HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-07-10Job Loccticn: Aasessore Map il Subdiuision: A,mer Address: ci ?c,s lot # x Describe h'ork: Date of Applica /2,Value 54ediliticn RenoCel Rcce')pt ll.. RESIDF''TIAL APPLICATIOfr/PERMIT 225 Noz,th |th Street spii,ngfi.eld, .oregon 97 477 Building Dtuision 726-37 53 SPFINGFIEI.D ffi-cE-34 +f,b7{ Dste: res tlec ntca ntr Gener P lurnb i Iil,ec E r- ica I clantil-ec t rS rr Derverz; DEI.IOLITIO!! OR Sanilary aeoet capped 2t P"oPert!" Line Septic tork yanped ard filted tith gt'a;tel Final - l,lhen aboue itetns ate ecnpleted and uhen denolition ie eonrplete ot' stt'u.2- tuye nooed and pretrises cleaneC up. ilcmes Blocking and. Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa)e? otC uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking' aet-u, and plwtbing eonnectiona mtst be appnct;ed befote requeeting eleclrtcal inspee2iott Acceasory Bui.tdi.ttg Pinal - After pcrekes, akirting, decks, etc. are catpleted. Pelte I ctf 2 It is the responaibility of the pemit holdet to eee that aLL inapec-tions ate nade at the pPoper tine' that ecch address ie readabie fran the atrebt, atd tlnt the,pedt-oatd ia. Located at -t-hs. fro".l of .the-property.'tguilding Nuicion approxetl plan sltcll nemain on the Building Sitc at all times- PRocsDUPE FoR INSPE1TI1N 11.Qt1Esr;CALL 7 necuA;iAA-arA ul^ct; you uiLL be x'eady fon 26-3769 (tecordet) state yout' City designated job nunben,of inspecli,cn inspection ',, Conttactors or Oumers nane end phone nunbct.befcre 7:00 cn -^iLL be nade the eane dcy, requeats ncde aftet 7:00 on vill be nade the ncrt wtking day. iob aCdress, tyPe Pequests receited 01\ UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECIRICAL & MECHLIIICAL: To be made before ,tnyffiF li-i6rered. Ra roorruG & FIuNDATTIN: To be nace lAl AF;-*;AAa"e e"catated attd' - lor o are enected, but prion to pouning ccncrete, x forme. ttenchee To floor ineu or decking. PINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELEffRICAL F2 INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION:p!*1- rcquired vapon barniers a.re in place ' bltt before ay Lath, gyPstn boatC or tnLL couering i.s applied, and befone ory inaulation is concealed. l=7( DRYJ,IALL INSPECIION: ?c be madelA aFt*Znay*tf;.s in place, ' but PrLo" to cng taPlng. Iour City Deoigr,ated Job Nwnbet' fa: MAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond ffijgrouting or oerticals in aceordotce LlLth U,B.C, Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: cc'wTetA. After i.,ns tallation ie CURB & APPBqqCl 4PR0!t: After fortns ale e"ecteAEtnfioP to pouni,ttg conctete. SfDEUALK 8 DRIVEWAI: For all con- c"ete palrfrATffi street right- of-txy, to be made aften aLL ecca- oating canplete & for'n utork I sub- base naterial in Place. ?ENCE: l{hen conPlete -- ProoiCe @ on mouable sections thnough P.U,E. SITE INSPEC?ION: etcauation, but ?o be rade afterpriot tc set up of of tr POST AND BEAM: To be made Prior to TieldTTiiffof floon insulation on deckittg. K rrrru PLIMBTNI these inspec tions haue been nnde arul approoed.. f!-IEELAQL: Prion to plccitq facing,,tai;frG aru| before franing inepeb- tion. F\AN-NC: ltust be requeated after @ffit of rough plwr,bing, ilectrt- cal & neclanical. ALL roofing brucing 6 chinmeys" etc. tmtst be . conpleted. No ttork ia to be con- , cecled until thia inspection lae 'been nade anC appnooed. tr eLL proiebb condttiono, such as bhe i.nstall_ation of atreet tree_1a conpletion-of bhe nrq"Zn;!- L"rrd;ciptrg, 'etc., mtst. be aatisfied before the BUILDTilG FINAL can be tequested. PIl,lAL BUfLDnNC: The Final Bui,Lding In\Pection m/8t be requeated after the Final Phanbing Electrical, and l,leclnnical InspectionB lauo been nade atd approoed' *Ar,L MANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS I,UST AE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIT:N! TO ,BE I\,ADE /.T IIO CCST TO CI?Y Phone: E WA4M{ahrn 441!!*,!rr&- &4e4,bL P'L;n /" /I"wrrk bzt'<attOc a soLAR A{CEss REQ.- tGt JOB NO. BeCroons: L.CO * Lot Faces -ne % of Lot Cotterage_ I ol Stortes J rotal Height W Topography TDT ?YPE t Z rntericr P.L llouse Access Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac th -- Fees -- ITEI'I FTG Va Building Vtllue & Permit This permi.t is granted on the etpress condition that the said'construcLiotr shall, in alL ,espects,- ioi,1i,t'to th-e 0rdinance edopteJ biy Lhe c.it'y of ifi-i?gfi"u,- i;l'"a;.ig' til 2o"i"g crdinanrc.e, regulct'ittg the ecrLstmtetiat and use oI bulLd.Lngs' ";;i^;, fue"euspended or r-ettokec at ctty tine upon uic- lntion oi orry prouieions of said otdirances' 2? 50 a?o @ TOTA|, VALUE 3o DC s. D.c.1.5 x Duilding Permtt 75 7 Date Paid:I Receipt ll Total Charyea a Sigted: NO.FEE CNARCE Plumbing Permit No peraort slull consttttct, ins*all,- alter or cl'nnge -cnlJ ned -cr eeistittg olunbim op drainaae "i"t"" in;,thoie or in part, inless such person is bhe lZilit"'i"Z'"r;;".i;;:;;e i,-b"i'i Li"-"n"n, ercept that a petson nav do pliiilig ,o*k to propnrlJ-intin is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Fi-xtw,es Residenti.aL (1 bath) Sani Seuer oo oo Plunbing Pernit State # 39 lTEN cL'ti Electricol Permit Where state Lau requires tlnt' the electt'icaL uork be done by an Electrical contractor, the electr,Tlc"tf,ontii"--of this -pernit ehatl not be oalic urttil li,n itut -hae been signed by the Electrical contractor'Nau/Ertend Circuits Seruice 1 Stdte Total 7S Drtr CIlARCENC.lTIM A,MFtunace IIIJ'S Pl U Z,toIEehanet llood 3,n BA5Vent Fot l,tcodstooe 25, so_ /.2b , Mechonicol Permit Permit fssuanee Mechani.cal Petntt -- ENCROACILMENT -- .78 Secartty Depodit Stordge Phintenance Parmit Cattbcut Sida'tatk Fetee Electri.cal Lnbel MobiLe Hone sAVc .?kztZ- / 05^' IttAVECAREFULLyEXAI4INEDtheconpletedaoplicationforpermit'anddc hereby certify *ai''a-Lt-ir;fo,-natilon herein' is true and ccr.r'ect, ani I 'i"'r7inr-z'nitliiy that-any ird aLL uork pelforned etall be done in aceor- dance :,vith ttn orai""f,"Z"*lf \n, iti'"1'sp'ingficld' .and !h'e,r'a:;o of thc , state of oregon p.|il'if,itrg-""''iirn-iip-\eelcrib-ch hcreln, cnd ltnt N0 occ:)- pANCy tlitl be nnde ;-;;;; "i;";i"i- ,,itiit permissiot of the suitdi-nQ DL' ttision. I furttrcr certif'; thet otly conliot'to's atd -enpLcyecs ul:o are tti ;;;;1,i;"";'ritt, ons )ot.bss wiLL be- used on thie proiect owNzPs Mu6r Evil.r(rE AN ,*t!^t f;2<s7 1 s s1 AA RE7M anT PR',AR MIT, e- te ,IOTAT, AMOUNT DUE:1 776.sa O TO U\A State CZ*ue Z .{ CITY OF SPR OREGO'V 225 TITTE SltsBBT SPRTNGPTBIJ, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQTTBST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1 LOCATION Permits aie non-transferable and expire if vork ls not started vlthin 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days 2. CONISACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY !SPFI]{GFIELD EIJCTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION Job Number 3. COHPI, TE FEB SCffiDT'I;E BELOS A. Nev Residential-Single or Hultt-Faml'lY Per dwelllng unit. Service Included:Items Cost I 1500 sq.ft. or less \ $ 85.00 Each addltional 500 sq. ft or portion r\thereof J Bach Hanuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder Sulnny A e-oO $ 15.00 'L}- $ 3s.00 B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included). Installation, Alteratlons ft. or Relocation:EIe ctrical Contractor Address bq,1tr_2,J,, Ci ty ,non" g.i Z-?7 Ll5 Supervisor License Number 30 t1 > Exp iration Date 'lo- [-7/ Constr Contr. Numbe -7 r, c.Temporary Servlces or Feeders Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocation or less to 400 amps _to 600 amps _ amps or 1000 volt D. Branch Circults New, Alteratlon or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addt'I ten or portlon thereof $ 1s.00 E Signa1 Circuit or limited energy paneJ-_$ 36.00 5; STIBTOTAL Or ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps - 401 amps to 600 amps - 601 amps to 1000 amPs- Over 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect OnIY 200 amps 201 amps Over 401 Over 600 Signature of triclan OIINER INSTALI,ATION Name Address ci Phone The installation is being nade on property I own which is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. Owners Signature: DATE: RECEIPT RECEIVBD $ $ $ $1 35 60 80 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 0035. $300. $ 35. Exp iratlon Date $ $ $ss s $ 40.00 80.oo ee tr3tr afi6iif 00 00 35. 50 MlscelLaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) -Each installatlon Pump or irrlgation $ 36.00 cr) /n Ctty 2 %ui f,? F lril tar * 2,48Q?z*',1, /,e /-/' ne*-/ fl*r loM */* 6*afi'-/ r Y!17',,/ /. nhe/;"-! 0 .sS /-f JOB NO. Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 of lot Cooeraga- I o! Stories Tot;al P.eighb TopograPhY Pernit Issuance Mechanical Pemit Total SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- IDT TYPE Intetior .,.: '. :. Panlundle Cul-de-sac L_CO G,^ 0cCt'oorns:t Mechqnicql Permit al DdteI'Latt Oxcmtnen f ilAvE CAI1SIULLy E):A{IINEI S\a 26mplet'ed application lor permi'L' and do hereby cerLi.fy *at ai'i"'fr,lo"*tilon hereoi- is true an'd corcect' an'i I furbher certify *rt i"a- i:i- ilt w'x pe.rforned atnll be !o1e' ttn acsot'- dance ,ittt ttn orain iiZ"*if liri iti Li'sprinsfield, .and th.e La;a of thc sLate ol oregon prruiTll"rt-'to- iio- w"'t<2escribLZ hcrein' cnd !\at No occ:)- ptNCr uitl be nnde "f'';;:;o,t;";'i\rJ-"iit7"77- piiin"to, of the suitdLns D;'- ;;;i;":""; fr;;r;"r-cbrfii,i theL -otlv contrac'tors and ezplcltees ut:o are i;t "^p-l.iL"""L;.u, cns zol .b"ss uiLL be ueed on this proiect Aecess.P. L.llouna lnt Faces - touet:ast South l,leat VaLuexsq.ncTTETI 31 73 // 7. //522?50 /3.u*/r''3q 3g,skraae / so sy'ZssTOTNL VAT,UE Building Volue & Permit This permlt i" grantei ott the elcpnees .cond,iLion ilnr; the sttid'construcLtort slntl, in aLL reepccts'"'iol^fZ#")"^li'a.-b'iii'ce edopteJ 6iv the ciiv of springfield, itrcluding Ihe 1oning crd:'no'rc.a1 iei'L"tll."g Lltle cotst-t'ucLtctt ' ,nd use of build.inr:;, ""i^'y'-i'"eiopendnd or rbrtokeC aL ct:y t"me upon utc- LaLion o1 ouy prcoisiona of said ordlrla'Ees' Duilding Pemrit SLdte Total Clnrgea , { S.D.C. 1.5 x Date Paid: t ll : Signed: NO,FEE CIIARGE Plumbing Permit Ng percott otulL ,?.1,:o^t:,";i;,iirt?r!,.1:r""t":r"i^';;Y"orXr2'lt" :X""; ;":r;::,tl'ln ,.nn qlwnb.i'ns o' y:.':"!1:,Li;tr"ri:;b;;r-,-" tr"nnoLl -ic-e,pt that a .pe"son '.:r 42 llr?f,Lr!,in'",2',i:i."'o;n"";ii",,{niZi"1'"-o')na' i;i"a-; operaLed bv thc appli- cant. Fritu'ee ResidettLiaL (1 batlr) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pernit Stdte I Electricol Permit Vhene Slnte Lau requires that the electrical uork be done by -an Electtical contracton, the elec*1iot'|iriiou- of ltris pnr*it ohall not- be odlic until 1";;1;;;L'i-" LnL" signed t:v tne ElecLnical ConLractor'Nau/ktend Circuits Seruica I I te Total * CIIARGENC.4CE bhauoL lloo,l Vent For llcodstoite .. ENCROACITUENT .. it Pcrmib Cwrbau! Sida'nlk ELec llobilo llone '-!' ,Utlollfrr f!tt" a Signacl At te thi.tr Accca{iottt t