HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/23/2020City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 PERMIT REVIEW INTAKE FORM SPRINGFIELD W *At (City Staff completes form) Permit Type Dept of Motor Vehicles -New: ❑ Land Use Compatibility Statement X city: ❑ Dept of Motor Vehicles -Renewal: ❑ Project Information Zoning Verification Letter: ❑ UGB: ❑ Applicant Name: Bill Johnston ODOT Phone: 541 747.1354 Company: ODOT Cell: Address: Property Owner: Phone: Company: Cell: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ROW TAX LOT NOS : Property Address: OR -126 WE Bridge near Glenwood Description of Proposal: Repair and maintenance on westbound bridge Record Information Record No: 811-20-000122-TYP1 Date Received: 06/23/202 Application Fee: $ 343 Technical Fee: $ 17.15 TOTAL FEES: $ 360.15 Assigned Planner: Jim Donovan Revised 11.2.11 kl ODOT Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) Instructions for local governments Prepared by Bill Johnston - Area 5 Planner (Springfield) Instructions 1. Attached is a draft ODOT LUCS form for you to complete. I've already partially completed it for you, based on my cursory review of your codes. 2. Edit as necessary to reflect your own findings, which may differ from my preliminary findings. I will provide you with an MS Word version that can be modified. 3. Refer to the supporting documentation I've provided. It includes a description of the project, maps, drawings and other information to assist you. 4. You are not required to use this form. If you prefer you may summarize your findings on a form of your own, or in a letter or memo. 5. Please scan and return the completed form to me at bill. iohnston(dodot.state. or. us 6. If you have any questions please contact me at 541.747.1354. Purpose OAR 731-015 requires ODOT to coordinate with local governments before constructing projects on state highways. Specifically, local planning officials are asked to review preliminary plans for proposed projects to (1) determine if the proposed project is consistent with the local comprehensive plan, and (2) identify if any land use approvals or development permits will be required. Local governments are asked to summarize their findings in a Land Use Compatibility Statement, or LUCS. ODOT may present these findings to other regulatory agencies to satisfy their review requirements. ODOT and DLCD consider projects identified in a locally -adopted Transportation System Plan to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. (The TSP is an element of the comprehensive plan.) Roadway maintenance and minor improvements, which are not typically identified in a TSP, are also considered to be consistent. Revised: June 22, 2020 OR126: Willamette River WB Bridge repair & maintenance (ODOT project 20433) Land Use Compatibility Statement Prepared by the City of Springfield The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has asked Springfield to (1) determine whether the above referenced project is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan, and (2) identify any land use approvals and development permits that will be required. The city's response is provided below.' A. Consistency with comprehensive plan ® Project is consistent with comprehensive plan (or will be consistent when all required land use approvals and permits have been obtained) ❑ Project is not consistent with comprehensive plan B. Land use approvals and development permits required (general) ❑ Plan Amendment or zone change (public hearing required) ❑ Conditional or special -use permit (public hearing required) ❑ Development permit or other administrative review (no hearing required) ❑ Other (specified in Section C) ® No permits or approvals are required C. Specific permits required by Springfield (see additional notes on page 2) No permits or approvals are required. D. Certification signature date name and title (please print or type) phone number ' This form was prepared by ODOT to comply with OAR 731-015. The form was adapted and completed by the responding local government to convey their findings. ODOT may present these findings to other regulatory agencies to satisfy the review requirements of those agencies. OR126: Willamette River WB Bridge repair & maintenance (ODOT project 20433) E. Additional notes and comments 1. The city's Transportation System Plan (2014) serves as the transportation element of the city's comprehensive plan. If a transportation improvement project is identified in the TSP then that project is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Maintenance projects are not included in the TSP. The city considers all maintenance activities to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. This ODOT bridge repair and maintenance project is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan. 2. The existing bridge traverses through several city zoning districts. Roadway maintenance is a permitted activity in all of these zones. 3. This project is entirely within existing ODOT right-of-way, including the staging area identified in the supporting documentation provided by ODOT. The project will not have an impact on any city facilities or adjacent properties. No land use approvals or development permits are required from the city. 4. If the contactor elects to use another staging area outside the ODOT right-of-way, land use approvals and development permits may be required. 5. This project does not require any permits or variances from the city's noise regulations to perform work at night. SMC 5.220, 4(f) specifically exempts the city and other units of government (ODOT) from these regulations if their activities are related to the maintenance, construction or repair of public improvements. OR126: Willamette River WB Bridge — repair & maintenance project ODOT project K20433 Project Summary June 22, 2020 Table of Contents 1. Overview (p.2) 2. Project description (p.3) 3. Project impacts and mitigation measures (p.5) 4. Consistency with the City of Springfield comprehensive plan (p.7) 5. Zoning and development regulations (p.8) 6. Other local regulations (p.11) 7. State and federal environmental standards and permits (p.12) Appendices A. Maps, photos and drawings Contact Bill Johnston —Transportation Planner Oregon Department of Transportation — Region 2, Area 5 2080 Laura St — Springfield, OR 97477 phone: 541.747.1354 email: bill Johnston@odot.state.or.us 1 1. Overview a. Project description (summary) ODOT needs to perform repairs and maintenance on the OR126 westbound (WB) bridge over the W Ilamette River, in the Glenwood area.' Repairs include replacing expansion joints in the deck, reinforcing sidewalk brackets, and replacing fall protection cables. Maintenance includes removing existing paint and rust, replacing deteriorated rivets, and applying a newthree-coat paint system. The contractor will require a staging area for storing equipment and materials that will be used for the project. ODOT has identified a suitable location on the west side of the river, between the two bridges. Work is scheduled to begin in January 2021. The project will require two years to complete. b. Purpose of this document The purpose of this project summary is to assist the city in preparing a Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) for ODOT. ODOT needs a LUCS from the city in order to comply with OAR 731-015.2 There are two purposes of a LUCS: (1) to determine if the proposed project is consistent with the local comprehensive plan, and (2) to identify whether any local permits or other approvals are required. This project summary provides an overview of the project. It also identifies the City of Springfield zoning and development regulations that may apply, and whether approvals from the city are required. This assessment is based on ODOT's interpretation of the city's code. City staff may have a different interpretation of the regulations ODOT has identified, or identify additional regulations that apply. ODOT has provided the city with a LUCS form.3 The form is partially completed, reflecting ODOT's assessment of the city's regulations. ODOT would like the city to complete the form, editing it as necessary to reflect their own assessment. 'This section of OR Highway 126 is formally designated OR 126 Business (OR 126B). OR 126 is the expressway one mile to the north (OR 126E). OR 126B is also known as the McKenzie Highway and ODOT Highway No. 15. Locally it is known as Franklin Blvd (west of the bridge) and Main St (east of the bridge). ' OAR Chapter 731 establishes the rules that govern the Department of Transportation. Division 15 defines procedures for coordinating with other agencies. It implements the Oregon Departmerd of Transportation State Agency Coordination Program, which was developed in 1990 to comply with ORS 197.180 (State agency planning responsibilities). The coordination document (which has the same title as the program) is also referred to as the coordination agreemert. 3 This is an ODOT-specific form (for Area 5). Other state agencies may have their own forms. The city is not required to use this form. If the city prefers, they may summarize their findings in a letter or memo. c. Summary of ODOT's assessment It doesn't appear this bridge repair and maintenance project will require any permits or other approvals from the City of Springfield. The project is entirely within existing ODOT right-of-way, including the staging area ODOT will provide to the contractor for storing equipment and materials. ODOT understands that if the contractor elects to use another staging area outside the right -of way (which is unlikely) they would be required to make arrangements with the property owner and obtain permits from the city, if any are required. Some work will occur at night. The city's noise regulations (SMC 5.220) prohibit construction activities between the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. However, Section 4(f) of the regulations specifically exempt the city and other units of government (ODOT) if the activities are related to the maintenance, construction or repair of public improvements. The remaining sections of this document describe the project in more detail and provide a more complete assessment of the city's regulations, explaining how ODOT reached these conclusions. 2. Project description As described in the introduction to this document, ODOT needs to perform repairs and maintenance on the OR126 westbound bridge over the Willamette River. The following sections describe the project in more detail. a. Construction timeframe Work is tentatively scheduled to begin in January 2021. The project will require two years to complete. The estimated completion date is May 2023. Work activity may or may not be continuous. The contractor may decide not to work during the rainy winter months. The ODOT contract will allowthe contractor to determine the phasing of the project and work schedule. A contractor has not yet been selected. b. Cost The estimated cost of the project is $8.5 M. c. Right-of-way The bridge is entirely within existing ODOT right-of-way. Additional ROW acquisition is not required for this maintenance project. The identified staging area for the project is also located within existing ODOT ROW. Additional information about the staging area is provided in Section 2.e. d. Containment enclosure A temporary enclosure will be erected to contain any hazardous materials that are removed from the structure during the surface preparation process. The enclosure will also contain any primer or paint that drips or falls from structure during the recoating process. The components of the enclosure assembly include (1) a platform suspended underneath the bridge, (2) temporary framing attached to the steel structure above the bridge, and (3) fabric material draped around the temporary framing. Appendix A, Figure 10 provides a cross-section showing the approximate configuration of the containment system. The enclosure assembly will be repositioned as work proceeds along the length of the bridge, and from one side to the other. The enclosure may be removed entirely during the rainy winter months if the contractor elects not to work during this period. e. Staging area The contractor will require a staging area for storing equipment and materials. ODOT has identified a suitable location on the west side of the river, between the two bridges. This area is entirely within existing ODOT ROW. It has been used in the past as a staging area for other bridge maintenance projects. The staging area is shown in Appendix A, Figure 2 (aerial photo), Figure 3 (tax lot map), and Figure 5 (photos). The staging area will be used to park equipment and store materials during the two-year extent of the project. The topography will not be modified by excavation. No permanent structures will be erected. After the project is completed, the site will be returned to its original use (vacant) and condition (grass and gravel surface). It will look the same as it did before the project began. ODOT has established standards for managing construction sites. The contractor will be required to comply with these while they are using the staging area. These standards are described in more detail in Section 3.f of this project summary. f. Staging area—alternate location The contractor may elect to use another staging area outside the right-of-way. If so, ODOT would require them to make arrangements with the property owner, conduct their own environmental assessment,° and obtain any necessary permits from the city.5 The contractor would also need to comply with the same ODOT standards that apply to the staging area ODOT is providing for them within the right -of way. Because of this additional burden, and because the staging area provided by ODOT is suitable and convenient, it is unlikely the contractor will use a different staging area.e 3. Project impacts and mitigation measures The following are potential impacts of this project, along with an explanation of how ODOT and the contractor will mitigate the impacts. a. Traffic mobility Lane closures will be required during portions of the two-year project, which will affect traffic mobility. At a minimum, the bridge will be reduced to a single lane for seven months while the steel above the deck is painted. Portable changeable message signs (PCMS) will be used to advise motorists. Other forms of public outreach will also be used. ODOT anticipates some drivers will use the Eugene -Springfield Highway (OR126) to the north and other alternate routes. More detailed information is contained in the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) ODOT has prepared for this project. b. Pedestrian and bicycle mobility Pedestrian mobility will be maintained during the project with minimal interruption. There are existing pedestrian walkways on both sides of the bridge. Only one side of the bridge will be under construction at any one time. Access will be maintained on the side where work is not occurring. There are also existing crosswalks on both ends of the bridge. This provides two locations for pedestrians to cross the road, minimizing the need for out -of -direction (to get to one crosswalk or the other). There is no existing striped bicycle lane on the bridge. Standard "Bicycles on Roadway" signs will be used to alert drivers there may be bicycles in the travel lane. ODOT will 4 ODOT conducts an environmental assessment for all projects to determine if there are any hazardous materials, wetlands, protected species, or archaeological resources present on the construction site, including the staging area. If a contractor elects to use another staging area, they are required to conduct these environmental surveys at their own expense. ' If the city determines a development permit is required for the staging area within ODOT right-of-way, ODOT will obtain the permit. 6 ODOT also owns property on the east side of the river, in Island Park. In order to avoid impacting the park, ODOT will not allow the contractor to use this property as a staging area. Refer to Section Te for additional information about the park. also probably authorize a work zone speed reduction for this project. This will enhance safety for bicycle riders, as well as construction workers and motorists. c. Working at night Some work will probably occur at night, which could disturb nearby property owners. The exact phasing and timing of each task has not yet been determined. ODOT will allowthe contractor flexibility in determining how best to complete the project within the timeframe specified in the contract. For the purpose of this LUCS request, the city can assume night work will occur during the seven month period when the steel above the deck is being painted and traffic is restricted to a single lane. (Refer to Section 3.a, Traffic mobility.) This is the most time - sensitive aspect of the project. ODOT prefers to minimize traffic disruptions. If the contractor works both at night and during the day, this phase of the project can be completed in a shorter amount of time. Work may also be performed at night during other phases of the project. After a contractor is selected and a detail construction schedule is established, ODOT will notify the city and surrounding property owners to inform them when night work will occur. Refer to Section 3.g for additional information about ODOT's public outreach efforts. d. Equipment and noise This project does not include any roadwork. There will not be any grinding or paving operations. Trucks and cranes will be required move and erect the containment enclosure. Air compressors and pneumatic tools will be used to remove existing paint and rust, and to apply new coatings. Sweepers and trucks will be used to collect and remove debris. Portable lighting will be used to provide illumination at night. Sounds that could be produced include engine noises, backup beepers, hammering and cutting, sand blasting and spraying, voices, and traffic noise. These sounds can be expected throughout the duration of the project. ODOT requires contactors to minimize construction noise, whether they are performing work at night or during the day. Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction outline specific requirements for mitigating noise on a construction site. e. Hazardous materials The existing primer, paint and pack rust that will be removed from the bridge contains lead. Consistent with established state and federal standards, ODOT will require the contractor to erect a temporary enclosure to contain any hazardous materials that are removed from the structure during surface preparation process. (Refer to Section 2.d.) Hazardous materials removed from the bridge will be stored at the staging area before being taken off-site for disposal. The contractor will not be allowed to store any hazardous materials within 150 feet of the W Ilamette River. ODOT will require the contractor to prepare a Pollution Control Plan for the entire project. The contractor will also prepare a detailed health and safety plan and lead compliance plan. f. Construction site activities The contract specifications will require the contractor to comply with ODOT standards for managing truck traffic to and from the site, lighting and security, erosion control, storing hazardous materials, and other aspects of managing the construction area. g. Public outreach ODOT has previously established public outreach procedures for projects like this More complex projects require more extensive outreach. During the design development phase of this project (which is currently in progress), ODOT either has or will: (1) inform local officials about the project, (2) provide information about the project on the ODOT website, and (3) notify nearby property owners who may be impacted by the project. When construction begins there will be additional public outreach. This will include: (1) press releases to local news media and notifications on ODOT's social media sites, (2) direct notification to residents and businesses in the area, (3) information posted on ODOT's travel information website (TripCheck). h. Other project impacts and mitigation measures Other potential impacts of this project are discussed in Section 10 of this project summary (state and federal environmental permits and standards). 4. Consistency with the City of Springfield comprehensive plan The City of Springfield's Transportation System Plan was updated in 2014. It function= as the transportation element of the city's comprehensive plan. If a project is identified in the TSP then that project is considered (by ODOT and DLCD) to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. ODOT's proposed bridge maintenance project is not specifically identified in the city's TSP. This is because TSPS do not typically include maintenance projects. Maintenance projects are considered to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. The TSP does not identify any other major improvements at this location. 5. Zoning and development regulations a. Zoning regulations The project is within or adjacent to several City of Springfield zoning districts. (Refer to the zoning map in Appendix A.) The following are the zoning districts that may apply, along with the corresponding section of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) that describes the allowable uses and development standards. • Public Land & Open Space (SDC 3.2-700) • Employment Mixed Use (Glenwood) (SDC 3.4-200 Glenwood Riverfront Mixed -Use Plan District, and SDC 3.2-600 Mixed -Use Zoning Districts.) • Commercial Mixed Use (Glenwood) (SDC 3.4-200 Glenwood Riverfront Mixed -Use Plan District, and SDC 3.2-600 Mixed -Use Zoning Districts.) • Floodplain Overlay District (SDC 3.3-405). These regulations are discussed in more detail in Section 5.b of this project summary. • Wllamette Greenway Overlay District (SDC 3.3-300 and SDC 3.3-280). These regulations are discussed in more detail in Section 5.c of this project summary. Assessment None of these zoning regulations refer to the reconstruction, minor modification, or maintenance of transportation facilities. (Some local zoning regulations explicitly describe these activities as permitted uses.) Presumably roadway maintenance and minor improvements (like this ODOT bridge repair and maintenance project) are permitted activities in these zones. The city could interpret the staging area (Section 2.e) as a use and activity separate and distinct from the bridge repair and maintenance activity itself. They could interpret it to be construction storage yard, for instance, and require a development permit of some kind requiring a discretionary use review or site plan review. ODOT considers the staging area integral to the project. ODOT assumes this project does not require a permit of any kind from the city, either for the maintenance and repair activities or for the staging area, in the location described. ODOT has performed other maintenance on these bridges in the past that utilized this same staging area.7 The city did not require permits. 7 The most recent bridge maintenance project was in 2010. Refer to ODOT project K18386 ODOT understands the city may require a development permit if the contractor elects to use another staging area outside the right-of-way. This is described in Section 2.f. b. Floodplain regulations The existing bridge is within the City of Springfield Floodplain Overlay District (SDC 3.3- 405), which applies to all areas subject to inundation by a 100 -year flood event as defined by FEMA. The span of the bridge (bottom of the girders) is 30 feet above the average water surface elevation of the river. It is 20 feet above the 100 -year flood elevation. The temporary containment enclosure will extend approximately 2.5 feet below the bridge. This is still well above the 100 -year flood elevation. The following is a summary of the relevant elevations. Refer to the maps, photos and drawings in Appendix A for additional explanation and illustration. • Bridge (bottom of girder) = 458.0 (estimated from drawing J01, at mid -span) • Temporary containment = 455.5 (estimated from drawing J04) • Mean high water elevation = 442.0 (shown on plan set drawing J01) • 100 -year flood elevation = 439.1 (from FIRM map 41039C) • Mean water elevation = 429.0 (shown on plan set drawing J01) A portion of the staging area is within the 100 -year floodplain, Zone AE.8 The staging area is described in Section 2.e of this project summary. The approximate location of the staging area is shown in Appendix A. Refer to Figure 2 (aerial photo), Figure 3 (tax lot map), and Figure 5 (photos of staging area). Assessment ODOT assumes a floodplain permit is not required. This bridge repair and maintenance project does not include any permanent modifications that would reduce the vertical clearance between the bridge and the water, or encroach horizontally into the 100 -year floodplain. The containment enclosure will temporarily reduce the vertical clearance but not below 100 -year water surface elevation. The staging area is within the 100 -year floodplain. However, this is only a temporary use. It will be used to park equipment and store materials during the two-year extent of the project. No permanent structures will be erected. The topography will not be 'Zone AE indicates FEMA has established the 100 -year base flood elevation by hydraulic analysis. Flood elevations in other zones (as shown on maps) are estimated. modified by excavation. After the project is completed, the site will be returned to its original use (vacant) and condition (grass and gravel surface). c. Willamette Greenway regulations The Willamette River Greenway (WG) Overlay District (SDC 3.3-300) and the accompanying development standards (SDC 3.4-280) establish protection measures for land within 150 feet of the ordinary lowwater line of the river, and any land adjacent to the river (regardless of distance) that is publicly owned and used for park and recreation purposes. Uses allowed in the in the WG Overlay District are the same as those allowed in the underlying zoning district. The eastern portion of the bridge crosses above and through Island Park (on right-of-way owned by ODOT), which is zoned Public Land & Open Space. The western portion of the bridge is entirely within ODOT right-of-way. The zoning map does not showwhich if any zoning district applies to the ROW. (Some city zoning maps do.) If the adjacent zoning districts apply, the property to the north is zoned Commercial Mixed Use (Glenwood). The property to south is zoned Employment Mixed Use (Glenwood). As described in Section 5.a of this assessment, none of the city's zoning regulations refer to the maintenance, minor modification, or reconstruction of transportation facilities. Presumably roadway maintenance and minor improvements (like this ODOT bridge repair and maintenance project) are permitted activities in the WG Overlay District. Special use restrictions, modifying the underlying zoning regulations, are described in the overlay district regulations (SDC 3.3-300). Section 320 (permitted uses), B., indicates only water -dependent or water -related uses are allowed within the 150 -foot setback area. These uses are described in 3.4-280 (standards), Section D (permitted uses). Subsection 2.a.xii., indicates bridges for motor vehicles are a permitted use. Development proposals within the WG overlay district are reviewed through the Discretionary Use procedure and the Site Plan Review process, as applicable. Refer to SDC 3.3-315. Assessment ODOT assumes this minor bridge repair and maintenance project does not require a discretionary use or site plan review. These reviews are only required for development proposals within the WG Overlay District. 10 The staging area on the west side of the river is partially within the 150 setback that defines the overlay. This is only a temporary use. It will be used to park equipment and store materials during the two-year extent of the project. No permanent structures will be erected. The topography will not be modified by excavation. After the project is completed, the site will be returned to its original use (vacant) and condition (grass and gravel surface). It will look the same as it did before the project began. d. Other development regulations In addition to describing the allowable uses within each zoning district, the Springfield Development Code establishes other development regulations. The following sections may apply to this project. • Infrastructure Standards —Transportation (SDC 4.2-100) Assessment This section of the code describes the geometric standards and other requirements for new city streets and street improvements. It doesn't include any requirements for repair and maintenance activities. These regulations do not appear to apply to a bridge maintenance project on a state highway. 6. Other local regulations a. Springfield Municipal Code The Springfield Municipal Code (SMC) includes other standards and procedures that apply to public improvements and public facilities. The following sections may apply to this project. • Public Improvements — Procedures for authorizing and making improvements (SMC 3.000 — 3.018). • Public Improvements —Streets (SMC 3.200 — 3.248) • Public Projection — Noise (SMC 5.220) Assessment The procedures and standards for public improvements described in Chapter 3 (SMC 3.0) do not appear to apply to a bridge maintenance project on a state highway. Section 4(f) of the noise regulations (SMC 5.220) specifically exempts the city and other units of government (ODOT) from the regulations if their activities are related to the maintenance, construction or repair of public improvements. 11 b. Lane County regulations The Glenwood area is entirely within the City of Springfield's urban growth boundary (UGB). However, some properties in the area have not yet been annexed. They are unincorporated and still within the jurisdiction of Lane County. The boundary between the incorporated and unincorporated areas is shown on the city's zoning map. Refer to Appendix A, Figure 6. The entire area on the east side of the river is incorporated. The area on the west side of the river, on either side of the bridge is unincorporated. However the roadway right-of-way itself is within the jurisdiction of the city.s ODOT's understanding is that Springfield and Lane County have an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) that allows the city to regulate development on unincorporated properties within the UG13.10 Assessment Lane County land use and development regulations do not apply to this project. The ODOT right-of-way is within the city's incorporated area. The IGA is a secondary rationale for this interpretation. The property adjacent to the bridge (on the west side) is unincorporated, but the bridge is within ROW that is within the city limits. 7. State and federal environmental standards and permits The following is ODOT's assessment of the potential environmental impacts that could trigger the need to obtain state or federal permits. ODOT has determined that no permits are required. However, ODOT will need to prepare documentation demonstrating compliance with the programmatic agreements ODOT has with state and federal agencies. a. Wetlands This project does not impact any wetlands. It does not require either a dredge and fill permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) or a removal or fill permit from the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL). 'The ownership of Franklin Blvd, west of the bridge, was transferred from ODOT to the city in 2014 " Lane County clarified previously that the county's noise regulations (Lane County Code, Chapter 5) still apply within the UGB, to areas that are unincorporated. ODOT assumes this only applies to noise generated on unincorporated properties. The county's regulations do not apply to noise generated on incorporated properties that can be heardfrom adjacent unincorporated properties. This is an important clarification because the county requires ODOT to obtain a variance from its noise regulations to work at night. City regulations do not appear to require a variance (for public improvements). 12 b. Historic resources This bridge is a Category 2 National Register eligible structure. The structural reinforcement that will be installed as part of this project will be reviewed by the ODOT Architectural Historian to ensure it is complies with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act." The assessment will probably indicate the impact is minimal. If necessary, ODOT will prepare a Section 106 finding of no adverse effect. No additional Section 4(f) analysis is anticipated. c. Stormwater treatment The project does include any new roadway construction. It will not increase impervious surface or alter any existing drainage patterns. Consequently, stormwater treatment is not required. ODOT will document compliance with the applicable state and federal programmatic agreements with either a No Effect Memo or in-person consultation with FHWA. d. Wildlife protection Swallows currently nest on top of the concrete piers, underneath the bridge decking. ODOT will request technical assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to determine if the temporary containment enclosure can be erected without disturbing the nests. If necessary, ODOT will obtain a permit from the U.S. Fish and W Idlife Service (USFWS) to remove the nests.12 (continued on next page) 11 Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) requires federal agencies to consider the impact on historic properties caused by projects they implement, fund, permit, or approve. This applies to state projects that use federal funds. 13 Swallows (all species) are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Active nests with eggs or chicks inside may not be disturbed or destroyed without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Inactive (empty) nests may be removed without a permit. 13 e. Recreational resources Island Park, on the east bank of the Willamette River, is owned and managed by the Willamalane Park and Recreation District. This park is both a Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) resource.13,14 Special provisions will be included in the contract document restricting the contractor from impacting the park, including any temporary uses. 13 Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) Act of 1966 prohibits federal agencies (and state and local agencies using federal funds) from using (or permanently acquiring) land within publicly owned parks, recreation areas, wildlife and water fowl refuges, or public and private historic properties, unless (1) there is no feasible and prudent alternative, and (2) the proposed use is carefully planned and designed to minimize impacts to the property resulting from such a use. See 49 USC 303. 14 Section 6(f)(3) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 prohibits property acquired or developed with LWCF money from being converted to a use other than public outdoor recreation without the approval of the Secretary ofthe Interior. If approved, the substitution of other recreation properties of at least equal fair market value and of reasonably equivalent usefulness and location is required. See 16 USC 460-4. 14 Appendix A: Maps, photos and drawings 1. Vicinity map (Sheet A01 from plan set of construction drawings) 2. Aerial photo 3. Tax lot map —with ODOT ownership and staging area highlighted 4. Photo of westbound bridge 5. Photos of staging area 6. Zoning map 7. Floodplain and Willamette River Greenway map 8. FEMA (FIRM) map 9. Plan and elevation drawing (Sheet J01) 10. Clearance and containment diagram (Sheet J04) A-1 INDEX OF SHEETS SHEETNO. I DESCRIPTION A01 I Title Sheet A02 IrMex Of Sheets Cont. & Sttl. Dwg. Nos. McKENZIE i 9 FFIANKLIN 14TH STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PLANS FOR PROPOSED PROJECT STRUCTURE, ILLUMINATION, PAINTING OR126: WILLAMETTE RIVER WB BRIDGE PROJECT MCKENZIE HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY JUNE 2021 SPRINGFIELD RAINTREE � RIVERVIEW WILLAMETTE y PROJECT SITE MP 1.34 'E' I ST. 'C' _ w ¢ ST. O to 1 _ BLVD. 15TH 6 AVE. a a 'B_A y ST. D 5 ST. a C. _ 3 18TH AVE. O O DUgRRY MAIN ST. a D' a 17tH u AVE. O O m 17TH 2 ST. N a _o 18TH AVE. y OR 'ro 'E' I ST. 'C' z ST. O to 1 m m a G 'E' 'B_A y ST. D 5 ST. a C. _ 3 'A' I y v DUgRRY MAIN ST. a D' ST. Z Z O 'E' 2 ST. N a ST. f y OR 'ro m 3 'E' I ST. 'C' z ST. O to 1 m m a a 'B_A ST. D z a C. _ 3 'A' I ST. t e v DUgRRY MAIN ST. a A' ST. off 'G' ST. I a TO Thufstoil f+ N T. 17 S., R. 3 W., W.M. ATTENTION: Oregon Law Requires You To 10:10w Rules Adopted By The Oregon Utility Notlfl cation Center. Those Rules Are Set Forth In OAR 952-001-0001 Through OAR 952-001-0090. You May Obtain Copies Of The Rules By Calling The Center (Note: The Telephone Number For The Oregon Utility Notification Center Is (503)232-1982). 3Fd LETSALL „r6 w00 MANETH1 15R T •6 JOB SAFE i u'fr'�3 3.+66213836 of R-K20433-ts_O1.dgn:: Default 5/14/20204:09:15 PM hwye2lis ..ELEgiMWC.1alr Rotation: 0' Scale: 1"=100' RYNVHLEU%HXEQLEST � G y y< C. ST. Z S 'D' ST. DUgRRY AVE. \ / a PARK Z Z O 'E' 2 ST. A a ST. > y OR 'ro m 'G' ST. I a TO Thufstoil f+ N T. 17 S., R. 3 W., W.M. ATTENTION: Oregon Law Requires You To 10:10w Rules Adopted By The Oregon Utility Notlfl cation Center. Those Rules Are Set Forth In OAR 952-001-0001 Through OAR 952-001-0090. You May Obtain Copies Of The Rules By Calling The Center (Note: The Telephone Number For The Oregon Utility Notification Center Is (503)232-1982). 3Fd LETSALL „r6 w00 MANETH1 15R T •6 JOB SAFE i u'fr'�3 3.+66213836 of R-K20433-ts_O1.dgn:: Default 5/14/20204:09:15 PM hwye2lis ..ELEgiMWC.1alr Rotation: 0' Scale: 1"=100' RYNVHLEU%HXEQLEST i AN Public Road Names PP aerial photo e0 0.03 0.06 0.12 in Created on June 4, 2020 Oregon StatewMe Imagery Program (OSIP) - Oregon Imagery Framework Implementation Team ODOT - Geographic Intormstlon Services This product is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying puryoses. Users of 1Ns product should review and consuk the primary data actress to determine the usabilky, '6l W31J033532935321J033532 3I.- 17 3�C0 3300 33CO 3100 O i) �n 1]o3354600 A 4300 g5C0 g5pp39d0 9000 Ai n yCY 6300_ 1➢W3532 17MI532 0 1]IW3 fiI OO 5900 OUOT 1]033532 1T033531�65033532 /5033991 _ 6301 100 6900 6500 3533 66W b6dd .033532 17M3512 70M staging area .033531 9®0 9900 7900 L 603 Sa1� -i8 1 761 - VW3533 15033532 17-.3 5 JBW Ja02 1]033531 3JW3 ]SOq—z ]9C0 3Gsl 15033533 Z� O[IOT 5aos � 1]033 'S 66 ••♦••• •• \y\ - 17 W 3532 7.00 11033 _ \ 9000 r arpK 000T 3,D33 - alarm / �sBst N � 15033533 5 SSOO 3JW 3s33 15W3s33 5900 3W ]]W3 W 399 100 900 1 39M 1]033533 . D 398 270 335 27dd 0319917033999 15033444 5W 700 \\\ .W3533 fj CSt Sources'. Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, i cmment P Corp., GEBCO,USGS, FAO, NPS, NKK, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China(Fbng Kong, (c) OpenStreetMap '944 corrcributors, and the GIS User Com munity, Lane -Coup' $14 N A map & tax lot numbers (yellow indicates ODOT ownership) a ,'a a sa lane CWnty, Oregon Photo of westbound bridge (looking north) Staging area Zoning map Zoning Law Density Residential Medium Density Residential - High Density Residential Mixed Jae Residential _ R6a Mixed We (Glcromod) Neighborhood Commercial - CommunityCommercrel - Major Retail Commeroial - Mixed Use Commercial _ Commercial M.U.(Glerrwood) _ Mixed Use LMI & CC parcel .--....-.i City Urnits © Hospital 1 School Boundaries [LIGE 40Fin Station O ChamberofCommerce SPRINGFIELD oss ,as nwtn Mi Tn erc mwemrs rhar othsd Uxn em epansroNYr yimor wnp ,.rs,mrvpd.pe,m.ury . pr leis protluct Campus Industrial — Light -Medium Industrial - Heavy Industrial - Special Heavy Industrial — Emplcymcnt MU-(Olarmaod) - Booth -Kelly Mixed Use — General Office _ Office Mixed Use (Glemveod) - Medical Services -Quarry & Mine Operations Public Land & Open Space r �5 AE / 5 AE A' i x x SB_S7 _ r Z r n Sources Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp, GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, i I, Esti China (Hong Kong), (p OpenRreetMap - 11 dthe GlS User Com inanity, Lane County GIS N A ry floodplain and greenway (x -hatch) 0 MO 520 sea Leve c nb. Oregon /v W w 0 a nE LE im Is E § Yt S ta Y a s E_ a` u W9 93n §Eaq� sasm"Ea w 9 �&2aY„yam E q La aaaw .dam` a' guy "m'a aha E Yu E$m wyt aa€ nF2sEVatB im W §wy88&Sy'. Ft ? a Sap aa5 tUla�o oa'iY tt a o-Sv a a`8 aP a a Pf P as o as d6ksfinis $3`8�=d8 £ = ad% ws EaE sy`sc EP3 Sg uLL% 1” b eSw = eY�E, a PWE"Ep \ \ 4Sgw Ei%bin$ maBcg 8 Ott ¢� wia $En8 %i44 wig E%�ymmn EBSw ?9u'FE EavSay as Sao a �� a 637E.2 msdE% Edi:=Y mx �n i RC spans 551-2' continuous truss to rereive maintenance coating(DO 4 rt RCspans I I 50'-0' Ilan? Span798�01 1)6•-l' 501-0' Span a Span l Span B Span 9 I Span 10 / 4 Bent 6 i 1 [Bent ](Fier q 4 Bent 8 (tier 2) t Bent 9 /N"er 3i 5- unknown utilities [Bent 10 (N'er 411 1 4 Bent 11 Sta.10+42.00. Sta. 10+9200 Sta. 12+68.58 Sta.14+66.58 suspendedbeipwrallto remain 5ta. 16+4316 Ste. 16+93.16 T o o Eugene I r g I b� O a ) I OR126Busmess WB (MCKenz/e High"d - --T-r?-----------------r T -----r-------- N64'E r -----r r I I do fie/d — r --- _T- aN`N li s r- s � �`Nn ------ A N N OW ==O=HrW r ---------rI a�`-N --------- Abandoned utility PLAN scale. 1"-50, Illumination conduit above sidewalk bran hon, truss spans Bent6 [Bent) 4Bent 8 CBent 9 t Bent 10 [ Bent 11 i I (Mer 7) (NI-e/tI- U-*l�l �12_ \� 4 iU73 U14L�LLJ�LLr L1 U76L� LL{L(NLerLr3 )(Marl) �-LLLLUI\o U22 L\ II Ne r 4) us Iu) T 5 6 U7 I--%fi\I- �\480 iU24 ala III 460 _ _ /___I_T_ ______�__C___ L25 ro _ �"_ __ ___ _- ___________ ____ 1--�• __ y Erp LZ L4 ------ L6 ---- Fix PI L10� L72 C13 CIS Fix C21 L13 EX------- 440 � 450 - Fx 'I'Fix_-___F/x i i L19 - __--_ III III ] Mean High Water E/.442.0 v p1f Fix ,�-- 0 440 III ISI 1 3 I'I — I'I I•I a — Mudline (approx) a —I ro til—�--� as d II s 430 I I I Mean Water E/. 479.0—.— W rw� LL — -- - Rockline (approx.) 400 ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES Provide all materials and perform all work according to Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction, 2015. NO Elrlons shown are North American Vertical Datum 7988 (NAVD88). VR -K20433 -pe -01 ::J01 5/14/2020 4:09:33M by e2lp WORK ITEMS OI Nepare surface and paint through -truss bridge. QI Strengthen sidewalk brackets, sheetJ06. Q3 Repairs/dewalk brackets, sheetJ05. ® Replace Fal/ -protection cable, see drawing 31800. QS Replace access ladder. © Replace talled)oint at bent. Q) Relocate natural gas pipe (by others). Rmatlon: 0' Scale: Full Size 1=1 II II I II II I -- I I I — I II II I I II II I II II I II II I I II II I I II II I II II I I 74'-0' II II /4•-0' tragic II II [mNx I II II I I II II I I II II I II II I II II I 1 L 1 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 CONCEPTUAL CONTAINMENT I I I I II II II II II II II II Notes' II � II Xxx ke I u u 74-0 in. I II NL honzonta/c/eamxe �� Yri II E9 II For accompanied by dravongs,Bee ant JO1 STRUMNE NO, I I 01.223 ��ED PROF OREGON DEPARTMENT =` q Mp owp Np. VSA NGIN y OF TRANSPORTATION 000000 `� 9 cuc SaoR E Willamel[B R_Hvry 15WB (Springfield III) 0000 w:psswe 6 OR126: Milamette RNI Bridge Protea 1 1 1 1 } ON Mc lKeenziie Highhway N M.P: 133 CLEARANCE DIAGRAM SCALE WARNING COuNn (rN 12,2 ��oNNNI prenl.N—IPP Rcrtwp: ReymmO D.amnee�R, PP So/e: Y,-= l''-0° Lane Iq MES )�� O Imman cnetlmc Teo IPT16 sWE UNE WES NOT LLLTE ITEEINo, ME.�RURECNE INC H, THEN CLEARANCE AND CONTAINMENT DIAGRAMS D.14. IS N. Tpsu�E May2020 RENEWS: 06-30-2021 J04 8R_K20433_pnt_01.dgn::J04 5/14/20204x09:43 PM hwye21p n.. UNON REIN. Rctatlon:0' Scale: Full Size 1=1