HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1980-06-04DEPARTI1ENT OT ENVIRONI4ENTAL I1ANAGEMENT PSB, 125 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address t1-O'Z -1G - itut:ili-- ie!:oc.ki. Appl ication for Structures now on the property t-t i$ ir:ii /--l ili iiiilirrl,rir{$lil t i*,rrb'lifc:.ii ILLEL -, hereby certify that this information js true and accurate. :[h:il.*E$fi:i:Ff fIf this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record;tract purchaser;I essee;ho lder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authorized to the own , who te of-TEii-a'[pl ication. &) Si gnature/Address 37*z1 7 Te1 ephone or Da te C 1.,/hen permi t i s ready noti fy: Olner Con trac tor .1 Contractor's 0SR# If Commercial Residential: SI test holes ready cant /_/ Qwner /_/Contractor !a: /-/ nail z1 z1 P1 umbing by # of employees _,#,,,,,cf,;:;unf t$;:;, - .:$$r$,i':::l e-Z Existins, BP # lW'roposed, 5l # / / phone pnone t 4'7t=7ao Phone iiF,reii gggg*'ff$f[I,n*l0tl', :$f,ii.!,!!iEt:ii.i.!.or.:, ,:.tlni'f:::#.'.i0fii$l,t{i::: ,$q$i Val uati on Fee Total Va.l uati on $ $ $ $ at at each $ each $ Rece i ved Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led 4% State surcharge PIans check fee Change of Occupancy Subtotal TOTAL $ ) $ $Existing iTc;o PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks Zon t, Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si z fron t t, side 'i nt ; rear By Da te Group Fire Zone Use Cl assification Comments To be typed on permi t CP& I Type To be typed on permit By Da te For plans information ?\ (area inspecn Di tions to site tor CP&l _ set(s) lrlPc _ set(s ) Hold Slip to FCC P ans to /l Planning /-/ Public l.lorks ft Elevation /-/ Address /-/ Facility Permit // Environmental Health FOR INFORI!{TI0N about progress of your application cal'lC74-L7l ' Da te Corlpi eted Da te Requ i red Date to PCC n/a permit Controt Center 687_HELP (687-4351) APfu DG,FILED z_z slro r / CPL*'pfi, i 501[]i] I]tt'Ili. 0404i1(] ItfifiL.l:[:Al.{T I}.tVHfiii:tF'.ti::Ii f fti'tf],ri'1IL-1...1:R '*,finft .i1}'tfJ HA:tl''l ,ll'" ,SFltl.NGFIE:i.-n, ilFl l';...ti, 1 ]ri.'):1}c;;Ji,iti/..-l:;:,1:l ii:t.JI'JIi I V [-t]'f I'JL-|( Ntrt,.l }li-.0{; l'yt}H LJsH: ti N{l $}l-il"i,l '.}{.} Nl} ul'{.t'r:; 00'i Nu i;1'0ft I Es NCI t{Ln$ ji 0i} 1 fiilnfi ,qF,Ft._ tj{] r\fiI'l:t}i\i 0f;:si:rrl:t}1'l:rrt{ stl l::'l' tJNI r {:ils'r VAI-LJATILlN FH[. nAYS rri Ii ll $11 f.{ F' .IJ I} FI F' litI t--- n l::.1., f1 ,h Ll l{ 'r ll 1. tli:]" Fl.:{l'ilF:[:.:i: N[i. i]tii'.ll.lL.t'i't]ft-t: i'1Ei-lHrti'{ l. Citl- I- llii ,li1' r:rT Ii S t-l ft n Hr\ItG E: []l...fri''l {:lHH:{:l{ FE:t: 1...(:l I ::;i')i l!+ ;iliili li:Lil'',ll:l..'l I ;l?'??li i:.i ^ i] ,$ [:. d.t t] Fl ::: r,)Tt-t l,i','t ':t TUTAl-. f'F't:ft''.u: ,i!ti t:'1fi ,5 -, -\ t.l t.t I tl i.r::'ii, : sii[i[' .rll[1.;11 : 1 'Ir:rl'i liiFi IIY tiH l'..' /..i1.11 r'ri ;{ I} IJ j; :t F,l: H., .:. H:ii'i " t:{]l.il-'t-H1' l:t}l',1 DATI: ei ,.t-e, l. lr 10 I ,_ .-_J lane county I,ANE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT P()ST THIS PERPIIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT sITE CONSTRUCTI()N PERMiT # I-C I50] -t]O JOB ADDRISS: 8101 Thurston Road, Sprjngfie)d, 0regon TRS, TL: 17-A246,2, 205 SUBDIVI S ION: N/A C0NSTRUCTi0N APPRoVED BY THIS PERI4IT: Renewal of subsurface sewage disposal i nstal lation, permit number 1297'79. C0NDITIgNS 0F APPR0VAL: Subsurface sewage di sposal sys'Lem "instal I a1:ion specifications:1,000 ga1lon tank;200 feet of drajnfielc.l; naxirnunr depth of trenches;24 inches. (eep drajnfjelrJ at least i0 feet fronr a'il foundations and property lines, ancl 100 feet from all vrater sources. KegP septic tank at i east fi ve feet from bu j I di ng foundati on, 10 'f eet frorn al 1 property 1 i nes anci 50 feet from all water sources, 10 feet frorn edge of rightofway. Install drainfield and reserve replacernent area as shown on the attached pl ot pl an stamped approved and dated Ju'ly 15, -1980" Use equa'l di stribut'ion it ati trenches can'be jnstalled a1, the same elevation vrhile maintaining s peci'f i ecl trench depth. 0therwi se use se ri al di stributi on. PtRMITTIIE: Lance Mi I I er DATE ISSUED: Jul y !7 , 1980 BY: Kathi tie'iderhol dlcandi l-lart DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE: 0ne-fourth nri 1e past ThursLon E'lenrentary School on r.ight side. l^JP 28305-5E-2 ********************* SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROViSIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDiES ALLOWED BY LAhI. WHEN READY FOR iNSPECTI0N (see attached) call 687-4065. Have the following informat'ion ready: Perm'it number, job address, type of inspection, when jt will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to sjte. OTHER QUESTI0NS? Call 687-4394. INVll]ONlvit:N IAl. [4ANA(;t lvlLN I D[.PA']TN/FNT 125 [:AS t B I l-J AVINUI / EUCENE, OIiEGON 9740i 6m\,.lE7 ROAD \} ^ I tl LTLI\ /Ex.,{rTrlr.t.,prr.t. QQ. 0; o NorE, lbo GAL..:Eprr-TAp(t "oo' DF'/\!AYlELOt 3 Lt'JF.t e b' r-a<4 Nof fo "E-(-t-(''-{:P- TFrAtsl to' aP(ct.I l j '5Tj 'r lc',-/r'.{ L A{D D(/\ldr.r lU, a'li o .a m( EtStarltb g\rlt t t37,9' i i 1 \ -_ - - t3\ \ ,lrr(,ttl Jl,Len blr [----'-n____ $Jcr)o Frax, Cx5t5nrl6 Ganvl-f . t,jl^r-' ':ZS th ,n 0 v I /r x,r-,rq1l:r,-rr,:,f , lk)Lf'- Lailf la[.r,',I 6 I rJrrr- ilzra'vrr:I ))'\.u JR It ril J Pudo.'eo llu'..r, APPROVED DATE IY ?t<:_rPlAN lcttt' 1" 1 16t C) 'oeewn av[,[f.,-11 1 D^rrr 6, - 2J) -U)REVI6ED DVEra=rpre.P PR(] PE-r{Ttt-i:'-, I NC, r^x NoEtol ruue:rtrNF-D. l?-oz--.(- -Z za5 4\ lane cor.rnty sg@ffi,ffi$ ffi&ffiw APPLICATION # I:I'7.Ii i,'i; LOCATION l( irl,i.i(,; fiil ii ,l NAME ADDRESS1l I --,.- zIP -coDE The Lane County Water Pollution Control Division cannot proceed w'ith processing your application because: 1. fl Incomplete application (items deficient). l-] nOOress and/or di recti ons to appl i cati on s'ite. 2 El Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. I-'!lApprovable plot plan (see attachm-ent)..''i)iL,l lltiul i.'iuirti (., /' J-l Hottrication or date t'est'ti.i;, t{.rrTa''';.;;,{i:' f,'].,:;; i"":',1'', ," p:,), t-i:,t /t r : : r.,. t.r1.i t - r Veri f icati on of exi sti ng system requi red (memorandum i\ ' ,' i.7 ., "1expiaining this procedure attached). i Two test holes (2'X4'.X5' deep) requi'red for expansion or repai r ;of exi sti ng ,'sewdge.:rdi sposa,ll'.syS.tem i'n, ,the I , areaof theproposed,,;ilrainfields. !...,ii! : ', , ? 4.,):-. .,i ,,' ;\ Other: lr | ,,,t'(;, i ; .' .: ' '' DATE :. /) If the necessary corrections are not made w.ithjn application will be denied. t.,-.i ) days, the,,j i,-) \,, l1 ii Ii WATER PoLLUTIoN CoNTB0L DrVrSi0N II25 EAST 8th AVENUE I PUBLIC SERVICE I]UILDING ENV I RONMEN IAL MANAGEMENT DEP/ EUGENE, OREGON 9740I t$)I[Ulr ll 'I t".i,::. i i t"" ',1., S IGNATURE OFFICE HOURS lane county sfl@E,ffits ss,Bw APPLICATION # LOCATION ) *.-1| ;'i,l 1 t'.)\ '(l NAME ADDRESS ,' . ,.. i., I i.. i. .,. .t,..r .,' 1i :i ZIPC0DE The Lane County Water Pollution Control D'ivision cannot proceed with processing your appl ication because: l.Incomplete app'l'ication (i tems def icient) . Address and/or directions to application sjte. EI Proposed number of bedrooms in dwe11ing. lTl Approvabl e pl ot p1 an (see attachment) . 'I i" 'l: ,l J-'] Hotification of date test holes will be ready. Verification of exjsting system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the 4 area of the proposed drainfields. 0ther: "ri, j i't,tt,i.i) ,r. ;)l.l'i 1Jlili,'t \ It/ 3 iil+.+l&sOl ({ /}.(,,1,1 //'1 L ,"1 ( , 1":\r" t , ,! i,i; ,, . I t.'. t'l /.:,' Il . ,',,1 .4.; it / ! !(4, ,1 r,i -)1 ItiL2 r.1r,1,, ';:!-r, t1h,, ).:.-1 i';i /!\:.'t /) 1rb 0 WATER P0LLUTI0N CoNTBOL DrVrsl0N /125 EAST Bth AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE TJUILDING If the necessary correct'ions are not made withi t1 ,,','.'days, t heplication wilI be denied.0r1 Z ENV I RONI4EN TAL MANAGEMENT DEPARIMTNI,/ EUGENE, OREGON 9740I bU/-+UOI :,i'.,. 2. (t; ),, ,: i /t' \\lv I' tt " i..t/i:.t ( Yt)) OEPARTIiENT OF ENV I RONI4Ei.ITAL IlANAGEI,IENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVINUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Ci ty -, ['I.. t !- t:.t,: i itr !,'.:, ,i9';i-cati?,: il,,' \t: ) - 4:tit*d ^,,rrb.* Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision l,ii.,: .1 7l ,, , ' r.:.-;' Lot _ Block . ... ,.. Appl ication for When Owner Structures now on the property Signature/Address ,,,' .,', ) ,. . :\'., Proposed use of property: /-/ Residential /l Cornrnercial l7 Industrial '" ,. . . ,i ,t'- lt . ,il ,t ,.' ,i t' l::::---. , hereby certi fy that th /. , Pubtic is information is true and.accurate. t.by the State Building Code and I interest, in the property: exclusive option to purchase; Affi dav i t: I , If this appl ic (please print) ation is for an agricultural bui 1din9 it will be used for purposes allowed Lane County Code Chapter I0 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the fol lowing lega owner of record;contract purchaser;1 essee;holder of an duly authorized to act Tor the own e.r, !-, who e 1e of-tfrls app I i cation Tel ephone 0r Da te /-/ nail O permit is ready notify: ltl I icant /_/ }wner 17 Contractor !Y:/-/ phone - z .,1 .")' .''- ^-: ,-), / ,Phone / jLL -Z I "-ljl1Z1 Con trac to r :' .'' ) ,' ,' ,'( zt p)Phone Contractor's 0SR# :': '' "')Plumbing by If Commercial Res idential : Fee Code # of stories # of bedrooms I n --\'2-- # of employees # of units SDS: , Existing, BP # lf,{roposed, SI #SI test holes ready Desc ri pt i on Sq. Ft. or # of Site! Unit Cost Valuation -i J-- $ Total Valuation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at $( ( $ Subtotal TOTAL each each $ /_/ Casn E/ check # Rece i ved $ $ r/ater Supply :. ,' Proposed __ Existing L.o- 4i; State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ $ Year Instal.led PERI,IIT PROCESSIi'iG l'1i n imum setbacks Comnre n t s 7-ot Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si ze Da te , front t, side int rear To be typed on permit By t^lATER POLLUTION COI'iTROL Insta l lation speci fications O ga1 . tank; ZLl I'To be Or'l it it. of drainfield; max.th of trenches CP.f, I r^itc set(s) set( s ) Hold S1 i p to PCC .Date Da te Courp I e ted Te e nepho Di rections to s e .; '.i ,:.P.lans to/ / stF]Da te Rcqu i red Date to PCC /_/ trr /:/ /_/ cl& 1-- .liPC Planning Publ ic !,lcrks / / Llevatron /-/ Address l l lact I i tj' Permi I /-/ Lnuironmental Heal th f-,r'ir u F0R INF0RIlAII0N al'rout progre.,s of your app)ication cal l Perrnit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) !qe- ( N -l- l I ',--ii:i :T-{ Ff r\f)+ I L'ill r-r , - Z.oo Z1"LAC-F-M EAJTAzr-*'€':{tis> Orr.l:L13.vl.r.t'aa<-€- -f^ :.1<'t 1:. b? !-k-L li--,r-D :i-; II I i I I I i I I I It-I = 5e?Ttc TeoL + ZAo' Dt='7l[)FtELC ,3 Lroa: @ 7)' .*j., ([], r. / i ?.. 1;- ,) il N.}.\ s }-) ^!i4 Il-N r: .""- I r) /c€1'r a'---) it /t\i+ t 1"": * Il:_._ 'l , li- -, .-6.' I Lr+( L, | 1jL'r'::'lri ,lIt Lo?A I .., i, r\ J D\ :l 4,o \S-ftF $\\ 5- -t'--* -..-v;F ', tc i",.) . \ -' \fci'r\rl4 i-iit ia:a.>:{:t tt.,..t -tst t:,, I -Y l I 1 1 { ,l .l I -l I .: U"vtaccopidhb. :' i I I i I I !lt I I I I I I I I I i I j I I i I i I I j : I L I : u .9 L t- -:'--''