, selu-ttD and. plwnbing connectione tust be apprcr,id before requesting eleclrteal inspeeli.ol Aeceesory- BuilCing Pital - After pctches, skitting, decks,etc. ore eonpleied, ?1 FTUAL PLUABING PTNAL MECHANICAL L-l t FINAL ELECTRICAL t4 ALL p.toject eonditions, such as the installation of street tt,ees, conpleiion of therequined Landseaping' ete. " tmtst be satisfied, befote the auiroiic FrNAL can be nequested.. ?rNAL BUTLDING: The Final Building, Inspection nust be requested aftet the Pinal plunbingElectrical, and Meclnnical rnspectlona 'ha,n been nad.L- ird- ipp"iinri. *ALL I'IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS \IUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\2E|? rO BE t44DE !.? NO CCS? rO Cr?y Constn cllon_Leder Page 1 of 2 V @ Zone: Euilding Perlr|t State Total Clnrges ?otaL soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Grc* v IOT ?WE _ fnteriot _ Cor.ne? _ Pcnhandle Cttl,-de-sac L-co * Ileat Date Paid o- -- Fees -- ,t Building Volue & Permit This pertnit is granted on the enp?esa eondition tlwt the sai-d construction slra.Ll, |n atl z,eepects, confonn to the Ordi-nance adopted 6:y the City ofSpt"ingfield, inchtding the Zoning Cydinance, regulating thb ecnstrubticn otd.use of buildirqs, utd may be suspend.ed or reookeC at atA tine upon oic- Ta.tion of @tA prcuisiona of said 1tdinances. /--, Signed f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the cornpleted application for perwit, and. do lereby certify that aLL infolrnation heteon is ttue artd. eorreet, ctzd. f furtker certify that any ard aLL uork perforned shall be done in accot- dance tttth the Ordinances of the City of Spz,ingfield, ard. the Lass of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the aork Cescribed hez,ein, qnd. thdt N0 OCCU- PANCY tttl be naCe of any structure uithout perttrission of the Building N-uision. f further eez'tifg that only cont?aetoys and enplcyees uho are in eazpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thia projeet JOB NO. Lot Paces - Setbacks P. L.House Cal,aqe Access Noz,th East Fire South West ITEM SQ. FTG Y Value Matn fuaae A,D Z?O Carport Aecessot u ,bet*a:z 372 TOTAL VALUE /2,rc '. ti"a bo" S.D.C. 1..5 c /.c> Plumbing Permit No_ person stnll consttuet, install, alter ot elunge cnA ne?n cr eristing plwnbirq or drainage systen in uhole or in patt, unleei sueh person is- the Legal possessot, of a oalid plutnbet's Lieense, eceept that a pbtson mag doplunbing uork to propetty uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the "ppli-cant. Receipt #:?7./3 NO.FEE CHARGE f a 212- eat Fishpes Residential (1 bath) Saner Plutnbing Penrit State Sut,eh,arge Where State Lan tequires tlwt the electy'Lcal uork be done by an Eleetrieal Cont?actor, the electrLcal portion of this pernit slnll not be oaliC untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electr.ical Contractor. FEE q Neu/Ertetd Circuits Setnsice State ?otal Electricol Permit Ezhanat HooC Vent F@t NC CIIARCE a-allcodstope tv I Mechqnicql Permit Permtt Issudtce Meehanicel Petnnt -2s l{ -nr'O* -- ENCROACEMENT -. Egqtz+tV Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cvtbcu! - Penee Electrical Ia.bel Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: */6e sz Signed Jg, Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Cooenage_ # of Stories Total Height ?opogtophy Sida,talk Bedtoons: * Irr.Jl:t.,Irl:Nri trruIsI0N J0F+ 880944 '-f t"r{ai''I - Atrt'nE$5- 14X4 Y0LAi'{nA IrES[ft: AIrtr IT I0N UREAN EROIITH BoL,NnAf(Y -0hiNER-EI] CU ILEY 7 46.53? I 14:14 Y0LANtTA S Pf ttr , 0B t)7 477 * INFO* ANTIIT IOH RES IT'ENT IAI" 11.11 LOI Bl.0C,. -UAI,UE- 1;1000 88l. 107 88 t 10i, s$ I 3X0 88 I X?0 fi81X;l I s_q01:.t7 890307 13r00 1703?4330:1100 BB 1037 / l]90307 -TiNERI!Y S]:AT$- HEAT 1- ]- FLTIfi U ONE HTO_ sTT]R IES FLI]OTIPLA IN EAT'{GH* FETIF:I{ I]{]{: fiRP UN J:TS I.JN FEET ItlNST TYPTJ *{:TINTRAUT0RS- G}:NL_t'AU ITI 5I,I ITI{ rnNTkAf, T0R Pr-r0NE*474*634 I Pi"l'1I{- EI. HI]T * l',iEuH* T'E$G N. RHPT EAT *5OI SHN-RENU IRET' PERH ITIi----..TEE.*-SUEIHARIJE*TIATE*RECE IPT--.PERI.l IT*--*"--VALUE*-- OO1.*OO1*PLAN CHEC}I EEH OO3-OO?-BU ILN ING PERI.I IT 003-00ti-PLL,t1B ING OO4-OO4-ELEITE If,AL 005-0:6"t,00Ir5T0vE 00 I *00x-r00T ING 00X*(,03-FoUNt'AT IUN 0 ()3-030-UNItEREk0UNtr PLUl"l OO4*O?6*$AN TTARY $EI^IER OO5*O?4-IiATER L INE 006-005*P0sT & BEAr,l OO7-O?3.ROU13H PLU}IE ING OOS.O4?.ftOUGH ELECTNIC 009-006-ERAtt ING O 1 O*OO9- INSULAT ION O I 1-O l B"UAPOF TTARR IER 013-011-trRYlrALt, O i3*0.]9*E INAL PLUI"|F INfi 014-049-E INAI HLECTR ICAL 015'019-F INAL BU ILNING OOI -OO3-FOUNTtAT ION 00?-00$"P0sT * BEAI't 003-005-F0ST t I'EAtl 004-006-rRAH IN6 OO5.O4.]-ROUGH ELECTRIC OO6_044-EIECTRIC SERUICE OO7-04?..RI]UGH ELECTR I{: OOB*04 -ELEf,TR IC SETIU ICE L\OS*O09- INSULAT ION 010-01L*trRYI,ALL 01.1.049*F INAL ELECTR ICAL O1:-049-T INAL ELECTR IT;AL 013-049-E INAL ELECTR I[AI. 014-019-T INAL TtU ILT' ING 0 r5-03x-t{ilCIn sT0vE 60.13 rl? cin ?7"50 ') lr ci 11 1S,00 sB l.014 8B I 0?7 I81017 8E I 037 s8I.0t7 I 3670 1?670 1't67 0 1?670 Y IHORTON ELECT, *1 1 16C iIKAINAGE Ti} STREET APPROUAL OI( SI,,lEETHOME AI.( I B 0.00 4 .63 1 .3S 1.13 0.75 fi 0 0 n 0 SEN.}{IN II'IIJH INSPECT IONS + RECIU IREI{ENT5 -*-EXP T'ATE---ACT BATH- sEn-- TNSPECT r0NS-------Cfitlt'1HNTS--*- -..-*--trATE----RESULT*- INSP--.* BBl I07 881I09 881I09 t]$ 1??0 BS I ?30 tlfi r. ?x0 BS I I?O uu t.t'rllL'UI&!V 881??1 88l. ??7 890 I 35 8!)0I. ?6 us01t7 890307 89030S 0|( 0l( 0r( ol{ LIIR t,IR rJ l{ 0l{ 0l{ NE utj E UIJE OH 0t{ 0li NE 4E ^.i J d TJ ,t t; 35 35 .1, E -1..1 nq 01 4EJJ rlE J.' .1e J.J 3tl ?ri