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Deed APPLICANT 4/24/2020
Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 2901'912395 Lane County Dead* and Records 111111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111111 $56.00 03/07/200102:51:39 PM RPR -DEED Cnt=1 Stn=7 CASHIER 06 $35.00 $11.00 $10.00 DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT Wildish Industrial Development Comoration, an Oregon Corporation the owner of five (5) adjoining parcels of real properly referred to herein as Tract 1, Tract 2, Tract 3, Tract 4 and Tract 5. Wildish Industrial Development Corporation , an Oregon Corporation is setting forth this declaration to set an adjusted boundary line between Tract 1, Tract 2, Tract 3, Tract 4 and Tract 5 to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). The reference to the legal description of the Tract 1 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the deed recorded October 29, 19.-5-2, as Reception Number 88698 , Lane County Oregon Deed Records and is shown on Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-1-4 as Tax Lot No. 900. The reference to the legal description of the Tract 2 property prior to this adjustment is contained in a quitclaim deed recorded Sept. 20, 19 67 as Reception Number 98848 , Reel Number 362, Lane County Oregon Deed Records and is shown on Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-1-4 as Tax Lot No. 800. The reference to the legal description of the Tract 3 property prior to this adjustment is contained in Parcel 4 of a boundary agreement recorded _Mau, 1964 in Reel 242 Instrument No. 54567 Lane County Oregon Deed Records and is shown on Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-1-4 as Tax Lot No. 700. The reference to the legal description of the Tract 4 property prior to this adjustment is contained in Parcel 5 of a boundary agreement recorded May 7, 1964 in Reel 242, Instrument No. 54567 Lane County Oregon Deed Records and is shown on Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-1-4 as Tax Lot No. 500. The reference to the legal description of the Tract 5 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the deed recorded August t 26 , 19 58 as Reception NunnbeL401L Lane County Oregon Deed Records and is shown on Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-14 as Tax Lot No. 200. THEREFORE: By and through this instrument Wildish Industrial Development Corporation does hereby declare and set adjusted boundary lines for five contiguous tracts of land as referenced hereon. That portion of the legal description which depicts the adjusted property line of each tract is underlined on the following attached legal descriptions. This document is being recorded to modify and revise the Assessor's Map numbers of the hereon referenced Tax Lots as shown on that certain Declaration of Property Line Adjustment recorded November 14, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-065236 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records. PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED Wildish Industrial Develooment Com oration (Grantor) Wildish Industrial Develooment Comomtion (Grantee) Mer reeardiag return to: Wildish Industrial Development Comoration. P.O. Box 97401, Eugene, OR 97401 Until a change is requested, mei/ all tax statements to: Wildish Industrial Develooment Comomtion P.O. Box 97401. Eugene. OR 97401 Followingthis lot line adjustment, the description ofthe Tract 1 property is described on the attached Exhibit" A". Followingthis lot line adjustment, the description ofthe Tract2 property is described on the attached Exhibit " B ". Following this lot line adjustment, the description ofthe Tract 3 property is described on the attached Exhibit " C ". Following this lot line adjustment, the description of the Tract 4 property is described on the attached Exhibit "D". Followingthis lot line adjustment, the description ofthe Tract 5 property is described on the attached Exhibit " E ". An illustration of this property line adjustment appears on C.S.F. No. 36824 on file in the office of the Lane County, Surveyor. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING ORACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OF COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES. The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is $ other than money O' (, dish Industrial Development Corporation lames A. Wildish, President STATE OF OREGON ) )as. County of Lane ) On A&iF 2 2001beforeme, Z)7 d eS,J4-a ,W;.5h personally appeared James A. Wildish, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the withininstrument and acknowledged to me thatheexecutedthe same inhis authorized capacity, andthatbyhis signature onthe inslmmenttheperson or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. Notapt Public for Oregon' �� My Commission Expires: ay. ��7-7 -ALMAC L;JaE-OaEGONOCTOBEfl 29, BWl " EXHIBIT A" Legal Description for Revised Boundaries Tract No. 1 Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-14 Tax Lot No. 900 Beginning at a 5/8" ironmdmazkimthe initial Pointof Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted andrecorded in Book 56, Page 11 ofthe Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said oointbeine onthewesterly margin ofMcVav Highway and 50.0 feet from when measured atrightanides to the "L" centerline of McVay Highway as said centerline is described in adeedtothe State ofOregonby andthrouch its StateRghwav Commission and recorded March 9. 1966. Instrument No. 39389 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence along the said westerly margin ofMcVay Highway South 5'41'11 "East 937.27 feet to apoint 30.0 feetwesterly ofwhenmeasured atright angles to engineers stationL113+73.73 Rt 20 P O.T —SB 113+73.73 P.C. and South 7°35'35" West 111.74 feet to the True Point of Beginning: thence leaving the westerly margin ofMeVavHighway andmnning South 89036'49" West 380.16 feetto apoint onthe centerline ofa private railroad strurli=thence alongthe centerline ofthe privaterailroad spur line South 15'47'01" West 4.76 feet and along the arc ofa 390.30 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South4032132" West 152.18 feet) adistance of 153.16 feetto apoint marking the intersection of the centerline oftheprivatemtlmad spur line andthe easterlymargin ofthe Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 30.0 feet easterly of the centerline of the main track of the Southern Pacific Railroad: thence leaving the centerline ofthe private raihuad spur line and running along the easterly margin ofthe Southern Pacific Railroad right ofway South 28'04'23" East 94.00 feet to the southwest comer of that certain tract of land described in a deed recorded October 29, 1952, Instrument No. 88698 Lane County Oregon Official Records; thence leaving the easterly margin ofthe Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and running along the south line of said last described tract East 311.62 feet to a point on the westerly margin of Me V ay Highway; thence leaving said south line and running along the westerly margin ofMcVav High -way the fallowine four(4) courses and distances: North 6°39'08" West 72.14 feet to point 115.0 feet westerly ofand opposite engineers centerline station SB 116+50, North 37"4718"East 66.97 feet to a point 70.0 feet westerly of and opposite engineer's centerline station 116+00, North 4°40'48" West 49.69 feet to apoint 70.0 feet westerly ofand opposite engineers centerline station SB 115+50 and North 7035'35" East 68.27 feet to the True Point of Beginning all in Lane County Oregon Bearings usedhereon are basedon C.S.F. No. 13114 on file inthe office ofthe Lane County Surveyor. " EXHIBIT B " Legal Description for Revised Boundaries Tract No. 2 Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-1-4 Tax Lot No. 800 Beginning at a 5/8" ironrodmarkinethe Initial Point ofWildish Industrial Tracts as platted andrecorded inBook56 Page 11 oftheLane County Oregon Plat Records said point being onthewesterly margin of McVay Highway and 50.0 feetfrom when measured at right angles to the "L" centerline of McVay Highway as said centerline is desar bedinadeedto the StateofOregon by and through its State Highway Commission and recorded March 9 1966 Ins[nunent No 39389 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records thence along the saidwesierly marginofMcVay Highway South 5 °41'11" East 809.78 feetto the TruePointofBegiunW thence leaving the westerly maminofMcVay Highway andmnning South 89136'49" West 359.41 feetto apointonthe centerline ofa private railroad spur line: thence along the centerline of the private railroad spurline South 5'41'19" East 42.16 feet, alongthe are ofa 392.17 foot radius curve right (the chordofwhich bears South 5'02'5 1 " West 146.11 feet) adistance of 146.97 feet and South 15'47'01 " West 52.24 feet thence leaving the centerline ofthe private railroad spur line and mmningNorth 89'36'49" Fast 380.16 feetto apointon the westerly margin of McVay Highwav� thence alone the westerly margin of McVay Highway North 7 °35'35" East 111.74 feet to a point 30.0 feet westerly ofwhen memuredatriht angles to engineers stationL113+73 73 Rt 20 P O T= SB 113+73,73 P.C.and North 5041'11"West 12729 feetto the True Point ofBeginning all in Lane County Oregon Bearings used hereon arebased on C.S.F. No. 13114 on file in the office ofthe Lane County Surveyor. " EXHIBIT C " Legal Description for Revised Boundaries Tract No. 3 Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-14 Tax Lot No.700 Be ipnnineata5/8" ironmdmarking the Initial PointofWildish Industrial Tractsasplattedand recorded in Book 56, Page I 1 ofthe Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being onthe westerly margin ofMcVav Highway and 50.0 feet from whenmeasumd atrightangles to the "L" centerline ofMcVav Highwavas said centerline is described inadeedto the State ofOregonbv and through its State Highway Commission and recorded March 9, 1966, Instmment No. 39389 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records:thence along the said westerly margin ofMcVayHighway South5'41'11" Fast 571.16 feet to the True Point ofBeeinning,: thence leavinethe westerly margin ofMcVayHighway and mnnin Sg Doth 89°36'49" West 362.16 feet to a Pointon the centerline of a private railroad spur line: thence along the centerline ofthepnvate railroad sour line along the are of a 398.83 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 9'02'19" East 46.61 feet) a distance of 46.64 feet and South 5 °41' 19" East 192.34 feet; thence leaving the centerline ofthenrivate railroad spur line and running North 89°36'49" East 359.41 feet to apoint onthe westerly margin ofMcVay Highway, said Mint being 50.0 feet from when measured atrightangles to the"L" centerline of McVay Highway; thence along the westerly margin of McVay Highway North 5 °41'11 West 238.62 feet to the True Point of Beginning all in Lane County Oregon Bearings used hereon are based on C.S.F. No. 13114 on file in the office ofthe Lane County Surveyor. " EXHIBIT D " Legal Description for Revised Boundaries Tract No. 4 Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-1-4 Tax Lot No. 500 Beginning ata 5/8" ironrod marking the initial Pointof WildishIndustrial Tracts as olattedandrecorded in 13ook56 Page 11 ofthe Lane County Oregon Plat Records said point beineonthe westerly marein of McVay Hiehwav and 50 0 feet from when measured at rightaneles to the "L" centerline ofMcVav Highway as said centerline is described in a deed to the State ofOregon by and through its State Hi way Commission and recorded March 9, 1966, Instrument No. 39389 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence alone the said westerly margin of McVay Highway South 5'41'11 " East 315.20 feet to apomt rnaaking the iotersection ofthewesterly marPmofMcVav Highway and the south margin of Nugget Way as said rightofway is granted in the said plat of WildishIndustrial Tracts, said oointbeine the True PointofBeginning: thence IeavingthewesterlymarginofMcVayf ighway andrunning along the south marginofNugget Way South 89° 10'49" West 332.20 feetto anoint markinethe intersectionofthe south margin ofNueget Way andthe easterly margin ofNewman Street: thence leaving the southmarein of Nugget Way and runninealong the easterly margin ofNewman Street South4°40'56" East 3.10 feet and South 36040'44" West 122.66 feetio a vointmarking the intersection ofthe easterly marginofNewman Street and the centerline of a private railroad sour line thence leaving the easterly mandn of Newman Sued and running alone the centerline oftheprivate railroad spurline alongthe arc ofa398 83 footradius curve right (the chord ofwhichbears South24°22'41"East 165.70 £bel) adistance of 166.92 feet: thence leaving said centerline and runningNorth 89°3649" East 362.15 fmtto anoint on the westerly margin ofMeVay Hiehwav said pointbeing 50.0 feet westerly ofwhenmemumd atright angles to the"L" centerline of McVay Highway thencealongthe westerly mmvjnofUeVay llighwyNorth S°41'11"West 255.96 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County Oregon Bearings used hereon are based on C.S.F. No. 13114 on file in the office ofthe Lane County Surveyor. " EXHIBIT E " Legal Description for Revised Boundaries Tract No. 5 Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-14 Tax Lot No. 200 BeOnnhra ata 5/8" ironrodmarkina the Initial Pointof Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 ofthe Lane County Oregon Plat Records said point being on the westerly margin of McVay Highway and 50.0 feet from when measured at right angles to the "L" centerline ofMcVav Highway as said centerline is described in a deed to the State of Oregon by and through its State lfighwav Commission and recorded March 9. 1966. lnstnnnent No 39389 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence alone the said westerly margin ofMcVav Highway South 5'4 I' 11" East 315.20 feet to anohnmarkinethe intetsectionofthewesterly m inarg< of McVayi-tiehwavandthesouthmm&ofNueeet Way as said ritofway ismanted in the saidplatofWildMIndustrial Tracts� thence leaving thewesterly margin of McVay Highway and running alone the south margin of Nu egg tWay South 89'10'49" West 332.20 feetto anointmarkingthe intersection ofthe southmargin of Nugget Way andthe easterly ma ofNewmanStrewhence leaving the southmar mg ofNugeetWay andrurminealonetheeasterlvmarin of Newman Street South 4°40156" East 3.10 feet and South 36'40'44" West 122.66 feet to a point marking the intersection ofthe easterly margin of Newman Street and the centerline ofaprivate railroad sour line, said point being the True Point of Beginning: thence leaving the easterly margin of Newman Street and running alone the centerline ofthe private railroad sour line the following five (5) courses and distances: alone the arc ofa 398.83 foot radius curve rieht (the chord ofwhich bears South21 °01'41" East 211.01 feet) a distance of213.55 feet. South 5 041' 19" East 234.50 feet, alone the arc ofa392 17 footradius curve right (the chord ofwhich bears South 5'02'5 1 " West 146.11 feet) a distance of 146.97 feet. South 15'47'0 1 " West 57.00 feet and alone the arc ofa 390.30 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 4°32'32" West 152.18 feet) a distance of 153.16 feet to a point marking the intersection of the centerline of the private railroad sour line and the easterly margin of the Southern Pacific Railroad rightofwav said point being 300 feet from when measured atright angles to the centerlineof the main trackofthe Southern Pacific Railroad: thence leaving the centerline ofthe private railroad spm— line and running alongthe easterlymarein ofthe SouthemPacific RailroadrightofwavNorth 28'04'23" West 490.81 feet to a point of curve of a 2 1/4 facer curve left and alone the arc of a 2 1/4 taper curve left the chord ofwhich bears North 29°30'24" West 122.98 feet to a point marking the intersection ofthe easterly margin ofthe Southern Pacific Railroad rightofwav and the easterly marginofNewman Street as said easterly mareinisdefined inthe said olatof WildishIndustrial Tracts, thence leaving the eagerly rgin ofthe Southern Pacific Railroad rightofwav and running alone the easterlymamin ofNewman Street the followine dime (3) courses and distances: North 58°18'39"East 9517 feet along the arc ofa 1000 foot radius curve left (the chord ofwhich bears North 47°29'42" East 37.53 feet) adistance of37 75 feet and North 36040'44" East 208.17 feet to the True Point of Beginning all in Lane County Oregon Bearings used hereon are based on C.S.F. No. 13114 on file in the office ofthe Lane County Surveyor. �e BRANCH ENGINEERING INC. ATTN: RENEE CLOUGH 310 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT Date: FEBRUARY 19, 2020 Our No: CT -0317432 Charge: $500.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H E D and as of: FEBRUARY 07, 2020 at 8:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION an Oregon Corporation, as to Parcels 1 and 2, and CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, as to Parcel 3 Said property is subject to the following on record matters: THE FOLLOWING AFFECT PARCELS 1 AND 2: 1. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Co., by instrument recorded October 13, 1945, Reception No. b299 p402, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 2. Transmission Line Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the United States of America, recorded October 1, 1952, Reception No. 1952-086479, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. In regards to the above easement a Quitclaim and Assignment of Power Line Easements and Electric Facilities, including the terms and provisions thereof, was recorded August 2, 2002, Reception No. 2002-058538, Lane County Deeds and Records. 3. Access Restrictions, including the terms and provisions thereof, contained in those deeds to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded December 20, 1965, Reception No. 1965-030329, recorded January 14, 1966, Reception No. 1966-033161, recorded March 9, 1966, Reception No. 1966-039389, and recorded March 27, 1960, Reception No. 1960-018823, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and as modified by Indenture of Access, recorded November 29, 2000, Reception No. 2000- 067905, Lane County Deeds and Records. MAW OmFLORENCE OFFICE WLLAGEPLAZAOMCE 811W LAMETTESM 915 HWY 101' FLORENCE OREGON 97439 47% VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 MAN.ING: PO BOX 508' FLORENCE OREGON 97439 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PH: (541) 689-2233 * FAX: (541)185-0309 PH: (541) 99]341] * FAX: (541)9978246 PH: (541) 653-8622 * FAX: (541) 8444626 Order No. 0317432 Page 2 4. Slope Easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, as granted to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, by deeds recorded December 20, 1965, Reception No. 1965-030329, recorded January 14, 1966, Reception No. 1966-033161, recorded March 9, 1966, Reception No. 1966-039389, and recorded March 27, 1960, Reception No. 1960-018823, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 5. Water Line Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City of Eugene, a Municipal Corporation, for the use and benefit of the Eugene Water 6 Electric Board, by instrument recorded December 15, 1967, Reception No. 1967-008194, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 6. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, for the use and benefit of the Eugene Water 6 Electric Board, by instrument recorded March 30, 1983, Reception No. 1983-010153, Lane County Official Records. 7. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, (but omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law) in Declaration recorded February 29, 1996, Reception No. 1996-013731, Lane County Official Records. B. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted U S WEST Communications, Inc., by instrument recorded February 8, 2001, Reception No. 2001- 006963, Lane County Deeds and Records. 9. Declaration of Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded June 20, 2001, Reception No. 2001-037777, Lane County Deeds and Records. 10. Declaration of Private Storm Sewer Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded June 20, 2001, Reception No. 2001-037778, Lane County Deeds and Records. 11. Public Utility Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded June 20, 2001, Reception No. 2001-037779, Lane County Deeds and Records. 12. Improvement Agreement, including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded June 20, 2001, Reception No. 2001-037780, Lane County Deeds and Records. 13. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan Notice, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded December 14, 2004, Reception No. 2004-095229, Lane County Deeds and Records. 14. Memorandum of Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded September 23, 2014, Reception No. 2014-037658, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0582294, Assessor's Map No. 10 03 03 1 4, 4500, Code 4-00, 2019-2020, in the amount of $3,821.58, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 0582302, Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 1 4, 4700, Code 4-00, 2019-2020, in the amount of $3,630.49, PAID IN FULL. Order No. 0317432 Page 3 THE FOLLOWING AFFECT PARCEL 3: 15. Taxes, including the current fiscal year, not assessed due to Cities and Towns Exemption. I£ the exempt status is terminated under the statute prior to the date on which the assessment roll becomes the tax roll in the year in which said taxes were assessed, additional taxes may be levied. 16. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads and highways. 17. Right of Way Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Company, by instrument recorded May 20, 1924, Reception No. B141 P094, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 10. Right of Way Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Company, by instrument recorded May 20, 1924, Reception No. B141 P095, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 19. Easement for Right -of -Way, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Company, by instrument recorded April 9, 1947, Reception No. B345 P330, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 20. Easement for pedestrian and vehicular traffic as disclosed in Warranty Deed, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Louis S. Geiger and Myrtle M. Geiger, and James R. Strickland and Ethel Strickland, recorded July 28, 1950, Reception No. B419 P650, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 21. Transmission Line Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the United States of America and its assigns, by instrument recorded March 4, 1952, Reception No. B455 P561, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 22. Transmission Line Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted United States of America and its assigns, by instrument recorded May 27, 1952, Reception No. b461 p017, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 23. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Co., by instrument recorded October 13, 1945, Reception No. b299 p402, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 24. Transmission Line Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the United States of America, recorded October 1, 1952, Reception No. 1952-086479, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. In regards to the above easement a Quitclaim and Assignment of Power Line Easements and Electric Facilities, including the terms and provisions thereof, was recorded August 2, 2002, Reception No. 2002-058538, Lane County Deeds and Records. 25. Slope Easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, as granted to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, by deeds recorded December 20, 1965, Reception No. 1965-030329, recorded January 14, 1966, Reception No. 1966-033161, recorded March 9, 1966, Reception No. 1966-039389, and recorded March 27, 1960, Reception No. 1960-018823, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 26. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Northwest Natural Gas Company, by instrument recorded January 31, 1964, Reception No. 1964-042205, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 27. Transmission Line Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the United States of America and its assigns, by instrument recorded January 14, 1966, Reception No. 1966-033162, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. Order No. 0317432 Page 4 20. Covenants, conditions, reservations, access restrictions and easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, in Deeds recorded March 23, 1965, Reception No. 1965-096511, recorded December 20, 1965, Reception No. 1965-030329, recorded January 14, 1966, Reception No. 1966-033161, recorded January 19, 1966, Reception No. 1966-033671, recorded February 8, 1966, Reception No. 1966-035915, recorded March 9, 1966, Reception No. 1966-039389, recorded March 31, 1966, Reception No. 1966-041941, recorded March 27, 1960, Reception No. 1968-018822, recorded March 27, 1960, Reception No. 1960-018823, and recorded March 27, 1960, Reception No. 1960- 010024, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 29. Memorandum of Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded September 23, 2014, Reception No. 2014-037658, Lane County Deeds and Records. 30. Conditions, restrictions and Right of Reversion as set forth in Deed, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the State of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation and the City of Springfield, recorded February 29, 216, Reception No. 2016-009565, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 1877339, Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 4 0, 41200, Code 4-00, 2019-2020, in the amount of $0.00, EXEMPT. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: ec/rh: Title Officer: KURT BEATY Order No. 0317432 Page 5 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: Beginning at a 5/8" iron rod marking the Initial Point of WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS, as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being on the Westerly margin of McVay Highway and 50.0 feet from when measured at right angles to the "L" centerline of McVay Highway as said centerline is described in a deed to the State of Oregon by and through its State Highway Commission and recorded March 9, 1966, Reception No. 39389, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along the said Westerly margin of McVay Highway South 5° 41' 11" East 571.16 feet to the true point of beginning; thence leaving the Westerly margin of McVay Highway and running South 89° 36' 49" West 362.16 feet to a point on the centerline of a private railroad spur line; thence along the centerline of the private railroad spur line along the arc of a 398.83 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 9° 02' 19" East 46.61 feet) a distance of 46.64 feet and South 5° 41' 19" East 192.34 feet; thence leaving the centerline of the private railroad spur line and running North 89° 36' 49" East 359.41 feet to a point on the Westerly margin of McVay Highway, said point being 50.0 feet from when measured at right angles to the "L" centerline of McVay Highway; thence along the Westerly margin of McVay Highway North 5° 41' 11" West 238.62 feet to the true point of beginning all in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: Beginning at a 5/8" iron rod marking the Initial Point of WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS, as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; said point being on the Westerly margin of McVay Highway and 50.0 feet from when measured at right angles to the "L" centerline of McVay Highway as said centerline is described in a deed to the State of Oregon by and through its State Highway Commission and recorded March 9, 1966, Reception No. 39389, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along the said Westerly margin of McVay Highway South 5° 41' 11" East 315.20 feet to a point marking the intersection of the Westerly margin of McVay Highway and the South margin of Nugget Way as said right of way is granted in the said Plat of WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS, said point being the true point of beginning; thence leaving the Westerly margin of McVay Highway and running along the South margin of Nugget Way South 89° 10' 49" West 332.20 feet to a point marking the intersection of the South margin of Nugget Way and the Easterly margin of Newman Street; thence leaving the South margin of Nugget Way and running along the Easterly margin of Newman Street South 4° 40' 56" East 3.10 feet and South 36° 40' 44" West 122.66 feet to a point marking the intersection of the Easterly margin of Newman Street and the centerline of a private railroad spur line; thence leaving the Easterly margin of Newman Street and running along the centerline of the private railroad spur line along the arc of a 398.83 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 24° 22' 41" East 165.70 feet) a distance of 166.92 feet; thence leaving said centerline and running North 09° 36' 49" East 362.15 feet to a point on the Westerly margin of McVay Highway, said point being 50.0 feet Westerly of when measured at right angles to the "L" centerline of McVay Highway; thence along the Westerly margin of McVay Highway North 5° 41' 11" West 255.96 feet to the true point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Continue- Order No. 0317932 Page 6 Continued Property Description - PARCEL 3 A parcel of land lying in Sections 2 and 3, Township 10 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, the said parcel being those properties described in those Warranty Deeds to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded March 23, 1965, on Reel 262D, Reception No. 96511, and recorded January 19, 1966, on Reel 280D, Reception No. 33671, and recorded February 8, 1966, on Reel 281D, Reception No. 35915, and recorded March 27, 1968, on Reel 385R, Reception No. 18822, and recorded on March 27, 1960, on Reel 385R, Reception No. 18829, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO being those properties designated as Parcel 1 and those permanent easements for slopes designated as Parcel 2 and described in those Warranty Deeds to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded December 20, 1965, on Reel 278D, Reception No. 30329, and recorded January 19, 1966, on Reel 280D, Reception No. 33161, and recorded March 27, 1968, on Reel 385R, Reception No. 18823, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO being that property designated as Parcels 1 and 2 and those permanent easements for slopes designated as Parcels 3, 9 and 5 and described in that Warranty Deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded March 9, 1966, on Reel 203D, Reception No. 39389, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO being that all portion of that property described in that Warranty Deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded March 31, 1966, on Reel 289D, Reception No. 91991, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, lying Northerly of a line at right angles to the center line of Franklin Boulevard (formerly the McVay Highway no. 225) at Engineer's Station 122+00.00, said center line being shown on Oregon State Highway Department drawing 1B-18-13, dated June, 1923, in Lane County, Oregon. T CASCADE TITLE CO. MAP NO. 18-03-03-40 I � 7 200SEE R$; p 180302 gBa•sxw Yie s 1 � — 11 � � -_ - - .. 0-67 AC �ii�mYr! Sna'L`W l %110 i � r 5oa 3.27 AC w .2004 'I J I � I � i ak 700 17.7 AC w84'37� ' 1 I5••� r� � fj ! B00 .64 A� )4-46 ' y 1 THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. 10 e T0 CASCADE TITLE CO. MAP NO. 18-03-03-14 — soo u 1 82A 3 II I I 004—S0 1�a l � •�nn..Aihf`IBC 1tla_ __. _____ r� '�0 `v r'�Po 1.7, AC 9 $ 9 v4 ___�_ ........ ...... ......... .7 oavr e 2AC N ___ _ THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. 200 2,92AC m e• Any T•FWnI °49F T0 CASCADE TITLE CO. MAP NO. 18-03-03-14 — soo u 1 82A 3 II I I 004—S0 1�a l � •�nn..Aihf`IBC 1tla_ __. _____ r� '�0 `v r'�Po 1.7, AC 9 $ 9 v4 ___�_ ........ ...... ......... .7 oavr e 2AC N ___ _ THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. Oregon as eba6 ,a ;r 87 of Hpril, -2 thin and i, ar in foll'aa�iti .4q ,,.: eR S ., a within aertefl=�i,3ms L,rSS:gnor, i. executed the ti 4 5 ;k NITi�4S my hand aaig ilotrriei Deal the doh cnd S©cr *I s y ' Z Notarial $oc1 RTO TT 590.17 t``M1 J. D. 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'...., .i.. ...i. . I - . I's .La.wbl.of�:-.tli4*..�:stiltii�':6-t�..,:tii" iW, i , ' '-' L - . . I :-111W.'dt Y authorj%od to trai3- I ,, " - ...i".:.zz". 1, , ... - . . � _ - act business. and hold pro : --.-Qje.4jd6i: --jjja-,-. , ... ... . L, .. � - � . - property in the;, . .. - � I �., , , . I . . . ;. Stat i t4f: mto, It , , "Wao.m sta mo4i 219 .1 '.I'� J., � - .. . I . - I . - .% S.- SUM S �t �_al,,� � . . : . ... .. . .1:. ...*...:. . . . _. . .1 . .. ... .; .; .. -w . ... . .. 914s I . �.::,.,,. ...'. . 11 11 e 401*' . ..;'i.L...... fight, privi .. . L " .. ......; � . . . .:. �- �- . .. _�, I . , :0 a a Mdlt - to ; z . ...LV.- .'�.i,. L'. I` .z,-. ��'. a.,.. , L" .. .... eke��..ehU� ,1i'.. . . � I....'- .1 I , I .: X.... I .. - -1 - . ... . I - - , , . , . .. I I - W .. - I.: ,�-'.-- .-...!.%r, �:;of-(.- -8, r. .f- " ehU� 12`�,i�= .$ 1"On --i'di-if" - w. � . . � . ehU� ehU� ehU� ;� ehU� ehU� , . ., ehU� : : : : ��ehU� : :::: , : , *.,',..-, : , ; Oftbi Vith ite oj:6dtrid,'.-_ .' . . . . . . . , . - - ,:i�.-� , - ,.,...... ...l.'...., '� I., , ..... . ;I..- . . L � , ?,�V?...I�.��ii'e: ... I .... .�.j � I , .- . "' ... - .,�... 1. Z�- k'. H 95 ¢the Some Be above provided, sad the right t0 trim any trees neoesaary t9 keep the wires on enSd P0109, futures and eouipmont clear. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above mentioned rights, privileged and easements unto the Bald mountain States Poker Company, its a caeeame ane eealgnv, perpeteal,y BOB rerevor, ''. IN TESTIMONY ]THEREOF, we have hereunto set Car hands and Deals this Sltb day of April, 1924, Dane 1. The Pre sande of: J D Barker (deal) {R. C.Sipe Delay M. Barker (Coal) B. B. L.0 STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lme )ea 3 On th1 e, the 11th day of dpr12. 11.4, Pal ... eiiy Oeme before me, o Watery Feblia la area for T. the State of Oregon, the xlthin named J. D. Barker end Daley M. Darker, b,a wife, to me perdOD. j ally known to be the identi..l person de9oribal 1n, end who dxeautod the foregoing Justru®nt. and acknowledged to me that they erecuted the ossa. WITNESS W bond end Notarial goal the day end year first above written. B. E. Lee '-" - - Celery Publi. for Oregon Notaei.l Seal 1[v 00mmiaddon Sepia.. Jen 6, 1926 -� RIGHT OF KAY AGREEMENT 49049 ;Aline L, Thompson ) Filed fox Heoord May 20, 1904 IM onolo.k P. M, to ) R, S. Bryeon. Crary Clerk, e Meen'ain Stated Power Company) By Eve I. Pease, Depdty, T1116 INDENTNR6' WITNESSETH, Th" Alloe L, Thompson, and -hie -rife for arA inoMald.ratlon I �. the euro .f One Dollars to her Paid, the keoaipt whereof Se hereby Baknowledged, do.. for herself, Sbar hair. end ... I, , boreby bargain, all, grout and now gy Spin Mountain State. P.wem Comp, a0rp0raticn incorporated under the lees of the State of 101BeB10 Sri duly authorized to trap+ P allot booineda mud hold property 1. the State of Oregon, and —to its B...9e0re sad aseigne, ' the right, privilege Bud easamadt t preot and maintain da 0onneati.n with its aleotri. diatribe, . tion system two poles and aerial open, Said poles to be eat not more than two foot imide Of 'highway line as now or hereafter Onmtruoted, upon and noraoo the following de.Pribed premises in Lena County, State of Oregon. t. -with LOOated in Sea. 3 TOP. IS Henna 3 W Willamette �M.Idlan. And the .aid Meentain Stotee Powe, OomdW, its vpcoed70re End aesigae, for the purpose aforesaid, Bra fully Dutborized old ompoWdrod to enter upon the above promisee for thgparposea ,Of aanetructing and maintaining its mid poles, wires, fintur0c and equlpmont thereon and over the eama an above provided, and the right to trim any trade neoe..ary to keep the wires on avid .Poles, f1#urea end .,ip. nt Slam. TO WE AND PO HOLD the above mentioned rights, privileges and oademente unto the sold 'Mount cin Stelae POWOY Company, Its auooeeeora and ersigps, perpetually an forever. IH TESTIMONY Ry&4EOF, I have hereunto Oat ma, Heng and veal this 11th day� of April, 1924. IDono in Tho Prmenoe of: Aide. L. Th..peon (Goal) IH.C.SIpe H algnor - fSTATi2 02 OREGON 1 'County of lona ) 29 On this, the lltb day 9f April, 1924. por0®e11y Deme baler. mo, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, the within named Alice D. Thompson, and his -al, to me personally known to be the ldentiaal person daeoribed I.,sad the exeauted the foregoing inetrueent, and aaknanladged to me that ebe ....ted the same. iMI'MES ay hand and Notarial Seel the day and year first above written. B E Yee Notary Pub110 for Oregon (Notarial Joel My 00mmieeion &lire. San 6, 1926 pyp RIGHT OF WAY AGEZHM1 T 69060 .Cana .vi,. 1 Silad for R ... rd Mey 20. lend 1:44 .'.look I. m. to ) R. 0. Bryem, County Clerk, mountain State. Polar Comnmty) -By Eva L. Peso, Deputy '"HIS IND_FTDRE WITNESSETH, That Rosanne Br1E90 sad -hie -wife for aryl In Consideration of the .,on of One Call Ore t. her paid, the r B.ipt whBreaf Ss hereby eBkno.l.d1wd, doer far herself, her hobo cad eraigne, hereby bargain, call, grant and Oonvey unto mountain *total Power ICOmpmy corporation Incorporated ander the law, of the State of Dolswera and duly authorized to tron- neat Weineer end hold Property in the. Stet�y(/`�'f Oregon, and to its am.eearora and aselo e, the right, privilege Bud eases®t to erect and T intein iu ooweot f an .Ito Ito elmtrie dletvibntlan _ eye aov tom v pole and nvxlal span prided that said pole shall not-he alt directly 1n frontt of oY aoidanve or n+ re then tee feet fromrighwey lips do haps or bcxeafter 00ntravted, upon mtd euro, the fe110wvr ing danaribed v amun t: se I. Lane CO.,,, ,at, of Oregoto,i Loi In Seo 3 Tay is R. 3 N. WSllEmmtta N. Aro the geld blouniein States ?Mar Company, Its euceeedorp end Basi gas. for the purpose nforoeald , urs fully authorised -Al amDsadaed to enter upon the above premised for the pdo,pa, ofaonstruating End mainteinine its said pales, wino, fixtures end equlpmont thereon and over the ss a above Provided, Provided, and the right to trim -AY trade room ... ry to keep the wires on said poles. fiat urea End OgEipihE.t Olson. TO HAVE 3?D TO DOLBIthe above mentioned rights, privileges eM eeeementa anta the paid MOEatEin Stated Powds Company, its auaaedeuse end Eaalgne. perpetually end forever, IN TE3TIWODY WNEHEOF, I have hereunto .eat aq hand end peel this 11th da of April. 1924. Dona in 'Phe Posner.. Of: Daemo a Hri"A (deal) H.C. Sipe 111 Brie, STATE OF COOMBS da -oment of !.ane 1 On this, the 11th day of April, 1924, PAX=Cne1 y oama before me. v _71�terg ^„Q;yc '- sad ±ov Ina 3ia1C Of Oregon, she within vsmad Leonard Hrlgpa'8n e`xa-pigs ire me par sone 12 kruWn to be the identical person described in, and who executed the foaogaing instrument. And anknowledgad to me that she executed the deme. WITNESS my hand and 10teri.1 Seal the day and year first above erliten. B. E. Lee notary Public for orogen Notarial Deal BQV o—holes expired den 6, 1926 M _ _ RIGH^a OF WAY-AGREERENT B9061 EugnnE Loan End Savings Dank ) Filed for Record MV'ED, 1924 1:43 0a10ak P. It. to 1 H.S. Biyeou. County Clark, Mountain Sten Howor Company ) By Eva I. Prada, Deputy THIS IPHIEN'EURE WITNESSETH, That The BERGDO leas End Scalper Hank adaka a corporation. Atu uta¢ Tor and in coneldefatlon of the Ann of 01. Dollars to them paid, the recclpt ebereof is horoby sOkI, avI.dgAd, do_ for themselves, their hairs and Assign, hereby bercain, eell, grant and oonvo, unto ==stain 3tntse POsor DomPeny.-.0 oorparation incorporated unday the Idea of the State of NOlownse and duly mathoriaed to transact haundanh and hold property In the State of Oregon, and tato Ito nnOOASOorO and asaigno, the right, privilege and oasomont to armed and WrtEin in connection with its uleatriq_ae new Or hereafter v mstruotea, unov and across the full using described prgmieeo In Lone County, State of or,,.., to-wit: Along the East lino Of Dasuription IOo-rded In book 140 page 131 Coataiaing 16.99 area Eo abont by The records in Lona County, or.,S.. And the aa1S Mountain atatae Power DAmpsay. its do...... re rad assigns, for the purpme afuxvavld, aro folly -stboxired End Empowered to enter upon the vbovv pxdmleve for the pprvoeav Of comtnmting and maintaining Its Sold poles, wiape,.. fixture. and Oqu Spmsnt tbereon mad over the game as Euo a provided, and the Eight to trim mdy;;trave raccoon, to soon the virus on said Polos, fixtured and equipment clear, TO IIA'on )1!p TO HOLO the above mentioned rights, yrivllmgas End ads ... Did unto the adld 11... t.in State, Pmvar Company. its euecese ors sus eralgae,: PerpOtually and forever. IP TBST11VONY aHEREOF, wE held hereunto at aur bonds mad could thin 24 day of April, 1924 Dona in The pruaenca Of: SEA. Loon and SEvinae Bank Hab,Y U.1,icon (COBPOHA."E SEAM) By W.W. Talkies. President tmthon c'. Barrett Eadad. Leon eAd Bovines Bonk STATS OF OREGON By W.R. Roserta=, Cnshler COMITY OP LICA: ss Be 11Hamembored, That cn�hle 24th day 0 April A.D. 1924, before me, the undersigned, a NOtEry publ is In and for paid County End State, appeared W. W,Calklns President end W.H.Bobertei Caohlsr of the Bcgeme Lean and Savines Hank, a corporation, whore names are dubmaribed to the foragoing instrument, both Personally bacon to me to be the Individuals named and described in, 'Ed v+..0 0watt^- aeift .nehvment. end eeknorl 4pad aald instrument :o be the free net End deal s9 eats c nom assts And the cold '•1. •i,Celkine And IY.d,ECbertaon being duly sworn, did any dumb for himself ila1. :nc Se Presid Ent End Cophis' rospsatively of euid dorporetion and that the seal oTfi.Ed to ..aid instrument is the c wa rate peel of said corporation. End that said instrument s planes. .. n.t .ealed In huh Elf of amid corp ora ti en by authority of its Board of Director E, In 'satins, W11ErCOf, I have hereunto Cat idy.hand cud affixed xd ofTioial eeel thin the :.nd 'y n,: fust in this, any oertificnts w mitten.. Ruby'onllir An. Dotard Public far Or,gon .i F''ti 0 0 F hereby n Delmd- - or twee that poman, telu- phone m cable line, across that property ationging to And situated in the Copnty of ..../1. is .... ._......... _....., State If Oraida, and deseribed It is and fo d that thc I I f III MlIentaii. states 1 Company, it. ones and u,ciKas, shull at any time 11 n ncc oary have denies to said eightgP-wary lead thn q tpmeet the cn I the pu pow t l?ie1, ell. provided dlwaye that tad Moni tan S0 Pae amecessmily done to the pre telaboviall e, dean bed u,stonelfle fdt a nY dsm- ge wife, may,WITNESS F�....... fund null .wd' _.___.. this..._LY_..... day of Done in the Preeenes If: k` �%L� t STA'I'R OR OREGON, 55. County of FE IT RIDMEMBERM), That an in, .. /y .._.......__ day of A. U, 194.7_._., befmn ma. Gm undersigmod, a Notary Public, in and fbr the cold C'annI, m,d SWte ps,sm ally appeared the within mlmed..fY;,ly u ..._ .. _ .__ ............... ument .tl t mat b it bloticl nub Idual ._.. who eaeante` the ' st an 1 luioeledpad to filet /�.__ uted the same freoly and 1mtTgt IN WITNESS WFIEREOF I face hmemrto sat my hand and Notarial 8 I tlhdtat and >am last above wullten My Commn,yon 19 yiiee: My laa. 35, RsI) i3 Q^ 44 a F c w °su 0 laa. 35, RsI) k,. . s'. to sffid RemPwf ft k,rP:.xh«: a�r.4,; . the folio ,7: sr, . c; •:;:..{::Y SCi 4}q{ } •I `'.,. r:W11, ^Yi• y ,: i A `.f• '� +g5 -e'u:kn (til c g. egRi.nning M � 1i7 iE}!5f'iClYl'M r of the Willamette.; 1*':L;-:•: I.:,$s�'': er4•` ,`did t<,, , { and 73.33. feet from said ti e iridin -;.;.._a• ;�, .. �;�`. >� `. aril g. g pt33Y# _ liil northerly r1orht o JIM" north 2, ay a ..:o g, IS thence 7° . 40 ° West s]:i�li a feet thence J t3ayirig B1(i I'1St ;ip`':ilr' 1118.. t317 east 399:9" Feet 'to the'.Vf t' right tst' to thence' south 50 281'i3ae ' aZan id rig t oi' to the place of b19 En -11 ig, bd1hg & oart of the tion Land C1Rim7 in Lane County, Oregon. jJI)) •i r: C TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances, ppurtenances, Tinto the said Grantees And the said Grantor a r here heirs and assigns forever. that by covenant to and with the said Grantee a , their heirs and assigns !Ex that are owner ,y in fee simple of said premises; and that the axe f:ee from all incumbran P :aerneri for construction of a mi11 race granter to Eugene City Cana Co. by instrument dated.Nlarch 28, 1878 and recorded "Aarch 28, 1878 at page 38 of vol. L. P>,�no County Oregon Deed Ftecards. A� so, Easement for pedestrian an vahi�„lnr trr}ffte over; 8eginnina- at the southeast corner of the above descri ed trr,ct, thence south 8g° 3?t vtest 14 feet, thence north 8Q more or leas. to the y,egt line of Pacific Ni�hw thence south3zo seat 20 fee clan Laid high y 14 fe et o e or lep.s tn the >'ie place of Y} 8 east an that t Bey u' ivaii-ant and deTeng the same rro all in I V WrrNE� SOF, T �" other lBMLf �atsoever. They ha ve hereunto set hand e -)8th day of Ar}ril A- D., Weir and a this 48 .. .-...--- .W .......... _— SrVATT OF OREGON, COUNTY Or - Fe it remembered that on this me, a Notary Public in and' p d cot Lou1q j. Cs`eir=*ex,, ":' to nae personally acknowledged to mined. V17itncas my h MY Comin.issior.. Tr.OAP1E &4. day of Anri1 within named , 198 personally came before • Geiger, husband and ;rife, Person a described in and who executed the ,,within instrument, and I the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein Year last above w,atten. 5M for Oregon. EUGENE, 0RrdO Wr 7t:'ts , 77777'. ........... , A TO HAVE AND TOMOMthe.Ahr._-* 40' U*4 ilhw their And the add Gran 9 do 130ft covi'sm,t - WM that t. b j the' In &jeare oNvnwm#�, Excep men for dftbtjiubti-61p�6 Go. by inatrument dated'ZMarani'... of voi. L. Line aount*y. -0 ea. lieoo vehicular traffic over.0.1. e rining:;:a"t.`:tYi ed tract, thence south'7: e 6� more or IeR& to the We t. Ii along saI4. hi¢h y fe t 0 ..... . . ... an that' t 7,. ate.:: I I., '.: -. - * 'A k oto IN 'WrITf=,: F* Th 28th day of STATE OF OREGONt, COUNTY OF LAIM Be it remember6d'..: Apra me, a Notary ftbHo Louie J. Get;* to me De VI F -z: Iran, no. ne..anl' TRANSMISSION E EA9I':R�'Ci+P3'd num `neo N. rase The GRANTOR, herein so styled whether one or more, also awn -of aetiord sin T. Cr Wildidh, AIR![ VMA E. WIEUIMs Lnebsi and vita nm.d; " rareurn for and in consideration of the s of ONE ptlNDEEO - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IL _Dollars in hand pa Id by the ON PTSD STATES OF ASCI ICA; I r e re 1pt of which is hereby anhnowledpro, h ebq grant I briguirs, sells, and convey, to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and its Insist, ar perpetual easement and right to enter and erect, operate, maintain, repair rebuild, and patrol one or more electric power transmission lines and appurtenant signal 11 Fo l_es t uire cables,and ppli necessary In connection therewlhh, ] ,._. .. In, upon, o under, and across the falloe'Ing-described parcel of land In the County A,,,,, , a eR of yaryB , in the State of Cme'iD r to wit Y_. 'I i, I =c' , c cJ4L.P�� � ®� � ��f . � . e� � � \ 9N l}1 M. �l.yf fSeYbffV jOT Bi CUIY@IY � � 1 Ca Slm �4 Wy er ��• 'i® Tw es 9l Tong an® ®fates �H° rlfAfa Lforsgefag .d 3 .a as NWSr PSma aM Ya�—�-sem gam, m2¢ a > j ®9= t car[ry ame. fpa alb +—�_ ar at .am cam: Sf f...a. w mti .M epi 42265 3.A3 6MS HT KNOW a MEN BY 'IMEBE II3®EPTS, that T. C. WILDISH CO., a copartnership _ of ebfdh the purv_iyisg partnere or, L. A. Wlldish and. R. L, Steadman,. berejesIter _ celled Grantor, for end In consideration of the Sem of One Dollar ($1.00) sod, other good and valuable consideration to it paid by Northeast fl tural Gas Company, Seen - b gon'sorpormtion, hereinafter called Grantee, the receipt of which ishereby sek )mdged, done bereby grant, bargain, sell and convey ants Use said Grantee, Its eucceseore and aselgne, ,tbe right of say and eaaement to lay, maintain, operate, change the eine of, repair, to lich and 1®ove a gas pipeline or pipellna. and ap ahtmnascea in, eloag, upon and across Tax Lot 1000 in Section 2, T. 18 S., R. 3 W„ W.M., Inch Canty, Oregon, and Tax -Lot 331D Is the aorthweat quarter of Section 2, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., W.M., %ase County, Oregon, eaid easement being parallel with hand adjacent is Use easterly right of may of the MOVay Highway and being more parties- lerly described ae follows, to elt: Begiaalag at a point is the easterly"right-of-way line of the MCVegv Hlghmay opposite Hwy. gag. Sta. 125 / 50, thsone N. Be 17' E. 15 ft.; theses N. 70 43' W. to the north line of chid Tax Lot 1000 which is a line Dearing east from Hwy. Eng. Ste. 131 f 75; thence coatinulog W. 70 43' W. to a point in Bald Tax Lot 3M opposite Huy. Eng. Ste. 118 f 75; thence crest along a line bearing east from Hwy. gag. She. 118 f 75 be the said 29nterly right-af-may lies of the high- eay; thence southerly, tracing the said easterly right -of -say line of the higlewey to the point of beginning an sboun on drawing A9-2874, attached hereto had by this reference made s part hereof. Together wltb the right of ingress and agrees for all purposes incident to the enjoymeat of said eeeemeat. It is expressly understood that Said gen pipaline(s) shall be laid two feet, more or lase, below the surface of the ground, in s good and wori®anilks manner, and the surface of the gro al restored es nearly as prectic.ble to the a. coaditias it —a Is prior to the lacing of said pipelise(c); that a0 build - 1n, or other structure w111 be constructed vlthln 5 feet of said plpellae(s); and. teat no operations cill be carried on upon said premises which ,rill jeopsrdine the safe operation of said plpeline(a). r Dated this dayT.'of Y�_¢ 1964. /BY NARO h. ;.,,,., Survlving Partner •� .... O and o'x p x ilaOTARY',x' ByF. OF Oam'fON) Surviving Deriver A as. a :� , 1964 P.rsomlly appeared L. A. Wildish, who, being sr stated that he is one of the surviving partners of T. C. Wlldiah Co., a copartnership, and aclvowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. Before / r" Notary Nblic for Dreg, a My Commission el�lree: /C/ /iLS� 7 1964' ":':,•.'�4®Lnaul appeared R. L. Steadmsv, wha, being swore, stated that hs le '$ 1,�'„aGivdving parthern of T. C. Wildieh Co., a copartnership, and ackno�sledged VIld inatPmeat to be us voluntary ant. Before -.. Notary Aabllc fMogan ley Comm Lselom expires: JPz” 16, ,`/63 c •L W o E N' ' j c o£ y•r �' E o e o a a z h9-I£-Nvr �. u CBncreae ;users, OrwItoxa, for thecon aldR'Rtim of the eoa of St. m aneend .: "re'*'retired BSghty sun %/U)o Vonore (86.480.00) to no paid, have barg4Md.m2 `said and by iEheea presents do bwgutns Ball and sonvq}unto the Stets or Oregon. by end through its State: iiitumeo Cann1wicn, the tollnsing described prenisee, to ' ..' wit; ' PABCEF; 80.:1 . n 9 lwrdsl ]sod lying in the 33�1� of Section 3, 18 g Range }Wet, W. ,Ore and being a portion ofthatproperty W,g,e Lvu County, : dedigriatel as petrel k described24 in that to tun Warnock of Is am `0L recorded oA Heel being. usebt 05 567 of Loc Caooiy nSof rthe of Don, sai that s portion of eels property ecenter of osede3 the feed parcel beinglying ( o in ,vt hfeet In widths lying on -the Westerly tide o4 the tartar in a often of ar the Vey ig u said tlghway-hu been relnfaiad, which aeMwr lie, -$ , "fonahway Sa 8esarited as tolltseh is A Beginning at Engineer's center live Station eL" 104100, said But im being. 38M Stat {Orth and 113 feet Raft of the Sobthefft oorner of said ,^Sadtio% 31 thenceqppath 3' 021 3V goat, M.73 feet U-Engimer's sector 31m Station: el" 573.73, The Westerly U:m of acid strip of land crosses 3 the :forth and. South dims of said property approxlmatoly, opposite Saginaw'. delta's line Station eta" 48+40: anti' 104135,. map otiwly.. (Bearinga used herein we based upon the nragon Co-ordimt, Syttm, )3 ! i South . Zona.) of Mend to anion this deeoriptiaa applies contains 0.14 e:cre, c .%, pareel cadre or`ldwa dataids of the-wisti+g right of way,' - As a..part of the cons de'ration hereimbew atatsd, theta is Else bargained, cold, canvsyad. and relinquishedto. the Grantee an existing; future or, potautlel. �,. .. Ca�Dn or statutory. Abnttargs worsentt of ecast* betaeM thi parcel berets ilasdrtbat and all of the. GrantorsI ranainSng'rwI property; gpdoraiog, howaver, for service -of the'said remaining' property, right o4 mucosa at the lawing` iris Ge j, to the highway right of Way, fol van,inis preparty plada `and ftr the follming width, z �. Inkelt eta. Side of Bwv.. t)i e2.. , '']ABF90 Westerly: 35 Seeb ntlraersietW highway`and nppuatansmieee, up., thi x. PAJ�+AO. 2 A pssobl of lad lying in th, Range 3': Vest, *X; : farm gmmt'r.- arty doiignatod as pared So. 4 d name to Vern Warnock: amt; 01. Warm #54567 of -:Lane, Cowryr RaaodCof.D of said property included in a at lin.s:thdah. ere ffir&llel to and L mi of Bastian 3, Tovnwhip is South, s, and being a portico of: that prop. ,.. ' the October line'. of the relocated )bs ay Highway which center line In do- scribedas. Sallower .. Beginning at Ertl e.r'a cantor line Station "J." 104+00, said Station b.� 382U feet Berth llj fedi Seat .1 the 8authsaet wheat of said '. and S.otion 31 thence South 3° 02' 39" Seat, 973.73 feet to Engineer's *enter line Station "L' 113"73.73. 4 The parcel of land to Mich this description applies contains 0,03 seas, sure or less. IT IS SSpMSU UNDERSTOOD that this easement does Out convey any right, title or interest to the surf... of the soil, we any Other rights ®apt thee. erpreealy .stated ip this. assonant, our prevent 0rantora from the full. m., Ind, doslnimM theiw_ r: . wary provided, however, that such sea shall Out be perffitted'to den.ge or destroy a lateral eupyortptc tiehighway, and provided further: that cathing herein contafra3 i eha11 grant to the'St.te of Oawgon�'ty and through Its State Highway Ccossi.eeion, the a right to excavate bmeath existing buildinge or deposit fill materials egaimt :. : enieti}g buildings above the top of the famdatiom thereof.: but it understood: Rd agread test the State of Dragon Mall cover' be requirtd to remove thf diiV r ether ' 'materials pleoed,by it upon &aid property, ver shall the State of Oregcs be avblect to-ary diaagea to the 4rantorsx their befre and asssigns, by reason thereof, ur 17 ;. 1 1 reandaeof the, slops comtuentod therem, Or by reason: of change Of .trade pf the g Hain ebali roe vith the laza !u#.ebAu feaev>rbW a and meigha. w.'hev' hwr set per bavde em Nals thio dal of .31 G`Lrntssi) ok tsars) Phili M. & , w „(rtt3mi 3 Li J. Berg v ST&V OF OgWWN/ )x cataty of on this _.�.$—deg aY / ror. -Rm y , 1965, Parsomlly ome before ' -a», a potery Puhlia in 4 d for. maim Ma V am State, .the witbJm mesal Venn Yereeell sad 014OVanuoekv hie wife, to m PareonaUy knave W be the ideotiml Persons de- } � x. sarlbed de, Sud aura executed the withle ieatriment, Sed who Sam Pereoeelly WdmWl- $ a me that they executed the eeae freely and wleatmlly for the mss and 1 etAsroiu heedcud aff191a1 xal the dey aidgear ]aeE shove ririttea. Oww , -n , � � rf motee7 Pa o for Oregon yz fomlesioo m¢Sreet 9/ fv racf - - Ile, "thio ls'" Gtq of--- 1965,-3vrio-U7 eeme before be d #oterl'peblicix and for said cauntY ead'sWteI the within gamed ftmi & 9azg,eud U'lu n`J. Barg, his tdfe, W'IDi Parxusily km te.tr the 9 Yd{m..Eienl, da'r16M it, and vbo e"taod the within lnetraeemt. and lam 4 ^ §ash pers0 ebimowlodaod W m that 1haT emseeted. the emx freely Sad Yelwl-'. r ,-au,kl'w due UV tweaevd wiiRlli''xl therein'=mmua5. i.,.. the 09*At ri. their hair's om eealEhs. �.. iV VT4 ,tis hal` hareunto set oUr holds and rials thim- 40 or a '' 3 - .� . 1965. r%;�" cf7airGi� (SM) 4 Vaemok a B n J. ran ran V f STATE OF OMAN ' County of On t42 �_,"dq of /1,aa -Ra ' . 1965, Pnrnonuly before ea, a Notary Pdb3im is Ind for aild tCdnty "A skate, =a a =o gamed 6 N ak ". u ' Ult°"dk, hia life, to " persoma y known Lo be the idadtittl pereoas 4h �. .and .: aver'" ilia and mho a,onuted the xiedn drutriment, snd Mu eab personally aekAarl- & _ Yd .Md'♦ rN t Wt they areooted the nem, freely " olant rJj7 for the name and ) a iliaesia hnaed. .. ti x Bard and effieiel aanl the day and year LsL nam» Written. - s+ +It- 4 & a Per Czvgen. _. ay Comiaeion aapArs 7 It rotg EQl'tMou_day of -17.9'.�P.. ss�er r 1965, perlwmlly ems bfota mi a; amt for Fella in afor amid Dowty a— orate„ the vithim — "- ;N F11a.uc..-373M WARRANTY DEED - ima;,iaaml . twhrp r t ea, .ramex. striarlam ane oxi>tia Strt MtueN hneband and rife _... gran[oaa,£oe bre sooaiderattoo of the auraaE Fou Th and and Nc1100 al,f 000, 00) _ In= --:: :____..paid; -have bargained and sold and b➢these presents dobargain, sell and convey rata the STATE OF OREGON, by and through its STATE HIGHWAY COMbIISSIOW, the eo➢awing dest ihed pre a hes, to not: al Of in the :Sectionj,ThadushfPn181 South, Cargo N3 West, WOf SM°,ion 2 iaoa Coouuntye 0oregov,oP eo3 being a portion of that property described in that dead to Same, a. Strickland and Ethel Strickland, recorded in Hook 419, Page 650, of Lans County Reeords of ➢endo; the -aid parcel being that portion costs, lineof the said pro- lapanty P the in a strip olthhee MCOryyn h.y a able in ahsaiddhon the Weste y ide o relocated, which caner, dde if described as foll.re: highs, has been Begita entr line 15117.55, said Station bbeingg2703kt feet Northce�a157 feettBest ofLtheoSOlSautheast corn ws of said Section 3; thence South 3° 021 39" Eget, 274.78 Peet; thence o a spiral curve right (the long chord of which beer, South 2-021 39" East) 400 feet; thence on a 3819.72 feet radius curve right (the long chord of which. beers South 4° 301 46" West) 507.59 feet; thence on a spiral curve right (the long chord of which bears South 11° 047 11" West) 400 feet; thence South 12^ 041 ll" West, 341.04 feat; th-ed- on a spiral curve left (the low chord of which bears South le° 04. 11" Weal) 300 fast; thence On a 1432.39 Post radius curve left (the long chord of which bears 5auth 4° 331 35.51, meat) 7549 Poet: thence an a spiral c rue left (the long chord of which boars South 0° 571 Fast) 300 Peet; thence South 2° 57, East, 300 fast to Engineer's center line Station rL " 145416.15 Said center line croaeee the North and South lie �e of said pavpert➢ approsi� mately at Engineer's center 11ne Station "L " 118H0 and "LS" 119+30, eopectiTely. The widths in feat of the strip o3 land above referred to are as follows: 5tfltion Lo Station width on W.starlT Slde of C er Line "LS" 117+92.33 "LS" 121192.33 60 in a straight line to 85 ALSO that portion of said property lying Easterly of said cents, line. The Paschal of leak to which this description applies contains 0.20 acre, Outside of the assisting right of way. P Aa a part of the c.reiderection he einabovs stated, there is ale. bargained, sold, a9 d ami ralinquished to the Cour:. all eMotia" future or potential common lam or seat toffy ebaitarld eauseens of aceass bathe.n the parcel herein described end all of the Granioee' ramairdng real property, Rasearodag, however, for oardiiho-bf'tiny eaist_remgigtslg pOspsaty, right of access from Crantorhl remaining Property to the highway right of may. at Eire follvving Placa and for th,6i yollo.ring width: 9651 Feamtem has kd tight Ze bmErve2 or theM p vid aE arp tutnve Eim a gndT30 F u YraRtcB®-aaeC C amdo, VCe p.12 to Y to b rafmbvve-ramarjwl to LC1-IxoN- — the - sttbvd-' 1e�+lrgagiflhvfplNtaebvrtyepef_ato bvaaa vgpbmpvhrna5itnaaa myy h — odcseagveoa t lldLhhOe BmomMnmiee psesit. th LL nagII.tieta}dvlletdo¢OeCEsO;Bbm� endbluns thesm. made th.hZgSrcay ar to ah.rb t V1 rodye oo17 at meah pT s the Gra,'. myr "eaL Ik ie eape'.sly intantlai that thea. a part., brassieres reatefetioc. ani r m eaery at= .haI ra+ith the l"^' an'I 'hall a 4 ver bind the Grantors, their heir. aid be, �nr a TO HAVE AHO TO HOLD the said premkes mN thed appurtenances, ie fee simple, unto the said State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, its successors and asai5ma forever. Ir And .. Vp- ___.. the d Irenter __ do hrobby covenant to and wfh the said State of 0,rga. 0gby and thr gh be State High y C m 'f re and assigns, that are _ _ _ the meners._ is fee vmpleof said premises; that they are free from all encumbrances add that ,_.ve_....... _..._. will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whelsoever. M WITNESS WHEREOF,. we have hereunto set All, hantl_u. and seals_ this_ ll] t_ day of q! 1965, ;1 Oona m presence of: v to p � rn V i ss _ P M z° STATE OF OREGON o i ffJJ 1-. county of, ...._.._ s. On this _:LQ${,, day of _ ,_(Lt?!v_!/.1 ........... 1965personally vameBMbre me, ' *:a H tar, Public sn and far said comer, and state, the withm named ___.__ .._... .... �� -.• kmb asema ._ ..__.. __.. and.___._9.cada.Ma_i4rJ.ckla� .._ his wife, _ ..__ _'. be the id brei persons described m and who cured the within instrument, T*rt id, bkgv].d,.d to an.that Ihe¢ cured the a®e freely and volunterily foe the uses F� f t Gffi60 seal the day andyeerb! t above wrhham J tt d onsysv 'T s. ,v ' �DiG 331:hI File "6o. 37301 WARBINTI Dia - MM Ally -MIN BY T$CE PRESENTS, Test pee ;i.See. and Ids Ie., husband ad wife 1 }.. grantor, [or the consideration Of the em of Fifteen Thousand ani 80100 Dollars (5i5.aro-.Gpj 1.:. y, _ to m paid, base bargainai and sold W by thee. preempts do bargain, sell and eomq Ute the State of Oregon, by and through its State. Righway Co®ieaton, the following described prmi.ea, to Witt ppaayrgcel 7. - - .1 of land lying in the SB}Fat of Section 3, Township 18 Samth, Sense 3 Ment, W.N.. Sen. County, Oregon, and being • port1U of that property : designated as Parcel i5 described in that Boundary Agoaesent to dim Lee and Ida R - Lea, recorded on. Heal 9420, Instnment #54567 of Sem County RBCards of Dsodm; the @aid being that of maid property included in A strip of parcel portion low 50 Sart in Width, lying an the Westerly aide o1 the center line of the NpYq Rlghrsy N said highway use been relocated, which center line in described u rouser. - Beginning at Ugin... 1. center line Station "L" 104400. said Station being 3620 feet Nortb mrd 113 feet Seat of the Southeast corner of said Seetian 31 theme South 3.' 02' 39" But, 973.73 feet to pngimer'e center line Station "L" 113+73.73. ',The Westerly line of maid strip of lendcrosses the Borth e 'ad South lines 'oI maid property approdmately opposite Engineer's carter line ,y Station "Le 107+50 and "L" 10844,0, re.peetlemly. t k; (Bearings used herein are baaetl upon the Oregon Co-ordlmte System, South l I tons.) -. The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 0.09 sere outside of the edeting right of uay. c N a part of the consideration hereloahoae stated, there is also bargained,. Bold, conveyed ami relimniobed to the Grant.. all edetic. future or pot.Otial ca®u lax or statutory auatt.r'. ea.amente of access betwamn Parcel 1 heretn.buve described and all of the Grauterm' rasainicg real property; $swerving, however, 'for earvlee of the maid remaining property, rlabt of "aeeeu - from Grantors'-ruaiaing -property tothebighmmey might .1 may, at the following... place and for the"fellawing Hdtbr Fhiy. hm". Sts. Sid. Of Hy. Width Purpose 10&W Westerly 35 feet Unrestricted Grantee has the right to aomtrxat or othererdee provide at sty future time s , public frortmae read or roads{ whereupon all rights of =case bereinabove reserved to and from the highway that are on or adjacent to an, much frontage road or main shall .ease, but the (renters, their heirs mrd "Sig", .ball has. eaemms to the frontage road or roads for any pnrpuao upon obtaining a permit fora the State Mer the applicable statutes and regulations roverdng the same. Said road or roads shall bs arc®meted to the main highway or to other publicways only at much places as the Grants. my ..last., 1D W9E dun 10 Rola the above described prea".. xtth .their apportebsm.a, is foe jisple@ unto the State of Oregon, by and throw its State U~ Ccaiselac, its emeeutdnr. caaseedd ias.igem tsroser. 6 a-4.e.-ar piib-br-tb*-owbaidwratimy-hereiMMWm stated-LM»-tm-4190 J0.vr eats the State of ORmg.n, by and thrunals its State Highway Cmd'Gi6e, a . rPetNe= rf alit ars! saseemwt W aadmtrmt; Missal., repair ad. have free u0.1e to . Page 241D 111s Me- 373M 33161 W slopes of mt. W MI occasioned by or resulting from the cowtruetion, operation or wintadnee of a public street or highway and cpportavemee, mpcm :. Ne tollewimg describ d promisee, W wit: Wool of L.1 lrimg 1n the SXJW of Section 3, TamehiP 18 South, Songs 3 moot, W.W., Lame County, Oregon, ed being a portlav of Net prop- . arty designated as Parcel #5 described in that Certain Boundary "Leant W Jim Le ad 14a W recorded on Beal 242D, Inetrmnt 054567 of Lm Ceuaty Beeosd of Dods; the said perael being that yorticm of said proparty Smalmdod in'a strip of lad 10 test in width lying'bwtween It.. eh1N are parallel W and 50 fest Wa-tor17 and §O feet Westerly of Na omtor lies of Ne re- loeated lieygv Wigbvay d oh cantor Line W de.erlbd in P.reel 01. The Wool of Lni W ahieh this de.Irj tW. IPplias co.t.r..a 0:02 sere, mrd or less. - - Boding sustained is the easement h-reiv granted shall be construed to eoovsy fee title W the lad used: for elope purposes, Our pravant Grantors from Ne full use and dowi.lon thereover{ provided, however, that oath u'o Chan net b permitted to does or destroy lateral supyort to the bighway, it being understood and agreed Net the State of Oregon shall never b re9nlred W rsecve Ne dirt or otber material. lal"d by it apo. said property,, vcr shell Ne State of Oregon b embleet W ane denagse to the Grantors, their hairs end eeeigoe, by reason thereof, or ty mason of the slopes constructed thereon, or by reasev of rhdage of grade of No -treat or highway atutt" d on said property. - Ind es the said Grantors do hereby oorevamt to and HN the said State of Oregon, by ad through Its Stets _818hsoT Camis-iov, its successor. and assigns, that w are the owner. is fee simple of all of the h -rain d ... rited premi-eel that Nq are free from ail eveumbrmaea em N -L w Kll warrant and defect the property herein ocd- vend and Ne easeent and rights herein granted Yrw a11. ]ental c]atme M-tds--r. It ie mque..Iy intended Nat Ns rove.ante, bvrdeM, rsetrietions and Must- vatione contained herein 'hall run with the lend and shall Yorever bird the Grantors,; N.ir h.irs and assign'. IN W1TURM WBIDi85p, w have bereemto at ow hada and deals this day of 1966. p t Sum amGm Jae County of`'ifi.i on this _[d41 of , 1966, Dce'coria]]y deme before w a %atop}-?rb1Ia in.'n1-rpt �A, the eithin nwd Jim Ice W peremally hmem W be the idemtioal-persons daseribed L, ..�__. wi°tbin ihstramt; : and etw eleh: personally askuowlMgN to m _ ".ar'tsealT adtiaLntarlly for the coca and pvrpoaoo iherrin pled. e `:yid nffioial sial the ad >• Lata a wri%too, - Sk .x9taxjr,ftwic for CGmdseiwlWWSr+er_.a..:✓rf._4 - - -AND FAH7 RASE - The Grantor, the STATE OF OREGON, acting by and th='$d8h the-Oregoh�,Staw ee .' Highway Cosmi.ssion, for and in consideration of the relosse of--saa�era$ �trei y below sot forth, hereby grants, bargains, sells, and ,conveys to the NNTTID-.STA.y OF Affl',Et1CA and its assigns, a perpetual eaaemant .and right to enter and argot ' maintain, repair, rebuild,operate, and patrol One line of electric poky®r trab6% ' k sdasion structures and appurtenantsignallines, including the right to .,,not necessary transmisaion stractures, wires, cables, and appnrtenanoea as �. any thereto, in, over, upon-Rnd across a strip of land 100 feet in - said strip lying 50 feet distant on each aide of and parallel with the canter line of survey for the relocation of the Goshen -Springfield tranemissiori l.it1® of the United States of America as now located and staked on the ground oyer zed across that portion of iA'10 NA of the, SWj and Goverou,nt lot 4, SanLaon Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, lane Countyp Orsgonp and the South 900 feet of the 411711am Moore D,L;C, No, 60 lying West e£ the original West boundary line for Primary State Highway No. I,. said Township and Hangs and that, portion of the 'Abraham Coryell D,L,C,No, 59, said Township and. Range described as: Beginning at a point that is a distance of 31,73 chains West and a distance of 6,12 chains South of the Northeast corner of Section 10, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian; thence Fast a die- tance of 11,95 chains; thence South 83° East, a distance bf 10,00 chains; thence North 75. 15' East, a distance of 10,30 chains tofence on the West side of the Pacific Highway; thence South 7° 35' East, a distance of 11,30 chains; thence South 7° 18' West, a distance of 5042 chains to an iron bar;. thence North 88° 55' West, a distance of 32,88 chains to a point Booth of - - the point of beginning; thence North a distance of 14,15 chains, mgm or leas, to the point of beginning, ,lying gaster of the Easterly present Wester boundary of the right of way for Primary State Highway No, 1; � said survey line being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Construction Station 39+50 a point 1n the United States Bonneville Power Administration. � e J, P. Alv Substation and being in the - Ng�%* of Section 14, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Mendea -said point being.. North 17° 28' ,110" West. a distance of 2182,7 feet -from the quarter 'section corner on tts South ling of said-S66tion-14T thence - North lle' 32' 20" West, a disteaue of 993.5 feet to Construction Stat on _ - 49+43.5 -Back - 59+74.9 Ahead; tF,ence North 4° 51' 40" West a distanda. of ' 901,4 Peet to Construction Station 68+76.3. - % 33 40 -Went, 817 3....thaase Ydorth 7: * "- a distance of 1392,9 fast to Construction Station 52+69,2; thence NortR 37° 09' GO" West, a distance oft543.6 feet to Con atraotioa Station s" thence North 25° 54' 10" West, t dietaac �f 2 e 73x5 feat a of 7siruatee „ Station 90~86,3; thence North SL; 14' 50" East, s distance of 709,5 ~set to z Construction Station 97+95,8; Vlence North 3° 02' 20" West, a diatan244.2 feet to oe>af --.. a distance of 1619 feet otoS onvtruct on Stat an0. n102+0 9;ce North 3thenee Aorthst� C 7 15° 12' 10" West, a distance of, 475.1 feet to Coaat=otion-'Statists" thence North 16° 21' 40" West, a distance of 250,6 feet to Construotiori Station 109+27,6 Hack ® 108+50,6. Ahead;. thanes North 16° 00, 30".We"at ---ddstanca of 499.4 feet to Construction Station 113+50.0; thence 24' 00" West, a distance of 194;1 feet to Construction 97�ation 11STh44c - r MF lc thence North 27°-02' 40" West, a diatanee of 285.0 fact to $onataMtotio�i!' ,i ~ "^ Station 118+29.1; thence North'35° 02' 40" West, a distandn, to Construction' Station 127.+84,1;- thence North 26' 20West a $iseaoo `�' .,, oY 495.3 feet to onstraction Stattem 1�Fane e.-aw..___ ..... s, -r e�w pgwg r 33162 =$rid in oonaidsratrion therefore the United States of America, D,Par� 4"e Irituz'Sar, noting by and Through the Be= Power Administrator, if Rett df On a ved August 20 1 a purau'4nt to gpxo . 937 (50 Stat. 731-) as attended, and '=194"3 `(b3 State 377) as amended and regulations and delegations of authonyty g7auelC <+ - Pursuant thereto, doe, hereby release unto the Grantor, its eueoeaeors and assigaa,- rA each parte end portions o£ the -above described servient property as 11e-oUt63us the herein granted and described easement, from all burdens, easemeata and o x tions for electric transmission lines now held by the Grantee; Together with the present and future right to olear said right oY wqq and, keep the same clear of coniferous and deciduous species of trees; except that Ow lw and slow growing species of planta, brush, and scrub oak trees may remain on the right of way, provided they do not exceed• a height of 12 feat under the conductors and 18 feat elsewhere on the right of way and that permiesion to control this type of growth must first be obtained from tae State Highway Deparge menta Pursuant to Tae Agreement between a Bonneville Power State, dated August 19, 1960, there ehau be nor Administrator and the right of way of Lhe Interstate H right of direct access between way, Access for t.e construction, operation and maintenance of theis Power me right o4 Will be from the Wssterly frontage road and other roads, which provision eonisormo with paragraph 2a of said agreement, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said easement and rights unto the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its ensigns fore.... The Grluter coveneats to and with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its assigns that the titlO to all bruab, timber or stnmtures existing upon the right of way on the date hereof shall vest in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on said data; and that the consideration sated herein is Iccepted by the Grantor as full compensation for all damages incidental to the exercise of the rights granted hereunder, E1% WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have subscribed their namesand aff their aesle ih'ia-/"A/':,.- day of -7% �.e ---- B_..�,—_r 196ixed 7 ATTEST: a Secretary��% APPROVED: U si s' (�f� o"c— Assistant State Highway Engineer APPRO I vyz TO Chief ounsel Staff torney STATE OF OREGON .a S and through its UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of the Interior �k Mr' t at 33162 ?13 —._STATE 9k OREGON w ) ...- ki ; v•,. '.. __.-• County of Marian On this 4th day of November , 1965➢ before me appeared ' Glenn L. Jackson, K. N. Fridley and, David i. Simoaon, me oersonallg known who, each being duly sworn, did say that he, th,e said Gie,!, L, Jackson, is Chairman of th aState Highway Commission of :he St to 0.•egcn :hat he, the said K, N, Fridley and he, the said David 5. S_.pscn i-a Sat: } 4;ay Commissioner of the State of Oregon, that the seal a:iff:_d to ;__c iret; , t is the seal of the State 'Highway Commission, and that lair t a.,-:It is -- Cned and sealed in behalf of said State by said Cemmissior, nd the to said C -ni Ln and the said Colmnissioner8 acknowledge said instrument to _o the fres a..t anc Lao, of said State, by said State Highway Commission. - IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I na,,� he,,,-. , set ::y ha_.d end affixed zy. official seal the day and year last above w^ttren. ^.:S'_ic fc rOregon -.. y :ox. -, a„-, `_,;a; November 5. 1966 hift OF OREGON ) "W. ) as: COBE 'OF MULTNOVAH ) On this 7th day of December, 1463, personally appeared before ms,c, - 3GHTd N; MUGCROY, Chief, Branch of Dmd, acting -for the Bonneville power` -AdfiiiilisttMior, to me known to be the identical person described in and who -"muted^the' within and foregoing i•strument- and, gtknueledged that ha^signed i. the same asa free and voluntary ac-.: and deed for the purposes and uses' :fie"Al seal- the -day and pyear last yga7bove_vrsitt@'i its State Highway Commieeion, the following d ... abed"prea see, -to wit: - A parcel of land lying in the HEiSa of .Section 3, Township 16 South, Range 3. West, W.M., lone County, Oregon) and beinga portion of that prop - arty -described. in that certain deed to Jamas R, Strickland and Ethel Strickland, recorded in Book 419, Page 650 of Lane County Record-eT--D.ed.y the' -said -parcel -being -khat Porti-. 04 said property lying Westerly of that tract conveyed to the State of Oregon, by and through its-13"ae Highway-_ -- - Commission, by that dead recorded on Reel 262-L, Instrument No. 96511 of Lana County Records of Heeds and included in a strip of land variable in width, lying on the Westerly side of the center line of the McVay Highway as said highway has been relocated, which center line is described as follows: -- Beginning at Engineer's center line Station "SY 113+73=73, said Station being2847feet North and 145 feet East of the Southeast corner of said Section '— 3, thence on an 11,459.16 foot radius curve right (the long chord of which bears South 1° 17' 39" East) 700 fast to Engineer's -center line Station "S" 120+73.73. The widths in feet of the strip of lend above referred to are as follow.: Station to Station Width on WesterjZ Side of Center Line "SB° 116+50 "SB" 120+73.73 115 in a straight line to 90 (BaseirO used herein are based upon the Oregon Co-ordinate System, Zone.) South Zone.) ---- -- g The parcel of land to which this d ... ription applies Contains 0.14 acre„ more or less, outside of the existing right of way. As a part of the consideration hereinabove -stated, there is alselwrgainad,-__._ - sold„ conveyed and relinquished to the Grantee all existing, future or potential common law or statutory abutter's easements of access between the parcel herein doedribed"and all of the Grantors' remaining real property; also, all rights Of a a. ss between the frontage road to be constructed on the We.teriv.eide of the - relocated McVay Highway and all of the Grantors' remaining property abutting thereon, except, from Grantors' remaining however-,_4or,service of the said remaining property, right of access property to said frontage road at thefollowing place -and --'f-0Y— the following width: APnr xi t H Ere ' Side of Prvnta¢e Widtt, purpose 84aa Road 119720 Weater'ly 35 feet Uxss'estrieted - -._ ANN_M HOLD. the said promisee with their appurtenances, in fee simple, unto the eaid;.Stata of Oregon, by and through it -State Highway Commission, its . succeasore and 'i assign. forever( Aiid we the satd Grantosa do hereby covenant� aestwitH thessid-S+ t Ok,goi'av, by and thro-ONE its: State Highway. Lommiasid. its suoeessors and assigns,._ trust WB„aYe ?she "oxmaYs in ireo &imPle of tiaid promisee; that they, are free from all Paye/Walton STATE OF OREGON ) )se a County ofi ) On this i 9 °L day of �/ a.,-.�.._.�- , 1966, personally came before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, the within named Jamea R. Strickland; a widower., to me personally known to be the identical parson described in.,.. end who executed the within instrument, and who personally acknowledged to me d+ kq�'$x`geuted the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein www '*'vY &:wy hand and official seal the day and year last above written. �.� Notary Public for Oregon Rfy Coruiaeion copiree: %-/G ' 9 STATE OF OREGON ) )es County of+�,.�..� on this:J day o£ .a. , 1966, gcrsonally came before me.,:a Notary Fublia in and for sal county an state, the within named Frank D_o.. ".� Walton end Faye Walton, his wife, to me pore, ... Ily known to be the identical persons rdetp�bed da, end who aeounted the within instrumant, and: who each peraanal2y ecic¢mrl- 4: +� 0dtyathatthey -executed the same fsealq and wlvntsrily for the ueee and'pur- �� f and Ld^�s ♦qn Anmed, t4�yg hse3 and official seal the da(+��and year last above /WP1_tten. TF: Gdl _ _ - Wn nr PnMie 4o Or bn - C iI [OiOW-RLL MEN BY THFSE FR65ENT5, That WS, Ada H Warned, I a wid , legal own Eugene L. -Florence and Marjo % Plc h band and wife, CfierSes R, Hahks, a•— --l— --e.-- __.. _.._...,�._,,,, _ contract e}ogle mane contract purchasers, Grantors, far —the oP the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100 Dollars - ($1,800.00), to as paid, have bargained - n apd sold`end by these presents do bargain, bell and eovvey unto the State of Oregon, k by and through its Skate-Hi-ghwsy CooeadssiOn, the following described pramises, to witr "#parcel of land lying -i the WiWl of].Bw tion Z�nrL thr FQE n£ Section 3, Township 18 South; Range 3 STe's2, W:P9., Lane County, Oregon,- '- _... _.-sad .being ap_o_rtion of that property described in that deed to Ada H. ` ' Wainer recorded on Reel 62_55➢, Instrument No. 60113 of Lane Cppvnt - _ - Records f Deedsj the said parcel being that portion o4 said pj� ly y included in a strip of land variable in width, lying on the Westerly side of the center line of the McVay Highway as said highway has been'relocated, which centers line. is described as follows, Beginning at Engineer's center line Station "SB" 113+73=73. said Station being 2847 feet North and 145 feetEaet of the Southeast corner �- of said Section 3; thence on an 11,459.16 foot radius cvr"e right (the long - chord of which bears South 1° 17' 39" East) 700 feet to Engineer°e centsr line "SB" Station 120+73.73. Said costs' 11ns croseee the North and South lines of said property approximstely at Engineer's center line Stations SB" 117+35 OSBII and 118+10, respectively. The widths in feet of the strip If land above referred to are as follow Station to Station Width on Westerly Side o4 C t li "SH" 116+50 "'Be 120+73.73 115 in a straight line to 90 ALSO that portion of said property'lying Easterly of said center line. (Bearings used herein are based upon the Oregon Co-ordinate System, South Zone.) The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 0.24 e flI cre, more or less, outside of the existing right of way. I' SUBJECT to the rights of the adjoining property owners by reason of overlaps on the Northerly and Southerly boundaries of the property herein conveyed. " As a part of the consideration hereinabove stated, there is also bargained, sold, convoyed and relinquished to_the Grantee allexistin Suture g or potential bemoan law V or statutory abutter's easements of auc mss between the parcel herein described and all V of the -Gravtore"--romaiiwin g ncal...ps.opartfp ' 6 Reserving, however, for service of the said remaining property, rift of access from Grantees" remaining property to the frontage road to be construe ted on said parcel, at the following place and for the following widths - Hwv. ETutr •s Sta. Side oP Frontaem lb d With Puxnose -- '. s 117+50 Westerly 35 feet - Unrestricted • Fi TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the saidpram ises with their appurtenances, in See s]mple, vote ;the Said State of Ovegcn,'by and through its State Highway Commission, its successor. - and assigns forever. - - " And we the said Grantors do hereby covenant to and with the said State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway COMMM-.ion, its successor. and assign., that: we A � ' 1 i �eept8s hereanabeve set - �- forth o that we will w:, ank and detend.. the same fro¢ all 'law ul -'aims wd"an ever, except as heroin ' stated. It -is exarose1 p, y intended that the covenants, burdens, restrictions tie and reseryati ns ' contained housi. shall can with the land and shall fore vol bind the _ 3- a Grantors, their heirs .and assigme. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals "this OJg 1966. I SEAL) Afl Warner wagene-L. Flor�enn7ce r (bEN) ---- Marjg _I P19�/�ence (SEAL) Charles R. Banks STATE OF OREGON, County of ss. t a �' _ On this -x^- day of -7, 1966, personally came before me, a _ notary public in and for said county and state, the within named Ada E, IJarner, a widow, — to me personally (mown to be the identical person described in, and who executed the '.. within instrument, and who personally ac momaledged to me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein named. Witness my hand and official seal the day and year last above wrlttep 039H© da Cw No Public for Oregon ¢ - My commission expires: '1• ! )• :.h 4 � Coma'. f ) ! r xr,a C W 1966, preaona�.y ear b far 7 [� notary publio jn and for said county and state, the within named,Rtgens L. Florence and I' ITrjoxq K. Florence, his wife, to me personally drown to be the identical persons _ L_ descrc.bed in, and whe. executed the witdiin instrument, and whd each personally adore-eladged ` -- cnrd that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein Witness_. hand and. official seal the do, and year last abov ittIII gy3ji1 /® I— P9 r Notarg ablic for 6regon i w tC,gF�'FC qY 'y _condaissiot,�gireao I t N'S X✓o'� �3 STATE OF O]lEOON, ) County of _CS ss• C ) On this —e� day of Lca 1966, personally came before me, a notary public in and for sail county and state, the udthiu named Charles R. Banks, s single man, to me neraonally knoen to he the identical person described in, and she executed the within instrument, and who personally aclmowledged to me that he executed Che same ibeely and voluntarily for the. uses -us purposes therein notes. Witness my hand and official -seal the day and year last above written. uu40 :Jot Public for Oreg n y 5 z My commission aq) 'g s' ,r `n ' .3 "'- - - Pile No. 373+ KNOW AM MM BY THESS-PREBinTS, that Wildleh Inductrlal Developmao, Corporation, An Dregnn corporation, Grmtoar.for..auL.in.. no.siderati..f_tmaa,m ,-Eight,Thoaaand Plve Rvndred ei 'SLirty mid No/1W Doll. ($8 530' , to it paid, receipt Ancrof lareb.7 j -_,. ,. ie Acknowledged, has bargained andsoldand by thees aces bargain, presento Ball ani + corrvey'unto STM OF OREGON, byand through: its STAPE'BIGHWAY CORMLSSIOD, Grantee, the following dae,ribad premiaeE, to wit: , parcel K land lying in the SEOMW bf Sectio, 3 and ih'the SW}Nwk {: AT Sectio. 2,'Taxmnnlp 18 South, Range 'Rent, W.1L, Lana County, Or.,., And tieing • portion of�th.t property d ... ribed in those deed. to NLldi.h : I Indnstrial Developuent Corporations bearing Inatrment 02170, recorded Angust 16; 1963, and lnetrue,nt ®63858, recorded July 21, 1964, of lane County.Raeordq of Deed-; the Amid parealVaing that pgrtion of Bald- properbq included in a strip ofland50 foot in width, lying on the Westerly Aida of the center line of the Neum, to huay AB aald highway hoe be= relocated, which center Una ie ds.oribed A. fell., . - li - Beginning At E-giv..I'- center lino Station ^L" 104100, 'Aid Station � being 3820 feet Borth AM 113 feat Past of the 5oathaoat corer of said Section 31 thence South 3° 02' 39" Feat, 973.73 feet to 5ngi..W. carter line Station "L^ 11,3+73.73, At which Station tis southerly line of said 'trip of lgd_jiea At right .nglee to said center Una. � ...,...� . ......,....: ,. (Bud.. M B"vice¢;teraly are 6tlAupdn the dragon Co-ondLute Sq,tem� Gam.. South Zone.) , The. pare el of land to.rhich thin description applies contalsu 0.4 .ere, ' n' - nate or 1W.. 1 A parcel of lard, lying in the E}B7y of, 5ection 3, end in the W}W} of { - 5ectloF 2, Tmmebi, 19 South, Pnngo 3 Want, Wjt, Lana. County, Oregon, and ty being A portico of that property described in that ccrCAln deed to Wildi.h lyduatrlal Darelopmert Corporation, bearing tutryment #23170, recorded hataL 16. 1963, of lana County Recoed of Deed,- the said parual being` tht portio' of said property included Sv a strip of lard variable iA width �- lying on each Alda of the center line of the Sovihbourd lane of the PeYsy Highway, as said highway hea been relocated, which .enter line Is d ... ribed Am follow,. 4 y � jLtion Baglamlug et enter line ^SBA 113+73.73 At which I li Station the BorW.rly no of Aid of 18hd lie" at riPht.angles to 'Aid center line, amid Station being 2847 foot Borth and 145 feet Fant of - - the Scutha"t corner of ,aid Section 31 thence on An 11,459.16 foot radius Car.A right (the long chord of which blare South 1. 171 39" Eat) 7W feat to Englneerb center line Station AREA 120+73.73. ' The width. in feet of the otrlp of lard above referred to Bra Am fell.% . J, 9tat1 n to Station Width on Westarly Sidb Width on Ea'tarl7 Side I of Center Lib. of Corder Line ^SB^ 113473.73 ..^SBA 115+30. 30 Sn A� straight 115150 ASB" 116h00. >.t^70, 7✓0 50 ASB" u&fi Oo -✓9B^.116150 Sn a ptras yht .:.' f70 �.' ."88" 116+50 ,.+ ^58^ line, tell 5p 130✓13.73Q ll5 in .':etialgbt lino -to. 90 So - M01.. 37300 (Bearings Used heroin am based upon the. Grogan-Co—ordinate -Sjeteme South Zo.e.) -The -parcel -af—lnsd-to- which - thin duariptian.appliee co¢taia-0.75. Aar., mm a: lsao. Ac apart of the cone ideratlon hereinabove stated_tharo_Sa. also bargained, sold, conveyed and mlirpiahed,to the Grantee all �4ating, fat. or potential co®. lar or statat0;7 abgtterna eeeesente of access between all of the Grantor's mealnn 9 real property, and Pareele 1 ori 2 hareinibe�i do..r nodi XESPt, houaver, - —'— — alias eMvtg. for service of the cold remaining property, right of access fora Granter's remeird.g pmparty to the highway right of way, at each of the following plaeee and for the following Wthe; Rwr. Eng,'. St.. Side of Fxr. • width - Pam's' 11` 107+25 Featarly 50 feat Unrestricted 11]+00 westerly 35feet tstriote ]]4+00 Westerly 35 feet hamDnreetrieted ' Grmtee shall either conatmet a pendia fronRage need or provide ease other eeseea mad on the Westerly elde of the highway, Southerly of Station 116+50, and the Creator it. even .... m and am en ig, shall be Untitled to reasonable A.cese'to the said need for am parpoao, -upon application filed with the State pereaAnt to applicable etatotsa,' and regul¢tions. Said road shall be connected to the in highway or tootherpublic ' rays only at such places as the Grantee coy select: TO RAPE AN0 TO NOIR the obeys deecrihed premie.. with their appurt.oans.., in fee eieple unto the said State. of Oregon, by ned Won& it. State Highway Commle.io n, its . - avcceeeore csi,asolgm forever... An a further part of the covid.mtion hereinabove stated, there is else h.mbyy ' , grgntetl unto the State of Oregon, by erA through its 9tetc Itighxay Cooncleaion, a perpetual right and easement to construct, mintain, repair and have fr.. ecce.. to all slope. of .uta. or filler oc.eelonad by or resulting ;.. the ccratmutin., ona'.tinn or madntemnae of ¢ public street or high.. and appart...., We the following deecribed pmedeee, to wit: %reel pereel of lard lying in the SBWJ of Z:.ti.n 3, Township 18 South, " Reez, 3 Fast, F.F., Tana County, Oregon, and being a portion of chit propert7. described in that certain deed to wildi.h lyduatrial Decelopeant. Corporation,+ hearing lnatmsent 163858, recorded Toly 21, 19641 of lane County Record of ' '., Dnedl the said penial being that portion of said property lying between 11 nee ". which are parallel to and 50 feet Feeterly, and 60 feet Westerly of the epnter _ line of the relocated ge7ay gighw¢y, which canter line is described in Parcel 01. no parcel of land to which this description appllea contains 0.04 care, parcel 4.:. A parcel of laud lying in the SBJMS} of Section 3, Township 15 Scott, Bengo i 3 West, W>W., ihme Coauty, Oregon,and being a portion of that property deacrlbed j fn that certain deal to Nlldiah Tffiustrial D.7l.poont Corporation, bearing t. lastmeent ®22170, recorded Augnot 16,.1963, of`;nne County Record of Deader the .aid parcel being that portion of said property lying Northerly of a line drawn at right angles to thb center line of the relocated lk7ay Righwey At - Engineer's aaxdar ]dna Station eLw 113+73.733 and lying bete... lines Welch am parallel to aed 50 feet Featarly aed 90 feet Westerly of .aid center Use which confer line is described in Panel 01. "Phe parcel of lard to Adeh this description applies contaim 0.14 some - Y ••Pity Bo. 37300 A pssosl'of lard lying in the E71E} of 3eetim 3r T"hi"18 South. Nang. f _ 3 Weet, X.H.. lane County, Oregano and being a portion of that. property, _ described Intthet certain deed to Wildich Induobrial Development Corporation - hearing Instreswnt #22170, reearded'Abgdlt 16 1963, of I"d Coninty'Eeeord,of -'-'— Oeeded the said pareal being that portion of said property lying Southerly of alive drawn at right angles to the Sonthbound center line of the relocated HCVay Eighvay at Engineer'. center Use Station, "SB- 413+73.731 lying Westerly of- parcel '$2 and lying Easterly of a line which Se parallel to-and 60 fast -- Westerly of said canter line. IThe cmrt.ar 11aa herein referred to Se described I. Parcel.#2. 1/ - - - - T\ .-The parcel of land to wbich tibia description applies contains 0.04 aei.; mora or less. Nothing contained in the covenant heroic granted shell be eenetrnedto conTV tae title to the lanai need for olapa y.pooea, nor prevent Grantor fron the full nae and condition thereover, provided, hmwor,,that each no; aball not be permitted to damage or destroy lateral support to the highway, and. bovided further that j nothing herein containedball grant to the State of Oregon, by and through its \ State Highway Gommieed.n, the might to sac ay.t'a beneath �eting buildlage or depealt fill materials against eodsting buildings above the top of the foundation - thereof, hot it Ss nndereto.d and agreed that the State of Oregon .hall never be raVIrad to remove the dirt or oth.t.smt.bWa placed by it open said property, nor shall the State of Orega$be ..b4act to any doges to the treater,-Ito epeceeedre and assigns, by reason thereof, or by reason of the elopes constructed thereon, or _. by rase.. of change of grado of the street or highway abutting on Bald property. TO HAVE Alm 40 EOb0 the said right, lice... and ea.acmt hereinabove at forth onto the Bald State of Oregon, by and through Its State Highway Commission, its euccaesors and aa.igs. forever. And the said Grantor does hereby e.renant to end with the said State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, its successor* and asei,es, that it is Abe comer in fee simple of dl of the 3mraln described premiaesp that they are free from,ali—encumbrancae and that it will warrant and defend the property herein conveyed and the easement and right. gr.A.d from all lawful. claim+ whatsoever. It is expressly intended that the covenants, burdens, reatrictl.na and re.arvatiom contained herein shall ran with the land and .hell forever bind the Granter, its aeaora and eaelgna. IN WMESS WHHiEOP, Wlldich loduatrial Darelopaea. Corporation, an Oregon earporatlon hes caused its lsKol corporate seal to be herevRo affixed and its rum. hereto enbecrlbec by its duly authorised officoro' this 2 8 dap of 1--"4 .:� 1966. Wiidish Industrial Oevaloimasrt Concretion, an Oregon w oretlo`JJyn By. Prea7d 1 P.L Pile go. 37300 39389 . SETH OF OH , J J sv coanty u3 Lk KF_ 7 - On this 21 Z4 dap of Fegea'1 4 1966: betas ma, a , Hatay Pealio in ani for amid county and State, appeared 0, is�r5 ti and R,GLea✓tr F it;, Ici,S4 ty me pereamlly known, he, being duly"- -a era ro, did-say,that he, the said L. A. H% /s(.s /j . is the P,reeldent, and he, the card Ric k.,v( 17. LJ,!A{ A , in the Secretary, of Hildieh Industrial Oevelotaent carporation, an Oregon corporation, the within named corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument Is the corporate anal of avid corporation, ani that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of amid I corporation by authority of its bcerd of directors, and amid L. R. uJr/.d.w it and vJIdrah _ _ acknowledges the said instrument to be the free set and deed of said an rpoaation. In 'WTrMS WH. FF I have hereunto set al hard and seal this the day a year last above written, �) T Hnuiv", I . /'r �)d++'�'�� sl 4R BR r� /. notary Public for Oregon 8y ,, y. aammteeion ezpireew %7a+. I� G d Ir I l I a \i G \i KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Nobfirt A. Biter and Mabel. Sitar, husband and wife, Prank A. Sitar and Margaret Sitar, husband and wife, Grantors, for the consideration of the sum of Six Thousand Three hWdred and No/100 Sellars ($6,300.00),. N to us paid, have bargained and saltl and by these presents da bargain, sell and convey unto the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Ccmission, the following described preml ees, to wit: A parcel of land lying in the NW45Wi of Section 2 and the. NE. SE4 of Section 3, Township 18 South, Huge 3 West, W.M., Lone County, ; Oregon, and being a portion of that property described in that deed I to No bert A. Biter and Prank A. Sitar, recorded on Heel 87-565, Q Instrument #94656 of Lane County Record of Needs; the said parcel being that portion of said property included in a strip of land variable in width, lying on tb. Westerly aide of the center line of the McVay Nfghway aa aid highway has been ral... ted, whleb center - line is described as follows: Beginning at Engineer's center line Station "SH" 113+73.73, '. said Station being 2847 feet North and 145 feet East of the Southeast earner of said Section 3; thence on an 11,459.16 foot radine curve right (the lop, chord of whish bears South 1° 17' 39" East) 70o feet; a thence South 0° 27' 21" West 89,54 feet; thence on a spiral curve $ right (the long chord of Miah bear. South 1° 27' 21" Wept) 400 feet to Engineer's center line Station "SS" 125+63.27. Said center idea asses the North and South linea of said property approndmately at Eaglneer's center line Station, "SB" 119+30 and "SB" 123+55, respec- tively. i s folbe widths in feet of the strip of Land above referred to are lows: Station to Station Width on Westerly Side of Canter Line "SB" u6+5o "SB" 120+73.73 115 in a straight line to 90 "SB" 120+y3.73 "SH" 121+63.27 9n "SB" 121+63,27 "SH "123+00 90 Ina straight line to 100 C "SB" 123+00 'SB" 126100 100 ALSO that portion of said property lying Easterly of said tante: line. EXCEPT therefrom t1bat portion of said property deecrihed in that E deed to Lane County, recorded on Reel 1800, Instrument #45246 of Lane County Record of Oosdo. (Bearings need herein are based upon the Oregon Co-ordinate System, South Zone.) The parcel of lad to which this description applies contains 1.18 .area, more or less, outside of the aoduting right of way. As a part of the consideration hereinabove stated, there is also bargained, sold, conveyed end ralinqulehed to the Grantee all uxi ti,, future or potential c...n law or statutory abutter's e.aemw:tW of .cess. between the parcel herein described and all of the Orantaro' remaining real property. _ Grantee .hell either construct n public frontage road or provide some other noose. Fond n the Westerly aide of the highway, end the Oraetora, their het s end ...Igns, shall be entitled to 10 ..... ode ecce.. to the said read for any purposes upon application y,j 3. ` ^i--- gaga z -ban 41-947: _ pilo -!-..37705 -_ filedwith the State pereeant to applicable statute. and regulation.. Said imii3 "shall-beconnected- to themein' hightniyonto -otharpubilc'iiaya-aidvat --' x"; each -plane. ee the Grantee ma, select. TO HAM ANB TO HOLD the said promisee with their appurtenances, in fee simple, =to the Bald State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Co®ie.ion, it. euceeeadee send assigns forever., And we the said Grantors do harsh, covenant to and with the said State of Oregon, by end through its State Highway Co®iobion, its successors and assigns.,' that wa ere the canard in fee simple of said premiers; that they era free from - - oil ancnjobrande. afW that we "r 11 warrant and defend the eame from all lawful claims whatsoever. It is expressly intended that the covenants, burdens, restriction. and reservation contained herein shall can with the land and shall for aver bind the - Grantors, their heirs and asaigne. IN WIT�NqESS WMaIXOA, we have hereunto set our hands and reale thi da, of /v I QA4� 19Ja[ /J Bon uaa_• - ry,���(SEAL) (IiGY�d�+4s (S'P,AL) A.we.iP.i.4ewi (SEAL) Margate Biter STATE OF OP w ) County of / Q 9n this lP tlgq of ��C 19 LGpersonally came before -me, •`C 'ft public in and for said county and state, the within named Hobert A. Biter an?',;. Biter, his wife, to me personally known to be the identical persona do- - Pp'S�fdhdd y and aha executed the within instrument, and who each personally acknml- me that they executed the deme freely andvolunterilp for the .ere and ie.rein named. W hung and offialcl seal a sea's written..... 0 " 4 Frdf O J•`� Notary public for Orago�on� 'STATE OA CEIG0 ) F, Commission expire✓.J 1./9LQ _Coast, of /✓GeYilno+w67,� )ana/ On this /P" day of / ! ll gAi 4 ' 'I9 6 C, personally cam before me, a Notary Public in and for said coast, end into, the within named Prank A. Biter, _ and Margaret Bitar, his wifo, to me personally kmwn to be :the identical persdm .deeoM.bed in, and who executed the within inatriment, and who eech personally eeknowl- , edged to: ma that they executed the same froely and voluntarily for the mea and pumpodea +Aereln meed. Witness W hand and official coal the day and year last above written. KU R 4lEAfip 3'" .. enter, public For Otagor/,,, fie Co®Sesion espiroe, n e Kul) 8194 MATER LIRA USEHM The undersigned, Wlldiafi lidmtrisl Develepmmrt Cmpany -_hereinatter celled the "Grantor_", for and in cmaid,ratice Of the payment Of )..:'. Pair Thousand Tec Hundred Fifty and no/1CODollara the ,..�. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant. t0 the City Of En c. , e Municipal Corporatim, for the uae and benefit of the Engare Water & Electric Beard, the Grantees herei:after called the aCity'', e'perpetuel easement and right-of-way across that certeir. tract Of Lad located in Plat of Glenwood park Section _-, Township Range , Willamette _ Meridian" County of lane. State :# 0ragmn described Li inatraoent signed P 22170 and '. `.. ,y and recorded as Tnstrwent. No. "54bXa _ ggu-__ __, W Reel 225 04 of� Lune Ccenty 3 Oregon Deed Records. F The route Lo bt Calve,-. b s: d -rine Or linen scres4 said lm.da is to be ?' continuous with and a pari of the 3encral routa aaroee adlaeent lands. Tho right -of -pay ebcva r.fermd to and Sn,nded in this ea.emmt shall -coneiOt Of -a- strip 'Of 1" - iG feet is w,-dth- being 15 feet On Lha � left side, and 15 feet 00 the _ at right side of rs Us center line routes and is core specifically deecribed m follwe: That "part a thevGrentars real preperty included in a strip of land f; . 30 feet in width being. that part of that tract Ofland' described by o- those deeds mcilNed On Real 225: lnetrunrat #22170and Real 238, Inetrment #M54 Of lave Camty Oregem Deed R.eOrda, vbieh lies within 15 feet On each aide of a centerline and iiieh in bounded by eztenaions cf MsPectiva bomdery.liea...to._their intersection, east centerline Ming . described ae. fcllwe: Ctmetneing mt, the "'dioweter p1,e driven in the Mund.whlch marks the Bortheaet cornet Of lot, 1, Rleek 7, of the. Plat of Glenwood Par& ss mcaWd-d on Psga 82 Of Bank 25 of Lane county :Oregon Plat Rehorda; ; ... thence Sarth X30.1 fang aWl-•Sse6 10.1 feet; tbence North 89' 34' Seat 581.7 test alwg a lfne`Parelle2 with the tagterilae a s.c street '+ (nw knem as 29rditrest) as Sham us said Plat, `thence North 3'6" 081 Hili 4 feat ia, ere centerline ateticdj L 14f31.9N loeeted , a9 f iT tun it0r11lx M,%' 9f to SortbOm Pacific Anilread, being ' tba mm PGIBT Av Eml'tollog :the5tge;Ikaih W1081,*" 45.15 feet to FatindEYaekfia'Ei;MS. a3iiiYYe..tII� tt.rna.w cmtiA SS4 ey.Y a4 fern Ae m.a >«. ..Water Line IIutaeat Page 2. . ��.. 61.94 Said meement and right-.f-vay shall be for the following. purposes; The perpetual right to anter ce, construct, recon.truct, lay,maintein, rep]ece, .perms and patrol a line or Mae. a pips .Sib all necessary thereto, for the cavxeymee of eater and far all pus m connected therewith of the City, it. successor. and avers, over, under, alone, across, and upon the lord described herein. y It is agreed and understood that said pipe line or lines shall to so dnld ,.' that. the. topthereof shell be buried at least tni ly, adr(36)_inchm bales the existing natural surfed. of the a.. .... .:.. grand crossed, apt ht h p rots t ehere eavthee i sleighs, not 1necultivation, are tions at which pointe the tvp of itis pipe. line .relines say ha at such elevntione ea the City of decide, provided it .hall not interfere with . Oxn i b th of the donee Gr the Gxmtor .e and the - drelsage Of sdlacent lands timed by the undersigned Grants$. It is further agreed end nnderetood that the City shall haan the right to build at the surface of the grand such antrmeen to the pipe line. a. may be required, presided that rmch a sill not be larger than 30 Teat eCyare and sill act extend above the grand ;soul• Additional agreements attached as Exhibit R It is further agreed and understood that after cenetractlon or any, subsequent reconstruction ar repairs, the see. enticed over shell be restored by the City to a condition a tillage campsrable to that existing before work vas begin. .. It Se further agreed andunderstand. that .o perasnent.ba11d1age..metrsui1ar a .: are to be placed m:the land covered by this easement by the Grantors cr ,.. ` tbedr ssoce..ce. in interest. It is further agreed and understood that where use .¢¢ary to remove or alter fence., or other,Troperty, the City x111 maintain suitable tee@orary fracas end Estee, and Was emapletira a construction nark will eithar replace Bald fencer 'end Other property as it res before construction work wee begin or .oke satisfactory settlement:witls the Grantor. - It 1. further agreed and understood that the consideration herein maned Shall be payment In full for an damages eussmined by the Grantors. for sae of keds or incoavmienra, duri., the time of construction; proeddedr, hovevsr. that should W gro.ing crops be destroyed, the mean shall be paid Tor So addltim to -the above rem and it the current value or said crops. It is further agreed: sad understood that should grosiag crops or other property be damaged "by thse City, nr Stir ageataa after conetructim host has bean cditleteda as in the mainteance, repair or replacemet bf said pipe: line ;=r nnm, ihm said Creator :.' shall be Aid the mount: a each damaga-:pro.ptly !' ar is`an3 vh0 they a`crtr. Nater Line Emamd, Fev 5194 SWE OF C� couny w On thi. da, P ooaally appeared before me to ee kn to be the lndividuml.l, de.cribed in ead vbo .. cu the within and foregoing lnut�, and acknowledged that 7XP� igued the, some, as �XAy�y free and wl=tsry act and deed, for the .a and purpose. therein mentioned. Given ender my hand and affiaial seal thia day of O�h o-n� —T ota43�1. �.f� the stats R]7�--.- E ..id ing at C-4 'My UMOthsim Exom3 May 4, 1969 ,SrArn'OP CN OF . 14 dal of- belwe --------------- ..... . ... ....... duly mems &dsay Mal hs, ths M Me ....... --al tee w1tNn aeaend Cw aew, eed Md the oa, eod dw Wrld ftuouvi egr in behdf dared Carwmby ealmdtl ot iM Bomd ------ Ifim and dm of u CwCwaH. rm rmrlmo" wllrOF, z Asn hrmmro ed vp fwd ad dlho hien d,, and y. last abase am'fYa 8194 EXHIBIT A It is further agreed: _. _ ... 1. -The parties have agreed to the exact location of the pipe line As shown on a Plan and Profile survey designated No.D-5465- dated January 11, 1967 which is incorporated herein by reference. The City agrees to construct the pipeline and other, facilities on a Line designated in red on such survey and shall not ron- stcuct facilities ..-Other areas of the easement without express - - - consent of the undersigned or its successors and assigns. 2. The undersigned shall have the right to, construct other public utilities and improvements including streets upon the above describedright of way and may grant easements or rights of ways to other grantee& for such purposes or may dedicate said right of way to the public for public utility and street purposes and the City expressly consents to any such dublic dedication. Provided, however, that any such publicimprovements or . utilities_...._ _.._ shall be constructedsoas to prevent damage to or interference d with the facilities to be constructed by the City hereunder. 3. The undersigned makes no representation, warranty or covenant of title or ownership as to the above described prop- erty, it being understood that the City relies upon its own examination and .opinion regarding ownership and title. —7V(.7V 'i88Q43 Pile 37430 ORIGINAL WARRANTY DEED ON ALL HEW BT THgSg PUMMS, That T. C. Wildleh Co., s co -partnership coapcead of Thos. C. WSldtah Trust and L, A. Wildleb, Grentcr, for the consideration of the a® of One Thousand Two HncCrnd Fifty and Wo/100 Dollars ($1,250.00) to it paid, ban bargained and cold and by those present. doe. bargain, call and convoy to State of Dragon, by and threagh its State Highway Ce®iaaion, the follmdag descrltad preeiaee, to wit: A pareel of land lying in the HSS of Section 3; Townchip 19 South, Aeago 3 West, W.N., lune County, Oregon, and being . portion of that property dc.igaetsd as Parcel 2, doacribed in that Boundary Agee®eM. O Iver Or.a110 and Dag:q Smell., recorded on Reel 242D, lastree-at Ho, 54567 of len- County Raccoon of Dood., the said parcel being that portion of said property included in ..trip of land 50 feet in width, lying on the Weetarly side of the center Line of the HCVav Hdghxav as said highway hes been relocated, which center lino is described as follows: Beginning at E ginaarle center line Station 'Le l0h* , said station baixg 3620 feet Borth and lt3 feet Boot of the Southeast corner of said Section 3; thence South 3° 021 39" East, 973.73 feet to Enginown center Lina Station "L" 113+73.73. The Westerly Line of said strip of land eroa.as the Worth and South linea of said property appro-lmately opposite Engineer's center line Station "Le 105445 and s1" 105+65, reapectively, Dearicgs are based upon the Oregon Co-ordinate Syst®, South Zane. The percol of lard to atich Ole description applies contains 0.04 acre outside of the moiltia, right of way, Sub�eat to eaaaxenta of record. As a part of the consideration hereinabove stated, there in also bargained, sold, RYoyod and relinQdahed to On Grantee all eci.til, future or potential common law or etetutery abutter'seasements of ecocen between the parcel harem dascrlbed and all of the Grantor's remaining real proparty; E Mn, however, Raserving, for service of the said remaining property, right of access from Graetor�s rema`Li g property to the highway right of way at the follaxing place and for the fallawLg width: Hwy. ETgrle St.. Side of Hxy. Width purpose 105*70 Waeterly 35 fact Unrestricted TO HAVE AgT TO HOW the said pramiass with their appurtenancaa, in fee el�yle, unto the said State of Oregon, by and thron h its State Highugv Coseol.olon, its aueeeaeera and assigns forever. Aad the said Greater does hereby eovenacnt to and with the said State of Orogen, by and throvyp its State Highway Co®leeion, its successors a.M coolies, that it is the omer in fee aimplo of all of the haraln d..eribel promote.., that they azo free from all enem- broncas, accept .a hereinabove stated, and that it will warrant and defend the property heroin conveyed from all l.xful clstae xhaOoever, scoops se herein at forth. it is expressly intended that the covensnts, burdens, restrictions and reservations contained herein ahall run xi the land and sholl forever bind the Grantor, its aucceesore j and assigns, ' IN tlITTVE55 1hIP.ASGF', the said T. C. N'11d1ah Co., ¢ co -partnership, has caused this fags :-WD Flla 47430 dnstr mt to be Saa`rntad by Verne E, W1111eh, Richard E, Wilaah yid J=.S A. Wildlah, Ca—TNStees v4 MOS. C, Wildlsh Trvat and L. A, WS1diah, thio _day of 1967, T. C. W Dlm CO., composed of the THOS, C, WHISH MST eM L. A. '.iI1D STATE OF ONE���C---OyON--- ) County v4 �,•— ;ee D4 th1. 33•l��'tW tlay�o4 , VeXL4, 1967, par ev..yty esmo belore ae, s Notary Fubldv 10 and Por veld County y State, the v thin mored L. A, Wildieh, as a partner, eM Verna E, Wildiah, UahaM E, WIIdieh yW deme. A. Wlldlah, a. Co-Trv.teas Of MOS. C. Wimiah Trost, all personally Imorm to ma end xho aclmaaladgad that M.S. C, WS ab Trost y L. A. Wildlab are the partner. of T, C, Wl]dleh Co„ . eo-pertnerahip, aM that they esevutvd the vlthln lnetn Sat freely end wluntvrl2v with aata.r ty of .Sid Part .e SMP end far tk. vasa end purpaeas theretn named. Whores hmM and offlclal Seal the dayn/ody' S,, laat aWav x tten. Notary Pubic r.r Qy cm®Seaivn op,4eo My Commission Expires May 4, 1969 tk/.de, n3, C',ilp3c . W -V "z �9 �3 ®+l�3 )� Gwz99 & . 14�1 d , . . ,. t or ° x . � ? )� Gwz99 & . ORIGINAL 18823711. 37451 Yd29dWr! No RaOR dlL 1091 6y 1'96.96 PMZVTs. That Ylldtah Industrial Oevelopumt Cerporntlw, an 0regen coryoeation. Grantor, for and in consideration of the am of One TMonaed Sher Resulted Tueaty and W200 Dollars (61,320.00) to It paid, receipt Wbormf hereby is ack..1vdgud, has bargained and sold and by the. prnaeeto does bargain. all and coney win state of Dragon, by end through 14 State it SWRY Comieeion. Grantee, the felfoving described pteal.a, to Witt M • parcel of land lying in the sCr9Ek of Rection 3 and In the SWOMWk of Section 2, TM.Aip 16 Booth. gross 3 vast, Y.W.a 1.@nm County. season, and being a portion of that property described in that wrtnie dead to S. C. Yfldlnh, beer- ing Inatcuaent No. 47934, recerdW Warcb 17. 1964. of Line Ca®ty Sa.rd of Deed.: the said parcel being that portion of "M property included In a strip of land 100 feet in width. Ss fast an each side of the carter line of the Wc9ay Sighvey am said bishvy has been .locatedw shitb canter line is described as follaes: Ng1m1ng at 6ngivaec's center 11. Station V' 104+00v said station bring 3020 feet Werth and 113 feet seat of the southeast turner of said Section 31 thrums south 3s 02' 39" rest. 973.73 fast to Station "1" 113)73.73. s.rlags sea ban" open the Oregou Csbrdicatm System, Beath Zone. The portal of land to vhich thL d."pit= applies tonta3oe 0.22 mcrn, nor@ or lead. outeib of the entering right of any. subject to aeaeerut, of recotd. L a part of the eooeideratiw Mrntnabeu@ stat" chore 1s al. bargained. sold, conveyed and relinquished to the Greta- Al ea3ating future or potential memo la or statutory Abutter 'a auwnta o£ news batwao all of the 4t.mr'a rummining real paapeety :and sexes. l Mrninabave dascsibWt EXCCP2, boureer. Resuming. for .suite of the said veeainins property. right of arm. fore Grantor's MA-1-tproperty to the U,b.y eight of way, at the follening Plum and for the 611uAa9':ridths Wry. Ease's sta. Width side of gay. pursue. 110+70 r 3S fast Westerly Unrestricted M RAPE M 10: ge10 the above-de.ccOnd preal--0 With their appurtenances. to fon dimple unto the maid Stato of 0roWn, by and: through iia Brats Wig6Wy C wslm, Its successors and easigns 'forever. do • funbm pure of the consideration herninabois -rated, chess Ss alae Mushy granted onto the state of 0ces®. by and through Its state H19buy Ciusaimulm. a Pet•- yatusl sight and saeeeest to construct, msiateias repair: and bass fres seta.. w all sloped of cuts or fill,. occasional by or resulting ftee the eanatsvctim, Operation or adntasaane of a public street or highvy and apputcuJ,. :., upon the fallonttag described promisee, to Witt FAMMI, 1 aaa2s r.g. z - w nl. 37452 that certeio dead to T. C. Wildish, bearing Im.tnser Wo. 47054, tecordsd lYrth 17, 1966, of tees Count, g rd of 0eedat the rid p..I batng that anim of sold property lying. tietsar lima which ars parallel to and 50 feet Westerly and 60 feet Westerly of the see at live of the relocated N Ven, Nighvy which cewtnr It. ie described to Psatel 1. The "reel of lead to which this descrlptim appllaa resists 0.05 acre. Nothing a ntaimsd fn the eaanent Miele granted shall be construed to every fee title m the Led used for slope purpose, our prevent Greater free the full use and dominion thanaeer, provided, hosatar, that sucb•vae shall out be parsitted to dwanp or destroy lateral aap"rt to the higbay, sod provided ferthar that anthing berein metaindd sell pent to the State of oragm, by and through. its State lighwy Ooe- adpLeey the right m smratate banasth ewisting bulldivp or deposit fill seterials gdnsr erimtiag bvtldlap ago" the top of the f000datims tbaref, but it is ande, '. stood and agreed that tha Stats of OraSma shall newer ha required to remove the dirt or other materials planed by it open said property, our Pull the State of 0tegon be svbleet W any daeeps to the Gtsstat, its emceesara sed aaatpe. y reason thereof, or by rdrm of the .la"s constructed thersm, or y'teson of ebm, of grade of the .treat or highs" .hotting on said pro"rcy. 1'0 UW 00 TO, MID the said right, liceeM and assessor he"Lmsboae cot forth unto the a.id State of Oregone y and through its Stare Highway c .ian, its wets...[. and assips foram. 6od the said Oreotar does hereby anv.ssnt to and with the said Stat. of traps, by ed threm{h its State Ughay ce�seir. Its successor. and assigns, that it is the orner !m fee at"" of all of the harele-Sawrlbed profe.a, that they are free fms all eacsabseneu except as b missbove at forth and that it will warrant and defend the propery humafm eoe,.yM and the assssent and tights gt.red form ell Lwful r shac- moew.r, crept r set out barrio. It is epmely intended that the coveueb, burdens, restrictions and rese[vaciana .raised ber.l..bell ren with the lead and shall farcy bind the Creator, its surc.... I - and esmigam. IN WITNESS WgE Fv Wildieb Indr[wiel Us"Lprut Corporation, an O"gov wr"rstlm, Las caused ire roar an be barmta subscribed by its duly authorised offirs" this da, of e -A row , 1967. KWIS4 21m0s"m DE9ELOrmzwr c0Sfounw, an GtepvyWe(ry'oT/aC1Jp By al y .✓' r .area Or oI1EWN. County of Dap '3f 1967 pp .��.,._.___....a;...`e. 11 t.�aQJd and' t?L;..":: W, ORIGINAL f- m e .IBH24 Pile 37299 WAPRANTY DEED KNOW ALL !611 BY THESE THIS MS, That T. C. Wildieh Co., .a co-par[nerahlp composed of no.. C. LY1dl.h Trus[ and L. A. Wildieh, hecsinafeee called "Grantor', for the consider. - ties of the sum of hro Thousard One Hundred and NO1100 Dollars (52,100.00) ca Cfen[or paid, hes bar,Ei.Ed and sold and by chase presents does Sergaln, sell and co vey unto the SIATE OF OREGON, by and through its State Highway CoXEcisaion, hereinafter called "Grantee", [M1e following described premises, to is, A parcel of land lying in the Nek of Section 3, Township 15 South, R ... E 3 Nest, W.H., ]ane County, Oregon, End being a Portion of [hat property designated as Parcel 1 described in that Boundary Agreement m Iver Gras Is and Dagny Craa 11 e, recorded o Reel 242-p, 3necrvmen[ No. 54567 .- Lane County Records of Deed.; the said parcel being chat Portion of said property Included In o strip of land 50 fees in width, lying on the Westerly aide of the center line of the YCVay Highway an said highway has been relocated, which ---tax It.. Ss described a. follows: HElinai , at Englneer'e center line Stades. "L" 104.00, said station tests, 3520 feet North and 113 fact East of the Southeast sorner of said Section 3; thence South 3" 02' 39" East, 973.33 feet to Engineer's cen[erline Station "L" 113+73.73. The Westerly rine of Bald strip of land scoacra the North and South linea of said property approximately opposite Engineer's cen[erline Station "L" 104.40 end "L" 105445, ceepeccivsly, Oasringo are based upon the Oregon Co-ordins[o System, South Zane. the parcel of land to which this description applies contains 0.10 ac or less, outside of the existing right of way. , re Subject to Caseven[a of record. Au . part of the [onsidcration her-inubovo stated, [here is also bargained, .old, cccveyed and relinquished to Grantee oil existing, future or potential common law o atatutory abutter's easements of access between -11 of Grantor's remaining real property and the parcel hereinabove descrilod,EXCEPT, however, Reserving, for service of the -aid remaining property rights of access from Crestor's remaining property to the highway right of way, at each of the following places and for the follwle, width: Rey. Ertel. Sta. Width Side of Roy. PurP mac 104160 35 fee[ Westerly Unrestricted TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said "Esslte. with [heir a,,ectoopn CC., as. 0 ... tes, its sac ... -or- and Esaigns forever. And the said Glare— doe- bereby covenant to and W1 [h the said State of Oregon, by and the ... h its Store Nighwoy Coeaiea tun, its suoccesors cold aasi,e,, that it is he owner is fee simple of all If the herein -described premlaest that they are free from all encumbrances Except as hereinabove stated end [he[ it will warren[ and defend he property herein conveyed from all lawful claims whatsoever, except as herein set fetch. It is expressly intended that the covenants, burdens, restrictions and reaerv.tleoo cootai.sd herein ohall ran with the lead and shall Forever bind Crentnr, its succenaore ma esu igen. Pfle^2-Np iffi9,.2.1 File 32299 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bald T. C, Wildioh Co., a to -partnership, has caused this faatrumeot to be executed by Verna e. W1,djab, Richard E. Nlldleh and Janes A. Wildioh, Co-Ttuatoe. of Thos, C. Wildioh Trust end L. A. Wildlah, this 3 ) Cc,1- day of , 1962. T. C, Wlldlsh Co., tompoaed of the Thos. C. Wildl9h Trust sad L. A. WS1d1.h Verna e. Wildl eh, Co -Tine tee of iho e. L�-1Sildi�h Trust d Wllddah, Ce -Trop. tee of- Thos�j. C, Nlldleh Trus[ an By/hu.. A. Wildioh, Oo-Trua Co f hoe. Cerj(Wpa aien Tin c By L. A, Wildl.h, n partner -- STATE or onlcm County of (7.'a.f 'ns Cn thin 3 deg of G , 1962,ems pe[eooally c before me, a Wetary Public Sn and for said County and State, the within nomad L. A. Wildioh• as an individual, end Verna E, Wildioh, Richard E. Wlldl.h and James A. Wildioh, as Co-Truttees of Thou. C. Wildish Trunq oil personally known to ma sad who acknowledged that Tho.. 0. Wlldish Trust and L. A. Wildlsh are the partners of T. C. Wildioh Co., a Co-partnerehlp, and that they executed the within instrument freely and voluntarily with authority of said partnership and for the uses and purpoaas therein named. - Witness my hood and offieinl .eel the day and year last bore Written. Notary Pub 11i far Orcgon '1 WY Carries ion expl l'i' yy,�, Commission &pires May 4, 1969 i e ba�m _ b. . J� � VV1xf"1c`C2V P G RM I'T:. •AN D::EA:S.EMtNT . KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS,: that- .::.- phy.l the Grantor=:herein: does h-et;b . coveriaiit.-.tha- z. --is th:e ;oi�rier d the: f ? described real ro � ert. � ainorii'ng.r - F F Y xri: Lane -Count :' .Oregon-:to=wit: . V. The South S. feet of the falloiain descrsb'eci:: < '• •; ' " g parcel of Iaiid:: Commencing at the Northeast earner .of Section' 3 ,:_Totiiishi- " Willamette Meridian and run South.: 180.8::55--fe _; ;: I? -8. South, .Range..3.,�iTe;'st' pi et, an,d West: 4:8"7:.feet::to;. a;:porit i:: ie : center of Old U.S. Hig.hHay.99 South; tierce:`foT: 6WIMg::-'saki:cen_C.er=:South S. `4 87.'12 feet to the true point o£ beginning oi: said'.parcel-.thence con.-iiuing along center 'of highway South S°. 4.1' 45" East:,:I.76.: 8b;feet:; tti'en'ce.,.leaving said ceii`ter. highway South $9° 13' 15" iYest 410.4$: feet; thence ft th .4.° 40! `50" West. '2'13:,4.0 �feetr;: thence North 890 10' S5" East 262.24 -feet; thence; Sbuth 4° thence North 890 1o' 55" East 145,96 .feto-tie,TGounty, Oregon. A3e xnn iig, afl Vin..: Lade ' :;_;:;;:'• Excepting ....... :" ::...,. p. g t here from all that part of said :parcel:,zs .conveyed to.:!':the. State' of ;Oregon; ;;".;'ti;.'• by and -through its State Highway -Commis'si'on." ;;. :..870940p.F-03'f30/83 :fiECF- 'e:--inteed.xpute and:.:approximate locatign: of."th:e=here naf`' 74 ` ::•, :: r equipment' `i's:'sh'oiln- on- the ;:at.tached'::Sketch B -'1232Q. ,marked EXh bf t siid'made a:..part= heseo`f: It 2: `understood :arYd. a reed ttia-t' actnai construction. and"'.nsinstar:Iataon` of':pquipment .nizy:'differ-;from:..the iiia'ended'route and agpxoximat'e Iocat: purpose;of furnishing ei'ectrc' service b. the G=ante'e Y herein to the.. Ao�e' premises;: the undersigned- as, G dntoi*:da'es, her:eb" -rant un' `o: . t . the :. EUGENE;:::LANE; ,GOUN't'Y,:. OREGON, thee.use and ::.berC f' . of the':. 1lGENE- NATER i' BOARD; :: as Gran. -et; -a''perpetuil pe=iii t ari eas`enient foz� an .overh'e`ad: electric. btitaoa Pirie, and-necs s's.ary. appuxtenan'ces�'thereto, over, .across, And Upon • of ;1; described. 'real .propertyalong. the soots and :l'c:cat3 on as . a'ctu1 :1 .const'ruched': instal -lea: .'1 he: Grantor herein a' k i d' c now• e. res that any.Wrl equipment or ment..ther:eof; iistai ed in: or: upon sa-3 •prem s:es by sai.... rantee stiail _ xema s'til'e .property,,:of said Grant:ee:v ai4'd.may: &6 removed.: from, y sad property at an at=tti.e' di:s:cretion':ofrthe<Eugene`$Vatai :$ `>rleatri;c Beard, Y..`' . , T ether: -w th-. an ..= . , 8. .joint' user ,with whom: Grantee may contract., and use th"e:,:.rig}it ::ii"f'::, z:ngxes:s.;:and:=.egxess; over: said property fox•- .th'6. pu?•}io...se.. of...conttructing:, maintaining;:,"';'. and:.removiiig such lines• and..appur:tenarie.es 'anti exercising o:.6 rights hereby,.:: grairt`.ed, 3'he:;Graritee:"is: <grApted' all nlecessar-y,r .0 cg aiicl' ri-ghts.to• perform: cleaning`' ,and'; t-rimfiin 8, o txees,_-:shrubs,, pi'n'es .'or' .oL ::er=:ve 'etita,;on the. -diantee deems gs�ii �? . g to.•maint.ain:proper:clearance. aril'. acces's3#iilitj!, for the'.ma nteri8nce- and: o�L%r- tion:"':'.:'''.: ;of oyexh`eac2 electxic`iiis:txit�utfon•,s �;st"em' os :as ma be rye wired 6 ' s.tarrdaxd,u.t l .tiy :s;aPety.:grac 'ces:. �.The',deca.sxon to: tr•i'm'. ox. cT'6at,.sha.11 Ve the" a cclus Ye•'raYgikt 'of the;`Grantee::. pt ;'nq: 'time. sfiall': an build, erected°"or:-p J'"aced::-ori sc .right-:o£=way:,, StIBJECT".t0 !.t6-.limitat ont. s:axd::zights.of=nay'°`mayt.be:.uved• bk-.-fhe:;;Grantcrs ". _ :£cr road;::gark:irig;.os, .any puTpos'e`:nat:,'incoiis'i'sx'e..nt wi-th..sai'd easement; All .,.such i iglits her.euri"der shat].. cea's'e .if 'and: -when -=such;: fine shml'l have' been abandoned::: Othe;;than;ihe.,agreements herein can.: &.,nod.!}ere:is' No:=C-onsiderat"iosi` far. this."coizveyance..: •' ... . . OH.El.ectiri�c°;.Only 44.th=�;Ekhifi't Permit 8``'E$seme.nt; rage, 1 (12/78) 3' g;3 s'TO HA1/E:'AND TO'.:HOGD'..tli'e..saine unto the Grant'ee., 3_t's succe's;sors. and as'signs.,forever; `.' anil-the = ghts, Gond f- `ohs and provisions .of this- easement• shall inure to -the' ,j .benefit: ,Of and`'b'e'b riding upon the, -heirs; .execut'ors a'&ini.s-traicrs succes,S:or's. ! :and:.ass�gns 'ti'f the= -respective Parties 'hereto NIIT�[ESS":�ti[BREOF; t ;,..: ii'e••undarsig' 'ed has execute:d''::A—ii' .i :struirient `this: ' :23 .fit :d$ ITAR g,. . .. v .. moi• - .. Wit.. }% 11p. M.. t9l.lit s' Hnviard MT iveison �(Buyer) r< • - �ery�+�: uyer::•.:: Al ,.i C11txl6S�=> df' :- rrA CH. J,:I9..R3::,; be£oxer: me : persoieahly aPFe�,�sd" a y�'�'itin named . ' , " :Qi:g.:..;.. ....._, _ �:�•� fir:;+_.;; t7' known..to: .ft tb .betlie."i entica2 individual b d d cxa a in an w e ed wsthii� instr�aaent freely and vol�untarli es' iio xeetit� t - 'e'. ': ' .. :: •.:.:.::,iii H 'Ta./ °i .. .: t3t:axy b Etl el -'c . €or reg Expires My. Jz6imfts-ion roR�s -yo .::a."•— Aear0:wvii aoais.-::.:;' ; :. '• ;R STAT_=E:'bR`QREGON .. E,; ��'�'� :•��;°'--.::;�;�•; LN1-N[if_LA1Nr►0�a�C: "'�Ok7LiaNP`Cw�•.-,:,:; y.., .Li OLEt 6L ...... ........... ............ •T.:'ei'. _ _ .i. _:,s4.,�w 4p• BSE47T..,REMEMBERfi27;. That on this, .... 23:.ztl......_ ..da 01_'- ............ iv,.th'e.&zA tersigned;_c.N.6fary Public.in.and=foa:said7:Cquni sn&Staie ersoseall a de. 3' s P, y ,ppeared.tha,;fvith'irfs; ci N on a Evgl. L <; ;ritrr%c[,.....::#i21Y?� M:.::: ,�?... yn•T• Nelson, 3iiisband and: wife: (Su' er5 u }: r' :.•..':. �. .,.... . ....._.._-«... ............ ...............«_..........._._ ' ..... a' •• ...:. ..�''�. «.1 �` Vii: h: M� :.�• .,1.. _... ,.T .. .... .................. . ....... . .... ........ .. ......._.............. .. •.'•� • !: •`i�J:, i•: -l; '•:- • know -:tfi nte`tat�eaiiieghcal individual'. «de'sraih •..o:. ,.,,•y:,..- etl;,in and:ivho: executed the .within: insiririi�eii.E"arid:.:,:;: $ ,�kcknotlt Qed to 'rij the thf+y...... :executed_ tJta sa { p me; -freely anti`+volunldrily: ..(....�. 1N Irks IMb1VI"WHER J °t ,•i' „rte. FOF;-I.:hev.'e iieieunfo set''•m haad;:undsa �.•.�.,,s::-, of afficial seal lhe:.da :and• ear laat abb*i-wriffin V,f ?; t •t ' Notarj%'Priblc.lor. Oregon.:: • -�" :'; ?i --JVY- •Comirriissian oxpiras...... 0 ,(.18L../19a5: 4 ; ' ;OH'£i:eatTic Only With Exhi'bi't -Pani, Ar_ Easement, -.Age: -Z. IN m N W �. � ri �i♦ _ •' " - :.pus' m N W _ •' " - :.pus' tj zz .0 'm bj 621 m N W f� may:: Yuc r !.R 0 ytifer. reinl�ixg rc{urNie:: m x. 20 Pe Boa o, lq Nv6 b y��,s�a3�: Ee�wn�eR4v4u1 f WIl.DISH INDUSTRIAL PARK �.,... COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS WildhshIndustrial Development Corporation, an Oregon Corporation, being the record owner and party in interest of all the real property described in Exhibit A,: attached hereto and outdo a part haieof by reference, located in'Lona County, Oregon, does hereby make the following Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Regulations covering the real property described in Exhibit A; f ncreafteethe "property"), specifying that this not archon .shall tonstiNte coverenta to ma with all of the Ind and al>all be binding upon all person claiming under it and that these Covenants; Conditions and Restrictions shill be for the benefit of, and limitadont upon, all human owners of said Property and every tat therein. e_FU. 29'961IO2aEC L a_a�cg.291964D2PFDND 2D:DD 10.00 No lot or improvement in the Property shall be used for salvage or recycling operations, other then what may be incidental to the primary of the lot. Il. Vegetation shell not be allowed to grow on any IN that Interferes with orbecomeshazardous to tic use of any other ]at in the Property. Any buildings constructed . in the Property must be of an exterior construction as follows; ` 1 1. Concrete tilt -up walls,' 2. Prepainted metal with concrete or masonry wainscot extending from grade level at least 48 inches above the annual grade level. 3. Masonry black walla of other construction architecturally equivalent with regard to durability and attractiveness:. 1V. Waste and refuse containers shall be screened from view from roadways and adjacent lots In the Property. V. All exterior fencing must be of chain link or other permanent and attractive commercial - grade consWetion. No wood fencing is permitted. 2613731. .. . WILDISH.INDUSTRIAL PARK COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Page 2 of 2 VL These Covent, Conditions and Resuicdons may be amended or termiwted in their endrzty by action of We fee owners of 16 lots on the Property. In the event the current existing Iota } are firth. subdivided or othetmise modified, amendment or terndnmon shn11 be by action of the fee owners of more than one-half the man maternity constituting the Propeny. Dated this. 29thday of Pebruery , 1996.sr� i r WE -DISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. +r�yv�y BY: „ s 1� r}` n' me A. Wildish, Pmadent } - r F i STATE OF OREGON County of lane On the aft� day of.�aL+aos�,,_, 19YL, personally eppemed the above named Ys4 N who being first duly say that he was the W h p sb 3 Pc Iden[ of� d mdel Development Corporation, w Dragon amputation, and that Id wagon a '1. mid lastamanat tvm signed in behalf of said conpomdon; and he acknowledged said hunmmnenl to be Its voluntary act and deed. Eefine me: �XVOtago. � lk l varx° anss r Notary ➢c for Oregon IAUlnep.�IC.eanapy ' C4ta+aNOYiN.eNbm My Commlmfon Expires: 3-a-99 mbMP�q]�ENN6WRNtlaa k {carr ,9 v APYee rr�,rd,.-y Aaiun tY ortyv.a.\ <opr s `h � C w—'ta". r Pe Rax inzB �F¢5 E..�exrrNa an Vol �r `s r 3 � r r f }t 9613731 EXHIBIT A TO WR.DISH INDUSTRIAL PARK COVENANTS, CONDITIONS.AND RESTRICTIONS Beginning at northeast comer of Lot 11, Block I of WE•DISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS as planed and recorded in Book 56, Page I I Lane County Oregon Records, Lane County, Oregon; said point also being on the south rnergin of County Road No. 433, 30 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said County Road; thence leaving Mid margin along the east line of said plat South 00"07'05" West 551.90 feet, South 89028'55" East 16.50 feet, South 000 07'05" West 535.52 feet; South 6005250" Bast 311.15 feet, South 290 07' 10• West 63.48 fact, South 600 52' S0" Bast 312 feet, North 290 07.10" East 63.48 feet, South 600 52'50" Fast 150.00 fat, and South Be 51' 25" East 338.57 feet' to a point on the west line of State Highway No. 225 (McVay Highway), Mild point being 50 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said Highway; thence along said west We South 040 5I' W" East 886.14 feet to a point lust Is Engineers station "L" 113+73.73; thence continuing along said west line South 200 32' 1 t". West 202.47. fay South 030 04 54" East 45.98 fact, South 360 32' Ol" West 64.11 feet, and South 050 48'56" East 95.15 fat to a point on the north line of A.S.A. No. 32419; thence continuing along said west" line along the east line of said survey South 050 48'56" Fast 337.08 feet, South Olo 2049' Fast 89.55 fat, South 030. 06'24". W48 131.89 feet. and South Ole 03'216' East 65.19: her to the southmst comer of said survey: thence laving mid west right of way line along the south line of said survey. South 950 14'55" West 19.19 feet to the southwest comer of said survey, S613731 measured at right angles to the eentutline of said Southem Pacific Retuned, thence along said east line, North 260 01' 21" West 1248 feet, more or less, and along the um of a input curve left (the chord of which been North 290 23' 15" West 152.89 feet) to a point on the west lino of said Wildish industrial Teets; thence along said line along the ere of a 848.64 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears Notal 400 36' OD" West 226.49 feet) 227.17 feet, along the uric of a raper curve left (the chord of which bears North 510 48'4F West 152.89 feet, and North 530 53' 35" West 234.33 fact to a point on the west line of said plat; thence leaving said west line and continuing along the mat One of said Southem Pacific Railroad North 530 53. 35" West 730.62 fen to the can line of Lot 34 of Glenwood Park as planed and recorded on Page 481 Book "T" Lane County Oregon Plat Records, lane County, Oregon; thence northerly along said east line to a point on the mat right of way line of the "D" line of the Oregon & California Railroad as established In 1903, 75 feet from;. when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said railroad; thence leaving the east line of said Lot 34 northwesterly along a line 75 feet parallel from the centerline of said "D" line to a point known as Enginaces station "Y" 12+46.5, said point being 75 feet emearly frcm, when measured at right angles to, the centerline known as 'V line of said Oregon & California Railroad; thence northwesterly along said area line to a point on the south line of County Road No, 433, said point being 30 feel from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of mid County Road; thea along said moth line mart 273.50 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 34 of said Glenwood Park; thence continuing along the south line: of said County: Road North 640 41' 10" Past 675,89 feet to the point of beginning, all in lane County, Oregon ®RIGI NA COOT File 37300 88-31-19 INDENTURE OF ACCESS 1 THIS INDENTURE, made and executed this d 74 day of—l7i0Ze.Fn'1! f��� � , 20 (r by and between the STATE OF OREGON, by and through its DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter called "State", and WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, hereinafter'called "Owner'. WHEREAS, State by deed recorded March 9, 1966, on Reel 283, as Document No. 39389 Lane County Deed Records, acquired from Wildish Industrial Development Corporation, certain property lying in the SE1/4NE1/4 of Section 3 and in the SW V4NW1/4 of Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon, which deed, in part, reserved access rights, for the service of said grantors remaining property, to and from the West side of the relocated McVay Highway, opposite Engineers Station 112+00; and -- - — ---WHEREAS,-Ownsrcun&nues to -own -that portion of said -remaining property-o`fected-brthc aceeos-changes herein made; and WHEREAS, Owner has requested that Owners access rights opposite said Station 112+00 be terminated, and that access rights be substituted, therefor to and from the West side of said highway opposite Engineers Station 112+12; and WHEREAS, State is agreeable to the grenting of Owners request. NOW THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the grant hereinafter made by State, OWNER does transfer and relinquish unto State, its successors and assigns. Owners access rights to and from the West side of the relocated McVay Highway opposite said Station 112+00, reserved in said deed recorded March 9, 1961% Owner represents and warrants that no one, other than Owner, is using or entitled to use the access rights herein relinquished- STATE, in consideration of the relinquishment and warranties herein made. does grant access rights unto Owner and owner's heirs, successors and assigns, to and from the West side of said highway, opposite mid Station 112+12, in a width of 35 feel - 11-15-00 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY SECTION 355 CAPITOL STREET NE, ROOM 420 SALEM, OREGON 97301-3871 Divi.ten of Chief Deputy Clerk 21N467915Lane County Deed. and Records 11111111111111111III III IIIII111III I11111111 $31,00 6613344820000067985802 11/29/2000 04.24,02 PO RPR FSRT — 1 _ 3 CASHIER 00 $10.00 $10.00 $11.00 i "c ODOT File 37300 8B-31-19 The access rights reserved herein are subject to, and may only be exercised in accordance with, the statutes and administrative rules applicable to access control and road approaches. Such access is contingent upon issuance of an approach road permit, and no access rights may be exercised or construction of an approach road begun unless, and until, a standard Approach Road Permit application is submitted and a permit issued by the Oregon Department of Transportation. The approach road may only be constructed or maintained upon issuance of such permit and in accordance with such permit. If the Slate constructs the approach road during a highway project, Grantor is required to sign a standard Approach Road Permit to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the approach road. In construing this document, where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and all grammatical changes shall be made so that this document shall apply equally to corporations and to individuals. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed these presents the day and year first written above. STATE OF OREGON, nd through its DEPARTMENT O F TRANSPORTATION By�eoli daG. oRight Manage, - - - — - ----- YJILDISH-IND'JS-TRIAL DEYELOPMEN -CORPORATION By By Pr sident Ay}gene ry ATE O—FF OREGON, County of Mworr ,. Dated 1 tet; (1---L )& & 20 Personally appeared Deolinda G. Jones, who being sworn, stated that she is the Right of Way Manager for the State of Oregon, Department of Transportation, and that this document was voluntarily signed on behalf of the State of Oregon by authority delegated to her. Before me (� DALE R. SHAFER, NpTARy PUaLJC-0REGON Notary Public for Oregon ��77 COMMISSION NO. 328719 My Commission expires MY COMMISSION EXPIRSS NOV. 1, 2003 STATE OF OREGON, County of Lam Dated 1n 7 .Ar( ' 20 Cb Personally appeared VNrH6p /} l9Jjy}25,43a S+arx�,T (1.�11C116k and _ , who, being sworn, stated that they are the President -and Secretary- of-- Wldish Industrial Development Corporation, and that this instrument was voluntarily signed in behalf of the corporation C;y authority of its Board of Directors. Before me' r ® r 11-15-00 Page 2 — Indenture of Access aev Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires /()J hi INDEX PAGE FOR DOCUMENT RECORDING PLACE RECORDING STAMP/SEAL _ IN SPACE PROVIDED AT -RIGHT.' Atter recording, return document t0: LEE SCHIMPF 102 NE 128th. Avenue PORTLAND, OR. 97230 Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 2001-006963 Lane County Deeds and Records 00148595200II00i06I9613101510051611111111111 $46.00 02/08/200102:10:40 PM RPR-ESMT Cnt=1 Stn=6 CASHIER 05 $25.00 $10.00 $11.00 EASEMENT DOCUMENT REFERENCE NUMBER: I GRANTORNAME(S): JAMES q. WI jdiS4 GRANTEE: US WEST Communications, Inc. 8021 SW Capitol Hill Road Portland, OR 97219 ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Lot, Block, Plat name, Section, Township, Range): S,_� j%S1 R g VU Complete legal description is on EASEMENT document. ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): (State of Washington Requirement) Page 1 of_ pages. RECORDING INFORMATION ABOVE R/W d Or000060_ EASEMENT AGREEMENT The rmdersigned Grantors) for and in consideration of - 9 Dollars ($ —4L ) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant and convey unto US WEST Communications Inc, a Colorado corporation, hereinafter mforred to as "Gramee" Whose address is 700 W Mineral, Littleton Colorado 80120, its successors, assigns, lessers, Licensees and agents a petpetoal easement to construct, reconstruct, modify, change, add to, operate, maintain and remove, telecommunications facilities, electrical facilities and appurtenances from time to time, as Grantee ma equsre upon, win, under aa�d across me tonowmg oesenoaa land situated nt me County of �f¢! State of 0! �r pl of , which the Grantor awns m in which me Grantor has any int—ere o wit: SEE E3aUBIT_ ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Grantor further conveys to Grantee the following incidental rights: The right of ingress and egress over and across the lands of Grantorto and from the above descnbed property and the right in clear and keep cleared all trees and other obstructions as may be necessary for the Grantee's use and enjoyment ofthes easement area Grantee shall indemnify Grontor for al l damage caused to Grantor as a result of Grantee's negligent exercise o£the rights and privileges herein granted. Grantee shall have no responsibility for preexisting environmental contamination or liabilities. Gramour reserves the right to occupy, use and cultivate said casement for all purposes not inconsistent with the rights herein granted. Grantor covenants that he/she/they is/are the fee Simple owner afsaid land or in which the Grantor has any interest and will warrant and defend title to the land against all claims. Gromor hereby covenants dust no excavation, building, structure or obstruction will be constructed, erected, built or permitted on said easement area. The rights, conditions and provisions of this easement shall more to the bensfit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. Page I ✓// miWl :< RECOELNG INFORMATION ABOVE Any claim, controversy or dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled in arbitration in accordance with the applicable rules ofthe American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitration shall be conducted in the county where the property is located. Dated this 26th day James A Wildish Grantor )'6"� t (Individual Acknowledgment) STATE OF OREGON } } SS COUNTYOF Lane j This instrument was acknowledged before me on June 26 20 oo by James A Wildish 19 OF0, G ,EAI (SEAL G , aAc as IWTMY W6LIC1%N" N EOMMIia's X0.3 aW MYCOX1u63pN0NXF3XAB0II.AW Na[ public My 06mmission expires: 2000 Wildish lydustrial Development Corp (official name of company or corporation) By Michael C Wildish ItsAssistant , Attest �/�-1 Asst SecremryofCorporation (Corporate Acknowledgment) STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me on Jane 28 20 an , by Michael C Wildish as Asst5 . r y of - Wildish Industrial Development Corp. 'anOFFICIALSEAL (SEAL) XOBRYPusWLIO OR GOA COMMI3310N NO, 321204 XYCa'aM111651[NO9WFSAWdN I, Y03 Notary blit My rrtissionExpires: 3-/-03 R/W# OR0000601abk 01RD770 Exchange5pringfi eld County Lane '14 Section Section 7 Township $s Rang EXHIBIT "A" Commencing at a 518 inch rebar marking the Northwest corner of that certain property described on Reel 1844, Instrument No. 9326009, said point being South 04°51' East 315.2 feet and South 89'59' East 332 20 feet from the Initial Point of Wildish Industrial Tracts, Book 56, Page 11, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; run thence South 04'40'56" East 3.10 feel to a 5/8 inch rebar, thence South 41 °3649" East 5.11 feet to the True Point of Beginning; mn thence South 53°19'16" East 20.00 feet; thence South 36°40'44" West 20.00 feet; thence North 53*1916" West 20.00 feet; thence North 36°40'44" East 20.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning.. - 90 Iv li Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 2001'031111 Lane County Deeds and Records 00165565200100377770030039 06/20/2001 RPR-ESMT Cnt=2 Stn=1 CASHIER 04 $5.00 $15.00 $10.00 $11.00 $41.00 03;08;54 PM DECLARATION OF ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, an Oregon Corporation, (Wildish) is the ownerofthose real properties described as Tract 3 and Tiact 4 in that Declaration of Property Line Adjustment recorded March 7, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-012395, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, saidproperties to be encumbered by the easement. Thiseasement is being created to satisfy a condition ofapproval (by the city of Springfield -Journal # 200-11- 0231) for the Wildish Industrial Building and impacts said Tract 3 and Tract 4. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: 1. Easement Created. Wildishhereby creates aperpetual easement as described in Exhibit "A" for the mutual and exclusive use of above mentioned Tract 3 and Tract 4. 2. Purpose. The easement is cmatedto allow access, ingress andegress, and driveway purposes for said Tract 3 and Tract 4. The easement may also be used by the aforementioned Tracts for private utilities, such as storm drainage and sanitary sewer, water facilities as long as such use does not interfere with ingress/egress access. Private utilities may not be placed in a public utility easement. 3. Use ofBurdened Pronertv. The owners or occupiers ofthe properties affected by the easement shall have the right to use their property, including the area described as the easement, for any purpose as long asthe owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this instrument. 4. Maintenanceand Repairs. The cost ofany maintenance orrepairofthe area within the easement shall be apportioned between the owners of said Tract 3 and Tract 4, proportionate to each party's use of the easement. ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Wildish Industrial Development Connomtion (Grantor) Wildish Industrial Development Corporation (Grantee) Amr recording return m: unxl c N.ner it ruturs1m, Halmereenb sesn be—I N Me I.I.—hie do— Wildish industrial Development Connotation Wildish Industrial Development Comoration P.O. Box 7428 P.O. Box 7428 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Eugene, Oregon 97401 NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement- Page l 5. Successors in Interest. Theprovisions ofthis instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of said Tract 3 and Tract4, and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. Bearings used hereon are based on C.S.F. No. 36824 on file in the office ofthe Lane County Surveyor, in Lane County, Oregon. All provisions ofthis instrument, including the benefits and burdens, are binding and enure to the heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all parties who own any of the aforementioned lots. Dated this /,T+ day of J" --Q 12001. J s A. Wildish, President Idish Industrial Development Corporation STATE OF OREGON ) ) as County of Lane ) On "—L , 2001, personally appeared the above-named James A. Wildish, President, Vvd dish Industrial Development Corporation, who executed the within instrument in his authorized capacity on behalfof said corporation and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Before me: OFFICIAL SEAL LINDA L RENEE NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO. 306343 NY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 29, 2001 Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 2 z-/ many, Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: Exhibit "A" Legal Description of Access Easement An easement for access, ingress and egress purposes, 32 feet wide, lying 16.00 feet on each side of the north boundary ofthat cermintract ofland described as Tract 3 (being commonto the south boundary of Tract 4) in that Declaration of Property Line Adjustment recorded March 7, 2001, InstnunentNo. 2001- 012395, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, all in Lane County, Oregon. The side lines ofsaid easement areto be lengthened or shortened to commence onthewesterly margin of McVay Highway and terminate on the west boundaries of said Tract 3 and Tract 4. Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 3 Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 1001.031118 1�9 Lane County Deeds and Records �l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $36,00 00185567200100377780030035 06/20/200103:08:54 PM RPR-ESMT Cnt=1 Street CASHIER 04 $15.00 $10.00 $11.00 DECLARATION OF PRIVATE STORM SEWER EASEMENT RECITALS: WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, an Oregon Corporation, (Wildish) is the owner of those real properties described as Tracts 3, 4, and 5 in that Declaration of Property Line Adjustment recorded March 7, 2001, Instrument No. 2001- 012395, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. This easement is being created to satisfy a condition of approval (by the city of Springfield - Journal # 200-11-0231) for the Wildish Industrial Building and impacts said Tracts 3 and 5. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: Easement Created. Wildish hereby creates a perpetual easement as described in Exhibit "A" across said Tracts 3 and 5 for the benefit of above mentioned Tracts 3, 4, and 5. 2. P=ose. The easement is created to allow for construction, maintenance, use and repair of a storm sewer drainage system and its appurtenances across said Tract 3 and Tract 5. Use of Burdened Property. The owners or occupiers of the properties affected by the easement shall have the right to use their property, including the area described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this instrument. ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Wildish Industrial Development Corporation (Grantor) Wildish Industrial Development Corporation (Grannie) After ow.rtliog Rryrn to: Uottle ehai'e.t "wetboa.11aretemenb shop be not to the following add— Wildish Industrial Development Comoration Wildish Industrial Development Corporation Eugene, Oregon 97401 Eugene, Oregon 97401 NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page I 4. Maintenance and Repairs: The cost of any maintenance or repair of the area within the easement shall be apportioned between the owners of said Tracts 3, 4, and 5, proportionate to each party's use of the easement. Any construction or repair work of the aforementioned storm system shall be perforated by a licensed, bonded contractor, and the grounds shall be returned to their original condition after work has been completed. Successors in Interest The provisions of this instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of said Tracts 3, 4, and 5, and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens, are binding and enure to the heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all parties who own any of the aforementioned lots. Dated this Is+ day of T&e. 12001. CL 1 1,17Z12,0_1 0J s A. Wildish, President ddish Industrial Development Corporation STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) On t,w i , 2001, personally appeared the above-named James A. Wildish, Pre dent, Wildish Industrial Development Corporation, who executed the within instrument in his authorized capacity on behalf of said corporation and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Before me: \ZZ 3NER06343 MY OCTOBER 29, 2001 Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 2 Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: IdlZ 4 Exhibit "A" Legal Description of Storm Drainage Easement Beginning at a point on the north boundary of that certain tract of land described as Tract 3 in that Declaration of Property Line Adjustment recorded March 7, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-012395, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said point bearing South 89°36'49" West 337.54 feet from the northeast comer of said Tract 3; thence leaving said north boundary bearing South 08°55'52" East 219.90 feet; thence South 85°25'59" West 42.26 feet; thence South 02°03'30" West 233.67 feet; thence South 55'44'35" West 100.07 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence along said easterly right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad North 28'04'23" West 353.46 feet to the point of curvature of a 2 1/4 taper curve left; and along the are of said 2 1/4 taper curve left (the chord of which bears North 29°30'24" West 122.98 feet) to a point marking the intersection of said easterly right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the southeasterly margin of Newman Street as defined in the said plat of Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving said easterly right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad and along said southeasterly margin of Newman Street North 58°18'39" East 49.17 feet; thence leaving said southeasterly margin bearing South 26'53'57" East 258.41 feet; thence South 33'44'59" East 195.48 feet; thence North 55'44'35" Fast 27.40 feet; thence North 02'03'30" East 241.36 feet; thence North 85025'59" East 38.49 feet; thence North 08°55'52" West 201.32 feet; thence North 89°36149" East 20.22 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Bearings used hereon are based on C.S.F. No. 36824 on file in the office of the Lane County Surveyor, in Lane County, Oregon. Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement -Page 3 TL PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered intothis 154 day of J—� , 2001 by and between WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to as the Grantors, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee. Thiseasement is being created to satisfy a condition of approval (by the city of Springfield - Journal # 200-11-0231) for the W ldish Industrial Building and impacts those real properties described as Tracl4 and Tract 5 in that Declaration of Property Line Adjustment recorded March 7, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-012395, Lane County Oregon Deed Records WITNESSETH: In consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantors hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement T feet in width (except in that area encumbered by an easement in favor or US WEST Communications Inc as defined in the attached legal descrption), together with the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter descnbed for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and using public utilities which may hereafter be installed on the following descnbetl property, to -wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and seals this /sf day of 7u,B 2001. Industrial Development Corporation STATE OF OREGON) SS COUNTY OF LANE) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this day of 2001, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, p sally ap onpeared the within named James A. Wildish, President, Wildish Industrial Development Corporation known to me to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument in his authorized capacity on behalf of said corporation and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. oFAL FEAT ARY LC - OR G NaENSC tal PION- cAEsory oto Public for Ofe on COMMISSION 11n. 306940 ry 9 MTCOMMI5910N E%PIPES OCTOBER 19, P01 My Commission Expires / Z,` O/ 1 7— The conveyance set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved , and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. City of Springfield by:yR. DonU'l JuIVE �,2LYJt Rogers- Cityof Springfield Surveyor Date Division of Chief Deputy Clark 2601.631119 Lane County Di and Records IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 831.00 00185968200100377790020029 06/40/1001 03:08:54 PB RPRESR0 ] Cnt_1 1 CASHIER Bi $10..00 $10.00 $11.0.00 RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD- PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET- SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Exhibit "A" Legal Description of Public Utility Easement Beginning at the southeast corner of that certain tract of land described as Tract4 in that Declaration of Property Line Adjustment recorded March 7, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-012395, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said corner being on the westerly margin of McVay Highway; thence along said westerly margin of McVay Highway North 05°41'11" East 255.96 feet to a point on the south margin of Nugget Way; thence along said south margin of Nugget Way South 89°10'49"West 332.20 feettothe intersection of said south margin of Nugget Way and the southeasterly margin of Newman Street,thence along said southeasterly margin of Newman Street the following four (4) courses and distances: South 04°40'56" East 3.10 feet; thence South 36`40'44" West 330.83 feet; thence along the arc of a 100.00 foot curve right (the chord of which bears South 47°29'42" West 37.53 feet) a distance of 37.75 feet; thence South 58°18'39" West 95.17 feet to northeasterly right-of-way Southern Pacific Railroad; thence along said northeasterly right-of-way Southern Pacific Railroad along the am of a 2 1/4 taper curve right; the chord of which bears South 29°30'24" East 7.01 feet; thence leaving said northeasterly rig ht -of -way Southern Pacific Railroad bearing North 58°18'39" East 95.43 feet; thence along the arc of a 107.00 foot curve left (the chord of which bears North 47°29'42" East 40.16 feet) a distance of40.40 feet; thence North 36°40'44" East 309.80 feetto a point on the southerly line afan easement in favorof US WEST Communications Inc., recorded February 8, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-006963; thence along said easement linethe following three (3) courses and distances: North 53° 1916" West 2.00 feet; thence North 36°40'44" East 20.00 feet; thence South 53`19'16" East 2.00 feet; thence leaving said easement line bearing North 36"40'44" East 1.48 feet; thence North 89`1049" East 319.74 feet; thence South 05`41'11" East 248.88 feet to the south boundary of said Tract 4; thence along said south boundary of said Tract 4 North 89°36'49" East 7.03 to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. IMPROVEMENTAGREEMENT INCLUDING NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT LIEN (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate) IN CONSIDERATIO of the ve9ants hereiry re�citehe City of Springfield, hereinafter referred to as Ciry, and Wildishs i`, We'}eineYt�ir@i�rr o as Applicant(s), do covenant and agree with respect to the real property described below as follows: 1. Applicants) warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that it is the owner of the property more particularly described and set forth in Paragraph? below and, as owner, has the authority to enter into this Improvement Agreement with the City of Springfield. 2. Applicants) desires Development Approval tram the City with respect to the following Development Application 2000- II - 0231 3. The development will cause both an immediate and long-term demand on the various public facilities of City and Lane Count, including the specific public improvements necessitated by the development as set forth in paragraph 6. 4. This Improvement Agreement is an alternative to imposing a condition on Applicants development approval that the Applicant make immediate construction of any public improvement that the development necessitates. The objective is to promote efficiency, coordination, and spread costs by providing an opportunity for a district wide improvement mechanism where construction occurs in a coordinated project with the participation of adjacent and other properties in the area, instead of requiring immediate improvement in conjunction with each development application. There is no guarantee, however, that such a coordinated project will be possible and the City reserves the right to require construction of the improvements In the future at City discretion. 5. (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant will pay the cost of the following public facility improvements described in Paragraph 6 in accordance with respective cost assumption policy established by City at the time the City determines to undertake and complete such public improvements. (b) Applicant and city acknowledge and agree that the cost of such improvements and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be greater that the costs that would be apportioned If the improvements were constructed immediately or by Applicant now or later. (c) Applicant acknowledges that the timing of the construction of such improvements is within the sole and exclusive direction of the City. 6. (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of Newman Street & Nuaaet Way to include: UA) surface paving; ( ) storm sewers; ( ) sanitary sewers; (X) curbs; (,'9 gutters; (A planter strips; ('Nl street trees; ( Istreetlights; I%) sidewalks. (b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection of (c) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Rranlin BlvdlMc Vho ighrwty- State Hghway 225) ( planter strips; (>Q streettrees; 04 sidewalks. Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked improvements reflect those that would currently be required under the appropriate City codes and ordinances. Applicant acknowledges that it understands that the improvements made will be those required to bring the street to full urban standards for the then current functional classification of the street as those standards exist at the time the improvements are made and may, therefore, differ tram the list of improvements checked herein. Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 1001.031100 Lane County Deeds and Records [111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111 IIIIII x36.00 BB 2855SS200100377800030039 06/20/2001 03:00:64 PO RPR-AGRE Cnt=1 Stni CASHIER Be $15.00 $10.00 $11.00 RETURN TO. CITY OF SPIUNGPIELD -PUBLIC WORKS DEFE -225 FIFTH ST1UhhT - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. 97477 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That tract of land know, as TRACT 4 of a Boundary Line Adjustment Survey for Wildish Land Company, file in the Lane County Surveyors Office in County Surveyor File No. 36824, November 13, 2000, being more completely described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of TRACT4, said point lies on the Southwesterly corner of Franklin Boulevard (McVay Highway -State Highway No. 225) and Nugget Way, thence South 5` 41' 11" East a distance of 255.96 test along the Westerly right of way of Franklin Boulevard to the Southeast corner of TRACT 4: thence leaving the Franklin Boulevard right of way South 89° 36 49" West a distance of 362.15 feet to the Southwest corner of TRACT 4; thence along the are of a non -tangent curve to the left, with a radius of 398.83 feet, with a chord bearing of North 24° 22' 41' Wang, with a chord distance of 165.70, a distance of 166.92 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way of Newman Street; thence North 36' 40' 44" East 122.66 teat along the Easterly right of way of Newman Street to a point; thence North 4` 40' 56" West 3.10 feet along the Easterly right of way of Newman Street to the most Northwesterly corner of TRACT 4, said point is at the intersection of the Easterly right of way of Newman Street with the Southerly right of way of Nugget Way; thence North 89° 59' 00" East a distance of 262.27 feet to tine point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, AKA 18-03-03-14-. 200 & 500 Property Address Tax Lot No. 8. City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of the Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with Citys policy pertaining to improvement requirements, and it Applicant complies in every respect with all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and City, Applicant shall be entitled to Development Approval, subject to the terms and conditions of approval set forth therein. This agreement is enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or Ciry. 10, APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN ANY AND ALL WAIVERS, PETITIONS, CONSENTS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE ABOVE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT AOT OR PROCEEDING OF THE STATE OF OREGON, LANE COUNTY, OR CITY AND TO W AVE ALL RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS. Applicant does not waive any right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the same shall appear to the Applicant to bear inequitably or unfair upon said property of Applicant Applipmfit. acceptance of the non- remonstrance condition is in considerationfor the City's waiver of the requirement for the immediate construction of the public Improvements that the development necessitates. This improvement agreement waives the property owners fight to file a written remonstration. It does not waive a properly owners fight to comment on the proposed district or any related matters orally or in writing. 11. It is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land herein described, antl shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the padies hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded In the Lane County Dead Records, NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER If you are the applicant or a prospective purchaser of this preperty, you are advised to discuss this Agreement with an Attorney of your choice. Execution and recordation of this Agreement will place requirements on the Owner and any subsequent purchaser of the Real Property described in Section 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns. These requirements include but are not limited to the payment for the public improvements described in Section 6. This may result in an assessment lien on the Real Property described in Section 7 and significant costs to the Owner and Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns. An Applicant's signature on this Agreement indicates that the Applicant has thoroughly read this Agreement, understands it, has had the opportunity to consult legal counsel prior to hs execution, and understands that execution of the Agreement may result in significant financial obligations imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property. Any prospective Purchaser of the property burdened by this Improvement Agreement should also thoroughly review this Agreement, consult with legal counsel prior to purchasing the property, and understand that this Agreement may result in a significant financial obligation imposed upon any Owner of the Real Property described in Section 7. RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRWGFIELD-RA IC WORKS DEPT. 125 FIFTH STREET- SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. 97477 WHEREFORE, the parties have set their hand this 16" day of Tw Hp 12001 By Applicant - Name & Title Ta meS {A• LYi1 .Y1S�, Pres\deY%t STATE OF OREGON ) )as. COUNTY OF LANE 1 By Lr V �2w,P Applicant - Name & Title w1io-V4 R- Q. k' J'J' $ecre-fa,r y On this /11 ayy of wrri- 2001, before me appeared+lc�vnPs 't? and LO' U P%.c7 who being sworn did say that they are the President and Secretary, respectively of the corporation, and that the seal affixed hereto is its seal, and that this deed was voluntarily signed and sealed in behalf of the corporation by authority of its Board of Directors. Before me. z _ ota Public for Oregon NO, 306343 My Commission Expires OFFICIAL SEAL LINDA L NENSE NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON COMMISSION SOCTOBER MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 23, 2001 BY L�JY1 �. YcsM�-- Don R. Rogers - Ciry urveyor STATE OF OREGON as. COUNTY OF LANE On this RTN day of Ty HE , 2001, there personally appeared before me Don R. Rogers, the City Surveyor, for the City of Springfield and signed the above document. OFFICIAL SEAL DENNIS P ERNSf NOTARY PUBLIC•OflESON 977 WWOMMISSIDNIERRESAPRIL20,0111111 MIR L� Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires e4-40-04 RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. 97477 I iL�ii 2cx.2-0� Division of Chief Deputy Clark IM -15838 County Deeds and Records AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO IIIIIII VIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II II IIII $2Y6,QQ Springfield Utility Board 1001 Main Street 00320371200200585380050058 Springfield, OR 97477 0810212002 10:21:51 AM RPR -DEED Cnt_2 Stn=S CASHIER 03 $5.00 $25.00 $175.00 $11.00 $10.00 QUITCLAIM AND ASSIGNMENT OF POWER LINE EASEMENTS AND ELECTRIC FACILITIES The Grantor, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting by and through the Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, for and in consideration of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($150,000) and other valuable consideration, hereby releases and quitclaims to SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD and its successors and assigns all of the Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the real property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, together with all of the Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to any and all fixtures and other electric transmission facilities, if any, located on the land described in Exhibit A. The property conveyed herein is known as the Bonneville Power Administration's Alvey-Springfield 115 kV Line No. 1 and is situated in Lane County, Oregon. In addition to the real estate and transmission facilities described above, the Grantor hereby releases and quitclaims to Springfield Utility Board and its successors and assigns any and all electric transmission facilities that are a part of the said Alvey-Springfield 115 kV Line No. 1 but are not located on the land described in Exhibit A, including, but not necessarily limited to, portions of the said transmission line that are located inside the fenced substation yard on the Grantor's land at its Alvey Substation in Section 14, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, W.M. Grantor also hereby conveys to Springfield Utility Board a perpetual easement and right to enter and to operate, maintain, repair, rebuild, and patrol those portions of the Alvey-Springfield 115 kV Line No. 1 that are located outside the fenced substation yard but within the parcel owned by the United States at the Bonneville Power Administration's said Alvey Substation, as shown on the drawing that is attached as Page 3 of Exhibit A. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the property herein granted unto Springfield Utility Board and its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor, by its duly authorized representative, has executed this deed pursuant to the delegation of authority promulgated in the Act of August 20, 1937 (50 Stat. 731, 16 U.S.C. §632), as amended, and regulations and delegations of authority issued pursuant thereto, the provisions of which have been met. Dated this 13 day of 12001. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA J hn R. Cowger Manager, Real Property Services Bonneville Power Administration ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of V Ktl ALJ ) ) ss Countyof Vullmc ali ) On this 3 /4 day of <eble ++ /3r h 20 O / , before me personally appeared 1a/in�t /P Ca w� known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person or persons who executed the within instrument as the Aai1cT, /fC a/ fro P,1 1_� �2a?i7 Gel i i3e�mi nY/e Paz rry Qdivni�s%-,c�nc , acknowledged to me that _he executed the same freely and voluntarily in such capacity; and on oath stated that he was/were authorized to execute said instrument in such official or representative capacity. OFFICIALSEAL Notary public in and for REBECCA HALLGARTH the State of O K9AN NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION NO. 335172 qq MV COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 4,2004 Residing at 7"JYfl.�/A a,J G� - My commission expires 6/4 L2064 Attached to Quitclaim and Assignment of Power Line Easements and Electric Facilities, from the United States of America to Springfield Utility Board EXHIBIT A Attached to and incorporated in Quitclaim and Assignment of Power Line Easement and Electric Facilities, from the United States of America to Springfield Utility Board 1) Easements reserved by the United States in Quitclaim Deed and Bill of Sale recorded on July 2, 1997, in Book 2311R under Auditors File No. 9744785 in the records of Lane County, Oregon. 2) Easements conveyed to the United States by the documents recorded in the records of Lane County, Oregon, as follows: BPA Tract Number County Recording Data Recording Date G -S -1-A-1 Recorder's No. 75974 June 2, 1952 G -S -1 -A -IA Book 455, Page 312 February 27, 1952 G-S-1-A-IAXWI Recorder's No. 28990 May 13, 1961 G -S -1 -A -1B [Civil No. 6413] Book 461, Page 33 May 27, 1952 G-S-1-A-1BXW1 Recorder's No. 65060 April 14, 1959 G-S-1-A-1CXW1/G-S-R-3-A-28A Recorder's No. 33162 January 14, 1966 G -S -2 -A -1C Recorder's No. 28358 April 7,1961 G -S -2-A-11) Book 455, Page 245 February 26, 1952 G -S -2 -A -IE Book 455, Page 318 February 27, 1952 G -S -2 -A -1F Book 455, Page 315 February 27, 1952 G -S -2 -A -1G Recorder's No. 80257 July 18, 1952 G -S -2-A-111 Book 461, Page 20 May 27, 1952 G -S -2 -A -1I Book 457, Page 461 April 3, 1952 G -S -2 -A -1J Recorder's No. 96490 February 10, 1953 G -S -2 -A -1M Recorder's No. 81823 August 6, 1952 G -S -2 -GA -1L Book 460, Page 533 May 26, 1952 G -S -3-A-4 Book 455, Page 176 February 25, 1952 G -S -3-A-5 Book 453, Page 469 January 29, 1952 G -S -3-A-7 Book 454, Page 644 February 19, 1952 G -S -3-A-8 Book 455, Page 561 March 4, 1952 G -S -3-A-9 Recorder's No. 86479 October 1, 1952 G -S -3-A-11, and 12 Book 461, Page 17 May 27, 1952 G -S -3-A-13 Recorder's No. 85731 September 23, 1952 G -S -3 -GA -1J Recorder's No. 10424 August 14, 1953 G -S -4-A-14 Book 453, Page 127 January 23, 1952 G -S -4-A-16 Book 455, Page 564 March 4, 1952 G -S -4 -A -16B Book 455, Page 321 February 27, 1952 G -S4 -A-17 Recorder's No. 27143 April 9, 1954 G-S-5-A-17XW 1 Recorder's No. 84185 September 21, 1961 G -S -5-A-18, and 19 Recorder's No. 32247 June 21, 1954 G -S -5-A-20 Recorder's No. 32246 June 21, 1954 G -S -R -2-A-23 Recorder's No. 66605 April 18, 1962 f G -S -R -2-A-25 G -S -R -2-A-26 G -S -R -3-A-29 G -S -R -5-A-18, and 19 Recorder's No. 53937 Recorder's No. 44030 Recorder's No. 36695 Recorder's No. 4706 December 20, 1961 September 25, 1961 June 30, 1961 July 15, 1960 Exhibit A Attached to and incorporated into Quitclaim and Assignment of Power Line Easement and Electric Facilities, from the United States of America to Springfield Utility Board Page 2 of 3 pages / I -I M809b F6S-OfK)j ' I OZ ]1Y1303tl4N ONMW9 -:� v ams NO SOOtl.L :b/f JNV 901,5-2 I a, I ]B II SOT < ' OV ONVtl1SN3d 9-9X JV5 MdB 1y' +@/ / t7 SA/fl 99 NS.ZLI-Z pBYL 1 U / Z ,SS -,SS TY 3dA1 dN t� Z3dAl 7113910dtl31N099 �'6 a'nucailx�i YZ 3dA1 ]1Y1303tlIM ONLW/9 nine 1 ec �' 3dAl JH - IFaNn51�]-018£.910,09-,09 /V 3dF13N 9'6BdFF B�7r� - m'a'H•c _II �� e O I06°BF IlS I _ �~VSt.-ice LOT 6yM1m. 3 U b INEISW� II,oL,61if10 1 � Bb'os _� m g; � N - I, ooasc ss h 1 �, 3oB 11 a*, m� ( I m rc 9 $G^YY�I Ol + N 4 Z -903d7115 db31NTKV - / :2 w� >;a_ lio--�IbZ3dA1 Jro1393b/MON9 o m` 30VN9-X /Y 3dA1 3N 0049d 4 $°O `2-903dA135lOdb3lMMJ �/ "'^ ti S � 968wff "'YZ 3dA1 )/V13J 3tl/M OM1' Ulf` tlOLVMSM dB+ZZ a bNVb15 Ndf )a5M ' � ani I� v � JbOda SA/YJWWS,Z(YZ - � o I _=m,_ .P'J/-.06 2YbbA13N "(.•B[9 )3 RJ-XONddI \. v z Z-90 1135KVtl3LM?JJ p ,,,,, N'u ` I 3' Io I � p '- Jl3dA1 )/V1�3N/M ON9 O:Fl9 �]ON9 F�s9 )3 BN6J-XJe o �Om h 500.gL:b/fJNV 3'1/d 133HS.OPd b IH�OO,Lb./6� ONVHLS N3d ' 0�= z Nwe �. 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' 1=Ba 90[ I 1S3M ,. t'61 W. i •F6 `fit � '�.��1,a5.ry• 0�1tb4h^.. r � lOi�90( i /13M 3M ' "o m^ i; Loi L. -=1n' I ;: 5 ` y P'"4"rrR4c rw RP FENC Pks E Exhibit A Attached to and incorporated into Quitclaim and Assignment of Power Line Easement and Electric Facilities, from the United States of America to Springfield Utility Board Page 3 of 3 pages After Recording Return To: City Recorder, City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Division of Chleff Deputy Clerk 2001-095229Lane County D 2 Deeds and Records L d $366.00 00851901200400052280690693 _-- -- 12/14/2004 01:50:36 PM RPR -NT Cnt=l SLno5 CHSHIER 05 $345.00 $20.00 $10.00 $11.00 Send All Tax Statements To: City Recorder, City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield Economic Development Agency 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Consideration: The consideration for this Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is other than monetary. Legal Description Is attached as Exhibit 1. (BAR CODE STICKER) City of Spt ngf of ®rpDn 9ity.corder 0, After Recording Return To: City Recorder, City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 2009�095PP Lane County Deeds and Records Mil-095229 9 $386.00 00651901200400952290690693` 12/1412004 01;50,36 PM RPR -NT Cntel Stne5 CASHIER 05 $345.00 $20.00 $10.00 $11.00 Send All Tax Statements To: City Recorder, City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN NOTICE Springfield Economic Development Agency 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Consideration: The consideration for this Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is other than monetary. Legal Description is attached as Exhibit 1. (BAR CODE STICKER) City of Sp[iog le OrigoR ✓°`u-zz Ody [corder EXHIBIT 1-2 Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of the Interstate Highway 1-5 right of way, in Section 33, Township17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon with the centerline of the Willamette River; thence along the City limits line, Easterly and Southerly (upstream) along the centerline of the Willamette River, 13,000 feet, more or less, to a point at right angles from a point on the Westerly bank where the Easterly right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad intersect the Westerly bank (most southerly point of tax lot 17-03-02-32-03800); thence Westerly. at right angles to the centerline of the river, 200 feet, more or less, to the last said point of intersection on the West bank of the Willamette River; thence Northerly along the Easterly right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad to a point of intersection with the Easterly right of way of McVay Highway (State Highway 225); thence Southerly along the Easterly right of way of said Highway to a point of intersection with the Westerly right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence Westerly, crossing said Highway right of way to a point on the Westerly right of way which is the Southeast corner of that tract of land described in a deed from Helene Macauley to Edward Macauley filed and recorded September 27, 1982 in Reel 1212R at Reception No. 8228958, Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot 1803034000700); thence Northwesterly along the Southerly line of the last said tract to the Southwest corner thereof, said point is on the Easterly right of way of Interstate Highway 1-5; thence Southwesterly at right angles the centerline of 1-5 120 feet, more or less to a point on the centerline of 1-5; thence along the centerline of I-5 Northerly and Westerly, 10,000 feet, more or less to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, Exhibit 1, November 15, 2004 Springfield Economic Development Agency November 2004 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan Table of Contents 100. The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan 3 200. Citizen Participation 3 300. Relationship to Local Objectives 4 400. Proposed Land Uses 19 500. Outline of Development 21 600. Description of Projects to be Undertaken 22 700. Property Acquisition Procedures 25 800. Property Disposition and Redevelopers' Obligations 26 900. Amendments to the Urban Renewal Plan 27 1000. Maximum Indebtedness 28 1100. Financing Methods 28 1200. Relocation 29 1300. Definitions 29 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 2 100. THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN A. General The primary intention of this Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is to assist in providing basic infrastructure for not only underdeveloped riverfront areas so it becomes ideal for high quality, mixed use development but also for underused vacant and underdeveloped industrial sites so they can become vital to the economic growth of the City and Lane County. This cannot readily be done without public involvement because of multiple ownerships; high land prices; and parcels of size, shape, and lack of access they are not conducive to development. The Urban Renewal Plan includes projects, activities, and actions which treat the causes of the blight and deterioration in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan consists of Part One — Text and Part Two — Exhibits. The governing body of the City of Springfield acts as the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Springfield and is accepted as the Urban Renewal Agency for the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan by the Lane County Board of County Commissioners through the Board's approval of the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. This Plan has been prepared pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 457, the Oregon Constitution, and all applicable laws and ordinances of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and the City of Springfield respectively. All such applicable laws and ordinances are made part of this Plan, whether expressly referred to in the text or not. The Urban Renewal Area is a single geographic area with a single continuous boundary in which a variety of activities and projects we contemplated to eliminate blight and the causes of blight and are intended to create an environment in which the private sector may develop uses compatible with the purposes of this Plan. The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan was approved by the Lane County Board of Commissioners on November , 2004 by Resolution No.Oq-/end the City Council of the City of Springfield on December _L_, 2004 by Ordinance No. (0103 . B. The Renewal Plan Area Boundary The boundary of the renewal area is shown in (Map) Exhibit 1 — Page 1, attached to this plan. A legal description of the project boundary is shown in Exhibit 1 — Page 2, attached to this Plan. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 3 200. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION This Urban Renewal Plan was developed under the guidance of the Springfield Economic Development Agency, Springfield City Council, and Lane County Board of Commissioners. In formulating the plan, City staff and Lane County staff conducted 14 public meetings, inviting the general public to discuss urban renewal concepts, and the renewal plan. All meetings were open to the public for discussion and comment. The Lane County Commissioners met to review the concept of the Plan on September 22, 2004. The Springfield Planning Commission met to review the Plan on October 12 and 19, 2004. This Urban Renewal Plan for the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area was reviewed by the Springfield Planning Commission on October 19, 2004 after a Public Hearing. The Springfield Planning Commission recommended the Springfield City Council approve the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. The Lane County Board of County Commissioners met to review the Plan on November 10, 2004 and considered the adoption of this Plan on November 23, 2004. Special notice was mailed on October 22, 2004 to registered voters in Springfield and within the area of the Glenwood Urban Renewal District Plan as required in ORS 457.120 for the Public Hearing to be held in Springfield City Hall on November 15, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. conducted by the Springfield City Council to consider adoption of an ordinance approving the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. The Springfield City Council held the Public Hearing and heard testimony concerning the adoption of an ordinance approving the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. Springfield City Council also received comments from affected taxing districts and considered them in approving the ordinance approving the Plan for the Glenwood Urban Renewal District. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 300. RELATIONSHIP TO LOCAL OBJECTIVES The purpose of this Urban Renewal Plan is to eliminate blighting influences found in the Renewal Area, to implement goals and objectives of the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, Glenwood Refinement Plan, and Glenwood Riverfront Plan and to implement development strategies and objectives for the Glenwood UrbanRenewal Area. The Urban Renewal Plan relates to the following local goals and objectives: 301. GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL GOALS: - The goals of this Plan are outlined below. A. Promote Private Development Goal: To promote private development, redevelopment, and rehabilitation within the urban renewal area to help create jobs, tax revenues, and self sustaining, vital and vibrant industrial and commercial areas. Objectives: 1. Enhance the environment for development and investment through improvements to streets, streetscapes, parks, and public buildings and spaces. 2. Assist property owners in rehabilitating buildings so they can accommodate more intensive and dynamic industrial and commercial activity; 3. Help create economic vitality by creating activities and encouraging uses that bring a significant number ofjobs, employees, potential shoppers and investors throughout the renewal area. B. Rehabilitate Building Stock Goal: To upgrade the stock of existing structures in the renewal area which contribute to its unique character, but which are run down or do not meet current State Building and Specialty Codes' requirements. Objectives: 1. Improve the appearance of existing buildings in order to enhance the overall aesthetics of the renewal area. 2. Help in improving the safety of older buildings in regard to seismic stability, fire safety, building code compliance and accessibility to persons with disabilities. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 5 3. Redevelop buildings and areas that are inconsistent with the goals and objectives of this plan in ways that benefit the entire economic development effort and the property owners. C. Improvements to Streets Streetscalles Parks and Open Spaces Goal: To improve existing streets and construct the missing or needed street links to improve connectivity within the area, including on -street and off-street pedestrian and bicycle connections; to improve and enhance parks and open spaces, like multi -use paths, as an integral part of the area, and to enhance livability. Objectives: 1. Enhance streetscapes by installing street lighting, street furniture, banners, planters and other amenities. 2. Reconstruct existing roadways and sidewalks where needed and in a manner meeting the objectives of this Plan. 3. Construct new streets to provide surface transportation connectivity and encourage private investment especially along the Willamette riverfront. 4. Address and improve pedestrian safety along heavily traveled streets through the urban renewal area. _ 5. Create on -street and off-street multi -use pedestrian and bicycle access to and through the renewal area. Create additional open space areas and pedestrian spaces that are attractive areas for residents and employees and that stimulate economic activity and enhance livability. D Utility Improvements Goal: Improve and repair utilities to allow efficient development of the areas. Objectives: 1. Construct new, reconstruct, or upgrade existing utilities (including water, electrical, and sanitary and storm sewers) as necessary to encourage and permit development of private properties and public amenities. E. Parkine Goal: Develop convenient attractive parking facilities close to shopping, entertainment, and business destinations. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 Objectives: 1. Construct public parking to support businesses and activities in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area, especially a major development critical to mixed-use development on the riverfront. F. Public Facilities Goal: Maintain, acquire and develop public parks and open spaces, and public safety, health, and other facilities, to maintain and enhance public use, safety, and enjoyment of the renewal area. Objectives: 1. Ensure that public safety facilities within the renewal area are adequate to support and protect existing and proposed development in the renewal area. 2. Evaluate the adequacy of other public facilities serving the renewal area. In particular Lane County's Glenwood Central Receiving Station for solid waste collection would be evaluated to ensure its compatibility with the surrounding development and proposed redevelopment in the area. 3. Ensure that public parks and open spaces are adequate to serve existing and proposed development. G. Housing Goal: Provide for new and rehabilitated housing units in livable mixed -income neighborhoods that collectively reflect a diversity of housing types, occupancy (rental and owner -occupied), and income levels in the City. Support housing development that is geared to support the area's goals for generating new employment. Objectives: 1. Provide a wide range of housing opportunities to accommodate households at all income levels, including low-, moderate-, and upper-income rental and owner - occupied housing, which support prospective residential markets in, adjacent to, and near the renewal area. 2. Provide assistance to help maintain and assist in the rehabilitation of the stock of existing housing in the renewal area. 3. Assist in the development of quality housing for a range of household incomes that are representative of the City as a whole. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 H. Public Sianave and Entrance bnorovements Goal: Assist in funding for a program of entrance beautification and signage indicating cultural, historical, natural, and tourism landmarks within the renewal area. Objectives: 1. Provide urban renewal funds for signage and entrance improvements in spaces within the urban renewal area reflecting the community's history, culture, natural areas, tourism opportunities, and welcoming attitude. 302. EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ORS 457.085 requires that an Urban Renewal Plan relate to definite local objectives. The Metro Plan, the area's comprehensive land use plan, considers a wide range of goals and policies relating to land uses, traffic, transportation, public utilities, recreation and community facilities, economic development, housing and environmental protection. Citations of relevant goals and policies are included as Attachment `B" of this Plan. Springfield's controlling land use document is its comprehensive plan: the Eugene - Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). It was adopted locally and acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in 1982 and amended in 1987. As used in this document, the term "Metro. Plan" refers not only to the Metropolitan Area General Plan as a document in itself, but also those adopted neighborhood and special purpose/f ruction] refinement plans which implement and are subservient to the Metropolitan Area General Plan itself. Mid -period review of the Metro Plan was completed locally and approved in accordance with the post -acknowledgment procedures of ORS 197 in 1986. Other portions of the Metro Plan which affect the Urban Renewal Plan, such as the Willamalane Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, Lane County Solid Waste Management Plan, Lane County Parks and Open Space Master Plan, and the TransPlan (special purpose/functional refinement plans of the Metro Plan) and the Glenwood Refinement Plan (regulating land use in all of Glenwood included in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan) were adopted by the City Council, and approved in accordance with state post -acknowledgment procedures. The projects in the urban renewal plan also address goals and objectives set forth in other adopted plan documents. These findings are outlined here. Projects listed in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan project list are supported by policies from the Metro Plan and the Glenwood Refinement Plan. The following is a list of the supporting policies for each of the projects and indicate the conformance of the Plan to local land use plans and policies. (Projects are referenced by line item number according to the project list spreadsheet in the Report accompanying this Plan.) Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 8 Line 7 Prepare sites for industrial development Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: "General Land Use Policies and Implementation Strategies" section (p. 16) 6. Recognize Glenwood's strategic location in the metropolitan area for industrial development, in particular for distribution -related industrial uses. 6.1 Seek industrial incentives such as enterprise zones in order to strengthen the area for industrial development. Metro Plan Policies: Economic Element Policy 6: Increase the amount of undeveloped land zoned for light industrial and commercial uses correlating the effective supply in terms of suitability and availability with the projections of demand. Economic Element Policy 7: Encourage industrial park development, including areas for warehousing and distributive industries and research and development activities. Economic Element Policy 11: Encourage economic activities which strengthen the metropolitan area's position as a regional distribution, trade, health, and service center. Economic Element Policy 25: Pursue an aggressive annexation program and servicing of designated industrial lands in order to have a sufficient supply of "development ready" land. Line 8 Business facade and landscaping improvement program Set up industrial and business property rehabilitation loan program Metro Plan Policies: Economic Element Policy 8: Encourage the improvement of the appearance of existing industrial areas, as well as their ability to serve the needs of existing and potential light. industrial development. Line 10 Clean up industrial sites Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: "General Land Use Policies and Implementation Strategies" section (p. 16) Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 6. Recognize Glenwood's strategic location in the metropolitan area for industrial development, in particular for distribution -related industrial uses. 6.1 Seek industrial incentives such as enterprise zones in order to strengthen the area for industrial development. Metro Plan Policies. Economic Element Policy 7: Encourage industrial park development, including areas for warehousing and distributive industries and research and development activities. Economic Element Policy 25: Pursue an aggressive annexation program and servicing of designated industrial lands in order to have a sufficient supply of "development ready" land. Line 12 Redevelop parcels/ buildings through options, property acquisitions/ dispositions, assembly, resale, conveyance, and lease Line 16 Remove/ Replace substandard commercial buildings for mixed-use redevelopment Metro Plan Policies: Residential Supply and Demand Policy A.l: Encourage the consolidation of residentially zoned parcels to facilitate more options for development and redevelopment of such parcels. Economic Element Policy 16: Utilize processes and local controls which encourage retention of large parcels or consolidation of small parcels of industrially or commercially zoned land to facilitate their use or reuse in a comprehensive manner rather than a piecemeal fashion. Design and Mixed Use Policy A.22: Expand opportunities for a mix of uses in newly developing areas and existing neighborhoods through local zoning and development regulations. Line 19 Upgrade public utilities and infrastructure (stormwater. water electric, etc.) Metro Plan Policies: Growth Management Policy 1: The urban growth boundary and sequential development shall continue to be implemented as an essential means to achieve compact urban growth. The provision of all urban services shall be concentrated inside the urban growth boundary." Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 10 Growth Management Policy 8: Land within the urban growth boundary may be converted from urbanizable to urban only through annexation to a city when it is found that: a A minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided to the area in an orderly and efficient manner. b. There will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities. Conversion of urbanizable land to urban shall also be consistent with the Metropolitan Plan. Growth Management Policy 9: A full range of key urban facilities and services shall be provided to urban areas according to demonstrated need and budgetary priorities. Line 24 Mitigate for wetlands & riversidelriparian improvements, bank stabilization, etc. Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: Storm Sewers and Drainage, Storm Drainage and Wetlands Policy 1: The. City shall design a storm sewer and drainage plan for Glenwood to accommodate storm runoff from growth and development in the area that is also sensitive to other wetland issues. Environmental Design Element Policy 1: Significant wetland areas in Glenwood shall be protected from encroachment and degradation in order to retain their important functions and values related to fish and wildlife habitat, flood control, sediment and erosion control, water quality control, and groundwater pollution control. Franklin Boulevard/Willamette River Corridor Policy 2: The City shall ensure that new development and redevelopment in the Willamette River Greenway is sensitive to Greenway concerns. 2.1 Use the Willamette River Site Development Guidelines beginning on Page 37 in reviewing development proposals within the Willamette River Greenway until such time when Springfield establishes a Greenway Setback Line for all Glenwood properties. Metro Plan Policies: Environmental Resources Element Policy 1: Springfield, Lane County, and Eugene shall consider downstream impacts when planning for urbanization, flood control, urban storm runoff, recreation, and water quality along the Willamette and McKenzie Rivers. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 11 Line 28 Assist siting maior development (civic center, tourism/sports facilities, etc.) Metro Plan Policies: Economic Element Policy 13: Continue to encourage the development of convention and tourist -related facilities. Economic Element Policy 16: Utilize processes and local controls which encourage retention of large parcels or consolidation of small parcels of industrially or commercially zoned land to facilitate their use or reuse in a comprehensive manner rather than piecemeal fashion. Line 32 Sanitary sewer laterals Line 35 Sanitary sewer remediation Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies., General Land Use Policies and Implementation Strategies Policies: 2. Develop programs that will strengthen designated residential and mixed-use areas, including the Central Residential sub -area. 2.1 Pursue programs to provide low-interest loans andother services designed to help improve housing stock in Glenwood. 2.2 Explore the feasibility of creating a tax increment district. Consider using the revenues from the district for such uses as constructing essential infrastructure improvements, increasing housing resources for low and moderate -income households for sub -areas 1, 8, and 9, and reducing the financial burden of infrastructure improvements on low and moderate -income households. Line 38 Develop low/moderate income housing and other housing es Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: General Land Use Policies and Implementation Strategies Policies: 2. Develop programs that will strengthen designated residential and mixed-use areas, including the Central Residential sub -area. 2.1 Pursue programs to provide low-interest loans and other services designed to help improve housing stock in Glenwood. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 12 2.2 Explore the feasibility of creating a tax increment district. Consider using the revenues from the district for such uses as constructing essential infrastructure improvements, increasing housing resources for low and moderate -income households for sub -areas 1, 8, and 9, and reducing the financial burden of infrastructure improvements on low and moderate -income households. 2.3 Explore innovative housing options for designated residential areas in Glenwood, including provision for manufactured dwellings on individual lots. 2.4 Consider development of a low-interest loan program to upgrade manufactured dwelling parks through use of Community Development Block Grant funds. 2.5 The City shall consider adopting a Manufactured Dwelling Park Closure ordinance for Glenwood in order to provide protection to manufactured dwelling dwellers in manufactured dwelling parks that convert to other uses. Metro Plan Policies: Growth Management Policy 14: Both Eugene and Springfield shall examine potential assessment deferral programs for low-income households. Residential Land Use and Housing Element Policies: Supply and Demand Policy A.1: Encourage the consolidation of residentially zoned parcels to facilitate more options for development and redevelopment of such parcels. Supply and Demand Policy A.8: Require development to pay the cost, as determined by the local jurisdiction, of extending public services and infrastructure. The cities shall examine ways to provide subsidies or incentives for providing infrastnicture that support affordable housing and/or higher density housing. Housing Type and Tenure Policy A.17: Provide opportunities for a full range of choice in housing type, density, size, cost, and location. Housing Type and Tenure Policy A.19: Encourage residential developments in or new downtown core areas in both cities. Housing Type and Tenure Policy A.20: Encourage home ownership of all housing types, particularly for low-income households. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 13 Affordable, Special Need, and Fair Housing Policy A.27: Seek to maintain and increase public and private assistance for low and very low income households that are unable to pay for shelter on the open market. Affordable, Special Need, and Fair Housing Policy A.28: Seek to maintain and increase the supply of rental housing and increase home ownership options for low- and very low- income households by providing economic and other incentives, such as density bonuses, to developers that agree to provide needed below-market and service -enhanced housing in the community. Line 40 Housine/neighborhood rehabilitation /home repair programs Metro Plan Policies: Residential Land Use and Housing Element Policies: Supply and Demand Policy A.7: Endeavor to provide key urban services and facilities required to maintain a five-year supply of serviced, buildable residential land. Existing Housing Supply and Neighborhoods Policy A.25: Conserve the metropolitan area's supply of existing affordable housing and increase the stability and quality of older residential neighborhoods, through measures such as revitalization; code enforcement; appropriate zoning; rehabilitation programs; relocation of existing structures; traffic calming; parking requirements; or public safety considerations. These actions should support planned densities in these areas. Existing Housing Supply and Neighborhoods Policy A.26: Pursue strategies that encourage rehabilitation of existing housing and neighborhoods. Line 42 Provide mandated expenses of relocation or displacements of firms or residents Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: General Land Use Policies and Implementation Strategies Policy 2: Develop programs that will strengthen designated residential and mixed-use areas, including the Central Residential sub -area. 2.5 The City shall consider adopting a Manufactured Dwelling Park Closure ordinance for Glenwood in order to provide protection to manufactured dwelling dwellers in manufactured dwelling parks that convert to other uses. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 14 Line 46 Improve roads to urban standards (Franklin McVay, and utilitiesl Line 49 Acquire land for and do intersection improvements Line 52 Re -align and build roads and connections Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: Transportation Element (TransPlan) Policies: Policy 1: Improve the major transportation network within and through Glenwood to urban standards, with emphasis on improvements to Franklin Boulevard/ McVay Highway, Glenwood Boulevard, Henderson Avenue, 19th Avenue, 17th Avenue west of Henderson, and 22nd Avenue between Glenwood Boulevard and Henderson Avenue. 1.1 The City should consult with other metropolitan agencies to update TransPlan, addressing the need for improvements to Franklin Boulevard, including policies concerning mass transit and Nodal Development. - 1.2 The City should consult with the Oregon Department of Transportation to identify needed improvements and a means of financing them. Items to consider when improving Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway are the following:. a. Sidewalks along both sides of the highway with apriority on developing sidewalks on the south side of Franklin Boulevard when Franklin Boulevard is improved (Note: Consideration should be given to extending sidewalks on the north side of Franklin from the Springfield Bridge to the intersection with Glenwood Boulevard. However, the most westerly extent of sidewalks on the north side of Franklin Boulevard will be decided upon at the time Franklin improvements are designed. The design should consider the need for pedestrians to travel on the north side of Franklin Boulevard westward from Glenwood Boulevard as well as the physical and topographical restraints for placing a sidewalk north of the highway at this location); b. Bike lanes connecting to Eugene, Springfield, and Lane Community College; C. Intersection improvements to allow better differentiation of the local intersecting sheets, such as providing curbs and gutters and better signage to make it safer to turn off Franklin Boulevard onto local streets; d. Improvements to traffic flow, especially during commuting hours, through changes in signal timing and other appropriate means. Request Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 15 that the Oregon Department of Transportation analyze signal timing at Brooklyn Street and Henderson Avenue; e. The possibility of reducing the speed of traffic entering Glenwood from Eugene and the McVay Highway; and f. Improvements to storm drainage, including maintenance as well as reconstruction where needed. 1.3 The City should consult with Lane County about urban transition agreements, TransPlan, and abutting property owners to identify needed improvements and a means of financing them for collector and arterial streets in Glenwood. However, certain streets were transferred to the City that included Lane County payments through urban transition agreements to defray the cost bringing them up to standard. Lane County considers its obligation for those streets completed. Items to consider when improving streets are: a. Street improvements appropriate to the street's classification, including sidewalks, bike lanes if appropriate, improvements to storm drainage, and adequate street paving width; and b. The possibility of controlling traffic traveling along Glenwood Boulevard to and from I-5, including deceleration lanes for the Lane County Solid -Waste Facility and LTD. 1.4 The City and State Highway Division should consider combining access points along Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway and Glenwood Boulevard when reviewing new development proposals. System -Wide Policy F.11: Develop or promote intermodal linkages for connectivity and east of transfer along all transportation modes. System Improvements: Transit Policy F.18: Improve transit service and facilities to increase the system's accessibility, attractiveness, and convenience for all users, including the transportation disadvantaged population. Transportation System Improvements: Pedestrian Policy F.26: Provide for a pedestrian environment that is well integrated with adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking. Transportation System Improvements: Pedestrian Policy F.27: Provide for a continuous pedestrian network with reasonably direct travel routes between destination points. Transportation System Improvements: Pedestrian Policy F.28: Construct sidewalks along urban area arterial and collector roadways, except freeways. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 16 Metro Plan Policies: See TransPlan projects lists Line 55 Improve City entries and landmarks Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: General Land Use Policies and Implementation Strategies Policy 8: Recognize Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway and Glenwood Boulevard as important entrance corridors for both Eugene and Springfield. 8.1 Apply applicable Springfield Downtown Refinement Plan Design Element policies to the Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway and Glenwood Boulevard entrances until such time as specific Glenwood beautification policies are adopted. Franklin Boulevard/Willamette River Corridor Policyl: The City shall ensure that new development and redevelopment will aesthetically and functionally enhance the Franklin Boulevard and McVay Highway corridors. 1.1 On a strip 100 feet deep and parallel to Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway use the Franklin Boulevard or McVay Highway Site Development Guidelines (whichever is appropriate) through the site plan review process. Line 58 Relocate, remediate. re -use Lane County solid waste facility Line 61 Lane County courts/sheriff substation Line 63 Provide other city/county public service facilities .Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: Public Facilities and Services Policy 1: The City shall provide public facilities and services to Glenwood in a timely fashion and in response to requests for service. 1.1 A variety of sources for funding public facilities and services should be identified and explored as to their feasibility, including but not limited to tax increment financing, local improvement districts, block grants, and public/private partnerships. Public Safety Policy 2: Eugene and Springfield shall continue an enhancedjoint response program in the Glenwood area, even ager complete annexation of the area to Springfield, and shall maintain current levels of fire response time to the Glenwood area. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 17 Public Safety Policy 3: As additional Glenwood properties annex to Springfield, there will be a need to construct a new fire station in the downtown area that can serve all of Glenwood. Metro Plan Policies. Growth Management Policy 1: The urban growth boundary and sequential development shall continue to be implemented as an essential means to achieve compact urban growth. The provision of all urban services shall be concentrated inside the urban growth boundary." Growth Management Policy 8: Land within the urban growth boundary maybe converted from urbanizable to urban only through annexation to a city when it is found that: a. A minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided to the area in an orderly and efficient manner. b. There will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities. Conversion of urbanizable land to urban shall also be consistent with the Metropolitan Plan. Growth Management Policy 9: A full range of key urban facilities and services shall be provided to urban areas according to demonstrated need and budgetary priorities. Line 67 Expand and improve James Park Line 68 Acquire and develop a neighborhood nark to meet the needs of Glenwood residents Line 70 Acquire and develop a multi -use community scale park along the Willamette River with off-street patbways, among other amenities. Line 72 Historic landmark preservation and identification Program Willamalane Parks and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan, Map & Policies: See Plan Diagram Map 2, Existing and Proposed Park and Recreation Resources Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: Parks and Recreation Element Policies: I. The City and Willamalane shall work with property owners along those portions of the Willamette River within the Glenwood area in recognition of the area's role as part of the Willamette Greenway system and the community -wide resource it represents. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 18 2. The City will consult with Willamalane and other public agencies and private ,landowners to coordinate acquisition of property and development of public access and recreational facilities with preservation and enhancement of significant natural habitats and scenic corridors and with economic use of those lands along the river. 3. The City will defer to Willamalane to consider the following park acquisition and development priorities in developing park and recreation services for the Glenwood area listed in priority order. See the Possible Park Site Map, Page 76. B. Explore the feasibility of acquisition of one or more parcels within or adjacent to the central residential area for redevelopment as a small neighborhood park. C. Consider future land uses in determining ongoing use and development of James Park for Glenwood residents and investigate acquisition and development of alternative sites east of McVay Highway. Consider the possible purchase of the old Glenwood School site for an expansion of James Park, thereby increasing the parks access and visibility from McVay Highway. Historic Qualities Policy 1: The City shall recognize potentially historic resources that exist in Glenwood and support historic preservation efforts. Metro Plan Policies: Historic Preservation Element Policy 1: Adopt and implement historic preservation policies, regulations, and incentive programs that encourage the inventory, preservation, and restoration of structures; landmarks; sites; and areas of cultural, historic, or archaeological significance, consistent with overall policies. Historic Preservation Element Policy 2: Institute and support projects and programs that increase citizen and visitor awareness of the area's history and encourage citizen participation in and support of programs designed to recognize and memorialize the area's history. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 19 _400. PROPOSED LAND USES The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the Glenwood Refinement Plan. The Refinement Plan's Land Use Element (pp. 9-46) describes in detail the existing and proposed land uses (Zoning Map and Plan Diagram are Exhibit 2 of this Plan). Excerpts of the Refinement Plan relating to existing land use follow. Proposed land uses, policies, and implementation strategies are described in detail (pp. 21-46) for 10 sub -areas in Glenwood (see Plan Diagram). "The Land Use Element addresses the population, housing, land use, and zoning characteristics of the Glenwood area. It provides direction on the way future growth and development should occur based on existing development patterns and zoning, and based on the goals and policies contained in the Metro Plan and related policy documents. In general, diversity in type and condition characterize the existing land use patterns in Glenwood.... While there are distinct residential and industrial areas, there are also other areas that are mixed commercial and industrial areas. Sites and structures are found in a range of standard and substandard conditions. The Glenwood area's unique combination and pattern of land uses are due in part to its central location between Eugene and Springfield and in part to its location along major transportation corridors. In particular, the transportation corridors of Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway cater to automobile -oriented commercial/industrial uses and travel -oriented residential uses, such as mobile home/recreational vehicle parks. Glenwood's central location has also prompted large regional services to locate here, such as the Lane County Solid Waste Facility and more recently Lane Transit District's (LTD) bus maintenance and operations facility. Much of Glenwood's development has occurred without benefit of City services and a majority of the area is still outside the Springfield city limits. This largely non -urban form of development hasalsoaffected Glenwood's land use pattern. Most development has had to occur without sewers, resulting in land -intensive rather than labor-intensive industrial uses. Also, because of sewer unavailability, much of the 618 acres of land in Glenwood remains vacant or underutilized. In fact, there is more vacant land (27 percent or 167 acres) in Glenwood than in any other single land use category.... ...The community of Glenwood has a population of approximately 1,330 people. Most of the residents are found either in the Central Residential subarea or in the eight mobile home parks located along Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway. Glenwood has a small average household size (1.82 persons) and a high percentage of one-person households (43 percent). Glenwood has a significantly higher proportion of elderly persons than Eugene or Springfield.... Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 20 ...Glenwood serves an important function in the metropolitan area by providing low-cost housing, including manufactured dwellings. Residential development in Glenwood generally consists of single-family houses, manufactured dwellings on individual lots, and manufactured dwellings in parks. The density in the residential area is 6.9 units per acre, within the low-density residential range of 1-10 units per acre.... ...Glenwood has a very high percentage of manufactured dwellings compared with other types of housing. There are 744 dwelling units in Glenwood. Of these, 72 percent are manufactured dwellings (66 percent in parks and 6 percent on individual lots) and 23 percent are single-family residences (See Figure 3 Page 12, Number of Residential Units by Structure Type). There are 46 manufactured dwellings on individual lots in Glenwood. These were established when Glenwood was under Lane County's jurisdiction. The City allows Type I manufactured dwellings on vacant lots, outside of manufactured dwelling parks; and Type I and II manufactured dwellings within manufactured dwelling parks.... ...There are 167 single-family residences in Glenwood. Of these, 42 percent are owner -occupied. Eugene's windshield survey conducted to determine general housing quality has indicated that a majority (62 percent) of the residential structures in Glenwood are in need of major repair.... ...Over the past 30 years, industrial development has gradually become the single most predominant forth of development (14 percent) in Glenwood. In line with this industrial orientation, a majority of Glenwood's total acreage (59 percent) and of Glenwood's vacant acreage (65 percent) is designated in the Metropolitan Plan for light -medium industrial use. Industrial park sites and freestanding industrial sites are available for development as well. A majority of the land (68 percent) in Glenwood is also zoned for industrial use. On the other hand, there is very little land developed (six percent), designated (eight percent), or zoned (two percent) for retail commercial uses. These commercial uses are located mostly along Franklin Boulevard. About 116 acres of industrially zoned land in Glenwood is vacant. Of this total, a majority of these parcels are five acres or less in size (There are 73 acres in 67 parcels). Conversely, there are 43 acres in five parcels that are six acres or larger (See Figure 4 Page 13, Industrially Zoned Undeveloped Area). These figures indicate that most of the industrial land in Glenwood is best suited for small to mid-size industrial uses." Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 21 500. OUTLINE OF DEVELOPMENT The key component of this Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is to assist in providing basic infrastructure for not only the underdeveloped riverfrom area so it becomes ideal for high quality, mixed use development, but also for the underused vacant and underdeveloped industrial sites so they can be vital to the economic growth of the City and Lane County. This cannot readily be done without public involvement because of multiple ownerships; high land prices; and parcels of size, shape, and lack of access that are not conducive to development. The Urban Renewal Plan includes projects, activities, and actions which treat the causes of blight and deterioration in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. Project activities to treat these conditions include: 1. Assist in improvements to streets, curbs, and sidewalks to encourage new development in the project area, and to address pedestrian and vehicular safety problems. 2. Assist in improvements to water, storm and sanitary sewer infrastructure to encourage new development in the project area. 3. Assist in activities to improve the visual appearance of the renewal area and provide a safer, more attractive pedestrian environment, including streetscape and landscape improvements, and development of public parks and open spaces. 4. Authorization to construct public puking facilities. 5. Authorization to assist in the rehabilitation and renovation of residential and commercial properties in the renewal Area. 6 Authorization to lend financial assistance to encourage property owners or potential redevelopers to undertake new construction projects within the project area. 7. Authority to acquire and dispose of land for public improvements, rights-of-way, utility improvements, and private development. 8. Administration of the Renewal Agency and Renewal Plan. Section 600 provides further description of each urban renewal project to be undertaken within Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 22 600. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN In order to achieve the objectives of this Plan, the following activities will be undertaken on behalf of the City by the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) the City's Urban Renewal Agency in accordance with applicable federal, state, county, and city laws, policies, and procedures. The Urban Renewal Agency may fund these activities in full, in part, or seek other sources of funding for them. The description of projects herein provides general authority to undertake these activities. These project activities may be modified, or expanded upon as needed to meet renewal plan objectives. Changes will be undertaken in accordance with procedures for amendments to this Plan. A. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Public improvements include the construction, repair, or replacement of sidewalks, streets, parking, parks and open spaces, pedestrian amenities, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer facilities, wetlands and riverside/riparian improvements, and other public facilities necessary to carry out the goals and objectives of this plan. Street, Intersection, Bicycle, and Sidewalk Improvements. There are deficiencies in streets, curb, and sidewalks within the project area, including the lack of access to several large areas between Franklin Boulevard and the Willamette River that need better public access to allow development to occur. Major deficiencies also exist along almost all arterials, collectors and street corridors throughout the renewal area. To remedy these conditions, it is the intent of the Renewal Agency to participate in funding sidewalk, roadway, and access improvements including design, redesign, construction, resurfacing, repair and acquisition of right -of way for curbs, streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian and bicycle ways. 2. Storm and Sanitary Sewer Systems and Electrical/Water Systems. City staff has identified a list of missing sanitary and stotm sewer systems that are needed throughout the Glenwood area and some improvements to electric and water services for potential industrial users. It is the intent of the SEDA to assist the utility providers in building new links and repairing and upgrading selected portions of these utility service systems to enhance opportunities or secure development. 3. Streetscape Projects. This activity will enable the SEDA to participate in activities improving the visual appearance of the project area. To carry out these objectives, the Renewal Agency will undertake a variety of improvements to the appearance of key locations within the urban renewal area. These improvements may include street lighting, trash receptacles, benches, historical markers, street trees and landscaping, signage, or removal of trees that pose a safety hazard. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 23 4. Pedestrian, Bike, and Transit Facilities. These activities will include pedestrian, bicycle and transit connections between the renewal project area and the Downtown core and residential areas in Glenwood and across the Willamette River. Activities may include bikeways and paths, bicycle parking and storage, transit stops and pullouts, and other related activities which will promote pedestrian, bicycle, and public transportation uses in the renewal area. 5. Public Open Spaces. The Renewal Agency may participate in funding the design, acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of existing or new park sites or other appropriate public spaces, or parks or public facilities within the urban renewal area, including improvements listed in the Willamalane Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan or Lane County Parks Division. 6. Public Safety Improvements. To achieve the objectives of this Plan, and to target public investments in a manner which benefits the Renewal area and Glenwood and Springfield residents, the SEDA is authorized to improve, acquire or construct safety-related, health, and public -service -related facilities within the urban renewal area, including those in partnership with Lane County. 7. Public Parking Facilities. It is anticipated that development of commercial property in the renewal area may create demand for additional public parking within the renewal area. Accordingly, the Agency is authorized to participate in funding the acquisition and construction of new public parking facilities within the renewal area. 8. Public Signage and Entrance Improvements. The entrances to the Glenwood and Springfield communities have deficiencies in indicating the locations of tourism and other attractions of economic significance. The public face of the community is first reflected by the entrance signage and then by the acknowledgment and recognition of natural, cultural, and historical assets and landmarks important to the community's quality of life, development, and economy. The Agency is authorized to provide suitable signage, markers, art and related improvements to signify the major assets in Glenwood and the entrances to the City. The projects would.be developed with recommendations from the Springfield Arts and - Historical Commissions. 9. Major Community Development Improvements. The locational qualities of much of Glenwood (bounded by Interstate -5 and the Willamette River and between Springfield and Eugene) have not been achieved because of the lack of public infrastructure and the difficulty of capturing an initial major facility (like a civic center, conference center, athletic facility, hotel, etc.) to launch development or redevelopment that would anchor mixed-use development on the river&ont. The Agency is authorized to participate in providing public improvements, public parking, housing, and other public facilities as it deems necessary to achieve the intent and objectives of the Plan. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 24 B. REDEVELOPMENT THROUGH NEW CONSTRUCTION 1. It is the intent of this Plan to stimulate new investment by public, private, non- profit, or community-based organizations on vacant or underutilized property to achieve the goals and objectives of this Plan, and in particular to assure that new investments serve to benefit the existing residents and businesses in the area. Redevelopment through new construction may be achieved in two ways: (a) By public or private property owners, with or without financial assistance by the Agency; (b) By acquisition of property by the Agency for redevelopment or resale to others for redevelopment. 2. Redevelopment and Rehabilitation Financing. The Renewal Agency is authorized to set guidelines, establish loan programs and provide below-market interest rate and market rate loans and provide such other forms of financial assistance to property owners and those desiring to redevelop, rehabilitate, and acquire property, as it may deem appropriate in order to achieve the objectives of this Plan. These loan programs could include both rehabilitation assistance for residential, commercial and industrial structures and sites. The obligations of the redeveloper, if any, shall be in accordance with Section 800 of this Plan. The obligations of an owner -occupied residential structure will be developed to assist primarily low- and moderate income households in correcting health and safety problems. C. PRESERVATION. REHABILITATION, DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT This activity will enable the Renewal Agency to carry out Council, Metro Plan, and Glenwood Refinement Plan objectives for improving the appearance the project area, and encouraging infill and reuse in the project area. The Renewal Agency may participate, through loans, grants, or both, in maintaining and improving exterior and interior conditions of buildings in the renewal area. The Renewal Agency also is authorized to provide loans or other forms of financial assistance to property owners, or persons. desiring to acquire or lease buildings or land from the Agency. The Agency may make this assistance available as it deems necessary to achieve the objectives of this Plan. D. PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION In order to carry out the objectives of this Plan, the Renewal Agency is authorized to acquire land or buildings for public and private development purposes. The procedures for acquiring and disposing of property are described in Sections 700 and 800 of this Plan. E. PLAN TECHNICAL STUDIES AND ADMINISTRATION Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 25 It is the intent of this Renewal Plan to provide for the effective and efficient administration of the Plan and to plan for the various activities contained in the Plan in a financially responsible manner. Project funds may be utilized to pay indebtedness associated with preparation of the urban renewal plan, to carry out design plans, miscellaneous land use and public facility studies, engineering, market, and other technical studies as may be needed during the course of the urban renewal plan. Project funds may be utilized to pay for marketing materials and programs to assist in carrying out the objectives of the redevelopment plan. Project funds also may be used to pay for personnel and other direct administrative costs incurred in management of the renewal plan. 700. PROPERTY ACOUISITION PROCEDURES Acquisition of real property may be necessary to carry out the objectives of this Plan. Property for public or private preservation, rehabilitation, development, or redevelopment may be acquired by gift, eminent domain or any other lawful method for the purpose of the redevelopment. The purposes and procedures for acquisition under this Plan are: The Renewal Agency is authorized to acquire property within the Area, if necessary by any legal means to achieve the objectives of this Plan. Property acquisition, including limited interest acquisition, is hereby made a part of this Plan and may be used to achieve the objectives of this Plan. All acquisition of property will require an amendment to the plan as set forth in Section 900 of this Plan. A. ACQUISITION REQUIRING CITY COUNCIL RATIFICATION. City Council ratification is required for Renewal Agency acquisitions for the following purposes: I. Assembling land for development by the public or private sector. Such acquisition shall be undertaken only following completion of an amendment to this Plan as set forth in Section 900.0 of this Plan. The City Council shall ratify the amendment to this Plan by resolution. 2. Where conditions exist that may affect the health, safety and welfare of the Area and it is determined that acquisition of such properties and demolition of the improvements thereon are necessary to remove substandard and blighting conditions, acquisition shall be undertaken only following completion of an amendment to this Plan as set forth in Section 900.0 of this Plan. The City Council shall ratify the amendment to this Plan by resolution. 3. Acquisition for any purpose that requires the use of the Agency's powers of eminent domain. Such acquisition shall be undertaken only following completion of an amendment to this Plan as set forth in Section 900.0 of this Plan. The City Council shall ratify the amendment to this Plan by resolution. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 26 B. ACQUISITION NOT REQUIRING CITY COUNCIL RATIFICATION. Land acquisition not requiring City Council ratification requires an amendment to this Plan as set forth in Section 900.1) of this Plan. The minor amendment to the Renewal Plan may be adopted by the Renewal Agency by Resolution. The Agency may acquire land without Council ratification where the following conditions exist: 1. Where it is determined that the property is needed to provide public improvements and facilities as follows: a. Right-of-way acquisition for streets, alleys or pedestrian ways; b. Right of way and easement acquisition for water, sewer, and other utilities c. Property acquisition for public use or for public buildings and facilities 2. Where the owner of real property within the boundaries of the Area wishes to convey title of such property by any means, including by gift. C. PROPERTIES TO BE ACQUIRED At the time this plan is prepared, no properties are identified for acquisition. If plan amendments to acquire property are approved, a map exhibit shall be prepared showing the properties to be acquired and the property will be added to the list of properties to be acquired. The list of properties acquired will be shown in this section of the Plan. The map exhibit shall be appropriately numbered and shall be included in Part Two as an official part of this Urban Renewal Plan. 800. PROPERTY DISPOSITION AND REDEVELOPERS' OBLIGATIONS A. PROPERTY DISPOSITION AND REDEVELOPMENT The Renewal Agency is authorized to dispose of acquired property by sale, lease, exchange, or other appropriate means for redevelopment and development uses and purposes specified in this Plan. If property is identified for acquisition in this plan, the Agency proposes to commence disposition of property within five (5) years from the date of identifying those properties in this plan, and to complete disposition within ten (10) years from such approval. Properties shall be subject to disposition by sale, lease or dedication for the following purposes: 1. Road, street, pedestrian, bikeway, and utility projects, and other right-of-way improvements listed in Section 600 of this plan. 2. Construction of public facilities in Section 600 of this plan. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 27 3. Redevelopment by private redevelopers for purposes consistent with the uses and objectives of this plan. Such disposition will be in accordance with the terms of a Disposition & Development Agreement between the Developer and the Renewal Agency and with the Redeveloper's obligations in Section 800 B of this plan. The Renewal Agency may dispose of any land it has acquired at fair reuse value and to define the fair reuse value of any land. B. REDEVELOPERS' OBLIGATIONS Redevelopers within the Urban Renewal Area will be subject to controls and obligations imposed by the provisions of this Plan. Redevelopers also will be obligated by the. following requirements: 1. The Redeveloper shall develop or redevelop property in accordance with the land - use provisions and other requirements specified in this Plan and in the legally applicable local land use plans for the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. 2. The Renewal Agency may require the redeveloper to execute a development agreement acceptable to the Renewal Agency as a condition of any form of assistance by the Renewal Agency. The Redeveloper shall accept all conditions and agreements as may be required by the Renewal Agency. 3. The Redeveloper shall submit all plans and specifications for construction of improvements on the land to the Renewal Agency or its designated agent, for review and approval prior to distribution to reviewing bodies as required by the City. 4. The Redeveloper shall commence and complete the development of such property for the use provided in this Plan within a reasonable time as determined by the Renewal Agency. 5. The Redeveloper shall not affect any instrument whereby the sale, lease, or occupancy of the real property, or any part thereof, is restricted upon the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, marital status, or national origin. 900. AMENDMENTS TO THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN It is anticipated that this Renewal Plan will be reviewed intermittently during the execution of the Project. The plan may be changed, modified, or amended as future conditions warrant. Types of Renewal Plan amendments are: A. SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS Substantial amendments consist of. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 28 1. Increases in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area boundary in cumulative excess of 1% shall be a substantial amendment requiring approval per ORS 457.095 and notice as provided in ORS 457.120. 2. Increasing the maximum amount of indebtedness to be issued under the plan shall be a substantial amendment requiring approval per ORS 457.095 and notice as provided in ORS 457.120. B. SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS NOT REQUIRING SPECIAL NOTICE The following Plan amendments will require approval per ORS 457.095 but will not require special notice as provided in ORS 457.120: I. The addition of improvements or activities which represent a substantial change in the purpose and objectives of this Plan, and which cost more than $500,000, shall be a substantial amendment requiring approval per ORS 457.095, but not requiring notice as provided in ORS 457.120. The $500,000 amount will be adjusted annually from the year 2004 according to the "Engineering News Record" construction cost index for the Northwestern United States. 2. The addition of improvements or activities that substantially alter the goals and objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan. C. OTHER AMENDMENTS REQUIRING COUNCIL APPROVAL The following Plan amendments must be approved by the Renewal Agency by resolution and presented to City Council for required approval by City Council resolution: I. Acquisition of property for purposes specified in Sections 700A of this Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. D. OTHER AMENDMENTS Minor amendments may be approved by the Renewal Agency in resolution form. Such amendments are defined as: 1. Amendments to clarify language, add graphic exhibits, make minor modifications in the scope or location of improvements authorized by this Plan, or other such modifications which do not change the basic planning or engineering principles of the Plan. 2. Acquisition of property for purposes specified in Section 700 B 1 and B2 of this plan. 3. Addition of a project substantially different from those identified in Sections 600 of the Plan or substantial modification of a project identified in Section 600 if the addition or modification of the project costs less than $500,000 in 2004 dollars. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 29 4. Increases in the urban renewal area boundary not in cumulative excess of 1 %. 1000. MAXIMUM INDEBTEDNESS The Maximum Indebtedness authorized under this plan is thirty-two million eight hundred sixty thousand dollars ($32,860,000). This amount is the principle of such indebtedness and does not include interest or indebtedness incurred to refund or refinance such indebtedness. 1100. FINANCING METHODS rl�912l2l:lt7411 The Urban Renewal Agency may borrow money and accept advances, loans, grants and other forms of financial assistance from the federal government, the state, city, county or other public body, or from any sources, public or private for the purposes of paying indebtedness incurred in undertaking and carrying out this Plan. In addition, the Agency may borrow money from or lend money to a public agency in conjunction with a joint undertaking of a project authorized by this Plan. If such funds are loaned, the Agency may promulgate rules and procedures for the methods and conditions of payment of such loans. It is contemplated that the project will be financed in whole or in part by tax increment financing, as authorized in ORS 457.420 through ORS 457.450. C. PRIOR INDEBTEDNESS Any indebtedness permitted by law and incurred by the Urban Renewal Agency or the City in connection with preplanning for this Urban Renewal Plan shall be repaid from tax increment proceeds generated pursuant to this section. 1200. RELOCATION The Agency will provide relocation assistance to all persons or businesses displaced temporarily or permanently by project activities. Those displaced will be given assistance in finding replacement facilities. All persons or businesses which may be displaced will be contacted to determine such relocation needs. They will be provided information on available housing or space and will be given assistance in moving. All relocation activities will be undertaken and payments made in accordance with the requirements of ORS 281.045-281.105 and any other applicable laws or regulations. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 30 Relocation payments will be made as provided in ORS 281.060. Payments made to persons displaced from dwellings will assure that they will have available to them decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings at costs or rents within their financial reach. Payment for moving expenses will be made to residents and businesses displaced. The Renewal Agency may contract with Oregon Department of Transportation or other parties to help administer its relocation program. 1300. DEFINITIONS The following definitions will govern the construction of this Plan unless the context otherwise requires: "Agency", "Renewal Agency", "Urban Renewal. Agency", "Springfield Economic Development Agency", or "SEDA" means the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Springfield, Oregon. "Area" means the area included within the boundaries of the Springfield Urban Renewal Plan. "City" means the City of Springfield, Oregon. "City Council" means the City Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon. "Comprehensive Plan" means the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and its implementing ordinances, policies, refinement plans, and development standards. "County" means the County of Lane, State of Oregon. "Displaced" person or business means any person or business that is required to relocate as a result of action by the Urban Renewal Agency to vacate a property for public use or purpose. "Disposition and Development Agreement" means an agreementbetween the Urban Renewal Agency and a private developer which sets forth the terns and conditions under which will govern the disposition of land to a private developer. "Exhibit" means an attachment, either narrative or map, to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Springfield Urban Renewal Area, Part Two -Exhibits. "ORS" means Oregon Revised Statute (State Law) and specifically Chapter 457 thereof. "Plan" means the Urban Renewal Plan for the Springfield Urban Renewal Area, Parts One and Two. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 31 "Plan Area" means the area included within the boundaries of the Springfield Urban Renewal Plan. . "Planning Commission" means the Planning Commission of the City of Springfield, Oregon. "Project, Activity or Project Activity" means any undertaking or activity within the Renewal Area, such as a public improvement, street project or other activity authorized and for which implementing provisions are set forth in the Urban Renewal Plan. "Public Safety Project" means projects intended to assist police, fire, ambulance, and emergency services in the City of Springfield or in Lane County within the Plan Area. "Renewal Area" means the area included within the boundaries of the Springfield Urban Renewal Plan. "Report" means the report accompanying the Plan, as provided in ORS 457.085 (3). "Redeveloper" means any individual or group acquiring property from the Urban Renewal Agency or receiving financial assistance for the physical improvement of privately or publicly held structures and land. "SEDA" means the Springfield Economic Development Agency. "Text" means the Urban Renewal Plan for the Springfield Urban Renewal Area, Part One Text. "Urban Renewal Area", "Springfield Urban Renewal Area", "Urban Renewal Area", or "Renewal Area" means the geographic area for which this Urban Renewal Plan has been approved. The boundary of the Urban Renewal Area is described in Exhibits made a part of this plan. Springfield Urban Renewal Plan Exhibit 1 -Boundary Map and Legal Description Exhibit 2 -Zoning Map and Plan Diagram Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 32 m 41 0 D Springfuld, OR - EXHIBIT 1-2 Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of the Interstate Highway 1-5 right of way, in Section 33, Township17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon with the centerline of the Willamette River; thence along the City limits line, Easterly and Southerly (upstream) along the centerline of the Willamette River, 13,000 feet, more or less, to a point at right angles from a point on the Westerly bank where the Easterly right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad intersect the Westerly bank (most southerly point of tax lot 17-03-02-32-03800); thence Westerly. at right angles to the centerline of the river, 200 feet, more or less, to the last said point of intersection on the West bank of the Willamette River, thence Northerly along the Easterly right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad to a point of intersection with the Easterly right of way of McVay Highway (State Highway 225); thence Southerly along the Easterly right of way of said Highway to a point of intersection with the Westerly right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence Westerly, crossing said Highway.. right of way to a point on the Westerly right of way which is the Southeast corner of that tract of land described in a deed from Helene Macauley to Edward Macauley filed and recorded September 27, 1982 in Reel 1212R at Reception No. 8228958, Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot 1803034000700); thence Northwesterly along the Southerly line of the last said tract to the Southwest corner thereof, said point is on the Easterly right of way of Interstate Highway 1-5; thence Southwesterly at right angles the centerline of 1-5 120 feet, more or less to a point on the centerline of 1-5; thence along the centerline of 1-5 Northerly and Westerly, 10,000 feet, more or less to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, Exhibit 1, Page 2 I PLAN DIAGRAM July, 1999 " Plan Designations '©^ Commerclal ® Commercial Industrial/Mixed Use Light Medium Industrial Low Density Residential Q Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family Residential Mixed Use - Parks and Open Space Public Land 0 500 1000 Feet �S �y � L E N W ® D GLENW1 DOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN — EXHIBIT 2, PAGE 2 M11 ENO fi' S��• , m, �. D,L v..', liv November 15, 2004 Springfield Economic Development Agency November 2004 GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This urban renewal plan was prepared with funding assistance from the City of Springfield. Springfield citizens participated in 14 workshops leading to the preparation of the renewal Plan and Report. Staff Assistance Michael A. Kelly, City Manager Cynthia Pappas, Assistant City Manager William Grile, Development Services Director John Tamulonis, Community Development Manager Urban Renewal Consultant Charles Kopper, Spencer & Kopper Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 2 November 15, 2004 REPORT ON THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PROJECTBACKGROUND................................................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION TO ANALYSIS OF BLIGHTING CONDITIONS .............................................. 6 100. DESCRIPTION OF THE PHYSICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN THE RENEWAL AREA........................................................................................ 7 100B. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS..............................................................................11 200. EXPECTED FISCAL, SERVICE AND POPULATION IMPACTS OF PLAN........................11 300. REASONS FOR SELECTING THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA............................................13 400. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EACH PROJECT ACTIVITY AND EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE PROJECT AREA......................................................................14 500. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF PLAN.............................................................................................14 500A. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST AND REVENUE SOURCES................................................14 500B.ANTICIPATED START & FINISH DATES OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES ............................16 500C.ESTEVIATED EXPENDITURES AND YEAR OF DEBT RETIREMENT .............................16 500D. IMPACT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING....................................................................... 21 500E. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF PLAN......................................................................................25 600. RELOCATION...............................................................................................................................25 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 3 November 15, 2004 REPORT ON THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN PROJECT BACKGROUND The primary purpose of the Glenwood urban renewal plan is to revitalize the emerging industrial areas of this western part of Springfield and to redevelop the Willamette River -front areas along the north and easterly portions of Glenwood. The intent is to create jobs by attracting new industrial business, building housing, and attracting commercial businesses to the mixed residential -commercial zoned areas of Glenwood along the Willamette riverfront. The renewal plan builds upon other work and study efforts focused on Glenwood. They include the Glenwood Refinement Plan (1999), the Glenwood Jurisdictional Study (1997), the Glenwood Riverfront Plan (2004), and the Willamalane Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan (2004). The Glenwood urban renewal area is larger than the Glenwood Riverfrom Plan project area of 2004 and incorporates that area within its boundary. The General Introduction to Land Use (p. 9) in the Glenwood Refinement Plan forms a good general summary of the current state of conditions within the Glenwood Urban Renewal area. It states: "In general, diversity in type and condition characterize the existing land use patterns in Glenwood (See the Existing Land Use Map on Page 14). While there are distinct residential and industrial areas, there are also other areas that are mixed commercial and industrial areas. Sites and structures are found in a range of standard and substandard conditions. The Glenwood area's unique combination and pattern of land uses are due in part to its central location between Eugene and Springfield and in part to its location along major transportation corridors. In particular, the transportation corridors of Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway cater to automobile -oriented commercial/industrial uses and travel -oriented residential uses, such as mobile home/recreational vehicle parks. Glenwood's central location has also prompted large regional services to locate here, such as the Lane County Solid Waste Facility and more recently Lane Transit District's (LTD) bus maintenance and operations facility. Much of Glenwood's development has occurred without benefit of City services and a majority of the area is still outside the Springfield city limits. This largely non -urban form of development has also affected Glenwood's land use pattern. Most development has had to occur without sewers, resulting in land -intensive rather than labor-intensive industrial uses. Also, because of sewer unavailability, much of the 618 acres of land in Glenwood remains vacant or underutilized." A general lack of urban services has restricted development, hindered redevelopment, and constrained widespread improvement in the quality of life in Glenwood. With a strong sense of residential community and neighborliness, the residents have an ambitious vision and direction outlined in the Refinement Plan. However, most of the problems are physical and need funds to Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 4 November 15, 2004 be built or that vision will not be realized. The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is intended to be the combination of projects and funding to overcome the problems and achieve the vision in the Refinement Plan (pp. 7-8): "II. COMMUNITY VISION Glenwood as an area that provides a strong sense of residential community and neighborliness and affordable housing. Glenwood as a prime industrial location which allows industrial and residential development to be compatible with one another. Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway as attractive commercial corridors with safe pedestrian and bicycle access. The Willamette River frontage as an area that is accessible to the public and is developed with a compatible mixture of uses that take advantage of the river's aesthetic and recreational assets. Glenwood as an area that is easily accessible for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists to both Eugene and Springfield. Glenwood as an area in which full urban services will become available over time, with particular attention to provision of sanitary sewers. III. COMMUNITY DIRECTION L Maintain and improve Glenwood's sense of identity and community as it transitions into the City. 2. Maintain the viability of the residential area within Glenwood by conserving and upgrading the quality of existing housing wherever possible while retaining its affordable character. 3. Promote Glenwood as an attractive industrial area because of its easy access to I-5 and rail service, its convenient location between Eugene and Springfield, and the availability of a variety of sizes of vacant industrial parcels. 4. Reduce conflicts between industrial and residential development through use of site review procedures. 5. Foster Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway as a desirable commercial location while improving its visual quality. 6. Encourage a variety of commercial, industrial, and residential uses as an integral part of the Glenwood community. 7. Promote use of rail service as a viable method of transport of industrial materials and goods. 8. Improve bicycle and pedestrian access into, out of, and within. Glenwood and along the river. 9. Provide urban services in a timely way, including providing sanitary sewers to those who need them, improving street drainage, ensuring timely public safety response, and maintaining the viability of James Park or other park facilities. 10. Be sensitive to annexation concerns and provide for voluntary annexation wherever feasible. it. Provide access to the river and promote development opportunities along the river, which take advantage of the river's natural assets and are sensitive to the river environment. 12. Improve the community's quality of life by addressing such issues as litter and noise pollution. The existence of blighting conditions extends throughout the larger area covered by the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 5 November 15, 2004 DEFINITION OF BLIGHTING CONDITIONS ORS 457.010 defines "blight' as follows: (underlining is added for emphasis) 'Blighted areas mean areas which, by reason of deterioration, faulty planning, inadequate or improper facilities, deleterious land use or the existence of unsafe structures, or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to the safety, health or welfare of the community. A blighted area is characterized by the existence of one or more of the following conditions: "The existence of buildings and structures, used or intended to be used for living, commercial, industrial or other purposes, or any combination of those uses, which are unfit or unsafe to occupy for those purposes because of any one or a combination of the following conditions: 'Defective design and quality of physical construction; "Faulty interior arrangement and exterior spacing; "Overcrowding and a high density of population; "Inadequate provision for ventilation, light, sanitation, open spaces and recreation facilities; or "Obsolescence, deterioration, dilapidation, mixed character or shifting of uses." "An economic dislocation, deterioration or disuse of property resulting from faulty planning; "The division or subdivision and sale of property or lots of irregular form and shape and inadequate size or dimensions for property usefulness and development; "The laying out of property or lots in disregard of contours, drainage and other physical characteristics of the terrain and surrounding conditions; "The existence of inadequate streets and other rights-of-way, open spaces and utilities; "The existence of property or lots or other areas which are subject to inundation by water; "A prevalence of depreciated values, impaired investments and social and economic, maladjustments to such an extent that the capacity to pay taxes is reduced and tax receipts are inadequate for the cost of public services rendered; "A growing or total lack of proper utilization of areas, resulting in a stagnant and unproductive condition of land potentially useful and valuable for contributing to the public health, safety, and welfare; or "A loss of population and reduction of proper utilization of the area, resulting in its further deterioration and added costs to the taxpayer for the creation of new public facilities and services elsewhere." Note that it is not necessary for each of the cited conditions to be present in the renewal area, or that these conditions are prevalent in each and every sector of the urban renewal area. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 6 November 15, 2004 100. DESCRIPTION OF THE PHYSICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN THE RENEWAL AREA 100A. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS 1. Land Area The Glenwood Renewal Area contains approximately 618 acres of land area. ORS 457.420 provides that the total land area of a proposed urban renewal district, when added to the land area of existing Renewal Areas may not exceed 25% of the City's land area. The City's current land area is approximately 9791 acres. The total of all acreage in renewal areas represents 6.25% of the City's land area. Total renewal area acreage is within the 25% limitation prescribed by ORS 457.420. 2. Existing Land Use and Development . The Glenwood Urban Renewal Area consists primarily of industrial land uses. The next largest land use is for residential purposes. There are a very limited number of residential uses scattered throughout the project area. Commercial development is concentrated along Franklin Boulevard that runs through the project area. This development is mostly strip commercial and serves Glenwood and surrounding communities with a range of services, convenience, and comparison shopping opportunities. The Glenwood Urban Renewal Area contains about 380 tax lots. The zoning of the tax lots is shown in Table 1, below. GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN TABLE 1 Renewal Area Zoning Breakdown Zonis Class Approximate Acres % of Total Light -Medium Industrial 312 62.7% Low-Denshy Residential 87 17.5% Community Commercial 48 9.6% Public Land & Open Space 38 7.6% Medium -Density Residential 7 14% General Office 6 1.2% TOTALS: 498 100.0%° Table 1 shows that industrial zoned land is 62.74%; commercial zoned land is 9.6% of the uses planned for Glenwood area; while total residential uses are zoned for about 18.9%. The renewal area boundary was drawn to create a project area that was primarily industrial in nature, the bulk of Glenwood, and mixed residential/commercial along the Willamette riverfront and in scattered pockets south and west of Franklin Boulevard. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 7 November 15, 2004 Actions undertaken in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area will help make more productive use of land in Glenwood. 3. Building Conditions There nearly 400 buildings in the Glenwood Urban Renewal area, excluding manufactured homes. As a side note to Table 1, most buildings in the area are zoned for industrial and commercial purposes. Visual inspection of building exteriors in the area shows the overall level of building conditions and upkeep is good for nearly 90% of industrial buildings. However, in scattered pockets, a significant number of industrial and commercial buildings exist in poor condition on Franklin Boulevard and Concord and Brooklyn Avenues; on Henderson, Seneca, 14a, 15a, Lexington, Mississippi and 19th Avenues; and on Nugget Way. The condition of some of these properties may make it economically infeasible to rehabilitate or repair them. The renewal area also contains vacant buildings in various states of disrepair: industrial (sub -areas 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9); commercial (in sub -areas 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); and residential properties (in sub -areas 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9) in evident need of extensive exterior repairs to roofing, siding, foundations, steps, and exterior trim. A high proportion of the area's housing stock is in need of repair based on a windshield survey completed in the mid -1990's. 4. Conditions — Streets, Intersections, Sidewalk, and Storm Drainage The general level of this basic infrastructure in the project area is more consistent with a rural area than with an urbanized one. The following discussion includes a summary of these conditions: Most of the Glenwood area has been developed without an urban level of street improvements. This means that many of the streets are not well-defined by curbs and gutters, making it difficult to tell where the street stops and private property begins. Many of these streets are improved only to rural standards, have substandard rights -of way, or exist only on paper and are not developed at all. The existing improvements lack definition and have inadequate drainage due to their many types of construction. In particular, there is no suitable, adequate, storm water drainage system for nearly the entire Urban Renewal area. In one of the few places it does exist, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has indicated that its storm drainage pipe from Mississippi Avenue to I- 5 is old, undersized, and needs to be replaced. Existing intersection improvements do not readily allow differentiation of local intersecting streets, through sidewalks, crossings, curbs, gutters, or signage, except with recent improvement near the Springfield bridges. There are few sidewalks. The few existing sidewalks are along Franklin Boulevard. They are both narrow and discontinuous and at curbside, immediately next to that heavily used highway. Streetlights exist mostly along Franklin Boulevard and on streets that have annexed and at very wide spacing (below `urban' standards) elsewhere in Glenwood outside the city limits. Two intersections in Glenwood have inadequate lighting: the intersection of Glenwood Boulevard and 22nd Avenue and the I-5 on and off ramps. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 8 November 15, 2004 Except for the bike path connector to the Knickerbocker Bridge and on -street bike lane along Franklin Boulevard west of Glenwood Avenue, Glenwood does not have bicycle paths either on - or off-street for safe bike connections to and from Glenwood or for safe bicycle travel within the Glenwood area. The following are key areas in need of infrastructure assistance: From Henderson Boulevard on the west and eastward between Franklin Boulevard/ McVay Highway and the Willamette River: Deep lots with many older buildings, houses, and manufactured homes needing repair, replacement, or upgrading; infrastructure in poor condition or non-existent; few or no street improvements except asphalt mat pavement in most of these areas and lack of roads providing suitable off-highway, internal access and circulation. Nugget Way and Newman Street: Public streets in poor repair, misaligned, limited substandard curbing, and lack of storm water system, curbside sidewalks, and landscaping. Several industrial buildings in fair repair, many yards in general disarray. 22vd and 21 a Avenues: Misaligned, narrow without curb, gutter, sidewalks, or suitable storm drainage systems. 21 n Avenue is an unimproved gravel street serving three or four homes. Secondary emergency connections are not available to the areas served by these streets. 5. Conditions -Public Parking There is very limited curbside public parking available in just a few partially improved streets, like 17th Street and Nugget Way (and during weekday working hours, the Nugget Way spaces are heavily used. There is no public parking or public parking lot on Franklin Boulevard or McVay Highway the main commercial thoroughfares. There is private, off-street parking available to patrons of most of the newer strip commercial properties along these streets. There is some limited public parking along unimproved streets, however, these puking areas are compromised in winter weather conditions because of the poor storm water drainage or storm water ditches. The lack of accessible and convenient parking is a detriment to investment in the urban renewal area. 6. Conditions - Water and Sanitary Sewer Services and Other Urban Services Water and sanitary sewer service in the renewal project area is in need of repair, upgrade and maintenance, and are barely adequate for existing levels of development. New development would likely require additional sanitary sewer infrastructure or service improvements for looped systems, pumping, or valving to meet greater demands and/or timing of new industrial uses. Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is installing a major water line from Downtown Springfield to Glenwood to provide water from SUB sources. The Glenwood system is in transition to SUB sources from the Eugene Water and Electric Board and the Glenwood Water District as annexation and development occur. Willamalane's Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan (March 2004) notes that Glenwood residents have limited access to close -to -home parks (within a service area of V. to V. mile considering major barriers to access: major Streets, railways, topography). Willamalane identifies the difficulties in Glenwood and indicates a need to expand the Willamette River park Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 9 November 15,2004 system, active recreation areas, river access, and expand recreation opportunities for Glenwood residents. 7. Conditions - Visual Appearance The commercial core of Glenwood is aligned along Franklin Boulevard (called McVay Highway south of the Springfield bridges and part of the State Highway system under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)). Franklin Boulevard is characterized by a mix of strip commercial development of varying styles and quality, most fronted by parking lots, and a mix of older, "main street" commercial properties on very small lots, with only on-site parking. The "main street" area has several vacant storefronts and generally shows more need of repair. There are overhead power lines throughout the area, adding to the visual clutter. Attractive street furniture, signs, banners, trees, landscaping, or other visual amenities are non- existent, rare, of scattered. The Lane County Central Receiving Station is a transfer site for solid waste from the metropolitan area. Solid waste is received and deposited in the facility's pit where it is compacted and then trucked to the Short Mountain landfill. The site also has a recycling station and a composting project for yard waste. Because of the nature of the activity, the facility does affect surrounding areas in Glenwood. Physical appearance is not specifically listed as a condition of blight in ORS 457, however, appearance of modem industrial sites including green space, plantings, improved business frontage and parking areas, low external impacts, etc. are important to economically productive industrial and commercial sites and nearby properties. Economically underproductive sites are considered blighted. As development and redevelopment occurs in surrounding areas the Lane County Central Receiving Station should be evaluated to see if the facility may be redeveloped for other uses that are more productive economically and that enhance the area's overall redevelopment. 8. Conditions — Land and Building Values It is anticipated that the 2004-05 tax roll will establish the initial base of assessed values for the Renewal Area. The figures are not yet available for the total assessed valuation for the Glenwood urban renewal district for that year. The total assessed value of property within the Urban Renewal Area for the 2003-04 tax year is calculated at $74,480,444 in land and building values. The total assessed value of the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area represents about 2.9% of the total property valuation within the City of Springfield. Total certified values within all renewal areas therefore are expected to be well within the maximum 25% of total valuation allowed by urban renewal law. 9. Conditions — Investment and Utilization of Land Real property values within the Renewal Area are largely concentrated in industrial and commercial property classifications. The overall value of land to improvements in the Renewal Area is extraordinarily low for an urban area, especially an area that represents a major concentration of industrial uses and is developed to nearly urban densities. The real market value of land in the renewal area is $50.07 million and the real market value of improvements is $74.48 million. The ratio of building value to land value is just under 1.5:1. Mature urban areas, especially those that include so much commercial and industrial building, are expected to exhibit Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 10 November 15, 2004 improvement to value ratios in the 4:1 or 5:1 range. While this ratio can not be expected in a redeveloping community like Glenwood, it is most unusual for building values in a substantially developed part of an area to barely exceed land values. The data point to a lack of investment in the renewal area, depreciated values, and a loss of tax producing ability for the Glenwood project area. 100B. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Census data for the renewal area itself is not available. However, according to the Glenwood Refinement Plan (pp. 11-12): "The community of Glenwood has a population of approximately 1,330 people. Most of the residents are found either in the Central Residential subarea or in the eight mobile home parks located along Franklin Boulevard and the McVay. Highway. Glenwood has a small average household size (1.82 persons) and a high percentage of one-person households (43 percent). Glenwood has a significantly higher proportion of elderly persons than Eugene or Springfield. Glenwood serves an important function in the metropolitan area by providing low-cost housing, including manufactured dwellings. Residential development in Glenwood generally consists of single-family houses, manufactured dwellings on individual lots, and manufactured dwellings in parks. The density in the residential area is 6.9 units per acre, within the low-density residential range of 1-10 units per acre. Glenwood has a very high percentage of manufactured dwellings compared with other types of housing. There are 744 dwelling units in Glenwood. Of these, 72 percent are manufactured dwellings (66 percent in parks and 6 percent on individual lots) and 23 percent are single-family residences Number of Residential Units by Structure Type). There are 46 manufactured dwellings on individual lots in Glenwood. These were established when Glenwood was under Lane County's jurisdiction. The City allows Type I manufactured dwellings on vacant lots, outside of manufactured dwelling parks; and Type I and II manufactured dwellings within manufactured dwelling parks. There are 167 single-family residences in Glenwood. Of these, 42 percent are owner -occupied. Eugene's windshield survey conducted to determine general housing quality has indicated that a majority (62 percent) of the residential structures in Glenwood are in need of major repair." 200. EXPECTED FISCAL, SERVICE, AND POPULATION IMPACTS OF PLAN ,Urban renewal plan activities are aimed at alleviating traffic, parking and pedestrian safety problems, at repairing and redeveloping property within the area, and at upgrading lighting, streets, sidewalks, open space conditions and providing new or upgraded infrastructure in the Renewal Area. The Urban Renewal Plan is expected to facilitate planned, orderly growth as anticipated in the Eugene -Springfield Metro Area General Plan and Glenwood Refinement Plan. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 11 November 15, 2004 The Plan is not expected to result in a need for any additional police, fire, or other emergency services beyond those already contemplated by the City and other service providers. The Renewal Area boundary includes some proposed housing development. Carrying out the Renewal Plan is expected to result in population growth in Glenwood, with perhaps as many as 815 new housing units. But that growth is included in the overall population growth of the City of Springfield over the next 20 years and the fiscal impacts are not significant relative to growth in other parts of the much larger Springfield city limits. Renewal Plan activities, however, are not expected to influence the timing or scale of these developments. And therefore, carrying out the Plan is expected to have no impacts on School District 4J, given Glenwood small size relative to the size of School District 4J. Carrying out the Renewal Plan is not expected to have any additional impact on water and sewer service needs, since the utilities' planning include providing services to these and other utilities in the urban renewal area. Project activities are not expected to require the relocation or removal of any residential or commercial properties by the renewal agency. _ Carrying out the Renewal Plan will require the use of tax increment revenues. The tax impacts of the Renewal Plan are discussed in detail in Section 500 D of this report. The Renewal Plan is expected to produce positive fiscal and service impacts for Glenwood. Among the public benefits of the renewal plan are: • Street and circulation improvements will improve public safety and convenience. • Infrastructure improvements will provide better utility service and decrease public maintenance costs • New businesses will provide additional shopping convenience and reduce vehicular trips and time. • New development that enhances the river experience will improve environmental conditions along the Willamette River. • Rehabilitation programs will preserve and renew properties in residential neighborhoods and in commercial areas along Franklin Boulevard in Glenwood. • An increase in construction expenditures and purchases kept in Glenwood will create secondary jobs. • The Renewal Plan will help the City of Springfield fluid a number of projects listed in the City's Capital Improvements Program in the Glenwood Refinement Plan and in the Glenwood Riverfrom Plan for the Urban Renewal Plan Area. • The Renewal Plan will develop the opportunity areas between Franklin Boulevard and the Willamette River, now without suitable streets, public access or infrastructure for tourism, mixed commercial -residential, or other major development by providing urban standard roads, supportive urban services and utilities, area -wide storm drainage systems, and allowing public access and protection of the riverfront areas. • Construction of a Lane County Sheriff substation/court facility and other city/county public service facilities will help to provide a full complement of public safety, health and other services thereby maintaining and enhancing safety in the renewal area and ensuring that the proposed and existing development in the renewal area are supported and protected by adequate public services. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 12 November 15, 2004 The public and private investments made in the renewal area are likely to encourage new investment in areas adjacent to the renewal area. The value thus created can not be quantified, but observation of renewal programs around the state indicates that there are spillover investment effects from a successful renewal program. There are other positive effects of a renewal program that do not lend themselves easily to quantification, for they are quality of life issues. Retaining Glenwood's neighborly atmosphere, maintaining the Franklin Boulevard as the artery of the area, improving housing, expanding cultural, and shopping opportunities along the riverfront, and improving the appearance of Glenwood all have value to this area's sense of community. In fact, these qualities have been expressed as important community values and directly influenced creation of this renewal plan and its projects. The expenditure of tax increment funds is expected to produce new property values for the City of Springfield. The renewal project is estimated to be completed by the year 2025. During that period, property values in the renewal area are expected to increase by approximately $254.3 million. At current property tax rates, the new property values anticipated in the renewal area will contribute over $4.07 million in property tax revenues in the first year after, the project is ended. Of that revenue, approximately $1.32 million will term to the City of Springfield. That property tax revenue will continue to grow thereafter as a result of increases in annual assessments. 300. REASONS FOR SELECTING THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA The Urban Renewal Plan Area was selected based on Glenwood Refinement Plan and the Eugene Springfield Metro Area General Plan goals, objectives, and policies and on the existence of blighting conditions within the area. The project area evidences the following characteristics of blight: _ • A lack of proper utilization of land planned for tax producing purposes. • Deficiencies in streets, curb, sidewalk, water and sewer services in the project area. • Deficiencies in public recreation and open space opportunities. • Poor visual and aesthetic conditions, contributing to a low level of investment in the project area. • Poor building conditions in the project area. • A prevalence of low values and lack of investment in the project area, and reduced tax receipts resulting there from. Conditions within the Renewal Area exist and satisfy the definitions of blight in ORS 457.010. Treating and curing these conditions are reasons for selecting this renewal area. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 13 November 15, 2004 400. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE PROJECT AREA I. Unpaved streets, or those lacking curbs and sidewalks will be improved throughout the Renewal Area. 2. Assistance for rehabilitation and new development will attract new investment to the area, and improve the building conditions and blighted appearance of the area. 3. Streetscape activities will improve the visual appearance of the area, and provide a better climate for new investment in the project area. 4. Puking improvements will make it easier for tourists and visitors to shop, or take advantage of recreational opportunities, thereby encouraging expenditures and new investments in the area. 5. Improvements to parks, public buildings, and open spaces will treat deficiencies in those areas. 6. Administration and planning activities will assure the plan is carried out effectively and in conformance with applicable managerial and fiscal requirements. 500. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF PLAN 500A. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST AND REVENUE SOURCES Table 2 shows the estimated total costs of the Glenwood Urban Renewal Project. These costs are the total anticipated costs, allowing for 4% inflationduring the life of the project. The principal method of funding the project share of costs will be through use of tax increment financing as authorized by ORS 457. Revenues are obtained from anticipated urban renewal bond proceeds and the proceeds of short term urban renewal notes. Table 2 shows that the total costs of project activities are estimated at $23,600,000 in 2004 dollars. Table 3 uses the costs in Table 2 and 2a and assumes inflation of 3% annually of the project costs. The Maximum Indebtedness authorized under this plan is thirty-two million eight hundred sixty thousand Dollars ($32,860,000). This amount is the principle of such indebtedness and does not include interest or indebtedness incurred to refund or refinance such indebtedness. The capacity for urban renewal bonds is based on projections of urban renewal revenues. Anticipated annual revenues are shown in Table 3 of this Report. Table 3 anticipates there will be five long-term bond issues during the life of the plan. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 14 November 15, 2004 Bonds will be issued as revenues, project requirements, and overall bond market conditions dictate. In addition, the Renewal Agency will apply for, and make use of funding from other federal, state, local, or private sources as such funds become available. GLENWOOD RENEWAL PLAN - Table 2 ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES Estimated cost Completion Date Development and Redevelopment $4,550,500 2015 Prepare industrial sites for development Industrial & business rehabilitation loans Clem -up unused and under -used sites Redevelop parcels & buildings taro options, lease, etc. Remove/ lace substandard buildings for mixed-use Public utility infrastructure RiverfruntImprovements $875,000 2010 Mitigate wetlands, riverside/rian.an im rovements Major Regional Development $2,000,000 2012 Assist major development e.. civic center, hotel, etc Neighborhood Safety & Health $4,480,000 2015 Public sanitary sewer lateraWseptics stem remediation Low/moderate income hewing Relocation assistance as needed Transportation Improvements $6 145,000 2014 Franklin Boulevard to 'urban standards' Intersection improvements Rights-of-way acquisition and urban road construction Lane County Projects $1900,000 2013 Study relocation of Solid Waste facility, decommission, clean -u and re -use site Sheriff substatlon/comt facilities Other County public services, like medical clinic Witlamalane Parks Plan Projects $1.050,000 2013 James Park improvements New Glenwood Neighborhood Park New multi -use Community Park along Willamette River Glenwood historic, natural area, & landmark signage Preservation & Rehabilitation $550000 2012 Housing/neighborhood rehabilitation proEams Urban Renewal Support $350,000 2025 Market, geotechnical, planning and other studies; appraisals, en ineerin , etc. Program Administration $1,750,000 2025 TOTALS 2004 dollars $23,600,000 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 15 November 15, 2004 500B. ANTICIPATED START & FINISH DATES OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES The project activities shown in Table 2 will begin in 2005. The sequencing and prioritization of individual project activities shown in Table 2 and 2a will be done by the Urban Renewal Agency and any citizen advisory bodies that the Agency calls upon to assist in this process. The priority of projects and annual funding will be as established in the annual budget process. Completion dates for individual activities may be affected by changes to local economic and market conditions, changes in the availability of tax increment funds, and changes in priorities for carrying out project activities, especially with public partners like Lane County, Willamalane Parks District, and others. It is estimated that all activities proposed in this plan will be completed and project indebtedness paid off by 2025. At that time, the tax increment provisions of this plan can be ended. 500C. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND YEAR OF DEBT RETIREMENT It is estimated that the Glenwood urban renewal district will collect tax increment revenue between the years 2005 and 2025. It is estimated that the district will produce $36.75 million in tax increment receipts in that period. These funds will be utilized to finance project activities and pay debt service costs, including interest, associated with undertaking these project activities. It is anticipated that available project revenues and funds accumulated in a special fund for debt redemption will be sufficient to retire outstanding bonded indebtedness in the year 2025 and terminate the tax increment financing provisions of the project. After all project debt is refired and the project closed out, it is estimated that there will be surplus tax increment funds. These funds will be distributed to taxing bodies affected by this plan, as provided in ORS 457. Table 3 of this Report shows the anticipated tax increment receipts for each year of the project and the use of those receipts. Table 3 follows on the next page. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 16 November 15, 2004 m o Q r o 0 0 0 o r r rn O Q YI N O O O N N N M r 00 f9 NN r Q O O O Q p O1 O Q fp N O O O O N N' N t9 v t9 f9 f9 e9 f9 e9 � a } Nm » m rn om » O o om m m� m o o N m m nQ� o 0 0 0000_ o O1 O Q m O O O O O m H A N N O o O N N 0 Cm) O 0 N O p0 n O f9 O O O N N N r 0 0 o m a N m N O O (9 N (9 h Q Q N y O N " N t9 t9 f9 f9 � OK V Y C1 O ON ON O O rn m m O O N N O V1 m Z Q a? IL Z a V LULLJ L > O Q W b ED F m _w D W n' W W . U ve a Z W Z jr Iq '2 O U 0 A OIN in CLZ a J N O _ C m e Q U ` 0 (aJ to: N O` a a .2— {N N !0 00 U aa w w a o m a T O ~ OI C a C N O Z m0 cQy E Iri. W (n O— c a m m '° a x a n C7FK mFoa s F 0 o m m m w N N O 0 0 0 r N O. O m O OK Oml O O O Oml Oml N m^ p m N O O O O N N N O O pI pj O O o O O1 � O m N p rp p N O O N N N n N �'� N f9 O m tp m Ol p t9 W mN mN `N nN ON f9 � p p m O f9 N v a. 0 0 0 e e O V til m O N N f9 O O .O N N y N O O O O N Y1 N O CI p l7 "l7 n A O n (n�I fN0 N O Q m m p y O O O .O V m n p n O o o O O p p 0 m m fq m n O rn O O O r N O O m m N O O O O N N N N en m�Ny w o y� o�wo ow v "�pn m v`�i N ow o0o m m n O O O O O p V p m m O N N m p O O O m m N N 1p p M V c0 O O � W f9 IR f9 (A f9 Z CL F z Z ; J W m n 0 m m W a n c W W m WW Z Z CY a m M U Q9 m 2 OIN W U RI Q O oma_ m m w m Z O N 0 E C W m� m m 0 0 m L> M= OI E C m C Vml O Z 00 cy d E K W !A c vm-5 m m y rn N m m m0 > c n' 4Z J W a Z J W 3 w W w Z M W C Z W d Z 7 Q C o C W O 00 M 0 Z d0 Wp VJ f9 L N o O» O Im O O O h O O O O S O O O O d N N n r tmO m�mm o w � � w A y T y U d N 2 O C m c d v+o�m 0 m m a of m o d o 5 G� aH 0 c a W o d f 500D. IMPACT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING The passage of Ballot Measure 50 (BM50) has changed Oregon's property tax system, and the impacts of urban renewal on taxpayers, and other taxing bodies. Prior to BM50, collection of tax increment revenues for a renewal agency resulted in an increase in the taxpayer's property tax rate. Taxing bodies suffered no revenue losses, unless there was overall compression of property tax revenues. Under Ballot Measure 50, collection of tax increment revenue can impact the potential property tax revenues received by overlapping tax bodies. These taxing bodies will not be able to apply their permanent BM50 tax rates against the new values added within the urban renewal area. As a result, the taxing bodies will forego revenue they otherwise might have had if there was no renewal plan in effect. In addition, the presence of the urban renewal program could impact the tax rates for future local option levies, or exempt bond issues by taxing bodies, for the tax rates for these bonds and levies will be calculated without the incremental values within the urban renewal area. HB 3215 House Bill 3215, passed by the Legislature in 2001, will result in gradual loss of bond rates and that is taken into account in the revenue projections for the Glenwood Urban Renewal plan. For new renewal plans such as this in Glenwood, the provisions of the bill remove the tax rates for voter approved bonded indebtedness from the formula for calculating tax increment revenues. These tax rates will be phased out of the tax increment revenue formula gradually as current bond issues are retired. Revenues Foregone by Affected Taxing Bodies Table 4 shows the anticipated cumulative incremental values in the Renewal Area over the life of the Plan and the anticipated property tax revenues foregone as a result of taxing bodies not being able to apply their permanent BM50 tax rates to those values. Present Value of Revenues Foregone The revenues foregone in Table 4 are expressed in constant 2004 dollars. The dollars foregone shown in Table 4 therefore are misleading, for they do not take inflation into account. Clearly a dollar twenty years from now would be worth less than a dollar today as inflationary effects occur. In order then to put the revenue foregone into current day perspective, Table 5 provides a Present Value calculation of the revenue foregone over a twenty year period. In this calculation, the annual revenues foregone by the taxing bodies are discounted by 3.5%. That produces a lower, but more realistic picture of the present day revenues that might be foregone by the taxing bodies over the life of the plan. Two additional notes should be made about revenues foregone by affected taxing bodies. One, Tables 4 and 5 both assume that all the new values in the Glenwood Renewal Area would occur, even without the investment of urban renewal funds. In fact, however, a major part of the Glenwood Renewal Area lacks even the basic Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 21 November 15, 2004 infrastructure needed to allow new development. It is more realistic to assume that the public expenditures on renewal activities will have some effect on the growth of values within the urban renewal area. If one makes that assumption, some of the values which are used to calculate revenue foregonewould not materialize at all. This assumption is not made, here, but if it were used, it would further reduce the revenues foregone by the affected taxing bodies. Two, some will look at the total revenues foregone, and assume that the total shown is lost immediately. As the revenue foregone tables show, these revenues are foregone annually, over an extended period of time, not all at once. Given the size of the total budgets of the taxing bodies, the annual revenues foregone usually represent only a minor percentage of their total budgets. Impact on Schools Under the current method offunding K-12 level education, the urban renewal program will not result in revenue lossesfor those educational units of government Financial Impact of Plan after Indebtedness is Repaid. When all the projects contained in the Urban Renewal Plan are completed, an estimated $254.3 million in assessed values will be placed back on the tax roll. In the following year, property tax revenues generated by those values are estimated to be approximately $4.07 million. Given a 3% inflation of values, the revenues foregone by the overlapping taxing bodies will be repaid in a period of six years after the district is terminated. The tax impact on each of the overlapping taxing bodies is shown in Tables 4 and. 5 on the following pages. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 22 November 15, 2004 � m o - 3 o ry no M m m m n N o t w w w w w w c.P Ni Oi c; O OI n Ol n OI Ol m'N N N -N 0 0 N NWd m Nn th h m< . Od m.m I n N n H9 NV m N N N tml th << N N m Ol NH HH,HHHH,HHHH ONH. _ W -c w O vimH ry M °r' o MH mH to r m Mp m m J UOW.A HH�fH H yi Hf m Q jJ d' H H H -H H f9 8 .. O i H H e91 H y 0 d N N Ip V m n m n m N M NH M n m C N m N `MOV 1O m OI m O m m.M m N n 0 C d m N HNH !9 NH NH N< fG O N : N M f9 H N H H"H H ry M N V OI N m OI n r m N 'O r"m N Ol K N p "m 0 0 N N m N Ot y C O. ry m r 0 r M m N n Cpl m H O nm p0 N h m m N N� a N N 0 M 'F' m Om1 pm 9 A . NM NH <H VH.. mH mW rM mM 0M O N H H.H O m O w 5 U m a H 9 NV q 2 O cd N L ? v U g c t d G O' V M m n. C N r M N m N O N �p " d Z= N < C VMI_ N 0 t0 O OI I� r O_ < Qa d N O m m R ry d O— m N a N- N V) CI p C OI C N r N v: C IN M 1m 1 m N h 0.n # VJ N O N fp m V C].0 r N' NO m I� _N. 0 mH N H mH r LL j C j .pW f9 e9. H e9 H e9. H q O a U N O :A m K m OI O H 0 f f 0 n m OI' M V N N p % p " Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan - Renort. Paee 23 MtOD T V 00 N^�ONjOOOOO 0000000 0r l N V O i V O 0 G Ci 3 d N N mmQm�n m ko d d tom d G p LL mY]mm? NO)Ol Ommmm NmmOINQ M m N n O a 0 O m m m N N tO O 10 O N m 10 Q m m ? O m h V M N m? O V Q J o � m H O O m M O W N D7 I� m m OI 1p m N No (O O d m1�tOmHl�mml�mO�mtO O C:T, mOOm m 0 m Q[ O 1: n p O f9 M fA f9 k9 E9 fp � � N N N N N N m m m wF»F»F»wF»ea F»F»en ea Fn F»wN !� m m n Q 10 O m n !� r• n 0 � � Nm o m m O Q_ mOmM mO O1 OYS OI (O Of N N r O] O d mQi�l0 t+JNmQOmQmrQ 0mrmmmQ m m mmmmm�nmmm co Q m'O O mm 0 {� O) m O 0 N � NN l Q IL � (O O W N O m U C fO Q N O m m m 10 mmm m 1� O) (7 m m Q m A. r• N m? u] l� m Ol O--- n m W O N m Q O Z Lao — N N N Nmw X o p N `N m m a W'O Of N? N fp�Apmmm NmmQ NNS Z0 W mNOY]QONNQ�mQNmOl�l�mm� C 9 d C O) m r h m Y] V [OO W t7 n lV !� h V M N N N M O m (D O m 10 !� m t7 m O N Q !� OI N Q 1� O til m M N m m m W d m m N N N N N m m m Q Q>? 10 0 0 Q L4 C d M O9 'n0u. v m m LL M d m Q Zm mmmmQr mQQm�oQQorn moan > m m h m O h h m N 1% V m m 0 O O) Ira O 'W NfA to to t9 f9Wt9 to fA E9 fA�� O O O d y IL Q O � LL m~d O O O O O WJW W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m C d N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N W d aid } marc Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan - Re Dort. Paee 24 d G tD OI N IO m � Q h 0) N O CLL d m MtOD T V 00 N^�ONjOOOOO 0000000 0r l N V O i V O 0 G Ci 3 d N N mmQm�n m ko d d tom d G p LL mY]mm? NO)Ol Ommmm NmmOINQ M m N n O a 0 O m m m N N tO O 10 O N m 10 Q m m ? O m h V M N m? O V Q J o � m H O O m M O W N D7 I� m m OI 1p m N No (O O d m1�tOmHl�mml�mO�mtO O C:T, mOOm m 0 m Q[ O 1: n p O f9 M fA f9 k9 E9 fp � � N N N N N N m m m wF»F»F»wF»ea F»F»en ea Fn F»wN !� m m n Q 10 O m n !� r• n 0 � � Nm o m m O Q_ mOmM mO O1 OYS OI (O Of N N r O] O d mQi�l0 t+JNmQOmQmrQ 0mrmmmQ m m mmmmm�nmmm co Q m'O O mm 0 {� O) m O 0 N � NN l Q IL � (O O W N O m U C fO Q N O m m m 10 mmm m 1� O) (7 m m Q m A. r• N m? u] l� m Ol O--- n m W O N m Q O Z Lao — N N N Nmw X o p N `N m m a W'O Of N? N fp�Apmmm NmmQ NNS Z0 W mNOY]QONNQ�mQNmOl�l�mm� C 9 d C O) m r h m Y] V [OO W t7 n lV !� h V M N N N M O m (D O m 10 !� m t7 m O N Q !� OI N Q 1� O til m M N m m m W d m m N N N N N m m m Q Q>? 10 0 0 Q L4 C d M O9 'n0u. v m m LL M d m Q Zm mmmmQr mQQm�oQQorn moan > m m h m O h h m N 1% V m m 0 O O) Ira O 'W NfA to to t9 f9Wt9 to fA E9 fA�� O O O d y IL Q O � LL m~d O O O O O WJW W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m C d N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N W d aid } marc Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan - Re Dort. Paee 24 500E. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF PLAN Table 3 (Table 2a shows estimating detail) in Section 500 of the Report to the Plan shows the estimated costs of project activities at $22.6 million. The principal source of revenue to carry out project activities will be annual tax increment revenues of the Renewal Agency. Anticipated tax increment revenues are shown in Table 4. The tax increment revenues shown in Table 5 are based on the following assumptions: 1. Overall assessed values in the renewal area are indexed upward 5.25% annually until 2012, 6.5% annually from 2013 until 2018, and 7% annually from 2019 until 2025. This is mostly below the recent growth rates in Glenwood. Note that these applied growth rates include a combination of increased value of existing development (below 3% maximum increase in assessed value allowed) plus the added property value of new development. 2. Assessed valuation of $10 million is assumed to be added in 2010 from a new major development in the Plan area. 3. Bond rates are assumed to drop by $1 in year 10 of the Plan and by an additional $1 in. year 15 of the Plan. The revenues shown in Table 3 are expected to be sufficient to carry out all project activities currently shown on the Urban Renewal Plan, and to retire project indebtedness within a 21 -year period. It is financially feasible to carry out the Urban Renewal Plan for the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. 600. RELOCATION 600A. PROPERTIES REQUIRING RELOCATION No relocation is anticipated at the adoption of this plan. 600B. RELOCATION METHODS If in the implementation of this Plan, persons or businesses should be displaced by action of the Agency, the Agency shall provide assistance to such persons or businesses to be displaced. Such people and businesses displaced will be contacted to determine their individual relocation needs. They will be provided information on available space and will be given assistance in moving. All relocation activities will be undertaken and payments made in accordance with the requirements of ORS 281.045 - 281.105 and any other applicable laws or regulations. Relocation payments will be made as provided in ORS 281.060. 600C. HOUSING COST ENUMERATION The Renewal Plan does not anticipate removing existing housing units. Approximately 384 units of new housing are expected to be developed in the mixed use zones of the Urban Renewal Plan Area. Of these about 40 units are expected to Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 25 November 15, 2004 be rental housing units with Willamette River views for low- to moderate -income residents. In addition, private development may build upwards of 384 net additional units (allowed under existing plan designations and zoning and at an average density of 15 units per acre). These would likely be priced for sale or rent to upper middle and upper income households as described in recent housing market analyses.. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan -Report 26 November 15, 2004 p B C 0 E F G H 1 Table 2a: Pro Lsed Glenwood Urban Renewal Pro ects 2 November 15 2004 Eetlmatetl ..to staM1B tom abol COSTOETAIL $1000) 3 SEDA COST_ Be etletl fA@Pp¢ BEOA SM1ere 4 PROJECT 10 Com ballon Batteries Total (astable Developer/ Owner Share Other 5 6 agondeddinguatiuRaddhada repel ] Iran.,. a.,a -1crintluslrisl Eevelopmant $900 C. $ 2.100 $ 900 $ 1.200 8 Be, up lbdui antl buaNeau'ric Mrellebilitafon 9 loan pm9ram (beetles, lantlswpe. a-. 10 Cleen-uplRemetllaleun—d8and. it silex $600 $300 2015 2009 $ $ 1,200 750 $ $ 600 300 S_ $ 600 450 1 12 Red 1. Pit Aluiddinga through o tions 13 rcyerty reau hi i n sembl 14 at co vrob, and leas. $600 ME $ 2.100 $ 600 3 1.500 15 el buildin s 16 Removelaeplace substandard commmia 17 for mixebusa redevelopment $1.100 2011 $ 2,300 $ 1,100 $ L200 16 19 U 9ratle walaL aleclrical, senile $1,050 2010 $ 1.600 $ 11050 $ 750 20 ala6ons, sWrmweler facilities, antlsoOar public 21 Infas4ucWra -etletl 22 23 re.em mit $bZ5 24 Miti ate for wetlentls8riveraltlelA avian 25 im reventands. bank alablllzeal etc. 26 2] 28 Araheinbevel, In Civic Center ormg., Cevelo ment $2,000 2012 $200 $ MIND $ 2,000 3 32.000 29 .for Wurdr bbIr hotel, sorlsvenue,elc. a 30 31 nebberM1 eotl SaMty anE Oua tv or L le 15.101 32 Pmvitle sewer lBlerel , manhb.s IO..balrt ni 33 and other development $2130 201W $ 4,130 $ 2,130 $ 2,000 34 35 Oevalo prorLram for sanilarysewer antl se sic 36 system remetlleaon $850 2015 1$ 1.200 $ 850 $ 350 3] elIncome Housing - 38 Oavop LowlMotlemla- $1.000 2010 $ 5,000 $ 1.000 3 4.000 39 40 House &net hborhood rehablM1ome re air $550 2012 $ 550 $ 550 41 42 Provide mannaled-xpenaea at education or 43 tlls Iacemenlauff.... resldeate $500 2015 $ 500 $ 500 44 _ 45 tactlion6rOtFmnkfn $6145 48 Im rove k. Boulevartl to urban 4] ¢tantlaNcfor petlesuien. bike.& ¢treat Wilities $1]50 2008 $ 5,300 $ - 1.750 $ 2,050 $ 1,500 48 - 49Act, land 8 assist building Intersection im mvamenb 50 at HabitnlMcVay lMersedlon $g00 _ 2009 $ 1,800 $ 900 $ 900 51 52 Albanianthisaf-way lorreellgnmeadofmatls $1,200 2012 $ 3,T00 $ 1,200 53 Cordial and build mads $2,200 20R $ 4,200 $ 2R00 54 55 Im rove Lil Enldea B Lantlmada $95 2006 $ 145 $ 95 8 50 fi 5] $ 900 58 BWd relocatin Lane Count SaIIJ Waste facilities $20 1 $ 350 $ 200 1 $ 150 59 Decommission deanup._end cease $1,100 2013 $ 11600 $ 1.IDo $ 500 60 _ 61 Build lane Count,Share subsdallon/mWfaclllly $300 2010 $ 650 $ 300 $ _=50 62 63 P ublic aervin leclllllea $300 2012 $ 700 $ 300 $ 200 $ 200 64 Iika CounNs FOH Clinic) k.C.mer FQHCl 65 fib.aenv Para P an nrn kelt $1,p5a _ ve Janata Park 67 Ex and 8lmpmm and $100 2008 $ 300 100 $ 200 68 Acqulreltlevelop a neighborhood park to meet the $300 2012 $ 650 _$ $ 300 $ 250 $ 300 69 eadsol Gle. nalitasident¢ n 10 Ac uirartlevelmullluse community-uabpala along $575 2_012 $ -700 $ 575 $ 125 575 ]f Willamette able, orpaMwaycB odher e_menilias a. Gl'IrrigatedHired,Hired,natural.1 arae, 8lantlmaIXdgne a 73 ]5 _2013 125 _ 75 $ 50 74 Urban Renews Oat i2.050 ,en ineetln 75 Merkelh estudieso $300 2025 _ $ 450 $ 300 $ 150 ocialed wiplannin 76 and other essocaletl wit roatls en_d T] bca out Ne r ads ]6 Orecl/ACIuaI ACminialred'rve rgs6 (a$B5kyear average)_ $1,750 2025 $ 1.750 _ ]9 r 80 ESTIMATED PROJECT CO= $23,600 $3H" $ 79,900 $ 23,600 $ 51025 $ 81 62 I.W1 IPmlBcts SEDA Stlare Oeva.Opetl Owner $Isere OOer SM1trre [OTAL B3 _ _ 84o[e:Cos[eatlma[es ere In 2004 tlollan. Cash 00w analysis In Table ]as eaJ%Inlletlon annuals. B5 Wlllamaian rlorllixea r acts as rcaox¢at l... fere: Line TO LIne68 Llne6] Llne ]2 _ Glees --d Urban R .... al Plan - Rupert, Page 27 Ordinance No 6103 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPROVING THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN WHEREAS, the Common Council has determined that there is need for a Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan for the following reasons: 1) The existence of inadequate streets, rights of way, open spaces, recreation facilities, and utilities (including, for example, storm water systems and sanitary sewer trunk lines and laterals); 2) the existence of buildings and structures for industrial, commercial, and residential use with problematic exterior spacing, design, and physical construction (including obsolescence, deterioration and mixed character of uses); 3) Properties and lots in irregular form, shape and dimensions limiting usefulness and development; 4) Lack of proper utilization of areas resulting in a stagnant and unproductive condition of lands potentially useful and valuable for contributing to the public health, safety, and welfare; and 5) Economic deterioration and disuse of property. WHEREAS, given the preceding information, the area within the Glenwood Urban Renewal District Plan is blighted; WHEREAS, the rehabilitation and redevelopment outlined in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, incorporated herein by reference, is necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare of the municipality; WHEREAS, the 2001 Springfield Charter, Section 49, requires voter approval before the City Council can approve an Urban Renewal District Plan that includes allocating property taxes; WHEREAS, Ballot Measure 20-92 presented to the voters of the City of Springfield on November 2, 2004 for their approval the question of the allocation of such taxes before the City Council approval of any Urban Renewal Plan; WHEREAS, the results of that election overwhelmingly approved Ballot Measure 20-92 so that the City Council may comply with the provisions of Section 49 of the 2001 Springfield Charter and state law; WHEREAS, Oregon law also requires that adoption of an Urban Renewal Plan be approved by the City Council in the jurisdiction included in the Urban Renewal District; WHEREAS, a portion of the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal District Plan extends beyond the boundaries of the City of Springfield, yet within the City of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary, and is in Lane County, The Lane County Board of Commissioners, as the governing body of that area, has approved the Glenwood Urban Renewal District Plan by resolution on November 10, 2004, subject to certain revisions and final approval on November 23, 2004; Ordinance No. 6103 Page 1 WHEREAS, the City of Springfield is a municipality and political subdivision organized and existing under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Oregon and the 2001 Springfield Charter; WHEREAS, the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan and Report was forwarded to the governing body of each taxing district affected by the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan and the Springfield Economic Development Agency shall consult and confer with the taxing districts prior to presenting the Plan to the City of Springfield for approval; WHEREAS, the Springfield Economic Development Agency has consulted and conferred with taxing districts; WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council, the governing body of the municipality, received the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan and report from the Springfield Economic Development Agency, the City's urban renewal agency; WHEREAS, the notice was sent out to the electors registered in Springfield and within the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan area on October 26, 2004, that the Springfield City Council would conduct a Public Hearing on November 15, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Springfield City Council Chambers of Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477, to accept testimony on a proposal to consider an ordinance adopting an urban renewalplan for nearly all the area known as "Glenwood" within Springfield's urban growth boundary; WHEREAS, the maximum indebtedness that can be incurred under the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is $32,860,000; WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council determines and finds that the urban renewal plan conforms to the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Comprehensive Plan that includes the City of Springfield as a whole (along with the Glenwood Refinement Plan and the several individual adopted functional plans) provides an outline for accomplishing the urban renewal projects the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan proposes; WHEREAS, provision has been made to house displaced persons within their financial means in accordance with ORS 281.045 to 281.105 and, except in the relocation of elderly or disabled individuals, without displacing on priority lists persons already waiting for existing federally subsidized housing; WHEREAS, if acquisition of real property is necessary it will be provided for through later amendments to the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan; WHEREAS, adoption and carrying out of the urban renewal plan is economically sound and feasible based on the information included in the Report incorporated in the Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield, as the governing municipality of the Plan, assumes and shall complete any activities prescribed it by the urban renewal plan. Ordinance No. 6103 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN ALLOCATING TAXES FROM GLENWOOD PROPERTIES TO THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN. The Common Council of the City hereby approves the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan allocating taxes from Glenwood properties to the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. SECTION 2. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION TO LANE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR Not later than the 3rd day after the Ordinance is approved by City Council notice of the approval shall be published in the newspaper, as defined in ORS 193.010, having greatest circulation in the City of Springfield and which is published in the municipality. SECTION 3. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS. The City Manager, the City Recorder, the City Finance Director, and the City Attorney, and each of them acting individually, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf on the City, to do and perform all acts and things necessary or appropriate to cause the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan set forth in Exhibit A to and to otherwise carry out the purposes and intent of this Ordinance, including notice of adoption of the ordinance approving the urban renewal plan, and the provisions of ORS 457.135, shall be published by the governing body of the municipality in accordance with ORS 457.115 no later than three days following the ordinance adoption. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This Ordinance shall take effect after its second reading and upon its adoption at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ON DECEMBER 6, 2004, AFTER TWO READINGS AT REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD ON NOVEMBER 15, 2004 AND DECEMBER 6, 2004 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES: AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 ABSENT: 1 Sidney . Lien, Mayor ATTEST: rw a— Amy SowaV City Recorder REVIEWED & APPROVED FOR DATE: i OFFICE CI Y ATTORI EY Ordinance No. 6103 Page 3 PASS -D THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ORDER NO: 04-11-23.6 ) IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING THE ) GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted Resolution & Order 04.11- 10-17 setting out recommendations and conditions related to the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Springfield and the Springfield Economic Development Agency have implemented the recommendations and otherwise committed to meeting the conditions set forth by the Board of County Commissioners, and WHEREAS, ORS 457.095 and 457.105 provide that no Urban Renewal Plan be carried out until it has been approved by the governing jurisdictions included in the Urban Renewal District the Springfield City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners, and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has presented the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, incorporated herein by reference, to the Board of County Commissioners for Its consideration and approval. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: That the Lane County Board of Commissioners approves the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan (November 15, 2004) wherein the City of Springfield is the municipality that activated the Springfield Economic Development Agency, the urban renewal agency that will carry out the Plan. Dated this 23 q y of Nov mbe 2004, Bobby Ginn, Chair I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED AS TO FORM W, /1-1}—j6p aCaunly C •ILEO LEOALCOUN ^L Lane County Clerk ,0'4.031658 Lane County Deeds and Records 111111111 11111111111111111111111 $77.00 09/23/2014 0310;57 PM RPR -MEMO Cnt=1 Stn=41 CASHIER 02 $35.00 $10.00 $11.00 $21.00 MEMORANDUM OF JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT Jurisdictional Transfer No. 795 Grantor: Slate of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation Grantee: City of Springfield After recording return to: Technical Leadership Center Attn: Right of Way Section, Brenda Remmell Oregon Department Of Transportation 4040 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE MS#2 Salem, OR 97302-1142 Contract # 19 3 Qr Jurisdictional Transfer No. 795 JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER DOCUMENT OR 126 Business to Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad Section McVay Highway, State Highway No. 225 City of Springfield Pursuant to ORS 373.010, the Oregon Transportation Commission is authorized and directed, whenever the route of any state highway passes through the corporate limits of any city, to select or designate the streets of the city over which the state highway shall be routed, or change such routing when in its opinion the interests of the motoring public will be better served. Pursuant to ORS Chapters 366.395 and 373.015, the State may transfer its interest to any of its property not needed by it for highway purposes to any other governmental body or political subdivision within the State of Oregon, subject to such restrictions, if any, imposed by deed or other legal instrument or otherwise imposed by State. Pursuant to ORS190.110 and ORS 366.576, the State may enter into any agreement with any city for the relocation of any highway. The OR 126 Business to Central Oregon & Pacific Railraod Section of the McVay Highway, State Highway No. 225, is no longer needed for state highway purposes and has been eliminated by departmental resolution as a portion of the McVaye Highway. The segment eliminated from the highway is designated as Unit 1, as more fully described below, and as shown on the map attached hereto marked Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. Unit 1 is needed for the service of persons living thereon or for a community served thereby. The City of Springfield and the Oregon Transportation Commission entered into Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement No. 795 on July 25, 2014, relating to the elimination, disposition, maintenance and repair of Unit 1. Said agreement provides that the Oregon Transportation Commission shall, by resolution, formally eliminate Unit 1 as a portion of the McVay RETURN TO TECHNICAL LEADERSHIP CENTER ATTN. RIGHT OF WAY SECTION OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 4040 FAIRVIEW INDUSTRIAL DR SE MS#2 SALEM OR 97302-1142 Jurisdictional Transfer to City of Springfield 9/17/14 1 Jurisdictional Transfer No. 795 Highway and the state highway system; that all right, title, and interest of the State of Oregon in Unit 1 shall be conveyed to the City; and that the Unit shall be maintained by the City as a portion of its city street system as long as needed for the service of persons living thereon or for a community served thereby. THEREFORE, IT HAS BEEN RESOLVED BY THE OREGON TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: The OR 126 Business to Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad Section of the McVay Highway, State Highway No. 225, in Lane County, Oregon, is no longer needed by the State of Oregon as a portion of the state highway system. Said portion hereinafter referred to as Unit 1 has been duly eliminated as a portion of the McVay Highway and the state highway system. All right, title, and interest of the State of Oregon in Unit 1 hereby passes to and vests in the City of Springfield as a portion of its city street system as long as needed for the service of persons living thereon or a community served thereby. Any right-of-way being conveyed in which state has any title shall be vested in City only so long as used for public transportation related purposes. If said right-of-way is no longer used for public transportation related purposes, it shall automatically revert to State. Unit 1 is described as follows: Unit 1 All that portion of the right of way boundaries of the McVay Highway No. 225 (formerly Pacific Highway) lying Southeasterly of a line parallel with and 206.67 feet Southeasterly of the existing right of way center line of the McKenzie Highway No. 15, which center line is shown on County Survey No. 39717, filed March 6, 2006, Lane County Oregon; Northerly of a line at right angles to the center line of said McVay Highway at Engineer's Station 122+00.00, and included in a strip of land variable in width, lying on each side of said McVay Highway center line, which center line is shown on Oregon State Highway Department drawing 1 B-18-13, dated June, 1923; said Engineer's Station being at or near the most Northerly terminus of the guardrail protection for the structure at the overcrossing of the Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad, bridge number 00373. The widths in feet of said strip of land are as follows: Station to Station Width on Westerly Width on Easterly Side of Center Line Side of Center Line 75+00.00 120+00.00 30 30 120+00.00 122+00.00 40 40 Jurisdictional Transfer to City of Springfield 9/17/14 2 Jurisdictional Transfer No. 795 ALSO that portion of the right of way boundaries of the McVay Highway No. 225 (formerly Pacific Highway) including portions of the right of way boundaries of the McKenzie Highway No. 15 lying Southeasterly of a line parallel with and 206.67 feet Southeasterly of the existing right of way center line of said McKenzie Highway No. 15, which center line is shown on County Survey No. 39717, filed March 6, 2006, Lane County Oregon and Easterly of a tine parallel with and 30.00 feet Easterly of said McVay Highway center line. Said right of way boundaries are situated in Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, and in Sections 2 and 3, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon. 2. The property above described is transferred subject to the rights of any utilities located within said property and further subject to the rights of the owners of said existing facilities if any there be, to operate, reconstruct, and maintain their utility facilities presently located within said property. Under the authority delegated by the Oregon Transportation Commission to the Director in Delegation Order No. OTC - 01 dated December 1, 2010, the Resolution Eliminating a Section of Highway from the State Highway System and Minor Amendment to the Oregon Highway Plan for Jurisdictional Transfer No. 795 was approved on September 2, 2014. The Oregon Transportation Commission, by a duly adopted Delegation Order OTC — 01; Delegation Order No. DIR-03, Paragraph No. A-21; Delegation Order No. HWY 04, Paragraph No. A-8; and Delegation Order No. TSB 04, Paragraph No. A-6, all dated December 1, 2010, authorize the State Right of Way Manager to sign this Jurisdictional Transfer Document for and on behalf of the Commission. Dated this /7n day of , 20 i/ STATE OF OREGON, by and through its DEPAR ENT OF TRANSPORTATION B&I- ,Ooseo A. Gray, Interim State t of Way Manager Jurisdictional Transfer to City of Springfield 9/17/14 3 Jurisdictional Transfer No. 795 STATE OF OREGON, County of Marion Dated s�uw-bf�/ �� 20_f—. Personally appeared Joseph A. Gray, stated that he is the Interim State Right of Way Manager for the State of Oregon, Department of Transportation, and that this document was voluntarily signed on behalf of the State of Oregon by authority delegated to him. Before me: IsOFFICIALSEAL N ary blic for Oreg GEORGINE N GLEASON y Commission expires F—elk✓(A eiq 2—Ny72/S NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON COMMISSION NO.458312 MV COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY24, 2015 Accepted on behalf of the City of Tgfleld By Date Se p 1 . ZZ 1 Zoiy Jurisdictional Transfer to City of Springfield 9/17/14 4 15 EUGENE h MG�EN2E6 SPRINGFIELD SEE INSERT A 1 n L� ➢L- 34, 35 T. 17 S., R. 3 W.. W.M. 23 2 e� T. 18 S., R. 3 W., W. M. o � N � � rn --� N Z J T SEE INSERT B N 9 � III111 SEE INSERT C Section McVay Highwcy No. 225: OR 126 BUS OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANS?ORTATIONto Cemro/Oreoon A, Paci`Ic RR n JURISDICTIONAL RANSFER No. 795 Highway Mcvoy Highway No. 225 &Connection No.225Ae 7[1 EXHIBIT A SHEET i GF 2 Courty Cane County Dcte Moy,2010 I � R-385R-]BB23 '� 16Y YGY£ v1p,5 muu5 YV W RdI.IM S}� O ENiR.S > 6p/xxaM ufdF 1 Wtxu .� yCt _ 0.YN54 �� �/ R-283U]9389 -AW BEGIN TRANSFER N M22 CVAY wy. NO 5 P a NSERT k ®UNIT I Exlsnxc RowI„_200, � li R-28)0-359)5 UNIT I E.11TING ROW Wool rlarvnr `R' a'z. ® UNIT 2 PROPERTIES R-2800-336]1 I R-262o-96s11 X60' /< 120'00 z.� ',R-zea0-g9YY 80, Fi e A j `oo ENO TRANSFER AA R-3RSR-iRe2+ swxo.m ��� IACVAA`S7 H. No. 22n ST R-395R-18azz �� z� x�.xw� _ AJ22*-0 DRG.1B-18-13 .AaxsrcR ^: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/ ACCESS RESEARCH 4040 FAIRVIEW INDUSTRIAL DRIVE SE, MS#2 SALEM, OR 97302-1142 File 37299A Lane County Clerk J{u�oO�JU Lane County Deeds and Records 2O16 {i 11111111 IiIIllllllllllllllllllIJillllllllllllll11 $62.00 02129/2016 0216'A2 PM RPR -DEED Cnt=1 Stn=9 CASHIER 11 $20.00 $11.00 $21.00 $10.00 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED STATE OF OREGON, by and through its DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Grantor, for no monetary consideration, does convey unto the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, Grantee, all right, title and interest of Grantor, (including all jurisdiction, maintenance, and control) in and to the property described on Exhibit "A" dated 01-14-2016 and shown approximately on Exhibit "B" dated January 2016, both attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The property hereby conveyed is for the purpose of construction of a future City of Springfield transportation improvement project and Grantee is to maintain the property in accordance with City of Springfield standards and procedures as a portion of its city street system as long as needed for the service of persons living thereon or a community served thereby (including all traffic signals, signs and illumination and all things and appurtenances within the transferred property). If said property is no longer used for public transportation related purposes, or if the transportation improvement project does not commence within twenty (20) years of the execution of this Deed then the property shall automatically revert to Grantor. In the event that the Grantee wishes to remove the Right of Reversion from any of the Deed property, then the current value of the Right of Reversion for the proposed "Removal Area" shall be determined by a fair market value appraisal. Based upon the determined fair market value of the State's Right of Reversion on the Removal Area, the State will accept a like value in cash, or an exchange of property, or other in-kind value as negotiated between Grantor and Grantee, as payment to remove the Grantor's Right of Reversion from the Removal Area. In construing this document, where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and all grammatical changes shall be made so that this document shall apply equally to corporations and to individuals. It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this document is hereby tendered and that terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Oregon Department of Transportation, unless and until accepted and approved by the recording of this document. 2/4/2016 Page 1 of 2 -B&S Deed File 37299A Dated thisday of ,20A. STATE OF OREGON, by and through its DEPARTMI\ENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE Jo ph A. Gray, State Right N ay Manager STATE OF OREGON, County of Marion Dated ,20 /b Personally appeared Joseph A. Gray, who being sworn, stated that he is the State Right of Way Manager for the State of Oregon, Department of Transportation, and that this document was voluntarily signed on behalf of the State of Oregon by authority delegated to him. Before me: LA' 'rAP DA7LEREX SHAFER NPu MM18BION No. 943628M90NSIONE%Pl9E9OCTO9E812.2059 Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires io //d l Dory Accepted on behalf of the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of thState of Oregon �'��"y�W�`��-� �y �`Lr�s 1�CG^i. C'[1LY � i�y JVIVCYOi ICr'{ycTf I 2142016 Page 2 of 2 -1 Deed EXHIBIT A - Page 1 of 1 File 37299A Drawing 8B-31-19 1/14/2016 To Be Sold To City Of Springfield For Future Road Improvement Project A parcel of land lying in Sections 2 and 3, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon, the said parcel being those properties described in those Warranty Deeds to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded March 23, 1965 on Reel 262D, Instrument No. 96511 and recorded January 19, 1966 on Reel 280D, Instrument No. 33671 and recorded February 8, 1966 on Reel 281 D, Instrument No. 35915 and recorded March 27, 1968 on Reel 385R, Instrument No. 18822 and recorded on March 27, 1968 on Reel 385R, Instrument No. 18824 all of Lane County Record of Deeds. ALSO being those properties designated as Parcel 1 and those permanent easements for slopes designated as Parcel 2 and described in those Warranty Deeds to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded December 20, 1965 on Reel 278D, Instrument No. 30329 and recorded January 14, 1966 on Reel 280D, Instrument No. 33161 and recorded March 27, 1968 on Reel 385R, Instrument No. 18823 all of Lane County Record of Deeds. ALSO being that property designated as Parcels 1 and 2 and those permanent easements for slopes designated as Parcels 3, 4 and 5 and described in that Warranty Deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded March 9, 1966 on Reel 283D, Instrument No. 39389 of Lane County Record of Deeds. ALSO being that all portion of that property described in that Warranty Deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded March 31, 1966 on Reel 284D, Instrument No. 41941 of Lane County Record of Deeds lying Northerly of a line at right angles to the center line of Franklin Boulevard (formerly the McVay Highway No. 225) at Engineer's Station 122+00.00, said center line being shown on Oregon State Highway Department drawing 1 B-18-13, dated June, 1923. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DIGITAL SIGNATURE „h OREGON JULY 19, 1994 SCOTT RICHARD MORRISON 2674 RENEWS: 12/31/2016 SEC, 2 & 3, T. 18 S., R. 3 W., W.M. SE1/4NE FEE TITLE TO BE SOLD = SLOPE EASEMENT TO BE SOLD DEED 3 RECORDING NO. 2I INSTR.NO.R-385R-18824 rn (7 INSTR.NO.R-385R-78822 © INSTR. NO. R -283D-39389. PARCELS 1,3 & 4 QD INSTR. NO. R-28OD-33161. PARCELS 1 & 2 INSTR.NO. R -278D-30329, PARCELS 1 & 2 FD INSTR. NO. R-3858-18823. PARCELS 1 & 2 © OH INSTR.NO.R-283D-39389,PARCELS INSTR. NO. R -281D-35915 2 & 5 QI INSTR. NO. R -262D-96511 �Z INSTR. NO. R-28OD-33671 PORTION OF INSTR. NO. R-2840-4]94] REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SWI/4NW1/4 NW1/4SW1/4 DIGITAL SIGNATURE ,T d OREGON NE1/4SE1/4 n JULY 19, 1994- - SCOTT RICHARD MORRISON 2674 RENEWS: 12/31/2016-- STA. 122,00 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION OR126 BUSINESS - CENTRAL OREGON & PACIFIC RAILROAD 7rRIGHT OF WAY HIGHWAY McVAY HIGHWAY SCALE 1" - 200' RELINQUISHMENT COUNTY LANE COUNTY DATE JANUARY.2016 EXHIBIT B FILE 37299A SEE DRAWING 8B-31-19 3 2I rn (7 SWI/4NW1/4 NW1/4SW1/4 DIGITAL SIGNATURE ,T d OREGON NE1/4SE1/4 n JULY 19, 1994- - SCOTT RICHARD MORRISON 2674 RENEWS: 12/31/2016-- STA. 122,00 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION OR126 BUSINESS - CENTRAL OREGON & PACIFIC RAILROAD 7rRIGHT OF WAY HIGHWAY McVAY HIGHWAY SCALE 1" - 200' RELINQUISHMENT COUNTY LANE COUNTY DATE JANUARY.2016 EXHIBIT B FILE 37299A SEE DRAWING 8B-31-19 Wu Title T rascmE T1TLE GO. INVOICE PAGE BRANCH ENGINEERING INC. OUR NO: 0317432 310 5TH STREET YOUR NO: — SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATE: 02/19/2020 ATTN: RENEE CLOUGH OFFICER: KURT BEATY SELLER: BUYER: WILDISH INDUSTRIAL Description Policy Amount Premium Amount 01/30/20 Status of Record Title Rep 500.00 Grand Total PLEASE SHOW OUR NUMBER ON YOUR REMITTANCE 911 Willamette Street ♦ Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: (541) 697-2233 ♦ Fax: (541) 495-0307 ♦ email: info@cascadetide.com 500.00 ranch ENGINEERING= March 27. 2020 TITLE REPORT EXCEPTION ANALYSIS WEYERHAEUSER ON MCVAY HIGHWAY Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 19-577 Book 141, Page 94 (Title Report Exception 16) Two blanket easements to Mountain States Power first over the former lands of JD and Daisy Barker, second over the former lands of Alma Signor. SUB is the only known successor to Mountain States Power in this location and it is not their policy to rely on Mountain States Power easements for rights. Book 141, Page 95 (Title Report Exception 17) Blanket easement to Mountain States Power over the former lands of Alice Thompson. SUB is the only known successor to Mountain States Power in this location and it is not their policy to rely on Mountain States Power easements for rights. Book 299, Page 402 (Title Report Exceptions 1 & 22) Blanket easement to Mountain States Power over the former lands of Bertha Loud. SUB is the only known successor to Mountain States Power in this location and it is not their policy to rely on Mountain States Power easements for rights. Book 345, Page 330 (Title Report Exception 18) Blanket easement to Mountain States Power over the former lands of Wyley Chamberlain. Description cites "part of the SE% of the SE%" so not near development area. SUB is the only known successor to Mountain States Power in this location and it is not their policy to rely on Mountain States Power easements for rights. Book 419, Page 650 (Title Report Exception 19) Deed reserves access easement over 14x14 triangle. Located in vicinity of TL 400 on Tax Map to the south so not near development area. Book 455, Page 561 (Title Report Exception 20) BPA easement in area of TL 900 on this Tax Map and TL 200 on Tax Map to the south so not near development area Book 461, Page 517 (Title Report Exception 21) BPA easement in area of TL 3200 on Tax Map to the east so not near development area EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD ALBANY 310 5'^ Street, Springfield, OR 97477 1 p: 541.746.0637 1 Y+ Y+ w•'� bran Cheng in eering.com Title Report Exception Ana"is March 27. 2020 Reel ?, Instrument 86479 (Title Report Exception 2 & 23) Cascade provided the cleanest copy they could accomplish, but it wasn't legible enough to map. Document is discernable enough to identify that it is a BPA easement. The rights in this document were later transferred to SUB (see Reception 2002-058338 later in this list) Reel 235D, Instrument 42205 (Title Report Exception 25) NwNatural easement on east side of McVay Hwy so not near development area Reel 278D, Instrument 30329 (Title Report Exception 3, 4, 24 & 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT, part of this will be returning to the site. Deed reserves a 35 foot wide access point at Station 108+80. Not added to mapping because with jurisdictional transfer the access point is irrelevant. Also includes 10' slope easement along right-of-way. It is understood this will be vacated as part of city transfer. Reel 262D, Instrument 96511 (Title Report Exception 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT. Deed reserves a 35 foot wide access point at Station 119+20. Located in vicinity of TL 400 on Tax Map to the south so not near development area. Reel 280D, Instrument 33161 (Title Report Exception 3, 4, 24 & 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT, part of this will be returning to the site. Deed reserves a 35 foot wide access point at Station 108+20. Not added to mapping because with jurisdictional transfer the access point is irrelevant. Also includes 10' slope easement along right-of-way. It is understood this will be vacated as part of city transfer. Reel 280D, Instrument 33671 (Title Report Exception 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT. Located in vicinity of TL 400 on Tax Map to the south so not near development area. Reel 281D, Instrument 35915 (Title Report Exception 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT. Located in vicinity of TL 200 on Tax Map to the south so not near development area. Reel 283D, Instrument 39389 (Title Report Exception 3, 4, 24 & 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT, part of this will be returning to the site. Deed reserves a three access points. Not added to mapping because with jurisdictional transfer the access points are irrelevant. Also includes three slope easements along right-of-way. It is understood this will be vacated as part of city transfer. Reel 284D, Instrument 41941 (Title Report Exception 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT. Located in vicinity of TL 500 on Tax Map to the south so not near development area. Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 4 Title Report Exception Ana"is March 27. 2020 Reel 385R, Instrument 18822 (Title Report Exception 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT. Located in vicinity of TL 2000 to the north on this tax map so not near development area. Reel 385R, Instrument 18823 (Title Report Exception 3, 4, 24 & 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT, part of this will be returning to the site. Deed reserves a 35 foot wide access point at Station 110+70. Not added to mapping because with jurisdictional transfer the access point is irrelevant. Also includes 10' slope easement along right-of-way. It is understood this will be vacated as part of city transfer. Reel 385R, Instrument 18824 (Title Report Exception 26) Right-of-way sale to ODOT. Located in vicinity of TL 2000 to the north on this tax map so not near development area. Reel 12388, Instrument 8310153 (Title Report Exception 5) 3' EWER Electric easement. Shown on drawing. Asked EWER if line has been abandoned and easement therefore ceased; EWER has transferred facilities in this area to SUB; Dan Norland with SUB Electric agrees that the line has been abandoned and easement therefore ceased. To document cessation SUB's Disclaimer and Release of Interest process needs to be completed. Material requested by Dan Norland to begin this process has been submitted. Reel 21468, Instrument 9613731 (Title Report Exception 6) CC&Rs. Not plottable. Reception 2000-067985 (Title Report Exception 3) Relocation of access rights reserved in Reel 283D, Instrument 39389. Not added to mapping because with jurisdictional transfer the access points are irrelevant. Reception 2001-006963 (Title Report Exception 7) 20x20 easement to US West Communications at intersection of Nugget and Newman. Shown on drawing Reception 2001-037777 (Title Report Exception 8) 32 foot joint -use access easement between Tax Lots 500 and 700. Shown on drawing. Reception 2001-037778 (Title Report Exception 9) Private joint -use stormwater easement between Tax Lots 200, 500 and 700. Shown on drawing. Reception 2001-037779 (Title Report Exception 10) 7' PUE along all street frontages of TL 500. Shown on drawing. Reception 2001-037780 (Title Report Exception 11) Improvement agreement for all street frontages of TL 500. Not plottable. Reception 2002-058538 (Title Report Exception 2 & 23) Transfer to SUB of BPA rights from Reel ?, Instrument 86479. Not plottable Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 4 Title Report Exception Ana"is March 27. 2020 Reception 2004-095229 (Title Report Exception 12) Notice of Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. Not plottable Reception 2014-037658 (Title Report Exception 14 & 27) Jurisdictional transfer of McVay Highway to city. Not plottable Reception 2016-009565 (Title Report Exception 28) Transfer of TL 1200 ownership and slope easements to city. Not plottable REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR Digitally Signed OREGON NOVEMBER 30, 2007 RENEECLOUGH 69162LS Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of 4 N09"O'O1313DNIU5 AF1H Atlh'1W 9AtlM_99DN _ S1NIOd S53JJtl ONtl S1N3W3Stl33dO1S'.0 C' ANVdWOJ 8N 83sn3VH83A3M SISAIVNV NOIld3JX3 lllOd3i13llll ?