HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 6/2/2020VICINITY MAP 811-20-000101-TYP2 Hillside Development Overlay District 18-02-03-10 TL 100 S. 66" Pl. & Jessica Dr. Springfield Utility Board City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Hillside Overlay District Development SPRINGFIELD `���L w "�%/ Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Steven Wages Phone: 541 726-2396 Company: Springfield Utility Board Fax: Address: 202 South 18th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant's Rep.: Richard M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI Phone: (541) 6864540 Company: The Satre Group Fax: Address: 75 W 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 Property Owner: Springfield Utility Board Phone: (541) 726-2396 Company: Springfield Utility Board Fax: Address: 202 South 18th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-02-03-10 TAX LOT NOS : 00100 Property Address: No site addresses for the Tax Lots Size of Property: 11.02 Acres © Square Feet ❑ Zoning: Low Density Residential Existing Use: Vacant Tax Lot Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this appllcadon. Proposal: Construct a water storage reservoir and associated site improvements Si natures: Please sin and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next cage. Required Property Information (City Intake Staff. complete this section) Associated Cases: Signs: Case No.: 811-20-000101-TYP2 Date: Reviewed by: 06/01/2020 Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $72.48 Posta a Fee: 190 1449.50 TOTAL FEES: $ 1711.98 PROJECT NUMBER: 811-19-000291-PROJ Revised 10.10.13k1 1 of s May 5, 2020 SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD SOUTH HILLS 4TH LEVEL RESERVOIR Hillside Development Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 WRITTEN STATEMENT In accordance with Hillside Development Overlay District submittal requirements, this written statement describes the proposed development and demonstrates that the proposal complies with the criteria contained in SDC 3.3-500 through 3.3-540. The proposal is submitted concurrently with a Site Plan Review application and a Tree Felling Permit application. We request that these applications be processed concurrently. I. LAND USE REQUEST A. Development Objective The applicant's objective is to construct a newwater storage reservoir near its existing South Hills Reservoir Site to serve future single-family homes in the MountainGate subdivision and elsewhere. Subject Property RLID MAPS 2018 B. Land Use Request 1. Overall Request In accordance with the results of a Development Issues Meeting the applicant held with the City of Springfield on December 19, 2019 (See City of Springfield Jo. No. 811-19-000285- PRE), 11-19-000285PRE), accomplishing the development objective will require City of Springfield approval of three land use applications: Site Plan Review, Hillside Development Overlay District, and Tree Felling Permit. Although relating to the same project, each of these have been generated as a complete, stand-alone application including application form, city fee, written statement with findings demonstrating compliance with applicable criteria, exhibits and plans. While each of these is to receive its own decision, to ease the overall process, these three applications are being submitted for concurrent processing. It is intended that this will provide an opportunity for cross-referencing and parallel review and assist the city in rendering a decision. Additional details regarding this proposal are provided on the plans, the remainder of this written statement, and other materials are enclosed and attached herewith. 2. Hillside Development Regarding the Hillside Development Overlay District, the tax lot has portions of its topography exceeding 15% slope. As the impact area of the tax lot is confined to the limits of the proposed reservoir and the gravel access road, the portion of the development site meeting the applicability standard (slopes exceeding 15%) is as follows: M and Tax Ld Tax Lat Aa a Area Disturbed 18-02-03"00100 1 11.02 aces 1.41 aces +w PLANNERS + LANDSCAPE ARCH ITECTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 375 West 4th, Suite 201, Phone: 541.686.040 9 401 P .saue A1.888ccm wwwsa:regroup.com t I t Springfield Utility Board South Hills 0^ Level Reservoir Hillside Development Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 C. Project Directory Owner/Applicant Steven Wages Springfield Utility Board 202 South 1 e Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-2396 Email: stevenw@subutil.com Planner/Lardscaoe Architect (arid Applicant's Representative) Richard M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI The Satre Group 375 West 4' Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: (541) 686-4540 Email: rickftsatregroup.com Sumevo Dan Nelson, PLS Branch Engineering, Inc 310 5^ Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 746-0637 Email: dannftbranchengineering.com Civil Engineer Tom Boland, P.E. Murraysmith, Inc. 888 S/115^ Avenue, Suite 1170 Portland, OR 97204 Phone: (503) 225-9010 Email: Tom. Boland@murraysmith.us Page 2 W 9 THE SITE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Development Site The 4th Level Reservoir site is located at South 66th Place and Jessica Drive in the Thurston Hills of Springfield. Lot 100 was in the MountainGate Master Plan, however, Lot 100 was not included in prior MountainGate subdivisions. Lot 100 was in the MountainGate Master Plan a future phase. (The MountainGate Master Plan expired in 2004.) Although once planned for single family homesites, lot 100 is now owned by Springfield Utility Board and, as documented in this land use application, is now planned to be the location for a new reservoir. The reservoir site is forested and is approximately 11.02 acres in size. Access is by way of South 66th Place. Abutting the site to the north and west is unimproved land which is planned and zoned for low density residential development. Abutting the site to south and east is public land owned by Wllamalane. The Sarre Group - 375 West 0 Avenue, Suile 201, Eugene, OR W401 - (541) 6964540 - w.va.sarreereun.00m Springfield Utility Board South Hills 0^ Level Reservoir Hillside Development Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 B. Planning Context 1. Planning and Zoning Local long-range land use is governed by the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), often supplemented with a more specific refinement plan and/or neighborhood plan, followed by site-specific zoning. Further, zoning can sometimes be comprised of base and overlay zoning. For the reservoir site, the Metro Plan designation is Low Density Residential, there is no applicable neighborhood plan, and the base zoning is Low Density Residential. The Tax Lots to the north were included in the 1995 MountainGate Master Plan. Lot 100 was in the MountainGate Master Plan as a future phase. Page 3 of 9 r_� Springfield Zoning Map September 2018 SUB South Hills 41e Level Reservoir Site Map and Tax Let Acreage Metro Plan Desigralim Zoning 1602-03-10-00100 11.02 acres Lau Densly ResttlentialLau Densly Residential (LDR) 2. Transportation a. TransPlan. The metro area adopted transportation plan, The Eugene -Springfield Transportation System Plan (TransPlan), adopted in 2001 and amended in 2002, includes one project in the vicinity of the subject property— Project 36, a future collector connecting Straub Parkway to the west to the general vicinity of the south side of MountainGate Master Plan area. b. Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan. The City of Springfield's Local Street Network 1 .. diagram shows proposed future streets within Springfield's jurisdiction. The plan is illustrative only and is not parcel specific. Future local streets,their locations and connection points can be adjusted at (` tim a of specific developm ent proposals. -- , Local Street Network Map Except City of Springfield _ August 2018 c. Public Transit. There is no public transit service in the vicinity of the reservoir site. 3. Utilities a. Stormwater and Wastewater. The Springfield Stormwater Facilities MasterPlan shows the property as being within the Jasper-Natron Basin. The Master Plan identifies no capital improvement projects in the vicinity of the project. The site has both stormwater and sanitary infrastructure adjacent to the property in both South 66' Place and Jessica Drive. The Satre Group - 375 West 0 Avenue, Suie 201, Eugene, OR 6/401 - (541) 6864540 - www.satreyreup.00m Springfield Utility Board South Hills 0^ Level Reservoir Hillside Development Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 Existing Storm Basin Map Excerpt and Sanitary Stoimwater Facilities Master Plan Infrastructure City of Springfield City of October 2008 Springfield 2018 b. Wellhead Protection Page 4 of 9 The subject property is not within a wellhead protection area, nor are there any protection areas near the subject property. Wellhead Protection Areas Map Excerpt - City of Springfield and Springfield Utility Board January 2013 c. Water & Electric. The site has both water and electric infrastructure adjacent to the property in both South 66m Place and Jessica Drive. Existing Water Iniastruclure Existing Electric Infrastructure Springfield Utility Board, 2018 Springfield Utility Board, 2018 4. Natural Resources a. Springfield Natural Resources Study. The Springfield Natural Resource Study Report does not identify any resources on or near the site that would be impacted by the proposed development. The Satre Group - 375 Wes[ 0 Avenue, Suile 201, Eugene, OR 6/401 - (541) 6864540 - www.satregreup.com Springfield Utility Board South Hills 0" Level Reservoir Hillside Development Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 Page 5 W 9 b. Springfield Wetland Inventory / Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQ LW). Neither the National Wetlands Inventory nor the Local Wetlands Inventory document the presence of jurisdictional wetlands on or adjacent to the subject property. Springfield's Water Quality Limited Watercourses inventory also documents that there are no WQLW features on or adjacent to the subject property. c. Geotechnical Stability. A geotechnical evaluation has been performed forthe 4' Level Reservoir site. The report lists construction, site preparation, and foundation design recommendations. 5. Parks and Open Space a. Wllamalane Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. The Wllamalane Comprehensive Plan includes three projects within the vicinity. Project 3.8. Pursue acquisition and development of natural area parks and trail systems along the Thurston Hills ridgeline south of Potato Hill and towards the Jasper-Natron area. (Completed. See Project 4.10.) Project 3.10. Identified in the MountainGate Master Plan, develop a 90 -acre natural area park and trail system on top of Potato Hill. Project 4.10. Acquisition and development of a ridgeline trail in the south Thurston Hills area. (Property has since been acquired.) ia. rcw"14, UY �� I Park and Recreation Projects Map Excerpt Wllamalane Park and Recreation District October 2012 III. HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT—STANDARDS, CRITERIA AND FINDINGS This section is presented in the same order of applicable requirements found in Sections 3.3-500 through 3.3-540, Hillside Development Overlay District of the Springfield Development Code. Applicable sections of the Code are in bold italics, followed by proposed findings in normal text. As noted above, all of the tax lot has portions of its area exceeding slopes of 15%. Therefore, the Hillside Development Overlay District applies. SDC 3.3-520 Development Density and Options A. For the purpose of calculating the allowed number of dwelling units in the development area below 670 feet in elevation, the "average slope" as defined below may be used., B. The developer has 2 options for the development of steeply sloped land. Option "A" is designed to correlate minimum lot/parcel sizes to the average slope of the development area. Option "B" is designed to allow for a density transfer bonus to stimulate development on those portions of the development area where the slope of the land is less than 15 percent. A combination of Options A" and "B" may be used. Response: The proposal is not a residential project and does not include dwelling units, nor does it include the creation or adjustment of any lots or parcels. The project site is comprised of one The Satre Group - 375 West 0 Avenue, Suie 201, Eugene, OR 6/401 - (541) 8864540 - w.va.salnar up.com Springfield Utility Board South Hills 41^ Level Reservoir Hillside Development Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 Page 6 of 9 existing tax lot. The tax lot will remain as is. The site does not qualify for development density transfer or lot sizing modification. Therefore, this standard is not applicable. SDC 3.3-525 Street Grade Standards Response: Primary access to the site is via South 66'^ Place. A gravel access road will extend from the terminus of South 66'^ Place to the 4'^ Level Reservoir. The applicant is not proposing to modify the alignment of the adjacent public streets or to construct new public streets to serve the development site. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 3.3-530 Reports Required A. Geotechnical Report. This report shall include data regarding the geology of the site, the nature, distribution, and strength of existing soils, conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures, design criteria for corrective measures, and options and recommendations to maintain soil and slope stability and minimize erosion of the site to be developed in a manner imposing the minimum variance from the natural conditions. Where geologic conditions of the site indicate that a hazard may exist, the report shall show that the proposed Subdivision or Partition shall result in lots/parcels that are suitable for development. The investigation and report shall be prepared by a civil engineer/geologist or a geotechnical engineer. Response: A Geotechnical Report has been generated for the project. The report is included in the application submittal. It was prepared by a registered professional engineer. Overall, the report lists construction, site preparation, and foundation design recommendations. B. Grading Plan Report. This plan shall include the following information: 1. Existing and proposed details and contours (5 -foot intervals) of property,, 2. Details of terrain and area drainage,, 3. Location of any existing buildings or structures on the property where the work is to be performed, the location of any existing buildings or structures on land of adjacent owners which are within 100 feet of the property or which may be affected by the proposed grading operations, and proposed or approximate locations of structures relative to adjacent topography,, 4. The direction of drainage flow and the approximate grade of all streets with the final determination to be made as specified in Subsection D., below, 5. Limiting dimensions, elevations, or finished contours to be achieved by the grading, including all cut and fill slopes, proposed drainage channels, and related construction, 6. Detailed plans and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, dams, sediment basins, storage reservoirs, and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work, together with a map showing drainage areas, the complete drainage network, including outfall lines and natural drainageways which may be affected by the proposed development, and the estimated run-off of the area served by the drains; 7. A schedule showing when each phase of the project will be completed, including the total area of soil surface which is to be disturbed during each stage, and estimated starting and completion dates; the schedule shall be drawn up to limit to the shortest possible period the time that soil is exposed and unprotected. In no event shall the existing "natural' vegetative ground cover be destroyed, removed, or disturbed more than 15 days prior to grading or construction of required improvements. Within 15 days of grading or other pre -development activity that removes or significantly disturbs ground cover vegetation, exposed soil shall either be built upon (i.e., covered with gravel, a slab foundation or other construction), landscaped (Le., seeded or planted with ground cover) or otherwise protected; and The Satre Group • 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686-4540 • W ,atreproup.com Springfield Utility Board Page 7 of 9 South Hills 0Level Reservoir Hillside Developrrrers Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 May 5.2020 B. The Grading Plan shall be prepared by a civil engineer. Response: A Grading Plan Report has been generated for the project. It is included in the application submittal. It was prepared by a registered professional engineer. Documentation illustrates existing and proposed contours, proposed structures, cut and fill slopes, and drainage areas and outfalls. It includes a schedule detailing major areas of the site scheduled for improvements and specifics regarding excavation, soil exposure, erosion protection, etc. A Land and Drainage Alteration Permit (LDAP) will be acquired by the applicant prior to any earthwork occurring within the project area. The LDAP will provide a mechanism for appropriate erosion and sediment control measures to be implemented on the site prior to, during, and post - construction. C. Vegetation and Re -Vegetation Report. This report shall be as specified in Section 5.19-120, if tree felling is proposed. Response: Tree Felling is proposed. A Tree Felling Permit application is one of three concurrently submitted land use applications. A Vegetation and Re -Vegetation Report has been generated for the project. It is included in the application submittal. The applicant is proposing to use a native see mix for disturbed areas, which will use drought tolerant species for stabilization of the hillside and for erosion control. D. Verification of Slope and Grade Percentages. Prior to acceptance of the Final Plat, all streets shall be cross-sectioned and their center -lines staked in the field, to determine the accuracy of preliminary slope and grade percentages. If there are significant differences between preliminary and final grade and slope determinations, i.e., density or street gradients exceed the limits specified in this Section, the Tentative Plan shall be modified to reflect the revised information and resubmitted. Response: The proposal does not include land division or street development. Thus, this standard is not applicable. E. Development Plan Report. A proposed development plan shall be submitted, depicting building envelopes for each lot/parcel, including driveway approaches and all other associated impervious surface areas. The applicant shall specify whether trees will be felled under one Tree Felling Permit, as specified in Section 5.19-100, as part of the subdivision construction process or by separate Tree Felling Permit for each individual lot/parcel prior to the issuance of a Building Permit The plan shall be based upon the findings of the required reports in this Section and the lot/parcel coverage standards of Section 3.2-215. Building envelopes shall be specified in Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions recorded with the Subdivision Plat Response: The proposal does not include land division. Lots/parcels are not being created. The building envelope in this proposal is the 4' Level Reservoir. The only driveway approach is the new reservoir site access drive as shown on the plan set. All trees felled for the project will be under one Tree Felling Permit. With lots/parcels with more than 15 percent slope and above an elevation of 670 feet, the maximum impervious surface inclusive of structures and driveways is 35%. As this proposal's development site is 11.02 acres, the 35% percent maximum coverage is 3.86 acres, or 168,142 square feet. As shown on the plan set, total impervious area (comprised of the reservoir, one 200 sq. ft. building, and a few concrete pads) is 2,769 square feet, or 0.06 acres, well under the limit. To the degree that a Development Plan Report may apply to this proposal, it is provided with this paragraph. The Sarre Group - 375 West 0 Avenue, Suie 201, Eugene, OR W401 - (541) 6964540 - yrew.sarreemun.com Springfield Utility Board South Hills 41^ Level Reservoir Hillside Development Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 Page 8 of 9 SDC 33-535 Modification of provisions The Director may modify the standards of this Code, as they apply to the entire development area, within the following prescribedlimits., A. Front, side and rear yard setbacks may be reduced to zero (when permitted by the Building Safety Codes); provided, however, where attached dwellings are proposed, there shall not be more than 5 dwelling units in anygroup. Response: The proposed project is not a residential development, and reduced setbacks are not being requested. Additionally, the applicant is not proposing to reduce right-of-way or pavement width along the property frontage on South 66th Place and Jessica Drive. Therefore, this standard does not apply. B. The reduction of public right-of-way, pavement width, and/or requirements for the installation of sidewalks as specified in Table 4.2-1, may be allowed if provisions are made to provide off-street parking in addition to that specified in Section 4.6125. The Director may require combinations of collective private driveways, shared parking areas and on street parallel parking bays where topography, special traffic, building, grading, or other circumstances necessitate additional regulation to minimize land and soil disturbance and minimize impervious surface areas. Response: The right-of-way and pavement width along South 66th Place have already been designated. Per Table 4.6-2, no parking is required for public utility facilities unless utility vehicles will be parked overnight, therefore no additional parking is required and none will be provided. Given this, this standard does notapply. SDC 33-540 Fire protection Reauirements Additional fire protection requirements may be required in hillside development areas which are considered vegetated areas subject to wildfires as determined by the Fire Marshal. A. All buildings with a gross area in excess of 1,500 square feet shall be constructed within 50 feet of an approved fire lane or public street. Fire apparatus access shall be provided to within 50 feet of the building (this may mean modifying the driveway designs for width, grade and construction material in order to meet fire lane requirements). Installation of a residential fire sprinkler system will be considered as an alternative to the requirement to be within 50 feet of a fire lane or street. Response: The subject site is on a wooded hillside and therefore is within a potential wildfire hazard area. However, the only enclosed structure is the proposed reservoir. It is a 50 -foot diameter reservoir, and the reservoir will not be combustible or continuously occupied. The gravel access road will have a width of 15 feet and will provide a safe fire/service tum around area. Thus, this standard does not apply. B. The developer shall specify in the recorded Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions that a wildfire defense plan for each lot/parcel, approved by the Fire Marshal, will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Response: The proposed project does not involve construction of combustible structures or any residential dwellings, so a wildfire defense plan is not warranted. An existing fire hydrant is located on the north side of Jessica near the southwest corner of Tax Lot 302. Finally, the proposed driveway for the reservoir site could be used for wildfire defense activities along the hillside, should the need arise. Given this, this standard is met. The Satre Group • 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686-4540 • W ,atreproup.com Springfield Utility Board South Hills 0^ Level Reservoir Hillside Developmrs Overlay District Map 18-02-03-10, Lot 100 Page 9 W 9 C. All buildings located in or adjacent to vegetated areas subject to wildfires shall have Class A or B roofing as specked in Bre Oregon State Struch4rel Specialty Code. Response: The site and immediate adjacent property is within a potential wildfire hazard area. The reservoir will have a Class A roof with metal rafters and a standing seam metal roof with metal fascia. Given this, this standard is met. IV. CONCLUSION The above information represents known applicable planning, zoning and site development requirements for the contemplated project. It presents known physical conditions and contexts. It captures the project's primary development objective. Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement, associated attachments and plan set, the proposed SUB South Hills 4' Level Reservoir meets the criteria of approval contained in the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that the City of Springfield approve the proposal. Both the applicant and the applicant's representative are available for questions. We look forward to working with staff to ensure this project meets the goals and objectives of the applicant and the city. If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact Rick Satre, at The Satre Group, 541-686-4540, or rickftsatregroup.com. Sincerely, Rlchwwd,M. Sarr& Richard M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI President The Satre Group The Sarre Group - 375 West 0 Avenue, Suie 201, Eugene, OR W401 - (541) 6964540 - w.va.selnavoun.00m r /iiia. r//�/i ///ii/��;iiiirri ri rr /ii rr r�i/i//i /irr/ii41 / \� I l l/ 1✓/i////✓i/I IIII I/ll lbl I r—/ Ij /// // II/ x/ II /i//ii///% //// I I 1 1 V v v 1111 11111111111111 11 f 1 I ///I � r �//r/r/f I A A 111111111111111111 IID �I� �//// it // 1. �rrl�l l/j'/%r/iii fel /ll///// I / I V v v V I vv �j11 III 1111111111111111111 +A A \/ ,-1 11 111 if 111 II II 1 \ I / llff,ma�wx 1 I i 1111111 1 VA11 I I VA I I l I / / i 1 A\i—� i \� ��— Ill II01111I�I�IIII 1!!/111. �V '.v�V AVAA 0 VA VA V I / 1 / t ( f I///r/�///�II� 111111111111 �1 1 1 " V`VAgAVAV AA 1VAV IIII /// // II 111111 �� W I I IllllllllllllllllllAVA\� A .AAV AVAA AAA\ \\ \V A A 1 11 II / ///// /// II 11 11 t nW I/IIII/11111/Illi VARA pA A A A O v A A A V A 1 1 IL� I ///i ////�///lI .c�I;11i 11 X11AVJ �AJq AA�AAVvAv � vv`: "°. vv�vvvv vv AAAVA VIlk 1 \ A �� 11�VN i�������O�ov���w�p� wvwv' °..v� vvvv vvvvvwvvv X11 1� �v v�� V Jv vvo,° 11 1 :vim v O v v vv v vvvv v v � v v v11 I \ w, v v vv vv v A AA vv ® �..v vv `vvv vvO vvv`J v�vvvvvvCvvvvv� AVAA VARA A\� Avv AbVAA;� 1\ �r vvvvOvvvvQvvAvvOAvvJvvvvvVAA VA VAAV A\� vvv e' VA1 -1 /, vvv A vvgvvvvv v vO vvvOvv Jvvvvvvvv0vvvvOvvAvvv� v�v v \VA1' 'p \ Vpv vv v v v OvvvJ 0 0 v p v vvvv v v v s v � L ��ow.w`� �.vi I� VAAvvvv�J`vvv ovvV�vvvv vvvv O`�vvv ��v.�v�v vvvv �gvyv�y� i, ppl A A v v v O A A A vi A v� �v .� °'°° sp vv vyAAAVAA 1 A�v J J AA V A AAA vv v O v v v vv AVA A V1 Avv v AA Avv v v vv ��� v� �I� �v �v � �, VAVA�A�yVAVv��\ V 1 A vv vVAA PvVvvC vvv vvvQv� vvv ��� `vvv �v�4 VAvvAo w� vOvvvv vv���v v �� h VAA�'v AAV�AAAQ`�AA �\VAOAVAV�AVPAv vv vVAA 11� v Cpl � A0�Ov�v °i v vAV\yvVvvvv v v v v v v v O v v v O�� S O V 'ice v � vvvvvvv v v v vvv p ,/ v 11vII uv Inl 11u Intvvvvvv�v av��v r� ,11.111AAAA:+A. PCCM ROAD ALIGNMENT AND CURVE TABLE °A"o 600/o—SUBMITTAL N H °A"o 600/o—SUBMITTAL N H °IZN—j �m WHm p ) SODTH\ELS 4T ACCM ROAD GRADING PIAN C-4 �..m.. m,rray,,ith RESERVOIR R