HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 6/15/2020AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET 695 Staff Revlew: Tuesday, July7, 2020 8:30 — 9:00 a.m. 1. Emergency Medical Hardship 811-20-000109-TYP2 Michael Brown Assessor's Map: 17-02-33-24 TL: 201 Address: 5195 F Street Existing Use: residential Applicant submitted request for approval to have a travel trailer on the property for medical support for family member. Planner: Liz Miller Meeting: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:30 — 9:00 virtual meeting via GoToMeeting The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htti)://www.si)ringfield-or.aov/weblink8/browse.aspx zu D � fGky i 1 Wiz! 10 �. •� F I • � � 111 N SITE VICINITY MAP 811-20-000109-TYP2 Emergency Medical Hardship -Temp Use 17-02-33-24 TL 201 5195 F Street Michael Brown City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPIRIMGF1ELDAr TEMPORARY USE - Emergency Medical Hardship, Type II • Required Project Information licant: complete this section) Applicant Name: ic.�.a.e� ice! QYawv� Phone: 4S&- Z3 -1 Fax: Address: G6-5 S-�!! S . Property Owner: a-'w.e.s A Mc,1o�r cl•i {F �� Phone: Address: slys F alre�t' Fax: ASSESSOR r A%NO: TAX LOT NO(S): ) -Oa, �✓' ;Z —moo Property Address: t -(4S -f7 S -f{ j' fi`e-fid 89 Type of Living Unit Proposed: ❑ Residential Trailer ® Travel Trailer ❑ RV Specific Description of Proposal: 6Je��- ' o" ' =—'� 2" awe QJ0 o-, AD Lie � ( The undersigned atknopriodges thatthe I,nf�ormatioon i/tthhisapplication is current and accurate. G ��'2 IDate: ; c0 Applicant Signature: �1 � D"_ _ If the applicant is other than the owner, he owner erebv grants rmissbn for the applicant: to act In his her behalf. £ Owner Signature: a (Date: G�a �ze ag r��t-e-�m Required Property Information (City Intake StaFf., complete this section) Case No.: Date: 06/08/2020 Reviewed by: Liz M 811-20-000109-TYP2 Application Fee:SF33-8--1 ITechnical Fee: Ei 6 9-0--1 1 Postage Fee: 190 544'90 TOTAL FEE'S PROJECT NUMBER: Re .d: 30.14.13 kl G}y w�i+r lvsebb E -fb od.sdoy Soo..*( { 0 1 I G}y w�i+r lvsebb E -fb od.sdoy Soo..*( { GEMEIVY' 13,i S S' .A V£HUF„ tact -w PR 470t 'Phis form moat bcn nt ktr•d wid styl d by you, F hntl ran, tlrerApnl .rr !-rntisaton I murmdbr and.__ wbmithnl withYour apph"n"ll fur a l totprn'Ary m1dical fiardM,ip DwOhng, TE6TEQEAJ) t�F.U4LA ILiiLE)�! 7A,DU61YG,St]i.U(IALAf1/D51!F'. Thexvotnmertnie!'mtrra on n traKwru � l a. ie dmnnp a lnodkAL hanivlu + mH Ix• allowed. A xvinit nt v ib f,, k Y ( ranted Fpr a perilut of not more Than bvo I rltrs and may h. r¢rt_wed For u c esn've iVnIN s "t bvu vt'ars, (2 se•arst iEev%dernk is provided Ore, do hax IAhip amdition uartinues {e v.a ,t. In amide 4 is ,q,wct, o must be tuund drat, the hard,ht} c:wdhton r 1,K.' i t the aged; dte infirm. or- topers n cthvwir n,ap,Iblo,f mmdniningarzag 4_h,"parae� anddufaoh'! xlencc, andalrso tshetlut ih sy I y[ed vx wdl be r•Lrshvety h'mtxtrary in natwn, itanot Ox inEraLL # f]>i punnsion at subvertthv ri,alofthr n�nfnloweb y permitting mase thmt orwe pennamoA lesidon" on cath prep my In graWtng the myoeat t<m tmtwraiy use of a mnhileh"me "e dttiums may Pleimtxtsed fliat viii peecfude the ptsrii ility of suit u tr+mpurarj' unr brn"nting perananent BelG�wixihe form Hrntgxtws the pht�lcian,iherapist ce pcnfrss7mta! tnnw7orle cnaHruxri the ixnsnn with the twnis'hip mwst tx pnry&Vewlth art; so lreyu rzltl}'or in sudta atarnrer that Hte.axe6iker mini reside on the sTnm prcaf:g•s. I($ or Comill.uot ITI miYI10AN, ITIERAYIST OR PRUFf SStOA!'it, COUA+eEVOR 'Chiu' is h artily Ihnl the perxun LSKvi below is nr5 HaGenl- -, I F� t 1_5 (Tteonr print ur typa natrr: nt patieml III,,' an, "p¢ntm O"m thin lxrrsun has a madicaf "r phvsi[ai hardxilip fila, requims <an and at,.Atimt in the fneluoo dl ¢',iNII atxmq, anif the namelf pa0enf'I"In111111 `lInn nt"d (I reside m n a caretaker in "ries to faahta&• prcn ,I Caw Fhpsicimt S,gnahtra: Physiciam Nan L ^_ .__Ita 11•.Fnse It f{,l IPlrec etlM a'lpref "" Addrevv: r��Ak i_�-�.� it'_S �.(._�`<C� _... ilwn,.B&o_-i1"+64 r �ol F JNDIVIDUALWARRANTY DEED 133783, 17 02 33 24 00201 WPT 113102 10-29708 DEBRA K. HOSKINS 9412810 G onror, conveys and warrants to JAMES A. BROWN and MARJORIE A. BROWN, HUSBAND AND WIFE Grantee, the following described real property situated in LANE County OR , Free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, to wit: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC IN STREETS, ROADS AND HIGHWAYS, This conveyance is subject to and exceptGOVENANTS r CONDITIONSr RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OF RECORD The true consideration for this conveyance is S $1,000 00 "THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES." AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FRAMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED Dated02/13/94 IN ORS 30.930. X C s F 744351 W.0 E 7sIR0.r1e :'JV`D 2G. CDEBRA K. HOSKINS ,pper =WTAI eA£Ai: .. A0HE• OAPGO7NS�f 21 STATE p{ County of-'-h�� DEBRA X. Ht{y}ifit was acknowledged before me on �3�bAA t a11.�ti � i.� \� 5 �l by Notary PubTiF%r My commission expires' � � � R -� ----- Until a change is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: 4 D CILVt 0I.'\ EXHIBIT 'A 9412850 Beginning at the Northeast corner of the SIMMONS ADDITION, Lane County, Oregon: as platted and recorded at Page 26 of Volume 12, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; said point being .82.88 chains East of the Westerly Northwest corner of the Herod Johnson Donation Land Claim No. 62, Notification No. 7481,. in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence East 567 feet to the corner in the angle of said claim; thence South 18 feet: :.thence East 30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract; thence running East 213 feet: thence South 0° 11' 50" West 399.7 feet; thence South 89' 51 West 179.27 feet; thence South 0' 11' 50' West 50 feet; thence South 89° 51' West 126.68 feet; thence North 0° 11' 50" East 318.26 feet; thence North 89`51' East 92.95 feet; thence North 0' 11' 50" East 132 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract, .in.Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying within Fourth Addition to Naylor. Subdivision, as platted and recorded in Book 67, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. z 0 o0 all e Date: 06/03/2020 To: MICHAEL P BROWN 5195 F ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478-6166 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE New Hampshire: This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend, or alter the coverage, terms, exclusions, and conditions afforded by the policy or policies referenced herein. All Other States: This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage, terms, exclusions, conditions, or other provisions afforded by the policy referenced herein. In the event the policy is cancelled prior to the expiration date, notice will be delivered in accordance with the policy provisions. POLICYHOLDER LA Dept. of Ins. Cert, of Ins. Assigned LDI No. MICHAEL P BROWN in Louisiana: LDI COI POLICY NUMBER: - EFFECTIVE DATE- ATE0079139581 0079139581 06/03/2020 06/03/2021 ISSUED BY: -- "-- FOREMOST INSURANCE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN - NAIC# 11185 POLICY TYPE UNIT COVERED: - TOWABLE ® VIN ❑ HIN: 51Z812220RR061247 LOCATION ADDRESS: 5195 F ST, SPRINGFIELD, OR, 97478-6166 ADDITIONAL INTEREST #1: - LOAN NUMBER: SCOTT C BROWN ADDITIONAL INTEREST #2: LOAN NUMBER: Coverage Bodily Injury(BI)............................. $ Property Damage (PD) .................... $ Combined Single Limit (BIPD)....... $ Personal Liability ............................ $ Personal Liability ............................ $ Other Than Collision Deductible... $ Collision Deductible... .................... $ Watercraft Deductible .................... $ Total Annual Premium: $ 352.00 Limit (each person) / $ (each accident) (each accident) (each accident) 300000.00 (CSL) (each person) / $ (each accident) 500 (n/a for watercraft) 500 (n/a for watercraft) .(watercraft only) To obtain additional policy information, please contact: Agent Name: DUNLAP T R ENTERPRISES CORP Telephone Number: (541)744-0556 For Certificates issued LA Dept. of Ins. Cert, of Ins. Assigned LDI No. Date (mm/year) in Louisiana: LDI COI 733421 04/11