HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-06-17SPFIINGFTEL.tr)L ,r/ / A.{/2/ Phone:a=tt.qb - o6s 7 .. RE5IL'hN I IAL.. 22s North stlt streeAPPLr cATrr'^N /PERI'ttr Sprlngfield, 2reccn 97477 Butldtng Ditsision / zo-o / b,) Job Lacaticn: Aaaessore Map # ,?o 75 AZr 1(73 b /?az Ipt #c e (-- 0o? itrt o Subdiuision: Otmer: Address: ci Additicn I t I I I I I I I .i.t I I I I ; I I z/ {t RanoCel Date of App Licatian Deset4be Wotk: Value f {t" 0 Date GeneraL PLwbing 14eclto:ical Constntetion Lendet rt i8 the responaibilily of -the petmit ttolder to see tlat aLL inspeetiotts ee nad.e at thef-14-t1g attee.t' and that the-peitrtt cazi. ia Located at the froai of the property.*Building Nuicion appraed plan slntl yemain on-tLte e":,iai"lg'sil" "t aLL ti;nes. P:9:D-!jj \9_-4 {,yq:,\ryl1v ,E9=1yES?:CALL 72G-376e (z,ecoydet) state yout, ci.ty cesisrnted. jobr-e.quested anci wl'.en Eou uiLL be ready for inspection, cont?acto?s op anne?s nane cnd. a?one'*-LLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests ncd.e after ?:00 on vtlt be nwd.e the "r.t i"i1."g'aog. pro?e! ' ntonber. runnbet. tine, that ecch a,],lrees fs vea,znhig !, , job aCiaess, type of inspeelicn Requests receixed befcte 7:00 o:t Iout City Desigr.ated Job llunber Is:KeslN l SI?E INSPECTION: Io be nade aftez, escansation, but prtor tc set up of JOnmS. -1 UNDERSLAB pLUttBrNG,_wg!3lcAL- 3l@naLb?k LS coiered- - popruNc & FguNpATrcN: ?o be naCeI alxer xz,enches are e.xeantated and,. forns ate eteeted, but ptiot topout ing ccnctete. - u NpERGpour D pLUtE!N2__gEWEi,__y!!E&J Lirq trencies. I unomruoon pLu.ErNG & uECflANTcAL: -t '19 be nad.e pniot to installation of floor insuktion or deeking. I p.osr ry:.n penu: ?o be nad.e prior toI installaxicn of floon insutation otdeeking. -l ROUC\I qLUSMC, ELEC?|rCAL & LIECH- I - ,until these inspeetiot:s haoe been_ made and, approued.. I ftptpuct: prLot to plccira fceinaI materials and. before'franitfi in"pnl_tion. -1 pgatruc: ttust be ) dpproDal of roughcal & neciunical. TNSULAru)N/VAaOR BARRTER TilS?ECNON : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn e.drequlted oapor borie?s d?e in p'La.eebut before ory Ldth, Wpsuon boa.tC ortnLL cooering is applied, and beforeoty irc.ulation is concealed. DRIIIALL TNSPEtrION: lc be madeafter aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to c"ny taping. Sad*ag se.tet capped. et propenty lit:e Septic tm.k ptnrped attd filled uith gra:tel ; IEinal - h\ten abarc itens are eanpleted and Dhen Cqnclition is corcLete,or st?uc-ture mooed od. prenrtses clbazeC tq. _(''-/ DEtt1Lilrolt oR BUILDIiICS MASOilRy: Steel beons, gz,outing accord,otce vLth 24L 5. Location, bond or oerticals in U.B.C. Section WO0DS?01r,8: erlpT;t;A. After instalLation ie nequested aftez,plwrbing, electri- ALt roofing btacing E ehinmcys,etc. rrust be CURB & APPRCACH App,ON: After fornsoe etecteC but priot, to pout-Lrq concrete. STDWALK I DRftE'ttAy: ?ot, aLL eon- cr_ete pauing uithin etteet right- 9f-tEA, to be mad.e after aLL eeca-oating eonplete & forn usotk & sub- base ttatertal in pLaee. PENCE: h4ten conplete -- pyouiCe gates or notable sectians through P,U.E./-\\- .i i eornple ..cecled tcd,llo tprk is to be eon-until this inspection laaI been nod.e anC apptotsed, lIl l FIIIAL PLUMEIilG FINAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECIRICAL ALL pl'oiect conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co:toletion of tietequined Tantdsccping, etc.' rast be eatisfied befone *n auiiolnc rrNAL canbe requested., 0.] l:y!,:ya-torr-c,, .!? Fi.nal Buildins rnspection nuet be requested, after the Fi.nal plunbins \--l LLectrLcal' @1d Mecrur-ical rnspectiona h*ue been nade ad'appnooed. Hcmes Blocking ord, Set-up i Plunbing connectiotts -- sa/te? d. oatet I ElectricaL Cotneetion - Blocktlng, set-uD and. plunbing eonnections m;st be qprcoed befote tequesting eleclrLcal inspeeliot Accessory BuitCing skirting, decks,pcrekes, 7 -L^) Pinal - Afteretc. are comp Page 1 of 2'ALL MANH2LES AND ctEAvows ttus? BE AccEssrBLE, ADJasnEilr ro BE I,L4DE nr No cosr ro crry ,$r /e,/L L! ( tr u T Nau/Ectend Cireuits Sentiee Ezha$t HooC 5U sULAK AUUE)U KEV.- -- ENCROACEMENT -- Receipt fl: L -CO G- T[an groniner Permit ?otaL Ctnbctt! Sida,talk Mobile Hane r HAW CAREEULLy EXA\LINED tle conpleted application fot petnrit, artd. do hereby certify that aLL inforTnation hereon is t"ue atd correet, an'C f furthler certily that any ar.d aLL wtk perfomted slnll be done in accor-'dance vLth thb- ot'dinancbs of the city of Spr"ingfield, atd the La*;s of the State of }tegcn pertaining to the Dork CescyLbed herein, cnd that NO OCCU- pANCy ;tL bZ nnZe of ctty structure vtthout permission of_ the Building DL- uision. f fiuther .e"ttfiy that otly contractots ad enplcyees uho @e in canpliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect \q lleat P. L. Lace tote I{,1 ?WE J _ Interior _ Cor.ne? _ Panha'ndle Cul-de-sac Lat Faceo - Beiroor;sGtou l,ot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Camage ! of Stortes ?otal Height TopograPhY -- Fees -- SQ. F?G Vax TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 c PLan Cheek Fee: Date Pa;-d: Building Volue & Permit This pernit is granted on the etpress conditi,on tha,t the sciid constntction slull-, in all rLspeets, conform io the ordinar,ce cdopted tiy the city of Springfield, ineludtng the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn otd. use of buildLngs, otd mty be euspended ot, rettokeC at cnA tine upon oic- lation of dtA ptcoisione of eaid Ordinanees. Building Penn t ?otal Charges State Signed: FEE CHARGE Fishpee Resilzntial (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll eonstruct, install,, alter ot' cltonge anA ned cr e*'Lsting plwnbing or drainage systqt in uhole ot in part' unless such person is tle Legal possessor of a oalid plunber's L'Lcense, etcept that a pelson nay Qoplu;bing uork to p?oper'tA uhich is oaned, Leased on opetated by the aPPLi- caflt. Plunbing Pernit 9tate FEE CHARGE Electricol Permit tlhe?e state La requites tlut the electr-tcal uork be done bi im Eleetrieal Contraetor, the elec+.rLcal pottion of this permit shall rat be oaliCw*il the Label lns been signed by the Electrteal Cont?dcto?. ?otaL FEE LiIMAL Vent Fdt llcodstote Stdte a Mecho nicol Permit Permit rssuowe tlecltanicel Pefirtt oO TOTAL A|^OUNT DUE:I VO t JOB NO. House Caraae l,lorth II South tt ',lest l * hn-'mea Frlll'S