HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2006-03-09,!lAY, 31 2007 8 : 54Ali4 N0.668 P, 2 Theodorc B, Kulongoeki, Govemor March 9, 2006 Olivia BeYnoso 4251 FranklinBlvd Eugene; OR 97403 RE: CERTII'ICATE OF FITIIEBS, CASE #00'091 3990 Yltus Lane, Apt E, Springfield, OR ' Lrne County Dear OliviaReYnoso: Certifioate. Sincerely,ry Brett Sherry Envirorurental IIeaIth Speoialist Office of Public Health Systeurs cc: Departnent ofHuman Services Building Codes Division i ' ' Lang,County Contacts Kroese Contrecting D ep nrtment of t[Hllrff ffiff; E00NE Ortgon StEEt Portland, OR 97 232'2162 (97r)673-oM9 Fa:r (971) 673^0457 T'IY'Nouvoice (97 1) 67 1'0312 Oregon The final documents wete received from Kroese contracting for.the deaontamination project at the above+efffenoed pfoperty. Based ongS information submitted, the decontaminatioo.rquir"*ents of ttre Departrnent of Human Servioes have bee'n met' *a tfr" propErty i* iio* considered ft f;r use. A Certifioate of Fitness is enolosed' For yogr information, a oorutesy copy of this lstter will be sent to the Building Codes Division. please be aware that it is ybur responsibihty to contaot that agenoy (PO Box l4411,Salom, OR 97309, or phone(SOll lig-qfigto ensure thnt ttre properly is removed from the offioij Unfrt for Use ligt (ORS 453,885). You may also visit the DiVision's web sit€ at www,oregonbcd.ory and click on "Publio Notices'" you may contact me at (971) 673-O44Zif you have any questions regar'ding this Ttris oan be obtained in an altemat' fonnatby aalting: (g1l) 673-0429 Atsisting people to Become Indeyenlent, Heatthy and SSeAnE4ual qpport nityfrpfry* '' u"0 I CERTIFICATE OFFITNESS => -(! -l\>oo ! =\,t-s:r = Certificate #ll0-0!11 The propertyrocstedat3gg0 vitusLane,AptE, springlietd; Tomship 17 south'Range2lllests'f the Willametfe Meridian, Stction 30, T;^Iot S0O, Lane County, OregOu has rmdl-Sone a chmical tlrug lab asses$,,entandch€xnicaloecsnffirdnathundffthc superrrision of aliceirsedDrugLaborator5r Decontarninatisr ctrilracttr in acoordmce with oRS 453.855 - 453-9l2,and is hee'eby c€rtified as & for_use b th. eart*rt that can-be deternained using currerrt ftchriques anduretlrodologies' Any act of firrud cormnitted in obtaining this Certificate rerr-ders said certificate nrrll and void' t M1,tuotp Date frrt., of lluman ffuus\ ofgna+at.tuttt 0l lillEtsllllDtS :I o\o\oo - \s I a r( ri !i lt I ,ir' , 1' ii ., 'r l, ' Department of Human Services Health Services 800 NE Oregon Street Portland, OR 97 232-2162 (97r) 673-0429 Fax (971) 673-0457 December 23,2005 TTy-Nonvoice (971) 673-0372 Olivia Reynoso 425 I Franklin Boulevard Eugene, OR 97403 RE: NEW LAWS Regarding Your lllegal Drug Manufacturing Site, Case #2000091 3990 Vitus Lane, E, Springfield, Lane County Dear Olivia Reynoso: Our records at the Department of Human Services/Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup Program indicate that the property above was determined to be an illegal drug manufacturing site by the Lane Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team (INET) on 5/l112000. Consequently, the property was designated as unfit for use until a licensed drug lab cleanup contractor completes an assessment and any necessary cleanup and a Certificate of Fitness is issued by our Department. To date, we have no record that a cleanup occurred or that the property has received the required Certificate. Therefore, the properfy is still unfit for use. We'd like to take this opportunity to inform you of some important changes in laws that govern unfit for use properties, including yours. On August 16, 2005, HB 2485 was signed by Governor Kulongoski and went into effect. This law requires that drug lab properties receive a Certificate of Fitness within 180 days of the determination that they are unfit for use. Unfit properties that are not certified fit for use within 180 days OR are used as if they are fit for use are public nuisances subject to being enjoined and abated by state, county, or city governments, and/or private citizens. This means that if you do not have your property cleaned within the time frame or if anyone (including you) is on the property using it in any w&y, government agencies or members of the public can take steps to force properfy cleanup. Resulting actions and responsibilities may include legal fees, fines, and/or liens being placed on properties. In order to help you avoid these actions, we want to work closely with you to move forward and have your property decontaminated and certified fit for use as soon as possible. Should your properfy remain unfit and face nuisance action you are likely to incur greater costs and inconvenience. Until your properfy is certified fit for use, it is important to remember that you have two options for handling it: 1) you may let the property stand idle. In this case, a properfy must This can be obtained in an alternate format by calling: (971) 673-0429 Assisting People to Become Independent, Healthy and Safe An Equal Opportunity Employer Oregon Theodore R. Kulongoski, Governor be kept secure against unauthorized entry, occupancy, or use until it receives a Certificate of Fitness - as stated in ORS 453.885 - 453.990; or 2) you may sell or transfer the property "as is" as long as there is full written disclosure of its drug lab status. The requirements for this disclosure can be found in OAR 333-040-0100, and a copy must be submitted to our Department within 10 days of the sale. The unfit-for-use status remains with the property, regardless of sale, until the property is assessed, cleaned up as necessary, and receives a Certificate of Fitness. In addition to changes with the timeline for cleanup requirements, please be aware that new legislation has created additional crimes for using these properties while they are unfit. It is a Criminal Trespass in the first degree to occupy or use the property in any way. Allowing a dependent or elderly person to be on the site constitutes Criminal Mistreatment in the first degree, and allowing a child to be on the site constitutes Child Neglect in the first degree. Please also consider that you may be subject to civil penalties for unauthonzed decontamination if any cleanup work is performed on the property without a licensed drug lab cleanup contractor's supervision and a work plan approved by our department. Al1 of the above state requirements are in addition to any ordinances or nuisance codes that may already exist in the city and/or county where your properfy is located. We realize that these changes are significant and greatly alter the requirements for your property. We would like to help you navigate through the cleanup requirements and answer any of your questions about getting your properfy certified fit for use. To help you move forward with this process, we are enclosing a copy of the statutes and rules goveming the assessment/cleanup process and a list of contractors who are licensed to perform site assessments and supervise any necessary decontamination work. Please contact me at your earliest possible convenience at (971) 673-0430 so we can begin working together. You can view our website at: www.oregon.gov/dhs/ph/druglab for additional information about our program. Sincerely, Jennifer M. Allen Cold Case Specialist Drug Lab Cleanup Program Office of Public Health Systems cc: Jim Kanoff, Department of Human Services 3990 Vitus Lane, E, Springfield, OR97477 Lane Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team (INET) Lane District Attorney Springfield Attorney Lane County Contacts Meth hetamine LablAddress Tra rt U d 04l0sljs Case Number Case AgentNotification DateAddress Burroughs None061241035143 Umpqua Hwy 99, Drain (RV also involved on this property R574928) 33100 V Room 1an Taken from ODH Unfit for Use List 3/21l01 0l/08/0r Unknown Unknown33435 Van Duyn Rd., C-Bow Arrow Ranch, Eugene (DEA Case) None05/10/00 00-08935 Martin Certif. of Fitness 1866 Todd St., Eugene 8l23l0t 0l-16040 Testa t2/t8lol 03-1 1750 47564 Union St., Oakridge 10/09/00 00-18797 McCormick 4nol0t o4t24t04 04-07509 Sieczkowski coF 718/04 3878 Vitus Ln. #7, Springfield l17l02 0t-2433s Myers coF 2104 3990 Vitus Ln. #8, Springfield 2427 4 Warthen Rd., Elmira 04102197 Harvey 936 Water St., Springfield tU30l0t 0r-22840 Myers 4ltU02 85213 S Willamette Street, Eugene 09108/04 LCSO 048946 ciI coF l U9104 23694 Wolf Creek Rd., Veneta tult7l90 Unknown COF on 9/3/03 pcr ODH 02/24t98 98-04246 Bloom Per ODH 3122/01 This site received a COF, no issue date was given HOPPER Lisa From: Sent: To: Subject: PUENT David Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:15 AM HOPPER Lisa FW: Updates to the Meth Lab listing FYI From: KLEWS Janel M lmailtoianel.m.klews@ci.eugene.or.usl Sent: Wednesday, April27, 2005 6:02 PM To: WILLIAMS Judy M; CHASTAIN Adra; SIEGENTHALER Ann; Brett Sherry; DELF Carolyn L; REYGERS Cindi S; PUENT David; BROOKS Debbie E; NOWAKOWSKI Donna L; DORAN Jebediah A; HALLETT Jackie C; BURGESS Jane; MCDONALD Janis K; HENRY Jim R; WICKS Joseph; CUTTER Leland C; WILSON Loretta; DENBERG Matt H; MCKERROW Mike J; OLSHANSKI Pam K; KOUBELE Sandi L Subject: Updates to the Meth Lab listing Hello, All! Today's update reflects the following changes. 375 Carolyn - COF zo69 Brittany - COF 1637 Ferry St #r - Added to List The City has switched to Word so I will not be sending out this inforrnation in WordPerfect any longer. Sorry for any inconvenience! Janel Kletvs - YNLI/SIU/fDLRT 6tie-.5r69trE Methlab Tracking Report.doc (5... 1637 Ferry St #l.doc (32 KB) 1 gon Department of Consumer and Business Services Building Codes Division 1535 Edgewater Street NW PO Box 1tt470 Salem, OR 97309 (s03) 378-4133 FAX (so3) 378-2322 fiY (s03) 373-13s8 http: / /www.cbs.state.or.us / extemal / bcd John A. Kitzhaber, M.D., Governor MAY 19,2000 DAVID J PUENT BUILDING OFFICIAL 225,FIFTH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 RE: DRUG LAB REGISTRATION We have received notification frorJr the Health Division that the following property was declared "unfit for use" because of involvcment or suspected involvement in tho manufacture of illegaldrugs. Address:3990 Vitus Ldne #E Springfield OR County:Lane Property owner:Dorothy Ziebert c/o Preferred Northwest Realty 107 West Q Street, Suite 2 Springfield OR97477 C RAHMIG Administrative Specialist Louann Rahmig Interested Parties County Assessor Lane Co Environ Health c: @ Z^r