HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-02-04{ " RESID*ttlTlAL" ' APPLICATruN/PEfinIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfieLd, 2regon 97477 Buildi,ng Division ? 26-37 53 SPRINGFIEI.D *o/c- i Job Loeaticn: Aeaeeeore I'!ap #l1o3 3 t/ Sbdiuision: Q.mer Ad.dress: oc TI Ne*, lat lat # Phone h'ork: 1/aLue ?26 - <oo at >>,ttlt t)S-'-:^- C4t-t RenoCeL o)o'o Date of App uenetaL Mecita.icaL Constnrctiott Leruier Reati.ro,J Tn <noafi en q It i.t tho respozls.ibilitg of tte petnrtt holda to aee that aLL inapeetions oe nade at the ploper time, tLat p-62ft ci'1t263 is rea)nh'". fron the Bx?eet, atd tiut the p*mit caxi ie Leateti at the frent of the prooerty,Building Nuision apprw^ed plot shcll remain on tie Building Sitc at cLL tines. P:?OC.DUPE FAP Ilts?iTrclt R|)U\ST:CALL726-3769 (recoyder) state !1ou? City designeted job nw;ber, job aiiness, tyae of incpeelic-r' requesceci ar-c a.;,:en you uilliZL be nacie the sane dcy, L be read.y 1or ir,.spcccion, Conttactoys ot A,nez,s rcste cnd phore rutnber. P.equests received befcre 7:00 cr. requests natie afxer ?:00 @n vLLL be nade the ne.ct:^nrkin-a Yow City Deeigr.ated Job Nwbet fs: '"'gE6e q/ I I _l SI?! Ii;-<l!C?10!l: Io be tncie aftere=c"Da;i-o"fr prto" tc eet up of forms. UIIDIRSLA3 PLU:,31]:G. TL':|PIC,iL A t'iCit:;-::;CAL: ?o be marie belore an-u unrk ia eorsered. FC1Tri;G 1 FOUIIDATICII: To be rmCe afxer cyencnes a?e escauatei ar,.d II]SULATION/VAPOP BARRIER IJISP|C?IOJI : Io be maie after aLL insulcxi-cn ed tcqul-red oryor ba,z,iera @e in pl.a.ce b'ut before oty Lath, Wp&Lat bcayi or tnll eouering is cpplzed, and. before ozy ittsulatian is concealeC. DRYIIALL INSPEnI)il: ?c be made aiter atT-c,ryuiT-;s in p|a.ce, but prior to cny tapirg. \IASO\IP!: Steel location, bond beans, qrouting or ve"ttccls in accorci.otce uith U,B.C. Section After installation is \> CURB & A?PRCACII APP)N: Aftet formsee erectec but prior to pouring concPete. SfDEWA| K I DRf\Ehti,y: Fot, all eon- crete pauing uithin st?eet ri.ght- oi-txy, to be naie aften aLL ecca- Datinq eanPlete & fotn uork & sub- base natertal in place. DE|iCLI?IA:] OR :-:CW) EUiLDi;:CS Soi:ag se"ter capped at p?opefuj Lite Septic totk p;rped ad fnlled vtth gra;se Fincl - Lhen abc,,te'L'.ens are ecnpleted ard uhen Cezclltion is cotolete o? at?u3- ture moueC ad. pter,rises cleanei up. iicnes lJ Locklnc dtd 52x-tD Plunbin4 connections -- aaret a,l. ualer Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, aele-ui ani plunbina conneetions n;st be qpprcte; before request':.ng elecirical inspectio:: Accescory BuilCing Ftnel - Aftcr ocrckes, akirting, decl<s, etc. aJ,e ccmoleled. . forms are enected, but prior xo pw-Lr,g ecnc?ete. 7 uxtgncns:':;t pru:nt:::, sst=."., r,,.t:::,)Lir4 crenches. lrnnuo?t aaD Dtfrt@74n L,fau At,Ta A f . I io be nace pnior xo inszcllaxion of floor inaulation or ciecking. 1 posr a::l eru.:: To be neac prior io ) insta-;'-Lcn ci floon insul,atiot; on deckiry. ----l R1!tc.!t ?!!::?I:;5. tLEt:l?!e,1: Mtcu- I A.:iIC,i-: i,o uork is to oc coo*erca1- - .witil these inspeetiors laue been nwie at,l ceoroue!.. 1 fnrrtt:ti ryiot, to plccirtt fcein:I nccen;G anl. bcforc 'ire:dn'g inspee- tior.. 1 fnn::f:;:: l'tust be neouested after ) dpp""val oi rough plunbina, e'icctni-cal d neeiunical. AL! roofir,c bracirn E chirmeys, etc. tntst be ; completci. Ilo ucrk ie to be eon- .....cecled until thi.a inspectLon haa'been marie anC appnoued. lIl l FTilAL PLUI.IBII]G FIi]AL I,!E'IIA:IICAL FIIIAL ELIC?RICAL o ?El'lCE: hrhen conplete -- ProuiCe gate6 or mouable aectians through P. U.E, ALL project eonditions, such aa the installaxion of street trees, eon?lction of the required Lanlsecpir:g, ctc., ntust be eatisfieci before the BUfLDII:C FI1IAL can be tequested. FINAL BUfLDING: The Final Building fnspeetion tru6t be reouesteC cfter the Final Plwtbing Electrical, otl. tteclanical Inspect:.ons ilaue been made atu appnoveC. .ALL I.,A!:!]CLES AND cLEAiIoUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIELE, ADJUI:!.:]? To 9I T,jD! /1? I:o C]ST TO CI"!Page 1 of 2 D soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-Co c+ Aceessfllouse Lot Facee - ilo"th East South T?7 ?WE _ Tnter-ior _ Conet _ Panlundle Cltl-de-sac Valucrlsirl JOB NO. Lot Sq. FxE. Z of tot Cawage ll of Stories Total Eeight Topogzvphy hleet tbin C@Dc"t Aeeessorv TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. J.5:c I a!. =^- Sc,itsr.t Seuer llctey Be=roor:s: ieaf, Datc Paid: Reeaiot ll Sigr:eti: toL'e --F Building Volue & permit This -pernit -i_a granted on the ee?'.ess eondition ttet the said constntctiott "-Yll, j".11L.respe.c.ts, conform to the orciinance ,ioo""d. iy-ini- c;ry oysprtngfield' ineludtng th-e zoning cydinance, regurcting thL ccnstrteticn ?!,yrn of buitding.s,.' ord. may t"-'r""jni.ia or reuokeC at ..ny t--ne upon vic-latlon of @ty pncuisione of eaid orciir,ances. I Builiing Penntt State ?otal tih.cges itr=r,.rr" Resi.tierttial ( 1 l>cth) Pknh:ng Perrit State a FE'Plumbing Permit No_ pereon slnll constntct, inslall, alte" o" ei,tanae cny vcl cr e:isting qlunb-ing or dtainage sysxen in uiole or in part, itlesi auch person is tleLegal possessor of a ualid plunber,s license, ezcept tb,at a De-son nal do OHO.r"n uotk to propetQ uhieh is outeC, Leased on operated by the qpli- Electricol Permit llhere State lan reouires tiu,t the eleetrical uork be done by an Elecd-cal Conxractor, the elecrical oortion of this pernic sis.Ll rot be valiC untilthe label ias beet signeci by the Electrical Conxrc.tot. Na,t/btend. Circuits Sentice Total C'ltarces Pefidt r*ltatat Hooi . Vent Fdt 'tlcoCsto;te Sectri Stotdoe Curbczt! Si-da,nlk Hobile Hane Pe*it'Issusrec lle:iuniccl Pernit -- E:tcRcAcfit!!::? -- Fr:L:;n -:Mechonicol Permit -24 I'Ldn Lzanlne?uacc 1 f HAW CAREFULLy 9X,LUINED the cornoleted aoplication fon oernit, cnd do hereby certify that aLL itfo:r.ation hereon is true arl. eonrect, anC f further certifu thdt any arl aLL uork perforned. siall be cione in accor- danee tith the Ordinances of xhe City of Sortnitficld, aruC thc La;s of the State of Oregcn pcrtainino to the l.Jrrk Cescribcd hcrein, cv.d ;h/t NO OCCI- P/.NCy wLlL be nade of anu sx?ucture uithott permission of the Building Di-uision. I further c-erti'f.1 thtt otly cont?actors ar;.d. errpicyees uho are incrlpliance uith CRS 701,055 uiLL be used on this project J- /€,*-7s /-57{ IAIAL AIpUill DtJ!:.ls,rs a Date { t Lreo