HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/28/2020lCity of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Minimum Development Standards (Minor) SPING1171 6H,Lo_ ProjectRequired Applicant Name• f +) � Phone• (- VI Com an : 0 TJ5 cr-5 E-maih .✓ c'rvr -, Address:3 �,�/• ELU/ --�t %P f/e� Applicant's Rep.: Phone: Company: E-mail: Address• Property Owner: JXff 64*'[ Phone• % Company:J.T'07CA GL G mail % c alSCa�l tcda S Address: '¢e /'/ re O/2 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: TAX LOT NNOii S : /i Property Address:_11 IGfC'G f}!'�.w �/ !" E @/w d Size of Property: IqqAcres id Square Feet ❑ Description of tf you are filling In MIs orm by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: $,££- �F`T�TAt;(7 ' Existing Use: 9 �—L Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next page. Associated Cases: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: ,.. rine:r Revised 5/21/13 KL 1 of 6 caa aw Signatures The andIgned acknowJgdges that the Information in this application Is correct and accurate. // // Date: AA Print If the applicant is net the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: Date: �� �3 2�✓2t� Sig a ure 1 certify that I prepared the attached plot plan and that It contains the Information specified In the submib requirements checklist. I certlfy, that the plot plan Is accurate based upon field locates and the best available Information. I understand that City staff will rely upon the plot plan in making any decisions regarding the Minimum Development Standards application. I accept full responsibility and liability In the event that ther are any omissions, mistakes, or Inaccuracies In the plot plan, Plot Plan c Preparation // ^ �fq� (✓,e c-�-� Date: OLS/23/2oYB �t'Plan Pre0a1%-r Signature Revised 5/21/13 KL 2 of 6 Description of proposal We would like to build a metal building onsite. This building will comply with the stormwater standards, appearance, and safety and efficiency. The metal building is 24'X 60' and will be used for storage, the property has already been using this area for storage and due to the weather we would like to put a roof over the supplies we store in the elements. This area will store metal job gang boxes, metal concrete stakes, steel sawhorses for our jobsites. We will have lights inside the building, and also on the outside of the building. The roof will shed to our existing rain garden, the existing location has already been approved to shed to the rain garden onsite. We will have minimal excavation, the only excavation will be for the footings for the new concrete. stWR REW3pel0 ISEURNM user, r:axnrun lid TULBNO. M74731 IUB HSCROWNO. HU12.0827 TAX ACCT, N0. 1644176 MAPfTAX LOT NO. 17023023010 Lam Count, Clark IM -2152 Count,. Duda and Rh aear liilii iiii20i0i245i5iiili2iii�imiu11111 s".00 RPR -DEED Ont.1 $tnel M,05118/2012 03'14:53 PM $10.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10,00 WARRANTY DEED --STATUTORY FORM ALLANPILLAR PIERCE AND NOR IIANd. LKMMPT&.JR, as Ca I[Tusteea oftba RLMARETHC. PaRCBTESTAMENTARYTRUSTpursuhntM@a Leet WDIand Tokmeutaf Pd "EMC.PWRCE,s deceased person, and ALLAN RH.LARPMRC&AND NORMAN L LECCdfl JRI as Co -Trustees Of the RALPH H. PIBACH TESTAMENTARY TROS'1'punueotto Ne Laat Will ontl Tmtom¢nt of RALPH P. PIERCE., a deceased peroua, Cranmr, ' Conveys and woman; W JJBCA, LLC, an Oregaa Ll.H6d LWbllity Company,Graa,n, Ne folbwing deecdbetl and property BeeafwcumbrenceS eicepta apeai6ca11y eat Sethhercla; Lot 3, MARCOLAROAD LYDUSTRLAL PARR, as planed mdtecmded W File 75, Slides $91,898 and 899, Lane CO W ly Oragon Plat Record, in Lane County, Oregon. Rxcapttbe fliowing wcumbranus: SREATTACIW'DEXHIRETA. The true coasidunali. for tWs conveyance 16 $87,062.00, D.wd9ds—Ae--.__dsyof BLIZAB CP RC,B?H 'AMHNTARYTRnST RALP . HR S aTARY TRUST BY: BY: ppggT�pp�� AU,t:ANSffLvwELplHACR,MUNTBB ALL SHP.LAR STEL STM BY: BY: NORMAN J. LECOId]✓T& It NORMA NJ.LECDMPTE,JR., US Statuof '.. County.fLons This iOebument weauaka.MM,,d before meon P�u�B 2012 by ALLAN UILLAR PLRRCB. ANDNORMANLLHMWTH,JR.,MTRUSTBPS OF BST THBBLiZABBTH C.PHIRCETESTAMeNTARY TRUST end RALPH H. PIRRCH THSTANIHNTA'iRY{ TRUST. ��. /1i1 OFFICIAL SFAL \ Iw& V\AN. MELISSA BLAN'lEWMRCHELL NI My FUSIJ OPE00N rdas Publio RlrC`r0 on - MEMMISSIONFDARESSEFTENBES181019 Mywromiadoa ELIZABETH G PIERCE Undbcbm,gelson,—sed TESTAMENTARY TRUST and RALPH H. all tra ehtemene.ball be PIERCE TESTAMENTARY TRUST and to Rte Joked, address: 2515THRAAMVIEWOR ...SAME AS GRANTRH^a EUGENE, OR 97405 GRANTOR'S NAMB AND ADDRBS S UBCA, LLC ARermcardlagosona t9: P.O. BOX 7M25 CASCADETITLECO. SPRINGPIBLD, OR 97475 311 WJG.AMETTE GRANTEE'S NAMH AND ADDRESS EUGHNH, OR 974D1 wno