HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2020-13 05/04/2020 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. ___________ A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 2020-05 TO EXTEND THE STATE OF EMERGENCY DUE TO THE PRESENT COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND ADOPTING AN EMERGENCY REGULATION TO EXTEND BUSINESS LICENSES WHEREAS, ORS 401.305 provides authority for the City of Springfield to act as an emergency management agency, including authority to establish policies and protocols for defining and directing responsibilities during the time of emergency; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has enacted a local Ordinance (SMC 2.800 et seq.) pursuant to the authority granted by ORS Chapter 401 that provides for executive responsibility in times of emergency; WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, the Common Council of the City of Springfield adopted Resolution 2020-05 declaring a state of emergency due to the present COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is necessary to administratively extend the term of business licenses issued by the City of Springfield under Springfield Municipal Code Chapter 7, to provide temporary relief to local businesses affected by the COVID-19 emergency, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1. Section 5 of Resolution 2020-05 is amended to add the following emergency regulation: NotwithstandingSMC7.000(2), all business licenses issued under Chapter 7 of the Springfield Municipal Code in effectas ofJune 30, 2020 will expire on September 30, 2020. Any licensesissuedunder SMC Chapter 7on or after July 1, 2020 will expire on June 30 of the following year, unless otherwise specified by the Council. All license fees shall be paid at the time of application. Renewal fees for licenses expiring on September 30, 2020 will not be pro- rated. Nothing in this emergency regulationis intended to otherwise waive any requirement or penalty under SMC 7.000 through 7.006 Section2.Section 6 of Resolution 2020-05is amended to provide as follows: Thedeclaration of emergency and special regulations and emergency measures shallremain in effect untilterminated by Order of the Common Council. Section3:This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. APPROVEDthis ________ dayofMay 2020, by a vote of _____ in favor and ______ against. _______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Recorder 5/1/2020