HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-06-21" KE)ilJr-,lY I iAL" Zzs North rrt, iro"*"trcAr ro* /PERMrr SprLngfield, Or,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTIINGFTELD *"4 Signed: Date General Plutnbi.ng ELectrieal 14echanical Constm.etion Lender SITE INSPEC!ION:%;au;tl;;;61 ?o be rmde aftet,prtor tc set up of It ie the respoasibility of the pernrit |toldep to aee that aLL inspections ate nade at the ptope? time, that each addzess is readnb';e fron the at?eet, and tlwt the peznrit eatd ia Located at the frcnt of tlte propeyttt.*Building Diuicion cppro"*ed plan slnll yemain on the Bunlding Sitc'at aLL' tikes." PR)jEDUqE F1R INSPEc?I1il R,qWST;CALL 726-3769 (tecorder) state Aou! City lesigrnted job ntm,ber, job aC&ess, type of inspee;icn tequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Cont?acta?a o? A,tners natne and plnne number. Requests receited befcre 7:00 cnliLL be nade the sone day, "equests nade after ?:00 on tyill be nade the neot,aoz,king day. Iour City Desigr,ated Job llunbez, fs:043 DE?.tOLI?fu\! OR :.:OW' BUILDI;|CSIo required uapor baruie?a @e in p-l.ace but before ay Lath, Wpslnn baatC or tmLL couering is applied, and before otg insulation is concealed. Sanitary saser eapped at properfil Line Septic tank putped a,*td filled vtth g,atei pourLng ccnerete. -L4sDERcRout D pLuteltt _EEwEi- w.AJlR,,d Lirq trenchee, 7 upoenrtooR qLUMBTNI & MECIANTGAL:tlof floor ineulation oz. decking. forms. ANDERSLAB PLUMBINL E!.EC:TRICAL A WCHAIIICAL: To be nade before ang uork is cotseyed. To be rmCe are egcaua ted and ote erected, but ptior to l-- DR,IWALL INSPECTI1N: Tc be nade I tfrF;;tT-@;afrs in pl.ace, - but prior to any taping. Final - I{hen abcoe itens ave conpleted and uhen Cenaliti.on is eornplete o? sttac- ture moued ard. prertrises cleaneC up. Mobile Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plwrbing connections -- aaner qd. uater Electrical Ccmnection - Bloekin4, aet-up and plwnbing connections rn;st be apprc"*ed before requesting eleclrical inspeclion Aecessory Building Pinal - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. are cornpleted. MAS)NRU Steel beons, gz,outing accordotce urLth 2415. Location, bond or oerticals in U.B.C. Section To be made prior to f flooz, insulation or Aften instalLation is CURB & APPRCACI] APPON:ee erected 6n nio" conctete. SIDETIALK & DRIIWAY: Fot, a'l,L eon-q,et;Va,r@Affin street right- of-txA, to be nade after aLL erca- oating eonplete & forn uotk & sub- base naterLal in place. I I llOODSTOtrtE: L4'cc*pT;m. BEAM: o After fornsto pouning decking. PI^A.EPLACE: ,nat;i;G No to these inspections ltanse been made ard. approrsed.. h,i.or to placirq faeing and befoz'e franing inspee- tion. & bracing 8 ehirmeys, etc. rrust be . eotnpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection lae'been made anC approoed. PLU14BIIIG MECHANICAL ltust be ?equested afte"of plwr,bing, electrL-P. U.EAIL roofing h4ren conplat.e -- Prooide oy, mooable sections through nFAlflr. AAes ALL ptoject conditione, sueh as the installation of street trees, eonDletton of the required Landsccping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FfNAL ean be nequested. BUfLDfNc: The Final Building Inepeetion trust be requested after the linc,L Plutnbing ^)Eleetrical, anC Meclnnical fnspections haue been nade and approo Job Loeaticn: /6 Assessors Map #?oz Int # Subdioision: e.-b..o trJ ->45 / X36/A,mer: edtuess: )lo )Phone Descr"Lbe llotk: yoTun &f{4 AaLpoo t--t Neu !.!obi Date of App Li,caticn C * 1" -A t ,ly eao^Additicn D*l Ll(',*c.&e-r BC. Pege 1 of 2 -/'t*{nmr ELE?TRT1AL *ALL \LANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTE MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\|E\|! T0 BE LL4DE lT N0 CCST T0 cl?v Uontracto"s f)oci t. I YD^Rtl).0- ^ tr N4o4J GrffiZone:a BeCtoons: % cf Lot Cotsenage # of Stories Total Height Topogrcphg LOT ?WE ,-'z-Anterior Access. Value Ileat Tzv- c2 t ITEM x Df House Lot Paces -D+^ Lace toxe Cotner Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Main Geaae Carport Accessot u Ntrt:t\\C)\ TOTAL VALUE ZG.Oc, (oeLue)S.D.C. 1.5 c S PLan cheek Frn, V 57.54 Building Volue & Permit This perrnr.t is granted on the enpress condition tlut the said construeti,on s?nLL, in all respects, confom to the OrdLnance adopted Liy the City of Spningfield, includtng the Soning Cydinance, regulating the ecnstrabticn and..use of buildi.ngs, and may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cr,A time upon oic-'lntion of dtA prcoisions of said Ordinances. Bui.Lding Perrrit ?otal Clanges State Date Paid: Signed: NO ILL UffifrUL Fi.ctuz,es Plumbing Permi Resilentia.L (1 bath)No- person sha-Ll .eonstruct, install,, alter or cltange artA neD cr eristing ylutnbirry or dtainage eAstan in uhole or in pa.rt, unlesi sueh person is- the Le,gal _posseasor of a oalid phtnber,s L.Lcense, etcept tlnt a p-erson ma! doplunbing aork to prope?tA uhich is otned, Leased oi opetated ty tfte "ppli-cant. Pltnbing Perni cc,qo qo Nau/Eotend Circuits co Electricol Permit Where Stnte La requiyes tlat the electz.ieal uork be done by an Eleeh,icalcontraeto", the electrical portion of this pernit slnll not be oali.c untilthe Label \ns been signed by the Electuical- Contracto?.?aryoreg Sezoice L \ S.oa Iotal eo -- ENCROACHMENT -. NC FEE CITARCE Mechonicol Permit Echatet HooC Vcodstoise Vent P@l OO OO PermLt fssurnce Mechanical Permtt nz r Sectrit! Deposi.t Storage Maintenance Permit Clt bcu! Sideualk Electnical Label ?D Mobile Hone Receipt #:tBob ?otaL r HAw cAREFaLLy ExAl'lrNED the eornpleted applieation for'pennit, and dohereby certify that aLL infornation hereoi is t,ue and ebrutect-, anC ffu,thet' ce,tify that ang ard aLL uonk perfonned srtall be done in oo"oo-danee rtith the Ondinances of the CitA bf bpmngfieLd, and. the Lc:,;s of thestate of 0"egon pertaining to the uork cescribbd herein, and tlnt No occu-P4Nc: LI|LL_ b^e trryde of ana st"ucttpe uithout pernission of the Buitding DL-otsion. I further centify that only conty,aeto,s ad, anplcyees uho at-e ineonpLiance uith ORS ?01.058 oiLL be used on this projeci T)TAL AM1UNI DUE:*\Gq,6L Signed Date 1-\ a,o \\q.Qo I a'-S.G Sazitamt Seuer llctey E.lt o 3 LE to 55:l65gl C,Itnu,{6am-{ uz,mctm !{ ! sefosnr cornphirit ms 7,2,3arxd1. Pu i yolrr addrads in the "RETU RN TO" spse on th rcwrr ridr. Frllura to do ttir wil I pra,cnt thls clrd t. chcck box(c) of delivory. 2. E Rctricttd */wF for scryico(r) contl!lt returnad to 3. ArticlaAddr[dto: Ed Eil.slerbroeK l6a yoaodlane Dr . 5p.,.,a!,e b!.OQ q1q11 4. Typcof Servlcr: ! ArticleNumber Ery,,, Ew[es>").&t!-ru Atways obtain sigmtuc DATEDELIVERED. of addrsr.egtagmtand 5. Slsrttrrr-aOalrN x-<)r-,fu--,C , )<rr t " o l) 6. Slgruturc - Aemt x Dlta of Drliurrv u(r' lv,=r( ? Do lno ro\f o ! P I'4 ro @UNMDSUUES PENALTY FOR PRIVAIE usE, gilto REruRN TO )offi f f r,,gfl , "srBl|y g F"! E[ D Prfiiln0t xSnl ,.....:i 0r{on gt4n !' U i] 'v SPRINGF!ELD CITY OF SPRINGFIETD O'tr records indicate that on Jung 19, 7984 , Vou sutxnitted plans for the prcposed construction of a fhnily rsnodel to-be lOcat€r1 at Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department CEHTIFIED LEIIM Ed Eusterbrock 162 lVoodlane Drive Springfield, OR. 97477 162 Woodlane Drive $pringfield, Oregon. Tlo date, , not beed obtained.plans The Springfield Building Safety Codes Adrnjnistrative Code states that "Applications for utrich no permit is issued within 180 days following the date of application shal1 e<pire by limitation, and plans and other data sr-rtxni-tted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official.tr Ttre Code further states that, "The Building Off,icial rnay exbend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 18O days upon request by the applicant showlng that circunstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action frryn being taken, No application shaII be exbended rncre than once. In order to renew action on an application after e><piration, the applicant shal1 resutxnit plans and pay a nertr plan review fee." Please check the appropriate box below, indicating which option you prefer, ffid returnthis form within ten (10) days fron the date of this letter. ,--/Yf Please destroy the plans and all related information regarding the above proposed constrrrction. Please hold the plans in your office and I will pick than up within the next five (5) days. If I have not picked the plans up within this tinre period, f understand that they will be destroyed. an of If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 726-3669. Sincerely, W Pleger Plans Brarniner 1rJ^e A/&']j,; e^g -12"x- la *b* -4 ----"^.gr-( d4-*-U da-l/-7 A<-/ 225 North Sth Street o Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753