HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-05-15pct( sz( CHECKED I'IAY I t ^f j lr.lD - . L ADDRESSI] -Zsru (J L ount y Authori za,ttot:^ fort FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Applica Permit # *'ouoS ,Z? BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY $Residential l-l lndustrial Commercial Public 7zlry,zCITYSZIP OF PROPOSED BE SPECIFIC I.iATER SUPPLY3 Proposed is ti TELEPHONE NUMBER TE NUMBER is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ild employees who are in compliance with oRS 7oI.055 uiu be used on this f:rther COI.IPLETED APPLICATION !'OR in the propertr./V(r", I work perfomedlCir\u. PERM IT dAII rlo ce athatITAVEIEXAMINEDCAREFULLYTHEhereLyti nfomation reonhe s and!rue correct thatand Ify conl ra(loffothelowii-nterest chas er authori dzerecordPrrr agentlegaIn9uIcertithatandaIandone:dauce theth ofordfDances Lane andfyany the ofLaws Statethe ofCouty Oregontothedescri.bedwork lnhere and NOthat wilOCCUPANCY be ofnade 5 rcturelrr thoutwl the ofrtainingarriMl S SION vlslonDi I fur-pe Buildingqhe rthe tha t tration theth lderBui Board fu11n ilnforce e ffect-Ll AS red 70 o5 thatcertifyregrequfby r e the bas for5xempt exenptj.project- I HAVE READ AND CO}![lENTS: YOUR A Date: rnstaLlation Record rssued? fl v"" ! tl" Date (^l-SUse L L I setrtarrout s. r. *B. P. # ,^r", S- /{^8Q --dp RIZATION I]AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ! tion f PLANS EXAMINATION: COM}IENTS: I pr,etqnrnc,zzoNrNG: Minimum Se co}1\lENTS interror rear Parcel *Parcel Si ca1lon Tank Lineal Feet of t)rainfield laaximun Depth of Trenches Installation Specifications r READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY c", =i S-zs-eC. DA?E LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,687406.I, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE EOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION cL4..25 R* Zhfzqau. D Grorp_ - SETBiICKS AND OTITER CO}':DITIONS OF APPROVAL }1UST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C;TION OF TIiIS PERMI?, CITATIO:i UNDER PROVISIONS oF LAN-E COU}-TY'5 INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER RET1EDIES ALLOhED BY LA!,I. IiHEN READY POR II*SPECTION, CALL 687-{065. A }'1INI}1U}1 OE,iT LiAST 21 HOURS ADVAIiCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- @gs.HavEclre-fo}towingj-nformationready:Permj'tnumber,]obaddress,tyPe of inspecrion, when it will be ready, your name and phoie number, anC any special Cirections to site- BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 1. Foundation Inspection: ?o be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and uhen aII iltdl;fs fo IE--INndation are delivered on the lob. l{here concrete from a central mixing plant (comonly terned "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need no! be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-aloor Inspection: To be made after al-I in-slab or under-floor building EEivI-e equ--rpnmt,--EonZTr t, pipm! ressories, and other anci llary equipment i tems are in pl,ace but belore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, incl,uding the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and 8rc1", are--In-pfre aiE-alf-FlFes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and alI rough eleccrical and plumbing are approved. AII wall j"nsulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4. Lath and/or cvpsum Board Inspection: To be made after all Iathing and qypsun board, i.nterior ;;A-exrerl6ril=-Tn-pI-rce-EII-EET6ie any plastering is applied and before gypsM board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. '5." Final Inspection: Ta be made after the building is conplete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REOUIRED. \-o work shall be done on any part of the buil,dinq or structure beyond the point indicaLed j.n each successive inspection wiLhout fi!st obtaining the apProval of the buildinq offic.ial. Such approval- shall be gi.ven cnly after an inspection shall have been maCe of each successive step in the conscruction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: AlL building perni.ts require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Block waII: To be maCe after reinforcing j-s in place, but before any grout is poured. This ii'-p<EI6fr is required for each bond beam pou!. There will be no approval until the Plumbing and electrical. inspecti.ons have been made and approved. B. t^tood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry {if appl.i.cable) and when installa!ion is mpf.eta rnstal-lation shaII be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognj,zed testing agency and the manufacturerrs instalLation instructions. C. Mobj.le Home: An inspeceion -is required after the mobile home is connected to an apProved E-m oi-GEptic si-stem for setback requirements, blocking, footinE connection, tiedowns, skirting, and pLwbing connections. 1. Footings and piers to compty with State foundation requirenents for mobile homes or as recomended by t.he manufacturer. Z. Mobi"le hone nininum fj-nish floor eLevation shafl be certified when requj.led by a f)-ood- plain management letter. 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for insPec- tlon with.in aL Ieast 3O days after occupancy. Tiedowns and sklrt.i.ng shall be insfalled per enclosure. D, Swiminq pool: BeLow grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade ' en pmI is installed. APPROVED PI.ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURTNG WORKTNG HOURS. THIS PERMTT WILL EXPIRE IF h'ORK DOES NOT BEGIN V,]ITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR T1ORE THAN I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I4AY OCCUR IP TBIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BAS1S OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT O' REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: l. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Z. Upon completing lhe construction for vhich a perni.t has been issued, the permit holder shalI notify t-ne Lane County Departmenl of Planni.ng and Comunity DeveloPnent by submj'tling the instaltation record forn.- The Departrent shall inspect the construction to determj'ne if it complies uith the rules contai-ned in this divj.sion. If the construction does conply with. such rulls, the Department shall issue a certlfj.cate of satisfactory conpletion to lhe permiti holder If the construction does not comply ilith such rules, the Departrent shalI notify the Permit holder and shaLl require satisfictory comple!ion before issuing the certificate. Fail-ure to meet Lhe requl-remenis for saLisfactory completron wiChin a reasonable time constilutes a vio- lation of oRS 454.505 to 454.745 and this ruIe. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal Scptic Tank Drainfield Interior property Lines Edge oi road rlqi)t-of-waY BurL<iinq foundation tiells, other uater sources From:r0' 10' 50' ]0' 10, 10 | 100, \r /JffkrJ€,BY FRo,rt f grya,C{- )6rfls/ DATI ISSUED:PERt'rrr# /? c7-A<a S E t N PHO UMts N 't1 SIDE TB K I FRONT LC UMB I X I NTERI OR REAR WO THO D DI YDU TE P SDS APPROVAL REQUIRED SiT AU RESS EID TI NG TI N Approved Date Correcti on Date LEH I n spector -UI4B I NG GROU INSPECTI ONApproved Date Correct'ion Da te I nsp ector UNDERS App roved LB iNSPECTION /Correction DateDate I nsp ector OT}IER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correctj on Date Insp ector Approved Date Correcti on Da te I nsp ector FRAMING INSPECTION Approved _ Date /Correct'ion Date Inspe ctor ROUGH MECHANICAL Approved Date Correcti on Date I nsp ector lNSULATION / VAPOR BARR IER INS PECTi ON Approved Date Correct'ion Date Inspe ctor LATH / GY PSUM BONND INSPEI ION Correcti on-Date I nspe ctorApproved Da te CALtr Approved r/ Date L rrecti o te i nspe ctor FiN Approved Da te N Correction Date InsPector I NAL NSPE TION ILD NG E /AG ACEMEN /Correcti on Date I nsp ector 1174-197 0t Date ANCY n Insp Approved-Date 0F0 lnsp. APProved oate TEM RAR IFl CATE CCUP YCE Irtcnt OC,CUC,ERT Approved ROUGH PLUMBTN6 (TOP oUTl TNSPECTT0N NG n€ A PERMIT CANNOT BE APPROV ED UNTIL A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IS SUBMITTED *pnone /26 - ltZz * ADDRESS FOR INSTALLA * NAME OF MANUFACTURER ITY MOD* INSTALLER S[iir**, CONSTRUCTION: CLOSELY RESEMBLING YOUR PROPOSAL * A. The unit is listed uv: [_luL f,rcao [-lorn., (n.r")_ B. The floor protection is inches thick. (Material) ) C. The wall protection wilI be: (Materia'l * D. Type of chimney:Factory l-lMurrn"y (tined? D", fl..l l"-o 3 21.3.2 7oo ntg f,ood Stove Pen,,lt A pplication [lotn." Type o.f stove pipe : . l-lru.to.y flzog. (or heavier) ga1v. sht. mt1. (vent connector) 0tUENSfOnS: (in inches) l. Side of unit to protected wall_(unprotected wall_1 2. Rear of uni t to protected wal l-(unprotected wal l ) 3: Floor protection at side of unit_ at rear _ in f ront __ 4. Length of wall protection at rear of unit-at side 5. Height of wall protection- 6. Edge of wall protection to nearest door or: window 7. Air space between wall protectlon and wali_ 8. Diameter of chimney and stove pipe (vent connector)-- NOTES: (l) outside combustion air is reouired for a]1 fuel burning installations-. A 7-Sq, inch (mjn. area)closabla vent loc ated within 24" of the fireplace or appliance on the floor or base of a wa]'|. (2) A copy of the approved manufacturer's installation instructlons must be on Job site at the tine of lnspectlon. ln- spection cannot be made with out these instructions.(3) Ttre'Approved' plan/appl{catlon shall be kept on the Job site for use at the tlrle of inspectlon. lqi Hot ati'unlts are appibved for corner installations or reduced clearances |rith wall Protection. (Refer to manufac- trf i}"ilri"ll,tll1?*;1, t. to be used, it must be lined (Required by Law) Existinsl'rues must be approved by inspector - lrior tquse- -Y-ou mustrrev'i4P ac&ss for the idsoectnt (6) tr ttrepiace insert i: tJUJinstal'ted, veriflcarron ot wa1l header location ln relationshlp lto bieast of fireplace is required bY law.(Z) iireplice lnslrts are not permitted tn factory-burlt or prefabrlcated clearance flreplaces, unless speclflcally tested and llsted.(g) fireplace lnserts are not permltted ln masonry flreplaces vrlth exlsting heat form type netal flreboxes unless speclfically tested and llsted.(g) Uirttstea units sha'll be lnstalled ln accord wlth the state tlechanlcal Code, utillzlng the materlals and clearances set forth ln Chapter 5. l- l-F 1 11 LL t E L I I I r- Lr L,!l L 3 IF YOUR INSTALLATION DIFFERS FROM THESE EXAMPLES OR IF THE INSTALLATION IS A FIREPLACE INSERT, PROVIDE A PLAN AND ELEVATI0N DSA!IlLq l.lITH DIMEN SIONS OF YOUR PROPOSAL. c-L4-32 APPROVED AS NOTED By D61g 9 - 'f - 5('€ PERMIT # l- I.AND MANAGEMENT DIV./ PUBLIC llQRKS DEPT. t 125 E. 8th Ave., Eug. 0R 97401 (s03)687-4061 -/ /,* I ) ) t/,, / snpO R: *)D T|ETALL Ed <AATE /WC///I NICAL &>oa P 4G7-€c. A/-TIVITY INFORIvIATIAN SHEET 6lt' - COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! ful qtarr, Ut atJr,,/Suv- PROPERTY OWNER 5 ILI ES l1 C ITY STATE ZIP CODE 74i Sd r,- -*_ HOME TELEPHONE # 7za-7ttz- msmsS-TErmfroNE-T HOME TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT 3 nuee e, pAFtcEL NUMEIEFT (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation (BE I RED RI4AT r 0N )orf rom tax sta fus tement ) C t1 a TotlNSH IP RANGE ?6 0W ZON I NG TOINSFTP MNGE SEET-IOII W ZONING TmmTP RENGE mTI-oN ffi ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES + SUgOIVISION ('if applicable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) /..h_a 4.,.<r t; U-b- f.-*:, 6 DIRECTiONS TO SITE:6 A--' ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZON LAND USE: L4-33 LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., LUGENE, OR 9740I / 687-406I I MAILING ADDRESS .SD,rr.,r.d Loi J Crr" 7lfr, cury I q