HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-15.rob Locaticn: Ta.r Iot llAeaesaore l,lap il Subdioision: A,mer: LLP.City: Address \ ..RESIDENTIAL..tl SPFIINGFIELD- APPLICA'L- fl /PERTIIT 225 North |th Street Spr"Lngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26-37 53 Date: 1rerSL Describe Notk: \ cr{t t0( ZI VaLueDate of Applicatic n N er) L tc5Additicn oo General l.lechanica P lurnb i.n liLec:Lricit SuDerv 1n Le<'t r ( Lillr It ia +-he reaponsibility of the petmit holdet, to aee that aLL inspections are nade at the fron the st?eet, anC th"zt the perrit catd is Located at th_e fnont of the,property.izuttding Diuisior. apy-r,oretl p.Lan shcll remain on th€ Building lttc at all times. P?OCSDUqE FoR INSPECTION RIQUESTTCALL 726-3769 (z,ecorden) state Aou? City Cesignated job eadyfol,inspection,contr,actoPsora,mersnclneandph'one ;^iLL be nade the sone Ccy, "equests ncde after, ?:00 on vtLL be nade the ncrt uotking dag. prope, tine, that eceh address is t'eadable ' nunber, iob aCdteee, type of inspecli-cti numbet. Requests recei"^ed befcte 7:00 c't Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnbe!' f8: R eouir ed fn sp e c tt'. cns SITE INSPECTI1N: To be nade aften ercaraticn,but pticr tc set up of forms. INSU LATION /VAP(R tsARRIER II|SPECTION : required tapor baruiers are in place but before any Lath, gypsurn boav'C or tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. BUILDI;]CS Sanitary seuer eapped tt propetty Lire Septic totk p'unped atd fi.lled ttith Eraiel Pinal - !fiien abcoe itens ate ecnpleteC ard uhen Cerptition is conplete 01' st"ur- ture mooed and prenises cleaneC up. Le ltcmes tr UNDERSLAB PLUI,EINC. ELECTRICAL & llECHLllfCAL: To be made before any Git-li-iottet,ed. fa pcorruc g FIUNDATICI,I: To be nace LA Aft d -tr,"".t;; a"e;rcaoat ed and foz,ns at,e erected, but priot' to Wuring ccncreta. UNDIRCP,1U!]D PLUMDrN22 slttqR. \IATE- oneittlit: ro be rutJe prior to fil-Tfr-liZn.he". IJIIDEP,FLOOR PLUI.E INC E I,IEC1AN I CAL :of floor insulation or decktng. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Priot' to TGldTTill7Tof floot' insulation or decking. DRYI'IALL INSPECTION: ?c be rnade;fri-m-W,rarf ie in ptac e, but prior to cny taPing. \IASONRY: Steel T.ocation, bond 6ifrllgz,outing or: oerticals in accondance biith U,B.C. Section IIOODSTO'IE: After install-ation is ccrnpleted. CURB & APPROA CH APPON:Aftex' fonns ale erecteC bu t priot,to pourirq concrete. SIDEIIALX & DRIITEWAY: For aLL eon- ""ete paufi ultfin street right- of-w:y, to be made after all etca- oatinq conplete & forn vsork & sub' base naterial in Place. Blocktng otd set-up Pltnbing connectiona -- aa"e? anC uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking' set-u7 and plwnbing connections rrust be apprcted' befot e requeating eleclv"ical inspeclion Accelso"! Building I T B @ MECH- ANICAL: NO GliT-thesn inspecf,tors haue been made and approtted. FfPEPLACE: Ptior to plceirq facingmctetials and before fratning inspec- tion. Eru!!!!: tttust be requestecl aften approual of rough pLwnbing, electri- cal & meclnnical. ALL noofing bracing E chinmeys, ete. rrust be eornpleted. llo ucy,k is to be con- eecled until this inspeetion las been nade anC approted Pirnl - After etc. are cornp' pcrchee, skirting, decks, leted. FTilAL PLUI4BIIIC FINAL IiECHANICAT, PINAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: lt4ten conPlete -- PYouicl,e gates or nouable sections thtough P. U. E. ALL project aonditions, such as the i.nstallation of street treea, conplation-of the n"qulinnd tiuC"."pirg, -etc., mtst be satisfied befone the BUILDING FINA.L ean be requested- \INAL BarLt)INc: The Final Building fnspection naat be reqteated after the Final Plunbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections hque been made atd app*ooed' . x 8 *AT,T, M,1I,ilCt,ES AND CLEANOUTS IIU]T BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTINNT ?O BE I.I,4DE II.? NO COST TO EI?Y Pege 1 of 2 Phone: S a,c)Ycefn n d 7 Zone SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO.L-CO Bedrooms Building Volue & Permit This permit is gtanted on the efrpress condition tlnt the said.constmtction iiiitt', ln all r,"espects, conform'Lo the Crdinatice edopteil b,y the C:ty 2f ip*t"gyird, incllucling'til 2o"l."g crdina_trc-e, regulcL'i,tt, the ccnsttttcticn ;i.,n ";L of LuildLrqs," ord ,ry be' suepewletl or r'cuckeC at 6zy time upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said ordinanaes' lleat Aceess ote SQ. F?C Value TOTAL VALUE Building Pez'mit Total Chargea l t E * p State .a9 s,D.c. 1.5 d P.L llouse Lot Faees - rTEI'I itlain PLan Date Paid: Receipt ll Signed TOT TYPE _ Interict _ Cotner _ Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Iot So. Ftc. % of Lct Cooerage I of Stories Total Height Toooorachu Plumbing Perrnit No De"son shall construct, install, alter or clange anA nev -cr ezisting ;i,rilb;;-"; drii).q" "i"t"" inutaie or in pa*t, inLess such person is the i;;;"';.;";";;;-;7; illta pt*,ann's Lic.ens'e, eece.t that a pe:'son nav d.o. ptatlirg uot'k to p*opnity ilri.h i" ot;ned, Leased ot' operated by the appLi- cant, Electricol Permit I,tlpt,e state Laut requires th,at the electtical uork be done by an Electrical Ciitro"ton, the el)ctuieal pontion of this .permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label has been aigned by the Electrical Cotttractor' Plunbing Permit 2?-SP T LL CHARCE State * N0..[TEtt 2 Fiztures Wctet' Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Nau/Ettend Ctneuits Sez,uice ELectnica State Total Vent Pol CI]ARCEFSEITNM * Mecharnicol Permit Eelnnst Hood ,s Perwtt fssuance Meclnnical Perrit, -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seanritg Depoait Storage Maintenanee Pornit Cutbcu! Sida'salk lence ,20ELectricaL Mobile Hone ,],OTAL AMOUNT DUE: *76.96 Ilcodstoite IHAwIAREFULLyTnAMINEDtleeotnpletedapplicationforpermit,and.do i";;L; i"rltfy- tnit aLL infor-atilon hereoi^ i-s true and carrect, anC r ii"li"nn "nntiiy t;hat any ar.d aLL uo.rk peyfor-ned alnll be dote in accot- 'donee ,,,rtth thL" Ordinane"ea of the Ci.ty 'of bpringfield, and th-e Lais of tha Stateofhregonpentainingtotheuo-l,k.cescribcdherein,cndtlntNooccu- beicy ,itt b"e nade of any" structupe di,thout pertnisdion of the Suilding Di'- otsion. f funther c-entifil thet otly con-tracLot's a;;d enplcyees tsho are Ln eanpliance ultt, cns 701.05s wiLL be used on this proiect _s?3- Total Signed Date ?ctal Chanoee NC. Total Claraes State -- CITY OF OREGO'V QT SPRINGFIELD DEIlELOPMENTSEPY'CES ADMINISTRATION Pt/'NNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS M ET ROPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AG EM ENT December 4, 1989 Mr. Burton Watson 1861 Yenta Avenue Springfield, 0regon 97417 Dear Mr. Watson: Your request for an extension of your permits to construct a familvroom addition at 1861 Yenta Avenu-e, spiingfield, 0regon, city Job " Number 890352, has been reviewed anO ippr5ved. Jtt]1 gpnroval may..olly_ be. granted one time and wil I expire 180 daysfrom the date of this letter (June 4, 1990). If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 126-3790. Si n cerely, 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s753 L'isa Hopper Building Tec hnician cc: Dave Puent, Building Official lh A ,(s 4 I P€'{"t'c /rEr /Lk$.,,- J, fl,r^ L /o^Surr{,n t(, ilnQ^- /86/ uco.,fa A,te-,zlOSro'"7\,'1' d'* Q Tctz t PAr zq6-5 3) (