HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-06-19.. RESIDEl - IAL.. APPLICATION/PERMn', 22.5 Nonth ith Street Sprtngfield, .2r,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD "tob Laeaticn: Aaaesaore Map il 1 Svbdirision: A.mer: Adcltess ci \ DC Phone: zip: Deacrtbe lt'ork: E 5-[ Ned Additicn BenoCel Date of Ccnera rPlurnbi VaLue 26-376 9 (tecot der) atate your City 17o 342 4? It ia the reaponaibility of the permit holder to ada that aLL inopectiona ate nade at the p?opet tine, that ecch cddreas ia readabie fron the atreet, ard that the pornrtt catd ia Located at the front of the property.tguilding Nuicior. approt:e<l plan slu:Ll renain on the Building Sitc at all t[nes. PnocsDuRE F1RJNSPEC|I1N nsQuEsr:CALL 7 eady font,ill be rmde the eone dcy, nequeets mcde SI?E INSPE*ION: lo be rmde afterqcatn;6;6i pt-ion tc eet up of forms. aNpERSLAp PLUMBTN0, ELqqRTCAL A MDCH+IIICAL: ?o be nnde befote any uot k ie eoocred. I FOOTINC & F1UNDAfiCN: To be nnde Af; e r't rffi;s c auat e d and forna ore enected, but prior to pouting ccnerete. yNp98989AD PLIW r lC tEwEL rsb @frnches, UIIDERFLOOR PLUT.IBIilA & MECilANICAL: o1 floor inaulation or decking. WSt Al,lD BEAM: To be nnde priot to frffilffiof ftoor insulation ot deckitq. noucll Pl,u!!Bmc. ELECTiTCAL e MEcll- GilTthcse inspectiona have been nade arul approued. FI\EPLACI: Wior to plcciq faoingffiC arul before'fnoning inepeio- tion. FRAIIING: l'tust be ?equeated afteP approoal of rough plwrbing, electrt- cal E neclunical. AIL roofittg ' braehq E chi.mrcye, etc, naet be . completcd. llo r,tcrk ie to be con- ,cecled unttt thir inspaotion }u,e 'been made anC approued. tnepection,Contractors or Oumers aftet ?:00 an vi0 be nade the ncrt :ntki47 day. Iour City Deaigr.ated Job Nwnbet, fa:. INSUT,A?IOil/VAPOR BARRTER TilSPEC||I0N : ?o be nade after all ineulcticn and required oapor barriera al'e tn place but before any lath, gypswn board ortnll cortering is applied, and before ory inaulation is conceq,led. designated job nwrber, job aCdreas, type nane and phone ntnbcr. Requeltl receit;edI of inspeclicn befcre ?:00 cn FIIIAL PLUMDINC FINAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL ELEffRTCAL DQY\IALL INSPECAION: Tc be nade ifGfififfiytntTte in ptace, but pnior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel locati.on, bond beona, grouting or uerticala in accond,otce ,rith U.B.C. Section 241 5, VOODSTOVE: e,npGm. After inatallation ie aARL &AI'4BOAQ!! APNII: After forns "i.. "CnA brrt pdo" tu pouri.ng concrete. SIDEIIALX & DRfVEW|Y: For all con- ct*e@ rfitifr atreet night- of-rxy, to be nade after all, exca- vating canplete & form utork & sub- base natertal in place. AtL pnoieib conditions, cuch aa bhe i.nat.allation of aireet tree_1, conpl,atton-of the ,nqitrr|- Lindi""pirg, btu., mtet be aatiofied before the BUILDTNI FINAL can be requeated. PINAL DUILDINC: ithe Ftnal Building Inapection mtet be requeated aftet tle Final Plumbing niilil.i1,--atd ttechanical Inspeeb-iono ho'oa been nade atd approtted. , ?c.2, Iot fl ffi-cr-94 Rceeipt ll tute: tlechanica ec t rica Srr tilec u r c tir n OR Soilaty easer capped zt property Line Septie tank plnped and fi.Lled vith gra:tel Final - l{hen aboue itctns a?e ccnpleted and uhen deatolition ie conplete of atrur- ture noved, atd prenrisea cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking and. Set-up Plumbing connectiona -- san.e? atd oater Electrical Connection - Bloeking, eet-up and plwrbtng conneotiona nast be appror;ed before requeeting eleclrical inspecliotz Aceeesory BuilCing pcnchee, akirting, decks, leted. Pinal - Aften etc. are conp Pego 1 of il,AT,T, iIANIICLES AND CLEANOUI'S NIJST DI': ACCESSIDT,E' ADJUSTTft:TIT TO BIi I'IADI; /1'T ITO CCST TO CIIY q l-1 ywee: I{hen cotnplate -- ProoiCe I Wr..r nottabli aectiona thnough n T tr tr