HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-29APPLICATION/PERMII 225 itorth Sth Street Springfield, 1r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26 -37 53 ..RES[f -NTIAL..SPTTNGFIELD (hrEDIJob laceticn: Tca Iot ilAaaeaoort Map il Asner: ia SrI4 zip: Q t 7a 3 5DAddtess City Photre: 7?/" - a( ddr"hu, fu bafrtroo'"rt Deocribe htorlt.: |*^oorrr"n RenoCeL Date o' Appl Value t-t N ers 5- ,+,r M*n IbX LI General l.Iec an.Lca ec Cr P4te 1 of ! t 8 ffi Posr AND BEAM: To be made prtor toll I TiiiffiiG'of floon insut;tion or decking. f'-= Rot_dt Pr,u!.!Br!tc, Er,EffnlcAL 3 Mqcil-lXlANrffi until theae inspeetions have beer: SIi'E INSPECTION: To be nade after ercauation, but prtar tc set up of fotme. UNUERSLAB PLry,.BINC, ELECIiICAL e NEL'H{ilICAL: lo be made before anyGETGIeted, POCT|N} E FOUNDATICN: To be tmCe;7tet6encfcs are ercauated and fot'ne are erected, but prior to pouring ecncrete, UND9RC!?OU!!D PLUMSINC, S9I,IEP, W.{.TE:]. W+IN-ACE: I'o be naCe prior to fil-Lirg trenehee. UNDERFLOOR PLUI,IBINC,9 TIECIIANICAL:T{Wof flcor inaulction or decking, nnie and approued. I N SULAT I ON / VAPOR, BA RRIEN I NSPEC?TON : required tapor butie?a ave in pl.a,oe but before any lath, Wpswn boatd on rnLL oovening ia applied, crd, beforc ay inaulation ie ooncealed, DnYtlAl,L |NSPECT2\I: ?o be tpde;Faat@tfte in ptace, but pnior to any taping. LTASQIRI: Steel Loeation, boiri, Effiilg?ou*ing ot verticala in accordqtce vlth U,B.C. Seetion 2415 , I,IOODSTOVE:enpGA.After inetallation io CURB d APPROACII AP. rl: Af,ter fomnate arected but prtor to pourttq conotete. SIDEIIAI,K E DRTWHAY: PoI aLI cot!- cr.ete pav6 t lTffi etteet fight-of-txy, to be nade after aLL *oa- oating canplete & fom uork t onb- base natertal in pLace. IENCE: L!'hen conplete -- ProviCe gatei or notsable aeotione thtough P, U,8.. /n 'd!/ Pinal, - llftar pcrohee, ato, @e oanpleted. hto: sdritary aaset aapped it propa*g' Lire Serptic totk ptatged ad. fil,l,eil vith gna:tel. Pinal - llhen abooe itens ote ccnpleted and uhen denolition ie oanpl,ete o? atntr- ture toued ard premiaee oleaneC up, Elooking ord Set-up Ptwnbing eonnectioaa -- ocoer ail, uatet Eleotrtoal Conneotton - Blookittg, oet-u? atd plwbing oonneotiont truet be apprcted befola requeeting eleotrtcal inapeeliol Aaoeeaory Duitdittg SuDer,t-Elec u r:r: i:r rt It ia tl..e reoponoibility of tle permit holder to aae that aLL inapeotione arle tade at tha ProPel? tlne, that ocoh addreea ia readab'.e ltotr the atteet, anC that the pernrtt oard ia Lxated at the frcnt of the propetty.9ui!di::g Nvicior. approv'ed plan shcll renain on the Duilding Site at aLL-t'[nea. PNOCSDUPE FOR III,PECIIOTI R,QUEST:CA eady t,iLL be nade the aone dcy, requesta t LL 726-3769 (recorder) otate you? City deeigruted lob ntonben, iob aCdreae, tgpe of inspeclictr ' for inapeot"Jon, Conttactore oi Aoners nane atd plone nwbcr. Requeats recaiued beforc 7:00.ct ncde aftet 7:00 an r,till be rmde the neat uonkiru dau. tour city Deoisr,ateit Job nunber ,t,- - & Oa?}t, w xw akttting, deeka,FIIEPLACE:mcl;;l;t; ticn. PTIIAL PLUI,IDIIIO FI itA L I'tECnAll ICA|, FI:IAL ELECTRICAL Pn'ior to plccir4 and bcfore franing facing Lnspec- ffi fUWnC: Nuct be requeoted aftet lD appt,ouat of nough plwribing, eiectni-. cal & neclanical. A|,L roofing braeing C chilrmcya, etc. trust be : corpletcd, llo ucnk is to be ean- . cecled until thio inspection lue'becn nade anC approved AIL project, conditions, such ae the inetallation of aireet tr.eee, co::tplotion of the re.quired Landsccping, cto,, ttwot be aatieftod bafote the BAil,DfN? FIIIA\ c.an..ba re.queated. FINAL DUI\,DINC: The Final Buitd,ing fnepeotion,rruat bb reEteoteil aftet the Pinal. PlunbingElectnical, anC Meclanical fnapeotiono hqva been nade atd approoad. w tr /AI.t UANMLES AND cLEANourS ttUST BE ACCES,TDLE, ADJUST\1ENI TO BE \L4DE A" NO COST rO CI?y Subdivicion: r-l \oK-, Plurnblns (()lr ) JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co Gol t:Z Bedroons: 6-z>€> Daf,c [ot Facea - f llAW CAREFALLy EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hareby certifg tltat, aLL infonmtton hereon ia tnue atd eonnect, anl. f f\ttther cettify that any ard aLL wrk petforned alall be dote in ccoor- ilance ttLth the 1rdinancea of tha City of Springfield, awd thc taae of tho State of Oregon pettaining to tha uork Ceacribcd herein, cnd llnt lt1 )CCU- PANCI uiLL be nro,d.e, of any sttuoture vithout permisaion of the Suilding DL-otaion. f funthan certif;1 that otly contraetors axd etplcyeeo utio are in aalpliance Dith lns 701.05s wtll be ueed on thie project, T P. L.Acccss. toue ! of Storiee ?otal Height Topography - Panlnndle Gal-d.e-oao Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Canterage FAG x A VALUE s.D,c. I.5 a fe F^+^ D^: ). tllz Building Vqlue & Permir Thio pentrLt ia grantcd on the atp?eoa condit;ion ttnt the t,zid con:;ttuc'Liotto_lull, _in^a-ll -renpcc!;c, conform Lo thc Ordinat;r:c *lopto-,l liy Lhc Ctty ofspringfield' i-ncluding the zoning crdinance, regult:L'itt1t tlt-c acnctr;tittcn and.uee of buildings, and may ba_ euepended or reuokcc at criy tinc upon uic-Lation of any prcuiaiono of iaid.Ordir,ances. { ,,.'' Buildttrg P&dt ?otul, Cluryea. ,Stat6 Signed: NO,FFF Fi,atunea Reeid,ential (1 tuth) Seuer S2 /, 9e No- pereon ola,-ll _cottcttttct, inalall, atter or clangc cnll neu cr e:-Jsting ylwnb_ing or drainage ayatel in uhole on in part, inlcsi such person is- thc legal .pooaedaor. of a ualid plumber,a Licensb, edcepb that a person na-u doplwbing uork to proparty whtch is oorcd, Leascd o'r operated by tLc app'Li-cant. P lumb ing Pernrit Plwnbinil Penrit, State NO. Natt/Eatetd, Cincuits Sentice Electricql Permit t{hete Stat€ Lan requires that, tha aLactnical uork be done by an SlectntcalContractor, the eleetrical portion of *his pennit st&LL rot be ualiC wttilthe label laa been aigned by the Electrical Co,tttactor, a , Eshanet Hood, Vent Fot -4>2 .?* @ I Mechqnicql Permit Permtt leauooe . l,teclanbal Priml't -- EilCRaACIfitENT -- Pcrmit C\rbcui Sideualk 2a ?crAL AN)Ut7 DUE:./89.6" -\ ATte -z ?'r? I I I \ t'' RESIDEl'.,'lAL'' : APPLICATION/PERMTT - 225 North |th Street' Sprdngfield, 1regon 97477 - Building Diuision SPRTNGFIEI.D _ 7 2e-37 53 -cb Locaticn: laaeaoort Map ll Subdivision: 1oner: Addrecs D ci 7A fu-n IbX LI I L Sr.Phonc: zip:q0( t-t Deocribe \torli: Nelo lCditicn llcnoCeL !tcbi Date o.' Applica Ceneral P lutnb 1ng l.lechan ica Surre 1n EIec t r (: I:l rt Value Ianr City Deaigra,tcd Job Nunber fa: 5-Mtot It ie the reoponoibi-Lity of the permit holder to aea that aLL inopeotiohe ara node at itrtfrat tha atrcet' an-C tltat the pcmrtt oard ie located at the frcni of the orooen,:l,t. '9ui,-di::g D.!vi:io:: approced plan shcll renain on the ouiltling sitc'at atf lrtZi.'- PXOcSpupE Fon rilspEIr2tt R\QUES!..CALL 7requcstcd and uhen you uil?. be ready fort',iLL be tnde the adte dcy, requesto- nLde propei" t'lna, that ocoh edreca ic readabi,e job aCdrcoe, typa Sequcats tecciocd of inspeclicn before ?:00 .an Roati-rer:soeetLcns Ic,s lnt ll ec E, r i-ca SIi'g INSPEEIION: ercauation, but To be nade afterprtor tc ce+- up of I N SU LAU ON / vApOR. 8A RRI En I ttSpgCTI2N : To be nade after all inoulaticn ail ncquired uapor balltie?o @e in phoe but before any lath, gypom board onull oovering io applied, c'td beforeay inoulation is aonoealed. DnYllALr! INSPECMil: To be nnd3at'tet aLL drytnll ia in pLa.oe, but prior to any taptng, fotme PTIIAL PLUI.IDIIIC FTilAL I.TECIIAIIICAT, FIiIAL ELECYNICT,L NNoNny Stce'|. beons, gtouling accotdance tfith 2415 . uo2DS?0t/E: ccnpleted. locatton, bondor venticala dn U.D.C. Section Aftet inotallation ie Sditary ea* cappeil it pnopefig tite B x UNDERSLAB PLUI,IBIIIC, ELECINICAL &i'ttcitst{cWny tsot,k ia aoucred, FOCTINC t FOUNDATICil: To be tnCeal-tc" trenches are ercauated and fot'nc. are erected, but prior topouring ccncrete. w.4rEn. 2:t"AItlACE: '!'o be taCe pnii to ii-iirg trenches.8#W,", flcon inauktion or decking. lV ryUlZgg1y, ro be nadc prtor tolL-) installatioi of flooy insulation ondecking, m CURD E APPNCACil APRON.ale;re;;dEffi Af,ter fontto pouring Soptic tork ptrped, atd.filted vith gtatel Pinal - l,lhen abote itena ate cctnpleted and uhen denolttion ie oanplcte by sttttc- t.rlllo nrovcd od, pt,.enrioea oleaneC up. Bl,ooking od, Set-tp Plmbing connecttone -- ac:uler and, ualet Elcotrtoal, Cotncotion - Elookiw, oet-u.od plroibing oanneotiono mrct bl- apprrrr;'edbafoto requeeting elealrioal inapai2io,,t 'l Aoocaaors Euitilitrg i: Pitral - Aftan pcnohca, aldtting, deoka,cto. oe oarplcted. conorete, noL',cil pt,u!.!pr!tc. Er.EqllcAL J MEC\I_ A N I c^ L : uo-uoffiTi6i6e1;eZ- ur.til thcoe inspecttons have becnmaie arul approue?.. FfPEPLACE: pr.tor to nlccia facinoncterials and bcfore -franin-g irup"Z-ticr.. FMI:INC: l,tuct be requeotecl afterapp-roval of rcugh plwribing, ilectni_cal E- ncclwnical. - ALI ro:ofittgbrceing C.ehinmcyo, etc. rrust-be:cor,?Letcd. llo ucrk ie to be con_.-eecled until thio incpebtion hae'bee.n nade anC approved, sIpWAr,X E DRTWVA!: Fon alt oor cr_ete pauirq uithin etreot night-of-tey, to bc nado after all Zxoa-oating oanplete E forn uotk 6 oub-fuse nnterial in place. .TEYCE: l,Ilrcn conplete -- boui.Cegatee ot nooabLe eootione thrcugh P, U.8.., w tr E in 'ALL pnoiect conditiono, such ae the inetallatjgn of eireet trerlc, canpl,otion of the .re.quired tandsccpins, cto,, tmtot be oatiefiid t;i;"-;l;'iuiriinb-xtti-i;j;.!'iqir"urua. FrNAL DUTLDTN?: lhe Fi-nal Building rnepeotion ,rruet bit repteoted altdr iha pinal. plunbingElcctt'ical, anc Mechqnicar rnepeotloio-hqrto 0""" *,i,.- ii-;w;;A.--' - '- ' ''.':-.'l*'* Y tAl,t' l'tAMlcI'ES AND CLEANOUI'| IIUST DE ACCESITDLE, ADJUSTI?ENI ro DE M4DE AT NO COS.- rO eM Pe!1e : of ! ED ,.1 ! ' 1,: M li .: .i w n 19!c: ('J)l [.at Facea -' Setbackd P. L.llouae Garaqe Acccss Not th Eaat South lleat rTEN SQ.FIG x Vatua thin krace CarDort Acceaooru brzzz."l asF /ZVn- |UTAL VAWE S,D,C, I.5 S /o/, fa Plan Cfuzck Fec: \ DaLc Paid: /.<"4 Receipt ll ; I/ry.2 sisned: f:X/ I ITEM N0.FEE CIIARCE Fr.stlul,ea 72-;>5 7* Resid,enti.a,l. (1 bth) Sanitanlt Sa,ten llct,cn 42-sa /. 90 7*,38 CIIARGENO.FEE Ras. So. fto. a,&Nau/Esterd Ctncuita 2.a R6;? Taiporary Seruice ?z-:;e/-/v zV-as ilc,FE8 ctuncET?SN Fvrnaca YIUTS Eaha$t ltoo.l 3-eVent Fal / l,lcodatoite 7'e 'E;..p' '-?u , /fr,2, -- EIICXOACiIITaJ|Z' -- 'i.. Tl'Ir.d,hl ,r''tr!,,rSoctrt Maintonanee Pcnnit CvrbcuJ sid,etnlk .2a tlobtle toae JOB NO. Lot Sq, Ptg, I_ 7 of Lot Cwenagc t of Sbrtee Total Height topogtrphy :,:'Buil1.itr' Poo.frit .Stata { soLAR AccEss REe.-L-CO G,T G' t..+BeCroons ln !lcat -_- Panhandl,e. ../ Ottl-d,e-oao Building Vqlue & Permit Thio petnrit io grantcd on tha capraoo condibion LlnL thc r;,zir).cott:;t,tttdLtonalu.Ll, in all raapccLc, conform -Lo tlrc Ordinu;t:c *lo;,te,l tiy thc Cit,y ofSpringfield, including the Soning Crdinance, rallult;Litr,1 Llc ccttsLt'ucttcrr and uaa ol buildinga, an<l mey bo aucpcntlctl or rcuokcC at) c,itJ tirtc upor; uic La.tion of any prcuiaiono ol aaid'Ordir,anccs. Total Ch*ges.. Peinrtt Statc Stcte Iotat Permit leauo:r,e'' , llo,clwl,doal Pefiilt I a P lumb in g Pe r n'r it Ito peneott ohall cottot;t'ttct, inalalL, a!.!;er or clnngc cny nel ct'c:istittg pltilbittg or drainalle ollat;en in uhole on in part, ut:Lccs such persort is tltc l,egal pbaoeoaon. of'a ualid plunbcn'a Liccnse, arcept tl:at a pc"sot.'t na'g lo.plinbiig uork to propct't:y uitich io oaned, Leascd or operated by thc app'Li- oant. Electricql Permit Ithene State Ia,t nequires that tlrc clcctnicaL uork be done by.an Elecl;rtcal Contfactor., the'al)ctuicaL porbion of thia pcnnit clalL not be ualiC wrti| the Label laa bean aigned by the ElectricaL Co,th'actor. Mechqnicql Permit a I t IttAWCAIEFULLrEXAMINEDt'heconpletedappltcationforpermit'anddofioint, cartiftt tl,.t all- iniotnotib" ltenaoii ie brue ail co*cct,. dr"C f'iiol['"n- "'nitiiy- tiat any ird, aLL uo.rk pa-nf-or:ned alnl! be done in ccaor' d";;;,;- "ili ttL' oraari,iZo- of it o ciq bf bpninsfield, .atd th.c .Lcae of tha Stata of lregcn pcrta,iiiig io tho uoik Ceocnibbd herein' cnd llnt ti) cccu- qANCI witl be naCa of'"i,i' otr"oiii ",itiout permiaaion of tlrc guiiding Di- vieion. r funthen "nr7.ii1.1- that orly con-trac'tor.s ard ezplcyaee ul;o are in'.^:p1i""in'"ilt, ons ?01.'0-ss uiLL bc-uaed on this proiect fotal I -z'-l'r? TOTTL ilIOUM DUE!./89.6q I -\ Dabe tt I'i-r,rntt wrNP{. .: rnterlg,o'ji:',:i ; - 6aP1"i; ''rl)i " tl ^ I .d\\ot6c) Sprin gfield Utility B o ard ACCOUNT NO.-o INSPECT ION DAT E INSPECTION DATE CUSTOIMER,S NAME STREET CI TY HOME PHONE 1At -"7, g ') INSPECTION FORM STATE Nov Al rtvt /o *M rNspEcrroN *o. / rNSpEcrED By TIME -.- INSPECTION NO, - INSPEC TED BY OWNER'S NAME G- 4 STR EET BUSINESS PHONE - ZIP CODE q)q17 ALL MEASURES COMPLETED - cHEcK FLAG ( o/c) - Low-rNcoME ruO (NO. OF UNITS) BUILDING TYPE MEASURE AREA KWH- SAVED COST IN CENT IV E S,/WINDoWS PATIO SLIDERS IWALL INSULATION I tErr-rrve rrusur-oloN d ?it-6oi Jfoon INSULATION cv/>/7 6{ DUCT INSULATION IVAJOR MEASURE SU BTOTA L W,EATHERSTR IP D3ORS/WINDOWS CAULKING SEAL DUCTS CLOCK -THERMOSTAT INSULATED DOOR OTH E %*;a YHER A-nc t/rv-f TOTAL TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT TS, rf.?11-oo ti 'vc L A .2mt-.F/- D Y E URES APPR RE IMB URSEMENT B INSTALLED M FOR DATE AUDrr No. - AuDrr oor, /O -29 - BUn{ Affi*- /z- fq ttu aICITYOr sPn SPFINuFtELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OB 97477 (503) 726'3753 MANAGEMENT JanuarY 2, t99t Hr. Ken Po1lng 3450 Vtrglnia Street Sprlngfield' Oregon Dear l'[r. Po1lng: 97478 Yourrequestforanextenslonofyourpermitstoconstructabedroom and bathroom addtii";'-;; 34SO viriiii"'iit""t, Springfleld' qregon has been revleved and aPProved The extension nay only be granted one tlme and vlII expire 180 days from the date of'til"-it"iting of-tfti" "*t"n"ion (JuIy 2' 1991)' If you have any questionsf^9t^1f^I may be of any assistance' please i""i ft." to Pirone me at 726-3790' SlncerelY, Llsa HopPer Building Technlcian cc: 1h Dave Puent, Bullding Offlclal