HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 7/7/2020Pre -Submittal Meeting Development and Public Works Department Room 616 PRE -SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, July 17, 2020 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. DPW CenfeFenee Room 616 Pre -Submittal (Site Plan Review) #811 -20 -000125 -PRE 811 -20 -000056 -PRO] ALLC LLC Assessor's Map: 17-02-34-34 TL: 700 Address: 6185 Main Street Existing Use: Vacant Applicant has submitted plans to construct two 7 -unit multi -family buildings, three townhomes and associated infrastructure, including extension of Aster St. Planner: Melissa Carino Meeting: Friday, July 17, 202011:00— 12:00 via GoToMeeting Oty of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development and Public Works 225 nflh Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 Fax 541-726-3609 Web Address: http://www.spri�feHar.gov/dpw/CurmntD velopment ivsion.htm Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or.gov Pre - Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: 811 -20 -000123 -PRE Date Submitted: 7/2/20 Project Name: Arrowhead Meadows Project Description: Pre -Submittal Meeting - Proposed development of two 7 -unit multi -family dwellings and three townhomes including parking, utilities, storage and the extension of Aster St. Application Type: Pre -Application Conference (City) Job Address: 6185 MAIN ST, Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel: 1702343400700 Meeting Date: 07/37/2020 Meeting Time: 11:00 AM Planner: A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contactym to confirm Me mount, data and time. DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre -Submittal Meeting and the Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. 3:43 pm Page 1 of 1 C:\myReports/reports//producdan/01 STANDARD REPORTS/Ad Pre_ Submittalyr.rpt 311 VICINITY MAP 811 -20 -000125 -PRE Pre -Submittal Meeting 17-02-34-34 TL 700 6185 Main Street Nathan Wiedenmann, Allc LLC City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD W 0#/ Type NEW (Applicant. dieck Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: ❑x Major Site Plan Modification Pre-SubmittalApplication , L]Site Plan Review Submittal: ❑ Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant. complete this section) Applicant Name: Nathan Wiedenmann Phone: 503-559-3535 Company: ALLC, LLC Email: nathan@stellalighting.c Address: 88141 Chita Lp, Springfield, OR 97476 Applicant's Rep.: Renee Clough, PLS PE AICP Phone: 541-746-0637 • Branch Engineering,Inc Company: reneec@branchengineering.com Email: Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Property Owner: Nathan Wiedenmann Phone: 503-559-3535 Company: ALLC LLC Email: nathan@stellalighting.c Address: 88141 Chita Lp, Springfield, OR 97478 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-34-34 TAX LOT NOS : 700 Property Address: 6165 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97476 Size of Property: 1.0 Acres x❑ Square Feet ❑ No. of Proposed 17 Proposed Name of Project: Arrowhead Meadows Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal:Two multifamily dwellings with 7 units each, 3 townhomes and associated parking, utilities and s orage. nc u es a ex ension o ser Streeto reacha site. ExistingUse: Vacant New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 0.55 ac sf Si natures: Please sign and Drint Mour name and date in the acicirociriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next a e. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 Id 1 of 11 aw Im ranch ENGINEERING= July 2, 2020 TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW - ARROWHEAD MEADOWS TAX MAP 17-02-34-34, TAX LOT 700 WRITTEN STATEMENT Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 19-453 This site plan review application is for the property formerly addressed as 6185 Main Street in Springfield, Oregon, Tax Map 17-02-34-34, Tax Lot 700. The site is currently vacant and formerly had a single-family dwelling. The proposed site plan will develop the property to accommodate three townhouses and two multi -family buildings with seven units each, as well as the associated open space areas. The property was rezoned from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential in accordance with the Metro Plan on May 19, 2020. The applicable approval criteria are addressed below. 5.17-100 Site Plan Review 5.17-105 Purpose and Applicability The project qualifies for Site Plan Review under SDC 5.17-105(B)(1) for the townhomes and (2)(a) for the multi -family buildings. As mentioned above, the property is zoned as Medium Density Residential. The townhouses and multi- family housing are new development on a vacant site and do not meet any of the criteria for exception under SDC 5.17-105(B)(1)(a) and (b) or SDC 5.17- 105(B)(2)(c)(v)(a) and (b). 5.17-115 Phased Development The site plan phasing is shown in the plan set as required by SDC 5.17-115(A). One or more phases may be constructed at one time and/or the phases constructed in non -numerical order. No exceptions listed under SDC 5.17- 115(B) are applicable. Public facilities will be constructed in conjunction with or prior to each phase, as per SDC 5.17-115(C)(1). Neither the City nor adjacent property owners will be required to construct public facilities associated with the development proposal, as per SDC 5.17-115(C)(2). 5.17-120 Submittal Requirements The Site Plan application has been prepared by Renee Clough, PE PLS, AICP, an Oregon licensed surveyor and civil engineer. The general requirements outlined under SDC 5.17-120(A) for scale, address tax map/tax lot number, EOG ENE -SPRINGFIELD ALRANV 310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 1 p- 541.746.0637 1 w .branchengineering.mm Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 dimensions of the development area, proposed and existing buildings/fences/walls, and area of all properties to be conveyed have all been met and are represented in the site plan drawing. SDC 5.17-120(A)(6), proposed number of employees and future expansions plans, and SDC 5.17- 120(A)(8), observance of solar access requirements as specified in the appropriate zoning district, are not applicable for this project. It should be noted that the solar access requirements are not applicable due to SDC 3.2- 225.3.b.ii (the hillside to the south) and 3.2-225.3.c.i (Main Street and Aster Street). SDC 5.17-120(B) lists requirements for the Site Assessment. This application's Site Assessment has been prepared by Renee Clough, PLS, P$ AICP, an Oregon licensed engineer as required. The drawing is to scale with existing contours at 1 -foot intervals. Similarly, the name/location/dimension/direction of flow/top of bank of all available watercourses, 100 -year floodplain boundaries, Time of Travel Zones, physical features such as trees and watercourses, soil types, and natural resource protection areas have all been identified on the drawing as per SDC 5.17-120(B)(1) through (6). SDC 5.17-120(C) lists requirements for the Access, Circulation and Parking Plan. This information has been addressed on the Site Plan instead of its own document, but all necessary code sections have been addressed. The location, dimensions and number of parking spaces, including wheel bumpers and striping, are all detailed on the Site Plan as per SDC 5.17-120(C)(1). No aisles, landscaped areas or directional signs are included as part of this project. On- site vehicular and pedestrian circulation is represented on the Site Plan in accordance with SDC 5.17-120(C)(2). The site is currently vacant, though a single-family home used to be on the property. As such, the existing driveway on Main Street will be closed as indicated on the Existing Conditions Plan. The new accessway along Aster Street has been marked and labeled with the proper dimensions as per SDC 5.17-120(C)(3). Lighting has been illustrated on the Site Plan as per -SEC 5.17-120(C)(4). SDC 5.17-120(C)(5) discusses location, type and number of bicycle spaces. Bicycle parking is provided in storage units and garages as applicable for multifamily and townhome housing. See Section SDC 4.6-115 for further discussion on bicycle parking. SDC 5.17-120(C)(6) discusses gross floor area applicable to parking requirements. The table at SDC 4.6-125 does not specify gross floor area for multifamily or townhome dwellings, rather, parking is based on the number of available units in each dwelling. Under this section, multifamily housing requires 1 space per dwelling unit and single-family dwellings require 2 spaces for each dwelling unit when no paved on -street parking is available directly abutting the property. Sheet CO.0 in the Site Plan details that the minimum amount of parking spaces for Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 2 413 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 this project is 20 (14 spaces for the 14 multifamily units and 6 spaces for the 3 townhouse units) and that the proposed project features 27 spaces. SDC 5.17- 120(C)(7), location of off-street loading areas, is not applicable. No new transit facilities are proposed, though an existing minor stop exists along E Main Street and 62" Place, served by LTD Routes 11 and 91. This is noted on the cover sheet of the site plan, fulfilling the requirements of Section SDC 5.17- 120(C)(8). A copy of the Right -of -Way Approach Permit required under Section SDC 5.17-120(C)(9) will be submitted for the driveway closure as part of the construction permitting process. A Trip Generation Study is not required for this project, as the site has a peak hour traffic estimation of 7 trips during the PM peak and an average daily traffic threshold of 92 daily trips, which is far below the 100 or more peak hour threshold and 1,000 or more trips per day for average daily traffic threshold as indicated in SDC 5.1-120(C)(10). Similarly, there are no known traffic issues where traffic safety, street capacity, future planned facilities or multimodal concerns would be reasonably affected by the proposed development. SDC 5.17-120(D) lists requirements for the Landscape Plan. The only non -lawn grass planting will comply with storm standards and as such is shown on the Stormwater Plan and Site Plan rather than on a separate landscape plan. Screening is required under SDC 4.4-110(A)(4) and (6) as the project contains trash receptacles and is for a multi -family development, further discussion is covered under SDC 4.4-110(A). Screening standards are met with the walls around the trash enclosure. Planting, irrigation systems and materials are listed on the construction plans as required in SDC 5.17-120(D). No new street trees are proposed as part of this project. SDC 5.17-120(F) lists requirements for the Improvements Plan. The required information is included on the Site Plan rather than a separate Improvements Plan. Names and locations of existing and proposed public and private streets including right-of-way and paving dimensions are on the plan as per SDC 5.17- 120(£)(1). No new or existing traffic control devices or fire hydrants are within the project area, and lighting has been indicated on the site plan as per SDC 5.17-120(£)(2). Location, width and construction material for all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps and pedestrian accessways/trails are all included on the site plan, as are location and size of existing and proposed utilities, meeting the code specified in SDC 5.17-120(F)(3) and (4). SDC 5.17-120(F) lists requirements for the Grading, Paving and Stormwater Management Plan. Contours and slopes have been detailed as indicated in the code. The plan has been prepared and signed by a licensed civil engineer, as required in the Code. Planting will be per City standard and therefore will not Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 3 413 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 require a landscape architect. The plan submitted with this application includes the required roof drainage patterns, discharge locations, pervious/impervious area drainage patterns, size/location of stormwater management system components, existing and proposed elevations/site grades/contours, and a stormwater management plan, as detailed in SDC 5.17-120(F)(1) through (5). SDC 5.17-120(G) lists requirements for a Phased Development Plan. This project will be phased, therefore, a Phased Development Plan is required. As per the code, phasing for this project will progress in a sequence that promotes street connectivity between the various phases and accommodates other required public improvements, including but not limited to sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water and electricity. As noted in 5.17-115 one or more phases may be constructed at one time and/or the phases constructed in non -numerical order. SDC 5.17-120(11) lists requirements for an On -Site Lighting Plan. At this time, specific lighting figures have not been selected. Approximate locations and figure features are included on the Site Plan. SDC 5.17-120(1) lists additional information required at the time of Site Plan Review application submittal. These are as follows: This narrative fulfils the requirements of SDC 5.17-120(1)(1). Written permission from the property owner is not necessary per SDC 5.17-120(1)(2) as Nathan lhedenmann of ALLC, LLC is both the property owner and the project applicant. The vicinity map included with this submittal contains all of the required information listed in SDC 5.17-120(1)(3). The zoning of the area is Medium Density Residential and the proposed development of the property meets the zoning designation as required in SDC 5.17-120(11)(4). Multi -family dwellings and attached single-family dwellings are both classified as Permitted Uses with required Site Plan Review in SDC 3.2-210 as per SDC 5.17-120(1)(5). A Tree Felling Permit will be submitted with the construction plans, meeting the qualifications put forth in SDC 5.17-120(1)(6). Section 5.17-120(1)(7) is not applicable as the subject property is located within the City limits. Wetland delineation and wetland impact applications are being submitted concurrently, thereby Mrilling Sections SDC 5.17-120(1)(8) and (9). A geotechnical report has been prepared by an Oregon licensed geotechnical engineer and is submitted along with this application as per 5.17-120(1)(10). Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 4 413 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 5.17-125 Criteria According to SDC 5.17-125, the Director shall approve or approve with conditions: A Type 11 Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria in Subsections A through E have been satisfied. This application fulfills these approval criteria as follows: According to SDC 5.17-125(A), zoning must be consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or the applicable Refinement Plan Diagram, Plan District Map and Conceptual Development Plan. The site is zoned Medium Density Residential, which is consistent with the Metro Plan and is not located within any of the City's Refinement Plan Areas. No additional maps or plans apply to the site. No utility providers have given indication of a capacity restriction, thereby meeting SDC 5.17-125(B). The site plan complies with all public and private design and construction standards in the Code and applicable regulations as per SDC 5.17-125(C). The site is configured to connect only to an extension of Aster Street to achieve the efficiency and safety goals discussed in SDC 5.17-125(D). The site's pedestrian route is separated from traffic with a curb and located away from vehicular reversing action to facilitate pedestrian comfort and safety. The site's pedestrian route connects both multi- family buildings to the sidewalks in Aster Street and Main Street. Bicyclists will connect to Aster Street via the driveway or to Main Street via shared use of the pedestrian path. An LTD bus stop is available within 280 feet of the site near the intersection of E Main Street and 62" Place. Most activity centers and commercial areas in the area are to the west approximately 1,315 feet along Main Street. This completes the criteria listed under SDC 5.17-125(D). All physical features listed under SDC 5.17-125(F) have been indicated on the drawing and geotechnical report. A wetland area exists in the center of the site. The remnants of an old drainage channel cross through the site within the wetlands. The southern portion of the site is steep and forested. 5.17-130 Conditions Section SDC 5.17-130 lists additional approval conditions which may or may not need to be addressed for Site Plan projects. These conditions are addressed below as follows: SDC 5.17-130(A) handles dedication of right -of -wary and utility easements. The Aster Street right-of-way, including adjacent PUEs, is being extended through the site to connect the segments on either side (improved to the east and unimproved to the west). The existing storm and sanitary mains through the site already have easements. However, easements are proposed for that Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 5 4 13 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 portion of the stormwater system which will convey, detain and/or treat runoff from Aster Street. A 2.5 -foot fence along the property line bordering Main Street, and 6 -foot fences along the east and west property lines will be constructed as part of this project, thereby meeting the requirements listed under SDC 5.17-430(8) Since the site connects to Aster Street rather than Main Street, none of the safety measures listed in SDC 5.17-130(C) are necessary. No modification of the layout of structures caused by the location of streets or required stormwater management systems are proposed, therefore, SDC 5.17- 130(D) is not applicable. No noise -attenuating barrier or similar device as specified in Section 4.4-110 is required for this project due to no surrounding incompatible uses or conditions therefore, SDC 5.17-130(£) is not applicable. SDC 5.17-130(1-) deals with limiting hours of operation whenever a land use conflict is identified by the Director or a party of record, including but not limited to noise and traffic generation. As this is a residential project, the criteria under SDC 5.17-130(F) are not applicable to this project. The project will be phased, and a Phased Development Plan is submitted with this application. Development will be phased to match the availability of public facilities and services, including but not limited to water and electricity, sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities, and streets and traffic safety controls in compliance with SDC 5.17-130(G). As noted in 5.17-115 one or more phases may be constructed at one time and/or the phases constructed in non -numerical order. A Land and Drainage Alteration Permit will be submitted concurrent to the construction plans in compliance with SDC 5.17-130(11). The Site Plan reflects retention and protection of existing physical features and their functions, including significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their riparian areas as per SDC 5.17-130(1). The wetland drainage channel on the site will be removed entirely, and the wetlands will be mitigated through the purchase of Wetland Mitigation Credits. Impact to the hillside trees will be minimal. Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 6 413 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 As discussed under SDC 5.17-120(11) the specific lighting fixtures have not yet been selected therefore a Lighting Plan per SDC 5.17-130(J) cannot be provided at this time. The site has frontage on a public street, therefore the conditions to waive public street requirements listed in SDC 5.17-130(x) are not applicable. Copies of all required permits for State, Federal and local programs will be submitted prior to approval of the Final Site Plan as per SDC 5.17-130(L). Wetland permitting has been submitted concurrent to this application. The required ODOT permitting to close the driveway on the property will be submitted with the construction plans. The Stormwater Management Plan is submitted with this application as per SDC 5.17-130(M). 3.2-200 Residential Zoning Districts 3.2-205 Establishment of Residential Zoning Districts The property is zoned as Medium Density Residential, therefore only SDC 3.2- 205(C) is applicable. SDC 3.2-205(C)(1) allows a zoning of MDR for residential development where primarily multifamily dwellings are permitted and the density range is 14-28 dwelling units per net acre, rounded up to the next whole number. As shown in the drawing, the development on the site has a density of 19 units per acre fulfilling the above -listed requirements. 3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards The following is a discussion of how the site meets the standards listed in Table 3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards. No new lots are being created as part of this application, therefore, only the setback standards are applicable. As indicated on the Site Plan, the multifamily dwellings and townhomes meet or exceed all of the 10' minimum setback requirements for front, side and rear yards. The townhomes feature interior side yards measuring 6' wide, which exceeds the 5' minimum set forth in the table. The site is zoned as Medium -Density Residential and McKenzie Highway runs East to West. The proposed Site Plan does not affect the area or dimensions of the site itself. The property's area is 44,964 sq. ft., which exceeds the standard lot area of Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 7 4 13 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 4,500 sq. ft. Similarly, the property's 68 -ft frontage along McKenzie Highway exceeds the SEC's 60 -ft minimum for Medium Density Residential areas along North-South streets. The site is not a corner lot or panhandle lot, nor is it located within a cul-de-sac. The southern half of the site falls within the Hillside Development Overlay District as described in SDC 3.3-500. This site plan, however, does not create any new lots or alter the existing lot lines in any way. Therefore, the area and frontage of the site are considered pre-existing and the standards set forth by the Hillside Development Overlay District section of the table are not applicable. The site is located within the City Limits, therefore, the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District section of the table is not applicable to this project. 3.2-240 Multi -Unit Design Standards The Site Plan design qualifies as a multi -unit development under SDC 32- 240(A) and is being reviewed as a Type 11 Site Plan Review application as per SDC 3.2-240(C). SDC 3.2-240(D) lists design standards for multi -unit developments. On -street parking is not available on Main Street, but is available along Aster Street. As per the code requirements, the entrance for the southernmost multi -family building directly faces the street. Additionally, the front of the building is less than 25 feet from the front lot/parcel lines, with the main entrance being 20 feet from the street right-of-way and the exterior staircase being roughly 11.5 feet from the right of way. The multi -unit buildings do not have continuous horizontal distances exceeding 120, meeting standard SDC 3.2-240(D)(2)(a). The features and structures detailed in sections SDC 3.2-240(D)(2)(b) through (h) have been included in the design and are shown in the Architect Plans. SDC 3.2-240(D)(3) is not applicable as the properties adjacent to the site are not designated as Low Density Residential. SDC 3.2-240(D)(4) discusses storage and trash receptacles for multi -unit development. Each of the two multi -family buildings has dedicated storage unit for each of the dwelling units, offering 312 sq. ft. of enclosed and secure storage. This exceeds the 112 cubic foot minimum listed under SDC 3.2- 240(D)(4)(a). Trash receptacles are shielded from view in a 112 sq.ff. enclosure situated in the parking area between the two multifamily buildings, away Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 8 413 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 from front yard setbacks and following code regulations under SDC 32- 240(D)(4)(b). As the adjacent properties are designated Medium Density Residential, the property line conditions under SDC 3.2-240(D)(c) are not applicable. Fixture specifics have not yet been determined with enough exactitude to allow for SUB to accurately design the required facilities. The transformer shown in the northerly Aster Street PUE is an assumption. If necessary, it will need to be located within the PUE and unscreened to meet SUB criteria. SDC 3.2-240(D)(5) discusses open space requirements for Multi -unit developments. The Arrowhead Meadows development project provides both Common Open Space and Private Open Space as required. SDC 3.2- 240(D)(5)(a) requires a minimum of 15 percent of the gross site area to be designated and permanently reserved as open space. About 20,790 square feet of the roughly 43,560 square feet total area of the site is designated as open space, as indicated on the Open Space Plan, totaling at about 47% of the total area, which exceeds the required minimum. Of the total open space, 2,835 square feet is Common Open Space (of which 309 square feet is Active Common Open Space and 245 square feet is Sloped Common Open Space), and 3,285 square feet is Private Open Space. Under SDC 3.2-240(D)(5)(b), Common Open Space must be at least 500 square feet with no horizontal dimension less than 15 feet, and a minimum of 0.25 square feet of common space is required for each square foot of gross residential floor area. The Common Open Space area meets all of these requirements, with the shortest dimension being 16 feet wide, the total area being 2,835 square feet, and the combined Common and Private Open Space areas being 6,120 square feet. SDC 3.2-240(D)(5)(b)(ho mandates that a maximum of 15% of the required Common Open Space may be on slopes greater than 25% therefore only 245 square feet of the development's sloped ground is included in the open space tally. SDC 3.2-240(D)(5)(b)(iv) is not applicable as there are fewer than 20 units in the multi -family dwellings. SDC 3.2-240(D)(5)(c) discusses Private Open Space requirements. All Private Open Space is directly accessible from the dwelling units from a doorway as per SDC 3.2-240(D)(5)(c)(i), and none of the Private Open Space areas have dimensions less than 6 feet wide or areas less than 96 square feet as per SDC 3.2-240(D)(5)(c)(ii). Main Street currently features a sidewalk along the project site, therefore, it is not feasible to include a planter strip with this development. Similarly, the south side of Aster Street features curbside sidewalks. As such, SDC 3.2- 240(D)(6)(b) is not applicable to those areas. Due to the driveway, sight distance and utilities, the north side of Aster will feature only one street tree rather than the two required by code spacing. Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 9 413 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 SDC 3.2-240(D)(7) discusses pedestrian circulation for multi -unit developments with more than 20 units each. As the total number of units in the multi -family dwellings does not exceed this maximum, this section does not apply. As per SDC 3.2-240(8)(a), parking lots have been placed to ensure that no parking areas exist between the buildings and the street. Lighting has been indicated on the site plan in accordance with SDC 3.2-240(8)(b). A 6 -ft -wide planter island is located in the center lot next to the trash collection facility, meeting the requirements of SDC 3.2-240(8)(c). A Pacific Dogwood or other tree in the "Parking Strips 4 to 6 Feet Wide" section of the Approved Street Tree List will be planted in the island. No parking areas face a living area window, therefore, SDC 3.2-420(D)(8)(d) is not applicable. Parking lots are connected to all building entrances by internal sidewalks as indicated on the site plan, meeting the requirements listed in SDC 3.2-240(8)(e). Wheel bumpers have been provided for each parking space as per SDC 3.2-240(8)(f). The site is not a corner lot, therefore, SDC 3.2-240(D)(8)(g) is not applicable. SDC 3.2- 240(D)(8)(h) is also not applicable as none of the parking, loading or maneuvering areas abut a property line or right-of-way. There are no decorative walls associated with this project, therefore, SDC 3.2-240(8)(i) is not applicable. Parking area landscaping and its effect on stormwater runoff is detailed in the stormwater and landscape plans and has been designed to reduce stormwater runoff as much as practicable as per SDC 3.2-240(8)(j). Bicycle parking is provided in storage units and garages as applicable, as discussed in SDC 4.6-115(A)(8), meeting the requirements under SDC 3.2- 240(D)(8)(1). Due to the low volume of Aster Street, a shared driveway is not anticipated to be necessary for the site. As such, SDC 3.2-240(D)(9)(b) is not applicable. The property does not abut an alley, nor are there any alleys nearby which could be reasonably be extended to serve the development. Therefore, SDC 3.2- 240(D)(9)(c) is not applicable. 4.4-100 1andscaninc. Screenine and Fence Standards 4.4-110 Screening As the project is a multifamily development and contains trash receptacles, the project requires screening as per SDC 4.4-110(A)(4) and (6). A 2.5 -foot wooden fence along the Main Street property line and 6 -foot wooden fences along the east and west property lines, as well as a walled area surrounding the trash enclosure will be constructed to provide a uniform sight -obscuring screen as per SDC 4.4-110(B)(3). Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 10 4 13 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 4.4-115 Fences The fences mentioned in Section 4.4-110 above meet the standards set forth in Table 4.4-1. The site is zoned as residential, therefore, the 6' fences 4.5-100 On -Site Lighting Standards At this time, specific lighting fixtures have not been selected. Approximate locations and fixture features are included on the Site Plan. 4.6-100 Motor Vehicle Parkine. Loadine and Bicvcle Parkine Standards 4.6-110 Vehicle Parking - General As per SDC 4.6-110(A), this site plan provides off-street parking for the proposed new construction. There were no existing buildings or parking areas prior to the new construction, so there is no change in existing use of parking per SDC 4.6-110(A)(2) nor is SDC 4.6-110(B) applicable. No reductions in the number of required parking spaces has been requested, therefore, SDC 4.6- 110(C) is not applicable. The current site plan proposes a total of 19 spaces and 2 ADA space for the multi -family units (which provide 14 dwelling units in total), and one garage and an additional parking space on the driveway for each of the three townhouses. These parking spaces are designed for the purpose of resident and guest use only. Therefore, the conditions listed under SDC 4.6-110(D) are met. No joint -use parking facilities are proposed as part of this site plan. Therefore, SDC 4.6-110(E and F) is not applicable. No parking spaces are proposed within the right-of-way of the street, therefore, SDC 4.6-110(G) is not applicable. 4.6-115 Vehicle Parking - Parking Lot Design The parking spaces for the multi -unit housing comply with the standards laid out under Table 4.6-1. All spaces are aligned at a 90' angle. The spaces facing east are 9' wide and 18' long, which match the standard stall widths and lengths in the table. The two north -facing spaces abutting Main Street are 9' wide and 19' long. 4.6-120 Vehicle Parking - Parking Lot Improvements The proposed parking spaces will be paved and will not encroach upon the public right-of-way, as indicated in SDC 4.6-120(A). Branch Engineenng, Inc. Pas. 114 13 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 As shown on the Grading and Paving Plan and Stormwater Plan, all parking lot stormwater is collected on-site and does not surface flow across a property line or sidewalk The parking spaces designated for the multi -family buildings all front sidewalks or public rights-of-way, therefore, the conditions under SDC 4.6- 120(C) are applicable. Each parking space in the multi -family lots features a 6 -foot -long wheel bumper and 6 -inch -tall curb as per the specifications under SDC 4.6-120(C). The parking lot areas proposed for this Site Plan allow adequate space to avoid backing into the public right-of-way. The closest building to the street, being a multi -family unit, has a 40 -fl distance between the street and the first parking space. This adheres to SDC 4.6-120(D). All proposed spaces will be clearly and permanently marked as per SDC 4.6- 120(). The parking areas will be all-new construction, therefore, no existing striping will need to be covered. 2 of the 21 total parking spaces for the multi -family buildings are designed for compact cars, bringing the total percentage of compact car spaces to 9% This is well below the 30% maximum put forth by SDC 4.6-120(F), thereby meeting this requirement. Each of the two multi -family buildings features an ADA parking space located directly adjacent to the ground floor accessible unit. The spaces are designed and will be constructed in accordance with Section 1104 of the Structural Specialty Code. This meets the requirements set forth in SDC 4.6-120(G). 4.6-125 Vehicle Parking - Parking Space Requirements As per the table in SDC 4.6-125, the three townhouses offer 2 spaces per dwelling unit (a single -car garage and an additional parking space in each driveway), and the multi -family units offer 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit (21 spaces, including 2 ADA spaces, for 14 dwelling units), which is greater than the 1 space per dwelling unit minimum set forth in the table under SDC 4.6- 125. The site does not fall into any of the districts listed under the Special Provisions section, therefore, the code therein is not applicable to this project. Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 12 4 13 Site Plan Review - Arrowhead Meadows Written Statement July 2, 2020 4.6-150 Bicycle Parking - Facility Improvements Per subsection 8, bike parking is in the storage units and garages as applicable Therefore, all other code sections under SDC 4.6-150 are not applicable. Branch Engineenng, Inc. Page 13 4 13