HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 4/24/2020 (2)ranch ENGINEERING= March 2, 2020 Ms. Samantha Turner Via email: Samantha.turner@weyerhaeuser.com RE: GEoiEc[w[cAL INVFSIIGAUON WEYERHAEUSER OFNCE AT NUGGET WAY & FRANIU.IN BLVD SP GFffI.D, OREGON BRANCH ENfaNccamrG INc. PRoJEC No. 19-577 Branch Engineering, Inc. (BED has conducted a geotechnical foundation investigation for the proposed construction of an office building on a currently vacant parcel of land in Springfield, Oregon. On January 30, 2020 five exploratory test pits were advanced on the subject site at the locations indicated on the attached Figure -1, Site Exploration Map. The accompanying report presents the results of our site research, field exploration and testing, data analyses, as well as our conclusions and recommended geotechnical design parameters for the project Based on the results of our study, no geotechnical/geologic hazards were identified at the site and the site is suitable for the planned development, provided that the recommendations of this report are implemented in the design and construction of the project. The site contains areas of soft, fine grain soil that are susceptible to settlement under foundation loads, and recommendations to mitigate the risk of adverse settlement are presented in the following report. Sincerely, Branch Engineering Inc F`t' #16,170 _ Digitally signed by Ronald J. onald J. Derrick Detrick OREGON Date: 2020.03.02 14:08:36 -08'00' �qlD J. D� EXPIRES:1213112019 Ronald Derrick P.E., G.E Principal Geotechnical Engineer MGENE-SPRINGFIELD ALBANY-SALEM-CORVALLIS 310 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 1 p- 503.779.2577 1 w+Y+ .branchengineenngconn Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Work 3 1.2 Project location and Description 3 1.3 Site Information Resources 4 2.0 SITE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS...............................................................................4 2.1 Subsurface Soils 4 2.2 Groundwater 5 3.0 GEOLOGIC SETTING.......................................................................................................5 3.1 Regional Geology 5 3.2 Site Geology 6 4.0 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................................6 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................................................7 5.1 Site Preparation and Foundation Subgrade Requirements 7 5.2 Engineered Fill Recommendations 8 5.3 Excavations 9 5.4 Drainage 9 5.5 Soil Bearing Capacity and Settlement 9 5.6 Slabs on Grade 10 5.7 In -Situ Moisture Content and Soil Shrink/Swell Potential 10 5.8 Friction Coefficient and Earth Pressures 10 5.9 Wet Weather/Dry Weather Construction Practices 11 5.10 Seismic Site Classification and Hazards 11 5.11 Pavement Design Recommendations 12 6.0 LIMITATIONS 12 FIGURE -1- Site Exploration Map APPENDIX A— USCS Exploratory Key.. Test Pit Logs.. DCP Data.. Well Logs.. NRCS Soil Survey Information APPENDIX B— Recommended Earthwork Specifications Branch Engineering, Inc. 2 Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Work The purpose of this work is to establish and present geotechnical engineering criteria and requirements related to the site and subsurface conditions that may influence the design and construction of the proposed project Our field investigation scope of work consisted of a site reconnaissance and subsurface investigation on January 30, 2020. A John Deere model 225D excavator was used to advance five test pit excavations to a maximum depth of 12.5 -feet below ground surface (BGS) with dynamic cone penetrometer testing performed in fine grain soli at select locations. The test pit excavations were located around the perimeter of the proposed building and in proposed pavement areas, as shown on the provided on the attached Site Exploration Map, Figure 1. 1.2 Project Location and Description The subject site is located at the approximate coordinates of 44.035332° north and 123.027855° west in Springfield, Oregon. The site is located along the west side of Franklin Boulevard that is aligned north -south from the unincorporated community of Glenwood towards interchanges accessing hrterstate 5, E. 30- Avenue access to South Eugene, and the unincorporated community of Goshen, also known as Highway 225. Nugget Way, which is a paved roadway connecting to Franklin Boulevard, runs west along the north property line of the subject site; at the northwest corner of the site, Nugget Way splits with a roadway named Newman Street which forms a boundary along the northwest portion of the site. The site is bordered to the north by a commercial office building campus across Nugget Way and a pipe manufacturing facility to the northwest across Newman Street. The land to the south of the site is primarily vacant with exception of a railroad line running south along the western boundary of the site. Wildish Land Co. owns the land to the east of the site, across Franklin Boulevard from the site which houses an existing structure, graveled parking area, and vacant land along the Willamette River approximately 1,000 -feet east of the site. The site topography is relatively flat, and at the time of our visit the ground surface was covered with grass and blackberryvines. A steep hillside, or bluff rises uphill approximately 800 -feet to the southwest of the proposed building site and Interstate 5 is located approximately 1,700 -feet west of the site. Our understanding of the proposed project is that a single -story, wood -framed corporate office building will be constructed on site for the use of the Weyerhaeuser Company. At the time of this report no estimated structural loads have been provided, however, we anticipate that continuous line and column loads will not exceed 3-kips/ft and 25 -kips, respectively. Additional site improvements are expected to consist of paved vehicle parking and accessways, utility infrastructure installation, and an on-site stormwater management facility for the treatment and disposal of runoff. Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon 1.3 Site Information Resources The following site investigation activities were performed and literature resources were reviewed for pertinent site information • Review of the United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (USGS) Eugene East, OR Quadrangle Map, 2014. • Five (5) Exploratory Test Pits advanced to a maximum depth of 12.5 -feet BGS on January 30, 2020 at the approximate locations shown on the attached Figure -1 Site Exploration Map. See attached test pit log summaries and DCP data in Appendix A • Review of the Web Soil Survey of Lane County Area, United States Department of Agricultural (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (attached in Appendix A) • Review of the 2010 Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMq Geologic Map Open File Report (OFR) 0-10-03 Digital Geologic Map or the Southern Mllamette Ualleyby Jason D. McClaughry, Thomas J. Wiley, Mark L Ferns, and Ian P. Madin. • Review of the online DOGAMI web hazard viewer. • Review of Interpretive Map Series 60, Landslide Inventory Map orEugene and Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, 2018. • Review of Oregon Department of Water Resources Well Logs (attached in Appendix A). • Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) 2019, applicable building code criteria 2.0 SITE SUBSURFACE CONDMONS 2.1 Subsurface Soils The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and assume the exploratory results presented in Appendix A are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site. If, during construction, subsurface conditions differ from those encountered at the exploratory boring locations; BEI requests that we be informed to review the site conditions and adjust our recommendations if necessary. The USDA NRCS soil mapping shows a single soil unit mapped across the subject site in vicinity of the proposed building; Newberg -Urban land complex which is described as well drained silty alluvium which is consistent with our field observations of the site soil profile, where not affected by previously placed fill. Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon In the exploratory test pits, we encountered near surface, previously placed, undocumented fill that varies in depth, but was consistently found across the site at thicknesses ranging from 1.5 - to 5 -feet BGS. The area of thickest fill was found along the east side of the site. The fill primarily consists of silty rounded gravel, with debris such as white porcelain fragments, wood concrete pieces, and asphalt concrete (AC) pieces. Underlying the near surface fill material, fine grain alluvium described as moist, soft, brown silt, with trace fine grain sand content that increases with depth was observed. Below the fine grain alluvium, the subsurface soil transitions to alluvial sandy rounded gravel deposits with cobbles up to 10 -inches in diameter. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer ()CP) testing was performed in the fine grain alluvium and blow counts recorded indicate a soft consistency of the and, which is consistent with our test pit observations and probing with a steel hand probe. 2.2 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered just below the transition to rounded gravels in two of the test pits at a depth that varied from approximately 10- to 12.5 -feet BGS. Well logs from locations in the vicinity, or on the site, were obtained from the Oregon Water Resources Department and reviewed, static groundwater levels ranged from 8- to 11 -feet BGS on the well logs, see Appendix A for attached copies of the well logs. We do not anticipate that static groundwater will impact the site development as proposed. Perched groundwater lenses may be encountered during excavation work and are expected to be more frequent and at higher elevations during the wet season, during which precipitation is more frequent and intense, usually from late October to May. If perched lenses, or groundwater are encountered during construction traditional dewatering measures such as installing sumps and removal of water from excavations by pumping will be required The site soil is moisture sensitive and will soften with prolonged exposure to moisture. Moisture softened soil will require removal and replacement with structural fill in foundation or pavement areas. O nowt i 031 plel G79:1 ■ 11: U9 The following sections describe the regional and local site geology. Our field findings are consistent with the geologic mapping of the site area by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (Walker & MacLeod 1991 and OFR 0-10-03). 3.1 Regional Geology The subject site lies within the southwest portion of the Willamette Valley Geomorphic Province CWVGP), east of the Coast Range and west of the Cascade Mountains Provinces. The WVGP is regional lowland that extends from just south of Eugene, Oregon to Vancouver, Washington In Oregon, this alluvial plain is approximately 130 miles long and 20 to 40 -miles wide (Orr and Orr, 1996). The WVGP is drained by the north flowing Willamette River. Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon The Willamette River Valley in the area of the subject site is believed to be underlain by undifferentiated sedimentary rock, tuffs and basalt from the Miocene and Oligocene epochs (approximately 15 to 35 million years ago). Deposits of silt and clay from fluvial and lacustrine environments covered the bedrock to various depths during the presence of low energy streams and lakes in the mid -Willamette Valley. Subsequent compression forces and uplifting of the Cascade and Coast Range Mountains depressed the Willamette River Valley. The rapid uplift of the Cascade and Coast Range mountains steepened stream gradients causing increased erosion of the mountains and resulting deposition of thick gravel layers incised within the fluvial and lacustrine deposits. Approximately 13,500 years ago the Willamette Valley was cyclically flooded by catastrophic breaks in the ice dams of Lake Missoula. These flood events filled the valley to an elevation of 350 to 400 -feet before retreating, causing sequences of upward fining deposits of silt and clay that may or may not still be present in areas depending on erosion by subsequent creek and river actions. 3.2 Site Geology The 2010 DOGAMI Digital Geologic Map of the southern Willamette Valley maps the site geology as Alluvium (Holocene) which is described as unconsolidated gravel, sand silt, and clay deposited in active stream channels and on adjoining flood plains of major rivers and their associated tributaries.' The description of the site geologic unit is consistent with our site observations. The hillside, or bluff steeply rising up to the west of the site is mapped as Sihciclastic Marine Sedimentary Rocks (lower Oligocene to middle Eocene). Based on review of the attached well logs the alluvium on the site is likely underlain by the marine slltstone/sandstone formation at depths of approximately 19.5- to 22 -feet BGS. The site lies within a relatively flat alluvial terrace below a steep bank with exposed sedimentary rock of the Eugene Formation, from which seeping water was observed at the time of site work. The sedimentary rock is also exposed in the cut banks along Interstate 5 and proceeds southwesterly to Moon Mountain, where ancient mapped landslides have occurred below the overlying basalt cap. 4.0 CONCIUSIONS We conclude that the site is suitable for the proposed development provided that the recommendations contained in this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the proposed structures. An item for special consideration during the design phase is mitigating the potential for settlement of foundations that bear on the soft fine grain alluvium, options to address the soft alluvium are discussed below. ' Department of Geologic and Mining Industries Open File Report 0-10-03 Digital Geologic Map of the Southern Willamette Valley, Benton, [ane, Linn, Marion, and Polk Counties, Oregon, McClaughry, Wiley, Ferns, Marlin, 2010 Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The following sections present site specific recommendations for site preparation, drainage, foundations, utility excavations, and slab/pavement design General material and construction specifications for the items discussed herein are provided in Appendix B. 5.1 Foundation Subgrade Preparation Requirements The following recommendations are for earthwork in the building foundation areas, roadways, and parking areas. Earthwork shall be performed in general accordance with the standard of practice as generally described in Appendix J of the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code and as specified in this report. All areas intended to directly or laterally support structures, roadways, or pavement areas shall be stripped of vegetation, organic soil, unsuitable fill, and/or other deleterious material such as demolition debris. These strippings shall be removed from the site or reserved for use in landscaping or non-structural areas. Building Foundation Subgrade Preparation The selected method to prepare the building foundation subgrade will be a function of the size of the structural loads; however, based on the anticipated building type, the foundation loads are expected to be relatively light and not exceed - kips/If for line loads or 25 -kip column loads. Based on this assumption, the preparation of foundation subgrade shall consist of excavation of unsuitable fill material and former topsoil, from our test pit data it appears that this excavation will consist of a 2- to 3 -foot removal of material to encounter the native silt. Upon exposure, the silt shall be compacted in-place using a vibratory plate mounted on an excavator with a minimum operating weight of at least 25, 000 lbs. Compaction shall continue until no observable downward movement of the compaction plate is detected and then covered with a minimum of 18 -inches of compacted crushed aggregate. The lateral width of the silt and aggregate compaction shall be at least 18 -inches beyond the edge of footings. Test Pits 4 and 5 on the east side of the showed thicker sections of dense fill material with less debris, which may not require complete removal. We recommend that subgrade conditions be evaluated at the time of excavation to assess consistency and required removal depths. Either proof rolls with a loaded haul truck, compaction testing by nuclear densometer, or DCP testing of the compacted alluvium subgrade is recommended to evaluate the relative compaction of the subgrade soil. See Section 5.5 for bearing capacities after the subgrade preparation described above. For loads that exceed those anticipated, we recommend that they be transferred to the underlying gravel deposits. Options to transfer these foundation loads may include addition excavation, piers, piles, or stone columns, and can be more thoroughly assessed if needed. Coordination with an installation contractor would be required to determine the required pile spacing, layout, and the resulting bearing capacities for some options. Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon The subsurface conditions observed in our site investigation exploratory test nits are consistent: however. the exploratory test nits only represent a very small portion of the site. Should soft or unsuitable soils extend to a depth greater than that described herein or areas of distinct soil variation be discovered, this office shall be notified to perform site observation and additional excavation may be required. Periodic site observations by a geotechnical representative of BEI are recommended during the construction of the project; the specific phases of construction that should be observed are shown in Table 1 below: Table 1: Recommended Construction Phases to be Observed by the Geotechnical Engineer At completion of subgrade excavation Subgrade observation by the geotechnical engineer before fabric and aggregate placement. Imported fill material Observation of material or information on material type and source. Placement or Compaction of fill material Observation by geotechnical engineer or test results by qualified testing agency. 5.2 Structural Fill Recommendations All engineered fill placed on the site shall consist of homogenous material and shall meet the following recommendations. • Prior to placement on-site the aggregate to be used as structural fill shall be approved by the geotechnical engineer of record, if no Proctor curve (moisture -density relationship) for the material performed within the last 12 -months is on file a sample may be required to perform testing to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the aggregate. • The structural fill shall be moisture conditioned within +/- 2% of optimum moisture content and compacted in lifts with loose lift thickness not exceeding 8- inches. • Periodic visits to the site to verity lift thickness, source material, and compaction efforts shall be conducted by the Geotechnical Engineer or designated representative and documented. • The recommended compaction level for crushed aggregate fill is 90% of ASTM D-1557 (modified Proctor). Compaction shall be measured by testing with nuclear densometer ASTM D-6938, or D-1556 sand cone method on structural fill in excess of 12 -inches in thickness. Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon 5.3 Excavations We expect excavations into the fine grain stand near -vertical to depths of approximately 5 -feet BGS. Some sluffing of near surface material may occur and the presence of perched water lenses, or runoff will increase the chance of caving. 6ccavations from the existing ground surface are classified as OSHA Type C due to non -cohesive nature of the soil. Vibratory compaction work in excavations may increase the likelihood of caving. Heavy equipment or stored materials should not be placed within 10 -feet or the depth of the excavation, whichever is greater. 5.4 Drainage A site drainage system is expected to be engineered for the project. We understand the site is not currently served by public stormwater infrastructure and disposal of runoff may be limited to infiltration facilities. The native fine grain alluvium and underlying gravel deposits are suitable for the disposal of runoff As infiltration facilities. Following our exploratory test pit excavations BEI personnel performed infiltration testing on the site and we expect the resulting measured rates and proposed stormwater design to be delivered in a separate report. Alteration of existing grades for this project will likely change drainage patterns but should not adversely affect adjacent properties. Perimeter landscape and hardscape grades shall be sloped away from the foundations and water shall not be allowed to pond adjacent to footings during or after construction. Due to the relatively flat topography surrounding the site, we do not anticipate a need for an extensive foundation sub -drain system. 3.3 Soil Bearing Capacity and Settlement Conventional perimeter style foundations and spread footings for column loads are suitable for the proposed building construction and we recommend that loads are distributed evenly to mitigate the potential for differential settlement. As described in Section 5.1 above, following excavation to suitable subgrade and the placement of structural aggregate fill a minimum of 18 -inches in thickness a bearing capacity of 1,500 psf may be used. The estimated total and differential settlement is not expected to exceed 1 -inch and'/,- inch, respectively. The bearing capacity of the underlying dense gravels is 3,000 psf. For the deep foundation alternatives described in Section 5.1 the underlying gravel deposits will provide adequate support for piers, or piles once the required depth of installation is reached. The fine grain alluvium should not be relied on for foundation support. Bearing capacities may be increased by 1/3 for short term loads such as wind or seismic Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon 5.6 Slabs -On -Grade After site preparation to expose suitable subgrade free of topsoil or loose fill, load bearing concrete slabs shall be underlain by a minimum of 12 -inches of compacted crushed aggregate. If soft or saturated subgrade is encountered over -excavation and replacement with structural fill will be required. The modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of the in-situ soil (native, not previously placed fill) at about 3 -feet below existing grade is 90 lb/in' and the correlated California Bearing Ratio of the soil is correlated to be less than 3. If new concrete slabs -on -grade are expected to carry traffic loads we recommend compacting the subgrade soil if conditions permit and ensuring the slab -on - grade is reinforced for traffic loads. 5.7 In -Situ Moisture Content & Soil Shrink/Swell Potential A representative sample of the subsurface site materials were collected and tested for In -Situ Moisture Content and Free Swell (IS 2720) Potential by air drying a pulverized sample and rehydrating in a graduated column. In -Situ moisture content testing of the subgrade soil resulted in a moisture content of 31.4% which is consistent with the soil descriptions in the test pit logs. Free Swell Testing (13 2720) resulted in shrink/swell potential of 30% which is considered to be low. 3.8 Friction Coefficient and Earth Pressures We are not aware of any retaining walls that will be required as part of the proposed work however, structural soil design parameters are shown in Table -2 below for both the native fine grain soil and the gravel deposits/aggregate. Soil unit weight estimates and internal angle of friction values are also given No hydrostatic pressure or surcharge loads are accounted for in the values below. Table -2 Concrete Poured against native fine grain soil* Concrete poured against minimum of 12 -inches of compacted aggregate or native gravel** Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient 2.40 Active Earth Pressure Coefficient 0.42 At -Rest Earth Pressure Coefficient 0.60 Coefficient of Friction 0.30 0.45 *For fine grain soil an internal angle of friction (4)) of 24° may be used for design **For native gravel deposits an internal angle of friction (4)) of 320 may be used for design Note: In -Situ unit weight (y) of the soil will vary, based on the variability of the site soil, 300 pcf may be used for the unit weight. Branch Engineering, Inc. 10 Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon 3.9 Wet Weather/Dry Weather Construction Practices The site material is moisture sensitive and will soften with exposure to precipitation The native material if left exposed to the weather will deteriorate and should be covered with compacted aggregate in a timely manner after subgrade excavation to minimize moisture fluctuations. BEI recommends that foundation subgrade preparation and general site earthwork be performed during the dry season, generally May through October. Construction during the wet season may require special drainage considerations, such as covering of excavations, pumping to mitigate standing water in footing excavations, or over -excavation of moisture softened soils. If soils become saturated within structural areas the saturated soils will require removal and replacement with compacted aggregate. 3.10 Seismic Site Classification and Hazards Based on the soil properties encountered in our site pits and on-site well log information, a Seismic Site Class D designation, stiff soil (Table 20.3-1 ASCE 7) is recommended for design of site structures. • Slope Instability: No slopes susceptible to landslides are present on the site. The DOGAMI online hazard viewer shows the site as a low risk for landslides. The risk of slope instability on the site is low. Portions of the steep slope to west of the site are mapped as moderate to high risk however, the location of any slide activity is expected to be related to shallow steep sluff and soil creep and should not pose a risk to the proposed site improvements. • liquefaction: The portion of the site soil profile containing fine grain sand is isolated to depths above the static water and not likely to become saturated, additionally the fine grain sand is mixed with silt and clay soil particles and our subgrade preparation recommendations call for either the removal of the sandy soil, densification of the soil, or minimizing the amount of loading placed on the soil. The risk of liquefaction on the site is low. • Total and Differential Settlement: The estimated amount of total and differential settlement is less than 1 -inch and 3/4 -inch respectively, provided the recommendations in this report are implemented into the design and construction of the proposed development • Surface Displacement due to faulting or seismically induced lateral spreading or lateral flow. No faults are present on the site that could create surface displacement, seismically induced lateral spreading is not expected due to the relatively flat site topography, and lateral flows are not anticipated as slope instability is a low risk on the site. Branch Engineering, Inc. 11 Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon 5.11 Pavement Design Recommendations Based on a correlated CBR value of 3 for the native silt, which is a "poor" classification the following Asphalt Concrete (AC) pavement recommendations are provided. Following the removal of any unsuitable materials, the subgrade shall be protected from precipitation and construction traffic prior to placement of the structural section consisting of placed on top of compacted, crushed aggregate. The following recommendations are based on the guidance of the 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, the 2019 Oregon Department of Transportation Pavement Design Guide, and the 2003 revised Asphalt Pavement Design Guide, published by the Asphalt Pavement Association of Oregon, the performance of pavements constructed on similar soil profiles. Our recommendations for light vehicle parking improvements is a minimum of 3 inches of AC pavement atop 12 -inches of aggregate base rock In areas of truck traffic, such as refuse or delivery trucks, we recommend the AC section be increased to 4 inches on top of 16 -inches of aggregate base rock. The recommended pavement sections are for the final vehicle use of the site and are not intended for construction traffic. Construction traffic routes generally require an increased aggregate section to mitigate subgrade pumping and rutting, particularly during the wet season and in areas of repeated travel. Proof rolling with a loaded 10 CY haul truck shall be observed on the compacted aggregate base rock prior to pavement installation and any areas of deflection under wheel loads shall be corrected by over -excavation replacing subgrade material with additional compacted aggregate. If possible, the base rock shall be compacted to at least 95% relative compaction as determined by ASTM 1557/AASHTO T-180 (modified Proctor). If aggregate is placed upon firm unyielding subgrade, then thin lifts of aggregate with proper compaction will likely achieve 95% of the material's dry density; however, soft subgrade conditions may reduce the compaction level. Approval of such areas will be by the Geotechnical Engineer of record. The base rock shall be tested to measure compliance with this compaction standard prior to placement of AC. 6.0 REPORT IMITATIONS This report has presented BEI's site observations and research, subsurface explorations, geotechnical engineering analyses, and recommendations for the proposed site development. The conclusions in this report are based on the conditions described in this report and are intended for the exclusive use of the Weyerhaeuser Company and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or purposes. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area. No warranty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. Should site development or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount of time goes by between our site investigation and site development, we reserve the right to review this report for its Branch Engineering, Inc. 12 Geotechnical Investigation Weyerhaeuser Office Site Springfield, Oregon applicability. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report please contact our office. Branch Engineering, Inc. 13 / i` d� �w� w STORM w w C DETENTION . \\ w AREA \\ w w w \ w l\ w \ w \\ w \ w \ w \. w I APPROX.�75' P NUGGET WAY -- — — r-+ STOR� ` w w I w w wII w w DETENTION, j AREA I —' 22 STANDARD SPACES 2 ADA SPACES , wII wrnc rue �JJ 1JJ�� 5 I w TP -2 - I 1 50 SPACES OVERSIZED w LEGEND -- 20 STANDARD SPACESw ryj TP -4 INDICATES APPROXIMATE TP-1:�lm" 2 AOA SPACES w II II !•! LOCATION OF To <vi EXPLORATORY TEST PIT w w w TP -3 w w TP -4 w TH6��ITI� w W 48 STANDARD SPACES I ADA SPACE _,� w u STORM www w DETENTON w AREA w w SCALE: 1:50 (11X17 (AiranchNG I N E E R I N G ` SITE EXPLORATION MAP -MAP 18-03-03-14 TAX LOTS 500 & 700 FIGURE -1 mrc 197 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON JANUARY 30, 2020 310 Th STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PROJECT NO. 19-577 APPENDIX A Test Pit Log Summaries, Well Logs, and NRCS Soil Survey RELATIVE DENSITY - COARSE GRAINED SOILS USCS GRAIN SIZE RELATIVE SPT N-VALUE D&MSAMPLER D&MSAMPLER FINES <#200(.075 mm) DENSITY (140lbshammer) (300lbshammer) SAND Fine #200-#40(.425 mm) Medium #40-#1012 mm) VERY LOOSE <4 <11 <4 Coarse #10-#4(4.75 mm) LOOSE 4-10 11-26 4-10 GRAVEL Fine #4-0.75 inch MEDIUM DENSE 10-30 26-74 10-30 Coarse 0.75-3 inch DENSE 30-50 74-120 30-47 COBBLES 3-121nches VERY DENSE >50 > 120 > 47 CONSISTENCY - FINE GRAINED SOILS CONSISTENCY SPT N-VALUE D&M SAMPLER D&M SAMPLER POCKET PEN./ MANUAL PENETRATION TEST (140 lbs hammer) (300 lbs hammer) UNCONFINED (TSF) VERY SOFT <2 <3 <2 <025 Easy several inches by fist SOFT 2-4 3-6 2-5 0.25-0.50 Easy several inches by thumb MEDIUM STIFF 4-8 6-12 5-9 0.50-1.00 Moderate several inches by thumb STIFF 8-15 12-25 9-19 1.00-2.00 Readily indented by thumb VERYSTIFF 15-30 25-65 19-31 2.00-4.00 Readily indented by thumbnail HARD >30 >65 >31 >4.00 Difficult by thumbnail UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP SYMBOLS AND TYPICAL NAMES GRAVELS: 50% CLEAN GW Well-graded graves and gravel sand mixtures, I'Mle or no fines. COARSE ormore GRAVELS GP Poody-graded graves and graver-sand mixtures, I'Mle or no fines. GRAINED retained on GRAVELS WITH GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures. SOILS: More than the No.4 sieve FINES GC Clayey gravels, grovel-Sand-clay mixtures. 50% retained SW Well-graded sands and gravelly Sands, lithe or no fines. on No. 200 SANDS: 50% or CLEAN SANDS SP Poory-graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines. sieve more passing the No.4 sieve SANDS SM Silty mitt, sands, SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixNres. Clayey sand-clay, mix S FINES FINE-GRAINED ML Inorganic silts. rock flour, clayey silts. SOILS: LIQUID LIMIT CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, lean clays. Less than LESS THAN 50 OL Organic silt and organic silty clays of low plasticity. 50n% SILT AND CLAY MH Inorganic ey No.reta on No. 200 UQUID UMg 50 clays of highilpl CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. sieve OR GREATER OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS I PT Peat, muck and other highly organic soil. MOISTURE CONTENT STRUCTURE DRY: Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch STRATIFIED: Alternating layers of material or color> 6mm thick. DAMP: Some moisture but leaves no moisture on hand LAMINATED: Alternating layers <6mm thick. MOIST: Leaves moisture on hand FISSURED: Breaks along definote fracture planes. WET: visble free water, usually saturated SUCKENSIDED:Striated,polished, or glossy fracture planes. BLOCKY: Cohesive soil that can Oe broken down Into small PLASDCTIY DRY STRENGTH DILATANCY TOUGHNESS angular lumps which resist further breakdown. ML Non to Low Non to Low Siow to Rapid Low, carr'! roll LENSES: Has small pockets of different soils, note thickness. Med. Med.tLowi. High Nonetp Siow Medium ML Low toMed. MH Med. to High Low to Med. NIXlNo Sbw Low to HOMOGENEOUS: Same color and appearance throughout. 9 h CH Med. to High High to V.HgM1 No. High LIST OF ABBREVIATION & EXPLANATIONS SPT Standard Penetration Test spl'tl barrel sampler G Grab sample D&M Dames and Moore sampler MC Moisture Content LL Afferberg Uquid Umit MD Moisture Density PL Atterberg Plastic Limit UC Unconfined Compressive Strength PP Pocket Penetrometer DCP Dynamic Cone Penetrometer VS Vane Shear TABLE A-1 Cj�ranqhGEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATORY KEY GINEERING-- 310 Sth Street Springfield, Oregon I p: 541.779.2577 1 w .bmnchengineering.com Munch Borehole ID: TP- IMfEAIX6r Sheet 1 of Client; WcWrhauser NP Company Project Name: Weyerhauser on Fmndin Blvd Project Number: 1S5T Project Le ration: Map 18-09Q-14 Tax lots 500&700 Date Started: Jan 302020 Completed: 1an302020 Logged By: MWP Checked ft RID Drilling Contractor: Wildish Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: Drilling Method: Test Pit Exwahon Ground Water We k Equipment John Deere 225 Dsa✓ator Q Nammer Type: 351b Side Ham mer ARerdrilling 1030 on Jan 302020 Notes: SPT N -Value ffi PL MC LL r @ Material Description E & ' $ D Fines Content c W R c sz i 10 211 30 J0 50 B] ]O ro E0 10 20 W 40 50 so M ro 90 Fill: Gravel, brown silt, scattered concrete and broken porcelain 1 debris 2 3 BAG OL Former topsoil layer, dark brown moist Silt (MH(Moist, medium stiff, brown clayey Silt with fine grain sand 4 5 6 7 8 9l; (GW)Wet,mediumdensetodense, alluvial sandy Gravel deposits 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MS unch Borehole ID: TP-2 INEENINGr Sheet 1 of 1 Client Weyerhauser NP Company Pmject Name: Weyerhauser on Fanidin Blvd Project Number: 1S5T project Lacaton: Map 18QB -14 Tax Lots 500&700 Date Started: Jan 302020 Completed: 1an302020 Logged By: MWP Checked ft RID Drilling Contactor: Wildish Latitude: Longi u le: Elevator: Drilling Method: Test Pit Excavation Ground WaterW.6 Equipment John Deere 225 Ex,.tor Q Nammer Type: 351b Slide Hammer Notes: SPT N -Value X PL MC LL m C Material Description E —�' a Fines Content c V c sz i• 10 203o J0mse]0rose 10 20 WJ0 ee W 7 roSO Fill: Gravel, brown silt, scattered concrete and broken porcelain 1 !;ebris C: Ls halt Concrete Pavement, 2" thick 2 GW Road base, aggregate fill 3 (MH(Moist, medium stiff, brown clayey Silt with fine grain sand, sand content increases with depth, becomes sok 4 5 6 7 -------------------8 9 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 1] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Branch DYNAMIC VANE SHEAR LOG BLOWS PER10cm BIG INEERING- GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE 0 50 100 150 N' COHESIVESOIL CONSISTENCY PROJECT NUMBER: 19-577 DATE STARTED: 01-30-2020 DATE COMPLETED: 01-30-2020 HOLE N: TP-2 1 ft CREW: MWR SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A PROJECT: Weyerhaeuser Offices on Franklin Blvd WATER ON COMPLETION: No ADDRESS: Tax Lots 500 & 700 Map 18-03-03-14 HAMMER WEIGHT: 35 lbs. LOCATION: Springfield, Oregon CONE AREA: 10 sq. cm DEPTH BLOWS PER10cm RESISTANCE K krnR GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE 0 50 100 150 N' COHESIVESOIL CONSISTENCY TORQUE fl. -lbs. SHEAR Psf 0.0 1 ft 20 - 4 14.1 4 SOFT - 3 0 4 14.1 4 SOFT - I m 3 10.6 3 SOFT 8 880 - 3 9.2 2 SOFT - 4 ft 2 6.1 1 VERY SOFT 5 550 - 2 6.1 1 VERY SOFT - 3 9.2 2 SOFT 6 660 5 ft 6 ft -2m 7 ft 8 ft 9 ft 3m 10ft I I ft 12 fl -4m 13 f1 0a@Wp WGVXW]xLS Munch Borehole ID: TP- IMfEAIX6r Sheet 1 of Client; Weyerhauser NP Company Project Name: Weyerhauser on Fmntin Blvd Project Number: 1S5T Project Location: Map 18QB -14 Tax lots 500&700 Date Started: Jan 302020 Completed: Ian302020 Logged By: MWP Checked ft RID Drilling Contractor: V41dish Latitude: Longitude: Elevator: Drilling Method: Test Pit Exwahon Ground Water We k Equipment John Deere 225 Ex,.tor Q Nammer Type: AS lb Slkle Ham mer ARerdrilling 12.00 on Jan 302020 Notes: SPT N-Value ffi PL MC LL r Material Description E & ' $ D Fines Content @ c V R c sz i 10 211 30 40 50 B] ]O ro 6O 10 20 W 40 50 so M ro 90 Fill: Gravel, brown silt, scattered concrete and broken porcelain 1 ebris Fill: Moist,brown, sandy Silt, wood and 2" PVC pipes with old 2 electrical conductors encountered from 30" to 40" 3 (MH) Moist, medium stiff, brown clayey Silt with fine grain sand, 4 sand content increases with depth, becomes soft 5 6 7 8 9 30 (SW) Wet, brown fine grain Sand with oxidation staining 11 •' 12 a"• i 13 GW Wet, alluvial sandy grareel deposits, strongseepage 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Munch Borehole ID: TP IMf EAIX 6r Sheet 1 of Client MWrhauser NP Compan, Project Name: Weyerhauser on FmnMin Blvd Project Number: 1S5T Project Locator: Map 18QB -14 Tax lots 500&700 Date Started: Jan 302020 Completed: 1an302020 Logged By: MWP Checked ft RID Drilling Contractor: V41dish Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: Drilling Method: Test Pit Excavation Ground WaterW.6 Equipment John Deere 225 Dsa✓ator Q Hammer Type: 351b SIMe Hammer Notes: SPT N -Value X PL MC LL r Material Description E & ' $ D Fines Content @ c V R c sz i 10 211 30 J0 50 B] ]O ro Eo 10 211 30 40 50 so M ro 90 Existing Vegetation/Roots Fill: Rounded gravel with occasional debris, dense 1 1--�OQ 2 3 4 6 (GW) Rounded gravel with cobbles up 10" in diameter 6 It 7 •: •: R i; 9 10- 11 ------------- 12 13 14- 15 16- 61]181920 17- 18- 19- 20 21- 22 23 24 25 26 ------------ 27 ------------ 28 ------------ 29 30 Munch Borehole ID: TP- IMfEAIX6r Sheet 1 of Client; Weyerhauser NP Company Project Name: Weyerhauser on Franklin Blvd Project Number: 1S5T Project Locator: Map 18QB -14 Tax lots 500&700 Date Started: Jan 302020 Completed: 1an302020 Logged By: MWP Checked ft RID Drilling Contractor: Wildish Latitude: Longitude: Elevator: Drilling Method: Test Pit Excavation Ground WaterW.6 Equipment John Deere 225 Dsa✓ator Q Hammer Type: 351b Side Hammer Notes: SPT N -Value X PL MC LL r Material Description E & ' $ D Fines Content @ c V T c sz i 10 211 30 40 50 B] ]O ro EO 10 20 30 40 50 so M ro 90 Fil I: Rounded gravel with brown silt and occasional concrete, mist. 1 debris 2 3 4 (ML( Brown, moist, medium stiff dayey Si It, trace fine grain sand 5 6 !: (GW) Rounded gravel with cobbles up to 10" in diameter, no groundwater observed R •: 9 30 11 ------------- 12 13 14 15 16 1] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 STATE OF OREGON MONITORING WELL REPORT (as required by ORS 537.965 & OAR 690-240-0395) LANE 72833 Page I of 3 WELL I.D. LABEL# L I 11721 11/13/2013 START CARD # 1#21520 First Nam. Last Name Company CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Address 2255THSTREET City SPRENDFn3LD mm OR Zip 97477 (2) TYPE OF WORK FX New ❑ Deepening ❑ Conversion EAllonshon(mpair/rcconditioo) L]Abandonment 9 DRILL METHOD Rom, Air❑K Rotary Mud Cable Hollow Stem Auger Cable Mud ElReveme Rotary ElOthar (4) CONSTRUCTION Resistance, Wan Q Depth of Completed Well 2000 R. Special Standard ❑ MONUMENTNAULT Below Ground From 0 To 1 BOREHOLE Diamety 5 From 0 TO 25 CASING Di, 1 —00,5 To 10 Gauge S80 Wld Third Material OSmat (�)plastic [:] O LINER Of. From To Gauge Win Thrd Material Osteal ()Plastic ❑ SEAL From 1 To g Material Brntonite Chips Amount 2 Sacks Gmutweight SCREEN Casiag/Liner Costs, Material PVC Diameter I From 10 To 20 Slot Sim 0.010 FILTER Firmin g To 20 Matimal SILICASAND Siacofpack 10/20 (5) WELL TESTS O Pump O Bailer O Air ( Flowing Artesian Yield album Drawdown Ddll smMPum do nth Duration hr Tempenmm 52 T Labstoo,is7Yes By Supervising GeologiaVEngineer (n) LUe:ALJUN OF WELL (legal description) County Lenx Twp 18.00 S N/S Range 3.00 W E/W WM Sec 2 SW 1/4 afthe NW 1/4 Tan Lot ROW Tax Map Number Lot Lat m44.1311111 DMSor DD Long or 423.02713889 DMS or DO r Street address ofwell (i Nearestaddmas 1 (7) STATIC WATER LEVEL Dale SWL(psi) + SWL(R) -sting Well/Pr<ccpcwng U o ifin' dell / ll Flowing Ann sian?❑ Dry Hole?� WATER BEARING ZONES Depth water was first found 8.00 Ground Elevation Date Started 1V52013 Completed 11/5/2013 (unbonded) Monitor Well Constructor Certification I certify that the war, 1 performed on the construction, deepening, alteration, Or abandonment of this well isompliance with Oregon mitenng well ruc onsttion standards. Materials um sual and information reported above me true a the best of my knowledge and belief. Liaenm Number 10591 Date 11/13H013 Part... [: Uf filing elsctoamadly) Signed JEFF CRISMAN (E -flied) I accept responsibility for the construction, deepening, alteration, m abandonment work performed on this well during the construction dates reported above. All work performed during this time is m compliance with Oregon monitoring well conson.6 standards. Thismpartistruetothebestofmyknowledge aMbelief. License Number 10563 Data 11/1320/3 Paraword:(ifflingelcatr ically) Signed FORD STIGALL (Edded) Contact Info (school Ford Stigall 503-982-1777 ORIGINAL- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMHTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK Fenn Version: Vault D a 7 STATE OF OREGON - DIM03ENV.95D CORING WELL REPORT- _ a,,/Q' ISS�b3L0�OZA' d by OR5537.765&OA]CO0-440.095) 7f97 Start Card #- W^BD247 now for consplatingthis t am on the last p.ge.f this for. -- (1) OWNER/PROJECM - WELLNO. DMW-1 ` Name PW Pine Mesa 9220 NUgya+ Way ® Newconswctton ❑ Alkmlon(Repairdieconditian) - ❑Corwa.m.. ❑Deepening- '❑AhnnUaument " ❑ R Aw Air - ❑ Rotary Mud '❑ Cable ® Hallow StemAuger ❑ Ddr; - -- (6) LOCATION OF WELLBy legal description Web Locmma: County Lane Township T1 8S (Noslgadgo RM (E w) Seetioa 3 i. SE 1/4of Nl, I4ofaboveseemn. 2. Either streeraddwaaofwevlooaunn 2220 Nugget Way Eugene OR 97403 or Tax lot number of well location Unknown 3. ATTACH MAP WITH LOCATION IDENTIFIED. Map shall indnde .,ro matesenleand nartharraw. (7) STATIC WATER LEVEL: 11 Ft, bed. bond and., Dare 7/37/95 Artesian Pressure Iblsg. in. Data BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION _ - - (8) WATER BEARING ZONES: Yes. No Depth at which water was fast found 11' Special Standards ❑ Depth ofcompletcdwell 20 ft. From T Est. Flow Ra¢ SWL Land emrfece _ 11' 20' 1 - 2 ell TO '13ft. • Filter pack 3mT. 20 ft. casing - (9) WELL LOG: Gmundekvadon 455' _ diameter 2 maredal Sch. 40 PVC Wdead Thrnoaaded Glued 11�] Q Lt. diameter material VYJded Threaded Gleed ❑ ❑ ❑.. tikil seal: Mereriai Bentonite Amount 25 lbs Gmut weiahtl4.1 1 he /na' 12 in eemmnmte plug a least 3 It. Wick Screen material Sch. 40 PVC intervA(a} From' -5' To 20' Pon. To Slot siae _Q1 D_ —Filterpnek: Material Silica sand Size 10-2Q in MwCNumber 10288 Name of supervising GeologisdEngir¢pr Bill Fees _s;g„ a 810 8/31795— GRiGIK &FIRST COPY-wATPR RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SE DcOP C S R 'fFi6i➢CpPy-CI}STOMFR L - (unbonded) Monitor Well Constructor Certification: 5 O WELLTEST. - 1oerttfy Wm that work l perforated on the construction, alteration, or - abandonment of ttea well is in compliance with Omgdn we0 canshucdon ❑Pump ❑Seiler ❑ Air -.'-- f]Flowi,Adedis. _- standards. Marerials used gad hJomtation reportN above are true to the hest Permeability -- - Yield — GPM knowledgeand belie( M (]Number -- Conductivity PH —. - - _ Sipped -- Dme -- Tempermme of weter 55 F Depth artesian flow found _ ft, waswnaranalyamdoneo MY4s FINo = _ (boaded)Manito Vi:g ConatnaorC aleatipp: By whom? Unknown - tamepe respnnsibiliryfordta conswclioo, alteration, orabavdonment Depth of strata to be analyzed. Flom 5 - R. to 20 work performed on this well during the construed. daces reported above. All R. Remarks: _ - _ workpetfonneri n his time is in com ce wild Go gon well conshuahen _ standards. is nue to Web ,Znwledgeaodbetief MwCNumber 10288 Name of supervising GeologisdEngir¢pr Bill Fees _s;g„ a 810 8/31795— GRiGIK &FIRST COPY-wATPR RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SE DcOP C S R 'fFi6i➢CpPy-CI}STOMFR L Pi �cA � 41 (1) OWNER/PROJECT. V✓ELLNd. DMW-3 ' Name Addrees 2220 u9get Way city - Eugene Santa OR n¢ 97403 (2) TYPE OF WORK: ®Newcmmswction IIAointmn(RepalrRomindition) ❑ Convpsidn_ ❑ Deepening - '❑Abandomnem, _ (3) DRILLING METHOD ❑ RotaryAir QRoiary lfi ❑Cable _ ® Hollow StemAuger ❑ Other _ BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION46 be No Special Standends ❑ ER bomb of compietedwell lya. Land surface vault 9 D fL �@ Nvuer-fight paver �G Surface flush vaWt B ft. a o Locking cap 95D (6) LOCATION OFWELLBy legal desceipfioR Well usaitlon; county Lane TownsmpT18S (Nodi ange R3W (Eo Section 3 _ 1. SE i/4of NE 1/4 of above argon. 2. Either Svomialdressofweulocmion 2220 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 or Tat lot number of wail location Unknown 3. ATTACH MAP WI'I'Ib LOCATION IDENTIFIED. Map shall Itmlede approwmate scale and north arrow. I I Ft. below land surface. Data _ 7/31/95 Artesian Pressure -- Vial. is Date -- I - (S) WATER 13EARING ZONES: Depth aewhich water was first found 111 From °000 o. v tl 9D a. 'Ib Est Mors Rate SWL 111 WELL LOG: Ground elevation 4551 19.5' 1-2- qpm 'ad' -.0: .o;o�p: "v4on'. 'a opo: bp,ppp tt:q - Mmeriai From D SCh. 40 PVC *Please see attached well log* sill in In "W(ak 3 a ariy_ pp%Act acs. A, -h Frem4.51 To 19.5' Icertify that the work I performed on the<onswction, al[eraziov, or (5) WELLTEST. - nbendomnenmfthis well is in eampliatme wlth Ocegon well conswetion ❑ Pamp - - ❑Bailer - . o Ah ❑Flowinoesien g A -inhale ts. Materials used and informetid¢repaned above ate we ro the best Penneabiliry - YIC Seal TO 3 ft °000 o. v tl 9D a. , �. IlP" O y�4�- ➢�, 0''.,9.: Borehole diameter ,n B to its plug a[ IeasL3 fa!Irick Scree" casag (9) diameter 2 to. _ material SCh. 40 PVC Rblded Tineaded Glued ❑ ❑ -- Liner matetfel NoddedTnreaaea ewes ❑ ❑ ❑ RpD seal: _ Material Bentonie Amount 3/8"(100 lbs) WELL LOG: Ground elevation 4551 a'•°' od�Q„ 'nb�ff,r •.'a`So; 'Ppdp gaa°i a 4 a n P`Od 'ad' -.0: .o;o�p: "v4on'. 'a opo: bp,ppp tt:q - Mmeriai From D SCh. 40 PVC *Please see attached well log* sill in In "W(ak 3 a ariy_ pp%Act acs. • L0�00:. °000 o. v tl 9D a. , �. IlP" O y�4�- ➢�, 0''.,9.: Borehole diameter ,n B to its plug a[ IeasL3 fa!Irick Scree" ;:: mier;al Silica sand 10-20 FiltuPaplfmaterial qaP SCh. 40 PVC Qap sill in In "W(ak 3 a IID acs. A, -h Frem4.51 To 19.5' Icertify that the work I performed on the<onswction, al[eraziov, or (5) WELLTEST. - nbendomnenmfthis well is in eampliatme wlth Ocegon well conswetion ❑ Pamp - - ❑Bailer - . o Ah ❑Flowinoesien g A -inhale ts. Materials used and informetid¢repaned above ate we ro the best Penneabiliry - YIC - GPM knowledge and belie( MWCN¢mbec 19_5n von Signed Moveramre of water 55 OFC Depth artesian now found -- ft. o:n, slotsi—.010 In. Lam,d o�`io• mier;al Silica sand 10-20 Dam sinned 7/31/95 Completed 7 q5 qaP Qap sill in acs. iunbondeaj Monitor yhll Const�umar Cedfficedon- - Icertify that the work I performed on the<onswction, al[eraziov, or (5) WELLTEST. - nbendomnenmfthis well is in eampliatme wlth Ocegon well conswetion ❑ Pamp - - ❑Bailer - . o Ah ❑Flowinoesien g A -inhale ts. Materials used and informetid¢repaned above ate we ro the best Penneabiliry - YIC - GPM knowledge and belie( MWCN¢mbec Conductivity - PH - Signed Moveramre of water 55 OFC Depth artesian now found -- ft. Was watcratwlyats dove? C�Yu ❑No - (hooded) worth., Witt Cooslmctor CefriRcatiora Bywhom? Unknown _ __ labcepc responsibility for On conswctioo, ammadan, or abandowmt 4.5 - 19.5 work performed on pais well during the construction dates reported above: All Depthofsoatetobeanalyred. Prom _ fl. to fv work paformedd this it= is in compliance with Oregon wall well construction Remarks:.. _. '__ _ _..- ds. standoThi: po strue to the hes yknowledge end belief. MWC Name, 10288 Name ofmpervisi"g Geoiogist/Engineer- Bill Fees sign nitre 8/31/95 ORIGINAL&F TM --WATT SDDRCESDEPARTMENT S NO COPY s R TH — STOMER 09/01/95 10:82 '$508 225 8087 DAMES & MOORE _ _ 8008/007 LLGmaO%oolan - - ' 61zY-as8-ce6:-3• f W Pz?E.' E'wye•rg/ oiztia✓ ' gLLi¢,a GEatIR '1^£'NCK uaa.)f °gWi]MrtBr C3JT%tAu1 C YSc 1....1 ,,,(((��� DMW9 tarry 9.Anao uangR 2" dL ShPf SPs.J 1 or 2 S I I pLLJFA 3 arrm ra1ax •�.AY W`TN OVA SU,arcE vxgRp,p; ;[ „ A4094LT }a ° 3arxa w tart=syr 8[.urt ,YAdD !AvYG ✓Ti c srG a ..t.a se.. a.=.rf Gn.asc' s asrL frac• NR<s°dP£D � © a P iA ■ a Lr tP 0 A Lr) 0 A N F Fc.: N 1r 6 CY7 UPPMNs' t aDY �'4AA49L',s eCll rF¢! S^!¢-0• Y pp,� ' p6.rrE � - £Aae 2r a•c:rc r �s+°'L"+<rL.uF ;. 2r/ ° ( 3tl 4AJkL 5•r ¢r!Y 'f1:ak' G4A••e'�=kd ' d"657' 55 ga 93 S'� � F � ., C. I SLLq A ATH DRfLe [A/ GEff P ". q r ADYaaGE":'�a�Ar[LL°::. . 6 yiy $ZJ �• � 11 J° �r[e✓AlaAwvlc<. s'AJeu..:'.G tars � x(11 'DLi:P.• Ar'a Mi6fc f d-can.xrA: u r yP GdAfEG-'fr '.'-kapafrf J^''�}•n",t.-u!.'.; ` E ;ta.40 Ash;'smu YILr I x Si7•-C c'n ' aw VGA$TGC^f ��' � D {+AAJYL Sa 354 fraEs. S.yGY ) E r �,N 53 J3 U3s Jf �u m D tf �6 ZiD-�2a ¢ p yo r(GS Dames & Mo«e 'aaWa §MYicN SF�rD e,EFGt GLf Y'Y CSATN<A.f):Y D r4's,✓, fANa:: {'P Px✓L < ca Yb ..' ,.;_ erYLY M>=D' w 6fPftiD�su 'AwGu "�5^Sm� "` snva4' 'fl.•4-"'✓r^AD'L.Y <wwiF Sw8n�6WAc-.rnanw/a f4E•(LE /BWAf A,�p � � `Je(v[(fJJ L9mIWAf[p Y, Lf91.d$ R'ffIXtAL DA+'LLtw4 =efaSr YNr` tf �6 ZiD-�2a ¢ p yo r(GS Dames & Mo«e ,/27/95 11:22 $593 229 BUGS DAMES & M90RE Preliminary Sampling Locations PWPipe 2220 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon N� a°rk 9y Pipe Storage po Ne�a� Po�egsO Y /0002/003 RECH rn SEP n G 1995 NATER RESuw, ,.._ _, , , SALEM, OREGON �;-reg r'a'*.i',o O01 aZ7 b Oy, CCl% Ma?r'aq •,•e4�ve a'Sa� ? A� e yid Property Boundary 0 Wells 4* Preliminary Monitoring Well Location Please Note, Not Drawn to Scale R EN ,ROMtlE TA4 Pq RYH [RS 11\C Soil Map—Lane County Area, Oregon a a 8 NySraE:1:1j]ORPnl�on ApwRe"[(a.5'x 11')x. H a NRea �s 0 t5 30 91 '� Aar'ww�:w�mamra or 0 �mombare: w�ssa rge5:umu eiw �a L51)A Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/25/2020 3i Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 a 3 .'1nN Soil Map—Lane County Area, Oregon _SD, Natural Resources web Sol Survey 22S2D2D alaill Conservation Service National Cooperative Sail Survey Page 2 of 3 MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area at Wake. tA09 Spoil Area The sal surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Areaalnteresr(AQII Q army Spa 1:20,090. Soils Very Sony SpaWaming: Soil Map may not be valud al Mrs scale. 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons 9 VJrf S p a Enlargement of maps bethe scale of mapping can cause ,.,. Soil Map Unic Lines md Sell of the etail of mapping and accuracy of soil 4 Other line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of Map Unit Points contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed Special Line FeaturesSoil Special Point Features scale. Lg Blowout water Features Streams and Canals Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map ® Borrow Pit measurements. Trenspartatian Clay Spot Rails Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service 0 Closed Depresdan Web Soil SurveyURL: Interstate Highways Coordinate System: web Mercator(EPSG:3m6]) Gravel Pit US Routes Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Gravely Spa Major Roads projection, which preserves and shape but ion that schdistorts and area, projection that preserves area, such as the ® Landfill Local Roads Abersdistance o Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more Lava Flow accurate calculations of distance or area are req uired, Background aga Marsh or swamp . Aerial Photography This productis generated from the USDA­gRCS tended data as of Ne version date(s) listed below .�. Mine or Query Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, ® Miscellaneous Ydscer ep10,Oregon 2019 Survey Area Data: Version 16, Sep 10, 2019 ® Perennial VMmer Sail map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales y, Rock Outcrop 1:50,099 or larger. A Saline Spot Dates) aerial images were photographed: Jun 12, 2019i 19, 2019 Sandy Spot The orihophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were Severely Eroded Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor Sinkhole shifting ofmap unit boundaries may be evident, �p Slide or Slip Sodic Spot _SD, Natural Resources web Sol Survey 22S2D2D alaill Conservation Service National Cooperative Sail Survey Page 2 of 3 Sal Map�ane Connly Area, Oregon Map Unit Legend LSI14 Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2125/2020 iMi Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 ot3 Map Unit Symbd Map U-1 Name Acres in AOI Pescara of AOI 23 Canras4 ffian land cornplex 0.3 4.4% w Ne. ergo ffian land cornplex 5.8 95.8% Totals far Area of Interest 0.1 100.0% LSI14 Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2125/2020 iMi Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 ot3 Map Unit Desaiptim: Neeberg-Urban land cernplex--Lane Cmnty Area, Oregon Lane County Area, Oregon 97—Newberg-Urban land complex Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 239x Elevation. 300 to 850 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 52 to 54 degrees F Frost -free period. 165 to 210 days Farmland classification. Farm land of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Newberg and similar soils: 50 percent Urban land. 35 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Newberg Setting Landform: Flood plains Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material. Recent silty alluvium Typical profile H1 - 0 to 14 inches. fine sandy loam H2 - 14 to 65 inches: fine sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limitirg layer to transmit water(Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding. Occasional Frequencyofponding. None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.4 inches) Interpretive groups Lard capability classification (irrigated): 2w Lard capability classification (nonirrigated): 2w Hydrologic Sal Group: A Hydric soil rating: No Description of Urban Land Interpretive groups Lard capability classification (irrigated): None specified Lard capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 LSM Natural Resources Wieb Soil Survey 2125/2020 Conservation SerNce National Cooperative Soil Survey Pagel oft Map Unit Deso iptim: Ne.Merg-Urloan land canplex--lane County Nes, Cregou Hydric soil rating: No Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 16, Sep 10, 2019 LSM Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2125/2026 irk Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 oft APPENDIX B: Recommended Earthwork Specifications GEOTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General Earthwork t. All areas where structural fills, fill slopes, structures, or roadways are to be constructed shall be stripped of organic topsoil and cleared of surface and subsurface deleterious material, including but limited to vegetation, roots, or other organic material, undocumented fill, construction debris, soft or unsuitable soils as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. These materials shall be removed from the site or stockpiled in a designated location for reuse in landscape areas if suitable for that purpose. Existing utilities and structures that are not to be used as part of the project design or by neighboring facilities, shall be removed or properly abandoned, and the associated debris removed from the site. z. Upon completion of site stripping and clearing, the exposed soil and/or rock shall be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record or a designated representative to assess the subgrade condition for the intended overlying use. Pits, depressions, or holes created by the removal of root wads, utilities, structures, or deleterious material shall be properly cleared of loose material, benched and backfilled with fill material approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record compacted to the project specifications. 3. In structural fill areas, the subgrade soil shall be scarified to a depth of 4 -inches, if soil fill is used, moisture conditioned to within z% of the materials optimum moisture for compaction, and blended with the first lift of fill material. The fill placement and compaction equipment shall be appropriate for fill material type, required degree of blending, and uncompacted lift thickness. Assuming proper equipment selection, the total uncompacted thickness of the scarified subgrade and first fill lift shall not exceed 8 -inches, subsequent lifts of uncompacted fill shall not exceed fl- inches unless otherwise approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. The uncompacted lift thickness shall be assessed based on the type of compaction equipment used and the results of initial compaction testing. Fine-grain soil fill is generally most effectively compacted using a kneading style compactor, such as a sheeps-foot roller; granular materials are more effectively compacted using a smooth, vibratory roller or impact style compactor. 4. All structural soil fill shall be well blended, moisture conditioned to within z% of the material's optimum moisture content for compaction and compacted to at least 9o% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method D-1557, or an equivalent method. Soil fill shall not contain more than to% rock material and no solid material over 3 -inches in diameter unless approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. Rocks shall be evenly distributed throughout each liftof fill that they are contained within and shall not be clumped together in such away that voids ren occur. 5. All structural granular fill shall be well blended, moisture conditioned at or up to 3% above of the material's optimum moisture content for compaction and compacted to at least go% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method D-1557, or an equivalent method. 95% relative compaction may be required for pavement base rock or in upper lifts of the granular structural fill where a sufficient thickness of the fill section allows for higher compaction percentages to be achieved. The granular fill shall not contain solid particles over z -inches in diameter unless special density testing methods or proof -rolling is approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. Granular fill is generally considered to be a crushed aggregate with a fracture surface of at least 7o% and a maximum size not exceeding t.5 -inches in diameter, well -graded with less than to%, by weight, passing the No. zoo Sieve. 6. Structural fill shall be field tested for compliance with project specifications for every 2 -feet in vertical rise or Soo cy placed, whichever is less. In-place field density testing shall be performed by a competent individual, trained in the testing and placement of soil and aggregate fill placement, using either ASTM Method D -t556/4959/4944 (Sand Cone), D-6938 (Nuclear Densometer), or D-2937/4959/4944 (Drive Cylinder). Should the fill materials not be suitable for testing by the above methods, then observation of placement, compaction and proof-rollingwith a loaded to cy dump -truck, or equivalent ground pressure equipment, by a trained individual may be used to assess and document the compliance with structural fill specifications. Utility Excavations I. Utility ezeavations are to be ezeavated to the design depth for bedding and placement and shall not be over-ezeavated. Trench widths shall only be of sufficient width to allow placement and proper construction of the utility and backfill of the trench. z. Backfilling of a utility trench will be dependent on its location, use, depth, and utility line material type. Trenches that are required to meet structural fill specifications, such as those under or near buildings, or within pavement areas, shall have granular material strategically compacted to at least the spring -line of the utility conduit to mitigate pipeline movement and deformation. The initial lift thickness of backfill overlying the pipeline will be dependent on the pipeline material, type of backfill, and the compaction equipment, so as not to cause deflection or deformation of the pipeline. Trench backfill shall conform to the General Earthwork specifications for placement, compaction, and testing of structural fill. Geotextiles I. All geotextiles shall be resistant to ultraviolet degradation, and to biological and chemical environments normally found in soils. Geotextiles shall be stored so that they are not in direct sunlight or exposed to chemical products. The use of a geotextile shall be specified and shall meet the following specification for each use. Suberade/Aggregate Separation Woven or nonwoven fabric conforming to the following physical properties: • Minimum grab tensile strength ASTM Method D-4632 ISO lb • Minimum puncture strength (CBR) ASTM Method D-6241 37116 • Elongation ASTM Method D-4632 15% • Maxi mum apparent opening size ASTM Method D-4751 No. 40 • Minimum permittivity ASTM Method D-4491 0.05 s� Drainage Filtration Woven fabricconforming to the following physical properties: • Minimum grab tensile strength ASTM Method D-4632 11016 • Minimum puncture strength (CBR) ASTM Method D-6241 220 Ib • Elongation ASTM Method D-4632 50% • Maxi mum apparent opening size ASTM Method D-4751 No. 40 • Minimum permittivity ASTM Method D-4491 0.5 s1 Geoerid Base Reinforcement Extruded biaxially ortriaxially oriented polypropylene conformingto the following physical properties: • Peak tensile strength ASTM Method D-6637 925 lb/ft • Tensile strength at 2% strain ASTM Method D-6637 300 lb/ft • Tensile strength at 5% strain ASTM Method D-6637 600 lb/ft • Flexural Rigidity ASTM Method D-13SS 250,000 mg -cm • Effective Opening Size ASTM Method D-4751 1.5x rock size