HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-08-24Sttbdiuision: Otmez,: Addness .")oz o City: N ett Additicn RenoCel G Deser4be lloz:k: /za x/c-0 ul-n g'A f-rL rtDate of Application General l"leclwricaL Consttuction Lenden It ie the responsibility of the permit hoUer to seefton the s tt,eet, anC that the pernrit Lan shc.L catd is Loeated*Building D.iuiciot:appro"-ed p L renain on tii that aLL inspections ate nad.e 2!,*4e ftont of the pro.pertg.Bualdin? Sitc at aLL'tznes. at the ptope" tine, that 2ssh ai/jrsss is readab-.e of inspec:icti VaLue ?a+J,:siLL be nade the sdre dcy, n"qr."t"'^LhL 26-3769 (recoyder ) state yout, City deeigrnted job rumbet,', job aCizess, type P.equests z,eceixed inspection, aftez' 7:00 Contraetors oz. A,mers nane cnd plane nunber befcre- 7:00 cton tiLL be nade the nett "aotking day Io be trude afterbut pr4or tc set uP of ?o be ana ?o be aLLforms aork cooeted. trenchee ?INAL PLUI4BIT\G PINAL MECITANICAL FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL qq & I I I l.osr 4yn auu: ?o be nade pniot, to| L,nstaLLaticn of flooy irnuzation orA.ecklng. 1 urtlL these inspeetions haue been, maae and approueC. I FI..2E?LAC=E: p?ior to plaeirn facinnt i?::":'als and befoz'e ?";;fr'r;;;:;Z- 1 pAnllilc: ttuet be requested. afLert aPp-roual of rough pTttnbing, "inilrl.._eat, &. nechanicai. ' ait- iiZfi.irg'"",'"-btaeing &- ehinrneAs, ete. ntu.st" beeonpleted. no tir.k .i." to'iZ'.2tr_ .eealed unttl this ;.""p..U2i li"-Deen mad.e anC approoed. l l ) lcorrnc t r?u:totrrcn, ?o be nadei t q_J Le" xtenches are escauated andforns. are ez,ected, b"t-b;;;;;;pourir,g ccncrete. DLYWALL=!NS!!C?r0N: ?c be mad.ealxet aLL dz,yuall is in place,but prion to cnA taping. US1NRI: Steel location, bond.beons,_ gtouting or oet,tibals inacco?dance ?,ith U.B.C. Section 241 5. rl.upEpFLO1R pLU,rBrNG q ilECIIAN\CAL :10 De me{ie pr.ict, to initiTTdi6n orTtoor insulction or decking. WOODSTOVE: ecrnpLeted. Aftet, installation is ?o CURB & APPRCACE APPON,ate erecteC but pnior : After fornsto pour-ingeonctete. SfD|WALK & DRftEWAy: For aLL eon_cr,^ete paoing uithin stneet night_of-.Ya, to be maCe aften aLZ Zcea-Datlnq canplete & for-n usork & sub-oase nater.Lal in place. l$lEt hhen conplete -_ ptouiCe gates ot mooable seetians througllP,A.E, ALL proiect conditions, .suck as the i.nstallatlon of str.eet trees, conoletion of therequined Landscqins, Lto'" '*it-iZ iiriiltiai;"r.l"""iiZ'iui'i1"ri, F,NAL can be requested. tr|#i,i!:i:'m ,y:*f,:Zi,,i:,,*H.:;,fr3i,fr#":"i" #T;,izlo{,nn thc Final plwbin-a Job Locaticn:e9 Qo z>/rcr lat # OAesessore Map # 05Phone: Receipt #.. RESIDENTIAL..SPHTNGFIEI.D [2ff7APPLICAT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Di.tsi,sion 7 26-37 53 ,,/PERILIT qus D <- Date nD l.atfr^ Sanitary seaen capped et pt,operty Lire Septie totk p;zned and iitted vith gra;tel yT1 ,- I,th,en glcu.e itens ate ccnpletedana uhen d,q.tclition is eonplete o? sttuJ_tuz,e noued and. prenriees clZaneiip.-^* Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- s€1)e? otC uatet Ele_ctrieal Ccmnection _ Bloeking, aet_u,anC plunbing eo_nneetions ,o"t t'n'cepn"liloe;opc tequesttng eleelz,ical inspeZ:ior: Aecessory- BuilCing ,rrr:.o:"", skit tins, deeks,Pirnl - Afteretc. are comp Page 1 of t N _l *ALL ILANHCLTS AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTILilD ?o BE M4DE .4T ItO cSsT ?o ery tlt I Iour City Desigr,ated Job Number fs:I soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Bedrooms:Gro L-CO G*JOB NO tnt Sq. Etg. % of Lct Cooerage # of Stories Iotal Eeight Iopogrcphy LOT TWE _ Intericr _ Conner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - Ileat P.L House Access, Lace tor*e t ITE14 !1U x Value Building Volue & Permit This pernt-t is granted on the etpt'ess eo-ndition tlnt the said-eonsttaction stnll, in all nespects,- confornt'to th-e Zrdinance edop-ted biy the City of ip"lnafi"ti, inctifi.ing'th;-'z;;i"g ct'd'inanc-e, negulctitzg the c?r:stn::t^:t:*^ irl i"n of 'buildi.ngs,- utd mty be- suspended or retsokeC at cny tlme upon olc- Lation of a"y prcoisions of said 1rdinances' TOTAL VALUE S.D.C 1.5 x Buildi.ng Pe?rtt Date Paid: State Receipt # Iotal Clwxges Signed: ITEI,i NO FEE CHAPGE Plumbing Permit NoDereonshallconstntet,ins!.all.,alterotchange-anAneD.creristing ii"i,'aii*""i'liZi;"";;-"";;"";;';;-;i1" or in pa,t' -unlesi sueh petson is the lesal possesson of " ;i;;i" p7:;;'":"1i 1t'L*"2' eicept that a petson na'g do pltnbins uork to p""piiii*ini;;"1-";;;e; lnL"nd or openarcd by the appli- cant. Fi.stures Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Pernrtt State 1 NO Electricql Permit Vlpt'e State Las requites tlnt the electri'9al uot'k be done by 'an Eleetrical cont"actor' the eleetrlZot pl'tUn of thi's ,pertnit stnLl not be oali'C until 11;";;;1''t-" ir"" signed tv tne ElectricaL contracto!'Natt/Eatetd Cit'cuits Serwice ^50 \ Stcte 7Total CIlARCEFEENCIT!M Eslwst HooC Vent F@1 Mecharnicql Permit Pet:mLt Issuutee Meehanical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- l,lcodstotle i Permit Cvtbcut Si.da':alk IHAwIAREFULLyEQAI,IINEDthecompletedapplicati.onfolperlnit'anddo herebu certi-fv t?d oi:i";"i;' o7i'lon hereii-'Ls tnue inl eor|ect' a't'C r ';;,2i""n";n;iiify tiat ;;;';;' Jr uoor< perfor-ned atnll be done in aceot- "don e ,,tLth tr,e oraaai{lz"*;f ;i'; Ai .;f b;;ii.''t'a' .and th,e ,!2" of t"o state of oregcn pet,tainLnq to the uork cescrib"eld hnnbrn, 6/Ld tlat NO 1ccu- p!.Ncy ttLL be nnce or"o|i'"iirzi7i" *rtilrt'iliti"to" of the Buildins a-- uision. r fut'ther .";:;1fu";;;- i'lv'"o'tnoc'tois i'd u'pl'vnn" uko ate in ;;;L;;*"'r;tu oas 701-"0"5s uiLL be' used on this proieet PLant Eront-neY' *pr-?tr TotaL L tlobile Hane TOTAL AI,TOIJNT DUE: *77.3 Signed Date