HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-04-08" RESlbtrNTlAL" 22 5 ttorth sttt streeAPPLicAT r,N /PERl4r? Sprf,ngfield, 1regon 97477 Buildlng Dtt;ision 7 26-37 53 SPFiIn.!GFIET.I) Rece'Jtx a Date ;\kfib"tob ioeaiicn: ,r"r"or"" ,o, * \t F&3\ tJB)?c, bt, e{SOl Subd"!.tis: cn' };ner b-Ad&ess r)'/ Descrtbe llork: \NDOCDase of Applicat{cn_Vaiue Og--Add.iticn RenoCeL i,!echar.iccL Scnitwl seaer ecpoed .t gcpaltr- Lir,e Septic totk p:,tped ad. filled uith gra:;ei linal - i,,4ten abcue ltens are ccrrolexei ard ahen d.ettcli;ion ia eawlele bz' stt-;:-ture noued ord. trtr,ses clZanei uc. Le Blockdng otd. Set-up Planbing conneceictte -- sa,)ey ad. oalet Electr.Jcal Ccnnectlot - Blocking, set-u> and. plunbing eonnections t;st bb apprcr:'eti bei'ore requestittg ef,eclrical insteb:iotz Aecessot.g tsuilning ,1".:1k"", skirting, ciec)<.s,?inal - After etc. oe e:,-,te I: i8 the tesponeibi^Lity of-tta penrtt iotder to see that aL!,Jnspect:ionB @e r,ad,a at ..he pz,opez, !in€, ;l,et aach addtesa is tea;ni')ely.-t-P sttee.t,. an4. tlut the-pennt_c-rd. ie Located at the frczi of the property. '9uiUing bluiciot epproted gl.cn sicll remain on the Euildl"lq- Sil" a-b aLL tfmae. Pi)cSDUPl- 104 litsPifrctt I1.A?EST:CALL 726-3769 (tecoriet,) state Aott" City Cesigr.ated. job ::.fril1 a,=i .u.t':en 11cu ,uiLL be teaiy fo.r inspaction, contract""" oln a.mers'nane "na pno7" 'zLL De tade the sane dcy' "equests nuie after ?:00 an vi,LL be naie the nest wrkinE'day. Genera ectrtcal Consttucticn Lender FIIIAL PLU:EI:IC Fi;IAL ITECEA:IICAL ?I:IAL ELIC!?ICA, YotE Ctty Desigra,ted Job Mnber Ic: ' nunbe?, iob ol,iress, type of ir.apeclicn tatnhey. Pequests reeeit;ed befcre 7:00 an E3\b14 ,r-'l sr33 iltsPii?r)t!:I I escaueticn- bu= JO!fB. u:tDgRfL;.3 ?L:./tEitc, |LZC:?IC,lt "],!ECi!i-iiiCAL: Io be narie cef-oie cnywrk is eouerei. !CC?:IC t !CL':|DAT:C!I: ?o be naCeciler =renches xre escanaxed arui fotms ate ez,ectei, ,ut p?ia" iopout-)ng ccnc"et€. ITISULATIAII /VAPOP SA.RRTER IIISPICTICII : To be naCe after aLL insalaticn ed. requtted oqor botie?s @e in claeebti beiore ory Layh, Wpslt)tz bcati crunll, couez'ing ts cpplie<i, e:td. beforo- or7 ,:nsuLation is concealed. \ ' ?o be rrucie afterprtar b set up of DRYVALL |ilSPECIION: Tc ai'ter aLL arguall 'i-s in but priot xo any tapin4. be naCe oLace, i ulotac:c,t::l p:u.er:;c, sgta:. itltrsa.i I DPAI::AG!: ?o be nnie pr|ar co iii-Lir4 crenciee, ,7 t!ilrynp:.cqe :zulst:tc t .vsx.Nrcat,I t io ce nrace aricn to installax1-ott of fLoor ineulZ,tion or Ceeking. I I l0ST AND 3EAt1: To be nade trJor lo', ) tnstallat;.cn of f1-oor insui.o.tiat on deekinE. i.Q:.t c-;!. _ ? aa:lP ! : tc. ! :E c: p r c A a .,, :.8 Ctt _ A;tt-t_: ..o'-;c?1 ".s Jc te cai;erec.w:til ;Zese ")nscectiars haue beernaie ard. qprcv'ed. !IP]?L;CZ: Pm.or lo placirq cccina ncceriais ard. before ;'ro.tir4 inspelc- -'1 tZe:::lc:_ hts! be recuesxeC cfler L) a?p"ou;L of rough pl,rrb;"4, eiectri_cal ! neeha,nieai. AL! rooi-Jrqbracing 2 ehitmeys, etc. n1;,sc beccmoleted. lto wrk is to Ze con- - cealed until this insoecicn l.,aa'been nsd.e cnC appro,-eC. :l ,] \IASC\IRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gzoutin4 orterticcls in a,ecor<iotee,'tLth U. E. C, Section 2415. 'icoDS?c,,ry:...-After installation is CURB 8 . PPRCACII APPCN: Aftet fornsa,e ez,ecxeAffi pii to pa*.:rry cofic?ete. SIDIWI-LK & DRITWA:|: For all eon- crece pauing uich:.n stpeet riaht-of-,,nA, to be naCe aftez, aLL Lzcc-oating canolete & fotn wrk & cub- base ncterial in place. ElCg: rathen conplete -- fuouiCegates o? nooable sectians thnough P. A. E. ALL pro;'ect conditions, suci as th.e insxallaxion cf stt,eet trees, :arolet.ion cf zhetequireci I-attdsccping, etc. ' tast be satisfiec a"folri tle- auiLii;E !r!!AL ccn be requestei. PrNAL BUTLDT\I1: Tne Fi.ncl- Buildinq rnsoeetion mtst be requesteC clter the iit.zl pt*rbin-lleccricai, aC lecinr-ical inspect-ians',tave ae"n-ia-e'iri;;;;;r;. J 'ALL t4AttHcLES AIID cLEANours ltus? BE ACCES|rtsLi, ADJUSTlli:it lo iE :.t,DE !.? lto :isr ?c cr!D--. 7 ^S r up T l T )-aa I JOB NO. Iat Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Caserage_ ! of Stor)es ?otal. lleiEht ?opogrqhy ,ldte! Pltnbing Perrit State Suteh.arge :?3,U Penrut Issu.zwe Meelaniccl Pe?fttt SOLAR -;CESS REQ.- GtouJ: LCT TY?E _ Intetion _ Cormet _ Panhcrdle CUL-de-sac L-coc ,1 e/Cor-st Eeitcons g' Sig:""ed Plumbing Permit No pe"eon sfuzll cor.stzntct, install., al,tet or ehange anV nea cr etisting plunbin4 cr drainage aysten in'ahole or in patt, unless sueh person is the Legal possessoz, of a ualid plutnbet's License, e.cept th.at a person na7 do pltnbing xork to p"operb! ahich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- caflt. Mechqnicol Permit Lot Faces -inerau Soutees +^a^i.ieat af Caz'aae Access tr/ate,y i2e:zt' Itcrch East F"Jreo i.ace South Iloodsto::e ilest -- Fzes -- Building Vqlue & Permif This oerftit is granted on the esryess cond.iticn tlat the stid.consvntc=ton sitall, in tll rescects, confcvn to the )rdinance tdopted by the Cttl cJ' Sprir4f'.eld, rnc|uzing the Soning Ctd)nance, regulating the ecnst:r,tet'lcn *td. use oi butldings, and ney be susperuieC or relsckei at cr.i t'-ne:i2crt uic' l.atian of .zrg prcoisions of satC Ot'd.ircnces. Value S, D. C, .'- u ;'!o.FZi CiIAP.GE 4^fiAf .r4rtl4 total Changes ?uilding Pennt Stdte li.rfiaes Resid.entiaL (1 bath) Se,itazy Seuer Electricol Permit Were Stdte La,t requires tl^a.t the electrJcal uork be done by ot lTecttieal Contractor, the eLectr[cal portion of thia 2ermit IL@LL not be ualiC until the Label |ns been signel by the Electrtcal Contraclot. s Na,t/Extetd Cireuits Sentice TotaL F!! ?,ttn,zcp- ?TU'S Edwst HooC Vent lot ilcodstore -- zilc,..cAC:i!.:!:!! -- Seatzn|tu Depoeit Storage i4ainlienztce ?otal ChcY)es - Curbcu:/ SiCealk tq, ,c)o!enee !'lobile l|cne :OTAL ATIOI]:IT OUE: *\8@ ?Lc:n Jsaniter f HAW CARSFULL? lXLAfitED il"e ecrnpleted copllcatior'. fot pernit, ai d'c ier:eby certifg that aLL infornatton heteon- is tv'ue at',C earrect, cnC i f"trik-et: cer*.t-fy 2hat any "rd aLL xork >etiorned shall be done it ac:or- 'dance tith xh-e- Ord.inancLs of the Citg of Spr)ngfield, anl ;h,e Lc;s of ti"e State of 0regcn pertainina to ike aotk Cesct'"JbeC hetein, cnC ii'tcc yO CCCU- Pl.ncy unLL bZ ,m.Ze of any sxt'uctura uithout permissi-on of the 3uilciitg Dt- uision. I furth* :-etyiig i)nt otly ocnil,actcps atd atplcgees !;ho ca2 tn ccnpliance atth CRS 701.-0bS wiLL be used an this pt'oiect +- ElecxriceL Label 3 :{ State Surchaqe ?otal Chc:roes TA€-