HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-08-31RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-3769 Office:726-3759 :;PRINGFTELD ffroa 7 €XY, JOB NLJMBEN 225 FiIth Strcct Spring tlerlcl, Orcgorr 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSE,D WORI(:tilDD4 -DB ASSESSOFIS MAP:/7 jLCzL TAX LOT:.i7 2oa BLOCI(:SUBDIVISION: ---LOT; PHONE: - STAI't:7-tPN OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: NEW - REMODEL ADDITION DE,MOLISI.I OTI.IEII __- OESCRIBE WORI(: ADDRESS EX P II:1E,S PIJONE o0 CONTRACTOR'S NAME ELECTBICAL: MECHANICAL: PLUMBING: CONST, CONTRNCTOR / GENERAL: _ OFFICE USE _ ro'o 40tY" I 8f; fmE8ffit09", made the sanre worklng clay, must call 726'3769. TIrls ls a 24 tlour rccordlng. nll lnspcctions rcqucsled beforc 7:00 a.rn. wlll belnspections rcquested a[tcr 7:00 a.rn. will bc madc lhc followlng worl< clay. REQUIRED INSPECI'IONS Temporary Elcctric Rough Mcclrarrical - Prlor to cover. Final Plurrrbing - Whcn allpluntbing worl< is cornpletc. iFirral Electfical - VJlrcn alt Sitc lnspoction - To be mac,c after excavatlon, but ltrior toscltin0 l<.lrrrrs. Rouglr Elcctrical - Prior to covel.cclrical worl( is corrrplctc. Urrdcrslab Plunrt-:ing/ Elec trical / Mcchanical - Prior to covcr.Electrical Servicc - Must be alrprovecl to obtairr pcrrnancnt clectrlcal l)owcr. F irr cclrarrical - Whcn all rtical worl< ls cornplctc. Footlng - Af tcr trenches arc excavated.Fircplace - Prlor to faclng materlals and (raming lnsp. Final Uuilclirrg - Wlrcn all required inspcctlons have bccn approvccl and builcling is corn plc tocl.Masonry - Stcel locatlon, bond beams, groutlng.Franrlng - Prlor to covcr. Fourrdatlon - Aftcr [orms are erected bu t prior to concretc placernent. O tlrcr Wall/Cciling lrrsulatiorr - Prlor to c ove r. Underground Plunrbing - Prior to fllllng trench.Drywall - Prlor to taping MOBILE I.IOME INSPE TIONSUnderlloor Plumblng/ Mcchanical - Prior to lnsulatlon or decl(ing.Wood Stovc - A(tcr install;rllon Post and Bcam - Prior to floor lnsulation or decl(1n0.lnsert - AItcr flrcl.)lacc approval and installatlon oI unlt. Blr:ckirrg arrd Sct.Up - Wlrcn all blockinll is cornplcte. Floor lnsulation - Prior to dcc kl ng.Curbcut & Altl.rroaclr - nltcr lorms arc croctcd but prior to placcrncnt of corrcrct(1. Plurnbirrg Conrrcctions - Whcn Itotnr: has bcen co,tnected to w;ltcr ilncl scvJ()r. Sanilary Sewcr - Prior to lilling trcnch.Elcctrical Corrrrcctiorr - Whcn blocl<irrg, sct.up. and plrrnrbing irts;pcctions ltnvo bccn approvcd ilncl tlrc tlolnc is connccted to tlrr: scrvicc 1.rancl. Storrn Scwcr - l)tior to (illing t rcnch. Siclewalk & Drivcw;ry - nf tcr cxcaviltion is complctc, Ioillls an(l sut).basc rnatcriill in placc.. Watcr Llnc - Prlor to lilling trench. Forcc - Vvtlcn colnplctcd. {itroot Trccs - Wlrcn all rcqulrcd trccs are plantcd. Firral - AItcr all rcquired lnspcctions arc approvcd and porchcs, sl(lrting, decl(s, and ventln0 havc bcen lnstalled. Rough Plunrbing - Prior to cover, t_l t] E tl tl E tl tl tl E tl tl t] fl n ti P.L.GAR ACC N c E Lot faccs Lot sq. ltg. Lot covcragc Topography Total lrclglrt Lol 'fypc V - lrrtcrior -- Corncr - Panlrartcllc -- Cul-rlc-sac ar ks HSE r--lS THE PI1OPOSEO WORI( iN Tl-lE . }.IISTORICAL DISTBICT, OB ON TIlE HISTORICAL REGISTER? - It yes, this application must be slgned arrd approved by thc Historlcal Coordinator prior to pcrmit issuance. APPROVED: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Tlris pcrrnit is grantcd orr the cxprcss conditiorr tlrat tlrc said construction sliall, in all respects, con[orm to the Ordinance adoptcd by thc City oI Springficld, including the Developmcnt Cocic, rcgulating thc construction and usc of buildings, and may bc suspendcd or rcvol(cd at any tlrne upon violation of any provisions o( said ordinances. Plans ncvicwcd lJy Date Rcceipt Nurrtbc Plan Clrccl< Fee: Datc Paid Rcccivcd By: VALUE (A) BUILDING PERMIT Total Valuc Building Pcrmit Fce Sta[c Surcltargc Total Fcc SO. FT. X $/SO. I.'T.ITEM Main Garagc Carport Systcms Dcvelopmcnt Charge is duc on all undevcloped propcrtics within tha Cily linrits whiclr arc bcing inrproved. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) FEE (c) [: NNResldcntial Eatlr(s) PLUMBING PERMIT t- I. Plurnblng Pcrmit Statc Surchar0e Total Clrargc Sanltary Scvver Watcr Sloiln Sowcr Mobllc Horne FT. ITEM Fix tu rcs ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By slgnature, I statc ancl agree, tnat I havl carctully examlned the complctcd aprplication and do hereby certlfy that all lnformation lrcrcorr is truc at1(l corrcct, ancJ I Iurther cerilfy that any and allvrork pcrformcd shall bc done in accordance with thc Ordinanccs oI thr.l City of Springf lcld, ancJ thc Laws of llrc St;rtc oI Orcgon perlaining to thc worl< cJescrlbccJ hcrein, arrd tlrat NO OCCUPAIiICY will [:rc rrraclo of any structurc wilhout pcrrnission of the Buildlng Safety Division. I furthcr certify that only contractors and entployees who aro in cornpliancc witlr ORS 701.055 will bc used on this pro jcc t. I (urtl'rcr agrec to cnsure tlrat all rcquircd inspections arc requestcd at Ihc propcr time, that each address is rcadablc t thc pcrmlt card ls locaicd at the front approvcd sct of plans will remain Slgnatu B-at qsDate ri lon.rUg conses du rin frorn thc strc of tlrc pro on thc sitc Wood Stovc/ lnscrt / F:lrcplacr: Uni I MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobilc Honrc Stato lssuancc Stato Surchargc Sidewalk -- tt Curl:cut -= tt Domolltlon Stato Surchargc lStot Total Mlsccllaneous [)crtnits (E) k t Vcnl Fan Drycr (D) -t oL!o-- 4{ 7{ MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rnacc Exhaust Hood Mcc lranical Pcrnrit I s su ancc Statc Surch:rr0c Total Pcrrnlt LO c \rt ( AMOUNT NECEIVT..D FIECEIVE D 8Y DATE PAID VALIDATION: RECE,II'T NUMBEFI TOTAL AMOUNT OUE (cxcluding olectrir;al) (A, B, C, D, and E Corrtl:incd) .u ( 5P' GFTELO cval. NO 223 ITYTB STREET SIRINGTIEI.D, OREGON gT[W o I.BGAL DESCRISTION I ToSzCzz PERI{IT APPLICATION IilSPE TION REOTIEST:Rffio uNDER THts PERMTT ts NofitY Job Nuruber ?tr ro r3 fl8fHo oPEtcE:' ?26'3759 coMMENcED oB rs ABAND${EDE&Lnrg rEE scEEDt r.E BELou 1. I.I}CATION OF HIOD RK \ Perolts are non-transferable a1!-explre ii-uorlc is not started vithln 180 days ;i i;;;.;ce or tf vork is susPended for 180 days. T. COITTBACTOR INSTALI.ArION OI{&T A. Nev Residential-Single or ttutti-pamil.y Per dueLllng unit' servlee rneruded, ,,.r" cosr 1000 sq.ft. or less Each acidttional 500 sq. ft or Portion thereof Each Hanuf'd tlome or l{odular 'Dvelllng Service or Feeder Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations $ 40.00 s 50.00 $ 60.00 s100.00 s130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 I;3Uii:{' *:"ii::'3i'Xi"3i"i.r,"" t i on 200 amPs'"or 201 amPs to Over 401 to 0ver 600 amPs or ?6tO ltC€-0 3LOo Sum JOB DESCRIPTION $ 85.00 $ 15.00 Electrica1 con t rac ro, Yg az{G c--fr""!vrl hf.ot Reloca t ion : B. c. Address \-. CLI! tur*-a-^. -.Phone 4 to>?L Supervisor Llcense Number 2-*,tf <- Bxplration Date 200 anps or less 201 anps to 400 anPs - 401 anps to 600 e&Ps - 601 aops to 1090 afiPs- over 1000 auPs/volts - Beconnect OnlY Constr Contr. Numbe r2o P,7 Expiration Date 2 o-t Signature of Supervlsing BLectrician less 400 600 above $ 40.00 s 55.00 $ 8o.oo see tBf, amDs -anDs rbooETTs A OREGOTVCITY OF SPRING RBCEIVED you to