HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-03-24ArtP Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the Property Affidavi t: I , If this application is ,1,pqlg6pg,! p_rit,tl,fi ,l, an agricul tural bui I d'i Lane County Code Chap (zoning) and for no o owner of record;ntract purchaser;---T---dul v authoriz---k a 'ls S i gnature/Address When permi olner i Con trac tor DEPARTI'IENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I1ANAGFUENT -PSB, '125 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I t wilI be used for prrrpose. I have pu the I essee; ge able of this application rposes allowed by the State Building Code and fol lowing 1ega1 interest in the property: holder of an exclusive option to purchase; Z jtus:td*it#iiilli l-7;1sffie fiurIir l--l ri$**n*;#'ldriul*iii t-ti:*tiiHlilil#irli tl,i.h r. *i. D. e"rt€?- , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate ngi ther z1 QI Te'rephone 1*b-qq 7 3 o, '7 4'7- / G -/{Da te is ready notify:/7 Appl icant /_/ }wner 7Y Conttacto" !y: /-/ nail z1 z1 Contractor's 0SR# AC {OC)Plumbing by phone Phonc Phone 7 76-7? 7" DO NOT WRITE B ELOI"I THIS LINE If Commercial Residential: :.#..10t,,.,.$to*jlffi:t:- rii#.:,:,Uf.r.l.b*d .; - '/.{li.i:is#.iliufiilit*iii-l . ^-*illll-jjffi, ru&t# of employees S I tes t ho'l es ready ! Proposed, SI # $$ *,s. . nti.: ffiii:i:f*iiiiu*i it#tri #.:iriil- iii$il.tGsi. :iSfi$Ui.Va l uati on Fee Total Va,l uati on $ $ b at at each $ each $ /_/ Rece i ved Water Supply 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy Subtota l TOTAL $ $ $ $ Proposed _ Year Instal led $ PERMIT PROCESSING Part. # Minimum setbacks:t,, Comments To be typed on permit ryp" 5/,J eroup R-3 Fire Zone Parcel # 1n Use Classification Parcel S,.i t r To be typed on permit By .l (a '(For olans informati 1@.ections to si te , on Pl ans to! slro ,-/rru,-_ -//y{ NPc Da te Requ i red Hold 51 ip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC /_/ Planning l-/ Public Works /7 Elevation /l Address /-/ Facil ity Permit ,// Environmenta'l Health FOR INFORI'1ATl0N about progress of your application call C74-L7L n/a Da te Ph permit controt center 687-HELP G87-4357) Exi sti ng _ CP& I inspec CP&I set( s ) I,jPC - set(s) VL-/\J \J lane countyHOLID SLIP 6t!r---7APPLICATION # Name Addres s Zi p Code The above appf ication is being held for the fol easons: ba?'" 1,fi' 4e This application will be held until above has not been furnished by tha Division Si gnature Date Te1 ephone If the information required te your app I ication wi I I be cancel led. Buildinq fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEM ENT DEPABTMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97'IO1 form C74-139 ,/' #eA-r ?un4P 3?bo,n 3 V 7S, 1-o0 s-cK tv bO O, c/ftI7 ? 7 s^:-o ) LICENSED - - BONDED - - INSURL- SALES CONTRACT JOB NO MP&S CONSTRUCTION CO. 4778 MALL CT. N.E. . SALEM, OREGON 97303 PHONE 393-5458 Page - of- page(s) l/We the owner(s) of the premises mentioned below hereby contract with and authorize you as Contractor to furnish all necessary materials, labor and workmanship, to install, construct and place the improvements according to the following specifications, terms and conditions on premises below described: Owner's Name Phone: Job Address City State Owner's Home Residence Boxes below marked with an "X" shall be paft of this contract. tr1. D2.tr3.tr4. Tighten and secure all weatherboards where necessary. Remove all wooden corner strips or cover in place. Place special molding around all casings. Apply material specified below over all weatherboards. tr5.tr6.D7. Wrap home with aluminum foil. lnstall new corners on each cornsr of the house. Accomplish all work with skilled applicators. Material Color SPECIFICATIONS $ lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed their names this Contractor or Representative ACCEPTED: Use this section for special instructions(1) CASH PRICE $ MP&S coNSTRUcTloN Co. is not responsible for damage to the interior of the house or for interior furnishings including pictures, plates, mirrors,and/or other interior items. The contractor is not responsible f-or any damage done to the house when raising or leveling floors . , . or in removing roofs..All tools and all unused materials will remain the property of tire contiactor and the owner(s) trereuv giant the coritractor permission to remove suchtools and materials at any time. Contractor is to perform work in a good and workmanlike manner.The propertv owner hereby agrees: That this contract and agreement shall become binding upon him when accepted by the Mp&S CONSTRUCTIONco' credit Mgr' and on or before completion of the above descri-bed work., the undersigned property owners agree to pay full payment of this contract incash or execute necessary papersto finance said payment according to above terms or other financing satisfactory to the contractor and that if he breachesthis agreement in any manner before the improvements herein spec-ified are insiilted or applied, or uer"oie irr" materials are delivered, he agrees to pay to thecontractorasliquidateddamages,asumequal to25%ot theabovecontractprice. This contract may be terminated at the option of the contractor prior t'o construction if contractor so desires for any reason.The undersigned represents that he is (they are) the owner(s) of'the above mentioned premises ana trrat the legal title thereto stands of record in his (ortheir) name(s). It is agreed that all payments hereunder shall be made at the offlce of the Contractor or its assigneee.Contractor may file a mechanic's lien to secure payment of the money due under this contra'ct, oi in event it becomes necessary for contractor to filesuit to collect any money due under its terms o, to sue'for breach tn"."oi, o*na, "gr"", to pay in addition attorney,s fees in a reasonable sum incurred bycontractor for the above.It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto: That the contractor shall not be responsible {or damage or delay due to strikes, fires, accidents orother causes beyond his control. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a true copy of this contract, acknowledges that he has read and knows the contents thereof, and understandsthat no verbal statements of any representative are binding upon the "orniunv,'rnr"ss-rruritten into this "ontrr"t and approved by the contractor, and that For your own protection all deposits and payments must be made by money order or check or cashier's check in favor of Mp&s coNSTRUcTloN co, BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCELlf this agreement was solicited at a residence other than that of the seller and.you do not want the goods or services, you may cancel this agreement bymailing a notice to the seller' The notice must say that you do not want the goods or services and musi be mailed before 12 midnight of the third businessday after you sign this agreement. The notice must be mailed to: MP&s coNST"RU_c_TloN co., +zzg M"li ci. rue, s.1"., oregon g7303.lF You cANcEL, THE SELLER MAY RETAIN AS A cANcELLATioNlee s pgncerrrfoiiiicASH pRtcE, BUT Nor ExcEEDtNG youRCASH DOWN PAYMENT, OR $IO, WHICHEVER IS THE LESSER. However; You may not cancel if you have requested the seller to provide goods o.r services without delay because of an emergency, and(1) The seller in sood faith makes a substantial beginning of the performaice or tne cont;;;i;;f; y;'give notice of canceltarion, and(2) ln the case of goods, the goods cannot be retuined to the selier in substantially as good a conoition as'when received by the buyer. coMPANY's GUARANTEE: The company guarantees its workmanship and will replace faulty material or faulty workmanship free of charge.customer, by affixing their signatures hereon, acknowledge that they h"* ,"""ireJ" copy of this contract. ,19---- Signed Owner Signed Down Payment (21 Totat Cash $ Trade ln $$ Describe Trade ln I (3) Difference Between ltem 1 - 2 Manager Owner day NO VERBAL AGREEMENT RECOGNIZED BlockLot Ar\b :' i PSB, rzs EAST BTH AVENUE { } f-t\-/ EUGENE, oREGoN 97401 \-/ \_ I Job Address Township, Range,tion, T x Lot Subdivision App I ication for Structures now on the p rope r ty Proposed use of property: /-/ nesidential /7 Commercial Affidavit: I, Ci ty igned Numbers /_7 Industrial /-/ public hereby certify that this informat.ion is true and accurate ee; holder of an exclusive optione of this appl ication.to purchase; { If t-his appl icati Lane County Code owner of -_duly auth 5ignature/Address p i epr non is for an agr cul tura l bu 'lding it wi lI be used for pu Ilowed by the State Buildi ng Code andCha p ter rposes a fol I owirecord;other purpose. I have the ng 1ega1 interest in the pro pe rtyaser;ori zed IS I ess RnowTEd=geabt )q7 Teiephone _ or When permit is ready notify U Appl icant /_/ Owner Owner Con trac tor Contractor's OSR# pl umbing by /-/ Contractor !y: /-/ mail -14-t- /Da te Phone Phone phone If Corrnercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms 5I test holes ready sh /_/ Check # Received by t^later Supply Proposed _ Year Installed # of employees #of SDS: units ! Proposed, SI # Unit Cost isting, BP #2v..1 Fee Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Va I uati on Fee Total Valuation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $$ Su btota l TOTAL each each $ $ t $ $ Exi sting ---$ $ PERM]T PROCESSING Minimum setbacks ' t Comments To be typed on permit Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si Da te ft. of drainfield;depth of trenches: IL, side By I^IATER POLLUTION CONTROL instal lation specifications :gal. tank; To be typed on permit Tel rections to site /-/ Yro Plans to: /-/ cP&r /-t l.i'Pc /-/ Planning /-/ Public llorks ! Elevation /-/ n/a /-/ Address /-/ Faci 1 i ty Permi t // Environmental Health CP&l _ set(s) l./PC _ set (s ) { Da te Req u i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC FQR INFQRI1ATION about progress of your application call: Permit Control Center 687-HELP G87-4357) Da te Apolication q )', o) Code Des c ri pt'ion rear I H:ho dt IE rbb: I .H-ttilar t;rty.a.c Hr.-- hrnt: yo tr xoDC-.dt,lpfur-- X..., ,r. ld-ri0rtd. l*,ti. tr hrrcr hr:U.I ft.r.lldlr hr: trrr E Silc g f.- D _fr.r. ftetD.rf d ffirr roffi Lr.df flc--.d,a-tr r - -TIhrr trhfr fr*,df rf*r.prahroqrcy gtrX O t- bb lrl GDllt 31tr Datlrut t .i; 1, -t. ia 6 ic t TRS, TL Subdivision Lot /o Job Locatlon Pernlt /l Permit Pernlt For Perrnl-t /l Permlt Permit ForPlot Plan For For For It For Block /{o / I I )I ;<) ) 0 t \ \ \ c74-150 Vlclnlty Map 50 o \ \ \ --*-- #l I /f \ \-* * -:*'****J N t H€ Q-17 SUPPLEMENT F lfc74-L85 TRS, TL Subd. Job Address UPPLEME NT NO. I o. +70 Lot IO Bl k. A APPLICATION NO. t-e, Noti fy: /7 owNER address pho e /4cowaACToR/App I i cant by: /-/ nail l4f,on a x ress TrT ne e 1 BUILDING VALUATION(Revised) (Prior) Descri pti on lffiorcectiI'/ adaition Bl dg. Waste Pl umb. 4/i sur. Plan R. Mech. 0ther on 22.OD amt. due TOTAL:B.&pu / refund -a2.oz) due b3.6D '#,1 Recei v sh eck # edb grgr( 1+ Appl icant's Si /-l wPc By Date ly'l cP&T n e@ Date ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIoN / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, oREGoN 97401 / (503)687-4394 0R l-800-4s2-6379 LJ \) Urj U FF BF, - frP ,4 l H t'll: t. \i IANE IOIJNTY DHFT HNV HET T"IECTIIF'I' + 53.:}T}* NATE 0617$4 AI-.f}LICANT CIILE, RICHARD ADDR F.N BOX 504, SF'FD., T}FIE[;.}N T< rr_f I?03t4;13(!3800 SUTIDMST ADD T0 StdANH ISTATE:;i '-fir 10 EfLl{ ] NEtl ELDG IyFE USE: R N0 BDr,tHS 0O NCI UNIl',S 0Or N{l S'l'0RIltrS r{O ETLDGS 001 noDE AFFL Nn ACTItIN DHSCRIFl'ItlN SQ Fl' UN:lT CC].IT VAI-UATI0t, FEE DA)'-** HF' rrF BF. t: Ft- I.IECH ,suR FCH BF. F.CK N0. f IXTL,RES : N0. C0NNECT0RS : I.IECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHAftGE FLAN CHECI( FEE t-f, 53080 suF P +?0CHAN6E ftOOF SLIF P *?0 5.00 t.AcH :: 4y, 502 ?3^00 11.00 i, {:ATG: APF .l'EGIU: I 1'AKEN T'Y CAI) FF. H.TT. SDS SI ; COT{FLETION DATE r- cK,t ! rss 3 TCITAL FHE*it RA i]TH 3rr " $0 cH t