HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-02-06.. RESIDENTIAL.',^-? t^tFf ?\ /.rRl.ll! 225 ltorzh lth streeatr!-ivat-J"/ -- Spr-r4f:.eli, Ctegon 97177 BuiLC'Jng Vtuision 726-37 53 SPF|INGFIEI..D ,b5' o Siqr,ed:,u Date:^2-c-54 !-i ia ihe resconaibilii! oJc the peoi2 ioldar to aee tt@t aL! inspection:; @e node at 1he propet time, thct 244i7 c,l,bsss is te-;-'^'.,j.y,!-tJy sttee-t,. ctC that the pernrit cad. ia l.ccated at the fzott of tle o?ope?tA.t3ui!.dir4 j|ui:io.- czp:cted plan si.z.il rers.-ln on tla tunldnng Sttc'at "tt'l;h2".' coaa@2!- CAL L726-3769 (reeorier) state uotty Ci Jesigz.zt ed. j ob tu;;b er, reaog iot .-fsPccxzon,ty :nou ContTacxc"s cr A;te:s ncne cnd. cione nutbcr.ncde thc sane Ccy, teqltests ncie cfta ?:00 at viLL be tole tle ne*t wrking dai;. Iour Cifu'Desigra.teC Jab ttunbet Is 8 yoo ?O job nii-css, tupe P.equesis receited. of inspec2icn befcre 7:00 ,= )ean'to) f- Job !.oczticn:I rabt#oAeaesoors |lq ll Subdi:t'lsicn: O-ter: Plone: 7{7- 85 { OAd&"-ss: q /7 DeecrJbe Hot'k: Data of App (D,"Jn -Z*;o { ?*o-- vatue //-sO ACI');ica RenoCal Genarm.L ' 4n-r:at-e/\ Phnbir,g L *44/a4a/L- - lar,nf -4fntt ^c Sanila.J seset caVVeC ct proper\ Litce Septic totk y,,neC ad. fnlleC tith gri;zi Pinal - ilhen cbcue itens ate c*toleted. ozti uhen lertcllticn is canplete br s!ru:- tuye nooel o<, pr*ises clazei up. tlobiLe tsLockrng otd. Set-tp Plunbing coanecz-Jcns -- seoet otC ualet Electriccl Ccnneecion - Blockitg, set-ul and. plmbing connections nust be eprco-)dbefor e nequesting eleetr|cal ir.sg;ec=io- Aceessorl Buililng ?i,nal - After icrekes, slirtit"q, d,eci,.s, etc. @9 caroie:ed. Si? I:lS?3C?:t:t: ?o be na.ie after ecdvc,x'-cn, cut pricr tc se: u) of t'otns. tnD!!?SLA3 ?:1,:.EIXC, ZL]C:PIC.iL ) iEC!:l:liCAL: Io be runie beiore cny .txrk ;.s coucted. rcp?I:iC , ?CA:!DATIa:I: to be tcCeaiaet i"enciles cre e=ccuated crd, fcrns_ cre erecieti, but prior topuir,4 ccnc?et€. I:ISALA:IO.! /VAPCR BARRIZR I:]S?'C?ruII : To be t,.ad.e aftet aLL ir.s-ulitLcn eli required uaor baryte?s @e in plzce but before ory lath, Wps.tl boatC or tnLL coueting is qglied, atd. beforeoty ins-alation is concealed. r.-'l r:r.F6?ctx:D ?aLu3::tc. s?d=p. -J:!!p. '- I D?tA::lAG:: fo be r:n:e pr-or =o jii- Lirq trencic,e. ailDiPlaccR ?aiJ:.g1::C 1 :1tC7AilfC;L:lo be race pri;r co instal"!.atii o1' fkor irsukciat or decking. I nsl s;to ze;:a: ?o be-raie prlan to| ) ins;alkztcn of Jloor i*ulaiion .r Ccckinq. 1Q?i.?UBr!G. !ai::9!aAa 1 :.tzc7-A;liC;.L: :lo ,o!,r ,!.a =o be cotere{ uz=zl ;hese ir-scec:icz,s i:ue beex,ncie a:/ -7rtie!.Fi?!?!.;Ci: H.or -a 2l-c.c-Jr4 !cc-!r4ac=ertzLa crd beiore frxrirg ineaei- tLor-. IP,LYI:|C:_ i4uot be reotected afler cpp-tcv;i- of rcugh plw-cirq, z-lectllj- ca,L J aecictzica!. AL! rcoi-)tqbrza|rg I childeqe, etc. i:..tsc bearwle--ed. ilo : cr< .Js ,o be car. cecled untal :his iweectica hz,e'beet noia anC cppmved. DRY,|ALL rilSPldf0!: Tc be nade aitet aLL a-1,,tall is in place, but prior to cny tapirq. cuFB 1 ,a.PPRCACE APPCN: After fotnsae ereeceC but ?rior .,o pcuring cone?ete. 919!'n4{,;! & DlT,TnA!: For aLL cott- cre t;nfir"g G;m s t?eet tigitt-of-rx!, to be no-Ce after aL! ezca- uatirlg canolete t fom uork & sub- base natetlal in Vlace. ?INCE: l{hen conplete -- ?rooiCe ga.tes o" nouable sectians thtattgh P. A. E. -ftl.f tE-!..r?F.t...t^9 t'.;-.4.4-9AL =?tt_af :---c?-.?. -.r^v -*e.. va& ALL prc;ect eozii;icns, such es che "i.nscalZcx--on of sireet ttees, ..-!eeion o1- itorcquireti icnascccir4, .tc. ' :tust be satisiied oeJbz,e che 3UiLjI:;'C ililAL can be reqaested. 9-uild.i",g. fnsoection =st be yecttestei :i';ar lhe linal ?tunbinXinscecztcns i.,.qte been ncie at",ri cotroozd. ?::tAL SAririlC: The Finalllecciccl,,as lleciurictlII'Aii:!A:tac!!s AttD cLgAllcws:tus! 3e AcciSS:zLr, .tD,iijSTtE:1?:o gs:.,-tDr:t!::o a:s7 ?c Ctt ?:ge 1 of 2 SteeL Location, band. ot oetziccls zn U.B.C. Section After installation is tr u u tr )--a I JOB NO. iat Sq. F.6. z cf lsc C--.terzge ! of Stodes ?otal !r)Eh= Toporyiol J tec SOLAR-NCCESS REQ.. 'jr:t>: _ Ir:xer.tcr Cotne? ?gni.cndle _ CUl-cie-sac L-CO G+ ;ote Receipt l: Sia-.ed: Mechqnicol Permit Building V<:lue & permir EuzAirq .3e?rit totcl $cgea Pl;nbing Perrltt State SurcLt-ce State Penrit lsstancz I'leci-znic=L ?erq*t -- a:icF.cAci:.:i:!T -- 4 * Plumbing permit llo ?erson shall cozstp.tet, ins'-al!,_ alter ot ciu,4e ct! 7!ea er ezisttrq ZL-*.;"s cr <ircinage systqi in ahole or in part, iot."L ,u.h p.iion is theLegaL.possessor of a oalil. olwnbetrs License, esce?t th.dt a pZ:sort ^ag dopluzbi:tg uork to p?ope"tJ aittch is ooned, LeLaed olr og..oteiiy-in" qpii- C.@Lt- Electrico I Permit vhet'e stc.te i.an reouires ttnt the electrical uork be ccne by crz glectznlcclC?ty9tor, the electrtcal pottiott of thia pernit shall rat- be ualiC untilthe l^abel iu,s beez aigned bg the Electr.!,cal- Contracto?. t PLan EzaftLne? L f EAW CA,?SiaLLy EX;I.]U\|ED t\.e cotnpletc-d qplication ;.or Ve*nit, ctui dc hereby cerxifg tt?at aLL infonafibn hereon' is true ail, cZrree:', anC f f"ethet, .certafy th,at dry arC. aLL uork geriorned alwll be done in acccr- danze :,rtth the Oydzn-sces of the City oi Sgr)ngfield., otd, the La;s oi thet State of 1regcn pettain-)no to the wrk CescrJbcd herdn, ad. :i"a,s yO CCC'!.I- F.4ICZ 'nili be nsde of dry st?uctuz aitho|tt oerntssion c7' the 3u.-iding Di-tision. ! 1'ur:her eerttf-r. ths,t o:tlg cofitteclo"s o-"C z:plcgees cha eL ir.: ca-^:oliance uath CRS 70l.oss uiLL be used on this project Hobiie ilcne ;ce1ss I So;tir lle st :-13.Y ,(TaLue ibin -beca Jccesscty --:.1i fALi! o-.D.C. f.5 : IUC FZe I Ci{-?ir Pesiizntzal (1 bc;h) Se.tet" :io. ila,t/Edend. Cirgtits Semice 5.'., F*+-=ce ?!U'S bhast HoC Vent Fj 'Jcodstate /5. do /5.O o -(P O (,0 Dz=osit Storzse ltc-intencr.:z Sil,analk -^aaf ...Atr.fi ^rr?- a -t-AL tu.:gV.4; tUt.tS. (o o (r- \is -penn't -ic g:nc:n?ed ott the eqtess cordition thct Jhe saii eonstnct;-orsi'a.ii, ln all z.eszects, confcrm'io the *i,lnance ]i.r"d allAZ-'Cit, oiSpt-)ngfielC, -Jncludina- .)",e 3oning Crda;;;, ragalc:it:g ehe ccnstrtcr)cn *.i:" o! builciing.s,. c,C n=y l"- ru"o"ri"a oy reuckei a.t ct:g t.Jne u=cz uicLc:'-on oi ,ztrJ pncuisions oJ- saiC jrdtrances. io?t4 :'-?4D ?,es. So. fto.