HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-03-24..RESIDINTIAL.. zts ttorth sth streeAPPLicAYr,N /PER,'rr Springfield, 2regon 97477 Eu1-LALna ULULSLO7 7 26-37 5-3 SPFIINGFIEL.D ?ece'-ct 4 Date: Job Loeaticn: Aaseseore !!ap #t Subd,!.u.Jsicn: \;ner Ad&ess 'zo lnLL*C,,ez -24{/Phcne Desctlbe h,ork: ACd,iticn W*o0", d)Daxe of Appl ieaticn ?"t fufo,- - to 2lz^Ceneral i.!eehan:iccL nD | .Af ft^ Sani:atg seaet eqsped zt prcpertg Line Septic totk p'"r-ted atd. filled ,,rith gra::el linal - ilhen cbcue itens ee ecnolecei o:,C uhen T,enclitiort is ccnplele :t s:t;:-tuye noueC ad. tte:ises cleanei uc. Ecnes Blocking otd. Set-.tp Pltnbinq conneccicns -- sate? d, uatet Electr.Jcal Conectaon - Blockin4, set-ut and piwnbing connecticns rnist be aVprctbd befor e requesting elec)rical insp ec:iot .4ccesso^g tsuiiilng Einal - After:crc/-es, skitting, Ceci,-s,etc. @e catcle'.ed. 26-376 9 ( tecorCer ) state your Citg d,esigra.ted job nu;;bet,,inspecticn, Conttactcz,s or Asners r,ane gd.phcne nu.nber r-; i8 :he respoattbility of .the penrtt itold,er to see il@t aLf, inapecrtoff @e ::1atie at :he pro?er tlne, that aach aidtess is read^:^ie::y.-t!p street' anc !i"a,t the p&it card ie. Located. ar-th; ]';; of tte ?roperty.,3uiUiry vi:sicror. qprw^ed pi.bn s;cli remain ;;-rr; iirl,iiir&' :ii" ", aLL :ines. Pi?ocspups F2R iltsp1rl1il RgQutqI..cALL 7trequesx@eaii1 fon.-iLL be r.ade the sae ccy, requests-iaie ConstptcCqt Leder er?F r!rcD=^-r.rr. e.scduatia\, but to be rm.de afierprior to set up of lour City Desigra.ted Job ilunbet fs: DE a DR?iA-LL illsPle$Clt: ?c be nadeafter aLL azrguall is in olace, but ptior to cny tapin4. l{ASC!lP!: Steel Location, bond beots, groutin4 ot ,terticcls in accorciorce ,ith U,ts.C. Section 2415 . tic1DS?0|/t: *-i ^--)uvtttu ue t-Jg. After installation is iob aCitess, type Pequesxs receited of inscec=icn befcre 7:C0 ;tafter 7:00 an viLL be taCe the nezt tprkini )-.. I r U;ID|PSL;3 ?:L':.B::IG, ?LJC:PIC,IL 2, ;.rc{ :!ic;i: ro be-&-iiioii-Znywrk is ectteyei. ?CO?:IC t ?Ot-':lDAT:C!t: lo be r,aCe - aiiet atencnes are e..xcanated anti forms. are etectei, but ctior topou,ring ccnctete. required oqor burie?s @e in ala,cebut beJ-ore oty La.th, glpsun bcazd. crtnl'|, coueting is applied, crd, before o'nJ o|nsulation is concealed. I:iG lo be - Woryy:cci ttu:srtc. 1 ;trCllAltrcAL:t tTcr@oi floor ineulaxion or Cecking. P.9ST AtlD 3EA!,t: ?o be r.cde prioz, toinstallci;-cn cf floor inaulalion or deekin4. RCttc:-! ?!a,!E!:tc, lzrPrcAL I j\ECH- nfCs.i:ffi uritj:L :.keae i*scecliat:s lrcuc_ beernoie o"l, :gprcie!. F]P!?\;C!: ?rtor :o p|cc.trq fce:-ngncierlais ard, before ;'rarir4 inepec_ l] tnq::llc:_ ltttst be recueeteC cfleri_) a??-roual of rcugh Vltttbinq, eLectr.j-eal d necivnieai. ALt rcoiizg bracing 3 chittmcys, etc. nr"tsc be . conoleteci. llo ';crk is to be con_ - cecled until this insgee;icn ha,s'been tade cnC aporo-,-eC. crenchee, FIIIAL PLUIET:IG PI;IAL IIE'HA:IICAL ?IilAL ELZC!?ICA' CUPB & A-?PRCAC\| .A?PCN: After fornsze erectei but ??.:or to patrJn4 eofiE?ete. SfDEilALK C )RIr,EilAl: For aLL ccn- c?eie ?auitq uichtn st?eet r[ght- of'-tEA, tc be naCe a!'!er aL! ecca- uating eanolexe & forn ,,:ork ,tr eub- base naterial in place. ?!NCE: llhen conplete -- fuouiie gates o? nooable aections through Dil? I ALL pnojeet cozci;ions, such cs the insxdllacicn cf st"eet rrees, :c::=!eticn ci iherequired Landsccping, cte., nust be satisiieC befoTe the AUiLDI:|C FI|;AL tcn be reqttesteC. il;lAL BUTLDT:I1: The Eincz Buildtnq. rnsoeetion :ust be requestec aiten the lina,L ?Lwbirylleetrical, oti ltecitaniecl fnspect:Jans '4euc b""n ,Za"- ori-;;;;;;"4. 'ALL l'tAtllIcLES AltD cL,Attot)fll:tus? BE.qccESsItsLE, .4DJaS::!iJt lo 3z:.,-,,08 !,-! !:o:iS? Tc CI:y ?qa 1 o1' 2 u tr tr ?4e 2 JOB NO Lot Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Couerage ! of Stoies ?otal \eight Topogtqhg tsuild:.ng Pernit ?otal Cha:gea Stcte Total Chatces Pevwit fssu.otce Mechanicel Pertrit State SOLAR,-CCESS REQ.- Grouc: f n4 aw? _ fntet'tor _ Cor.ne" l,drtrcfiulLe Cul-de-sac L-C2 d tseitcoms Building Vcltue & Permit This penntt is granted on the eqrell cottd'ition tltat the said-conaxtwc=ion slta.!L', in aiL rZspects, confcztn to the crdtrut'ce edop-ted i2iy the CitT 2fsping7ie6, inelliing' the zantng Crdinance, neg'"Llcting tke ccr"a;tet')cn *ra "rn of Lutldings,- cnd ney be susperieC or reuckeC at cx! tine 'qcn uic- Lat:.on of .z:t.y prcuiaions of saiC CvCir'ances. SigleC Electricql Permit l{here state Lan reqairee tlnt the electrical aork be done bg -an Eleetz-ical cantnaetor, the electr.ieal poriion of this 7ermit shall tat be uatic until the l,abel has beett sig'ned by the Electrical Contlactor. Mechonicol Permit -- z:lc?2AC:ilE:!! -- P Le, ltanlne? I HAW CAREFULLy lxAltIit1D :!,2 eonpleted cppL;-cai:ion fot germit, ai dc hereby eertifg that aLL infotmat.-on heveon- i-a true enC ecrtee!, cni i fur,:h-et certifE that cny crd aLL uork petiorned sitall be dote in accor--dance ',rLth the- ardinorc:es of the City of Springiield, atd tha Lc:':s of the State of 0regcn per.Ezining to tke uork CescribeC hetein, *d tilct yO 1CC!.]- pl.ltcl wLL ii oaie of any structwz uithout permission of- the 3uil.dinE D.i- tision. i fiuther c-ertii'g thet orzly ccnirdctcrs ad nplcyees ah-o crz in ce,pT,ianee aith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used cn this proiect Lot Fd.ces - ilouse LACe Y VatvG 7OT,1L VA.LUE (S.D.C. 7.5 z PLan a FZ!CAR,GEIT!M Flbtres Residzntial (1 bdth) Sc,i Seuer Plumbing Permit No pereon slall cot.str"tet, install,, alter. or chonge -c'lA v.el-cr ecisting ptzhitlna cr d.tainage systel in uitole ot in pant' unless such pet:son is the iegol p"ort"""o, o7", uLlid pl*,b"o's Lic-ensb, e.-ee?t tt'.at a ?e:soy nax {o-piia;:"g xork to propertg uhi"h i" ouned, Leased or opereted by the dpPli- caflt. i Plunbing Petr-it State SwcLarEe !otal llal/Ectetd Cireuits Semtice al!.1D4,::!;,! blwnst HooC Vent ?dt vcodstote Secar|tu Deccsit Stotaae ilaintenance Perwtt aa oab tE(aec Cvtbcu! SLAenaLK. ?enee tlobiT.e Hcne TOTAL A,+!OU!I? DUE: A EleetricaL LabeL Signed 2 !'gpe/Const:lne: i.ldin ).caP-ssa?a ilIO:J@ A+OO ;,Jatar ffi-- PBOPOSAL AND CONTRACT ABC $6USU$ lB0'S':.Sfreel - Pix T'RilES SPR'TIGF/ E !.D, OfT g74r? 747-7i$7 @tJDITICIJS: .-t--- siGeo aftE-r deiiveryIl is iindentoocl and agreed that $€ shall nol be hetd liable for any loss. d3magre or delals oiasioned by firo, strikes. or nraterid , u?cn prernises, ioclouts, acts ol God. or the public erxemy, ac-cidenls, boycoits, rnatarial'snqrlages, dlsturbed labcr ccndrtions, delayed delivcryot rnaterials from Sellers suppliers, force rnejeure, incletr,Bnt wealher, floods, frcrght enlbargo;s.'causes incident to mtional emergencies, war, cr other causes beyonC the resonabls controt o, Seiler, lltetler ol llke or ditferent character, or o:her causqt beland his controt. Prices q'Joted in this ccn- hacl ate based upon present prices end upon condition that tlsrprcposal vill be eccepted v;ithin thirty do/s. Also gengral cond;ticns BJhich are slandard fcr sp€cialty contractors in the constn,ction inCustry. TEFlrIS: Paynents to be rnade '1, as work progrssses perccntt €B ) cf all vrork completed- Tho entire amount \ tD Ih€ \lalue ol e- o{ ccntact ro be peidrl;iihai THIS PRCPOSAL IS SIJEMITTED IN OUPLICATE. THE FETURN TO US OF OTjE CO:}/ WTH YCIJR SIGNA]URE SHALL C€NS}TITUTE A CON. TRA T *fi"-f " 4/f/- daBf:ls*os,igion 4 .$fu/ SU&r' TTER 4F,9 3rjP.Y,P#I,EF SP,g/NGF|ELD, CR 97477 ' E'dt1-o5t -.- ACCEFTEB By 7 L I8O 'S'STREET SPRIIIGFIELO, OR 97677 PHoilE 747-1187 A LICENSED PESI CONIROI. OPENATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIELD. ANY OUES. TIONS NELATIVE TO THIS REPOTJT SHOULD BE NEFERRED TO HIIVI. E ABC Pesf Control CITY _ sl{ l'-i:i. U I r ll:! 1 -" t.r,,\SPirrroN .tt7/9'?! AC0etss 0i I; RO PER IY I NSP[CT t 0 TEtT,IITE 8loG. tlo. I SIR[[r I /i-T/--L Z-'1-Z p-!/2F-127.2o-.Jrt'H:TWo 'i).:',:'t rtaued it (Name anC Addres ,r -- --- //E Qeco'l !en::c (llsm? rnd Addres3t ^ L-- 5,4mr-LlF.er s llrrc and ACCrGss ____74:. c?f :a it, ;nis{ied 8, A YI'COD DESTROYIi\G 0RGANISlv,lS (1) Fungi (Rot; _ (2) Dampivood Termites (3) Subterranean Terntites Ll)r Ants / 'rz1- YES NO B CONOITIONS FAVOR!NG WOOD ._ 0!$IR.0Y-!l,lG 0nGANlsMs .YE.S NO -.1 I : L I I It. I F I I I t- Ir I i I F NT ST CA ? .- L' ulq ls'_y99q:!o!19 r6) 0ther i[_-_ [)-Iqa!-4Elv!s US Are there ir:accessible areas? I itzl._ _.-a TiIS iS: B-dNIOIIINI REPORT C SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT -0-F- IC uate Clearanco PF B I nadequate Poigllilg:rtile (e)0r 19 [q!!1_01_i n s_Pqq] !-0! Iqcom me nd cd ? . Beetles II L/- l.a L-L-- /--/' -r l, /'i' ./ t' r' t./' r' f fr'l Qa t' ,:1 r-) a { I -l I IJ I rf r' ,[r I i_ I