HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/17/2020City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision SPRINGFIELD w * Application Type (Applicant: check one) Partition Tentative Pre -Submittal: X Subdivision Tentative Pre -Submittal: ❑ Partition Tentative Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Jim McLaughlin PLS Phone -(541) 658-0123 Company: Jim McLaughlin PLS Fax: Address: 2600 19th Street, Springfield OR 97477 (email = cewmjtm@gmail.com) Applicant's Rep.: Ryan Erickson PLS Phofihil ) 688-8322 Company: EGR &Associates, Inc. I Fax: Address: 2535B Praire Road Eugene OR 97402 (email = rerickson@egregassoc.com) Property Owner: Amy McKay Romero Phone: (541) 484-7102 Company: McKay Commercial Properties, LLC Fax: Address: (email = amy@mckaycp.com) ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-25-3-1 TAX LOT NOS : 07701 Property Address: 1611 18th Street, Springfield OR Size of Property: 3.75 Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Proposed Name of Subdivision: Description of If you are filling in this fonn by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Existing Use: Major Retail Commercial # of Lots/Parcels: of parcels/ allowable dens) : =able Proposed ft Dwell Units Si natures: Please sin and print your name and date in the appropriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff. Associated Applications: box on the nexta e. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: Technical Fee: Posta a Fee: TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 kl 1 of 10 Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: • ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre -Submittal and Submittal. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ® Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre -submittal and submittal stages. X❑ Land Division Tentative Application Form 91 Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. Density - list the size of property (acres), maximum allowable density and the density proposed. ® Copy of the Deed X❑ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ❑ Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 81/:"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. X❑ Right -of -Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. ❑ Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ❑ Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 A.4. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. ❑ Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre -Submittal OR Three (3) Copies of the Following Plan Sets: ❑ All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ❑ All plan sets must be folded to 81/2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions 91 Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer Revised 1/7/14 kl 4 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre -Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: 17 July 2020 Signature Submittal Owner: T. I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affimn the Information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application Is provided herein or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the Information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Signature Date: Revised 1/7/14 kl 2 of 10 PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION FORM I hereby affirm that I am the owner of the property located at: Property Address: 1611 18th Street City Spcingfi ld State Oregon Tax Map and Parcel Number: 17 03 25 3 Zip Code 97477 1 7701 By signing below, I authorize the Individual identified In the following section to act a my authorized agent with regard to any and all applications made to: City of Springfield - Planning for the activities described. The individual identified below shall remain in this capacity with regard to any applications and subsequently issued permits indefinitely unless an express written request to terminate this authorization, signed by me, is submitted to: City of Springfield - Planning Project/Activity Partition Signature of Owner /a Printed Owner Name: /jn, Printed Name of Permit Applicant / Owners Authorized Agent Address 2778 19th Street City Springfield Telephone Number Signature of Agent Jim McLaughlin PLS state oregon (541) 729-4886 Date: y_ /3_.;2D Zip Code 97477 Email cermj=@gmail.oam Date: 21st Feb 2020 JZ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. Density - list the size of property (acres), maximum allowable density and the density proposed. Applicant's Statement: The purpose of this proposed partition is to separate the current Burger King operation from the remainder of the commercial uses located on the subject parcel (17-03-25-31-07701). The goal of this process is to allow a change of ownership of the Burger King operation onto an individual legally created parcel (PARCEL 1), and the remanding commercial operations onto a second, separate, legally created parcel (PARCEL 2). No specific infrastructure improvements are required to meet the goal of this application, therefore no Stormwater Management Plan is anticipated as a requirement. Land Division Tentative Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Land Division Tentative Application for Pre -Submittal • The application must conform to the Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of this application packet. • A pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre -submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. • Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre -submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre -Submittal Meeting • The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre - submittal meeting. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. • The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre -Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 180 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • A complete application must conform to the land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of this application packet. • A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Oficial. Revised 1/7/14 kl 3 of 10 ❑ Vicinity Map ❑ The name, location, and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines. ❑ The name, location, dimensions, direction of Flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ❑ The 100 -year floodplain and Floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ❑ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ❑ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 1/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ❑ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Land Division Tentative Plan ❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor ❑ City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land division ❑ Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division ❑ Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale ❑ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination ❑ Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. ❑ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities ❑ Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways ❑ Location of existing and proposed transit facilities ❑ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails ❑ Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip Revised 1/7/14 kl 5 of 10 ■J ❑ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points ❑ The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated ❑ Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5.12-120 E. c. Stormwater Management Plan ❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer ❑ Planting plan i proposed as p ❑ Roof drainage ❑ Pervious and ii ❑ The size and k not limited to: quality measui ❑ Existing and p land with a slo ❑ Amount of proposed cut and fill Additional Materials That May be Required where plants are ents, including but ponds; stormwater foot intervals (for intervals) IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE -DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ❑ Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement ❑ Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 ❑ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ❑ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ❑ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district ❑ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ❑ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ❑ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review ❑ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Revised 1/7/14 Id 6 of 10 ❑ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 ❑ An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer ❑ All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing Revised 1/7/14 kl 7 of 10 DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS December 6, 2013 REQUIRED STORMWATER SCOPING SHEET USE POLICY: SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX: 541.736.1021 wwwspdng(eld-or. gov In October 2003, Springfield Public Works released a trial "stormwater scoping sheet," provided to help engineers and developers meet stormwater requirements in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). After a five month trial period, it became apparent that users of the scoping sheet submitted much more complete applications than non-users. An added bonus was a decrease in the overall review time spent on the applications, resulting in quicker notice of decisions. As a result of the benefits of the scoping sheets, the City has decided to make their use a mandatory process. Current city policy is that the use of stonnovater scoping sheets is required for all applications which require development review. All applications submitted to the City shall provide a copy of a completed stormwater scoping sheet with the application packet. Attached with this letter is the latest version of the scoping sheet, which reflects changes requested by the development community PLEASE 1.) Ohl 2.) Fill (N( 3.) Ma Mc 4.) Rei stom 5.) Incl WILL NODE REQUIRED :T, STOgMFATER STUDY )iicat9WxeL city w , or rp hal 1Wm sheet) = to cc ,et ur is receiv the ( all pag scoping M:7 1 A IN S: on sto :meats for 1) copies of compl g sh igned by en t the bottom of page 2), a that comply with tffUMMimunffMuired scope bmittal of application pat shall be included as an attachment, inside the front cover of the stormwater study Stormwmer scoping sheets can be found with all application packets (City website and the DPW front counter) as well as on the Engineering and Construction Resources webpage located at: http://www.sprinefield- or.gov/DPW/F,neincerinamdConstmctionResources.htm under the Public Improvement Permit Projects Forms section. Thank you in advance for working with the City of Springfield with this new process. Sincerely, Clayton McEachem, PE City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Email: cmceachem@springfieldor.gov Phone: (541) 736-1036 Fax (541) 736 — 1021 DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTHST OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX: 541.726.1021 www.spnngfield-orgov STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ---- -- (Area below this line filled out by Applicant) — — (Please return to Clayton McEachern @ City of Springfield Development and Public Works; Fax # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1036), email: cmceachern@spnngfield-or.gov Project Name: Applicant: Assessors Parcel #: Date: Land Use(s): Phone #: Project Size (Acres): Fax #: Approx. Impervious Area: Email: Drainage (Are. below, d out by ;itv and Retu (. inlmum, all boxes ch. a City or front and bac, t application to be court ubmitt4__�houRh other r ❑ Small Site Study — (use Rational Method for calculations) ❑ Mid -Level Development Study — (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) ❑ Full Drainage Development Study — (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: ❑ Wellhead Zone: ❑ Wetland/Riparian: ❑ Soil Type: Downstream Analysis: ❑ N/A ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: ❑ Hillside Development: ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: ❑ Other Jurisdictions Return to Clayton McEachern @ City of Springfield, email. cmceachem@springfield-or gov, FAX., (541) 736-1021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS F°roti a ose owv' a Based upon the information provided on the front of this sheet, the following represents a minimum of what is needed for an application to be complete for submittal with respect to drainage; however, this listshould not be used in lieu ofthe Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design Manual Compliance with these requirements does not constitute site approval; Additional site specific information maybe required. Note: Upon scoping sheet submittal, ensure completed farm has been signed in the space provided below: (Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd N/A ❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multichambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for stormwater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. ❑ Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. ❑ ❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (Sec2.4.1). ❑ ❑ If a stormwater treatment swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stormw iter Management Manual. ❑ Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM. All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. General Study Requirements(EDSPM Section 4.03 Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. A 'e drainage study, as req EDSPM Section , including a hydr study map. El FJ CL showing system capam a 2 -year smrm a overflow effe a 'az storm event. TI 'centration (Tc) sha etermined using ute start time ✓eh Basins. Review of Dowr m . (EDSPM See th .4. A ;[rearage analysis in 'bed in EDSP on 4.03.4.C. drainaga be governed by the Om Plumb, -ialty Code I ). ❑ ❑ El ns of the nd flow lir both city to systems wh icable. ❑ ❑ IA tf Storm S DSPM n 4.04). ❑ ❑ FFl es, slopes, ' ns, and sily indicated ❑ ❑M m pipe cover sha orle" ipe and 36 me lain concrete and pl a materials, m ngineerin t calcula vide d less. The to be sufficient to sanpo 016 load M� g's "n" values for pipe�,onsist th Table 4-1 SP. All storm pipes elsM11W to ac a minimum velocity of th feet and at 0.5 i ased on Table `l as wl. Other!Misceflaneous ❑ ❑ Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains. ❑ ❑ Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private smarnwater flows from one property to another. ❑ ❑ Drywells shall not receive nmoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the website: htm://www.deQ.state.or.us/wu/uic/Uie.htm for more information. ❑ ❑ Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. *This form shall be included as an attachment, inside the front cover, of the stormwater study. *IMPORTANT, ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOWAND SIGN! As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stomiwater study and plan set. Signature Date Form Version 5: Jane 2015 X1 Copy of the Deed Q Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances.