HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-06-12t! APPLICE. TON /PERMIT 225 Nonth |th Street Springfield, )r,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIT{NTIAL..SPFIII\fGFTELD Job Loeaticn:o6 1//o( Aesessot,s Map I ?cr lot # Subdiuision: Otmer: Addrese: 2."/?()gPiortes" \\zip:7 Descz4be Hotk: Date of App Val-ue n {"\A Additicn RenoCel r Plumbi ectrical Pege 1 of 2 Date 26-3769 (reeoydet ) state gout, City Cesigrnted job nunber, job aC&essirtsp e c ti on, C ontrae t or s oz, Otmets nane and phone ES tle General Sr.r It ie the fron tle ,*Building reepona:ibi-Lila of tte perwit lotdet to aee that-all inopections oe nad.e at the p?opel tine, that each "44rees is,eacni^i,e"Y:.1!,,^y:H}!._,qoryt @2d, ie teated at the frcnt of tte wopetts.Dauicion apprw^ed plat shcll z'eaain on the BuaLding site 'at aLL' tihes.- PI?OCSDUPT FO4 INSPECTI2II ffi?UEST:CALL 7 nequested, and ahen gou uiLL be ready for'-iLL be nade the sane dcy, reqtests-n'cd,e El-ec tr c ]-an Io be nwde after pr"tor tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &wcyatliinMny aoz,k ie eotsered. P)OTING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be rmCeafter trenches ape escaoated and forms are eteeted, but prior topout"tng ccncrete. UIIDERGROUIID PLIJMBING. SE'IEP, |I.4TER. DR.AIilAGE: To be nade pr"tor to fil-Lirq trenehee. ll uaolnpmo! ptu.nmc a tacsnwrcu,t , T-g be nad.e prior to inslaT.Lailon of floor ineulation or decking. P.)ST AND BEAM: To be nade prior toinstallaticn of flooz, insulation ot deeking. SI?E TNSPEC?IONI escaoation, but forme mad.e ard.approueC. uotk inspections hanse been CURB & APPRCACE APp.2N: After fotnsee ereeteC but prior to pour"tng concrete. STDEIALK & DRfLEI4y: For aLL eott-c"eteV@6lti street mght: -of-txg, to be nad.e after aLL etca-uating canplete & fotn uork & sub- base nater"ial in place. afte! 7:00 an utLLL be nade the nett wtking d.ag. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Munbet fs: VOODSTOI.E: enpTet;A. After installation is X TNSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER il\SPECTTON:robenadeffi yequV.ed uapor barriers @e in placebut before ory Lath, Wpsutn boayC orrnLZ coueting is applied, and. beforeay irculation is concealed. X#W*W;""Y"!Lx:"' - but p?iot, to any taping. Pinal - l(hen abcoe itens are ccnaleted and uhen Cer.tolition is canplete bt sfuac-ture noued ad. prewises cleaneC up. MAS1NR! Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uerticals in aceordorce LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. type of inspeelicn Requests teceixed befcre 7:00 an DEMOLTTIO!] OR BUILDI;]CS Sanitary seuet ecpped at properfil Lire Septic tank p,tr,ped attd filled vith gra;sel Mobi e Hcmea Blocking od. Set-up Plutnbing connect,tone -- aane? otd uatet Electrtcal Cotnection - Bloeking, eet-up and_ plwnbing eonnectione nust bb apptcxZd before tequesting eleclricaZ inapectiol Acceesory BuilCnng Pinal - After pcrckes, skirting, deet<s,etc. a?e conple1ed. FIPEPLACE: pz-ior to plccirs faeinanaterials and befote fronini ir"pnl_ xL0n. FRA.I.|ING: ttust be requested afterapproual 9f roueh pltrrbing, electr.i_caL & mechanicaL. Al! roofing bz,acing &_ ehinmeys, etc. rrust beeonPLeted. llo ucrk is to be con_..cealed until this inspeetion ltas'been nad.e anC approoeZ. D?N'N. aa;; P. U.E. N ,rrot pLUMBrnc fl runnr, MECttAtrcAL ffi rnuez ELEzTRTIALr PAVIN4 ALL ptoject conditions, such aa the i.netallation of street tt,ees, conoletion of tierequired Landsccping, ctc. ' iilst be satisfied befot e tt e auii,iiw:G ErltAL can be ,equeeted. IrNAL BarLDrNc: The Einal Buildittg rnapection mtat be requested, aftez, the Final plunbitqElectrical, anc Mecttanieat rnspect-io"o 'narl L,iii ia""" "iTppiira. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE I.IADE IT IlO CCST TO CNY 6 tr hlhen conplete -- prouiCe or notsable sectians through Lat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooetage # of Stories ?otal Height Iopography 1.6 za Sa?,,b I l3'-/-"o-2 2, LCT ?WE fntetiot n/connn, PanhandLe CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - Ileat DT House Access + I?EM I;U x Value Building Volue & Permit This pertnt is granted on the e'pl,ess condition tlu.t ttv s1id._consttwetion slnll', in all rbspects, confornt to the 7rdinance adopted. ?:! the City o-f Spr"Lngfield, inctiding- the Zoning CYdinance, r'egulating the ecnstmteticn &d u-u-e of buildtngs,- and may be suspend.ed or reookeC at cn! time upon oic- lation of crtA prcuisions of said 0t'dir,ances. /Xzz /7 r'eaJa-r*L - t+*LF fd TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x N Building Pexnrit oo Cheek Fee: Stnte Date Paid: Total C?wrges ,o5 CHAP,GE Plumbing Permit No person stnll consbact, instal?-' alte?ot elwtrye-any nel)-c? eristing -pltinbing or dtainage systan in uhole o_r in patt, unless sueh person is the iegal p"osses"o, o1"o u-olid pl*rber's Li-e-ense, e$cePt tlat a petson rrull 4?ptintkg aork to property ihich is otmed, Leased or opetated by the appli'' eant. Pb<-ztr fla)A;+L frrzf re€ Fi.stutes P Resid.entia.L (1 bath) Seuer Planrbing Permit ao State ,{o a * Electrico I Permit wLere state Lan requires ttnt the electrieal uork be done by aa Electr-ical conttaetot, the electrLcal pottion of this permit elldll not be oalil until the tobel has been sigaed by the Electrical Conttacto?. ,PA-rr7 Aa)il*-L ffit re€ 5:o Eqka 3, oo NO. L F?! 610 nD A Dal Neu/Ectettd Circuits Senlice State !otal blwtst HooC Vcodstooe Vent FdL Permit fssuqrce Meclnnieal Perfiit oo 7{ ,7 7r ,7r oo * To s8 %/wDA Mechq nicol Permit /e,r-zzr 4il*ln-L .- ENCROACEMENT -- Sec"ritu Deposit Storage Mainterance PentrLt Cutbeut ?ence Eleetrical Label Mobile Home JOB NO Zone: ?otaL SOLAR AC,"CSS REQ.-L-COG+ BeCz,oons u Sources Lace D Sigr.ed: .nel.Tate I HAW 1AREEULLy EXAILINED the conpleted applicati'on fo-t pernit' and do t"i"ay certify tttai alt infornatibn hereoi is trae art'd' eorz'eet' attd' r furth"et certiiy that any i"a on uotk perforned slal-L be do.te in aceor- bince vLth the" Otdinanc"es of the City of bpringfield' 3nd the .Las of the * State of Oregon pertaining io the wtrk CesiriAed herein, c'rtd. tlnt llo OCCU- plnCy itt b"e ,aZe o7 ory" structut,e uithout pernisaion of the Suilding DL- uision. r further .Loil,"n ttnt orly contraitoPs ad enplcyeea uh'o ate in eorpliance'aitt cns zol.-o"ss uiLL be-ueed on thie proiect gq%kL rofr'uvlr /s Mo- /MLam (* '%d-E) @ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*/5 3 ,so * Signed Date Si.da,talk ?D