HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-05-24SPFIINGFIET-IC I .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT zzs itonth |th street Spr"tngfteld, 2regon 97477 iiz:|iT" oiuision 1eU- 37Uq Address LL t/D S Job Locaticn:1t Aooeeoors Map ll 11033 le fribclivieton Asner: ta Iot ll L zip:1 1 Deoct4be h'ot:l< Value Additicn RenoCeL llobiLe llone Date of Applicaticn on ra o Ceneral {hstdt,^hal t/,4 h.ta:A ir ,nr"", f)Ql -q g s lltt P lutnb 1 nica Ul.eccrica Supervtsin lllec l- t'it'irlrr It io tha reaponcibitity of tto permit hol<|er to Bao that aLL inopectione are nade at the J'ton the otreet, anC t)nt the pct'tmt oard ia Lccated at the fpont of the property.r|uilding Nui:io: approved plctn slrcll remairr on tlrc Buildtnlt Sitc at all tinea. PnocsDUPE Fon IilsPEa'rIoN RSQUES'|'.'CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your. City deaignated job eadyforinspcction,Cot'ttt,aatoreoia,n"r"-,o,o"-a,,dplon"tiLL be nnde the oone dcy, requeBte ncde after 7:00 on viLL be rade the ncst l,nnking day. lour City Deaigr,ated Job Nwnber fo Re<ndred fn:;nec ti. cn:, ptopet tine, that ecoh ailreas ie realab'.e ' nwrbet,, job aCdrcae, type of inspec'.ictr nwnbcr. RequeBtl receiued befcre 7:00 ct Satorl4b pouring ccncrete. ? ini1fl u.ryosncnous D zLU!!J!!,_!!J!tL- W!.LLtALir4 trenches, l-l ur,tDERFLooR pr.utlD l:tc,p, utc!!ANIcAL:I t WtaLTiTTonoTfloor tnaulction or decking, SITE INSPEC':I0|'|: ?o be nnde alter ercauation, but prior tc se! up of forme, UNDER€ L4! PLUI,IIs !NQ- E IIECT\I CA L EittdiiiiCii i ,nede bejot,e any r,rot k io coucred, FOO?INC t F)UllD,lTIClt: To be naCe after trenchcs are excavated and forns ate erected, but prior to POST AND BEAt,l: To be nade prior to Lation oninstallatian of floor insu usur,w: To be neCe after aLL inaulaticn ail rcquired uapon bawierl a.re in plaoe but before any Lath, gyplrn board or unLL couering ie applied, crd before ory ineulatiott is concealed. DRYllALt, IIISPEC"I!)N: Tc be nwdeal6, An;yDaTfio in place, bub prior to any taping. iIASONRY: Steel Location, boncl iiililgroutittg or vertical,s in accordance oLth U,B.C. Section 2415. wooDsT1yE: cc^pCiA. After inatallation io CURB E AlPnCAClt AFiOll: Atter formaare erecte,J but prior to pouring conet,ete, SID!:tlAl,K ,? DRTVH,IAY: For all con- crete pauing D.L tlin otreet right- of-rx:!J, to be nwde aften aLL erca- uatine conplete & forn utotk & eub-'base raterial in plate. DETIOLIT Sanilaty aaen cappeil at propcttg' Line Septic tank pwrped ard fillad vtth gna:tel Pinal - l,lhen above itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cenoliti.on ia oanplete or stru2- tura nooed ard, premtsee oleaneC up. ttobi llcnea Dlooking ord set-up Plunbing connectiona -- sa,)ar ard ttaler Eleatriaal Conneotion - Blooking, set-ui and plwnbing conneotione mtst be apprcl'ed beforc requeeting eleotrtcal inspection Aoceasorii Building Pinal - /lftar pcrchea, etc. ars oanpleted. akirting, decks, decking, no,_tcil Pr,utlqritc. rt.E!!!rlA!, ,1 Mtcu-ANIC** No ';ot* {;T;-i;""a"*;d' GiT-thcse inspectior:s haue beer nanle arul apV'oue:!. FI1EPLACE: Prior to plccirq fccingncterials cnd bcfore franing inopea-tion. PRA\NC: ltuct be requccted after apptoual ol rough plwnbing, electri-cal ,l necltanieal. AL! r,oofing bracin4 e chinncya, etc. rwst be , cornpletcd. llo r.tcrk ia to be con- . cecl.ed until thia inspcction lna'been nade anC approved. iAlL: h|rcn conplete -- ProuiCe guteD or movable aactions throttgh P, U. E. "):u\ FIIIAL PLUI,:BTIIC FT iIA L I.IEC IIA iI I CA I, FINAL ELEC??TCAL ALL pnoiect c:onditions, such ao blrc i.natallation of atreet tneee, co::tplation of the re.quirr:d Landsccpir:g, ctc,, tntat be aatiafied bcfone the BUILDINC FIllAt+ can be requested. IlINllL BUI|,D|NC: 'l'hit ['i.tnl Building fnopeation nuet bs requeotad aftet the final PlwnbingElcctr"tcal, anC ttecJnrical Inspectiono hquo been nade ard approved Pagc 1 of !IAI,I. IIANIICLES AND CLI:.'ANOU'I'3 III.I:'I'DI: ACCL:SSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIr TO BE TL4DE A? NO COST IO CrcY r] ArL t Unth n w JO t] No.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co co' Lat I'acea - Sethackc P, L,llouae Cnrage Acec ss North Eaa t South Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 of tot Cooerage ! of Sbrteo LOT TYPE Interion _ Connen _ Panhandle CuL-de-aacTopogmphy T- Val.uarTEMFTGv l,/e n t I'hin kJ,ace CarDct, t Accessot,tt ?O?AL VALUE cS.D,C. 1,5 A cilAnGEi,0.FEE Firtured Reaide.ntial (1 bath) !;anitary Seder llcter /5, oo ,'75 CIIARGF;ITEII NO Res, So. fta, Neu/Ertend Circuita Tqnporory Sentice cllAncENC.FCn Fvrnzce tTUtS Er,hant llooC Vent F@t l,lcodetoite -. ENCBOACHMENT -- Sectri tit l,lai.ntcnanee Pcrmib Atrbcu! Sida,talk Fetee ELectnical Label Nobile llane /ConstY BaiyOOt;s: So;rra a n !leat P.' toue -- Feeo -- ' Build.ing Permit Sto.te Total Clargee Plunbing Pernit Building Vqlue & Perm it Tlrio 1x:rmit; i,a grant*l on Llrc arryrooo cowli.Li.ott tluL the lair) con:;Lttt<:Li.<.ahalL, in .all. renpccL::, con!'or11, Lo Lhc Orrli.tttttr:a :ttlol t.,,.! tt11 ita Ctl.y ofSprinlfieLd, i.trcluditt17 !:lte .il,ottirtg Ct d!nan<:c, ra,.lul.,;l.itt,r Llt,: carctr;icLi.cn and uca ol bui.Ldinos, antl nerl bd euapcndeil or rcucsi:cL,iL ct:tj t'-ria upot: ut Lal;ion ol atty prcoittiot;o of eaid'Ordinances. Mechqnicol Permit PLan Check Foe t)atc Pai-d l?eceipt ll Signed Plumbing Permit No percon olnll cottcLtttct:, ina';al!, alter or clnttgc cnlJ nea cr e:istittg plwnbing or drainalTe nyaten i.n ulole or in part, w:Lcss such person is th legal poeocssor of a oali.d plunbcr'a Licotce, axccpt; tl:ct a pe:son na.t do pltnhing uork l:<> propcrl:y tlhiah is odncd, Lcascil or opercted by thc c;;pli. eant, Electricol Permit l{here SLaLa l,on requircs tlat tha alactrical utork be done by ort gLest.rtcaZ Contractor, tho. alectrical pontiort of lhis pcnnit cluzll not be ualiC wttit the Label lna been oigned by the Electri.eaL Contractor, Permit feeuooe Mechanical Perntt ?otdl I'Lant, E*:l:rtt rtct'Da Lc I ttAVE CAREFULLy EXAI'IINED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby certi.fy tlnt all i:;fonv.tiott hereon ia true and corrcct, anC f !\tt,then cartily that an11 ard aLL wnk penfor'ned alnll be do:te in accor- dance urith the 1rdinanceo of tha City of Springfield' and thc L'cse of tho Stata of 1regcn pertaittttrg to tha l;rnk Ceocribcd hereln, cnd !|nt N0 ?CCI- PAIICI u'iLL bZ naCe of an1 attucture oithout permiosioti of the Building Di- vieion. I further cert;i'fi thet only contracta'!; a;;d c.nplc'gaes ul:o are in eaqllance Dith cns ?01.1ss wiLL bo ueed on tlio pro,jcct TOTA|, ATIOUM rn?.. A gned A/ f,,: Z t r A ITEI'I r .q,1sTotal Charoea State Sunol,ange Elactrioal Permit Stcte Sunclnrge Total Clur6ea TTliM Stdta Sv?clarae Total Claraao