HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Temporary 1987-02-03R UR,,L )DfiESStjqJ0 CH ECK[D "ANLane County Authoriza,tion"- f or-: _ FICE USE ONLY Perm 1ation,/8v!)3o P 7 o OF PROPOSED USE OP PROPERTY [.l c<,mmercial n rnaustrial f] rruri. Residential E PROPERTYn I ') LU\&'UV{,LO}' M.\Alnufr -n PROPOSED IC fuf DrcI,ARED S VALUE<Ls-25# OF EIIoRIES Uv 6ln!- OF 6rn-Em::::9 6 NUMBER a I osR NTIMBER E DATE f:rther I CAREFULLY EXAMINED coMTHE APPLICATIONPLETED PERMITr-oR and hedo ce rtlry t-ha a I 10nrrf orratifv IShereon andtrue correc and Ithat the 1e INi-nterest thefollowinggal rowne reof cord conproperty zeduprrrchaserIauthori agenIcertithatandworkrf,fy any omed shal donebe n acuotdalc'-.pe il ol;,:inancerd of Lane theandCouty ofLaws Statethe of Oregontoworkthedecribedhereinandthatw1OCCUPANCYrtainingmadebeorrrrcturewtthouttheofpemissiontheBuivi,sionDildin9 fur-rthe r ti.ce that t'rati.on thfyre9r s Bui Lder asBoard fulthe force eand fect-re red 70oRs 05 5 tha t1qufby bathexempt for rie xempISdnotehereonthatandildubcontractorswhoaareonlyenployeesw1anceoRs05570rconpJ.i be onused tsth ect HAVE ANDREADprojTHISCHECKEDAPPLICATIONTHOROUGHLY READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION qAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I puutlrNcrzzoNlNG: zo.e_ partirion *_ s ide Use COM}IENTS: Date + COM}lENTS n rear Installation Record Issued?fl v"= flu" Zq I saltrratroll, s. r. *B. P interior Parcel #Parcel Size COIVD1ENTS Date L Ins tallation Specifications: Gallon Tank Lineal, Feet of Dr:ainfield l.laximum Depth of Trenches Minimum setbacks, cL, frort oPF 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION (Der ORs 455.805 (f) ) OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061,LANE COUNW cL4-25 R4 I t\ NO 1ii)I a5 I GrouD tr SETBNCKS AND OTIICR CO:iDITIO)JS OF APPROI.IAL UUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED' VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C;?IoN oF tllIS IER}IIT, CITiTTIO)i UND:R PROVISIONS Oi LAI*.:OU):1Y.3 INFRACTION ORDI)iA};CE, AND,/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW' !iI]EN RE.IDY FOR 1N'SPECTION, CALL 687-4065. A M]N1}1U}1 OF '1T LiAST 2{ IIOURS ADVA!':CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ffiililla-.:"etreioL!owinginfcrnation.eady:iermitnumber,jobaddresS,tyPeoi ln"pi"cion, when it wilL be ready, you! nane anal phonc nunber, and any special Cirections to site' BUILDING DIVISION: REQU I RED \.SPECTIONS I. Foundation Inspectaon: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIl' rr*-I;-fo?-tnE--E6Tnaation are Celivered on the job. l{here concrete from a central mixj'ng plant (comonly termeci "transit mixed") is to be used, haterials need noL be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Unde!-aLoor InsDectioni fo be made after aIl i"n-s1ab or under-fIoor building ieiilI*qufpnmtl-ZonEut, piFl;E atressorres, and other ancillar)' equrpment items are -inplace but-beiore any concretL is pourea or floor sheathing instalLed, i.nclud.ing the subfloor. 3- Framinq 6 InsulaLion Inspections: To be nade after the roof, aIl frani'ng, fire blocking, and ffi a-rru -o1re mE En-ffies, f ireplaces, chinneys, and vents are complete and aLL rough electrical and plumbing ale approved. Al1 watl insul"ation and vapor balrie! are in place. 4- Lath and,/or Cvosum Board Inspection: To be made after a1l, lathing and ql,psum board, interior anil-eilcerl5r/-un-pIrce EIt-E6foi:e any plastering is applied and beiore gypsw board joints . and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Inspeclion: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. AppROvAf REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any par! of the buildj.og or scructure beyond the point indj.cated in each successive inspection uiLhout first obtaining the aPproval of the buil"ding offlcial. Such approval shall be given only after an inspectj.on shall have beer nade of each successive step in theltoastructron as indicated by each of che ins?ecticns requireC. NOTE: AII building permits require inspecLions for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Block i,Iall: To be made after reinforcj.ng is in pIace, but before any grout is Poured. This InfpecEf6; is lequired for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval untj.l the Pl'umbing and el-ectrical j.nspections have been made and approved. B. !.tood Stove: To be made after conpletj.on of masonr!' (if appl-icable) and when installati.on j.s a*Ffa*, Installa!1on shaIl be in accordance wi-th an approved, oationally recognized testing agency and lhe manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Uobile Home! An inspection is required after the mobile home j's connected to an approved EEil-er oi--!Eptic system for setback requirenents, blocking, footing connect.ion, tiedowns, skirling, and plwbing connections. L. Footj.ngs and piers to comply wiLh State loundation requirements for mobile homes or as recomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobi.te hone ninimun finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management lette!. 3. $obiLe home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shatl be i-nstalled and ready for i-nsPec- tion within at least 30 days ift"r occup..cy. Taedowns and skirtinq shall be installed per enclosure. swiminq when pooL pool: Below grade when sleel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade -lE-instalIed. APPROVED PI.ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING T'ORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WTLL EXPIRE IT WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITI{IN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED POR IIORE THAN I8O DAYS' SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION :4AY OCCUR IF THIS PERT1IT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATlON. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POII.:T OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT TTIEIR OWN RISX. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNA?IVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEI'IS: l. Pernits shall be effective for one year from the cate of issuance. 2. Upon compLeting the corstruction for uhich a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify the Lane Counry Depaltsent of Planning and Comunity DeveloPnent by submitting the. j.nstallaEj.on record fLrm. The Departrent sh;It inspect !he construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained j-n this Civision. 1f the construction does comPly with such rulLs, lhe Department shaLl issue a certificate of sati.sfactory completion to.the permiti holder If the constrlction does not comply with such rul.es, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisficLory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requiremenis for satisfacto.y.o.pl.tion wrthin a reasonable time constitutes a vio- lation of oRs 154.605 to 454.745 and Lhis rule. setbacks - Subsurfacc seilalle Disposal scptic Tank Drai.nf.ield Interior propert)' f !ncs ECAe o: road rtgirt-oi-way Burldrnq foundation lieIls, other sater sources From:10, 50' 10' 10 | r0' 100'