HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-11-21..RESID[ ,TIAL.. APPLIL. ION/PERITIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, )z,egon 9Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn:3 GeneraL -//c- a -/' signed: Ce d SPRINGFIELD- 07 3 /-2?/ j_Aesessore Map #Taz Int # Subditision: Asnez,: Address Phone:I 20'D l-t Va'!-ue tloyk: Additicn fua-o Date of l.lobi 14eclun:icaL 'NSPtCTr0il '!iou rt ia the respottsibilily oi tte perwit hozder to see tlwt aL!. inspeetions ate nad.e at the p?ope? tine, that each a,i,iness is nea)e7-;efron the street' anC that the-peznnt cazd, ie Located. at the frcni of the propetty. - '*Puilding Ditsicioz appro"*ed pl.an srcll ,"^o;n-ii-tl.,Z EhziT"b'"s'ii" "t aLL times. ALL 726-3769 (reeorder) state your City designated job nwtbet, job aii.z.ess, tyae of inspee=icnneady for inspection, Contractcps ct Anzers rnne cnd piane nunbet Pequests receixed bei'cre 7:C0 ctL be nade the sane dcy,?equests mcde aftet' ?:00 @n tiLL be nade the nc.ct uorkirg daE Iour Citg Designated Job Numbe? fs:8s /aq8 SITE INSPTC!ION: escauation, but forms. ' ?o be nade after pr.tar tc set up of TNSULATIOIl /VAPOR B.ARRIER IJlSP-C!fiiI : To be maCe after all insulati.ci d.requined uapor berie?s @e in plaee bat before ory l.ath, ggpsun bcatC ortnLL couering is appLied, and beforeotg insulati.on is eoncealed. DE}.|CLI?IO!] OP B!;TLD:;;CS Sanitary seser eqsped ct ptoperel Lite Septic totk p;,i:Ved and filled ttth gta;;ei Pinal - Llten cbcoe itens aye ecnoleted. ard uhen Cer.tcLition is complete bt stn c-ttce moued anL prerLses clZanei up. Iicnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connectiona -- ealre? d. uater Eleetrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uc and plwnbing connections rrust be apprc"*-e: before tequesting eleetrLcal inspebtio;t Accessory BuilCir4 UNDERSLAB PLUI4BING. ELEC?RTCAL &IocyulrcAl: io ue-diE@anyuotk is cooez,ed. PC_OTIN} 4 FQUNDATICN: Io be na.Cealter xrencnes ape eeeaz:ated and. forms ate erected, but prior topout"itzg ccncrete.I I Df f tituf ita DRYWALL filSPEtrf)N: Ic be made---^-:'--'--.aftez, aLL Ctyuall is in place, but priot to any taping. ILASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gvouting or vertiecls in accordorce Lith U,B.C. Seetion 241S. To be trenchee. to UNDEPFLOOR PLUI.EING & IIECHANICAL:to be made prior to instaLlation of floor insulction or decking. P"9S? 4t!D BEAM: ?o be nad.e prior toinsta.Llaticn of floon insulatior, ot,clecklng. ROUCH PLUIIBII]G. ELECTI?TCAL & IIECH-AI|ICAL: t'io uorkZi-Ti bi'66iet ei-unt-il th-ese inspeetiors ?nve been mad.e aTzd approued. FIPEPTAC!: pz-Lor to plaeirg facingmcterials and before franin| in"p"Z_tLon. FRA.ttlItlC: lhtst be requested afterapprooal of rough pltrrbing, electrt_aL &. neclunical. ALI roofingbraeing E chinmegs, etc. rrust beeonpLeted.- !1o ucrk is to be con_,-cealed until this inspeetion lae'been rrud.e anC approted. fi wooosro,te, After installation is /)) atnpleted. CURB & APPRCACE APP1N: Aftet fornsoe erecteC but priot, to pour"ittg coficz,ete. STDEWALK & DRftWA!: For aLL con- cr_ete patsing uithin st?eet fight-of-txy, to be naCe after aLI- erca-tating cornplete & for.n uork & sub- base tm.tet-tal in place.' pctehes, skirting, decl<s, Le!ed. AICE: l{hen anplete -- prouiCe gates or mooable sections through P. a.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of slr.eet trees, co:tolc:;-;on of therequired LanCsecpit!' ctc., iast be satisfied tefori tie au;-Ln;:c FriiAL ean be requested. PfNAL BUtLDIN1: The Einal B_uilding. fnspeetion mtst be requesteC cfter the linal ptmbiryElectrieal, anC Nectanical Inspections llarruc been nade- id ippnoird. Piral - After etc. az,e conpr .J ,rrot pLuuBrtc ; r_l.. I PTNAL LtECttA:tIcAL f rnnt ELErTRTIAL J Page 7 of 2 1ALL \'|ANECLES AND CLEA\IOWS truSA BE ACIESSTBLE, AD;IItS?ltEill ro BE r.tADE r.? EO CIST tO Cr?y ,c Constmtction Lendet t JOB NO.0 Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of lct Couerage # of Stortes Total Height Topography Building PermLt State ?otal Clnrges PLunbing Perrrtt State Surchange Stcte Total PermLt Issuotce MecTnnical Penrit ?atal .!'!obile Hone soLAR accEss REQ.- LCT TWE \- _ Intettcr _ Cormet _ Panhard.Le CVL-de-sae L-co cr Bedtoons Lot Faees - tou-e Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erp?ess condition tlnt the said constmteti.onshall, in all respects, eonform to the Ondinance adopteC biy the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittg the ccnsttaiticn and use of buildtngs, otd may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of dnA prcuisions of said Oydir,ances. , Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed: * Plumbing Permit No- person slnll consttuet, instal!, alter oz, eltange cny ned cr eaisting qltnbing or dtainage sAstqn in uhole oz, in part, unlesi such person is- the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber,'s License, e*cept tt".at a pbtson nay do plunbing uork to p"ope?ty uhich is ouned, Leased or opetated by tne qpli.- eant. Electricol Permit Were State Las tequires tha.t the eleetrical uork be dote by an glectrical Contracto?, the eLectyical portion of this permit slnll rot be oalil untilthe Label lus been signed by the Electti.cal Cont"dctor. Mechonicol Permit PLan Eraniner Date I HAW CAREFULLy EXA]LINED the eonpleted application for permit, aid do hereby eettifg that aLL infonnation heteon is tz,ue attd eorreet, anl. f further eertify that any ard aLL uork perforned shall be dote itt accor- dance vtth the Oydinences of the City of Springfield, and the La;s of the State of )r,egcn pertainina to the wrk Cesq,ibcd herein, cnd ttlat N0 )CCA- PAIICY viLL be rrude of anA structure uithott permission of the Buildi.ng N-uision. f further cettify that otly eontractops o;d attplcgees uho are in cazpliance uith 1RS ?01.0sC uiLL be used on this ptoject l(-)( --E3--- Signed I House Caraae A.ccess No"th Eosf.l Sout'it II West ll r?rtt x Value I.lain C,saae Caroot t Aceessorq ?OTAL VALUE ueS.D.C. 7.5 c Fee: - CHAP,CENO.FEE Fistt{es Residentia.L (1 bath) Satzitarg Seuer llctet, C7;F,G':io.FEE Res. Sq. fto. Neu/Eatetld Circuits Iaipc!@A Seroice IIC. h,onaee P?U I S kha$t HooC Vent Ean Vcodsto;te /.C,N bo /5. Lo -- ENCROACHME!.]? -- Seeuritv Depoeit Storaqe Maintettanee Penrit Cvtbcut Silanalk I?IAL AI,IOIIIIT DW:'(€.oo Date Fire Total Clwraes StaXe, ,t Fen2e Eleetrical ta.bel