HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1988-06-09r)\ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELED Office of Community & Economic Development Public \Yorks Department CERTIFIED TETTER June 9, 19BB Home Buyers, Inc. 1695 Willarnette Street Eugene, OR 97401 Subject: Courtesy fnspection at 921 Water Street Springfield, Oregon. City Job #880467 At the request of your tenant, the Springf,ield Building Safety Division recently conducted an inspection of your property at the above address. The inspection revealed itens which do not neet the ninimum City Housing Code requiresrents and must be corrected. They consist of the following: Structural 1. All habitable rooms shall be furnished with an approved heat source which is capable of maintaining a temperature of 68 degrees measured at a point three feet above the floor. 2. Sponginess and irregular floor surfaces in the bathroom indicates the potential for structural defects as a result of dryrot. These conditions sha1I be further ex^mined and the appropriate repairs completed. 3. The roof structure is sagging as a result of excessive roof loading (multi-Iayers of roofing naterials), overspanned rafters or irnproper maintenance. The roof structure shall be reinforced to provide adequate support and individual repairs made where necessary. 4. An approved smoke detector shall be installed in corridors or areas giving access to rooms used for sleePing Purposes. 5. Gypsurn board naterial on the ceiling or walls that has beed waterdarnaged shall be repaired using appropriate fasteners or replacement materials as necessary. 6. The rear door/threshold is inadequate to prevent infiltration of moisture, and shall be repaired. 225 Fiftll. Street . Springfield, OR 97477 a 5031726-37 53 Home Buyers, fnc. June 9, 19BB Page 2 Electrical 7. The exposed electrical wiring at the water heater is susceptible to physical danage and sha1l be protected in an approved manner. 8. Brol<en or missing cover plates were noted on electrical outlets, switches and/or junction boxes which require replacenent to reduce the possibility of electrical shock or fire. 9. The receptacle box at the living room switch/receptacle shall be properly secured in the wa1l. 10. The refrigerator and range shall have separate dedicated electrical circuits of adequate capacity to serve eaeh appliance. The range outlet shall be properly secured to the waII. Plumbing ll. The discharge from the water heater tempreature and pressure relief valve shall be extended directly to the exterior of the building using approved materials of the same size as the valve outlet and shall terminate at a Iocation that wiII avoid hazard to persons and property at a point within 6" to 24" of the ground. The discharge shall not terminate under the building. Building permits nust be obtained for the above items which involve repairs or modifications to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems of the building and for any additions or revisions you wish to make to the building. Due to the potentially hazardous nature of the electrical deficiencies, the electrical items shall be correeted and approved by this office within 15 days from the date of this letter. The other required repairs shall be cornpleted with inspection approval within 30 days. Please note that installation of electrical systems on property which is intended for lease, sale or rent nust be done by an electrical contractor who is licensed by the State of Oregon. ff you have any questions or need clarification of the above requirements, please call the Building Safety Division at. 726-3759. Sincerely, /-ry,*- Don Moore Structural fnspector cc Dave Puent, Building Official O"a"To:t", complete items I and 2 wh6n additlonal servlcas are d€Blr€d,_F^.1 compl€t€ itsms 3 Put your address in th( ETUBN To" Spacs on the reverso slde. Failure to L ,ls wlll prevont thls card from b€lng returr to you. Ths rsturn rscelpt feo wlll provide vou tho name of th€ person dollvered to and the dat€ of deliverv. For additlonal fees the followlng seivlces are available. Consultpostmaater for fees and chock box(g3) for addltlonal servlce(:) requested.1. trzShow to whom dellvered. dste. and addressee's address. 2. E Festrlcted Dellvery I (Extra charye)t t (Extru charge)l 4. Article Number?aaa qus ?3s- Type of Service: E Registered El-certiflea E Express Mail E lnsured E coo Always obtain signatur€ of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addressee x - /; -rr x 7 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) ?H a*nw to: *or.,u- B,^\ers tr^s I bqs V)'r \ \ or.,.,e-*e =+truntre ^e , Op, QlUo t PS Form 3811, Mar.1987 r u.s.G.P.o. 1987-17&268 DOMESTIC RETU RN RECE IPT 2A Iilt UNITED STATES P^STAL SE( OFFICIAL\ JINESS PENALTY FOR PFIVATE USE, O3OO RETURN TO t>Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space bolow. /e- /sBs Print your name, address, and Code in the spaco below.. Compl€t€ items 1, 2,3, and the reverse.. Attach to front of article if spacepormits, othoniviss affix to back of article.. Endorse article "Return Receipt Requ6ted" adiacsnt to number. 4 fr*7/ " 7 I ) COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) +wola7 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION oAIe fuc<y .3/,1qF{ADDRESS oF rNSpECrroN g Zt lUqter .S F,7 OWNER ADDRESS RENTER <r conn SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER PHoNE No. 4VCl- OS 8/ PHONE NO. TYPE OF D}{ELLING: SINGLE FAMILY A DUPLEX tl MULTIPLE tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF I\,IAJOR PROBLEMS: ceil l/1 .S n ,o tSerl into ,qr.c('(f e(,t/€t ncf [,('orKing n/ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter S"rt Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Compl iance Obtained - Date U ( / orz Building DlvisjonPlanning & Development Job. No. JOB ADDRESS ?z/ u/rtfr< Szrurzr qtlf:T OF SPR,II{TGFIEIJIJ OFFICE OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 225 North 5th Street Date TO -Qffiiua\ 'nb Aiililp:A'--- . \F#P7,-- r --T CALL FOR REiNSPECTION INSPECTOR **** CALL FOR' --- INSPECTI0N 726-3769 ---- INF0RMATI0N: 726-3753 **** 2t 7w a*,flututru eLu,qr F rt''Fri Te f' 4ffiF, i7pr/tf 5** eTil n **/r(ef Of l&T ls 't,SSttA lt'fr'- (frtT*A7?-" -rlann'ing & Development Job. No. JOB ADDRESS -:[fT:T OF SPR,I\TGFIEI.i OFFiCE OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENI 225 North 5th Street Date Bui lding Divjsjon ?2t A+fik, STnEf @xt7)TO CALL FOR REINSPECTION INSPECTOR **** CALL FOR: --- INSPECTI0N 726-37 9 ---- INF0 TI0N: 726-3753 **** 6r'l _#EH*IECflL INSPECTI ON REPORT JOB ADDRESS DATE PHONEOl,lNER ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION: HOLISING OCCUPANCY br$74 zcot4PLArNT r FrRE DAMAGE a 7b \ T uffift;s I NSPECTOR L 2 i c*4 6///os --'=_\ f/{ b, L *)rq-t 4.t n n1 r)? z-1 )(/ I j t.f,1 ){-, t)n - r/,e A 7c4 , ) --- /7' /)n a a71U COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) +welu7 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION oAIe /V c<y .31, I q ,W A.DDRESS oF rNSpECrroN ? Z t l.Uctter -t F,7 OWNER PHoNE No. 4Vq- oS 8/ ADDRESS /6 9S tt i l/ o n efte RENTER l7A b <rT t- /( rrt h,t C o n n PHONE NO. srGNAruRE oF occupANr (RENTERI ?4.r^ru"/ ed7unU FOR ACCESS TO PROPERfi - TELEPHONE NTIMBER TYPE OF DIVELLING: SINGLE FAMILY 8 DUPLEX tl MULTIPLE r tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS:n cet tt1nr r OL grr4& FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Comp liance Comp liance Obtained - Date T