HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/28/2020 (3)April 23, 2020 A K eNciweERiNc & FORESTRY Andy Limbird City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Marcola Meadows Partition Pre -Submittal Checklist, Local File No. 811 -20 -000066 -PRE Andy: Thank you for reviewing the Marcola Meadows Partition application. This letter and accompanying information respond to your request for additional information that we received in the letter dated April 17, 2020 (attached). The list of additional information requested is shown in italics, with the Applicant's response directly below. 1. The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department. The entire Marcola Meadows site has wellhead Time of Travel (TOT) Zones. These should be shown on the existing conditions sheets. RESPONSE: Please seethe Preliminary Plans, updated with the information above. 2. Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the property. Easements for sewer access to the small commercial lot are required and a public access easement along the school/multi family housing will be required to ensure pedestrian access from Marcola Road to the residential area is maintained, this can be combined with the sewer access, or can be done with a road realignment. RESPONSE: Please see Sheets PO -09 and PO -11 of the Preliminary Plans, updated with the information above. The appropriate easements for public facilities and pedestrian access have been provided to Parcel 2 and 3, respectively. 3. Any required additional materials, applications or permits: • Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement RESPONSE: It is understood that the subject site is subject to deed restrictions per the master plan approval and property line adjustment approval. • Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district RESPONSE: As described on page 11 of the Marcola Meadows Partition Land Use Application, the subject site is consistent with and designated Nodal Development (ND) Overlay Area on the Metro Plan Diagram. The NO area is established to work in conjunction with the underlying zoning districts to support 'pedestrian -friendly, mixed-use development' The design standards of Section 3.3-1000 are not particularly relevant as the purpose of this application is to prepare the site for overall master plan improvements; compliance with NO area design standards will be assessed at future site design review. Additionally, the site is designated Drinking Water Protection Overlay and the Time of Travel Zones are illustrated on the Preliminary Plans. This application does not involve or affect the storage, use, quantity and/or protection of hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater. BEND, OR I KEIZER, OR I TUALATIN, OR I VANCOUVER, WA www.aks-eng.com • If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19- 100 RESPONSE: This application does not involve tree removal. • Where any grading, filling, or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development RESPONSE: The above statement is understood, and the required permits will be obtained prior to land disturbing activities. 4. Planning Notes: None Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: • The proposed partition plan is predicated upon completion and recording of the Property Line Adjustment initiated by Case 811-20-000054-TVP1. If the final Property Line Adjustment survey and deeds are not recorded by the time this partition application is submitted, the existing property lines will need to be shown on the tentative plan. • With the exception of Parcel 3, none of the other parcels created by the partition plan can be developed without the dedication and construction affronting public streets as outlined in the approved Master Plan for the neighborhood. • The proposed partition plan in no way obviates or modifies the approved Master Plan for the neighborhood, nor are the existing zoning map boundaries adjusted by this land division. RESPONSE: The Planning comments above are understood; this application does not involve physical improvements or modify the approved Master Plan for the site. 5. PW Notes: • Note 1 and 2 (addressed on previous page) • No specific stormwater improvements or submittals requiredfor this partition. All the master plan phasing and build requirements remain in place and will be required prior to subdivision or development of any parcel that does increase impervious areas onsite. RESPONSE: The Public Works comments above are understood and have been addressed accordingly. The appropriate stormwater management materials will be provided in the future, as required. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: • The area reserved for the Pierce ditch appears to be insufficient for the required improvements, especially along the Church property. While the City has tentatively supported keeping the ditch in its current location, improvements are still needed to widen the ditch, improve capacity, and improve functionality as a wetland. This will require a larger footprint than is shown on this concept and those improvements will be required to carry through the church site as an open channel. This could be realigned to be along a property line and not split the site as it currently does. • There is no sewer access along Marcola Road and the commercial parcel along Marcola will have to be provided with one. • No more access points to Marcola Road or Pierce Parkway will be allowed than those shown other than those shown on the current master plan (even with a modification), with its current configuration this will mean the multifamily area, the commercial site and the school will be required to share an access driveway at their shared property lines. • All requirements of the current effective master plan still apply regardless of the partitioning of the lot(s). AVC Marcola Meadows Partition I Completeness Response Page 2 Local File No. 811 -20 -000066 -PRE RESPONSE: The appropriate stormwater management materials and design improvements will be provided and reviewed for compliance at future site design review, as required. Sewer and access constraints on Marcola Road/Pierce Parkway are understood. This application does not involve physical improvements or modify the approved master plan for the site. The intent of this letter and the attached material is to provide all the missing information addressed in your letter of April 17, 2020. In accordance with ORS 227.178(2), our application should be deemed complete and scheduled for a decision. Thank you for reviewing this information and please let us know if you have further questions. Sincerely, AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC Chris Goodell, AICP, LEEDAP Associate 503.563.61511 chrisg@aks-eng.com Enclosures Marcola Meadows Partition Pre -Submittal Checklist Updated Preliminary Plans AVC Marcola Meadows Partition I Completeness Response Page 3 Local File No. 811 -20 -000066 -PRE TYPE II TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION, PRE -SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Project Name: Marcola Meadows Partition Project Proposal: 3 -Parcel Partition Case Number: 611 -20 -000066 -PRE Project Address: Vacant parcels at northwest corner of Marcola Road and 28"'/31` Street Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): Map 17-02-30-00, Tax Lot 1600 & Map 17-03- 25-11, Tax Lot 2300 Zoning: Medium Density Residential (MDR) Mixed -Use Commercial (MUC) Overlay District(s): Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Nodal Development (/NDO) Applicable Refinement Plan: Refinement Plan Designation: Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential (MDR) Commercial Pre -Submittal Meeting Date: April 17, 2020 Application Submittal Deadline: October 14, 2020 Associated Applications: 811-19-000262-TYP2 (Tentative subdivision); 811-20-000054- TYP1 (Property Line Adjustment) riW nF SPRTNrF OPMFNT RFS POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Planner Land Use Planning Andy Limbird 726-3784 Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Michael Liebler 736-1034 Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities Clayton McEachern 736-1036 Public Works Civil Engineer Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 736-1036 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Eric Phillips -Meadow 736-1035 AIC Building Official Buildin Robert Castile 736-1029 Applicant Kiril Ivanov Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC 9550 SW Clackamas Road Clackamas OR 97015 Revised 9/24/07 Applicant's Representative Chris Goodell AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC 12965 SW Herman Avenue, Suite 100 Tualatin OR 97062 TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION APPLICATION PRE -SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST PLANNING o Application Fee discuss the applicable fees o One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to 8+/2"x 11" Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) M ❑ 6 1/2" x 11" Copy of Land Division Plan o Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report issued within the past 60 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ® ❑ Deed and Preliminary Title Report o Tentative Land Division Plan Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ® ❑ ® ❑ ® ❑ Comment ® ❑ Comment // ■ ® ❑ ® ❑ ® ❑ 4/17/20 Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 All existing and proposed easements Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including 2 sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. o Phased Development Plan required if redivision is proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision. Any redivision must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ® ❑ Comment Phased Development Plan Planning Notes: Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: • The proposed partition plan is predicated upon completion and recording of the Property Line Adjustment initiated by Case 811-20-000054-TYP1. If the final Property Line Adjustment survey and deeds are not recorded by the time this partition application is submitted, the existing property lines will need to be shown on the tentative plan. • With the exception of Parcel 3, none of the other parcels created by the partition plan can be developed without the dedication and construction of fronting public streets as outlined in the approved Master Plan for the neighborhood. • The proposed partition plan in no way obviates or modifies the approved Master Plan for the neighborhood, nor are the existing zoning map boundaries adjusted by this land division. 4/17/20 LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION PRE -SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Engineer: Clayton McEachern Case#:811-20-000066-PRE PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING o Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ® ❑ ® ❑ ® ❑ ® ❑ /O // // 4/17/20 Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer Vicinity Map The name, location, and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department ❑ The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ® 1 The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ❑ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/1 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ❑ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table o Land Division Tentative Plan Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ® ❑ ® ❑ 2 ® ❑ ❑ ❑ n/a /4 ■ o Stormwater Management Plan Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ❑ ❑ n/a ❑ ❑ n/a ❑ ❑ n/a ❑ ❑ n/a ❑ ❑ n/a ❑ ❑ n/a ❑ ❑ n/a Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the property Boundaries of the entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale Location of existing and required power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) Amount of proposed cut and fill 4/17/20 5 o Stormwater Management System Study - provide four (4) copies of the study with the completed Storm water Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ❑ ❑ n/a Scoping Sheet and attached Stormwater Management System Study PW Notes: 1. The entire Marcola Meadows site has wellhead Time of Travel (TOT) zones. These should be shown on the existing conditions sheets. 2. Easements for sewer access to the small commercial lot are required and a public access easement along the school/multi family housing will be required to ensure pedestrian access from Marcola Road to the residential area is maintained, this can be combined with the sewer access, or can be done with a road realignment. 3. No specific stormwater improvements or submittals required for this partition. All the master plan phasing and build requirements remain in place and will be required prior to subdivision or development of any parcel that does increase impervious areas onsite. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: • The area reserved for the Pierce ditch appears to be insufficient for the required improvements, especially along the Church property. While the City has tentatively supported keeping the ditch in its current location, improvements are still needed to widen the ditch, improve capacity, and improve functionality as a wetland. This will require a larger footprint than is shown on this concept and those improvements will be required to carry through the church site as an open channel. This could be realigned to be along a property line and not split the site as it currently does. • There is no sewer access along Marcola Road and the commercial parcel along Marcola will have to be provided with one. • No more access points to Marcola Road and Pierce Parkway will be allowed than those shown on the current master plan (even with a modification), with its current configuration this will mean the multifamily area, the commercial site and the school will be required to share an access driveway at their shared property lines. • All requirements of the current effective master plan still apply regardless of the partitioning of the lot(s). 4/17/20 LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION PRE -SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Transportation Engineer/ Planner: Michael Liebler P.E. Case#: 20-000066 Applicant: Marcola Meadows 3 lot Partition TRANSPORTATION Right -of -Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on a Lane County or an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ® ❑ Copy of ROW Approach Permit Application o Traffic Impact Study - four (4) copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 A.4. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, Metro Plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ® ❑ Traffic Impact Study o Land Division Tentative Plan Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ® ❑ Location of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination ® ❑ Location of existing and proposed transit facilities ® ❑ Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways ® ❑ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and bike trails ® ❑ Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications, access easements or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any 4/17/20 7 projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map ® ❑ Location of existing and required traffic control devices Transportation Notes: Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: 4/17/20 ANY REQUIRED ADDITIONAL MATERIALS, APPLICATIONS OR PERMITS IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS OR APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING OR THE PRE - APPLICATION REPORT FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION: Applicable Not 4/17/20 Applicable ® ❑ Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement ❑ ® Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 ❑ ® Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ❑ ® A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ® ❑ Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district ® ❑ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ® ❑ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ® ❑ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review ® ❑ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development ❑ ® Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 4/17/20 THIS APPLICATION IS! ❑ COMPLETE FOR PROCESSING ® INCOMPLETE AND NEEDS MISSING INFORMATION NOTED ABOVE City Planner 4/17/2020 Date This is not a decision on your application. Springfield Development Code Section 5.4- 105 and Oregon Revised Statutes 227.178 require the City take final action on a limited land use decision within 120 days after the application is deemed complete. The 120 -day processing period for this application begins when all the missing information is submitted or when you request that the City proceed without the information. You must indicate by either signing this form or by submitting a written response to the City within seven days of the date of this form asserting your intentions regarding the provision of the missing information. If you indicate herein or in your written response that the missing information will be submitted, then you have 180 days from the date the application was submitted for Pre -Submittal Review to provide the City with the missing information. If you refuse to submit the missing information, then upon receipt of the full application packet and processing fee, the City will deem the application complete for purposes of starting the 120 - day clock and begin processing the application. No new information may be submitted after the start of the 120 -day period unless accompanied by a request for an extension of the 120 -day processing time. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the City may extend the 120 -day period for a reasonable period of time. The City may also require additional fees if the new information is submitted after the Notification to Surrounding Property Owners is sent out and a second notification is required or if the new information substantially affects the application proposal and additional review is required. I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City within the 180 -day timeline. 4/17/20 10 MARCOLA MEADOWS ADJUSTED TAX LOT 1800 PARTITION PLANS VICINITY MAP I"=2000' SITE MAP 1"=250' LAND USE PLANNING / CIVIL ENGINEERING / SURVEYING/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC CONTACT: CHRIS GOODELL 12965 SW HERMAN ROAD, SUITE 100 TUALATIN, OR 97062 PH: 503-563-6151 FAX: 503-563-6152 PROJECT PURPOSE: PARRRON OF ADJUSTED TAX LOT 1800 OWNER/ APPLICANT: MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC 9550 SE CLACKAMAS ROAD CLACKAMAS. OR 97015 TAX LOT 1800 LANE COUNTY TAX MAP 17.0230 HORIZONTAL DATUM: SHEET INDEX A LOCAL DATUM PLANE SCALED FROM LEGEND OREGON STATE PLANE SOUTH 3602 PO -00 COVER SHEET NAD83(2011) EPOCH 2010.0000. THE STATE Po -01 OVERALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN PLANE COORDINATES WERE DERIVED FROM :m rtNY Mux MRM awx o THE TRIMBLE VAS NOW NETWORK Po -02 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN PO -03 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN $rlPol MAIX YM'Hdf PO -04 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN EXISTING LAND USE: PO -05 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN VACANT, UNDEVELOPED LAND PO -06 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN m PO -07 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN PROJECT LOCATION: PO -08 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN PO -09 PREUMINARY PARTITION PLAT SPRINGFIELD OREGON, NORTH OF MARCOLA q PMm vwu ROAD AND NEST OF 31ST STREET PO -10 PREUMINANY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH PLAN PO -11 CONCEPTUAL FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PLAN LEGEND OEM om. mf Q Mux a Wr DUSTING :m rtNY Mux MRM awx o mrmWs m[ � smN Mux wEA Mwx {g M6gwEr q $rlPol MAIX YM'Hdf am" Ms vnsE m wrm sWaE WV NA xYrM F YNaf mml vx5a unurc Pa[ AN mows vuca q PMm vwu o ewmrc smEN arNl an o Pwm ExcnM aN o srxMrr asm YMM]E o PMm rEomx. .p, r muN.xcmms vwEr s T umr a muY.xMnms.umlm eta YAIWX ® fWVMGnM5 Po5FP O mNi-M-WY ZINE EasnNG eouxorYr uE PmPmiv uxf mmmuE qw fp{' M PASflgI FA45pr fMi DHE -------------------------- —m—m—m— MA mZ WEMEN NA —w OI VNICA1m M —m —m fHR W11C 111E w w Cl51YE M r SPoAI LRVX INE v v $141iA9Y 4YP IIMf w w tel_ Ti I :LL _ ME0.tE - – "" ry`/ /1 _ o<" E:IQ CRICPL EOPRD --_` --EUGENE WP TER AND ELE_, xenzMs. vsass /_`/ �,TI_ ^SEE SHEET 03;----- - r SEE SHE \J \ \\(� , \\/ 1 1 Re > SEE SHEET 05 \ \v\ \ SEE SHEET 04- j < SEE ET 07 moue --_ —_--��� l` Al/ 1 A er li' /i C\S— ��PIERi I : PARKWAY J_Iy SHEET 06 '^I I= wnX.luq ROAD __ \ z7a~- m — ll -} _ L! WNIL EIwAP06 AS 6V40 d XW SNOYNIX Xa alma ALw m19IMi Wuxn BPIo9Ixol xa Im mama In .WEN..11At ME PPIEI .EP xw 390 SI9E[ 9R.1 it xWm m mE C]IlN. 6 nE Nslmlxo VNm f SIREi.M AVTIIM MWUIMEIf i oREvdnE W9ds RsswEE AT IM Svm slmLT, aArt FAST 01 nE mmw 01390 SIREL 19.] fi AVM 01 M mmX W A RmwAr, Mx SB n xaxmW unm vtlE xllmn 1M •m M aL9AnR d nan r9Lr qAw ml �- v xdmPnM WWA AILtM oxu nMA r_uLn rrmll WPMmAm AIIE9 YV!WMYml11FPoII mI0.W:0. nE VAI RAYEW]dM1AIE5 NM wR4ID IRI M m:9E 11611TI IFiAQM yI 3 u1wIFS 91aN1 MC OA4a d ..ND Mln IaGm WI MMtl.MO BY)i "F>M.[dR Ml lOG2 adR NU. wTM 90n.. "'L mE wll. YM6 NO WMMai MAT M INPAWMO LO n NPRW aE d11 ununf5. m[ A¢A O]N1MCM5 /i fiffiNSME i0P 1£RllNII NL EISIM osxamc Mm w mxc m¢Rcml M RCWAC Fimwnw NFRd 5 BA4a d M FS9MG 1 O w ws nw Iw V o a uuLnrta wv¢aw oA m fFPAIMT IDI9 Mo W➢ria RP fM 9116 .Tl fISM suo P91 M SWOMY T. m}0. AmII Li vlAwwt.LL imixwm Wxsi»Ic Ius IfFfOAlm m u¢ womnc _ fO91XC LLC IN fF9NMY mR T S.N6. N ABWX0.WY9f N.Y Wmm.IME J O]IIMn �IpMES WY mF911YWAY M091Wmm oPXMm xm ME srMrw sRYAw raw ro mnxs d u mxua Gsvl W orn9BucnAl. m OPMR IMmMI119l Fl z MLS M 9YAM Mm 9w p191MG sMflnm6 FLW Mo MSYM1.1K Ga fll6 BY YAn-. MN.. wU fF90Mr wlI,Mo ISNLNa d .WLll9Y 11. 9Wa PR 0.WEmm NA xW Wi9Y0 BY MS MAI "W iRiSMC IIEE I.. IS ABFLi w dMm 1. IN. I I— RN6 miA MEm I III . mol GariC mK swq'vtl.np W Imoi I� mM :r W Y6oi W I 55]SLY Rffi G 6Ha} tA'X'ffi Im!' APAhY111mA' R II.N YS"[I' b.BY 919%'NII IflH' ff- I( Imo, JI `� �\ Y W301I5911 &m' rvr co 0 va F I I W I —WEWIFAyN � ME0.tE - – "" ry`/ /1 _ o<" E:IQ CRICPL EOPRD --_` --EUGENE WP TER AND ELE_, xenzMs. vsass /_`/ �,TI_ ^SEE SHEET 03;----- - r SEE SHE \J \ \\(� , \\/ 1 1 Re > SEE SHEET 05 \ \v\ \ SEE SHEET 04- j < SEE ET 07 moue --_ —_--��� l` Al/ 1 A er li' /i C\S— ��PIERi I : PARKWAY J_Iy SHEET 06 '^I I= wnX.luq ROAD __ \ z7a~- m — ll -} _ L! WNIL EIwAP06 AS 6V40 d XW SNOYNIX Xa alma ALw m19IMi Wuxn BPIo9Ixol xa Im mama In .WEN..11At ME PPIEI .EP xw 390 SI9E[ 9R.1 it xWm m mE C]IlN. 6 nE Nslmlxo VNm f SIREi.M AVTIIM MWUIMEIf i oREvdnE W9ds RsswEE AT IM Svm slmLT, aArt FAST 01 nE mmw 01390 SIREL 19.] fi AVM 01 M mmX W A RmwAr, Mx SB n xaxmW unm vtlE xllmn 1M •m M aL9AnR d nan r9Lr qAw ml �- v xdmPnM WWA AILtM oxu nMA r_uLn rrmll WPMmAm AIIE9 YV!WMYml11FPoII mI0.W:0. nE VAI RAYEW]dM1AIE5 NM wR4ID IRI M m:9E 11611TI IFiAQM yI 3 u1wIFS 91aN1 MC OA4a d ..ND Mln IaGm WI MMtl.MO BY)i "F>M.[dR Ml lOG2 adR NU. wTM 90n.. "'L mE wll. YM6 NO WMMai MAT M INPAWMO LO n NPRW aE d11 ununf5. m[ A¢A O]N1MCM5 /i fiffiNSME i0P 1£RllNII NL EISIM osxamc Mm w mxc m¢Rcml M RCWAC Fimwnw NFRd 5 BA4a d M FS9MG 1 O w ws nw Iw V o a uuLnrta wv¢aw oA m fFPAIMT IDI9 Mo W➢ria RP fM 9116 .Tl fISM suo P91 M SWOMY T. m}0. AmII Li vlAwwt.LL imixwm Wxsi»Ic Ius IfFfOAlm m u¢ womnc _ fO91XC LLC IN fF9NMY mR T S.N6. N ABWX0.WY9f N.Y Wmm.IME J O]IIMn �IpMES WY mF911YWAY M091Wmm oPXMm xm ME srMrw sRYAw raw ro mnxs d u mxua Gsvl W orn9BucnAl. m OPMR IMmMI119l Fl z MLS M 9YAM Mm 9w p191MG sMflnm6 FLW Mo MSYM1.1K Ga fll6 BY YAn-. MN.. wU fF90Mr wlI,Mo ISNLNa d .WLll9Y 11. 9Wa PR 0.WEmm NA xW Wi9Y0 BY MS MAI "W iRiSMC IIEE I.. IS ABFLi w dMm 1. IN. OME RN6 miA MEm MRI G mol GariC mK swq'vtl.np W Imoi 139Ym' mM SM9'.4tI m1Y W Y6oi ]1N'12 m]t 55]SLY Rffi G 6Ha} tA'X'ffi Im!' APAhY111mA' R II.N YS"[I' j < SEE ET 07 moue --_ —_--��� l` Al/ 1 A er li' /i C\S— ��PIERi I : PARKWAY J_Iy SHEET 06 '^I I= wnX.luq ROAD __ \ z7a~- m — ll -} _ L! WNIL EIwAP06 AS 6V40 d XW SNOYNIX Xa alma ALw m19IMi Wuxn BPIo9Ixol xa Im mama In .WEN..11At ME PPIEI .EP xw 390 SI9E[ 9R.1 it xWm m mE C]IlN. 6 nE Nslmlxo VNm f SIREi.M AVTIIM MWUIMEIf i oREvdnE W9ds RsswEE AT IM Svm slmLT, aArt FAST 01 nE mmw 01390 SIREL 19.] fi AVM 01 M mmX W A RmwAr, Mx SB n xaxmW unm vtlE xllmn 1M •m M aL9AnR d nan r9Lr qAw ml �- v xdmPnM WWA AILtM oxu nMA r_uLn rrmll WPMmAm AIIE9 YV!WMYml11FPoII mI0.W:0. nE VAI RAYEW]dM1AIE5 NM wR4ID IRI M m:9E 11611TI IFiAQM yI 3 u1wIFS 91aN1 MC OA4a d ..ND Mln IaGm WI MMtl.MO BY)i "F>M.[dR Ml lOG2 adR NU. wTM 90n.. "'L mE wll. YM6 NO WMMai MAT M INPAWMO LO n NPRW aE d11 ununf5. m[ A¢A O]N1MCM5 /i fiffiNSME i0P 1£RllNII NL EISIM osxamc Mm w mxc m¢Rcml M RCWAC Fimwnw NFRd 5 BA4a d M FS9MG 1 O w ws nw Iw V o a uuLnrta wv¢aw oA m fFPAIMT IDI9 Mo W➢ria RP fM 9116 .Tl fISM suo P91 M SWOMY T. m}0. AmII Li vlAwwt.LL imixwm Wxsi»Ic Ius IfFfOAlm m u¢ womnc _ fO91XC LLC IN fF9NMY mR T S.N6. N ABWX0.WY9f N.Y Wmm.IME J O]IIMn �IpMES WY mF911YWAY M091Wmm oPXMm xm ME srMrw sRYAw raw ro mnxs d u mxua Gsvl W orn9BucnAl. m OPMR IMmMI119l Fl z MLS M 9YAM Mm 9w p191MG sMflnm6 FLW Mo MSYM1.1K Ga fll6 BY YAn-. MN.. wU fF90Mr wlI,Mo ISNLNa d .WLll9Y 11. 9Wa PR 0.WEmm NA xW Wi9Y0 BY MS MAI "W iRiSMC IIEE I.. IS ABFLi w dMm 1. IN. OME RN6 miA MEm MRI G mol GariC mK swq'vtl.np W Imoi 139Ym' mM SM9'.4tI m1Y W Y6oi ]1N'12 m]t 55]SLY Rffi G 6Ha} tA'X'ffi Im!' APAhY111mA' R II.N YS"[I' b.BY 919%'NII IflH' TAM LOT 700 lY YM IM'149 TAM LOT 804 m u.1P I... TAM LOT 900 1PP YW 1.1.1 TAM LOT 1000 TM W IN1199 TAM LOT 1500 iAY uu 1]relev _�>_ _ °•_ _ _ EO yy , El « SEE MEET- 04 . YV 1)0199 9wuur� TAM LOT 1302 1PX YM ITVIBll� A4Wli�� omYpYr .� TAM LOT 1300 iAY YM P 01KC M LOT 1100 ns Yw Iwnmi TAM LOT 1400 ip YW I]PlIYll� •'_'�`�—p - TAX LOT I F AND IM_?D SEE MEET -04 TAM LOT 300 T.WImm / =mc ) p5 \ AI: JFWI: 166W( TAM LOT 1800 W 4 TPP WI].0.I0 11 p 5, 0.11 E lu uv v] Y ar ue Yi SEE MEET -04 TAM LOT 300 T.WImm / (A �.Ywlu. rm_ !po a IOG1C YPm TAM LOT 500 lY YM I]P11A9 \c'� R WGl SGIE' 1'�'A FFEr _ AITLOT 60.0 q I 6 If Wi: ISAS (B'S) i p 4 v� F TAM LOT 629 �(? WPIq rPP YV 110iI9]P TAM LOT 6000 1PP YV 1]01'481 3 ggW[ BLh'X MOLL ¢ES TAM LOT 5900 a ` TPP YW IIV[%RI p SVI IN Xllt 1T R F N PW95 (CD F w: w9u (e•xl TAM LOT 5800 ar W➢1)O.MI aPw p ulawPr =mc (A �.Ywlu. rm_ !po a IOG1C YPm TAM LOT 500 lY YM I]P11A9 \c'� R WGl SGIE' 1'�'A FFEr _ AITLOT 60.0 q I 6 If Wi: ISAS (B'S) i p 4 v� F TAM LOT 629 �(? WPIq rPP YV 110iI9]P TAM LOT 6000 1PP YV 1]01'481 3 ggW[ BLh'X MOLL ¢ES TAM LOT 5900 a ` TPP YW IIV[%RI p SVI IN Xllt 1T R F N PW95 (CD F w: w9u (e•xl TAM LOT 5800 ar W➢1)O.MI aPw p ulawPr TAX LOT 300 f rAx mn ,rons,`� zar wu unnr rAvuaP HN wnr v •ALBM PARI suits TAX LOT 400 iIN NAP 1]OS511 TAX LOT 500 \rM YAP,]O , SEE SHEET - 05 0 — i 2000 — TAX LO,wPrZ b) eF N"M i � � I \ TAX LOT 1800 \\ \\ \ rY WP n03d0 I � IMA 929 AfHSf \ \ ie Gaza (wq ie Aavn ry7 ____-- — 0-rTaggBEET _- --- -- -- TAX LOT 0 PIERCE TAX LOT 800 m u.w rn 0 E 3 TAX LOT ru u.w,roaw ]00 TAX LOT 600 TA Yw T 700 x x, raT _ T. YN ti�s Tn2 YV ,]N3HI __= --------- _1E TAX LOT 300 f rAx mn ,rons,`� zar wu unnr rAvuaP HN wnr v •ALBM PARI suits TAX LOT 400 iIN NAP 1]OS511 TAX LOT 500 \rM YAP,]O , SEE SHEET - 05 0 — i 2000 — TAX LO,wPrZ b) eF N"M i � � I \ TAX LOT 1800 \\ \\ \ rY WP n03d0 I � IMA 929 AfHSf \ \ ie Gaza (wq ie Aavn ry7 TAX LOT 1500 PA9 urn,ma9v PIERCE o TAX LOT 2300 W Tn2 YV ,]N3HI S i I o w I \ l / -J SEE SHEET- 05 SEE SHEET -02 6TRAMS. -2 SEE SHEET -02 — — — — / — — — — — — au: 1x44 CIX'. 05.17(B'E),� T �l IE In ,um (eMF'N;h osor•,� TAX LOT1&10 ,Ar . r1.0]0 ral vn Arzn d sN Lwc' 3 N6959 ml 0N.) I E wl 4fi n 1015 M r u d51NNH PIPECL NLwN'P 10 low PL91C ail c INNN437 (s.ti 10 IDS —'n \ i IE we a]m(»'N) 0i 3 FI Ijl wW: uz 2 TAX LOT 104 a _ it I y'i_ WRAP IM2tl31 PIEgCE DITCN 9� I Awlur mW wenn LNW0.6 I� �I CMI4pY TAX LOT 700 SCPIE 1-�50 fEET n g III I� MAX 1. AM AN LfOWWS —_— _ _— _ — 14 ., ELAW ,A%NV P. LfOWWS 14 — --- [NWWS wdemmosTewT-- I � }• d IY VW. IWMI LfgWWS i wLNM I F Pun ((1"AM ) E 6)af6 lona FX SAX NX 1 IXiWW ""N" I I auXan4x ti 1011. ,I : B 10]11] :M,Pw72 ARA (@N (sns7) 12 / /,. EWi .2(11 IIN wNn (n) 1Wn SEE SHEET -0 I I wr NwSx (As) nawMnawEW F x' U6 11 SI IL Wi Ex C E An d sN Lwc' 3 N6959 ml 0N.) I E wl 4fi n 1015 M r u d51NNH PIPECL NLwN'P 10 low PL91C ail F x' U6 11 SI IL Wi Ex C E An m Al I'=a ma IE m. wlFa 6n1j Ean: NNNSIs' I m IE our 4sv2 (e's) / f.- %q / IE W 44X44 (fias7 i TAX LOT 4200 -Nux c6NAl1 TAF N-InAwIl i" I I1 SEE SHEET -09 1 won: Orale (aM) r9MP: sN Lwc' 3 N6959 ml 0N.) I ALI RAMP n 1015 M r u d51NNH aux uN x44 AM 10 it ^q I c INNN437 (s.ti 10 IDS RCD.O6 IE we a]m(»'N) 0i 3 FI Ijl wW: uz 2 TAX LOT 104 a _ it I y'i_ WRAP IM2tl31 IF me 4W.0 9� I Awlur mW wenn LNW0.6 I� �I CMI4pY TAX LOT 700 SCPIE 1-�50 fEET SIIINC g III I� MAX 1. AM AN LfOWWS TAX LOT 109 10M0 — 14 ., ELAW ,A%NV P. LfOWWS 14 1010 [NWWS wdemmosTewT-- I � }• d IY VW. IWMI LfgWWS i wLNM I F Pun ((1"AM ) E 6)af6 lona FX SAX NX 1 IXiWW ""N" I I auXan4x ti 1011. ,I : B 10]11] :M,Pw72 ARA (@N (sns7) 12 / /,. EWi .2(11 IIN wNn (n) 1Wn rax Lor 1 T1190000 I I wr NwSx (As) nawMnawEW 5 I' �N 10 0491 FfNJM u nwin P.IHWPARI LY 14 LMf.Ar OT TAX L LOT 2 00 S �W Ar IS I' IPkrn]259 PIM 4]4.15 m Al I'=a ma IE m. wlFa 6n1j Ean: NNNSIs' I m IE our 4sv2 (e's) / f.- %q / IE W 44X44 (fias7 i TAX LOT 4200 -Nux c6NAl1 TAF N-InAwIl i" I I1 SEE SHEET -09 1 won: Orale (aM) r9MP: 3 N6959 ml 0N.) I —A4NALl n 1015 M r u r aux uN x44 AM 10 IDS IMMUMS 10 IDS RCD.O6 V II III oiw 3 11 I BI lux: nage ( _ 10ffi 3 I IF me 4W.0 9� LMV015 xx mW wenn LNW0.6 6 MAN TAX LOT 700 aI 1 g III I� TAANW I]0 , MIS LfOWWS 14 10M0 — 14 101® LfOWWS 14 1010 [NWWS wdemmosTewT-- I LftlD. 1N IWMI LfgWWS Ifi 10111 I F Pun ((1"AM P w. IS lona FX SAX NX 1 10 I I auXan4x ti 1011. ,I : B 10]11] IE IN IN N(AN 12 / /,. EWi .2(11 12 1Wn rax Lor 1 T1190000 5 "I nawMnawEW 5 1019 EW 60G w 1 10 0491 FfNJM u nwin P.IHWPARI LY 14 0WIN TALOT 1BOO S 1a$!e IIIA,inRm9 IS dS W PIM 4]4.15 li C A, A. (6'll] uuP'. NealS Q / III ilh TAX LOT 4300 ai ]Ax W 17O.WI u Sw Nx All 1442 v .IE an uzrz (� m Al I'=a ma IE m. wlFa 6n1j Ean: NNNSIs' I m IE our 4sv2 (e's) / f.- %q / IE W 44X44 (fias7 i TAX LOT 4200 -Nux c6NAl1 TAF N-InAwIl i" I I1 SEE SHEET -09 IH. ,W2mum me ml 0N.) 1015 Rm.O6 n 1015 MMUMS u 101] Rm.O6 10 IDS IMMUMS 10 IDS RCD.O6 1l I= RWpY 11 1. RCD.O6 IE 10ffi MMUSUS Is 1610 LMV015 xx 10NN LNW0.6 6 MAN LfOWWS 10 PUMPS LNWWS I6 MIS LfOWWS 14 10M0 [NWWS 14 101® LfOWWS 14 1010 [NWWS 5 10110 LftlD. 1N IWMI LfgWWS Ifi 10111 LftlWWS 15 lona rcow. 10 1oM15 [N.. 14 1011. D. B 10]11] )WWwS 12 Rom mill 12 1Wn M.M. 5 "I FfANIS 5 1019 Ff6AYJ.6 10 0491 FfNJM u nwin Ff6b.KK6 14 0WIN FPiWIS 12 1a$!e UNd01$ IS SEE SHEET -03 NLOT 1 TAX LOT 600 I rM YM Ixmm ILI I TAX LOT 900 lY YM IR)'611 TAX LO1 100DI[P'N".. 1 T. YV ]OTfSn Onow R LOT YM1LOT 1200M 1AID511 UPllff�IFlR PWf'fYSAXI vuM LOT 1300YM IANyI1pp I iowulcGET. m"..X 9YM Y —169— s �I TAX LOT 2300 rM YM nmaM Ip — .VF1 815 MN6t L \\ SEE SHEET- � SEE SHEET -03 % TAX LOT 180011 ra lun nozm \ \_—Txm azu�::msE l � -ALE: —T � SEE\— \ ip W ------------ _— — SEE SHEET -0T SEE MEET -04 SEE MEET -04 ted' s TAX LOT 105 2 12 `\ .Ywl]miWsII IeI l I TAX LOT 4200 Kn✓// _ \` plmn � � / Wim` //� d� 'Y � __ I I I mu.w lrozarl /FN IBIn Ix mx �l �x i 9 WC MLi (11'm TAX LOT 180010.W P910 VW IYJ \ \ IEN N6R IFPS' iN YM I].WD / \\ I I / /�4^' /.y'� E14YFN1 Kn IXC IE Wi: I6n.1] LBW'NNI 6xi: / ��� �✓�// IXsno Emn v�uea (wew "9--J 3 IE x:. W. (10.3) . mw IE N }50.N (B'S) f / 0 IE WP. In].W (11}1x) E WI. n6N (10'F) / % WIP. NA52 WW. NB.W I Y W I IE IN: RAE1 (ylF) /A / / / // If T..Y 1m. i y'F II k 01.ss (1,1Z TAX LOT 104 ° ti] �I, i�ASNR u ¢we mssw OM) IEN 0131 (M EIx: .]R E N MI.N IE11I _ _ _ IE N asnu Ie'XEl a _ 45910 r IF WIWv cM IXswY E E N W1: W(UYj.1_ (4YN) 3xw c�Ilwr IS mor 6�c uluN r / �J _ r _ _r_ _ _ _r X ooc xP nl�vm9e / /: ` a — — — ra: .nls u I El4'MwT Wn / -/ /�/ 4 `. rie r. miMTM Ex: leae9@'O J MC"/ I IE IW N0.50 (9'p 3 E WI N9.4lezY7 vsp EN INu IEs) l � l' EX Maarunurc �+ w3Ywr 3N TAX LOT 101 Ili [2 I EF SW xx TAX YW =M3 I E% IN. W9.H V IE Ix: a6zn (ax) 11 %I� � IE Ix: +fixe (e'sl f L °I I I 3I }yI �EIa;E",sai ° TAX LOT 102 �Y_ ( F �M1tw f➢ TPY.I. EN If IN: 4X6.65 O1'n1 Y Ix: uie]('81) �SUMP��Is a ��N '3 MIra11 //IXNP r YN NX 1 p SIIAP IMWl LLW If N MSn (1 J g 'ss s. 1)AN F x: X. (e5 PIN IT.II E N: "(210 ( I IE Ik IN.4R (Mi1 1[ WL H3® (811) IE WT: I6fi.Y (211A kk 9sa1u (WIzaO PN• u .!� w m a TAX LOT 1111 1[N: tl]M (I � lY YW 1)NYM E W! }&95'(1 I IE�NIMBW �+ I mPNaYpTY f N IF6.61 (IVMI IE N I (18.51 i. 166 W (RI'NWj IE WS "i.LW31NY�i 1':. SEE SHEET -05 SEE SHEET -05 __---------/� \ i / _ VR (fx-MI ___ ,n --��— _ ____ -- ______ — 4Npk I, FF4117m -- ��---------- --- --~----------w- ��pfi8-� \ LR N1611 I \ \ F 'BYFN ITEM j I \\ dxz-lo mrF zac l ., TAX LOT 18M TAX uLOT s2300 --- --_� �\ AMM \ gfxma \ I--- ------ a m o aiu ,6rM Ere f6xm w (24 1 5 f me calf fx snT \'sa\ ice._., f 7 ? xf o Fon: sszm n'Ip fx SIY 0 aNL1FlE- � ^ y 1 ^ �Nl 169 r - - LHNX LNX °'" o�nl ar Id f66 on,txer oauxt �g - � aun munerz-' �-.-.. �0 .MI. M) IE w: WI. (.161) Lp1fMr �- ma q ql Po _� Wux --� 1�1 ROOIJA 10 l o ¢ar. ml�>7 Po n uxx ortFuro Pou fess Iw¢ �� O ux \\\\ Nlmn �� Y Ix: NI W (.WEJ fM m LB g IF WS g IX SVI el :. LW It Ur �' `,� 1=7 WiW]5 If ie aT: ui.If as ws9f Ize'p s H f6xoo (al) _ o i[ H I6Ffi (a -q lom wFvars u TAX IW 4 loath osaaae e LOT 300 03 0= o� IMAX MWxw lmsasf lovas omna n �� r? 09 z 09 iAY uw IME61f �i HWN WiAdS s lovas wFvars s lone mmaus s lomr mFvmus s some mFrhaus s IOmY WiFAtlle s sono mFinais s 10m1 NiVQlle IB load 1WFRL151le IDid Lamle IB SEE SHEET -05 SEE SHEET -0) ALWI 1400 TAX LOT 1000 1 —� 77T —r i1w°' �I IA��/ -'� i -- W swrun rnurin>¢a 1 'ws�vNac yyN' I i °� Noa uP el�sone rwve -9 VAIN me o iII r w \ TAX Lor 2300 I II rl W1L Exl r� iu uw nmzsu m a 'ter^ � (YDry�I I I E Ix: sam (1x111 \'kr`— �y w.wxss I I wu wdm I i— I~N 411 Q' I I E WC 4tl0] (IRY) ! J� I FN�bI N x4i fAA4Et IN W W ISA' SONIFY SEMR p rn w I I F M: i91 t1 (14'X1 IN LR1fM1Y PIY: 46 99IIPP 101 R1 Qa 6 \ 4. EAA)Q,1Pm NEL1564 FN (Sill /� ALN W -Py �"i R 'r'\ 0.C. NS E-11. �\ Lx�KK! �� -- yi / -cam n ' .\ \ TAX Lor 1100 F \tAYlFllT. i ..L� rY WP I]OL514 PIERCE DITCHc J 8 v q.H _ no-a�NTrr_�f i°p aaru '! — 'E rs nwXonxnlmw's W elexn L_�—P`a--m.myl `— < nws— rnwf®es eomm�ux�I TAR LOi 1300 twr ! lav N1c am n� 3iaar4.sdav M, fn R., ru N.w nwxsls IIEI pmvyl�rRg6oa x11 E%MEA(AM) J vDro Fx462p m6flpr)_� >< 'E� t�' I \ronnxlm mmlaNx rxlx rmwm�a arexT J �s wsaw w EM: MzIs( ....,.:'`"('' NP. MlPMal.Iron 9151 _ __ �➢ l lau 011]4 °"arm I P 45]. TAz LOT 1200 23RD STREET \---_— U X l 0511 I rnN MAP 170x53 -r_—____ ----'W Isar rAmeAF iI I Z tau] � III Inxea. EA41ENT IFP Nll 1]55 �I IXSI0. Na \ OlW UNIX -- -- ! "MY SIN 1 SfYFP f _ \ TAX LOT 10000 TAX LOT 150 1. IN 1 NP Nm n 5 N 111 1 r INX.,." Ironsls I 1 Itl vvc ru Nw IAnN3 s IIb'I0. xa s1-z1AN1 mxc wu I °LM \ x I� �I RIM .a aar PwuL mum x a «% 0 I � ^ $ 2 I EvvNIpT NA w.r a e I TAX LOT 17 1 a N IIS v MIW[P1u«' ➢ IiI' IE u. w3.53 bo s) Q ➢ PAR WMywy�� o TAX LOT 1101 F x w3as U5M) W I.W, A TAP uw 17Wn 3 II Fan: lain (1s'r] = _ W I`a J III J 10551 a r,J R ,�J — w °-_ rax Lor loon E x: w.W (1zn nPlw . rA wn T 100RAI '. IX 5N 0RM N6m NM.1B eeMn�m fOxl: MNANN1�e'q I mux wNx01E ¢ aT. 1sv.oz Iron 14 A N lx: MR. (6'27 1 Ixo Lmerfs) vuv: taro g p51N NX EW1: R. (a'n FII! M]M III q RMX ➢ AN E N . (IYn Nlt MOS E N MxB] (IZS) qE MA]1 E IX: 1050 (10'11 ( IN 159.%Two III E oxm 1(51 J I¢ I1 u�5m On) ! ISTREET Ix: M %w(AN (1 I N: Melo (MO e Maas lm'sl I I I prna MN 4X90 � I 1 A15N0� MasR OYn IE x: 4= E MAX I. W, MANS] 8Y) EEaumr NA P b 'MISRN PIAN: '41 �TA%LOT 1OT 1700 rY wP 1AL611 8- EXNU F RNs g � x IN IE AT .6sIf QxY) W Pllt Mi&' I W zI EN MuIe'f) t OZj FN'. 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FF. some N31gTgi � � \ -71_ - I i �ARKWAY T I- uo uunuTr ustnwr'� — MARCOLA ROAD Ir svxmnq Nve: mumwT swvx a ne vLv� hwG Gxs, v�NaRrc uW.s, R�sv-wv. T THE WRM111'h NPFffi wLYANG NIwGESNT ISMET T) NRAN NOT . M 9101ECi FgpFtR1Y CWIVNA NRFt CET60F1P'i IS SUPFCI N CNµCE.VN is MOi NmAom As vrRr a rxis vumnal uvuw.nml. X16 1S0Y N9C NTw GOMT I FFR WC N] MAOT69 KW SAHTW IIYFR rxvNwr RR lm lan xansRv xsn wz w -nem Tu un sno I lu urn no5zsu ___ — — 1. W 3_i Ui EE --__—_— _"--_- e_W EET Aw----w EET "yBTREET, II�di W i I� 91F1P0.W IDAY WING EWIMY 3YFx i ; V�^�^- Ilrwmnrt RR ooc xo. e1-wne T. FF. some N31gTgi � � \ -71_ - I i �ARKWAY T I- uo uunuTr ustnwr'� — MARCOLA ROAD Ir svxmnq Nve: mumwT swvx a ne vLv� hwG Gxs, v�NaRrc uW.s, R�sv-wv. T THE WRM111'h NPFffi wLYANG NIwGESNT ISMET T) NRAN NOT . M 9101ECi FgpFtR1Y CWIVNA NRFt CET60F1P'i IS SUPFCI N CNµCE.VN is MOi NmAom As vrRr a rxis vumnal uvuw.nml.