HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-04-11APPLIca, -0N/PER\.LIf 225 Nonth Sth Street Springfield, )r'egon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESI\qNTIAL..SPFTINGFIELD T I'a.x Lot ilAesessore t"lap # "tob Locattcn: Subdioision: Oumer: Addt,ess: OO Val.ue htot l<: N et) Date of App Licatian \Eq Additicn RenoileL Rece;.pt # Date: tX- \**F= ntr qGeneral PJ"umbing nica I Elec trl ca ELSuperv is in (' 1il nI t' Page 1 of '; It ie the responsibility of the permit hotden to see that aLL inspections are nade at the E)roper time' that ecch address is readable frotn the street, anC that the pet'nrit cay'd ie Located at the ftont of the,,property.iouitdirq Nuision appro"-ed plan shall temain on the Building )it: at aLL tines. (recoy,cley) state Aou? CitA Cesigruted iob ntmbett, iob aCdtess' !!lPe- of incpec:i_cri on, Coltyaetcr" oi A,tners nanne and phone number, Requests recei-"^ed befcre 7:C0 ctPI?)CEDUPE F1R INSPUTIOil RTQUEST:CALL 726-3769 @wttt ae ready fot'inspecti '*iLL be nade the sane dcy, neqtiests ncde aftet 7:00 on uiLL be nade the nect wrking day, Iour City Designated Job Nunber fs: I l SITE INSPECTION: To be nade after *c*ra;lon,'bui prion tc set up of fonne. tl !,tp!8 s l'4 9 ptuaplu,_ nIE9LSll!_L,e MECHIilfCAL: To be made before anyGiii-ii cZoered. FC)TINC & F)UNDATICN: To be maCe after trenches a?e excarlated and forms are erected, but prior to pourtng ccncrete, Pt,uM9 tNC DRAI ItACIi: 'l'o T1S-trenehee . INSL'LATIOII/VAPOR BARRIER TTISPECTION : required uapor bat. ie?6 ote in place but before any Lath, gApsun boarC ot' unLL couering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEC?I)N: Tc be made nftet -itT@;in'ts in place, but prior to cnA taPing. MAS0NR.Y: Steel Location, bond tifil-grnrr,ltittg ot' oerl;icals in aceordanr-,e utlth ll.B.C, Section w00t)sTo,/l::;;,pCtA.After installation ie Lo 'LOOR PL,IJI.!BIIlC ,AL be prlor to ta of floon insulation or decking. P)ST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot' to TiiiiTTilli" of floor insulation on decking, !,ttcH- FINAL PLUIIBIIIC FINAL I,IECHANICAI, FINAL ELECTRICAL tion. !S&!!9: t4ust be requested aften approual of rough plwbing, electri- cal 8 meclnnical, ALl, roofing btacing E chirmeys, etc. rntst be conrpleted. Ilo ucrk 'ts to be con- eealed unttl this inspeetion tas 'been made anC appro"*ed. CURB & APPR)ACH AP.'ON: After fonns ote erecteC but pt'ior to pouring eoncrete. SfDlilALK r, DRI"'EW.|Y: For aL! eon- c"A;naDijnfinfr s tneet risht- of-e:A, to be maCe after aL'!. etca- oatinq cctnplete & fonn tnrk & sub- base rruzterial in Place. IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProoiCejffii or notable sections through P. U. E. AL.L 1,ro;i,zat conLlit;ions, sualt as t.le i'nstallatton of stl'eet !!?"-1,- to'ptetton-of tie nnqritnnl Lanisccpirg, Lta,, ,ntst be satisfied befone the B1ILDIN? FINAL eanbe requested' !.INAL BUILT)INC: The Final Building fnspection m.tat be requeated after the Final Plwnbing Le"trical, aiC Meeharical fnspectlons hque been made atrd approtseC. NAI , I.IANIICT,ES AND CLI)ANOUTS IIIIST BE ACC'ESSIBLT, ADJI]STIIENI ?O BE II,4DE AT NO COST TO CIIY Le llcmes Bloeking otd set-up Plwhing connections -- sa)er and uater Electz,ical Connection - Blocking, set-us and plwnbing connections rn;st be apprc';ed before requesting electrical inspecliot: Accessor-; Buildnng pcr.ehes, skitting, decks, Leted, Pinal - Aftar etc. are canp OR Soitarg easet eapped at properiy Lire Septic tank patrped ard filled uith gratel ?inal - l{hen abcoe t)tens az'e ecrnpleted and uhen Cemolition is complete or stnir- ture nooed and premises cleaneC up. t--t 4* ucrb T T SOLAR ACCESS REQ.'dL-CO Be-droons Building Volue & Permit This pemit i.s grant:ttd on the ecpres:t cond-i.Lion LfutL Lhe :;'ti'1 .-consLtucLton shal|, h aLL r':espects, conform Lo the ordirutiae' ldof Leil hy Lhe city of ip"i"gilnta, incllu4tng' the \oning crtlirtanrc-e, regulcLi-rtg tlrc ccnstt'ucticn i"d "'iL of iruil<lings,- rrnd ,ry be suspenrle,l or reuokeC at ct't11 time- upon uic- LaLion of atty Ttoo't:;iotts of scti.tl ordinantr:es' Access. -- Fees -- TOTAL VALUE Signed: l ValueF?G * Fee #: JOB NO S.D.C. 7.5 x P,L Hause Date Pat>d I of Stories Topography Lot Faces - Ldcc toue ITEI.l itlain Buildi.ng Penrit Total Clntges State LCT TYPE Intericr Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cotteraga_ Total Height Plumbing Permit No pet'son shall construct, install,- alter- or cltatge -any neil -cr existing ;ir^;;brQ "; iroinage systbn in ahole o, in part, unless such person is the injit p"o""nr"on o1"o uLtid pl*rbnt,'s Lic.ens-e, except that a person ^oV 4o- pti^ttig ttork to p"operty ,hi"h iu ounted, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plunbing Pernit CHARGENO,FEEITEM Pi.rtt*es Residenti,al (1 bath) bdnl Seuet, Electricol Permit Whet,e State Las t,equires tt1at the eleetrical uotk be done by an Electrical Contna"tor, the el)ctuical pot,tion of thia permit shall not be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Electt'ical Contractor" Nau/Ertend Circuits State ?otal CIIARCENC ,+ Mechqnicol Permit Eohanst HooC Wcodsto;le Vent Fan PermLt fssuance Mechanieal Pertrit f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IrNED the conpleted applicatian fot permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infornation hereoi ts true anl correct, and f furtkLr certiiy that any ar.d aLL uork perforned shall be done in accot'- 'dance ttth thb" ordinancbs of the cita bf spt'ingfield, and the Lcas of the state of 7regon pertatnirut to the uork cescribed hcrein, cnd tlnt N0 1ccu- pANcy ;itl bZ naCe of any structure uitho;.tt permission of the Building D.i' oiston. I futther certif,l that only contractoi.s and enplcyees dko are in conpliance t)ith cRS 701,055 uiLL be used on this project -- ENCROACHMENT -. Total Mobile Eane OTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Tt€e - Permit * r ,{3() VTan-Eiarnitxer' Clpbcut Sideualk Hcter Tatal Chafaas F\tnn.tee PTll I S Total Chanoes State Seaaritu Deoosit Storaae Mai-ntannn,ta Fenze- EZe.t?;-cdL fnbaT-