HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-05-03?, <' zx' n? RESIDENTIAL.." APPLICATI ,PERMIT 225 North Sth Styeet SprLngfield, ?regon 9Z4Zz Buildirq Diuision 7 26-37 53 L Rcceipt I SPFIINGFIELD Date fr -3o '-to aee- that all inapectiot'ts oe nade at the pro?e? tine, tldt ec,ch cd)reea is ren,1abL.|-xated at the hont of the orooetht.on the Buiuing Site'at alt' tiinee.- ' toanbert job -,linees, nutnbe. Pequests "ece t/431 I-t ic the rceponaibility of tle petmit holl* fnan tlu ot?e€t, atd tlat the perrrtt casL iaaBuiUing bluicion ap?"w^ed plbt shall remain W:CALL726-3769(lecordel)8tateyou"Citydesigt,l.ated,job ::?:e:ted ard,.uhen gou ttLL be readg fo_r inspeetion, cont?dctor" ir ormers nane Lnd plonn'*'LLL be tade the eone dcg, ?equests nade after ?:00 @n vLLL be nad,e the n4ct.aorkitq day. taPe ited of irnpeclicn befcre 7:00 o:t = Job location:E= ?cs Iot #Ibzoo Lo }- .>. -3_D ci Subdiuiaion: A.mer: Addz,ess:Phone: zip: Aeoeeaore ttap ll I ,T n <tf 6rs f^i"frF N.- ,/re vou#IDate of Additian llotk:lZ-Ef,.> ei Erpi )tAet xl L CeneraL Pltatbi.ns A[grZr I Iou" City Deoigr,ated Job Nwnber Ia: SITE INSPEC?I1N: lo be rmde afteretcatation, but prtat b eet up of forme. I W d UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL &Wct!tutcer@ng wnk ie caeted. \? pilfurnc a rou'noarrcn, lo be npceafter trenchea are eceaated and forna are etected, but prior topuring ccnctete. d i )t UNDERFLOOR PLUIiEIIIC & MECTIANICAL:Io be mod.e ptior to installation of floor ineulation or decking. POSI AND BEAM: lo be nade prLon toinetallation of floot itaulation otdecking. ,1) J )l ROUCH PLUIBII-IC. ELEtrRTCAL & MECfl- ANICAL: No uotk ia to be eotset,edwttil theae inspeetione haue been nad.e and. approoeC. FIPEPI,.AC.!: Pr"Lon tn placirq faeingnateriala and before franing inepec-tion. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?IOII : ?o be nade aftet aLL ineulaticn ed. tequired uqot borie?a @e in p1ace but before ag Lath, Wpoun boatC or tnLL coueting ia appli.ed, otd befote Sdttitey easer cqtped at ptoper4i Line Septic totk,V.otped and fi.Lted tti.th ga;tei Mobile Hcnes Blockitq otd Set-up Pltnbing eonnectio'ne -- acl)er o1d. uater Electrtcal Ccnnection - Blocking, eet-up and. plunbing connections mrst be qprcoed before requeeting eleclrical inspeclion Acceaso?i BuiWing :. oty ittsulati.on ie concealed. 0t 1 After fornsto pottt"Lng OR !,IOWD Piral - After etc. oe cornp l-DRYWALL INSpE2I)N: rc be nnd.e IXJ A$erffi@fre .in pl,aee, - but priot to cny taVLng. Final - l{hen abcue'itane axe ccnpleted and uhen dq.alition ie cantplete or at?uc- tuye moued otd. pranises cleaneC up. ./_I Io trenches. PIIIAL PLUMBITIC .. PINAL MECHANICAL trlAS2NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, gzouting ot oerti.cale in accordotce LtLth U,B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTO'IE: @npT;t;A. Aftet installation ie I T,I.CUNA & APPR)A.H APfuN:W *;;;AA butVnot, @n2rete. |TVSIDEHALX & DRfVEItAy: Pot aLL eon- ld c"e;;@Effi arreet rLghx-I gf-txg, to be nade after aLL ecca- vating cattplete & form wrk & eub-'fuse tnterial in place.pcrckes, ekirting, decla, leted. d FRAj,lfNc: I,tuet be tequeated after approual of rough plwrbing, electrt-cal E neclanical. ALL roofing bnacitlg A chittmege, ete. nuet be ' eotnpleted. tlo r,totk ie to be eon- t.aealed until thio inspection lae I been rmde and apptooed. ?E!CE: I{hen conplete -- ProoiCe gatee or motsable aectione thtough P.U.E, -.: (- ALL proiect cotditione, such ae tle inatallation of s+-reet tteee, conplation of tie \- tequired landeecpirq, etc,, mtat be aattefied before the BAILDIN} FLNAL can be requeated. PINAL BA|LDIIIC: The Einal Building Inepection mat be requelted after the Final Plunbing Eleattical, od Nechanical fnspeetiona hgta been nwde atd apptooed. t Efr MI FINAL ELEMRICAL ",LL MANttcLES AILD CLEANOU?S MUSI BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASntENt \O Ae WW A? ilO COST rO CPy Page 1 of 2 m Congjmtction_Lendgt C i I i I I I.l I : C{/ T JUE NO. Zonc: rot sq. Fts. 42A64 t of tot couerage /62o t of Storiee Total Eetght Topography I?EM TOTAL VALUE. s.D.c, 7.5 s Building Pdnrit State ?otal Chargee Fi.stutea Reaidential bath) Sa,ter Plwrbing peirtt Stdte lazt,/Eetetd Circuite Seruice State blunat Hoo,l, ient por Pemrit rssuolce Meelwnical Permtt tain 'eriftt \Dbcut 'idaxlk 'obile Hane )tAL Al,lOUW DUE: I SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- w7 ?vr Interion Corilel Pothod,Le Cvl-de-eac Mechonicol Permit L-Co d Z2- -- Feea -- * -)4 Building Volue & Permit Thie penrit i.a grunted an the et?rese condition tlat the edld, conatructionelull, in all reapects, eonforn to the 0rdinanee adopted ty the City ofSptingfield, inc?-td,ing the 1oning Cvdinance, rcgulat\ng th-e ccnatta-ctibn otd. -uae of buildinge, otd. nag be auapend.ed ot, reuokeC ot crry tine upon oic-Tati.on of dtA prcoteione,of aaid 1rdittances. Plumbing Permit No_ p??son alall conattuet, inetall, alter ot ehaqe ang neu * es.iating 4lffi.i"s or drainage eyglq ia ulple ot in part, -unlee-e auch petaon ie- tteLegal.poaoesgot of a ualid ?\ffi"!,e lic_enee, etcept that a person nay dopltlbing uork to ptopetty uhich ia ouned, leaaed ot operatei bg the "ppli.-qnt. I Y tf 5 Electrico!.Permit hrhere state lan tequirea tlat the electy,Lcal uork be done by im Electrtcalcgtttyetort the electrical portion of thie permit slull ttoi be ualid, rntilthe Label lae been eigned fu tne tlectr.tcal'Contractor. J. { L r EAw 1AREFULLY ExAr,tr-NED- tre canpleted application fot, permtt, atd. doherebg cettif.g that aLL infornation heyeoi' ie ial ":ra oZi"iit, "rra tfurther -ce_rtlfc that aag ard aLL uork perforned sl@il be- do;Z in oooon-dance vith the ondinanc4" of trtg city ol'sp*titr"u, Zrra tiZ rana of ther 2?.t-"-of.-?gson p-ertainins to the wi* a"tziol:a-i""Lil,, "liiilat No occu-Pr',Ncr vill be rade of any- etructura vithout permieaiin ;f th. Buitding N-t ) oiaion. r futther cbrtiiy thot orly-.ontractot,s otd, aeroaeee uho are ince,pliance uith oRS zol.bss nLLL be-uaed. oi tir:i pi,i"ii*"-' Signed Bedtootna tote Lat Pacee - P. L. SQ, EIG x Value /q 2a /ee 76,/?/.n // qD PLan cheek ree: ZA6,4O 13."o Date Paid.: {^2?*88 Receipt #:98*zo CEARCENO.FEE ?67.fo /.rO3ols.* 2A-na 6./ 3 5D '2?.67 - CHARGENO. q7,54 //9* 62.{a ?a.oo /.So7/5a CIIARCENC.FEE ./ zr?@, (7.soqv@/?.e futs,<a, lAr?s 2 3."4;.8a ?3-#1r>Zz.* /7-?s - 28.6D r,l /g24 a