HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-09-20" RES|DL,.lTlAL". APPLICATION/PERTLIT 225 Notth Sth Street SprLngfiald, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTIINGFIELD Job Loeaticn: Assessors Map #-1 lcz Lot # Otmer: Addzess:a S*.CcrrrsrU)ecC Desq,tbe Hotk: llon RenoCel r-tnn q- ValueDate of App Licaitcn GeneraL L |4eehanicaL -lrtaf ltfnll aD tt^ln- Sanituy sarser capped at WcPerfui Litte Septic tank p,nped cnd filled uith gzazl Final. - ifi,.en abcue itens ate catpleteC and ahen CanaLl.tion is eornplete or stnic- ture mooed ed. pretrLaes eleaned. up. ilcnes Blocking otd Set-ug Plwnbitq eonnections -- sa)e? od. uater Eleetrlcal Ccnnectian - Blcckir'q, set-ut and. plltabing c.r".nections rn;st be apprcxed before request-ng eLeclrical inspectio;: Ac.essory tsutlCir'q Pirtal - After rcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. @e cotnpleted. Pege 1 of 2 Ccrs jrylioa_lender_ It is the responaibility of tle penrit itold* to see that aLL inspections ate nade at lhe propet tisne, that eech adltesa is rezdebl-e fron the sc?eet, and :hat the permit cafti ts Located at the jrcttt oJ' tie properry.*9uilding Diuiciot mpro"'ed plan sitcll remain on the Building !it; at tLL t:-nes. PP)C1DU,IE F1R IttSPECfIAlt R91WST;CALL 726-3769 (tecoydey) stdte Uour City Tesigtnted job nznber, job aCiress, type of itspec=icn requ@beieadgfot,ir'spection,Cont?actar9o/'a,mersr,tc:neandp?nnenwrber.Pequestsz,eee*;edbe!cte7:00an uiLL be made the sane dcg, ?equests nad.e aft* 7:00 an nLLL be nade xhe nectlmrking ci.a7'. Iout, Cifu Desigra.ted .rob ihtnber is: UNDERGRCUIID PiUM9ING, SYNEP.. \I.\?ER, DRAIilAGE: To be nad.e prtar to i'il-Lirq trencies. 11 uta*rzccR ?LL':.BIJG n !4ECHANTGAL:itffiof floor insulation or decking. P0ST AND 9EAl4: To be nade pr.iot to -^il insxaZLaticn of fToor insuia.tion or Ceckinq. ROUG;] ?LN,!BI|'IG. ILECTRTCAL & I4ECH. ffiTth.ese irapeetions lurse been nole cnd agproueC. ?r'Lor to plccirq faeing ard. befot,e iraning inspee- tion. ?RtLl.'!IllG: !fiust be reo.uested afier apptoual of rough plurbing, alectz.i- cal & nec?wnicaL. Al7. roofittg braatng E ehirueys, etc. rt"t$t be contpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspecticn has "been made anC approted. FilIAL PLUAAIUG FINAL ArcHANICAL ,TIIIAL ELEC?RICAL fonns. UNDERSLAS PLL'I,|BI]IC, ELECTRICAL & tECi!!.ilICAL: To be nade be1'cre any uork is cotet,ed. FCO?ING 1 E)IJNDA?ICN: ?o be rmCe ;f;;;A e"cf; atu ;iea ated crd forms are erected, but prior to pouz-tr,4 ccnc?ete. IT?.EPLACE:;a;fra; INSULA?IAII /III,.POR SARRTER IIISFICTICII : Io be nade after aLL tnsulaticn s"ti required oqor bavie?s @e in plaee htt before ag lath, WpsL1]11 bootC cr rnLL eotteving is cpplied, anC before ory irculation is concealed. DRYIIALL illSPlC?ICN: Tc be nade @fiZtT@at-ts in place, but prior to dng ta?ing. location, bond or tertiecls in ,ith U.B,C. Section After installation is caF.B & AP?!c4.cH !.1!9lt: Aftet forms*e erecteC but prLor to pcav)ng eoflc?ete. SIDEilAAK & DRf'.EVAY: For all con- cre;;VaulrrgGx st?eet right- of-uny, to be naCe after all- erca- uatinq canplete I forn ,'Pt'k ,& eub- base natez"ial i,n pl,ace. SiTT INSPEC?ICN::::==::--""-=To be nade after .or.tar tc set up of !ENC!: tihen conplate -- Prouide gates cn notsable seetians thz'a4h DilI ALL project conditions, such as xie t)nstallati-on of street trees, ecno|eci.on,of tie yequired Ladsccpir"g, etc., r,ust be satisfi,ed before the SUILDilIC IIIIAL ean be reqaested. ruNAL BU|LDINC: The Einal Building fnspection mtst be z,equesteci cftet' the l')nal Plunbit"q Electrical, otd. Meclunical fnspections hate been narie ard aporoueC. rALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST tsE ACCESSIBLE, .4DJUSTI\EI|! ?O tsE:,L4DE !.T lIO:3ST lC CI:Y * rI 4.Oo _ ?2-\a:1 u u I 2 JOB NO.soLAR.-CEss REQ.- Mechqnicql Permit u-co # TaE-- Receipt #: PermLt fssu.anee Mechaniccl Penntt PL6n Ezanlne? r EAw cARgFULLy EYA!|TNED the caraleted appl{cation for oetrit, qnd cahereby cettify that aLL tnfotnation hereon- is true and. ecrt,eet, anC Ifi*tker certify that cr.ry ard. aLL aork perforned slu.Li be done in accor- danee oith the ardincnces of the City of SpnLngfield, and. the Lc,;s of the* State of 1regcn pertainina to the ao?k Cescribbd herbtn, md that No 1CCA- P!.llcy uril,L be nad.e of qa_ stzacturz uit?out perrnission of the Buitding Dr.-tision. I furthe, certifu tlat o*Ly cont?aciots acd arylcyees uho u-e inconpliance aith ORS 701.05t aiLL be used on thie project ?[,a Access, SoilreesLot ?aces - Df Lat Sq. Etg. % cf Lot Cooerage # of Stozles L',aXaL leLcht fopogo"pny LC? TWE _ Intez.ior _ Corner _ Panharuile CuL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This pernrrt ,Js granted on the espyess eond.ttion tha.t thE said consttwctionsiu.Ll, '.n a1L resoeets, con:crm:o:he jtdirarce adooted jg :ke Cit.1 t," Spxingfield, includ.ing the Zoning Crciinatce, regulating the ccnstz.te;icn qn"C. use of buildtn4s, and. nag be suspendeC oz, reuokei at any tine tpon uic-lation of any crcuiaions of said arCir,cnces. VaZue TOTAL VALUE x c nt 1< - EuilCing Pe"nit ?otal Chzrges State N9 pez,son oha.ll cottstmtct, inetall., alter or eharqe cn! netn cr eristing glwnbina or drainage systa.n in ahole or in patt, tnless such person is the Le_gaL possessor of a ualid plunber's License, escept tt",at a pbt,son nay do pltm,bing uork to p"opert! uhich is ouned, Leased oz, operated by the cppli- @nt. NOITTM Itbtunes Resid.znti-al (1 bath) Saner 1 Plumbing Permit Electricol Permit Were State Lan requires th.ai the elect*ieal uork be done by an ELectrical Cont"acto?, the eleeti"cal portion of this pemnit shalL rot be oalii untilthe Label has been aigned bg the Electz.teal Contracto?. Na,t/Extend Ciraxtta Sentice iT3!4 litttt"zce ?TU / S bhatst HooC r/ent Fo1 ilcodsio;se "fr -- EllcRoAcillrElt? -- Seanrity Deposit Sto?ege i4an)ntsnar,.ce Perwtt I Cuzbcut SiCa,talk E LeCt"1-cAL Labe L Mobile Eone r7 TO?A,L AI"IOUTI? DUE: *Date Bedtoons: fi4.LfuTUL ildte? State Sutcl^arge Tctal Charaes !enee \a(4o 8 2-.