HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1976-07-21l&l ,l t ncxrs "g Ln+ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Clltr-Sf O3- SPH,II$GFIEI-If SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 July 21- , 1976 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. George Gray 1457 Water Street Springf ie1-d, OR 97477 Dear Mr. Gray: On July 1-4, 1976, I re-inspected your building at the rear of L457 Water Street, heretofore known as L457Lz Water Street, with Captain Richard Yates of the Springfield Fire Department. It is our opinion that that structure which was previously burned on June 1-6, 1972, is inrnediately dangerous to 1ife, f-imb, property, and safety of its occupants and the public. This is because the structuraL integrity of fl-oor joists, studs supporting those joists, and the floor sheathing, have been destroyed by said fire. It is further our information that the burned portion is being used on a daily basis. You are hereby ordered to vacate the burned portion and the living quarters located above the garage and adjacent to the burned portion of the building within six days of the date of this letter. You are further ordered to demolish said building within forty-five days of the date of this letter. You should understand that it is a misdemeanor to occupy those portions of the building hereinabove referred to, or to remove or deface anf notices. You shoul-d further understand that if the required permits for -demolition are not secured within thirty days of the date of this l-etter and the demolition not completed within forty-five days of the date of this letter, the City will proceed to cause the work to be done and a forty percent surcharge, in addition to the cosEs of the work, wiLL be placed as a lien againsE your property. You are to be advised that any person having any record, title, or legal interest in the building may appeaL from the notice and order provided in this letter to the Board of Appeals, provided the appeal- is made in writing as provided in the Uniform Code for Dangerous Buildings and further provided that it is filed with the building official within thirty days from the date of I I Mr. George Gray July 21, L976 Page 2 service of this notice and order and further that failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of the matEer. If we can be of any further assistance to you in this matter, please feel free to contact us. Res pec t fu1 1y, 'ViAia-r"- Marion J Buil-ding Inspector ILI: sm ! o o .:- : @! ultt Ca2 uIttotr .I vitto 6{ lll7n -0 z ancv F!0 z C, oFI,j I FI0 3 2f I SENDER: Complete itcms l, 2, and 1. Add your addtess in thc "RETURN TO" spacc on reveIre. The following service is requested (check one ). @ Show to whom and date delivered------ -----. lst I Show to whom, date, & address of delivery-. 357 E RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered.-----.---... 65i E RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery 857 I'1r. George Gray 1457 l{ater Street Springfield, OR 97477 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSEO TO: CERTIFIED NO. 6L2L85 INSUREO NO. 3. ART]CLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. (Alwry3 obt ln 3ltn.turc of eddrccsao or.tcnt) I have received the article described above. agentsrGAddressee D 4 DELIVERY S tr 5. ADDRESS (CorDp,.t. only if raquastcd) T (r, -tct, 5. UNABLE TO DELIVER UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT 0F PoSTAGE, $300SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print yo^ur nrm€, address, and Zlp Code in th€ splce b€low.. Complet€ items l, 2, and 3 on reverse aids.. Moisten gummsd ends and attach to bsck of article.IRETURN TO City of Springfield Building Department 346 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 REOUEST FOR INSPECTION Springfield Building Department Date e \ Tyoe of lnspection A t ,/.1 Time Desired Owner Contractor Proiect Address ,.' -/ L, _) Remarks INSPECTOR'S REPORT Aooroved Not Aooroved "/- /y'-76Date -.b'b''( / {-t1.,-.t --a' : / l Remarkr 'a,y / //,t) /t "t9 - By )'L7 tzl {.6-L*- .n REOUEST FOR INSPECTION Sprirrgf icld Builclirrg Departnrent Dltu t,^, -1:? Typc of lrrspcction Timc Dcsircd .Q:ao EM.2-13'7A Owpe+-{ontractor Proiect Address Hs? W - {,*q Remark s b,ruE? INSPECTOR'S REPORT Aooroved Not Approved Remarks Date REOUEST FOR INSPECTION Spri'- ticld Buildirrg Departnrent Dutc >L- 7 Time .---__ Typc of I nspcct ion Timc Desired a Owner Contractor Proiect Address Rernarks INSPECTOR'S REPORT Approved Not Approved Remarks By Date