HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-02-10\TA CON STRU IION /puscEMENT PERI/|ITiLlV-= I PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. THI.S ft plaunrxc/ZoNrNG: llirrimum setbacks: cL ,o"" RA r,ont145'^ partition h- Parcer *- F\interior -J Parc teatcL, =id.-^ N 6*t&x Coments:@Date: Date:rn frood hazard utu.a fluo I v"=' see attached sheet E Date: YICEOFFORF iSllii'l'it- 183-Kl A/*no CoPics of Prans:ilr-*, copies ot Plot Plans "t-1 tte cnanic aI check 1 i s t fier-*u:.tq checklist plan Che ck tnfo Sheet {fo3 tJ.-fS'TREET fi nesidential l--l commercial Dlndustrial f,r,.,uri" 60 ProPosedExisting OF I trn prlnt)q NAME with and do hereby 'rcrtithe ordinances structure withoutmade of anY red bY ORsand effecL as requi 701 .055in comPliance with oRS FORAPPLlCATIONTHECOMPLETEDEXAMINE]D,YCAREFULLHAVE lnIbedoneshalperforredworkaI1and beanythatwiIlcertityOCCUPANCYNOandthathereindescribedworkforcethetofu11IS1nBoardrldesBuithetharewhoregistrationthatanderrploYeessubcontractorsonIYthatandhereon THOROUGHLYAPPl,1CATlON hfrtandcorre c tandueTIseonheronforma1n rLai ngcnOre<)pootteStalheofLaUStheand cert fyCountYLanefurther.onviDildingBUtheof notedthepemissionfotexemPtionbasitheifexemPtthatTHIS055cltECr€D701ANDREADIHAVEectprojonthisusedwi1be DATE [l o,.'u, I contra.tot I lsent fl nunai, ADDRESSTNG:GR1D COORDINATE - IXI saxrrArroN:F{ rnstallation Specifications ! Corunents: CoNnents or"rn Ml Installation Record Issued? Date: Date:2.- 5. l. r B. P. #[l v"= f]n" Maximim DePth of TrenchesIlonLinea] Feet of Drainfield Use,,8 PLAN I@mIuaIIoN',"n" 4N CONSTRU CTION AUTHORI ZED BY THIS PERMIT I Description Sq. Ft. Fixeil Fee/ unit cost Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sewer,/Storm Drain/vfater Plumbing Fixtures MechanicaL Plans Check Fee state surcharge TOTAL FEE FEES PATD BY: ise /cn""x I casrr DATE $ $ + + $ $ ( $ s TOTAL VALUATION $ PERMT?APpRovED ey euu,oixc LANE COUNA'Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL c74- 794 frA.{?By: Date: oRS 6.80s (1) ) MANAGETIENT / 125 E. SEE REVERSE AST EIGHTH AVENI]E,,r*[,oREc1N 97401 T tr tr 3) SETBACKS AND OTHER C ITATION UNDER PROV I,IHEN READY GIVEN. H BUILDING DIVISION CONDITIONS OF AP PROVAL MUSTrsJ0Ns 0F LAilE COUNTY'S INF IOR OTH VIOLAT ER REMEDI ION CAN fi-6ulr rH ES ALLOI,JED REVOCATI BY LAII ON OF THIS PERMIT,FOR INSPECTI ON CALL 687 -4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADV ANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC TION ave the follow ing i nforma tion t number,job address,type of ins pectfon,when i t your name and phone number, and a ny spe ready: permi cial di rectio ^f 5, iI[,315 l_lfi 8Fl'ii; ns to site To be made af ter trenches are excavated a nd forms erected and when a l I materials for the foundat ton Where co ncrete from a centrai mixing I lant (commonly termed ,,ir'ansit mixed,,) i s to be used, the "Job To be made after all in_sl aboru nder-floor bui l ding service equ i pment ,poured es o er ancil ia ry equi pment items are in pt ace but before any concrete is or floor s hea thing instal Jed, incl uding the subfl oor REQUESTwill be MUST BE ready, d\ N p ng accessoi To be made after the roof , aIl framinand vents are compl ete and all roughre in place 3i"llff.:l':fJ';, ilf , ;;..,,,are in place andapproved. Al l rd, interior and ex terior, is in place 4)P : To be made after all lathiany p as n9 s app ed or before gypsum board joi ng and gypsum boants and,fasteners APPROVAL R 5) FINAL INSPECTIONI To be made after the building is complete and before occupa success i ve are taped and fini shed EQU IRED. i nspecti No work shai I be done on any part of the bui lding or struc ncy requi red. N0TE: A1t building its reguire inspections for the work authorized , such as but not limited to perm A. BLOCK I,JALL :To be made after rei nforcing is in p1ace, but beforerequired for each bond beam pour. There wilI be no approval unti on wi.thout fins t obtainin gthea pproval of the buildi ng official Such app roval shall be ture beyond the point indicated in eaafter an i nspecti on shal I have been made of each successive s tep in the construction as ind ica ted by each of ch B' t"l00D sT0vE: To be made after completion of masonrv (if appricabre) and when instalration is comolete.il:iilllil"i.:l:l].liJ,,i:;il:tiff,with in .pp".:.'Lo nationarry ...osn,:,; testrns asency ui,u-irre mani_ c' |40BILE H0ME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to.an.approved sewer or septicilil:lrl8;;. setback requirements, utoctins, tJijii.i connection, ti;a;il;, skirtins, and ptumbins 1: (r) i;'l;:,;.ilf.3ffii:":t complv with state roundation requireinents ror mobile homes or as recommended(?) I:il]:r:;Tt,liilY rinish rioor elevation shall be cerr'iried when requ.ired by a rloodplain(3) l4obiie home tiedowns, whe! required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspectionwithin at least 30 davs arter'occupi.iv. -ii.oori.-una rfiri;;;";;itr-;; irriiri"u p.i"!n.rorr.". D' ?l'Y[jl:.,i:::' Beiow srade when steel is in place and before conrete is poured. Above srade when pool APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I,IILL EXPIRE IF I,IORK DOES NOT BEGINhIITHIN .I80 DAYS' 0R IF w0RK IS susPENDED 0R-ABAND0NED FOR M0Ri iuau tgo oRvs. suspENsroN 0R REVocATToN lyrAy occuR IF rHrspERrlrT ',As rssuED 0N rHE aasis or-imcolrpLEir on EnHolrrous'ilr'ibnNnrror,r. sruN uR Rrv,cArr.N ryrA' ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTiONS WILL DO SO AT HIS Ot,lN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERI\IATIVE SEWAGE DiSPOSAL SYSTEMS (r) (2) given onlythe inspections ,ull_gfgrt. is poured. This inspection isr rne ptumbing and electricai .inspectionshave been made and approved Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Setbaclis : Subsurface Sewaqe Disposal Septic Tank Upon compieting t_he constructi Department by submitting the idetermine if jt.cornpUgi *ittr. such rules, the Qepartment sha conctnJct,ion qdoep not "comply wsatisfactory compl etion before completion within a reasonable on.for which a permit has been_issued the permit horder shaH nc tr,,thens!a)lation record fo.m. The Departmen{-sharr inipeii t;;-;;r;: ,.tiiil'totheilnules contained.irt this division, r if tire consi.ruction joes'Ctpply witn l],,.i's1u9 a certff.r'cate of satisfa.iory fo*p1.tion to the permit hotder. If the1th .sr.rc,hr ru.res,it[e Department"-ghdl] nqtify-Ihg.irerrnit:hojderranp ,nii i ".qri"iissuing the ceitificate. Fairure'do meet"tfre'iLquiremenis ior"!atisractoly - time.oonsti,tutes a lviglatlon of 'qRS1asa,6Q{ to;4d.+.i+s.orii.t[ir"lifi;:;:"".' .i From:Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation I,Jells, other water sources l0' 'I 0' 5' 50' 'I 0, l0' 1 00' Drainfield--T6r--