HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1996-06-18SP IELO LOCATIO N OF PBOPOSED WOBK: FEf,'-?'+-Iltl''o''o' 3i,[T'f%:1726'376e ffi, 225 Fif th Street'spt,"gii"ro' Oregon 97477 Ir 2- TAX LOT JOB NUMBER 7tP: ZONING CODEr # OF BDRMS: SECONDARY HEAT: SOUARE. FOOTAGE: ions requested before 7:00 a'm' wlll be lowlng work day. Flnal Plumbing - When all plumbing worl< is comPlete' Flnal Electrlcal - When all etectrical work ls comPlete' Z '/ ASSESSORS MAP:SUBDIVISION: LOTi OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: NEW REMODEL CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: PLUMBING: MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: QUAD AREA: # OF BLDGS: OCCY GROUP: r OF STORIES: WATER HEATER: Footlng - After trenches are excavated, Masonry - Steel locatlon, bond beams, groutlng. Foundatlon - After forms are erected but Prlor to concrete placemont. Underground Plumblng - Prior to fllllng trench. Underltoor Plumblng I Mechanlcal - Prlor to lnsulatlon or decklng. Post and Beam - Prlor to floor lnsulatlon or decking. Floor lnsulatlon - Prlor to deckl ng. Sanltary Sewer - Prlor to ,llllng trench. Storm Sewer - Prlor to fllllng trench. BLOCK: STATE: ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER ADDBESS - OFFICE USE - LAND USE: # OF UNITS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: RANGE: cover. Electrlcal Servlce - Must be approved to obtaln Permanent electrlcal Power. PHONE: l--l FIrePlace - Prlor to faclngI I materlals and framlng lnsP' Framlng - Prlor to cover, WalllCelllng lnsulatlon - Prlor to cover. 33N?Io",o,'EXPIRES PHONE To request an lnspectlon, you must call maoe'tne same worklng day' lnspectlor 726-g76g.Thls ls a 24 hour recordlng' All lnspect ns Lqu".t"O after 7:00 a'm' wlll be made the foll REOUIRED INSPECTIONS TemporarY Electrlc w Rough Mechanlcal - Prlor to SIte lnspectlon - To be madc after excavatlon, but Prior to settlng lorms. Underslab Plumblngl Electrical/ Mechanlcal - Prlor to cover' %7tPzc> Rough Electrlcal - Prlor to w Flnal Mechanlcal - When all mechanical Y|tork ls complete'64c rffiv1$ Flnal Building - When all required lnsPectlons have been approved and building ls completed. l--1 water Ltne - Prtor to fitllng f1 Fence - When completed.a trench- l--l orywatl - Prlor to tanlng. f-l Wood Stovo - After lnstallatlon' lnsert - After flrePlace aPProval and lnstallatlon of unlt. Curbcut & APProach - After forms are erected btlt Prior to placemcnt of concrete. Sidewalk & Drlveway - After excavation ls comPlete, forms and sub-base material ln Place. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Blocking and Set.UP - When all blocklng ls comPlete. Plumblng Connectlons - When home has been connected to water and sewer. Electrical Connectlon - When blocklng, set-up, and Plumbing lnspectlons have been approved and the home is connected to the servlce panel. fl Rough plumbtng _ prlor to - cover.Slre€l Troes - When all requlredtrees are planted.d DESCRIBE WORK: - tl E n tl tl E tl E n n ll il Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage Topography Totat helght Lot T1r _ -- lnterior -.* Corner -- panhandle _- Cul-de_sac PL.-t,sE N E IS THE PBO HISIORI WOFK iN THE THE H ISTORICAL CAL DISTR REGI lcr STER? - OR ON lf yes, this applicallon POSED and app roved bvtCoordin upon violati Plan Check Dale paid: on of any provisions of said ordinan ces. Beceipt Numbe Receivecl By: Plans Fcvi ewecJ By Date Systems Developmcnt Ch arge is due on all u ndevelopedproperties within ure City linrits which are bei ng improved. ADDITION AL COMMENTS I further agree to ensure that all required lns pections arerequested at the proper ilme, that each add ress ls readablefrom tho street, that the permlt card ls located at the frontof the property, and the approved set of plans will remain construcUon. Sls must be slgrhe Historl ned calalor prior to perrpll issuance. APPROVED: BUILD ING DING VALU E, PE PLAN RMIT CHECKANDBU,L This permit is granted on t he express condj tion that the saidconstruction s hall, ln all respects, con form to the Ordinadoptedbythe Cit Y of Sprin g f ield,includin I theDevelopment Code,reg ulating the ance buildi n9s, and m aY be suspended or revoked at any time construction and use of Fee; By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have caref ully examlnedlhe completed appticatlon and Oo nereUf cerilfy that altlnformatlon hereon is true ancl correct, and I f urther cerilfythat any and all work performed shall be done in accordancewlth the Ordinances of the City of Sprlngfield, and the Lawsof the state of oregon pertainlng to the work descrrbedherein, and that NO OCCUPANCy wllt be made of anystructure without perrnission of the Bulldlng Safety Division.I further certify that only contractors anOlmptoyees whoare ln compliance with ORS 701.05S will be used on lhlsproject. TOT VALUE (A) X $/SQ. F]l BUI IIEM LDING PERM,T 60. FT. Tolal Value Builcling permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fec Main Garage Carport T cHARcE (sDC) (B) SYSTEMS DEVE LOPMEN Fixtures Besldential Bath(s) Sanilary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Moblle Home FEE - (c) PLU ITEM MBING PERMIT FT. Plumblng permit State Surcharge Total Charge MECHANICAL PERMITFurnacc LfuoU Exhaust Hood Wood Stove/ lnsert/ Flreplace Unit Dryer Vent ?4.2a 4 (D) 2rz,-/{ Vent Fan No Mechanical permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit 2a ize DATE PAID BY VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER AMOUNT RECEIVE'D MISCELLAN EOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance State Surcharge Sidewalk - lt Curbcut lt Demolition state surchal99 (E) Perm\tsaneous {otat IL e\ectrical) Date ,b--q Iv-> LtrL on the site -- N0 FT. 1f ,-i-,a? ,/g'nrv:e- -- - - \* The foll,owing project as eubmitted hes the following zoning , and doee not re"?uire epecific landapprwd. LDK,Zon 225 FIFTE STREET omo [0.#.qv SPRTNGFTELD, oREGoN SZSStrzoa INSPECf,ION REQUESTz 726-37 OFFICE: 726-3759 1 OF LEGAL ..JOB DESCRI Permits are non-transfera b1e and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALLATTON ONIY ST'FtINGFIELl) use ELECTRICAT PERHIT APPLICATION ty Job Nunber COHPLETE FBE SCffiDTILE BELOS Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home- or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder s 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 afi 3 A I s300.s 40. $ 40.00 $ ss.00 s 80.00 s see ttBtt Sum aEove- Ci ty Ptrone lrll -AAZL Supervisor L cens e Number I hSb S Expiration Date 0 Constr Contr. Number 0 e+q Expirationoate 9-l-96 S ture of SuPervising Electrician B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps - 601 amps to 1000 amPs- Over 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect OnlY C SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL Temporary Services or Feeders Insiallaiion, Alteration or Relocation J Electrical Contractor Address a rt S s s s 100 130 00 00 00 00 00 00 50. 60. -q8 Ovners Address Ci The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sa1e, lease or rent' Osners Signature: 200 amps''or less 201 amps to 400 amps -Over 40L to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000-voIT D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel one circuit I $ 35.00 .7g.oo Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder p"irit- I g 2.00 7..OO E. Miscellaneous (S"tri""Zt""der not included) -Each instalLation Pump or irrigation - Sign/Out1ine Light ing- Limited EnergY/Res - Limited Energy/Comm b c Phone ,l+b-"ll 09 OIINER ALT^ATION s s $ $ 40 00 00 00 00 40 20 36 5 DATE: RECEIVED 3"1, oo l. 85 I