HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1979-07-30CIETT OF SPF,T}TGFIEIJ]= PUBLIC lVORKS CERTIFIED I,ETTER Re s i dent 921 Water Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 July 30, 1979 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 921 Water Street , Dear Res i dent It has coine to orlr attentlon that your re-si-dence, loc;.rted et Springt icltl , Oregon, is not connected to the sanitary S€rr,cr. tenk on )'ollr property has failed evidenced by' rarv servage in conditi.on poses a potentiaily serious public health hazard, tion nust be taken. In rrddit the yard. immedi, at e ecause thi-s rrective ac- -L L' TJ 1L The Department of Environmental Quality'hirs establisired requirements for septic tank eburtrlonmcnt in Oregon Administrative rules, Chapter 340, Divi-sion 7. The required abnndonncnt procedure is as fol lorr s : "Each and evcry orr'ncr of the rea I prope.rtl, upon:'hich is situated a subsurtace sersaqe disposal system rr,hich i.'s r-cqtrired to be abandoncd, or lvhich has been abandoned, shali havc all the sluidge from the septic tank, scepage pit or cesspool removed by a person holcling a sel,i3.qe clisposal service lice'nse, and shl1l fill same lvith cleen bar-rlrn era\rel or oti'rcr- matL.rial approved b1'the Dlrector or his authorized representative." You shorrld contact a licenscd se-pt ic tank pumper. i'lilny are liste.d in the yeI lor, p.rges of volrr tc. 1c'phone clirec- tor"'. Upon completion of abandonnrent you or your represent.lt il.e -should noti,fy the Btri"lding Division of thc Cit.," of Springficld for an i"nspection et 716-5769. Section 2- L0-l of the Springfield City Code reqr-rircs tliart ". ..i] person L'I'ecting or maintaining a liatcr closet, sink, betlitrib, or dririn in the City trpon propel'ty lrith- in 110 t'cct of any pubi ic suni-tar;r se h'c1- shal l collnect the f ac i I it1, r{ith the serr./er at ]ris or{n expense, in thc rnrrnncr and undor rcgul:rtions end strperr,.isi,on prescribccl by the Cit.v.f r You rvi- 11 have th j rty (30)tlays from the date of this lctter to con- nect to thc sanitary seiver s,vsT..m. ,t-prtL,lnbing pcrmit is required, lrs r,re11 as e S10().00 serr,c-r conncction fcc. Both mey be- pr-rrchased et the PLrbi ic lforks Dcparlm,ent. '\ftcr ccnncction to thc sanitar\. s,,\h:crr s)'stem is comple'ted, lrl l r^;ork mltst eI--co be in-spectcd by'thc IJuildin.q Dir.'isi-on of thc Citv oi Springticlcl. Yotrl artticipat-ccl co-()pL'r3t iorr is eppr.c'cr-]tcci . irlurt5c. Jircct all inrluiric-s ii't tiir' Spriir:.ri.. lri lLLi idin,g L)i'" Lsit-rll iIt Sincc.l'elr', tli)-.;,55. P-l' fr fZ o^iLt-,z Plrrmbing Inspector Joseph J, Leahy, Assistant City Attol'ney John Stoner, Lane Cotrntv Environmental tlealth Di'"'i*sion c.c CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Pub lic hlorks BUILDING DEPARTI.,IEM PW.11 Inspector rs I'lemo JOB ADDRESS 9et Utl arr K S',a,DArE 2 -/* -vq NOIE: .T-,nd / Esr,.\,/ G ,?y & -- //,4'cEa -er €a e Sr,,4,ID I D 7V,' sl t-//4 4/>l ,/h=^/<O -Zr,,ana'(v<l R Qe oPt 47€7/ 14 c /,c LUoptzt./ar,o,a./ a.//cP. htzZ ^t Ge.o er.€o Phone 747-4221 INSPECTOR /,, ,,/ K"*- TO:Ou,t) Era Zn -, DG ^,f .-s r\l