HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1986-01-27:5F'FII}[GFIE,I.D CERTlFIED LETTER February 11, 1986 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Communitv & Economic Developrnent ?lannine and Deveiopment Deoartment Lorerr Briscoe 544 N. igth Street Spri ngfi el d, 0R 97477 "\r)Remove th protrud'ing c'loset. e short piece of exposed bare non-metallic cablefnom the k'itchen outlet hrox into the hal I 4)Remove or properly w'ire the l'ight in the hal I closet whichis presently served wlth single conductor wj ring. 5) 6) STRUCTURAL Proper'ly secune mounted cabl e occurning. the range outlet and protect the surfaceto prevent short c i rcui t cond.it.ions f rom The vri r.i.ng 'in the shed has open j uncti on boxes and I ooseconnections which reportedly cause ine shea iight to blink.This condition can cause short circuting whic[ may start afi re. 7) several inches of standing water was observed under thebui i d'i ng, whi ch can contni bute to accel erated deteri orati onof the underfloon structure. we recommend that the water"be removed and measures taken to prevent future water accumul ati ons. 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 503/726-3753 Dear I'lr. Briscoe: At the requesr of your tenant , the spri ngfi el d Bu.i I di ng safetyDivi sion conducted an inspection of your pioperty located at g39t1u!g. street, springfield, Oregon. This inipection revealed thefol lowing cond'itions which must be corrected .in order for thebu'i lding to comply with the appl icable city safety codes. ELECTR I CAL N0TE: At the time of inspection the electrical power was d'i sconnected from uti I i ty 1 i ne, therefore the tenant'sdesc.iption is assumed to be correct for several apparentelectrical defects. 1) The light fixtures in the front and rear nor"th bedrooms andin the hall are either not operating or are blinking on andoff and are 'in need of repair or repiacement. 2) The outlets to the left of the electric range are defective. PLUMB I NG 8) The toilet is not properly secured to the floor and is'l eaki ng, a1 1 owi ng waste water to fl ow onto the fl oor andinto the underfloon area. A blockage oi the sewer l'ine is also causing the toilet to overflow. e)The sewer I ine outside of tire bu'ilding is broken a11ow'ing waste water and sevlage to flow onto the ground. The ki tchen faucet i s 1 eaki ng under the counter contri buti ng to the deteri orati on of the fl oor area. i0 Due to potentia'l health hazards of Items #8 and #9 these conditions must be corrected within seven days, on procedures necessary to causethe bui lding to be vacated may be init'iated. The remaining items must be corrected within 30 days from the date of this letter. The Sprirrgfield Hous'ing Code specifies that all electrica.l equi pment, wi ri ng and appf i ances shal I be i nstal I ed and mai nta'i ned i na safe mannerin accordance with al I appl icable laws and electrical equipment be of an approved type. It also specifies in Sections 1001(e) and (f), that electrical and plumbing materials shall be'installed in accordance w.ith all applicable laws in affect at thetime of installation and shall be maintaineo in a safe and sanitary condi ti on. 0regon State law requires that all electrical wonk on property that is for sa1e, rent or lease must be done by a properly licensed el ectri cal contractor. Permits wi I I be requi red for el ectri cal work othen than maintenance of existing devices, and for the plumbing Items #8 and #9above. Required permits must be obtained from this office. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at the Spningfield Building Safety Diviston, 726-3753. Si ncere'ly, , ,^ --:--!- /l{4.ti', i'Lza'tu ,7 ' J.R. Matteson Electrical Inspector hfr,* Don Moore Structural Inspector Copy to: Mr. Charles 939 Water Street Spri ngfi e1 d, 0R 97 477 Dave Puent Bui I di ng Offi ci al #648 l\-c"\q/- .Y J STRUCTURAL INSPECTION REPORT JOB ADDRESS ?,<q h oarc J/zt/bL OhJNER PHoNE /47 'a7H ADDRESS SS 4 N"{1L TENANT OR OCCUPANT h TYPE OF INSPECTION: HOUSING OCCUPANCY COMPLAI NT FIRE DAMAGE 4t r^,, rT ul'ds.< ft" <r ( ,r,Y*& t,ilu*: c) Ii.ISPECTOR ,eoDd*LA C I I D CE aafutr COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATJON (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE OI'JNER ADDRESS OF INSPECTION 7 lnptu\ krs PHONE NO.7+7- c77? ADDRESS RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RE FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER a_ ,/445M€ PHONE NO. J BTYPE OF DIfELLING: SINGLE FfuVILY DUPLEX t] MULTIPLE tr BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS ? FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To 0wner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date ,--- / t D' L-,0.*."rr.t4 .rvl *rl ut) tn'"? uj,A*\a- fionrl--+ ho-{,q i!*-A*{:*, €;f l,;*--,,r* b//,),; R4^;- c->^ -i/-&*j-lr#r fr3 b**-rr/r! a--vlrl ,/g ./ r '^',''' ,l/t\-rt / . -{? *-l-, "n^4 ["-*t ylag+1 ,-'O )-LL.o<-$* -tdt."t1 C CJ /*/''4 \ /,*, n*%A- - COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATJON (RENTER REQUEST)-k?c oo/e .CITY OF SPRINGF IELD DATE d ADDRESS OF INSPECTION Ol,NER ADDRESS /U, /rH RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER BUILDING DIVISIOT PHONE NO.1/7- C v 7q PHONE NO. TYPE OF DIVELLING : SINGLE FAMILY BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF l,rAJOR PROBLEMS DUPLEI T MULTIPLE tr s FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Conrpliance Obtained - Date t SPRINGFIELED CERTIFIED LETTER February 11, 19g6 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD .1,,.. . '.1'''" ', ',.1 Offtce of Community & Economic Development Loren Bri scoe 544 N. 19th Street Spri ngf i e'l d , 0R 97 477 NOIE: p/( r) o/( z) o.// 3)Remove the protrudi ng cl oset . Dear Mr. Briscoe: At the request of your tenant, the springfield Building safetyDivision conducted an inspection 6r youi^ pioperty located at 939!.!9. Street, springfield, 0regon. This inipection revealed thefol'lowing conditions which musi be corrected in order for thebuilding to comply with the applicable city safety codes ELECTRICAL Planning and Development Department short piece of exposed bare non-metallic cablefrom the kitchen outlet box into the hal I At the time of inspecti on the el ectri cal power wasdi sconnected from uti I i ty I i ne, therefore the tenant , sdescription is assumed to be correct for several apparentelectrical defects. The light fixtures in the front and rear north bedrooms andin the hall are either not operating or are blinking on andoff and are in need of repain or repiacement. The outlets to the left of the electric range are defective. K4)Remove or properly wire the light in the hall closet which'is presently served with single ionductor wiring. Properly secure the range outlet and protect the surfacemounted cable to prevent short circuit cond.itions fromoccurri pg. 0/(- 6) The wi ri.ng in the shed has open junction boxes and Iooseconnections which reportedly cause the shed 'light to blink.This condition can cause short circuting whicfr ma.y start afire' %"*a-z c^^+erZ^..^ tuidf,e- srRUcruRAL -7f/r, ,/g d ,/i?, /)-7/-..,#* 7) Several inches of l:standing water was observed under thebuilding, which can contribute to accelerated oeteriorationof' the underfloor structure. l.le recommend that the waterbe removed and measures taken to prevent future wateraccumul ati ons. 0/{ 5) 225 North Sth Street o springfield, oregon 97477 o so3/726-37s3 PLUMB I NG 8) The toilet is not properly secured to the floor and is 1 eaki ng, a1 1 owi ng waste water to fl ow onto the floor andinto the underfloor area. A blockage of the sewer line 'is also causing the toilet to overflow. 9) The sewer line outside of the bui'lding is broken allowing waste water and sewage to flow onto the ground. l0) The kitchen faucet is leaking under the counter contri but'ing ..to the deteri orati on of the fl oor area. Due to potential health hazards of Items #8 and #9 these conditions must be corrected within seven days, or procedures necessary to causethe bui I di ng to be vacated may be i ni ti ated . The remai ni ng i tems must be corrected within 30 days from the date of th'is letter. The Spri ngfi el d Hous'i ng Code speci fi es that al I el ectri cal equipment, wiring and app'liances shall be installed and maintained ina safe manner in accordance with a'll applicable laws and electrical equ'ipment be of an approved type. It also specifies in Sections 1001(e) and (f), that electrical and plumbing materials shall beinstalled in accordance with all applicable laws 'in affect at thetime of installation and shall be maintained in a safe and sanitany condition. Oregon State law requires that all e'lectrical work on propertythat is for sale, rent or lease must be done by a properly licensedelectrical contractor. Perm'its wil 1 be required for electrical work other than maintenance of existing devices, and for the plumbing Items #8 and #9above. Required permits must be obtained from this office. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at the Springfield Building Safety Divisi on, 7?6-3753. !i ncerel y,ztu J.R. Matteson Electrical Inspector Copy to: Mr. Charles 939 Water Street Springfield,0R 97477 DaVe Puent Bui I d'ing 0f f i ci al Don Moore Structural Inspector #648 COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATJON (RENTER REQUEST)-h-?c oo fe CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISIOtr DATE J ADDRESS OF INSPECTION t OYNER ADDRESS //, /rfi RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER PHONE NO 1 7- c PHONE NO. -hl TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX tr MULTIPLE tr BRIEF DISCRIPTION 0F IVI{JOR ROBLEMS: s c'>4a, 'd-'--d FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Compliance 0btained - Date 7rq