HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-11-06Reeei CA #..RESID-,{TlAL" 22s Nonth stt itonffPLrcATr,N/PERMrr SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD LP Conetmcbian_Lda ry Job Locattcn, ,/ OZtz 3>ZOAeseasots !'by fl Tc.s tnt # Subdioision: Otmer: /rUP.r/city: Date of appha,tic'*_11' ?'i8 ) t/ vaf,ue /O4O- oa' Addit,an Remalel General Pege 1 of 2 ft ie the ruaptsilrtli@ ai tlB W*& b6* to 4e ttst alt i.nspections ate nad.e at the ptope? tine, tl,at each address is reaCabie latr Citg Desigr"ated Job Nutnbez, fs fmn the s*Building a,eet, ed tfu du Wait @d ia L,rutdN1ri.?i,o?1 p|'ot sltll nw,irt on the at the ftont of the&ild.i.ng Site at aL p"opeytA L tines. P:!:EWFa\4ry:laW-@:WWCALL726-3769tu'*atrd,zt) state your citg desisntted, job mnrber, job aCdress, type of inspecticn::*"i:t!-Y-Y lou oill. be radg f,ot *spectioa, btbaetors oV a;rets" rlcr,r. "ara pton ,wnber.' 'e.q"iit" reLeli;Za tZfcri z:00 an'|LYLL be nade t*e aw dq" ryueats r,*,le ,aft* ?:9O anz ai|.l be nnde the ncrt uorkif day. 8lcsLt IReati-rarl fnsoecticns STTE INSPECTTON: eccaoatian, but. ' Ao he nwde aftzr pt"iot b set try of wutst,ap ?LLMELN6, ETWIEJCAL .&wcuu'tiiti@wrk is aoo*d- PO1ILNA & EOAflDAWCN: "a fu nnd.e - altet Lwt?ches av wmtd. ad fonts ,av etwtd, but prio* tapoutifig efiq€t€" IINDER@OWD PWXilG, SEilM" WATEft, DRAfNAffi: 7o fu wde prion to fi?.-lirry trcnehec'. lllplfuyrfr1* FWfr$XNG I MWBANTCAT": @oz of forns. floor insul,ct'ton ar ilec*hrq" FNIAL PLUMBIIIC EIIIAL MECITANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL TNS,ULAT T ON / VAPO R BARRTE R I IISPE C T I O N : To be ma"Ce aftez, aLL insulaticn atd.rquired oqor berie?a dre in place but before ang lath, gApsun baarC oy ta'{.l. eooering is applied, attd before OR I:OW' BUTLDTilCS Sanilarg seuer capped at proper.tg Lire Hcnes tr atif i&sul,ation is concealed.Septic totk p;;nped aln filled ttith gta;sel Pinal - hthen abczte itens are ecmpleted and uhen dq.tclition is cornplete o? strac- tut,e noued and. y,emLaes cleaneC up. IrAffiBtW Steel Locati.on, bond baznls, grouting or oerticals in affirqldnce aith U,B.C. Section 21475- Blocking od, Set-up Pltnbirq connectione -- aeue? otd, uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plurnbing conneetions mist be apprcxbd before requesting elec!rtcal inspebliol Aeeessory* Building I piral - After pcrches, sktrting, decks,etc. ore canpleted. IENCE: *hn onplete -- prouiCe gat* ot looable seetions through P.A-E- ALL p'oject conditians, such ae the installation of s+-t:eet trees, collpletion of thetequited landsecping' ete., mtat be satisfied. before tne gui-r,oiy:c FrNhL can be requested.. ?rNAL BUTLDING: The Ei,nal Building. Inepection mult be z,equested after the Final plunbingElectrical, utd Nechanieal fnspeetlons 'heoe been naie- arrd'ipi"or:"d. r-1) DRIIIALL LNSPIC?r)N: Ic be nadeL$@{m@Trs.in ptace, - but pnior to any taping, P,9S? AfrD BEEJ|: To be de prinr tainstaltaticn of flaor irau1,attion on deckitrg. ur:til tlese in^epectior-s luete been nade od. qprcteC. FlPlerig_ : h-;ol" to ptaeirq faeingmatertals oi. before ft@ring frrsp;tion. ?RAIXIIC.- &tst fu tv4te.sted. after app_totsal of mtgrh pewibing, itnu.;cal & nwhori,qL. ALI rcof.itq bnaeLng E ehtaneys, e*. nttsi be . eonpLetd. lb tur.k is to be eon-. eealed wttil thta inspeetion t,f.s'been nnde od qprcoeZ. IWWXWE: .Aftet install,ation tsaagtetd.. €'IINB & AFHRAACH APPON: After formsore e*cteC but prior to pouting @rEpfu. STDltlALX & DRIVEIAI: Foy all can-cftte panhg Ltithin st?eet right-of-try, to be tsde after all eaca-eting caryLete & forn wz,k & sub- fuse nntqfal in place. V V E *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE M4DE AT NO CCS? TO CIIY Date: k Addtess: 3y35A /)e..-d D.. phone:7yZ'- Aq/,) o dJOB NO. Grot L-CO Bedtoans SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooerage # of Stories Total Height lopogrqhy Y LOT ?WE _ fnteriot _ Corner _ Panhcnd.Le CuL-de-sac West Ileat AceessDfHouse Lot Faces - -- Fees -- NEI.I FTG x Value Building Volue & Permit This permi.t is granted on the erpress condition t?nt the said-consttuction stnll-, in all rbspeets, confonn to the Ordinance edopted b:A the City 2fSpringfield, inc|uding the'Zoning CYdinanee, z'egulating the ccnstructicn and us. of buildings, cnd may be suspend.ed or retsokeC at cnU time upon uic- lation of @A prcoisions of said 1rdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Bui-Lding Pertnit -uo State DaXe Paad:c ?otal Clnrges Signed: fiEM NO.FEE CHARGE Plumbing PeFistut es rmr Resil.cnti.al (1 bath)No person stnll construet, i.nstal'!,, alter or cltange,any ned-cv ezi.sting -pttitO.tng or dtainage syetan in uhole ot i.n patt, mless sueh person is tlp iegal p"osses"o, of o uialid pl*rbnr's Lie,ense, eceept that a petson nay Qo-ptimt&g uork to propentg ihich is otmed' Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Sanet PLunblng venrlx State * Electricql Permit Wet,e State La,t requires t1",4t the electrical uork be done by an Electrical contraetor, the electtical porti,on of this pernit shall not be oalic until the Label lne been signed by the Electtical Contracto?. PentrLt NO. Nets/Eotend. Circuits Setoice Iotal nu A Dan I * Mecho nicol Permit bha/et EooC Vcodstooe Yent Fan PermLt fssuqnce Meclnnicel Pernrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seaurltu Deposit Stora4e Maintetance PerwLt Cvrbcut Sida,talk Fenee El..ectrical Iabel Mobtle Hone I HAW CAREfuLLy EXA.ILINED the conpleted cpplication for pernit' and. da t*iiay iirttly that aLL infonnail)bn heyeoi is true atd. eorrect, anC r furth"e, certiiy that any ira an uork perfot.ned elnll be -done in accot'- "dince- vi.th thz' ordinancLs of the cita bf sprLngfieLd, and the Laas of the * state of 7regon pertaining to the wt'k ceseri.bed herein' end t?nt No )ccu- P/.NC| tyill be rmde of any" str.uctw,e tyithout perwissi-on of the Building N- oi,i,sion. I furthet, ierti."1i1 thet only conttactors ord anplcyees uho are in eonpliance bitn oas 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet Ofnr,^-(2.).' cl t'.L ILb. TO?AL AMOUN? DUE: A . r{2,cl Signed LL Date NC, Stdte Surehfiqe ?otal Charaes //-6-82uace a\ #" RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERI/LIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfteld, 1regon 97477 BuildLng Dtuisio.n 7 26-37 53 Pltntbi.ng SPHINGFTEI.D It \ \ w r'w {q LP Date: ? Job Locaticn:' Svbdiuision: Asnet: Phone:Address: ci Deseribe H'ark: _ Gr"*A4 /a?2*- d 6"--A, f4u4 fi24- a ,.. -Otra,ez-fis9;Z..t W, frg,-d'f*f--, H-.,-Lle%"6" Date of awti*ti"- //- Z'g?Yalue a6 Additian R rn*, ELeetrical CenetaL I aecho:icat ,V/z ft *, tte ftwn tle*Building tzsprwititrfu o! t;t* F*it ,plda b aee ttnt all inegectiotts oe nade at the P?oPe? tine, that at?eet, @d tfu the W.aix *4'ia lmtd. at the flont of the property. ' bdrioa p:Lor sltc,Ll lwin on tle tu Uiig Site at aLL times. 8'70sv I ecch ddiness is ?e-s4hi, P,?OCEqUPE FOR INgMI@WSt:CALL726-3769{restdet) state yout, City designated iob mntber, iob aClz'ess' lUe?9f inspe-c-"-icn f,oriawpecful'canfracto?soian,els-rwne-arld,plonerwnbel.Request8receixedbefcle7:00o:tt'itl be nade *ls sw dq, ryteste *de f,ls' 7:gA @, aill be mde the neot :'wking day. Iae Desigr,ated Nunbet Is SnE INSPEtrr2E: Ao be mde afta&;@W wioD tc ee*. ry of forne. ANDERSI,M %I,WBXNG, ETEtrgTClM, & WCEA-llfCAl": Ta -be tpde bef,ore ang rnrk is so*d- POfiTNC & FOAI{DATTCN: fa he aade@aa forns ae **td, but pri,or to pouri.ng sncteta. UNDIRGP?WD PL$Wrnc. sfrTP- 3Arc9, DRAIilAGE: ?o be taie p,rtor ao f,il- @ twnenes" AIIDERFIi{MR PAMtslNG & !,!BCSAN[CAL:at f,Loor iawlatiott ar declrtng- POST AfrO BggM: Ta be *wde priar toGliffio7 f,laor insu{.c;ioa a*deeking. "**., RO UGH PUHB TN G.ffiT- N'.:rB{ MECTI- .ffiiT-tteee inegeetiot:s ltaoe been nad.e od. qprotted. FLP-EPL,ACE: ktor to plcet".E fecirtgnaterials td before fr@dr,g insps-tion. t PRAI.IING: etu* fu re4te.sted after appz,ooa.l of zvugh pl,urbbry, eleffi- a,L & rwWz,q.L ALL rcofitg' bracing E chtwuyen ete. narct be i cottpLetd- !!o trir"k is to be con- ,, cecled w*il tlria inspetion lns:!YYT'_ PTNAL PLUMBITIG PII'IAL MECHANICAL utcr PINAL ELECTRICAL 1l . I--tl DRWALL fNSPIC?I)N: Ic be nade I A@-aT@Afis in place, frrc P?aof xo cna tapLng. l$Affi,lttrI: Steel Location, bondEffilgrouting ot oerticals in aaotd,otce tith U.B.C. Section 24L5. l-1 *wnsysta:L_)@ed- rquired uqor berie?a @e in place b-ut befo*e oty Lath, Wpsutn baatC or tzll olxlng i,s applied, otd. before otg insulation is concealed. After installation ie AIm & AWRCACw APPIN: After forns@{ffiffiV;l* to pourtng onctete.- SIDWALX 3 DRT,'EflAY: Pot aL|, eon-ffi@Effi street r"isht-qf-W, to be aade after all e*ca- lbtirlg eanplete & forn &nk & sub- hse nsteria.L in plaee. PENtr: Uhen annplete -- fuouil.e gates ar rortable aeetions through P.A.E. BUILDIiICS Sudteg seaer eapped et pz'operfi; Lir:e Septic tutk p.nped attd. fi.Lled with gta;;e, Final - Vhen abcue itens ale ccmpleted and uhen denalition is eomplete o" stt'uc- ture nooed ord pz'ewtses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up PT,wtbing connections -- aane? otd, uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-up and. plwrbing eonnections nast be apprc"^ei before requesting elec*.rical inspeelion Aecessot s* Buildnng tr ?o a V Final - ,tfter etc. are eompt pcrches, ekirting, deeks, AIL g,ojeet conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conpleti'.on of the requited Laitdscaping, etc., rmtet be satisfied befoz,e the BULLDING FfNAL can be tequested. ?INAL BALLDIN?: The ?inal Building fnepection mtat be requested aftet the Pinal PlunbinX Electrical, and Meelurical fnspections lnua been nade atd approoeC. *ALL I4ANI|CLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTInENT.TO BE ttADE AT NO CCST T0 CI?y Page 1 of 2 \ T rl o ?@Aesessors l@t t 71 ,oor* rono JOB NO.SOLAR A/ ESS REQ.-L-CO c Bedtoqns: Lot Sq. Ptg. Z cf Lot Cotteraga LOt TWg Lot ?aces - # of Stories Total Eeight Topogrqhg fnteticr Cotner Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac L House I?EI,I F?G x Value Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the ecpress condition tllat the said consttaetionsltall, i.n.all .respeets, conforrn to the 7r,&inance adopted 6:y the City ofSpringfield, ineludtng the Zoning Cydinance, regulating th-e ccnsttubtibn anl..use of buildings, and mag be suspend.ed or rbtsokeC it *ny time upon uic-Lation of @ty ptctsisions of said *Oi*"n". .. ... TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1..5 0 * Building Pendt State -)(Reeeipt #:?otal Chargea Signed: NO.FEE CHARCE PlumbingFi.ztures Pe rmr Reeil.antial (1 bath)No pereon sltall eonsttuct, instal!., alter ot chorqe dnA net ct eristing plunbing on dtainage systan in ahole or in pa.tt, unless such person is the Legal. possessoz, of a oalid plwtberts License, eccept tlwt a pe"son nag do pln-,bing uotk to p?operty uhich is oLmed, Leased or opetated by the 6ppli- eant. Sanet Plutrbing Penrit State * Electricql Permit Where State Lan reEtites that the electrteal uork be doae by an Eleetrical Conttv,ctor, the electrLcal portion of this permit slull rot be oa|,il wtttl.the label hae been signed by the Electrieal Contractor. PFP Stdte *vl Nas,/Esterd CirarLts Smiee NC FEE * Mechonicql Permit ful@,Bt Hood llcodstotte Ve?tt Fot PermLt fssudoe Meclnnical Pefir[t -- ENCROACEMEN? -- 9ec,trit1l Deposit Storo4e Maintenance Perrrit Cvtbcu! Pence Electrical Iabel llobile Hone .//-6-92 Date f flAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED the contpleted application for pennit, and. do hereby certify that all information hereon ie ttwe and correct, otC I further certify that any ard all aotk perforned slwll be done in accot- dance tLth the 0rdinances of the City of Spr.Lngfield, ard, the Las of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the uoz,k Cescr.tbed herein, dtld that No 0CCa- PANCY tril,L be nade of anA st"uctule lyithout perniseion of the Building DL- tision. f further eertif'g that otly cont?acto"s otd enplcyees uho ate in eanpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie project Ar tLb r? J.T)TAL AM)ANT DUE:I ' -; {Q;o1 Signed c +.(zu-h./rz r oL tute Sida')alk