HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-10.'RESIuENTIAL" APPLICATICII /PERMIT SPFIINGFIELD 225 North 1th Street ipnngli.elC, ctegon 97177 Buildtng Diuision ? 26- 37 53 Job !.pcactcn: Assessorc :4q ll c..rS.'.\: a.' .-. }:ner ?{z- gSvaAddress:ll U) c a-, 9z ?ccz')i*' ! np Sani:cty seser cqpeC :t ptopatfui Lire Sepxic tank r"i;zpeC and. filled urtth Ere:;zi Pincl - ir\zen abcue itens ave ecrr'o7-eted.e.i xien lanclttior is eomplete br st-r:- ture eoued otl pra,'r"aes cleanei up. )lobile ictes tsLockirg old 1at-up Plunbing connecxions -- sate! od. uater Electmiczl Ccnteetion - Blocking, set-u, artd. pllnbing cottneetions m;st be appro"*eC b e f or e reque s ting e/. ectrieal'i-nsi ee -- aar: Accessc?i tsuilCir,4 ,a?cf.es skirting, deci,sltna.L - After ^{^ )^.-- 1 ^i '-414 - v: o AiCiticn RanoCeL Date oJ'Application Desci.be h'ork Vaf,ue General ?Lunbin-a i!echar.icz Conetrtcticrt Lender !t, is the responcibil:.ty of r-he per*it holder to Bee tho,t aL! inspections de nad.e at ihe propet line , thet ecch cdd.ress is t'eziob'>e ;'ran the street, cnC titat the penmt ead. ie ioeated at the f|tt of tfu ?"ope?tA.tzuiUin€ b)uicio- aVproteri ptot s7.=LL rena'-n on tha tsuaidinq Stte at zLL tines. P1OCgDtiPS ?0R Ii:SPrnICIl RIQU1ST.'CALL726-3769(tecorder) state gour City desigr,,ateC job nsr,ber, ;ob aCfuess, iU?e-9f inspeclicn @ea<igfotirspecxion,cotlt"actcrsciauze:s-nanecndplanenwber,Peques'3receixetibefcre7:0Ca,':iZL be natie the sane Ccg, "eque6ts ncrie cfta 7:00 an vill be naCe the nest'.nrking da'11 . -9d), noa Iour Citg DesiEnated Jab lhnbet Is:e3a lai T u Ir I si?E lts?ic:I):{: ?o be -"sie af!er e*ccvation, cut pt-)cr tc se,- up of forns. u!tD!?sLA.s ?:1',:.131:tc, lLie?rC,iL t ,l-9Ch!.lli'?AL: ?o be nazie ceiore any wrk is eotteyed. ?jO?I-'iG t ?CU:lDA!I0il: To be tn1e{ftZi-iiencies are ecect:ated ard forms ate etecteti, but cpia" ta pou?ing ccnctet€. U:!DZ3,G?OU:!D ?'L'M3::IC, SlEP, 7)?!P, DPAI)IACZ: lo be raee pr-or :c jii- Lir4 trmci"ae. itrtllD??iao nf ttr@ftv ) tt?tutir.).f . ffiof floor ")r.sukti-on or decking. PCST AND 3|ti4: To be nd,e oricy toGGdTGlffof i"'oor insul)ticn or Cecking. )f I J 5'-', L A: :' :t / V APC.? _44.?.?r:.? : :t S ? ! C ? r C : I ?o be nad.e cfter aLL ins-ulaticn evi required ucpor bawiels @e in pTace htt befcre otg lath, Wps.dnt boarC or unLL couez,ing is cppli.ed, otd. beforeag insul.aticn is concealed. DRY,|ALL L'l]P!C!|C!l: lc Le aade diin-ZT@iTt,e .Jn ptace, but prior to cny tapirg. l4AS)llR!: Steel beons, gtoutin4 aeeot'do'tce utizh 2475. f,ocation, bond ot, uerticals tn ll 2 ,' e^^+"'^i ilooDSrc,"ry: ^*1 -- -; Aftez, instalTation is t'nese trscec;ig7g h;uo- igexi nace avt. a??!r!ea. CURB & A?PRCACE /.P?.}N: Aftet lormsse ereeaei but prior to pcurin4 conc?ete. SID|'iALL l )RIiTriA!: Far all con- ct A;iffi-i;E; stveet right- oi-unA' to be naie ai'fer a7.! exca- uating conolete t fom ,,:oz,k & ;ub- base ncterial in .olace. : )lo E -^14--LALA: tiott. h-)or ..o pkc:-r4 ;-ccing ard. beiore y'rad.ng inecee- iPAj'lIilC: l.tusi be rec.tested afletaprcu;! cJ' rnigh plwr.bir4, eleear-cal I necis.x.ical. ALI rcoiing braing I :hitmcgs, etc. .-usy bearwLeted. :!o ,ct< -is to be :c*- - cecled until :his inspectictt )ns'been no,l.a anC a>pro"*ed. ALL pro;ect corriitions, suci as the insxalLatlcn cf sareet trees, ec:olexicn oy'the requireti icnd.sccrir4, etc., nwst be satisJieC bei'ore che SlliLDIiiC !!}\AL ecn be reqaested- lIllAL tsUILDIllc: Tke Einal Building fnsoecl:ion :tst be requested cf:er the i,l,nal Plunbiryileccrieal, otl !,lecluntcal fnsDectacns ltqtte been nad.e arai eccrooeC. ,ALL,'.!A:1.]'LES AND CLEANOUT7 \IUS! BE ACCTSS!71J, ADJAST:f:I! lO 3I ,'.'Iii:'.:::O::ST ?):TY I rrrot P!,u:.Er;rc 7't t :ut :.tli tlAit r cAL 7 nlm itlclsrcAL (_) ohm$- t^b 17 lgttcs: t{hen conplate -- fuouiCe J gatG ot nooable'seetions through P. A.E. L] , soLAR A_ ESS REQ._L-Co G+ Plumbing Perrnit No_ person siu_ll _canstract, instal!, alter or cltmt4e cnA ned cr eristing qlunb-irq cr drainage sUst<lt in uhole or in part, LtLesL sueh pez:son is theLegal.possessor oi a oalid plwnberts Licensb, eicept th.ai a o'e:sort nail doplwnbing aotk to propetfu uldch is ottned, Leased ot ooerated bg the ippli.-cdtt. St)gxed: Electricol Permit We?e Stdte Lan requires tl.at the electr.[cal uork be Ccne bg aa lleetrt-cal Cont"actot,, the electrteal pottion of thie petmit slu.Ll rat be oalil tsztilthe Label ha.s been signed by the ELectr.ical Contractor. 91 H;1ffi'^n uac2 ,u PlunHng Pen-it lotal f EAW CAREIULLy 9XA-!4I1|ED the eonpT.eted cpolicaticn fot Vezni:, crui do hereby certify tlat aLL info:nacion heyean is tmte att4. cctect, anC f futtket, cer+-ify that ang atl. aLL uork cerforned shall be done in acecr- dance vLth the Az'dinsnees of the City of Sptn)ngfieLd, anC xhe Laus oi ihe State of 1t,egcn pertainina to the aork Cescrlbcd herein, cnd tiu.t Y0 CCCU- PAIIC:|'ntll be naCe of any 6tructuy2 aithcut pennission of the 3utiding D;.- uision. f !'unthe" certify th-at otLy cont?acto"s o;d etplcgees ah-c are in canpliance urth CRS 707.055 aiLL be used on this project /1 /o-rdz93 JOB N iran Building Vqlue & permir T::.rtyn' .is granted on the espress cord.ition that the saici constructionsnaLu, ,-n 1.LL ?esr4cts, confcrn ,-o the Jz,Cinance cdocjec b:y the CJfl ofSpta)nqfle|-C, lncludino lhe Zoning Crda"-ctce, rzgulct)Jt.rg ;h'e ecrsitreticnqtd .use cf buliiings," and n-za bn-" ,;;;;,"d;; )t, re,sckei at cng tine upcn uic_T.ctton oi zny cncuislons of -saiC Crdir-ances, -- Fees -- VaLue ICTAL VALUE )t Ci:AP,CE s.D.C. 1..5 x )r i!ouse Lot Faces - Building Pe*rit lotal Changes iot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Caueraga I of Stoz.ies iotal leight ?opogzwhy fntericr Corv"e? Panhard,Le CUL-<ie-sac Itba*es Resid.zntial (1 bath) Sanitaz.g Seuer 'ictet ,-!.1 )a: Res. So. fta lleu/Extend Cireaits TawcraA Semsice Meci.nnic:L Perrn|t ,,lC .P53 Mechqnicol Permit Ezlw.tst llooC llcodsto:se Vent Yat -- i:lc,10AC!t:.!i:l? -- ieq*",)ty Da?osit Stortge Mcintqnctce Perr.t'tt Cutbea! SiCeuaLk !ence Electz,icai Label Fao4r trtaillti ^tt=.,4{)/, J,lobile ilone - - *