HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1995-11-16w |NVOTCE NO._-___ STANDARD STFUCTURAL PI ITROL INSPECTION REPOFT Thit It tn lnepocllon report only-nol a Notice ol Completkrn. ? ^ooREss oF PROPERTY INSPECTEO -'l SIREET WaLer Street921 BLI)G crw 97 477 Spr ingf ie 1 d Stan L1mch, Contractor'fermlte & Dry Rot Repalr 2,100 G St. o Sprlngfleld, Oregon 746-A579 0R 7 46- 6951 Stat. Lic. No. 5258r1-lnrured FED V.A. i] STITE G.I. N FHA D DAIE OF INSPESIION 1--9 OPERATOR IS AN EXPEFT IN HIg FIELD. ANY OUESTIONS RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT SHOULD BE REFERRED TO HIM. ---'l _i TYPE OF LOAN: SELLEB'S NAME ANO AOORESS TARUUOUE T: @NVENTIONAL ''i rNsPEcfroN onoEREo By (NAME ,\NO AOORESS)Schley Lynch 1I IIISPECTEO BY THIS IS A BUYER'S NAME AND AODFESS NAMG Ar'10 or PARW INIEREST E LICENSE Qrrginal Repod t Supplcm.ntrl Raport tr Numbcr ot ea11er,ll"' ONLY. SUB FTOOR LEVEL & BELOW. WE ASSUTilE NO LIABILITV FON ANY OTHER POBTON OF STNUCTUNE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS RIPOHT. IHPOffiANT NOflCE ANO EXCTUSIONS 1116r.po( ronr/I/cpo(orourtindnsr br"doiwh.rwa3o!s.,d,dbythe ,^!pocrorrth.r,rnoc,h's,,1ii*. ,, I ' ccncllronr malo lntrpcton rmpract crt tr,! ertrro raport 6!y ba dcamad nuti lnd v(id tl lht dlrcol'on ol Lydch, lt any trre allar r ixr-day Oali)d. htlhoul nolicc itorrcE fsrrM^rE ooFs Nor tNcLilDr .ArNr,NG PI,JMBTNO On LEVFLING-rigl RESPON3'6LE FOFCnACXS rr'AT MAr OrVEL:)P S.o Bclor &low Sublrrrrnlrn Tlmitlt Vontt Termiles Vbnts Wood Boouos ln!dcqueto Cloarsnce Crrponlcr Anlt lnrcoulblc Area Orowth. Iroirtable Furlhu Loak Errth,rlod Cootlct3 Ohct Ottrcr NOTE: H:Sl,:::rnd pr*o! !n ihown re rchrcncc porn. o.rv rnd ir nor rnc' GET ELECTICAL BID T0 REPAIR fti-l. lill''- TO CODE. GET PLUMBER B]D TO REPAIR TO (]0I)I,. GET ROOF READ)' FOR SHINGLES- $ 7 50 , ';U L REPLACE [,IUDSILL&R]MJOIST AS NEEUED, -' ABOUT 50' LINEAL SUBFLO OR & UNDERLAY- ,P $ I ,ztto. oo 00- LL.$2 0 \ I LI\l('' ) lRELAY KITCHE rLooR- $4s0.0 /' IREIrl \wn & #23 UNDER SIIEETROCK NEEDE N I SIIED ,READY FOR S ONC B S FOR LACE UTILITY F'L()OR 0.00 (_ X Codc\tr Cod.l!rSot Dlrgnm Brlullr vx30R xXs0r FotStruclural Slructural Slruclutat lnsecl Sublloot 9{:- SI-in rc(SB(WB lAEMcl FIxCD Exccrrlvc Moirtuts Conditionr Cellulose Debds:(n ECYFGthsn 0"Gndr Oth!r REPAIR BATH-$350.00 . \ .-UU IN'T. TO N ERE NEE DED- s700.00 R [) a I I I I Nccded I I I 9rr Oh Proposcc ( .>( t \ I I I RECOMMEN tIKu UORRECTIONs -S--.--,,n"at fl. of damaged //,x //Romove and replace approx " Rlnrov€ olrd replace approx, Br,move and ll ::' Rr,move and replace apprrrx -*-- sidingRr,move and replace approx 'damaged joist end(s) ._. j*_-_r5 damagod tuil tengrh joisr(sl ol damaged _--- header ln:;tall approx __-ft. c,l new beam to support joist splices - ln,;rall approx replace approx.ftNGh ne* _.._--,_.lineal tt. of damaged support beampiers and pier blocks, Rlmovo and replace approx _. _- dan-raged pier posts Romclve and replace approx sq. feel of damaged 5D..-..-linoet ft, 5D -- reet ot subfloor >< .__ mrrdsill Ag t\(ri;(u M---_- H (. I, .l- (i tr 'l:, .;t<: l(i 'lr rll Rernove all scattered wor-ld.debris and form boards from su barea,ln;tall I _=-.__-mii vapor l:arrier over entir Pi,rce in nrissing vapor barrirlr in approx. -_._ .. Straighlen existing vapor barrier as neerJed ln;lall a gravity flow drainlir.e from subarea approx _____-_lineal feet to !freet.ln;tall o subareo sump pumt) anct approx. _.- _linoal ft. of droinline to _.__-__.Trench subarea as neoded, to drain or sump punrp, as neoclod t6 alleviate standing water condirion,lntlsll approx. __.-,_._-yarrls of t4 " round river rock in subarea lrenches.ln;tall approx, _---.yarcs of 'a" r<tund river rock in subarea row spots.Ercavate subarea to allow ptoper access and clearance, approx. ___._cubic yards.ltsrrch suboro0 0s nooded lor 6c663s, opprox. llnoal leet. Make acceSS tO inaccessibltr ateas, as needed to allow lurther inspection tcosr or ahv dant"qcs tound not,nctudad rn b,dtFt'rlher inspeclion needed irl damaged areas where indicared on diagram ic,)sr or r,)v rranr,1111,s ro,,nd nor,ncrudod,n brd)lnstall apptor. l-4..." feet ol metal llashing to corrocr earth wood conlacts in -.- -- .. - porch.Vt'nt dryer to outside to prcvent damage fronr fire or condensation, approx. -.--_--.reet.Rr:pair loundation cracks. chenrically troat substructure area to eliminate subterranean Termiles. chemically treal substructure area to eliminale Dampwood rermites. clremically treal substruclure area to elinrinate powder post Beetles clremically treat as needed to olinrinatc carpenter Ant infestatiorr [:urtQlrernically lroal substructure as neoded to control dryrot f ungus ..-- Spot Rrrplace underlaynrent l:t l4 ll lr t' I t. l1' i 2:i -,,1.i4 >: 2l'. '!" 2$ ,I.L A. 2?il,.< e subarea surlace _.___foot area \spprox lnstall new linoleum in approx, atea, t Roseat toilet on I new seal 3!, l>:.Cirrrlk base X -- top of bathtub. 3ti '\ lnstall -__* replace -:L_. bathtub shower kit ..1 I a( ;..t ,. I .t I -./ ,l t; Regrout sllll shower, tub walls as needed to prevenl leakege. R,,placeor..-._-,--insla|llttb.showerdoortn Rrrpair or .___*-_._ replacr damaged balhroom window in ___.-__ __ sizeRr:place damaged basemenl window sills -- lrames si::e C'.rr oll base of slairjacks at -_.__ ._ , and inStall concrete pads, R,rmove and replace damaged stair .. jacks --- lr6ed at sizo -.._Plumbing leaks noted atAl-L_ homoowner shoutd calt ptumber to lepair (costs nol rnctuded). lnstall approximalely -.- . -- hneal feel ol concrete block loundation --*and looting at _- lnslall approximaloly -. - - ol .-- -- inch concrolo llashwall lo corrocl oarlh.woocl conlirct at lr,! )< :l' .:,.1 .)' |', ) I' ),lloorrng irr ... Eq}l, ktrafr\) . -Zf,'^lpff ''{'u,O Lrlwor exterior grade level l,: corrocl earlh-wood contacts at --____.._-._ approxrnalely --__ lineal leeli Snonen siding to correct oa,rrh.wood contacts ar54AB approximaterv _._t,C. __ foer, lr'slall approximalely hnoal leel on non-wood skirling al _.__.-. --._ lirzo lislall '=--.- sddilronel venls lhrough rim joisl irrrougn foundarron wa[ - l.', ,,:! 5| l;] Unblock existing v€nls as noted. FlescreenReplace existinll venl lramcs exisling venls lrrstall .-*----- venl well:i (to be made lrom pressure treated wood) lrrslall ..--- crawl hol': wells (to be made lrom pressure treated wood) lrstall -_-_-- new crawlhole lrame _ venled door '. Sr.lb area insulalion plevenled a lolal rnspection of subflogr. joists, sill and header, and support :,eams Any damage or infestalions lh.rt may exist in lhese areas is not included in report or bid. Structure was occupied al lime ol inspectiorr Costs nol included lor any damage or in,eslations concealed hy tenant's pos. srrssions, appliances or olherlviss nol visible to view - Ulililies were oll al llme ol lnspeclion, unable to check lor plumbing leaks. . No carpentei ants wero lound al time ol inspoct. This is Ngf A GUARANTEE THAT ANTS D() NOT EXIST as ants can olten be nested in eroas with no outwa(d indication of en lnfostatlon, Costs are nol lncluded il anl inloolalion becomes apparcnl al e lalei llmo. I.SO.OhINERS TO PAY FOR PIiRI'1ITS. 70i:Do wq_Rf -AS [iStLD_ 0N fnis* n_u )t P.OBT L.- RQOF-. .- - MUDSILL-.RIMJOIST BBTH. .TUBI{ALL -' /"r U 750 - 120qozl; 350 - 250-- .2 oo $ $ $ r<. a2 't34)-_- NO'[E: De1, li!'i nc+ included i,t this rePort. I A Rr,nrovo end replace opprox. N I,\. (y