HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1990-04-08-OREGON SP. TGFIELO DA1ELOPMENTSEFY'CES PUBLIC I/IOFKS M E T R O N) LI TAN WAST EIIIIAT E R M A N AG E M E N T 2. Dryrot j.s evident in structural members of the building. sha}l be examined by a Sprirrgfie].d Buitding fnspector for appropriate repairs completed. C:ER1'IITTID LE,Tl'ER April 8, Lg':t0 f{c,l-r,=r L Sntith lIri5 W. l-Oth Stree=t. liugene, OR 97402 ,Sub ject: Hazardous Elujlding at :l9c)7 Vir giula SF-,ringfield, Ctregc,n I'ax Lot #77A23144-02100 I\IOTICU AND ORDER TO COMPLY WII'H TLIE sT'RINGFIELD E}UILDING SAITETY CC,I.IJIS I'he structure located at the above address, more particularly descr'il-,,:,1 as Lane County Assessor's Map & Tax Lot numb<-.r, is for the reasons j-nd.i.c'ated trelow an unsafe and sub$tandard buiJ-ding as describecl in the Springj:ie:l-<l Housint Code (applicable code excerpts al'e attached). Lane County Assessment and Taxation records indj.certe that you are the ouller of' l-his pI'oper-ty. Sectlon 203 of the sprlngfleld IJUI[dlltu Code Admlnlstratlve Ctrde des<;; it.,r::s buildings and structures which are subst:lndard or unsafe as'Ehose wlricl: are structurally j.nadequate, have inadequate egress, or" wtrlc]r s6ns{-ilrtt..e a poterntial fire hazard or are otherwirse darngerous to human life. Section 10OL of the Springfield Flousin8 Code specj-fies condttions constituting a substandard building. The following j.tems include but r:rrt: not }i:nited to conditions eyj-stirtt at the structure, classifying it as ,:r substandard bullding. Iiousing 1. The roof structure at the rear of the building is sagging. The r,rl'ters are overspanned and are inadequat-e Lo support the required loads; for tl-it: roof/cei'ling. The rafters shall be reinforced or the spans shall L,e: reduced to pr"ovide adequte support. 225 FIFTH SIBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-3753 The stl't.tc:ture damage ;ir-rd 3. Doors ancl,/or windows are broken or unlocked allowint access to 1:l-ir: buil-ding interior and creating an atLractlve nuisance for chjJ.dren ancl transients. C;ITY OF F.ob,erE Smith AF,rif B, L990 F'age 2 ;Section 2O2 of the SSrringflel.d l{ousing Cocle requires that structures r:.Lassifi.ed as substanclard must either be repaired or demollshed. HEREFORE, THIS IS YOUR NOTICE THAT YOU MUST SECURE PERMITS TO EITTIER RIIBUILD,/REPAIR THE STRUCTURE WHERE TT IS DEFICIENT OR DEMOLISH IT. lsection 104 of the Springfield Building Codes Administrative Code requires t-hat the repairs must comply wi'bh the provisions of the Structural, Pl.umbing, Mechanical and Electrical Specialty Codes. If the building isto be rebuilt,/repairecl, permj"ts must be purchased and work must commence wj.thin 3O days from the delte of service of this notice and order. "11. the building is to be demoU"shed, demolltion work must commence within .30 days,and must be completed within 6O days from the date of thris notice .rnd orcler. Compl,etion means that the structure and property must be inspected and approved by the appropri.ate representatives of the Bui]ding ::lafr=ty Division. The sewer" rnust be capped at the property }[ne or the r;eip'tic tank must tre pumped and f:i.Lled by a person holding a sewage i.tlsposal service ]icense as Frrovirled for i.n ChapLer 3./r0, Divisj,on 7 c,f tht: oregon Administrative Rttles. l-,errmits to rebuild or demolish can br= obl,aj.ned at the Springfield Plannin8 ,rnd Development Department, in tl're City l"lall-,/Library l3uilding at sth an<j I'lorth A Street. l.f you do not take correctivr: action wittrin the time frame outllned above, rl-re City may seek compU.ance with the Building Safety Codes through legal l.€:course which may lnclude Municipal Court proceedj.nts or the City may g-,r.oceecl to ellmirrate the hazard and charge the costs thereof against the: property or its owners. i\ny person havlnt any record titl.e or lega1 interest in the-' buil"ding may eppeal from this notice and order to the Building Board of Appeals, provlded that the appeal is made in writing and flled with the City t:tuiJ.ding Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this notice and order. Fai-Iure to appeal wj1l constitute a waiver of aI[ right l:.c, an admi.nistrative hearing and det-ermination in this matter. l:iincerely, tu\ 'i'om Mat'x iluildlng Inspector Dave Puent, $rri'ld[pg Offi.cial Don Moore, Building InsPrr3sl6P r".lC J