HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-06-19# General Plurnbing Remti-norl Tn cnon*i nnc ..RESIL NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street SpringfieLd, )regon 97477 Buil&tng Diuiston 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGHELI)- 26-3769 (z,eeordet ) state yout, City inspection,Contractars ct'Oumers aftet, 7:00 an tiLL be made the nect'eorking daE. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Number fs res desigrnted job ntmber, job aCiress, type of inspec=icn rwne cnd phone nutnber. Requests teceixed befcre 7:00 dn It ie the respons'ibility of tl'e penrLt holler to aee tlnt aLL inspections ate nade at lhe ptope? tine, that 24sh atl,hsss is t'en)ab1.e fran the street, atd that the pettit cad. ie Located at the frcnt of the property. *aui7-di;Lg Dioicion approxed plan shtll reaain on tha Building Sitc at aLL times. PRocEpupE F1R TNS?ECTT)N R!?WST..CALL 7l requested and uhen gou uiLL be readg for "vtLL be made the sane dag, requests mcde q 0b/ E jrectrica fr,$2 I '05( c 1anEl-ec trSu ,Iob Locaticn: Assessot,s Map #?cz lot # Subditsision: Anter: ) vhone: City: trac ors Descz"Lbe llotk: Lo -lq-ValueDate of App tl lka \Additicn RenoCel Pege 1 of 2 SI?E INSPEC?ION: eacauatton, but ?o be nnde afterprior tc set up of fonne UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECaaYIICAL: To be made befoz,e any ffi-li-i5oered. PA1TING & FOUNDATICN: Io be rmCe d;;Eer.tct;s ar. ercauated at'td forns are erected, but priot, to pour.tng ccncrete. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL I|ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL UNDERGROUTID PLUMBINC, S9WEP, II,4TER, DRAII|AGE: To be maCe prtor to fil- T@-tr.nehee. AIDERFLOOR PLUMBING & I,IEC|IA,NTCAL:of floox, insulation or decking. P1S! AgP BEAM: ?o be made pt"iot to G€dTElan o7 floor insulation ot' deckittg. ROUGH PLUIBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECE:- ANICAL: No uov,k is to be co"*et'ed util these inspeetions lntse beer' mad.e and. approued. !!flEACE: PrLov' to plccirq facingmctetials and befot,e franLng inspec- tion. !RALI!!G: l,lust be reqaested aftet approual of rotigh plwnbing, electti- cal & mechanical. AL! toofing btacing E chinmeys, etc. rrust be . eompleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspectLon las 'been made anC apptoted. INSULATION/VAPCR BARRIER IIISPXCTION : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn and required oapor bez,ie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpstlm boarC oz, tnLL coueting is applied, and. before ary insulation is concealed. DRYI|ALL LNSPEIf)N: Tc be nade @@@aTTts in ptace, but prioz. to any taping. W9llN, Steel Location, bond beons, gvouting or oerti.cals in aceordotce uLth U,B.C. Seetion 24L5. IIOODSTO"IE: @npTeteA. Aftet, installation is CURB & APPBC4LH IIP)N: After forns @.e er.ctA-ffiV6o" to poumrq conerete. SIDEVALK & DRfIWAI: For aLL eon- cr.etenaofu-ATffi street right- ofaxy, to be naCe aftez' aLL esca- oating canplete & forn wt'k & sub- base rmterLal in place. IENCE: h4zen conPlate -- fuouiCejfi6i or mouable sectians tht'ough DEHOLTTIO!] OR !.:OWD BUI, Sanilorg saset capped at W,opertl Lire Septic totk p'"tr;rped atn filled rtith gra;sel Final - h1ten abcue itens ote conpleted and uhen dqnolition is cotnplete o? strae- tut,e mooed otd. pretrLses cleaneC up. I"lobtle Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Phnbing connectiona -- aaie? ord, uatet Electt"ical Ccqnection - Bloeking, set-uD and plwnbing eonneetions rrust be apprcteC before nequeeting eleelrLcal inspec2iot Accesso?i Bui.LCing T Pinal - After etc. tre c.1mp pcrckes, sle-rting, decl<s, P, U. ua_L ALL project conditions, such as the installation of slreet trees, co:pletion of the required LanCsccpirq, etc., mtst be satisfied befone the BU|LDING FillAL canbe tequested. ilNAL BtfiLDlttc: The Ei.nal Building fnepection rruet be requested after the Firal Plmbing Electrical, anC Mectnrical fnspectiona hqtse been nade atd approoeC- *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS MIJST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIITi\I ?O BE I,!!DE !1.T IIO CCST TO CI?Y Addtess: 6rtu)aq_, Jt/ I SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Bedtoans Ileat Receipt # Aceess. th t DT House Lot Faces -LC? ?WE _ Intericr _ Cormer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac ITEI|x JOB N Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cole?ege # of 9tortes Iotal Height lopogrqhy Win Coaoe Ceport Aecessot:u TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 o Fee: Date Pal d Building Volue & Permit lhis pertntt is granted on the erpress eondition tlnt the said_constructionsltall, in all respects, conforn to the Ordirnnce adopted fiiy the City of Spningfield, inctuding the Zoning Crdinqrrce, regulating the ccnstructicn otd. use of buildings, otd may be suspended or reuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of oty prcuisions of said }rdinances. Euilding Perw[t ?otal Clnrgea State Signed: Plumbing Permit No pe?eon slnll consh."uct, ina+.all,, alter or eltange anA nea cr esisting plunbing oz, drainage syetan in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid phtnbet's License, eteept that a pe"son may do plwtbing uork to p"opertA uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- ccnt. NO FEE CHARGE Sani Saner Fi.ztztres Resil.ential (1. bath) Plunbing PenrLt 1 Electricol Permit llhere State Lan requiree th,at the eleetrical uotk be done by an Eleetrieal Cont"acto", the eleetrLcal portion of this permit ahalL not be oalil until the Label lns been aig:ned by the Electrical Contyactor. NO. Nas/Eatend Circuits Tqnpc"@A Sentice State Iotal NC.FgE CIlARCE { Mechcrnicol Permit llcodstoise Vent Fot blta/at Hood E?Ul Permlt fssudoe Meehanicel Perrnt EgqrttV Deposit Stoz'age l4ai4tenance Permit Cvvbcut Sidasalk Fense EZeetrieal Label Mobile Horne PLqn Total f HAW CAREFULLy EXAILINED tle cotnpleted application fot pentrit, and do hereby cettify that aLL ilfotrnation hereoi ia tnte attd. eorrect, aaC I fitther .cettify that anA ard aLL uork perforned alull be done in accor- danee vLth the 1zdintnces of the City of bprLngfield, atd the Laxs of theState of 2regcn pertaining to the wrk Cescribcd herein, o1d. tlnt NO OCCa- P!.NC-Y will be nad.e of any structu"e uithout permission of the Sui,lding DL-oision. I funther centiiy that o-nly contractot's ad, anplcyees uho a;e in eonpliance uith CRS ?01.055 uiLL be-ueed on thia projeet uace T)TAL A\ilOUI|T DUE: *t-5 Signed Date ?otal Clta:raes State &tvehaqe