HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-09-18!o" RESIDu,.lTlAL" APPLICAT ION /PERI.IIT 225 North Sth Stt'eet Springfield' oregon 97477 Bu't- Ldlng DLl)'|,s'Lon 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIEI.D ? lilel 4-, // pl i Aesessore Map # ' Subdioision: Oumer: ci , Addtess s Net) Additian Z1-P-UJ RenoCel !.lobile Hone Date of App Lieatian GeneraL /J t-t Desq"Lbe Hotk: Va'!.ue Date: qS Ict lot #o Phone It ie the reeponsibility of tle pertrtt holl.et to aee that aLL inspectiotts are nade at the p?ope!tine, th,at ecch address is rea)abie fran the atreet, dnd tha.t the*Building Nuiciot appro"*ed p PROCEDAPE FOR INSPE/!!9!_R90IES!:CALL726-3769 (tecordet,) state Aou! City Cesigrated job ntoiibet,, iob aCi.ress, type of inspec=icn eadyforirtspeetion,contlactc?so1,asn.,"-,*,eLndp7nnerulnber.Requestsleceixedbefcre?:00an r'iLL be nade the sante dag, ?equests nad,e afte.z, 7:00 qn trill be made the nect aorking da11. yolt" CitA Deeigr,ated Job Nutnbez' fs: perntt catd ia located at the front of the property. Lan slw.Ll remain on tle Building Site at aLL tines. O I I II :4 l SITE INSPECIION: To be rmde aftez' etcansation, but pr.ior tc set up of fomne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC?RICAL & WCH4-\|ICAL: Io be nade before ang uork is eotered. EO1?ING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be naCe after trenchea are escatlated and forns are erected, but priot, to pouring ccncrete. ul L EBe?,9!!p ? LUAU!!,_ fEWE8,__u.4rEB, Wortofil- @'f,i1nctee. UTIDERFLOOR PLUTIBING & MECIIA,NICAL : @tationoffloor insulation or decking. !OS! lNp BEN4: ?o be made prLor to ffilffildof ftoor insul,an"ion ot d.ecki,ttg. ROUGH PLANBII'IG. ELECARTCAL & I,IECH- ANICAL: No aork is to be couered wtil these inspeetiors Vwtse been nade and approoeC. ELPELACE: Prlor to placirg facinsmateriale and before franing inspee- tion. PRAl.lfNG: ttust be "eqlested afte? approual of rough plutr,bing" electpi- .cal & mechattical. ALL roofing bractng & ehinmeys, etc. must be antpleted. Ilo uotk ie to be con- cecled until this inspectton |ue I been ttade anC apptooed. FilIAL PLUAAIIrc FINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL r N s ULA? r 0 N / vAP1 R BA&&!ER rlt feEl! L 0 q ?o be made after aLL insulaticn atd required uqor borie?s @e in plaee but befare ory lath, Wpsum bcatC or unLL cooering i.s applied, and before otg insulation is concealed. DRYWALL TNSPECTTON: TC bE MAdE @-dT@"tTls in place, but prior to anA taping. I,\ASINRY: Steel Location, bond Gdijgroti.ng or oe?ticals in accotdorce DLth U.B.C. Sect'ton 24L5. WO1DSTOVE: Aftet ittstallation is anpleted. CURB & E!R049H_-APPON: After forms d,e er.ectAEtV;G to pou?tng eonctete. SfDEWALK & DRTIEVAI: Pot aLL eon- c"et; pa,rfr-Affi street right- of-Lng, to be made after aLL esea- oating conplete & for,:t ttot'k & sub- base tatertal in plaee. PENCE: lthen cornPlete -- ProtsiCejM or nottable seetions through P.A.E. ALL projeet colditions, such as the 'i.nstallation of stteet tz,ees, :o-tletion,of the reqiired LanCscaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FI\IAL can be requested- PINAL BU.LDINC: The Pinal Buildi-ng Inspection mtet be requested cfter the linal Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mecturical Inspections hqte been made atd approued. DEMOLTTIOI| OR ::OW) tsUILDiiICS Sanitatnl seser capped at Woper4i Lite Septic tank y,r,ped ann fi,Lled tLth gra;;el Final - I{hen abcoe'Ltens ote ecnpleted atzd uhen Canalition is complete o" stl'Lic- tu.ye moued ord. pratises cleanei up. e Ecmes BLocking otd Set-up PLunbing eonnecti.otts -- aane? otl, uatet Electrical Ccqnection - Blocktrry, eet-up and plrntbing connections rntst be cpprcveC before requesting elee'.rical inspeelion Accessory BuilCing Pinal - After pcrekes' skirting, decla, etc. ate cornpleled. Pt,;e 1 of 2IALL I4ANI]CLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTIIEIII TO BE I44DE /,.T NO C)ST TO CIIY M@ Job Locaticn: Construetton Lender l tr I 9o c+SOLAR AC SS REQ.-JOB NO L-CO BeCroons: Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cottenage_ ,{ of Stortes Total Eeight Topographg LC? ?WE Intericr Comet: Panluzndle Cul-de-sac !!eat Df House Lot Faces - Lace toxe l,lest th otd use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed ot reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of mA prcoisione of said ot:dirnnces. TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: Signed: ITEM F?C x Va ?espectB incktding A S.D.C. 1.5 r This penntt is granted Building Permit Total Clnrges Sta.te Building Vqlue & Permit on the er??ess eondition tlnt the said-consttaction conforrn io the 1rdirnnce adopted tiy the City of the Zoning Crdinanee, negulating the ccnsttucticn shall, in all Sptingfield, Plumbing Perrnit No pe?eon shaLl consttuct, instal!, alter or eltan4e c.ny nea cr eristing plunbittg ot dtainage sAstal in ulale ot in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessot, of a oalid plutnbet's License, eseept tlnt a pe"son may do plwnbing uork to prope?tA uhieh is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. FEE CHARGEITEM Fi.stures Reail.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrtt ?ctal State Electricql Permit Were State La,t requires t?nt the electv"ical uork be ilone by an Electrical Contractor, the electrLcal portion of this permit slall rat be oali.C until the label lns been aigned bg the Electrical Cont?acto?. N0. * ll ert / Eot end. C ir cui t s Setoice Total rTgM tcF t- i1tLfiu L Mechonicol Permit Eolwnst HooC llcodstoite Vent Eat PermLt fssuance l.teelwnical Perttn t -- ENCROACHMEN? -. Sectritu Deposit Stotage libintenance Pefirit Cttbcu! Si.da,talk Fenee Eteetrieat rabel b a l-78 Q-.2o Mobile Hcne ?otal ,+ {. PLan E{anine?Date I IIAW CAREEULLY EXAIIINED tle cornpleted application for pertnit, and do het,eby eettify tTtat aLL infornation heteon is true ard. eorueet, orC f furthet' cettify that cny ard. aLL uork perforned alnll be done in accot- dance rith the )rdinances of the City of Springfi.eld, and. the Laas of the State of A?egon pertaining to the wrk Ceseribed herein, end. tlnt N0 )CCU- PANCy trill be rmd,e of anA structule tytttout pennieeion of the BuiT.ding DL-oision. I further c.:ttif;1 thet only eonttactoz,s ad. anplcgees uho are in eo,tpliance uith 1RS \1.05s aiLL be used on thia projeet UTOTAL AJ,IOUIIT DUE: */5 8rc Signed Da -