HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-02-14# GeneraL .. RESID ITIAL.. APPLICATTON/PERMIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfi-eld, Oregon 97477 Building ahtision 7 26-37 s3 SPHINGFIELD Date: 10 90 343-1681 to aee f,hat L inspectiow oe nade at the prope? tine, that each <d,lness is reaC.^iel.ocated at L PR)CEDUP4 FoR IwilpEgr7ry REIWST:CALL 7ltequested and a?en gou t;iLT te nady fot:"iLL be nade ttte aw acg, rc<ue-sXs-iade on the Bui 26-3769 (yecot det) state youz. Citg Cesignated job ntmbez,, job aCitess,type of inspecti.cninspeetion, Contraetars Of A,mers nctne end plane number.Pequests recei.aed befcte 7:00 c7af*er 7:00 ott ttill be nnde the nest aoz,kinS !h,e fryt of the--properfu. LALnq iltj at aLL tLmes. Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nunbe" fs: dau.qu) 3825 Virginia"rob Locaticn: Aesessore l,lqt #?as lot # S:ubditsision: Bud RedickOtmez,: 1708 Carriage Place ptcone:Addyess: Springf ield, OR 97 47'7 zip,City: xx Desaibe Wank: Change service to 200 amp t/,:-:.'::,.:Date of A4D Additi-cfi RenoCeT Pege 1 of 2 SI?E rNSPE*trAN: ?a be uzde aftereccaoatioq but prict {-;t set eqt of fonne. - aup_E::.R€ua PLt:wmG. sm*wc;tt it LJ wcyr.t'!.rcAL: lo_beid;;}ilEie c',ry tio?K LA @Oeil.d- FO-OffNc & FOUNOA?I2N: To be rmdeatten twohea av mu.td aail forms w *wtd, hft pt )ot to Wut"ing andaete- ANDSRGINUED PTf,I*ETM " SEWLfu--V"qTER, D.!!IilAGE: fo be rnie g+ot toflLtirq traeiaes. utp?Rpxfr-! pulwr&c 4 NEcttAfrrcAr,: 'Jo be Dode Wior to ittstall^ctiod offloor insulztiott, o deeking. PPST 44P ls{la: To be ntde prior tainstaltsti,aat of ftut ir:c'utatian ordeckitrg- ROUGT] PAI$BIIIG, ETBCTETCAL E MEEE-AiliCAL: Ao,xr@util these inspectior,s ltnse bea ndde a"d. qpraoed. EIREPL!. CF_ : tuiar to plac.ira fccittqmate?Lalt otd. before frwnbq inepu_ x1,On. INSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER II\SPECTION: ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn mdrequired oapor buviers @e in p|.acebut before oty 7,ath, Wpsun boayd ortnll coueying is applied, md. befote ozy insulation is concealed. DRIWALL fNSPEC?f0N: Ic be madeafter aLL &guall is in pI,ace, but pr'iot, to cny taping. IIIASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond. beone, grouting or .oetticals in acco"dnnee dth U,B.C. Section 24L5. oR !.:owD Sanitary seoet capped at ptoperei Li-ne Septic totk p"tr,tped and filled trtth gra;sel Final - hlten abcoe itens are cclnpleted and uhen der.tclition i,s complete br stnc-ttu,e noued and. prertrises cleaneC up. VOODSTAW:envW"After instalT.ation is Le Hcmes Bloeking old Set-up Plunbing connections -- aate? otd. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, eet-up and plunbing eonnectione mtst bb dpprc"^bd befone tequesting eLeclrLcal inspeb:ion Aeceesory Buildnng CIJRB E APPRCACH APP.ON:ev-electeC-Ei@o"After fonnsto pouting @n'x,etp. SLDWAEI< & DRfrrWAy: Eoy aLL con-cr-ete paoing uithin stz,eet nlght-of-txy, to be maCe after aLL bxea-oating cotnplete & forn tsotk & su.b- fu.se nnter.Lal in place.Pirnl - Afteretc. are eornp, pcrekes, skirting, decks, Leted. FRil.|INcl ryt b" requested. aftaapproual of zvugh phrrbing, itn*t-eal & mecltoti.ql. ALZ rcofi"qbractng ll chisczcge, etc. rrust- be . cotttPLetd.. !!o tprk ie to be con_,_cealed tmtit thi.s inspeettan tas'been made anC qprct:ed tr !EIf!l: h4ten eornplete -- prouiCe gates or nooable seetians thnough P.A.E. Electrical FTilAL PLUMBTNC PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL g,oject conditions, such as the installation ofrequired Zandseeping, etc., rmtst be eatisfied. befote F.NAL BUTLDTNG,. ?h? Einal Building. rnepection n:.uat be requested a.fter the Final plunbingL-/ Electz,ical, *,a ueornn;.iii liipZ"it ";i;;;-i;;;*;a.' ",,a appz,ored. "intiu,-*rrtirr a" ,*- the BAfLDfNc FfNAL can be z,equested. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?ITEIII TO BE LADE A? NO COS? TO cny &! il l SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-c* Grc L-CO BeCz,ooms: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stories ?otal Height LOT ?WE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panltandle Cal-de-saclopogrqhy Sourees Se Range Laee P.L House Lot Faees - -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penri,t is granted on the enpress eondition ttnt the said-eonsttaction stnll', in all rZspeets, confornio the ordinance adopted 6iy the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Ctdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn and use of buildi.ttgs, otd may be suspen-d.ed ot' reuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- lation of dnA prcoisions of said 2rdirnnces. TOTAL VALUE I?EM x Va Fee: Signed: S.D.C. 7.5 c Date Paid: PLanBuilding Permit ?otal Ctnrges State Plumbing Permit No pe"son shall constract, install, alter or elta:n'ge-cny neu-ct'eristing -pltint.ing or dtai.nage systa.n in uhole o7 i.n part, unless such penson is tlp iegol pbsses"on oio rr-olid pl*rbnt's L'Lcense' escept that a pelson ^al 42ptirrtfig aork to p?ope"ta ihi"h is oumed' Leased ot' operated by the appli- c6rtt. Pl"anbing PenrLt FEE CHARGEN0. State ITEM Fi.xtt*es Resid.zntia.L (1 bath) Sani Seuer Electricol Permit vlere state Las requites th,at the electrical uork be done bg _an Electrical Conty,actor, the electyical portion of this permit sha.Ll not be oalil until the Label ltas been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Neu/Ectend Circuits FEE ElectricaL State IotaL FEE itt A DauNC State Mechonicol Permit bh@nst HooC I'lcodstole Vent Fan PermLt Issucnee Meeltrtnicel Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,rLtu Deposit Stoz,age Mai.ntenanrce Pendt Cvrbeu! Sida,talk Penee Eteetrical Ia.bel MobiZe Hone Receipt #: PLan Esaniner UAYE f HAW CAREEULLy EQAMII1ED tlw eompleted applieation fon pernit' and do n"i"ti cettifu tlnt a[i- r:riit-atlbn heTeoi is trae anl correct, attd' I'firli,,'""--iniiliiy tiat ans ard aLL uork penfozmed slnll be done in aceo?- iii)i"-Atn th"e" 0tdinancL"-of ifre city of 'Spz"Lngfield, .and the La';s of the ili"tZZf o""gon pertaiiiiq to ttle w-tk Cesc,ibbd hereln, dttd t?nt NO ,CCU- penbi ,itt b"e ,mze .t iii" "tr"L,iure tithout permissi-on of the Suilding N-- rsision. I fw:ther eertify thet otly con-tractors M'd enplcAees aho axe Ln .^pt;on"n'ur:tt, onS 70L.-0-55 u'i-LL be used on this project IotaL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:, Signed Date JOB NO. fdnffiae- P?U?S 1a1:n7, (lharoes Sttrehnrae I 5 - fiIrtrRE$S* 3SX5 V IRfi IN IA $T TIT:SCR; NEh} .:'}* AI,iP $ERV ICH *0hlNHft- BLIN RHTITTI'i 1.708 CANRIA'iE PLACE SPRINGEiELTI, fiHEfiOH $?477 ..INE$- RETA IR RHS INENT IAL l. t l.1 ^IILIIINft NIUISION JilE.T 9001,".i - L E[:AL - t[T IrtSCli f IN'qL -L'ALUE* U 170':31 440:800 Qfrt'r11 ri / cl/1ft'11?:!iVr/at IJ f iVV&.adr -ENEKGY- *TJTATIi,- i{EATl* *- lJLIIfi ZONH ii?** $:rilfi IHs rL[*trpLA ]:N RAh,lrlE* BEITEI'1 ilrir: llftP LJN IT]S iift rr_iHT ilfiN$T TYPE *f,0NTRAI t*ES-' IJIINL.. IONTNAf,TNR PHilNE.- fLi4Et- r:L'9f, T *rlttifi 0N'f; LH*:tI{ l:I HEi:H* irrH$fiN- RT:PT {:AT *T45 SHli*RiiftllIRHIr PHRlilTii** -rl'iH-$UE{:HARfiE*nATE-EH{:H IFT-PHRH IT's-------VfiLUH*** 0*].*S04-E:L[[TiE If,AL ( 37. S,] 1 . *li 90SXi4 ]60fi3 S {) SEg*H IN lpt1i"i INSpEIT IijHI] + REilU IftHtiE]'{:tS **-tixP trATiq*-*A[T I'ATH* // 001.*t144-.r:LF:fiTR I[ SEHU rf,E' !00x::I $E(l-* Il{sFErlT I$NS*-*-***f,t}HHENTS*- *nA:IE**"*IIESULT** INSP-** 0rJl.-s44-HLti[TH]:r; $EHU'I1:E/-' !]oq"tii]? tllt :]5